Page 1: Welcome To Light Tempest!. Red Slides: Introduction Grey Slides: A Quick Guide to Ventrillo Blue Slide: Facebook Purple Slides: Guild Bank/Crafters Green

Welcome To Light Tempest!Welcome To Light Tempest!

Page 2: Welcome To Light Tempest!. Red Slides: Introduction Grey Slides: A Quick Guide to Ventrillo Blue Slide: Facebook Purple Slides: Guild Bank/Crafters Green

Red Slides: Introduction Grey Slides: A Quick Guide to Ventrillo Blue Slide: Facebook Purple Slides: Guild Bank/Crafters Green Slides: Guide To Guild Raids Black Slide: PVP/Flight Overview Yellow Slides: Class Officers

Table of Contents

Page 3: Welcome To Light Tempest!. Red Slides: Introduction Grey Slides: A Quick Guide to Ventrillo Blue Slide: Facebook Purple Slides: Guild Bank/Crafters Green

Who is Light Tempest?

Light Tempest is a family-based MMORG guild that honors core values and friendship. LT also

focuses on sharing adventures through a friendly leveling atmosphere, shared pvp outings, and a mildly-aggressive approach to raiding. To the

members of Light Tempest, there is more to the game than what can merely be achieved alone -- it is spending time with friends and sharing that

next great adventure!

Are you ready to step into the light?

Page 4: Welcome To Light Tempest!. Red Slides: Introduction Grey Slides: A Quick Guide to Ventrillo Blue Slide: Facebook Purple Slides: Guild Bank/Crafters Green

What you should have You should have Ventrillo the information to

which will be discussed later in this presentation A open minded attitude towards other members. We have a large and diverse group of members so if you are hateful or biased against any group

leave now. Registered on the facebook page (if able). Trust me even if you need to make a fake gaming account do it please. It makes everyone's life easier at the end of the day. Introduced yourself to us! We want to get to know you!

Page 5: Welcome To Light Tempest!. Red Slides: Introduction Grey Slides: A Quick Guide to Ventrillo Blue Slide: Facebook Purple Slides: Guild Bank/Crafters Green

People you Should Know

Director of the guild: Ceon Assistant Directors: Shanta, Kleighten Raid Marshals(R)/ Flight Marshal(F):

F) Nahaaden

R) None (substituting until Further Notice: Ceon/Shanta)

Banker's Union: Fappy Officers: Juicy, Kannor, Vaunt, Vicc, Ash. Inactive Raid Marshals: Fatshadow, Ben

(For crafting, class officers, and other info will be listed in separate slides)

Page 6: Welcome To Light Tempest!. Red Slides: Introduction Grey Slides: A Quick Guide to Ventrillo Blue Slide: Facebook Purple Slides: Guild Bank/Crafters Green

How to install Ventrillo

First off you can download Vent from here. Once it has been downloaded and installed you

need to make sure that it will open up in administrator mode. To do this Right click on the desktop ventrillo icon and select properties.

Select the “Comparability tab” And under “Privilege Level” enable “Run this

program as Administrator” and select “OK” Once you have done this open up Ventrillo

Page 7: Welcome To Light Tempest!. Red Slides: Introduction Grey Slides: A Quick Guide to Ventrillo Blue Slide: Facebook Purple Slides: Guild Bank/Crafters Green

How to get on the LT Server

Once on ventrillo go to click on the arrow beside “User name” and fill out the information in that tab (try to use your in game name of your main)

Next click on the arrow beside “Server” and enter the following:

Name: DarkStar Hostname: Port Number: 12883 Password: Bruins

You can now go on the main screen and hit “Connect”

Page 8: Welcome To Light Tempest!. Red Slides: Introduction Grey Slides: A Quick Guide to Ventrillo Blue Slide: Facebook Purple Slides: Guild Bank/Crafters Green

Ventrillo Channel Rules

As you can see there are a lot of channels each has their own set of rules but the global rules are thus:

1) No serious insults against other members.

Note we are all good for fooling around but no serious insults.

2) No derogatory names.

3) No discussions about politics or religion.

For each channels specific rules see the follow slides

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Cantina Rules

This is our free talk channels. In here you can talk about nearly anything and say nearly anything but keep it classy until around end of raid time (some members have children).

After Raid hours you can take the “G” Rating off and say whatever your heart desires. Note to parents that means after hours the Cantina channels usually are rated “R” as in may contain:

Foul Language, Strong Sexual Content, Talks about everything ranging from history to specifics about the finer details of specific sex positions.

It literally becomes open game but the first three global rules STILL APPLY!

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Flight Deck and Flight Groups

These rooms are set up for people playing GSF “Galactic star fighter”

You may be in there if you are playing GSF but if you are not please remain in one of the Cantina's

Page 11: Welcome To Light Tempest!. Red Slides: Introduction Grey Slides: A Quick Guide to Ventrillo Blue Slide: Facebook Purple Slides: Guild Bank/Crafters Green

Invaders 1 & 2

These channels are for those playing in flashpoints. Like the Flight deck you should only be in here if you want to be in or are in a flashpoint with other guild members.

If you are not in a flashpoint or queued up for one please remain in one of the cantinas.

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Royal Knights Channels

These channels are STRICTLY for guild raiding ONLY. If you are not a part of the raid please DO NOT go down there and interrupt them. Only raiders are permitted to be in the raiding channel during the raid.

If you are not raiding do not be in the channel. Please remain in one of the two cantinas.

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This is our public PVP channel. If you are PVPing please move down into this channel if there is a lot of people on vent so we don't get too many conversations going in the cantinas at once.

Like the other purpose channels if you are not in a PVP match or not queued up for one please remain in one of the two cantina channels.

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Ceon's Angel's/Officers Club/Council/Desert Womp Rats/

Fappy's Van

All of these channels are restricted to any member under the rank of officer and unless you have an emergency you should not attempt to get into these channels (They are password protected anyway).

If you have questions about these channels direct them to an officer of the guild.

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If you need peace and quiet or need to go away from your keyboard please come down to this channel. Anyone who enters this channel is muted by the server by default.

If you come back to your computer please go back up into the cantina channels so we can talk with you! :-)

Page 16: Welcome To Light Tempest!. Red Slides: Introduction Grey Slides: A Quick Guide to Ventrillo Blue Slide: Facebook Purple Slides: Guild Bank/Crafters Green


Our guild has a facebook which we use to keep in contact with each other, post cool photo's and have random conversations.

Most importantly the raid schedule for each week is posted here.

Rules for facebook are the SAME as the rules for vent.

No serious insults/pointing fingers/arguments. No derogatory names or terms. Politics and Religion is strictly Taboo.

Page 17: Welcome To Light Tempest!. Red Slides: Introduction Grey Slides: A Quick Guide to Ventrillo Blue Slide: Facebook Purple Slides: Guild Bank/Crafters Green

Guild Bank Rules

Feel free to take anything you need or would like but do remember the following rules:

Do NOT be greedy. Please don't just start taking everything you can get your hands on. You WILL get kicked for it.

That being said don't be afraid to withdraw things BUT please contribute as well. Don't just take but give back as well. Its a give and take system.

If you want something essential for your main like an augment, or augmentation kit, etc talk to an officer and they will be happy to help you with that.

If you withdraw an item that is particularly expensive you MUST pay half of that items GTN worth to the guild bank Ex. An expensive crystal GTN Worth: 200k. You must put into the guild bank 100k.

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We have a diverse group of crafters in the guild. If you need something crafted ask the guild members first who can craft things for you at no charge or much less that of the GTN or crafters on the server. We will never charge a tip. We only charge if we must get the mats for you and we only charge for the cost of those mats.

To make our lives (and yours) simpler please acquire the mats yourself if you are able to.

The list of crafters is on the following slide ~~>

Page 19: Welcome To Light Tempest!. Red Slides: Introduction Grey Slides: A Quick Guide to Ventrillo Blue Slide: Facebook Purple Slides: Guild Bank/Crafters Green

- Ceon: 28 Barrels, Cybertech, Armstech augments, space Herp

- Nahaaden: Resolve, Might, and Defence Augments (synthweaving), MK-9 Augmentation Kits

- Vaunt: Stims, implants

- Kannor: Stims, implants

- Kleighten: Artifice (mainly Crystals)

- Eri: Biochem

- Noemi: Cybertech, surge, overkill, and accuracy augments, some 69 mods and armorings.

Many other crafters dontate craftable items to the guild bank on a regular basis. If you need something please ask one of the officers at any time.

If you can craft something for the guild or I have not listed your name please let me know (Im Nahaaden) and I can add you to this list.

Page 20: Welcome To Light Tempest!. Red Slides: Introduction Grey Slides: A Quick Guide to Ventrillo Blue Slide: Facebook Purple Slides: Guild Bank/Crafters Green

Raids Overview

Our guild approaches raids with a family and open mindset. When it comes time for raids we take in members based upon a few rules depending upon the raid type and how many players we have on at that time.

There are rules to adhere to when raiding that must be followed at all times during the raid.

We are NOT an elitist guild so if you cannot show up for a run don't worry about it. Show up when you can and we will include you if we can.

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To be Picked

You MUST be geared for the fight. We will rarely pull and under-geared member through a run.

You MUST know the fight already. If there is an excess of people on we will try to do a 16

man if we can't one of the following will happen.

1) If it is an old run such as EV or KP new members get first spots to help get the gear they need.

2) Newer runs such as Dread Fortress will be filled first with people who have the most experience and knowledge.

NOTE: Raid Leader has final say on who he/she decides to bring into the raid.

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Raid Rules

In the Raids the Raid Leader has final say on ANYTHING in the raid. Their word is the word of God/Law/Your Mother/The Ultimate Authority as far as you are concerned.

This being said while in a raid during Strat explanations, boss fights, and looting there is to be NO TALKING unless otherwise directed to by the raid leader.

DO NOT argue with the raid leader. If we wipe because of what the raid leader told you to do then that is on that raid leader and we learn his/her strat is flawed and needs tweeking. If we wipe because you didn't listen then your ass is the one who gets chewed out AND because you didn't follow the strat we blame you for the wipe and we don't know that it is the strat that is flawed. Not listening hurts the raid more then you can imagine especially in hard modes.

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Raid Loot Rules


There are three parts to loot rolls (if you don't know how to roll then in chat type /roll):

Need Roll: Simply if its an upgrade roll for it but....

If it is a tier set such as arkanian if you already have 1 piece then you get first dibs on a second piece likewise if you have 3 you get second dibs. After that people who have no tier set bonus can roll.

If you win the roll you may NOT roll on another need roll unless directed to by the raid leader.

Mod Roll: If you can use either the mod or enhancement you may roll if no one rolled for the item on need.

Greed/Open Roll: Anyone can roll on the item. NOTE: Raid leader has final say on who gets loot and who doesn't.

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PVP and Flight Overview

- As it is right now we do have an Flight night (Wednesdays) but no PVP night.

- Like in a Raid the Flight Leader is the final authority on everything and anything inside of those runs.

- Like a Raid there are strategies to each fight that will get discussed prior to queueing up for the run.

- If you have any questions direct them to Nahaaden who is the Flight Marshal.

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Class Officers and What They Are

Class officers are those who know their characters and builds to the point of stupidity. They are the ones you can go to for any help on builds, rotations, gear or anything else character class related.

Most class officers are also other things in the guild such as Marshals, Assistant directors, etc.

If you feel there is some tips and tricks to your class that you feel worth sharing to the class officer then by all means please do!

Likewise if you need help or need to be walked through on something about a class in the game feel free to talk to your class officer.

The class officers are listed off on the next slide ~~~>

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JEDI COUNSULAR: Healer - - - Kannor DPS - - - Nahaaden Shadow - - - Undoli (Shanta)

JEDI KNIGHT: Sentinel - - - Kleighten Guardian - - - (Open Slot) => (Substituting Shanta (Mace-Wando/Biliba))

TROOPER: Vanguard - - Vaunt Commando - - (Open Slot) => (Substituting Kannor (Grims))

SMUGGLER: Gunslinger - - Ceon Scoundral DPS - Noemi Scoundral Heal - Fappy

Class Officer List

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Finally Welcome to our guild. We look forward to getting to know you as a person and becoming

close like family. If you have any questions at any time feel free to chime in on vent or in guild chat.

See you round!

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