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Welcome to

The Lions Club of New Lynn Information Evening

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Why are we Here?

This is not a Lions Club Meeting

It is a meeting of Interested persons in this community some who are Lions and many who are not

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What do we hope to achieve:

•We as a club have an ambition and need to strengthen our club

•We currently have .. members in our club, we have set ourselves a goal to increase that figure to around .. over the next few months

•We perceive a need to do this to continue as a viable service club in this area.

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What do you Need ?:

•Firstly, why did you come out and accept our invitation to join with us tonight?

•What information or questions are you hoping to have answered here tonight?

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So Who are We?

• We are members of the International Association of Lions Clubs, the Worlds largest service organisation with a world wide membership of 1.4 million members in 200 countries around the globe

• We are committed to the service of our fellow man and to those not as fortunate as ourselves

•Our motto world wide is “WE SERVE”

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•Lions was formed in

Chicago Illinois in 1917

•Our Founder was one Melvin Jones

•Lions Clubs have Objects and a Code of Ethics which we strive to live by

•Lions began in New Zealand in 1955

Brief History

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Lions International Purposes

•To create and foster a spirit of understanding among the peoples of the world. •To promote the principles of good government and good citizenship.

•To take an active interest in the civic, cultural, social and moral welfare of the community.

•To unite the Clubs in the bonds of friendship, good fellowship and mutualunderstanding.

•To provide a forum for the open discussion of all matters of public interest; provided, however, that partisan politics and sectarian religion shall not be debated by Club members.

•To encourage service-minded people to server their community without personal financial reward, and to encourage efficiency and promote high standards in commerce, industry, professions, public works and private endeavours.

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About our Club in ……………

•Formed …. years ago in 19…., now has ……. members

•Made up of Local Residents, Businessmen and People who work in and around the …………. area

•Membership is open to both Men and Women.

•No age limit, but we ask that members are of the age of majority

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Our Programme

•Each Lions year starts in July

•Served by a board of Directors elected by all club members

•As with all clubs we have a President, Secretary and Treasurer along with other members who together make up the Board

•We have two meetings per month - One Social, and the other a Business meeting, where projects and future plans are discussed.

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So What Does it all Cost??

• There is a once only joining fee of …………

•We have a Dinner …….. per month at the modest cost of about $.... for your meal, if you choose to use the bar facilities that is your choice

•We pay a membership fee of $..... per 1/2year (This is subsidised in several ways to keep the dues affordable to all)

Now that’s not over the top to meet new friends and serve your community is it?

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Our Priorities

• Family Comes First

• Our Business comes second

• And then Lions

We place a huge emphasisOn having FUN

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What we ask from you

• Attend the two meeting per month if you are able.

• Become involved in one major activity per year ( you can do more if you wish)

• Meet your financial obligations

• If you can do these thing we would love to have you come onboard and join us.

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What we have planned in the coming year:1. ………………………………………………..

2. ………………………………………………..

3. ………………………………………………….

4. ……………………………………………….

5. …………………………………………………

6. ……………………………………………….

On the Social front:BBQ at Members Houses

Christmas Party

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Insert you own slides

• Examples Follow on sample slides that follow…………

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Fund Raising Sausage Sizzle

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A visit from the Prime Minister

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Finance for equipment at Waimauku School.

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Equipment for Muriwai Surf Club

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Spirit of Adventure

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Support for local youth organisations

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Camp Quality

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Support for local youths to Outward Bound

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Hart Walker enabling children to stand and walk for the first time

Financed by NZ Lions Charitable Trust. Our Club contribute to this fund

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Equipment for local emergency services

Jaws of LifeDefibrillator

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Presentation of Hi-Viz vests to Woodhill School

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We believe that being a Lion is a special privilege.

We can make a difference in the lives of others by

giving a helping hand up - not just a hand out

Each and every Lion in this room tonight was invited to join our association

As membership is by invitation.

We are now offering this opportunity to each and everyone of you - By your attendance here tonight we know that you have our community at heart. We acknowledge the fact that you may need to take some time to make your decision.

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Does this sound like you?

If so, come and join us - we are sure you won’t regret it

You see -



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Thank you for giving up your

evening to be with us tonight

Please stay awhile and join us for some supper and a chat before going home

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