
we’re worse than goldfish.

16 statistics about attention span and smartphone use

The average attention span of an internet user in 2015 is 8.25 seconds

The average attention span of a goldfish is 9 seconds

25% of teens forget major details about close friends and relatives

The average office worker checks their email inbox 30 times per hour

The average amount of time spent watching a single internet video is 2.7 minutes

17% of website page views last less than 4 seconds

Only 4% of website page views last more than 10 minutes

If a webpage has 111 words or less, 49% of those words will be read

If a page has 593 words (the average amount), 28% of those words will be read

Smartphone Usage

51% of teens say they would rather communicate digitally than in person, even with their friends.

32% of people would rather communicate by text than over the phone.

The average Brit (North America won’t be all that different) picks up their phone more than 1,500 times per week

Most people admitted that checking their device is the first thing they do in the morning, while 20 percent take it into the toilet with them

The average smartphone user is on their phone for three hours and sixteen minutes every day

Almost forty percent of respondents say they feel “lost” when they don’t have their device with them

70% of smartphone users say their device has made their life better, including 24% who believe it has made their life a lot better

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