
Welcome to the Prep. Family

The classes in Year 3 are known as:

3F - Mrs Le Feuvre3P - Mrs Pateman3R - Mr Romeril

I appreciate that there is a huge amount to take in therefore we will try to give you the information that is most relevant before your son starts with us. Some of the areas we will cover in this evening’s presentation are:

• Uniform and Equipment• Homework• P.E and Games• Toys• Preparation over the Holidays• Important dates and times• Barriers to Learning

This Evening’s Content

A letter is provided which covers most points.

- Please remember to name everything! This includes: Shirts, ties, socks, shoes, boots, trainers, caps, P.E / games kit and lunch-boxes.

- School bags - one key ring will make your son's bag more easily identifiable in a pile of 66! If you can get the same key ring for his kit bag that’s even better.

- Please provide a pair of 'in-ear' headphones

- Shirts - buttons not Velcro at neck please

Uniform and Equipment

- A pencil case is not needed in school but your son will need a pencil, ruler, rubber, crayons etc. for homework

- A named art shirt is required

- Homework is set each night and allows your son to practise skills taught in class

- Homework is not meant to be challenging; it is more about consolidating learning, getting into a routine and should take around 30 minutes per night.

- It is important that homework is carried out in a quiet place, preferably sat at a table or desk and with minimum distraction

- The homework diary will be seen each day and is the main method of communication between school and home


PE and Games kit

P.E is a 30 minute lesson taught on site. ‘Games’ is a 90 minute session taught at the appropriate venue.

- Please don't let the first games lesson be the first time your son has seen his kit

- Please practise changing into football boots and putting on shin pads with socks over the top

- Make sure your son can tie up his football boot laces tightly - this will ensure we all spend more time doing games

- Wear in football boots and trainers so they don't rub on the walk up to Heathfield

- Please make sure your son can do his own tie

Communication - Working in Partnership

- Homework diary- Playground- Phone- School Office - [email protected] VCP - Text to Parents- VCP – Parentmail

- Each other - Friends of Prep sign up

Boys and Their Toys

- Pocket sized

- No swapping / exchanging

- Child's responsibility

- Age appropriate computer games and films at home please

Please continue to read with your son, discussing the text together

Writing – if the opportunity arises

Learning maths facts / tables and using them

'Real life maths' e.g. baking cakes, measuring and time telling.

Most importantly allow them to rest and have time for unstructured activities

What can you do to help over the holidays?

Barriers to Learning

Poor organisation - encouraging independence is one of the biggest advantages you can give your boy

Tiredness - limit after school activities particularly in Autumn term which can be a particularly busy period.

Hunger and dehydration - please make sure your son has enough healthy food and brings a water bottle to school each day

Induction day – Gates are open from 9:10 for a 9:25 start. The boys will be available for pick up at 2pm from the playground.

First day playground gates will be open from 9:00 for a 9:15 start.

Normal school day is 8:45 – 3pm. Please drop children at the wooden side gate (at the bottom of Pleasant Street, not the playground gates).

On a normal day there is supervision for children in the playground from 8:05am until the start of school and until 3:15 after school.

Breakfast Club and after school club details can be found on a letter in your son’s kit bag.

Dates and Times

What to do now....

Please see class teacher and check your details are correct

Collect pre ordered kit bags and equipment

Sign 'Friends of Prep' sheet

Say 'hello' to someone you don't know

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