
Welcome to St Simon’

20th SUNDAY 2013Year of Luke

TODAY Sale of Arts & Crafts by Palestinian Christians


I am the bread of lifethose who come to me shall not hungerThose who believe in me shall not thirst

No one can come to meunless the Father draw themAnd I will raise them up (x2)

and I will raise them up on the last day.

Penitential Rite

Kyrie Eleison (x3)Christe Eleison (x3)Kyrie Eleison (x3)

Greek: Lord / Christ / Lord have mercy


this year is based on the Gospel of LUKE . The first reading (from the Old Testament) is

linked to the Gospel passage.The second reading (from St Paul) is continuous but not

connected to the other readings.


A prophet is abused

Psalm 39 Response:

Here I am Lord. Is it I Lord?

I have heard you calling in the night.

I will god Lord if you lead me.I will keep your people in my heart


HEBREWS 12. 1 - 4

Consider the suffering of Jesus


Alleluia (Plainchant)


LUKE 12. 49 - 53

Faith to set the world on fire


• I believe in God the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth• and in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord• who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,• suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried.• He descended into hell;• on the third day he rose again from the dead.• He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God, the Father almighty.• From there he will come to judge the living and the dead.• I believe in the Holy Spirit,• the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, • the forgiveness of sins,• the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Amen

PRAYER OF THE FAITHFULIn response to the Gospel, anyone may try and say a prayer,


Lord in your mercy…..

Missal suggests 4 intentions

That our church might…..That our society might…..That our parish might…..

At this special time we might..

PLEASE NOTE: these prayers are for us here.

Those who are absent (the poor, refugees, sick, dead etc) should be remembered at the

“memento” during the Eucharistic prayer

The plate is not passed here unless for a previously intimated good cause.

If you wish to support St Simon’s you must do this through your bank or

the envelope system. Forms in sacristy. Box at back for visitors’

donations.TODAY if you have money with you you might think of giving it to the Palestinian Christians in the porch

SUNDAY MASS 10 & 6pm in English6 Vigil & 12 noon in PolishDAILY 12 30 except Sat.


The Lord be with youAnd with your spiritLift up your heartsWe lift them up to the LordLet us give thanks to the Lord our GodIt is right and just

PREFACE to the Eucharistic Prayer…..


Holy holy holy, Lord God of hosts Heaven and earth are full of your glory

Hosanna hosanna hosanna in the highest

Blessed is He who comes, in the name of the Lord

Hosanna hosanna hosanna in the highest


Save us, save us, Saviour of the world

For by your cross and resurrection You have set us free



If English is not your first language you are encouraged to say this

prayer in the language in which you first learned it

The peace of the Lord be with youAnd with your spirit

Lamb of God you take away the sins of the world, have

mercy on us (x2)Lamb of God you take away the sins of the world, grant

us peace

Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb

Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof. But only say the word and my soul shall be healed


Eat this bread, drink this cupCome to me and never be hungry

Eat this bread, drink this cupTrust in my and you will not thirst

POSTCOMMUNIONBe thou my vision O Lord of my heartNaught be all else to me save that thou artThou my best thought in the day & the

nightWaking or sleeping thy presence my light.Be thou my breastplate my sword for the fight

Be thou my armour and be thou my mightThou my soul’s shelter & thou my high

towerRaise thou me heavenward O power of my power.

High king of heaven when battle is doneGrant heaven’s joy to me O bright heaven’s sun

Christ of my own heart whatever befallStill be my vision O ruler of all.

TODAY Palestinian Christians selling arts & crafts PENSIONERS’ BUS RUN Sat 24 AugPHOENIX CHOIR Open night Mon 2 Sep 7 30 NATIONAL PILGRIMAGE Sun 8 Sep 3pm CarfinJOHN DEAR SJ Conference Sat 14 Sep S AloysiusCATHOLIC THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION

Glasgow U. Induction Day Sat 7 Sep.PRIESTHOOD enquiries Fri 13 Sep Turnbull HallCRAIGHEAD INSTITUTE Leaflets in CTS rackPPC Autumn meeting Mon 25 Aug 7 pm Café

Church open daily 8 am – 6 pmSolidarity with Emmaus Shop 530 Dum Rd to recycle. Tel: 342 4089

Calamus licence to reproduce music no 1324

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