Page 1: Welcome To Spirals Gymnastics Edventure Kids …...Welcome To Spirals Gymnastics Edventure Kids Academy Movin’ & More Preschool Program Where physical education with academic learning

Welcome To Spirals Gymnastics Edventure Kids Academy Movin’ & More Preschool Program

Where physical education with academic learning are combined!

Our curriculum is built on the philosophy that early childhood learning in combination with

physical education will better prepare children for their introduction to elementary education.

We implement the Movin' & More curriculum which emphasizes physical education for the preschool age child. We believe as many educators do, that it is imperative to give children the

fundamental basics for their physical development.

The academic portion of this curriculum consists of learning the alphabet, shapes, numbers one to twenty, math readiness, colors and so much more.

Edventure Kids Academy Goals are:

*To provide a safe, loving & fun environment

*To help each child develop problem solving skills and encourage their communication, language and thinking skills

*To provide a healthy environment for learning through music, art, play and social interaction with their peers

*To teach each child how to appreciate their families, their world and themselves

Included in this packet is your Parent Manual. This comprehensive guide will help you and your child get the most out of your Movin’ & More experience. If you have any questions please feel free to address them with the director or the office. Thank you in advance!

1003 Magnolia Drive Mansfield, Tx 76063 Phone: 817-473-4944 Fax: 817-453-0337

Tammy O’Hara Edventure Kids Academy Director

Page 2: Welcome To Spirals Gymnastics Edventure Kids …...Welcome To Spirals Gymnastics Edventure Kids Academy Movin’ & More Preschool Program Where physical education with academic learning


Please fill out both sides of the form

OFFICE USE: Check # ___________ Cash _______ CC _________ CC # ________________________________ Exp. Date ___________ Auto Pay ________

Remarks: __________________________________________________

Customer Information Mother: _________________________________ Father: ______________________________________

Address: ______________________________ City: _____________________ Zip: _________________

Mom’s Cell: (_____)____________________ Dad’s Cell: (_____)________________________ Mom’s Wk: (_____)____________________ Dad’s Wk: (______) ________________________

First Number To Call: ____________________________________ Phone: ___________________

This is the 1st number we will call for any reason regarding your child.

Email Address: ____________________________________ Drivers License: ______________________ Where did you hear about us: (ONE individual will receive a discount for recommending Spirals)

Friend: _____________________________ Yellow Pages: ___ Web Site: ___ Direct Mail: ___ Other: ___

Student 1: Student Name: ___________________________________ DOB: ____________ Age: ______ Please list any special problems or any allergies we need to be aware of: ________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

Student 2: Student Name: __________________________________ DOB: ____________ Age: ________ Please list any special problems or any allergies we should be aware of: _________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

Registration Fee: ____________ 1st Supply Fee Per Child: _________ Tuition: ____________ Total: _________ Initials: ______ Admission Date: _______________

List of people authorized to pick up your child/children from Spirals Gymnastics: 1. ______________________________ Relationship: ___________________ Phone # ___________________ 2. ______________________________ Relationship: ___________________ Phone # ___________________ 3. ______________________________ Relationship: ___________________ Phone # ___________________

Page 3: Welcome To Spirals Gymnastics Edventure Kids …...Welcome To Spirals Gymnastics Edventure Kids Academy Movin’ & More Preschool Program Where physical education with academic learning

Participant Emergency Information

Photo Release I, (print name)___________________________________ give my consent to Spirals to publish photos of my child on bulletin boards and/or on the web site. I give my permission to release photos of my child to newspaper and other media for the purpose of reporting or promoting Spirals Gymnastics activities. Where captions/names are included with photos, please use my child’s

_____First Name Only _____First and Last Name _____First Name with Initial of Last Name

Parent’s signature____________________________________________________ Date _____________________

PLEASE PRINT Student’s Name: DOB: Age:

Address: City & State: Zip Code:

Mother’s Name: Cell # Work #

Father’s Name: Cell # Work # In an emergency when parent/guardian cannot be reached please contact the following:

This will be the 1st person to call in an emergency: Phone:

Emergency Contact: Phone: Physician’s Name: ________________________________________________ Physician’s Address: ______________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________ Insurance Provider: Policy Number:

Hospital: Ambulance Service:

Medical Information *Is your child allergic to any medication? Yes________ No_______ If yes, please list: * Is your child currently taking any long term or continuous medication? Yes________ No_______ If yes, please list: *Has your child been hospitalized in the past 12 months? Yes________ No_______ If yes, please explain: *Does your child have any allergies to food, animals, etc? Yes________ No_______ If yes, please list: *Does your child have any medical conditions or special needs that may affect afterschool or camp activities? Yes________ No_______ If yes, please describe: *State licensing requires that a copy of an IEP plan for any children with special needs be provided to Spirals Gymnastics. Please sign below acknowledging that a copy will be provided to Spirals within 14 days of registration Parent Name:________________________________ Signature:______________________________________________ Date:_________ I authorize my child to obtain medical care and/or to transport my child for emergency medical treatment Parent Name: ___________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________ Date:_________ My child’s immunizations records are current and up to date Parent’s Name: __________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________ Date: __________

I authorize the following people to pick up my child. (Must provide Spirals a copy of each authorized persons driver’s license for our records)

Name: Phone: DL #

Name: Phone: DL #

Name: Phone: DL #

Name: Phone: DL #

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In consideration of participating in any Spirals Gymnastics, Inc. programs, I represent that I understand the nature of this Activity and that I am qualified, in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate in such Activity. Activities include but are not limited to the use of all gymnastic equipment, vault and spring boards, balance beams, bars, cargo net, trampolines, rock wall, ropes, tumble track, matting, outdoor obstacles, balancing boards, balls and bats, swimming pool and slide, horses, swinging ladder equipment, air pogo. I acknowledge that if I believe event conditions are unsafe, I will immediately discontinue participation in the activity. I fully understand that this Activity involves risks of serious bodily injury, including permanent disability, paralysis and death, which may be caused by my own actions, or inactions, those of others participating in the event, the conditions in which the event takes place, or the negligence of the “releases” named below; and that there may be other risks either not known to me or not readily foreseeable at this time; and I fully accept and assume all such risks and all responsibility for losses, costs, and damages I incur as a result of my participation in the Activity.

I hereby release, discharge, and covenant not to sue Spirals Gymnastics, Inc., its respective administrators, directors, agents, officers, volunteers, and employees, other participants, any sponsors, advertisers, and, if applicable, owners and lessors of premises on which the Activity takes place, (each considered one of the “RELEASES” herein) from all liability, claims, demands, losses, or damages, on my account caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the “releases” or otherwise, including negligent rescue operations and future agree that if, despite this release, waiver of liability, and assumption of risk I, or anyone on my behalf, makes a claim against any of the Releases, I will indemnify, save, and hold harmless each of the Releases from any loss, liability, damage, or cost, which any may incur as the result of such claim.

In consideration of being permitted to participate among and on horses on the premises of or under the auspices of Spirals Gymnastics and Edventure Camp, on my behalf and on behalf of the participant named above (“I” in this release), I acknowledge, appreciate and agree that: 1) By signing this Release of Liability, I understand and knowingly and freely assume all such risks, even if arising

from the negligence or legal liability of those persons released from liability below, and assume full responsibility for my participation. I understand that there may be other risks, as well, and I agree to assume them; I am not relying on Spirals Gymnastics, Inc. to list all possible risks for me.

2) I will comply with all rules and regulations of Spirals Gymnastics, Inc. If I have any questions, or observe any

unusual or unnecessary hazard during my participation, I will immediately notify the nearest instructor, director, or manager of Spirals Gymnastics.

PARENTAL CONSENT And I, __________________________________ the minor’s parent and/or legal guardian, understand the nature of the above referenced activities and the Minor’s experience and capabilities and believe the minor to be qualified to participate in such activity. I hereby Release, discharge, covenant not to sue and AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS each of the Releases from all liability, claims, demands, losses or damages on the minor’s account caused or alleged to have been caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the Releases or otherwise, including negligent rescue operations, and further agree that if, despite this release, I, the minor, or anyone on the minor’s behalf makes a claim against any of the above Releases, I WILL INDEMNIFY, SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS each of the Releases from any litigation expenses, attorney fees, loss liability, damage, or cost any Release may incur as the result of any such claim.

In addition to the releases mentioned in this agreement, I also agree to allow my child to leave the Spirals Gymnastics premises while accompanied by adult staff to visit the Kathryn Rose Park located across Walnut Creek Dr adjacent to Spirals Gymnastics, Inc. In addition to the releases mentioned in this agreement, I also agree to allow my child(ren) to be transported by foot or vehicle from MISD schools, Mansfield, TX to Spirals Gymnastics premises while accompanied by an adult staff member. I understand that when inclement weather arises the Spirals staff will choose the most appropriate mode of transportation from the school to the Spiral’s facility. I HAVE READ THIS RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT, FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS TERMS, UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE GIVEN UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS BY SIGNING IT, AND SIGN IT FREELY AND VOLUNTARILY WITHOUT ANY INDUCEMENT OR COERCION BY ANYONE. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED TO ME IN THE PARENT MANUAL AND HEREBY AGREE TO THE LISTED TERMS, CONDITIONS AND POLICIES.

Participant’s Name: ____________________________ Printed Name of Parent/or Legal ____________________________ Date __________________ Signature of Parent/or Legal _____________________________________________________

Page 5: Welcome To Spirals Gymnastics Edventure Kids …...Welcome To Spirals Gymnastics Edventure Kids Academy Movin’ & More Preschool Program Where physical education with academic learning

Edventure Kids Academy Preschool Program

Policies & Guidelines For Registration & Enrollment

Name of child: _________________________________ Date of birth: ___________ Name of child: _________________________________ Date of birth: ___________ Please initial below ____Participants Our Movin’ & More Edeventure Kids Academy Preschool Program is available for children ages 3 –5 years old. All children must be completely potty trained. All program levels are available for a 3 year old child however; if your child will be turning 4 by September 1st you must enroll in the 3 or 5 day program. ____Program Hours Our 2 day program meets every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm. Our 3 day program meets on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm. We also offer a 5 day program which meets Monday – Friday from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm. We operate on the Mansfield Independent School District calendar. When the schools are out on a day of class Edventure Kids Academy, there will be no class. During the week of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring break we do not have class at all. You are fully responsible for paying tuition for those weeks. There will be no make up classes, discount, refund or credit offered for these weeks. ____Program Director Our Edventure Kids Academy director is Tammy O’Hara. If you should have any questions, please feel free to ask. If she is unavailable, please see the office. ____Registration Registration is on a first come, first serve basis, depending on space availability. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to keep their child/children’s files and records up to date. If there are any changes, please notify the office as soon as possible. Registration and 1st supply fees are due upon enrolling your child in Edventure Kids Academy. The registration fee is $50 for the 1st child and $45.00 for any additional siblings. The supply fee is $35.00 per child and is due 2 times throughout the school year. Once upon registering and again in January. The second child discount only applies to siblings that live in the same household. Registration and supply fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. ____Attendance If your child or children will be absent please call Spirals at 817-473-4944. If your child does not attend Spirals, there will not be a discount, credit or refund for that day. ____Bad Weather Spirals follows the Mansfield ISD inclement weather guidelines. If MISD is closed due to weather, Spirals will be closed as well. Please watch any of the news channels for Mansfield closures. There will be no makeup classes, discounts, refunds or credit offered if we must close the center for bad weather. ____Illness Policy In the event of an illness, please keep your child(ren) home so other children will not be exposed and become ill. If a student becomes ill during program hours, a parent/guardian will be notified to come pick up their child. In the event your child is sent home due to an illness, he/she cannot return to Spirals for 24 hours for the safety of all children. There will be no makeup classes, discounts, refunds or credit offered if you must pick up your child due to an illness. ____Medication Policy Spirals will not be responsible for administering medication of any kind to any child. ____Dress Code Please dress your child(ren) in clothing that they can move around comfortably throughout the day. Flip-flops, sandals, crocks or any type of slip on or open toe shoes are not allowed. Tennis shoes are required every class day for the safety of your child! ____Lunch Please provide a nutritious lunch with a drink for your child(ren) every day class meets. On days when there is a class party a lunch is not necessary. ____Show & Tell 2 day a week program: The last Thursday of each month. 3 & 5 day a week program: The last Wednesday of each month (unless otherwise noted). On days when we do not have Show & Tell, please do not allow your child(ren) to bring toys to school. Spirals Gymnastics is not responsible for any personal items that may become lost or stolen.

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_____Class Parties You as the parent may attend any and/or all of our class parties through the year. However, after the party is over you must leave and come back to pick up your child at 2:00pm. If you choose to take your child home after the party, please feel free to do so. Party times are from approximately 11:30am to 12:15pm. ____Student Pick Up At Spirals Gymnastics The person(s) picking up must show a valid ID and be on the authorized pick up list in order for our staff to release your child(ren) to that person(s) unless a parent gives verbal permission. ____Discipline Our policy is to provide your child(ren) with positive reinforcement. We believe that unwanted behavior can be addressed without the use of negative or detrimental language or actions from the teachers and staff. ____Student Conduct Students are expected to be respectful to other students and staff members. Consequences for inappropriate behavior will be addressed with the parents/guardians. ____Tuition Rates Payments are due on a monthly basis. We do offer a discount to our families that have multiple children. The monthly tuition rate is as follows: 2 days a week $160.00 for 1st child and $144.00 for any additional siblings 3 days a week $230.00 for 1st child and $207.00 for any additional siblings 5 days a week $370.00 for 1st child and $333.00 for any additional siblings Second child discounts are only offered for siblings living in the same household. Monthly tuition rate is based on 4 weeks per month. Tuition is non-refundable and non-transferable.

____Tuition Due Date Fall supply fee and the first monthly tuition fee are all due at the time you register. The monthly tuition will be due the last Friday of each month. The monthly tuition rate is based on 4 weeks per month. Payments must be received in full. Partial payments will not be accepted. Payments are accepted in the form of cash, check or credit cards. However, we do not accept American Express. ____Tuition Late Fee Your account will be charged a $10.00 late fee if tuition is not paid by the tuition due date. ____Supply Fee In order for our program to have new games, art supplies, movies and lots of great learning material, we do charge a supply fee twice a year. Our fall and spring supply fee is $35.00 per child. The supply fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. ____Late Pick Up Fee You are considered late picking up your child(ren) at 2:01 pm. A fee of $1.00 per minute will be charged to your account. If your child(ren) are still at Spirals at 2:15 pm, we will contact the parent/guardian first, followed by the authorized pick up person(s). ____Refunds There are no refunds for Edventure Kids Academy. There will not be a discount, refund or credit offered for missed days. Tuition, registration and supply fees are non-transferable and/or non-refundable. A one-week written notice is required to withdraw from Edventure Kids Academy. Your account will be charged accordingly until a written notice is received. A withdrawal form may be obtained from the office. Parent/Guardian Printed Name ______________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian signature _________________________________________________________ Date _______________________

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First week of school:

*2 day: 1st day of school is Tues Sept 4, 2012 & 2nd day is Thurs Sept 6, 2012

3 day: 1st day of school is Wed Sept 5, 2012 & 2nd day is Friday Sept 7, 2012 *5 day: 1st day of school is Tues Sept 4 – Friday Sept 7, 2012

*If program option is available

Last day of school: *2 day: Thurs May 23, 2013

*3 & 5 day: Friday May 24, 2013 If program option is available

*Due date is Monday after the holiday

Registration Fee: $50.00 1st child and $45.00 additional siblings Supply Fee: $35.00 per child/ Due Sept 4 and Jan 9

Monthly Tuition: 2 day $160.00 1st child & $144.00 additional siblings (If available) 3 day $230.00 1st child & $207.00 additional siblings

5 day $370.00 1st child & $333.00 additional siblings (If available) Tuition Due Date: Last Friday of each month

Tuition Late Fee: $10.00 if not paid by the tuition due date

A Day at Spirals Movin’ & More Program 9:00 – 9:40 Circle Time 12:05 – 12:45 Education Station 9:40 – 10:15 Physical Education 12:45 – 1:20 Locomotor Skills/Open Gym 10:15 – 10:55 Arts and Crafts 1:20 – 1:40 Wash Hands/ Get Drinks 10:55 – 11:25 Outside Adventure 1:40 – 2:00 Manipulatives/ Table Tops 11:25 – 12:05 Restroom Break/ Lunch Time to Go Home L

2012-2013 Movin’ & More School Holiday Schedule Holiday Day Closed School Closings

Labor Day Monday Sept 3 EKA Closed: Tuition is not prorated or credited Student Holiday Monday Oct 8 EKA Closed: Tuition is not prorated or credited

Thanksgiving Nov 19-23 EKA Closed: Tuition is not prorated or credited Christmas Dec 24-Jan 4 EKA Closes: Tuition is not prorated or credited

Student Holiday Friday Jan 18 EKA Closed: Tuition is not prorated or credited M.L.K. Monday Jan 21 EKA Closed: Tuition is not prorated or credited

President’s Day Monday Feb 18 EKA Closed: Tuition is not prorated or credited Spring Break March 11-15 EKA Closed: Tuition is not prorated or credited

School Holiday Friday March 29 EKA Closed: Tuition is not prorated or credited

Month *Tuition

Due Date

Weeks Included

# of Weeks


Tuition-2 day


Tuition-3 day


Tuition-5 day

Sept 9/4 9/4 – 9/28 4 $160.00 $230.00 $370.00 Oct 9/28 10/1 – 11/2 5 $200.00 $287.50 $462.50 Nov 11/2 11/5 – 11/30 4 $160.00 $230.00 $370.00 Dec 11/30 12/3 – 12/21 3 $120.00 $172.50 $277.50 Jan 12/21 12/24 – 1/25 5 $200.00 $287.50 $462.50 Feb 1/25 1/28 – 2/22 4 $160.00 $230.00 $370.00 Mar 2/22 2/25 – 3/22 4 $160.00 $230.00 $370.00 April 3/22 3/25 – 4/26 5 $200.00 $287.50 $462.50 May 4/26 4/29 – 5/24 4 $160.00 $230.00 $370.00

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