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Welcome to Know Your Liberty

SeriesMarch 3, The Empire Has No Clothes A Citizen-StatesmanApril 7, Empire of Debt Government by JudiciaryMay 5, Three Foundings of America

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The Empire Has No Clothes

How and Why to Study History

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Big question?Page 85

Myths used to manipulatePage 19

Civil War derailmentPage118

Our heroes todayPage 144

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Who and what are we as a people?

What shall we do?

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“A people must from time to time, refresh themselves at the well-spring of their origin, lest they perish.” The 5000 Year Leap xviii

“A people must from time to time, refresh themselves at the well-spring of their origin, lest they perish.” The 5000 Year Leap xviii

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How would Franklin respond today?

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“The Emperor has no clothes!”

The Emperor has no clothes!

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“The Emperor heard the people and shivered, for he knew they were telling the truth. He did not want to stop the procession, so he held himself stiffer than ever and marched on. Behind him, his officers carried the make-believe train.”

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History:A. An account of what has

happenedB. The story accepted by the

publicC. Furious debate informed by

evidence and reasonD. “It’s just one damn thing after

another.”E. All of the above

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Beware of 2 things

The side that wins the war writes the history.

Truth is the first casualty of war.

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The accepted account of the Civil War:

•The Civil War freed the slaves and saved the Union, which justified the cost in lives and property.

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Remember!Beware of 2 things

The side that wins the war writes the history.

Truth is the first casualty of war.

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• The War of [Southern] Rebellion

• The War of Northern Aggression

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“Yankees”1. Northerners with

a mind-set which was arrogant, unfriendly, intolerant, and self-righteous

2. A Union soldier in the Civil War

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•“The [modern] American state emerged from the wreckage of the Civil War… page ix,

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• “ The Civil War, even more than the end of British colonial rule, represents the true foundational moment in American political development.”

page 10

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To understand the causes of the “Civil War” look for the answers to

these two separate questions:

• 1. Why did the southern states want to leave the Union?

• 2. Why did the northern states refuse to let them go?

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Beware of:Whitewashing the official record

Historical brainwashingHistorical blackoutPropaganda in the guise of history

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“Startling errorsof omission and distortion marAmerican histories.”

Page 4

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“Traditional highschool narrative history textbooks…actually make students stupid.”

Page 6

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“Our teachers and our textbooks leave out most ofwhat we need to know about the American past.”

Page 4

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Winston Smith

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Ministry of Truth: Records Department

• Job Description: “Rectify” history to conform to Party predictions thus providing documentary evidence that the Party is always correct.

• Winston’s assignment was to intentionally falsify history to achieve greater Party control over the people.

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Do you realize that the past has been actually

abolished? Every record has been destroyed or

falsified, every book has been rewritten. History

has stopped.

Page 128

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I accept the Party mythology. All the talk

about party and politics is rubbish, so why let oneself be worried about it? I am not interested in the next

generation, dear. I am interested in us, here and


Page 127-9

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The world view of the Party has imposed itself successfully upon the

people and they are not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what has happened.

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•“The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”

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Example of “double –think”

• Who won World War II? (We won!)

• What was the victory? (A great victory over tyranny because of the defeat of Hitler)

• Who are “we”? (The allies: The US, UK and USSR-- Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin)

• Did WWII diminish or increase tyranny?

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The American purpose is to prepare the islands for


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Shoot everyone over

the age of ten. The more

you kill and burn the

better it will please me!

Brinkley/Current page 609“50,000+ slaughtered”

Brinkley/Current page 608

“200,000+ slaughtered”Chalmers Johnson page 43

One out of every 8 Filipinos were killed.Robert Johnston page 123

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The real reason for the brutal colonization of the Filipinos:

Senator Albert Beveridge of Indiana:

• “The Philippines are ours forever… and just beyond the Philippines are China’s illimitable markets …The Pacific Ocean is ours”

• “The Philippines are the stepping stones to China.” The Sorrows of Empire, Chalmers Johnson, 2004, page 43

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Why do men go to war?

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• “Make the world safe for democracy!”

• “Fight the war to end all wars!”

• “Fight a war without hate!”

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Hun: Any savage or destructive person; a term of contempt applied to German soldiers inWW I.

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History is


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Re-writing History

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Heuristic:•Helping to discover or learn the facts

•Seeking truth

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•Fighting with words•Specious reasoning

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•Specious: seeming to be good, sound, correct, logical, etc. without really being so

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First Inaugural Address 168-190**** Permanence of the Union 295-310

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•Specious: seeming to be good, sound, correct, logical, etc. without really being so

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•Fighting with words•Specious reasoning•Victory is more important than truth.

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Weight: 5.3 lb.

Pages: 1087

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“The Morrill tariff Act [of 1861]

moderately moderately increasedduties…”

Page 418

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“Some history is helpful to understand the forces that brought forth the ultra-highMorrill Tariff in early 1861… It was the highest tariff in history, with rates for iron products of over 50 percent;rates for clothing ran over25 percent. It was a major plank in the Republican platform.” Page 81

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• The most impor-tant cause of the American Civil War goes all the way back to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 and the dispute over the tariff between Mason and Madison. Page 36

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Where Historians Disagree“The Question of

Pearl Harbor”

“Revisionists… are unable to produce any direct

evidence of Roosevelt’sknowledge of the planned attack.”

(Page 797)

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This book contains “direct evidence” of FDRs involve-ment and fore-knowledge of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

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Roosevelt’s Road to Russia

• Heuristic

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“President FranklinRoosevelt diedvery suddenly

this afternoon. A terrible blow to the

United States and the peace loving people

of all the world. My heart is full

of sorrow in the passing of this

great man. (1999, Page 252)

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Re-writing History

Revisionism:“Bringing history into accord with the facts”

Harry Barnes

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Mythological Heroes

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Forward by Laura Bush

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“Jocelyn Lindsay was the best fact checker I’ve ever dealt with, going beyond extremely careful attention to the accuracy of the information …”

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“McCarthy had no names of communist in the State Depart-ment or anywhere else… McCarthy’s con-spiracy didn’t exist, and he knew it.”

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• “Despised and defamed by the Establishment, Senator Joseph McCarthy has been vindicated as a true champion of freedom.”

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(year 2000, 608 p.)

“In 1995 the Venona documents finally became available to American historians…

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… Included in the Venona Secrets are the details of the spying activities that reached from Harry Hopkins in the White House to Alger Hiss in the State Department to Harry Dexter White in the Treasury.” (front flap)

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(2001, 628 pages)

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• “By count from the Venona decrypts, there were 329 Soviet agents inside the U.S. government during World

War II.”

New Dealers War coverPage 322

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“The number of rolls of microfilm shipped to Moscow from the NKVD’s New York [communist] headquarters leaped from 59 in 1942 to 211 in 1943, the same year during which the American press and publishing industry were gushing praise of the Soviet Union.”

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• “The Russian agent in charge of Whittaker Chamber’s spy ring boasted to Moscow: ‘We have agents at the very center of government, influencing policy.’”

page 322(Published in 2001)

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“McCarthy had no names of communist in the State Depart-ment or anywhere else… McCarthy’s con-spiracy didn’t exist, and he knew it.”

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The world view of the Party has imposed itself successfully upon the

people and they are not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what has happened.

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How would Franklin respond today?

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“The Choice before us is plain,

Christ or chaos, conviction or compromise,

discipline or disintegration.

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I am rather tired of hearing about our rights and privileges

as American citizens. The time is come, it now is, when we ought to hear about the duties and responsibilities

of our citizenship.

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America’s future depends upon her accepting anddemonstrating God’s


Rev. Peter Marshall

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We the People

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“The Empire has no clothes!”

He who does not read is no better off than he who

cannot read.

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assignment• StudyStudy The 5000 Year Leap, part I.(33 p.)• DigestDigest When Tyranny Came to America by Joe

Sobran• ViewView two DVDs of your choice from “Liberty

Library”• Share Share your thoughts about this evenings lesson

with at least one other person. Invite them to attend the next session with you.

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