Page 1: WELCOME TO OUR NOVEMBER 2017 NEWSLETTER!! s gathering attracted 52 ... Alf Evans, John Freedman, Paul ... Michael and Jacinta, Stephen and Belinda, Louise and Kip. Adored grandmother





Graeme Bool

6 Jamberoo Place

Bangor 2234

9543 4337

0427 125 327

[email protected]


Reg Smeaton 48 McKenzie Ave.

Wollongong 2500

4228 6951



Mike Cunneen

27 Leicester St

Epping 2121

9876 6969



Alex Morgan PO Box 751

Narrabeen 2101

9970 8668



Ken Dighton PO Box 16

New Lambton 2305

0423 104389



Today’s gathering attracted 52 Members. President Graeme welcomed all, including the following members not seen for a while: Barry Bailey, Eamon Berne, Jenny Lennox, Paul Mawruk, Bill Patrick, and Bev Shaw.


The Loyal Toast to the Queen, and to the People of Australia followed. ......................................................

Apologies: Terry Auld, John Becroft, Peter Bradford, Mike Cunneen , Elaine Davis,

Alf Evans, John Freedman, Paul Jepson, Stuart Kitching, John Mair, Alf McDermott, Phil Newsome, Heather Riach, Sharyn Sergeant, Tony Schembri, Clieve Lennon (hope you are feeling better Clieve) and Ken Dighton.

New Members:

A warm welcome to Eddie Fiddock of Ermington NSW.


Bereavements: We regret to advise the passing of an old friend and colleague, Willie Lutke-Schipholt who was diagnosed with cancer in 2009 and credited by his oncologist as the longest survivor of his particular form of cancer he had ever encountered. Willie's funeral was at the Sutherland Crematorium at 11:00 AM on Monday 13th November 2017. Willie is survived by his wife Marica and sons William and Mark. Vale Willie.


John Nicholson (JK) of Barrington NSW aged 87 passed away on 9 November 2017 after a long battle with cancer. John's wife Margaret let Ken Dighton know of his passing. John's funeral was held at 2pm on Friday 17/11 at Lake Macquarie Memorial Park. We were fortunate to get a visit from John at our April 2017 luncheon where he was very well received and seemed to really enjoy the day.

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Christian (Chris) Boorer aged 60 passed away last week after a long

illness. His funeral was held at Palmdale on 15th November 2017. Chris is survived by his wife Ann and children Mark, Cat, Simon and Elizabeth.


Extracted from the SMH 18.11.17: Maureen Stapleton a Dedicated nurse at

Hirondelle Private Hospital for over 30 years aged 79 passed away on 13 November

2017. Maureen is survived by her husband Terry, wonderful mother and mother-in-

law of Paula and Mark, Michael and Jacinta, Stephen and Belinda, Louise and Kip.

Adored grandmother of Max, Oscar, Ben, Kathleen, Daniel, Alyssa, Matthew, Jess

and Jackson.

Mass was celebrated for Maureen at St Joseph's Church, Neutral Bay on Thursday,

23 November 2017 at 10.30am.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of Willie Lutke-Schipholt

Reg Smeaton writes: I had the pleasure of working with Willie at S(K&G) and again in Suva Fiji and he will be missed by all who knew him. As a young man Willie was a bit of a rev head and loved to talk of all things motor car, he had a technique of trapping you in a corner of the bar at the York Hotel and regaling you with stories of cars and their performance ad infinitum! To my chagrin, cars were not my favourite topic of conversation then or ever. On a more serious side he was a devoted family man and a gentleman in every respect. Willie always had a wry grin and the sense of humour to match.

Mark Burns writes: very sad news indeed. Worked with “Willie” for many years in our Trade days. The old team are starting to fall away…….

Ray Brennan writes: Very, very sorry to hear of the passing of my old mate from S (K&G) -- Wilhelm Jan Ferdinand Lutke-Schipholt. It was a joy to work with Willie – he hated a beer!!!! I well remember the train trip home after a very late K&G Christmas party, we had a bag of king prawns and a roadie for the journey. At Museum, there was a guy sitting on the station so we each threw a king prawn at him. What we did not realise until it was too late was that he was a copper in uniform……………….change of carriage at Central was obligatory.

David Wright writes: I knew Will from several points (including K&G), the last one being Business Bank Southern Region. Always found Will to be very helpful with O’seas issues, & a really all round good bloke.

Ian Stewart writes: Saddened to hear of Willie's passing. Such a long illness. Worked with Willie at S(K&G) in the sixties and last caught up with him after many, many years at an International reunion at Parramatta some years back.

Doug Russell writes: he was such a character and on thinking back the last time I did see him was around 2010 at one of our ID reunions. We did have him & Marica up to our place with a few of the ID group for a lamb on a spit (Willie loved it) and it was the only time I met Marica, who was a nurse as well...such a shame and unfortunately too many old International friends are disappearing.

Phil Cohen writes: Very sad news. I worked with Willie for many years at S(P&H) when I was Manager Bills Dept and later Manager International Dept. Willie was in charge of the Foreign Currency Tellers as part of other duties. As the supplier of foreign currencies to NSW Branches and the clearance point for surplus foreign currency in NSW and because of the large volume involved in the early days of computers it was Willie who got the idea of using a computer for the foreign currency tellers. He was instrumental in helping an outside computer programmer write a programme and test it at S(P&H).

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Following its installation AHQ seem to think it was a good idea and arranged for a machine to be installed in Melbourne, with Willie’s assistance, and of course at later dates in other Principal City Branches. ................................................................................................................................. Of John Nicholson (JK)

Ron Miller writes: John was a great bloke and I know he has had a hard time of it over recent years with the cancer. He will be sadly missed by all who knew him. Well remembered by Barry and Wilhelmina Smith. Very sad news indeed. JK was a well respected International Banker, a born Leader and a wonderful celebrant. John and his wife Margaret were down for Dick Hughes's funeral in May last where he caught up with some of his old Union Bank colleagues. Vale John Nicholson.

Ian Auld writes: This has greatly upset me. In the early 1950 John and I worked at Oxford Street and he came to live with our family at Earlwood for over two years until we moved to Campsie. I only spoke to him in hospital on his birthday, 28th October, when he said his medication no longer worked and doctors where looking at a new costly drug for his problem. We spoke at length but I had no idea this would be the end result. We have kept in touch over the years and I am saddened to lose a great friend. My thoughts go out to Margaret and family.

Heather Riach writes: Sorry to read of the passing of John as a few of us caught up with John and Margaret at Dick Hugh’s funeral which was only a short time ago. This year has seen a number of the Pitt and Hunter Streets family leave us.

............................................................................................................................. Of Chris Boorer:

Graeme Bool writes: Chris was well known in CBD for those who worked with him or knew him. 60 years is very young. RIP Chris. ................................................................................................................................... from Trevor Adams re Col Rolla:

“….I am writing to say how sad my wife and I were to read of the death of Col Rolla. When I was transferred to relieving staff in the ES&A in 1952, my first relief was at Wauchope Branch where I first met Col and his future wife Daph. I think Bob Garret may have been the junior at that time. My next meeting with Col was around 1960 when I was transferred to the Bill Dept. at S(M&P). also in the department were John Heathwood, Tony Longhurst, Tom Morwick, Ron Tuckey as well as others…. Our families got together socially and a few years later I relieved Col when he was Manager Wellington. We also spent a family weekend with Col and Daph when he was Manager Mudgee. After retirement we visited their home at Valentine where Col had taken up woodturning as a hobby. He used camphor wood and the house had many objects that he had made from his hobby. I think he might have run out of room to put everything so he eventually gave up his hobby. I repeat what I said only two months ago, I will always remember Col with great fondness and I mourn the loss of a long time friend and work colleague.


"Disorder in the Court". Things people actually say in court: ATTORNEY: What was the first thing your husband said to you that morning? WITNESS: He said, 'Where am I, Cathy?' ATTORNEY: And why did that upset you?

WITNESS: My name is Susan! -----------------------------------------------------

ATTORNEY: She had three children, right? WITNESS: Yes.

ATTORNEY: How many were boys? WITNESS: None.

ATTORNEY: Were there any girls? WITNESS: Your Honour, I need a different attorney


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ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you examined the body? WITNESS: The autopsy started around 8:30 PM. ATTORNEY: And Mr. Denton was dead at the time?

WITNESS: If not, he was by the time I finished. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Our PRESIDENTS Preamble Annual Subscriptions:

Due to increasing demands on our reserves, and after researching our interstate ANZROC equivalent rates which are generally greater than our own current and proposed levy, the Committee have unanimously agreed to an increase in annual subs to $10:00 commencing with subs now due for 2018. A 2018 Subs Renewal Slip is at the end of the Newsletter.

Would you like to get more involved with your Club? Our AGM is to be held during our February (19/2) luncheon at the Castlereagh Boutique Hotel. Members who wish to become involved are encouraged to nominate for any position now. All positions become vacant at AGM and it would be great to see new members come on board with fresh ideas. The positions of President, Snr Vice President & Vice President require a written nomination by 2 Club members and have to be accepted by the nominee in terms of our Constitution. Other nominations can be accepted from the floor on the day of the AGM. All members are encouraged to consider becoming a Committee member for 2018 and if they require details of any position to contact President Graeme or Secretary Reg.


TREASURERS REPORT: Treasurer Mike is on a well deserved holiday.

BIRTHDAY WISHES: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Birthday wishes were extended by Phil Cohen to Paul Mawruk, Alex Morgan and Noel Ryan!



An English Tale.....

A homeless guy is traveling down a country lane,tired and hungry he comes across a Pub called the "George and the Dragon." Although it's late and the Pub is closed he knocks on the door. The innkeeper's wife sticks her head out of a window. "Could I have some food?" he asks. The woman glances at his shabby clothes and obviously poor condition and sternly says, "No!" "Any chance of a pint of ale then?" "No!" she says again. "Could I at least sleep in your barn?" "No!" By this time, she was shouting. The down-and-out says, "OK Then Might I please...?" "What now?" the woman shouts impatiently.

"Might I please have a word with George?


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WELFARE REPORT: Ken Dighton November 2017 Presented by Pres. Graeme in Kens’ absence.

Sick List:

• John Richardson – John spent a few days in hospital recently having a shoulder replacement (his right one). He is at home now feeling a bit sore but sticking to his allocated exercise regime. He was booked to see his surgeon on 15/11 for a post-op. check, and he’s confident all will be well. If he makes good progress with the right side, he will be lining up soon enough to have the left shoulder done. Bowls is obviously off the menu for a while. Good luck John.

• Wayne Keihne – Wayne has finished his radiation treatments and started immunotherapy . Best wishes Wayne.

• John Turnbull – John had an emergency visit to hospital for gall bladder surgery. He’s now at home and is feeling better.

• John Nicholson – I began the preparation of my Sick List with a report on John after visiting him in hospital a couple of weeks ago. He had been admitted because the leukaemia drug he had been taking for 2 or more years had stopped being effective. And he was awaiting delivery of a new drug which was not available in NSW at the time. John had been put through the wringer since entering hospital with scans etc but he was in good spirits. As we now know John passed away on 8th November. He was a good man. Vale John.

I made contact with the following esteemed Honorary Member members on the November Birthday List, and extended our best wishes for the day and for the year ahead:

• Olive Bourke (91) – Olive sounded as cheerful as ever, and said she has “no problems” on the health front. She believes she kicked a goal with the choice of her hostel accommodation (not as good as living at home but good nonetheless). Olive said she loves reading our Newsletter each month.

• Ron Bracken (83) – Ron is “very well”, but is booked to have carpel tunnel surgery soon which may impact on his activities for a time. At the moment he is managing a couple of games of bowls a week at his local club. Ron extended apologies for being unable to attend the Newcastle end-of-year lunch

• Lloyd Guthrey (83) – via email, Lloyd said both he and Jan are in reasonably good health and they continue to enjoy life in Perth. Their sons both live in NSW and as a consequence they do travel east regularly to do family things. He congratulated the ROC Committee on a job well done (he’s another who appreciates getting the Newsletter), and he sent best wishes to all.

• John Hudson (89) – I spoke with John’s wife Joan (nee McEacheran and a 10 year veteran of ANZ in D/O). She told me that “John is not too bad”. Keep up the good work John.

• Phil Meyers (85) – Phil is “going great”, with a regular game of golf and a bit of time in the garden (he was filling a domestic requisition for some water sprinklers when I phoned!). Phil asked me to pass-on regards to everyone, particularly all his old ANZ sporting club mates.

• Barry Smith (83) – I couldn’t make contact with Barry (apart from leaving him a phone message), but we’ve seen him at a meeting in recent times and he seems to be in the peak of condition. Perhaps he will present himself at this month’s meeting, but if not we send you best wishes for the 21st Baz and for the year ahead.

• Geoffrey Cox (84) – Geoffrey has had a few issues in recent years associated with prostate cancer, but he is in remission at present. He still has his driver licence which means he can get around. He celebrated his birthday with family.

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• Jim Bickerton (82) – Jim is keeping well and on the whole life is pretty good. He’s still playing his regular game of bowls.

• Ray Crompton (82) – he is “as well as can be expected, but I can’t do a lot of things I would like to do” (that last bit sounds familiar). One faculty he hasn’t lost is his sense of humour – you’re doing well Ray.

• Bill Horton (82) – Bill is recovering at home from back surgery. He spent a week in hospital and a week in a rehab. clinic. He is still undertaking rehab. sessions but he’s hoping to be back on the golf course and in the gym sooner rather than later. Good luck with your recovery Bill.

• John Leaver (82) – John said he has had a few problems but is enjoying life. He continues his involvement with Probus and his church. John plans to spend Christmas with family in the wonderful city of Newcastle –John’s old stomping ground.

• Ivan Briggs (83) – Ivan said he was recently hospitalised with a prostate issue, but he celebrated his birthday quite well on the bowling green. Sadly, his wife passed away in May and this has left a void in his life (understandably after 57 years marriage). Best wishes Ivan.

• Bob Williams (80) – I haven’t been able to speak with Bob who is our latest addition to The Hons list. We hope you’re well Bob and we send best wishes for the 21st and for the year ahead.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Letters from our Members:

Received from Shirley White (nee Anderson) of Kiama, former staffer and wife of member Ken White:

Dear Graeme Bool, Well Graeme and all, referring to your June Letter, I’m one of those who wore the old uniforms “Bank of Australasia” 1950’s. “Boy” I’m getting old. I worked at Cnr. Martin Place and George St. in Batching, Ledger Machinist, Bulk Billing and then upstairs with Mr Collins. Married Ken White who worked in the Bill Dept. last position Manager Campsie. Well us girls Pat Kearney and myself sneaked out at morning tea time to queue for tickets to the youth ABC Concerts. So here we are (see below) sitting on the Town Hall steps and ended up in the midday paper. Well we were caught well and truly. Thought a few of your readers might get a laugh out of this one. Ken and I really look forward to your Newsletters.

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.................................................................................................................... Bob Cook comments on an article in the October 2017 Newsletter: Alan Deveson's 1955 Tamworth Branch photo on the last page brought back some memories. I subsequently forwarded it to my cousin, Fred Studte, who started there in 1957 and knew all those pictured. Alec Ryan, then a teller, went on to become the Accountant - he interviewed and hired me in December 1968. On Ken Bargallie, Fred tells me Ken left ANZ and purchased a large nursery at Wallsend but sadly drowned in a boating accident on Lake Macquarie.

(Thanks Bob, and to Geoff Boyton, who both responded to my query on Ken Bargallie. Ken was Advance Clerk 1 at KXS(W) when I arrived there from Bega as a raw country lad, a few days prior to the day pounds shillings and pence met their end. A very sad ending for a great bloke! Ed.)

........................................................... From: "Richard G Farrell" <[email protected]> Date: 1 November 2017 at 5:13:25 AM AEDT To: <[email protected]> Subject: Doug Dowling

Dear Noel,

I am trying to reach Doug Dowling who is a cousin. I now live in Los Angeles. I got your email from this newsletter.

Doug was close to Peg Biffin, my late father’s (John Farrell) sister. I last met Doug at Peg’s funeral in Manly 20 odd years ago, where I eulogized.

My family is trying to understand who was in the attached obituary, as we believe it was our Uncle. But some facts don’t make sense.

Is there any way you could forward this note to Doug, or one of his family members? I would be delighted to reengage this side of the family to say hello and perhaps better understand the family history.

Kindest regards,


Richard G. Farre l l CH I E F E XE CU T I V E OF F I CE R

PROVIDER STREAM D irect: ( 949) 231 224 4 Toll F ree: ( 855) 875 421 6

F ax : ( 855) 732- 2150

www.prov ide rs t rea m .c om

See how far we reach!

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From Bob Grant:

I had a great Birthday (12th October) with family in Nelson Bay but it was another reminder that time marches on. My year has been much of the same with the Anglican Church and the Port Stephens Community Woodworkers Club taking up most of my spare time as I am treasurer of both. I al so produce the Woodworkers Monthly newsletter which can be up to 16 pages and this takes an enormous amount of time. Nell & I went to Canberra in August to catch up with our old banking friends from Tasmania (Norm & Margaret Toma) who had recently moved to Canberra to be closer to family. It is always a great place to visit. I have been suffering from an ulcer on my right foot for the past 6 months but it has recently healed and hopefully I will have no problems in the future. I have had to wear a special s hoe on my right foot during this time which didn’t match the left shoe so it was always a topic of conversation. Otherwise our health is good and we have no serious concerns to worry about. We recently went on a “Whale Watching” cruise here at Nelson Bay and it was fantastic with a pod of whales performing at their very best. October is the best time of the year for such activity. We will be spending Christmas with our family in Nelson Bay but hope to take a short trip to Dubbo this month to catch up with family and friends. I have booked to attend both the Newcastle and Sydney Christmas luncheons so I hope to catch up with some young friends then. Kind regards. Bob Grant

(Thanks Bob, good to catch up in Newcastle –Young Ed.)



2017 Newcastle Christmas Function at the RSL Cardiff 16 November 2017 Forty eight members, their partners and friends gathered at Cardiff today for a very nice afternoon. As always the friendship was evident and the exchange of fond memories of what used to be, or stories at each others expense abounded. Newcastle President Ron Welsh welcomed all and expressed his appreciation for the efforts of those who came from afar, as well as welcoming in some guests for the first time. Ron also mentioned members recently lost Col Rolla and John (JK) Nicholson. Jim Richardson presented apologies with a special get well message to Wayne Kiehne who is unwell and unable to attend as usual. Jim then wished all a very happy Christmas and New Year and safe journey home. President Graeme Bool spoke also, conveying his thanks to the Newcastle Committee for their efforts, and spoke of matters affecting ANZROC (NSW) generally, including the need to increase our annual subscriptions. The afternoon culminated in a lucky door prize draw conducted by the other two hard working Newcastle Committee people Cheryl Richardson and Geoff Boyton.

Newcastle Committee

Ron Welsh Jim Richardson Cheryl Richardson Geoff Boyton

‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ All photos taken at the Newcastle Lunch are on the Blog site!!!!

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Gillian John


28th 24th



1st Phil BIBLE 8th Graham KIRCHNER 5th Wendy BYWATER 18th Jerry KORNACKI 24th Anna CARNIATO 26th Michael LETHERBARROW 31st Vicki CROUCHER 22nd Bob McELROY 12th Cheryl DEAN 22nd Jan McHENRY 11th Bernadette DONNELLY 14th Keith MORRIN 2nd Bob DUFF 29th Rod PROSSER 11th Judy ELLIOTT 9th Heather RIACH 16th Craig FORDER 4th Jim RICHARDS 29th Noel FOX 6th Cheryl RICHARDSON 27th Allan GIBSON 3rd Doug RUSSELL 10th Noel GUILLAUME 25th Laurie SAINSBURY 20th Ed HALE 20th Tony SCHEMBRI 28th Tony HARDMAN 8th Geoff SHERWOOD 1st Chris HARRIS 28th Peter SMITH 14th Tony HAYNES 18th Ian STEWART 20th Colin KEEGAN 6th Steve TRIFFITT 7th John KENNEY 20th Peter VALE 24th

THE “HONS” Ken ABRAHAMS 15th Bill KYNASTON 29th Ray ALLEN 2nd Bob McEWAN 17th Noel CHIE 24th Peter MURRAY 5th Arthur CRITTENDEN 16th John SNELLING 31st Noel DIROU 28th Jeff STAVERT 3rd Rod FRAZER 11th Karl WARREN 31st Noel HALL 19th Theo YARDLEY 28th

There are no new HONS this month

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Robyn BATE 24th Dick MATTRESS 13th Noel BOTTRELL 22nd Ross McKIMM 1st David BRAIDWOOD 21st Paul McLACHLAN 7th Jan BUTLER 13th Ken McPHERSON 2nd Bill CHANG 16th Eric MYATT 8th Greg CROAN 19th Irene NORRIS 22nd Rosalie DERRICK 19th Nick OGLESNEFF 16th Brian DIGBY 29th Susie PANG 16th Marina EYEINGTON 8th Barry PATEMAN 29th Glen FITZPATRICK 20th Bruce PHILPS 7th Barry GIBSON Marsfield) 10th Wilf RODRICKS 1st Barry GIBSON (Ocean

Shores) 24th Bob ROSS 26th

John GRANT 2nd Ian ROWLEY 22nd Val GRIFFIN 16th Tony ROWLEY 19th Warren HADLEY 27th Doug RUSELL 10th John HARRIS 14th Graham SCARLETT 16th John HILLARD 17th Craig SMITH 21st Warren HUDSON 26th Bill SULTANA 27th Annette IRELAND 29th Brian THOMPSON 22nd Bob JENNINGS 22nd Col WALKER 10th Bob JONES 13th Bob WATSON 20th Julie LAYCOCK 7th Bob WILKINSON 8th Graham MacDONALD 20th Cathy WOODWARD 30th

THE “HONS” Harry BROOKES 29th John McANELLY 8th Geoff BROWN 21st Rita PURVES 10th Doug CANAVAN 24th Ross RICHARDS 8th Gordon CRAWFORD 29th Charles ROSS 16th Ray CROUCHER 23rd Allan SEAR 5th Alan DEVESON 19th Ian TREDINNICK 31st Phil DURNEY 23rd Ross WILLIAMS 5th Keith GOODWIN 24th

Congratulations to Ray CROUCHER and Ross WILLIAMS who join the ‘Hons’ this month


Dates for Your Diary!

2nd December 2017 Wagga Wagga Christmas Luncheon at RSL12:00 noon. Any visitors most welcome.

Kevin Cameron is the contact point and co-ordinator at [email protected] or 02 6922 4575, contact Kevin if you want any further details.

11th December 2017 Our Christmas Cocktail Function at ANZ 242 Pitt St Sydney. After the function join us for Happy Hour(s) at the Castlereagh Boutique Hotel, 2nd Floor. Get your names in immediately. Numbers are very limited!!! Contact Secretary Reg Smeaton at [email protected] or phone 02 4228 6951 Mob 0423 661 789 or Ann Morgan at [email protected] or phone 02 9970 8668 now if you wish to attend. The List will fill and close before 28th

November 2017.

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15th December 2017 Canberra Christmas Function We have arranged the usual Christmas function for former staff members and their partners

and have booked the same location that has catered so well for us in recent years. We have managed to secure a suitable date this year, which will hopefully suit most of our members.

Details are as follows:

Date: Friday, 15 December 2017, Time: 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm Place: Royal Canberra Golf Club Bentham Street (Westbourne Woods), YARRALUMLA ACT Cost: $65 per person Dress: Smart casual (NOTE: Denim or sneakers NOT permitted)

We have again been allocated sole use of the Westbourne Room and will need to advise numbers in advance for catering purposes. It is essential that confirmation of your attendance, together with payment, is provided to Bob Dyer at 113 Langdon Avenue WANNIASSA ACT 2903 by no later than Monday, 11 December.

Payments can also be made by direct credit to the following ANZ account: ACT Retired Officers BSB 012983 Account number 348241729 Please include your NAME as the reference for record purposes.

The above cost will cover a pre-dinner drink on the balcony and a fine two-course set-menu Christmas meal. As usual, we also intend to subsidise the cost of drinks from funds provided for our group each year by the Bank’s Retired Officers’ Club (ANROC). Perhaps we may again have a representative from their Committee to attend our function, and you are encouraged to consider becoming a member of ANZROC in view of the support they provide to us each year. Please feel free to pass on these details to anyone you know who has not received this invitation but may be interested in attending, particularly any new retirees or those that may not have joined us for a while. Any enquiries regarding special dietary requirements or other details should be directed to any of the following; Bob Dyer - phone: 6231 2371 (h), email: [email protected] Albert Orszaczky - phone: 6231 6198 (h), email: [email protected] John Lucas - phone: 6293 2532 (h), email: [email protected] .

We hope you can join us following the unfortunate cancellation of our mid-year function. We look forward to catching up with as many of you as possible to share some Christmas cheer and a few fond memories and tall tales from the “good old days”. Albert Orszaczky (on behalf of Bob, Albert and John)


15th January 2018

The Monthly Luncheon at the Castlereagh Boutique Hotel 169 Castlereagh St Sydney Pre luncheon drinks on 2nd floor from 11.00am onwards. Our luncheon is on 4th floor also with Bar facility. Payment and name tag handout commences from 12 noon onwards, for a 12:30 pm start to the meal. All members are welcome. Bookings are not required. Always an enjoyable day with good food and lots of old friends and the occasional surprise visit by those who can’t make the meeting all the time. If you have not been for a while come along and enjoy the good company of old ANZers.


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5th March 2018

Fred Bannister Memorial Trophy and Dick Kostrubiec Memorial Shield



Once again, my thanks to you all for reading the ‘News. Anything you want or wish to say, any and all contributions on memories or anecdotes are ALWAYS welcome.


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NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS OF $10:00 ARE NOW DUE (Honorary members and widows/widowers of former members are exempt) -A reminder that you can pay your subscription by direct credit to BSB 012006 Account # 008906464, don’t forget to record your Name on your transaction.



-Enclosed please find cheque for $10 for my ANZROC (NSW) 2018 SUBS. Name: ………………………………………………………………….. Address :( if changed recently)………………………………………………………….. Email address, (if changed recently)………………………………………………………. If paying by cheque please mail to Hon Treasurer ANZROC (NSW) 27 Leicester St. Epping NSW 2121




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