Page 1: Welcome to From Lead To Launch! - Amazon S31/Class+1.pdf · This class, Create Your Ideal Client Avatar, is your starting point. Everything you create for your business is based on

Welcome to From Lead To Launch!

This class, Create Your Ideal Client Avatar, is your starting point. Everything you create for your business is based on serving your ideal clients and writing your From Lead To Launch nurture and sales funnel is no different.

You’re here because you have a service, product or program that you want to sell. Plain and simple. You’ve most likely created something that you are very proud of and want to get it into the hands of the people you want to help.

You have great, amazing visions of growing your brand and having your business support you and maybe, even your entire family. Well, my friend and fellow ambitious entrepreneur, you are definitely in the right place.

Now if you’re anything like me you are going to want to skip this module and make a beeline straight for the strategy modules so you can dive right into doing the work. Here’s a word of caution… please don’t do that.

Right now you have no idea how critical doing this work - defining your ideal clients avatar is to your business and your bank account.

Since you are committed to growing your business and doing the focused work you must do in order to achieve that success, you have to start at the beginning so you can build the strongest foundation possible.

This class, Create Your Ideal Client Avatar, has the ability to make or break your financial success. Yes, it’s a bold statement but it’s true. Think about this class as the image on the front of a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle box.

Have you ever tried to do a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle without ever looking at the picture on the front of the box?

I’m sure you’d eventually finish the jigsaw puzzle but it would take you way longer and you’d most likely end up getting super-frustrated and annoyed while doing it.

Later on in this class we’re going to show you some case studies to help prove our point that defining your ideal client profile is critical to your success but for now let’s take a look at what you’ll learn in this Class:

• What is an ideal client avatar and why not having a clearly defined ideal client profileis a huge mistake.

• How taking the time to articulate your ideal client will ultimately mean making loads ofsales 24/7.

• Hattie’s 5 must-answer questions that will help you uncover your ideal client’s biggestfears, deepest desires and boldest goals.

We can’t tell you how important this work is to your business because when you dive in deep and understand your dream client's psychology - how they feel about themselves, what they think, why they think that way and what drives them to make decisions, you’ll create a business that feels in alignment with your purpose and quickly connects with your dream clients on a whole other level.

Ready to get started? Let’s go.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

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Lesson # 1: What Is An Ideal Client Profile?

Think back to when you decided to start your business.

Why did you want to start it in the first place?

I’m going to assume that the reason you decided to go out on your own and startup your business wasn’t solely to make money…but because you felt a deep purpose to create something that would help other people. Right?

Who are those people? Who do you want to help?

Who do you want to connect with and be of service to?

An ideal client profile is an in-depth word picture describing the demographics and psychology of the one type of dream client you want to attract and work with in your business.

The profile gives you a deep level of understanding of your dream client’s life, their way of thinking, their values, their challenges, their hopes, fears and visions for their future. Drilling down to the core of what makes your ideal client tick is where all of the sales conversion magic happens.

The ideal client profile we are going to walk you through includes 5 questions:

Question # 1: Where is your ideal client right now at the first point of contact? Question # 2: Where do they desire to be? What are their goals? Question # 3: What’s holding your ideal client back from achieving their goals? Question # 4: What’s their “why now?” trigger? Question # 5: And what’s at stake if they do nothing?

When you take the time to really understand your dream client you’ll be able to truly empathize with them. You’ll be able to walk in their shoes and communicate with them on such a deep, soul-to-soul level that they’ll feel like you are telling their story or talking directly to them. Most importantly, they’ll feel understood.

The profile that we are going to teach you to create will act as your brand and content blueprint because everything you create from this point on will be done with the intention of resonating with your ideal client.

When you are able to create such an empathetic connection you will attract the exact type of clients you want to work with - -clients who are ready and willing to commit and to invest top dollar in your services, products or programs.

In order to create your ideal client profile and that deep level of connection we want you to achieve, you’ll need to put your assumptions, biases and personal experiences aside. You’ll need to stop thinking like yourself and start thinking like your ideal client.

We are going to teach you how to talk with your prospective ideal clients, how to interview them, what questions to ask and how to use the internet to do client profile research so that you can dig really deeply into their mindset.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

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After you’ve done the work to create your ideal client profile you will have a very clear understanding of who your dream client is and how to communicate with them in an authentic way to inspire an on the spot YES every time you put an offer in front of them.

You’ll be able to confidently create content that you know will be of value to your ideal clients because you’ve taken the time to feel life through their eyes. And best of all, your brand will grow quickly because birds of the same feather flock together.

Why not having a clearly defined ideal client profile is a huge mistake. Do I have to choose a niche & define my ideal client profile?

Answer this question for me… when you are in a mall walking past stores why do you go into some stores and not others? More specifically, if there are two stores that sell the same styles of clothes with the same prices, why do you chose one to buy from over the other?

What kind of person do you think shops at Gucci? Can you picture him or her? What do they look like? What do they do for a living? How do they think about themselves? What do they value?

Now think of the kind of person who shops at Walmart. Of course they could be the same person if they were in Walmart to buy toilet paper but most likely the person shopping at Gucci buys their toilet paper at Whole Foods. Can you see where I’m going with this?

Our internal value system and emotional experiences guide our buying decisions - - all buying decisions are emotional so when your brand doesn’t connect with your dream clients on a deep level, your business isn’t able to grow.

This is true for any type of content, not just paid programs or services.

If you haven’t been able to gain traction in your business - - if you’ve been creating and promoting content, publishing on social media, holding webinars but aren’t happy with the results it’s most likely because your marketing message is too general.

Like Marie Forleo says, “when you’re talking to everyone, you’re talking to no one.”

It’s likely that one of the first things you learned as you were starting up your business was to choose a niche market. People probably told you, “you’ve gotta pick a niche” and then asked five minutes later “what’s your niche?”

Well, simply choosing a niche market like social media marketing or graphic design or real estate or weight loss or hormone balancing isn’t going to cut it. Having a niche market is a good place to start but if you want to really grow your business you’ve got to drill down much deeper to define the sub-set of the niche and exact type of person you want to work with. Here’s an example - your niche is graphic design but you only want to focus on brand design for personal online brands. So your sub-set of graphic design is full service brand creation for personal online brands.

You could go one level deeper and choose a type of personal brand - personal trainers, hair stylists, health coaches or authors but you don’t have to. The common thread between all these personal brands is that they need personal branding. Their pain points are the same regardless of the type of personal brand they are.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

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Now that you’ve drilled down to the sub-set of the niche you want to focus on you can start to get to know the exact type of clients you want to work with. You’ll be able to know where to find them, what they want and how to communicate with them.

On the flip side if you stayed surface level with your niche choice of graphic design you’ll attract all different kinds of clients from all areas of business - - you’ll feel like you’re being pulled in a million different directions and you’ll quickly burn out because you won’t get to focus on doing the exact kind of work you love to do.

Remember, birds of the same feather flock together. So if your intention is to create a scalable business that attracts dream clients without having to constantly be on the hunt for them then you must choose a niche and drill down further to define the specific sub-set of people you want to work with.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

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Lesson # 2 - What if I have more than 1 ideal client I want to work with?

If you are anything like us you want to help the whole world. You have loads of ideas about programs or products you want to create and see all kinds of people buying your programs.

Here’s the thing about having multiple ideal client avatars for business - - you lose the connection, empathy and effectiveness of the communication because you will need to keep it general in order for your marketing message to make sense.

Here’s an example to illustrate what I mean…

Let’s say you have an 8-week hormone-balancing program that you want to sell. You know the program would work well for post-natal moms, premenopausal women, postmenopausal women and women trying to get off the birth control pill.

Think about the psychology of the postnatal mom versus the menopausal woman? Are their values, mindset and challenges the same? While they might share similar symptoms, their internal dialogue… the running story of their life is dramatically different.

You’ll miss the opportunity to convey empathy. Your sales message will lack depth. You won’t be able to hit the psychological buying triggers required because your communication isn’t directly talking to one type of ideal client.

In order to create clear marketing and sales messaging you need to have one ideal client profile for each service, product or program that you intend to sell. Each time you develop a new offer, you’ll revisit the lessons Hattie will be walking you through shortly.

How does having an ideal client profile help you make sales 24/7?

People buy from people they know, like and trust.

Think about your favorite store, restaurant or coffee shop. Why do you continuously go back? Maybe you love the vegetarian food, the ambiance, the bright colours, the feel of the restaurant fits your style and the server at your favorite vegetarian restaurant knows you by name, knows what you like to order and your favorite glass of wine.

They’ve taken time to get to know you and build a rapport with you. You like them and look forward to your meals there.

When your server offers you an upsell in the form of dessert or coffee or tea after the meal you never feel like you’re being sold to. You feel at home in your favorite vegetarian restaurant. Because of this feeling you always recommend the restaurant to anyone and everyone AND you’re overly generous when you tip.

Now imagine that your favorite restaurant was bought out by someone and converted into a Chop House BBQ that serves mainly meats and heavy dishes. The restaurant feels dark, deep and smoky.

Would you still continue to eat there? No, you wouldn’t and they just lost your business because you are no longer their ideal client.

Let me ask you a question… What is the biggest challenge you face in growing your business?

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

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According to the latest research from 68% of marketers report that the lack of qualified leads is the #1 challenge they face in their businesses.

It’s because they don’t know exactly who it is that they want to work with, so they spend time marketing their business in a 100 different directions, trying different tactics without much success.

When you are trying to be everything to everyone and when your marketing message is too general, you’ll only attract the random, low-hanging fruit type of clients into your business.

However, when you drill down and create your marketing message to speak to your ideal client avatar, you get to choose who you work with. Your marketing message and sales offer match your ideal clients wants, needs and goals so they feel compelled to give you an on the spot “yes” when a sales offer is extended.

The bottom line is… you can’t be everything to everyone, nor should you want to be. You want prospective ideal clients to hit your website or sales page and immediately feel at ease, at home and understood.

You want her to read your words and think, “oh my gosh, she’s telling my story. She totally gets me. I need to work with her.” Price points become irrelevant and objections fall by the wayside because she feels validated, heard and understood.

I know you want your clients to feel that way which is why you’re going to take your time to create your ideal client profile.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

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Lesson # 3: Your Ideal Client Brainstorm

Hey everyone, Hattie here, and in this lesson I’m going to help you create a really rich brainstorm that will help you build up what I like to call your ideal client’s emotional avatar.

You’re going to hear me ask a series of questions about your ideal client that are designed to get you thinking about who they really are, beyond their age, what car they drive and how many kids they have.

The answers to those questions aren’t going to sell your products or programs.

The thing that’s going to really shift the needle is understanding your ideal client on an emotional level.

In this audio I’ll be delivering a series of prompts to really get you digging deep into your ideal client’s mindset.

These are open questions geared for open-ended responses, not one-liners or yes/no answers.

As you listen to the prompts, you may feel that some don’t apply to your ideal client.

I’ve personally led over 200 people through this 90-minute exercise so I know that in the vast majority of cases, you’ll have something to write down. That said, if you find yourself feeling stuck or struggling don’t lose momentum, just move onto the next prompt.

Whatever stage you’re at in your business, I encourage you to set aside a block of time that’s totally free from distractions to enable you to complete this challenge fully and thoroughly.

The brainstorm you’re about to create forms the foundation for the entire From Lead to Launch system, so you won’t want to skip this lesson.

Answer each question in the context of the challenge or struggle that you want to help your ideal customer or client solve.

OK, let’s take it away.

The first question I want you to think about is this:

Who is your ideal client at the point when they first reach out to you or come into contact with your brand?

This is a big question so here are a few prompts to consider in order to get your creative juices flowing:

• What’s going well in their life?

• What’s not going so well?

• What parts of their life cause them the most frustration?

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

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• Are they spending their time and energy in a way that feels good to them?

• To what extent do they feel fulfilled?

• Do they have goals that they’ve not yet achieved? If yes, why?

• Do they compare themselves to others and if so, how?

• Are they judgmental of themselves and others? If yes, what do they think and say?

• What are they craving most right now?

• Who and what are they jealous of?

• Are they generally optimistic or pessimistic? What kind of words do they use todescribe their present and future?

• Do they take personal responsibility for their lives and actions or do they play thevictim and always seek to blame someone else? What’s the script they have onreplay in their heads?

• Are they typically over-achievers or people who have never really tapped into theirfull potential?

• Are they confident, action taking and go-getting or a cautious procrastinators? Howdo they talk to themselves about their achievements?

• What excuses do they make to themselves and others about the situation they’recurrently struggling with?

• What are they waiting for?

Take a minute now to note down anything else that’s really important when it comes to describing how your ideal client feels about their current challenge or struggle.

OK, moving on now to the next question:

Where does your ideal client desire to be? How do they want their lives to be different?

When you’re ready, pause the audio and look back over the notes you made for question one.

Use those answers to form the baseline against which you’ll consider the goals, results and outcomes they would most love to achieve.

Pause me now and hit play when you’re ready to move on.

Ready to move on? Awesome.

So my next question for you is:

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

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What’s holding your ideal client back from moving forward and getting the results that they really want to achieve?

Take a moment to brainstorm all the reasons and excuses your ideal client may have used to explain why they have failed to move forward up until this point.

As you brainstorm your responses, it may be helpful to think about the practical blocks e.g. time and money etc., and the mental blocks e.g. lack of self-worth, self-belief etc.

You might also want to note down any solutions they have previously tried but have failed to get the desired results from.

Pause the audio now then hit play when you’re ready to move onto the next question.

So the next thing I want you to think about is:

What has triggered them to take action this time? What’s different? What’s happened to make them think enough is enough and make them feel like they can’t keep going the same way?

An important point to make here is that, as humans, most of us put up with a whole heap of crap in our lives until there’s a big enough reason why we should do something about it.

What’s your ideal client’s big why?

Think very carefully about this question as the first, surface level answers you’ll more likely to come to will rarely be the “big reason why.”

For example…

If you’re a health coach who helps people lose weight, you may hear people say they want to lose weight because they feel fat.

This is rarely their big reason why.

More likely, their big reason why is that they’re embarrassed to stand naked in front of their husband, they’re embarrassed to move up a dress size, or they don’t feel comfortable in their own skin.

Knowing what’s triggered your ideal client to throw their hands in the air, sit down in front of their computer and start Googling for you in the first place is a key part of creating copy that’ll get inside their hearts and minds.

If you need to, pause me now and hit play when you’re ready to move on.

OK, here’s the final question for you for you now:

If your ideal client were to stay stuck in exactly the same position, what would be at stake?

What do they fear might come true for them if they’re unable to overcome their struggles?

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

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Let’s just recap the 5 questions you’ll consider in this lesson:

• Who is your ideal client at the point when they first reach out to you or come intocontact with your brand?

• Where does your ideal client desire to be? How do they want their lives to bedifferent?

• What’s holding your ideal client back from moving forward and getting the resultsthat they really want to achieve?

• What has triggered them to take action this time? What’s different? What’shappened to make them think enough is enough and make them feel that they can’tkeep going on the same way?

• If your ideal client were to stay stuck in exactly the same position, what would be atstake?

I cannot stress how important it is for you to get this piece down before you move forward.

That’s all for this lesson - I’ll meet you in the next audio. Bye for now.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

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Lesson # 4: Validating Your Ideal Client Brainstorm

Welcome back to From Lead to Launch. This is Class 1, lesson 4.

Now that you’ve created a really rich brainstorm of ideas about who your ideal client is, it’s time to validate it.

You’ll want to make sure that the person you want to serve actually exists, feels the way you believe they feel, and above all else, uses the language you think they use. When it comes to creating any kind of copy or content for your business, it’s crucial that you find the right words that will connect with your ideal clients.


Because when you use words that resonate with your ideal clients in your sales and marketing which resonate with your ideal clients, they are more likely to buy into what you have to say.

It’s so easy to fall into the trap of allowing the words that you use day in, day out to creep into your copy…but often this isn’t the right thing to do.


Because those words often don’t hold the same meaning for your ideal clients.

For example, if you’re a health coach you may find yourself using words like vibrant and radiant to describe how your ideal client desires to feel.

But does your ideal client really want to feel vibrant or radiant? Or do they want to feel confident in their own skin when they’re standing in front of a room, giving a presentation for example?

In this audio I’m going to walk you through three strategies that you can use to spy on the language your ideal client really uses to describe their frustrations and desires.

The good news?

You can do all this without even leaving your couch.

So let’s get started.

Strategy #1

The first thing that I want you to do is think about where your ideal clients are hanging out online – the most obvious place to start is Facebook.

According to Facebook’s stats, there are over 1.63 billion monthly active users so I’m willing to bet your ideal clients are hanging out there too.

Take some time now to note down 5-10 Facebook groups that you already know your ideal client spends time in.

Hop on over to those Facebook pages and groups and scroll the feeds for discussions that relate to the problem that you help people solve.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

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Don’t forget, to make things easier, in groups you can type keywords into the search box toward the top right of the screen.

Pay attention to the words and phrases that people are using to describe their situations. Add these words and phrases into your brainstorm under the relevant headings.

For example, if someone was venting their frustration about feeling overweight and unhappy with their appearance, that’s gonna go under the “where are they now” heading.

If they’re talking about not being able to conceive because of their weight and health, you’ll want to make a note under the “what’s at stake?” heading.

And if they’re talking about not attracting enough clients with their email marketing campaigns because they don’t know what they should be emailing about, you’d make that note under the “what’s holding them back” heading.

Strategy #2

Next you’re going to note down 5-10 blogs that you know your ideal clients regularly read.

When you have your list, take some time to visit each one.

But here’s the thing: when you’re looking at blogs, I want you to skip down to the comments that your ideal clients are leaving on posts that are interesting and relevant to them.

You’re looking for their reaction to the content they’ve just read and chances are if the post has resonated, they’ll be sharing elements of their own stories or their personal opinions.

Strategy #3

Finally, I want you to consider what other products or services that your ideal customers and clients may already have tried.

For example, if you’re a health coach, your ideal client might already have tried Weight Watchers products, Jenny Craig, The Atkins Diet, Jillian Michaels’ 30-Day Shred and so on.

Once you’ve pulled together a list of competitor solutions, look for testimonials or client success stories that describe the journey your ideal clients may be facing themselves.

Amazon is a great place to start.

As you read testimonials, pay attention to the words and phrases that people are using to describe their experiences -- both good and bad.

Add any relevant words and phrases under the relevant headings in your ideal client brainstorm.

Before I wrap up this lesson, just something to bear in mind...

While these comments are out there in the public realm, it’s not particularly ethical to lift big chunks of text, word-for-word, and transfer it directly into your sales and marketing messages.

By all means use it to inspire you, but don’t steal other people’s words and claim them for your own.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

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One final word of advice...

It’s easy to get carried away with this challenge and spend days just cruising around online. If you’re someone who gets easily distracted, use a timer to keep you on track. OK, enough of me talking…

Time to get researching your ideal client!

When you’re ready, I’ll meet you in lesson five.

Lesson # 5: Researching Your Ideal Client

Welcome back - this is class 1, lesson 5.

By this point you should have a really rich brainstorm of ideas about who your ideal client is now, who they want to be, the things that are holding them back, the things that have triggered them to want to deal with the issues they’re facing, and what’s at stake if they choose to do nothing at all.

You should also have a pretty good idea about the words and phrases your ideal client uses in real-life to describe their experience relating to the issues you help people resolve.

In terms of research methods, the work you’ve completed so far is know as secondary research, meaning you’ve collated it from information that’s already available out there.

Want to take your research a step further (I suggest you do!)?

It’s time to complete some primary research.

Now, you could completely go to town on this challenge and make it far more complex than it needs to be.

But I don’t think that you do.

For that reason I want to suggest that you select from two different research methods: Surveys or Interviews.

Let’s talk about them for a second.

Surveys are probably one of the most popular research methods on the planet and, unless you’ve literally been living under a rock, I’m guessing you’ve completed a fair few of them in your time.

Surveys are popular because:

They’re typically quite cheap to implement, and if you produce your survey online and use a program like Survey Monkey to collate the responses, the only real cost is your time.

People can respond to your survey anonymously, which a lot of the time makes it more comfortable for that person to say the things they really mean to say, instead of worrying what you’ll think of them like they might in an interview.

That said, surveys have their drawbacks too:

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

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If your questions are phrased well and your respondents don’t understand your questions, they might just leave them blank or give short, one or two word answers.

For a survey to give you really good results, particularly when you want to use the data to inform your marketing messaging, you’re going to need to include a lot of open questions that ask the people who complete your survey to write a lot. However people are busy and don’t always have masses of time to spend, so often lose interest after the first couple of questions.

So what about interviews?

In a word, interviews are awesome.


Because the data that you can collect in an interview is often really rich in detail and it’s easier for you, the researcher, to capture the full sense of what your ideal customer or client is trying to convey.

While interviews offer you the opportunity to listen, understand, and ask questions to clarify your ideal clients’ responses, they also come with drawbacks:

The can be really time-consuming and if you’re interviewing someone who has a lot to say, you can easily spend a couple of hours chatting.

You need some way to record the information so you don’t miss any gems – paper and pen doesn’t always cut it.

Sometimes people aren’t always completely honest in interviews; they can feel influenced by you and what they know about you and respond in a certain way, especially if they want you to like them!

So what do I think?

For the purposes of helping you build up a picture of your ideal client, I think surveys could be useful for you, especially if the area in which you work is difficult for people to talk about, either face-to-face or online.

That said, if you have a little time to spend and you do a good job of making your interviewee feel super comfortable, they will feel relaxed and able to open up and be honest. Interviews have a definite place in validating your ideal client too.

But for the purposes of informing the language that your ideal client uses, I think social media is making it easier and easier for us to conduct primary research with our ideal customers and clients, simply by asking well thought-out questions in Facebook groups.

So now you’ve got an idea of a couple of the methods available, it’s over to you to carry out a little primary research.

I’ve included some bonus step-bystep tech s step-by-step tech tutorials that my lovely VA, Vanessa has put together to help you create your surveys and record your video interviews in the download sections.

Once you’ve completed any research that you decide to carry out, read through the data and organize under the relevant headings in your brainstorm.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

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That’s it for this lesson!

I’ll talk to you more in the next and final lesson where I’ll be explaining how to turn that massive brain dump you’ve created into copy gold.

Lesson # 6: Organizing Your Content

Welcome back - this is class 1, lesson 6.

During this audio, I’ll be walking you through how to organize your content so it’s much easier for you to dip in and out of as you begin to create copy for your lead magnets, email nurture sequences, sales pages and more.

The good news?

You’ve already done most of the heavy lifting so cleaning up all the data that you’ve gathered together is actually pretty straightforward.


Grab your ideal client brainstorm and let’s get started.

Now before you begin to organize all the content that you’ve collected, I want to explain the relevancy of the brainstorm you’ve created and explain how you’ll use it going forward.

And to do that I need to ask whether you’ve ever watched Harry Potter?

There’s a scene in The Goblet of Fire where Harry is in Dumbledore’s study and finds this weird assed bowl of whispy stuff -- when he asks Dumbledore what it is, he replies that it’s his pensieve.

He explains that at over a hundred years old his brain was so full of thoughts and memories that he started using the Pensieve:

“One simply siphons the excess thoughts from one's mind, pours them into the basin, and examines them at one's leisure. It becomes easier to spot patterns and links, you understand, when they are in this form."

I want you to think of this worksheet as your pensieve.

So now let’s take a closer look at the sub-headings on this sheet and I’ll explain how you can use each mini-brainstorm to create your content as you work through the rest of From Lead to Launch.

Section One: Where is your ideal client now, at the point they first reach out to you?

Why do you need to know this?

It might be obvious but the copy that you’ll create from this section is all about:

• Meeting your ideal client where they are.

• Demonstrating that you know and understand their thoughts, feelings and fears aswell as their wants, needs and desires.

• Building trust with your reader.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Page 16: Welcome to From Lead To Launch! - Amazon S31/Class+1.pdf · This class, Create Your Ideal Client Avatar, is your starting point. Everything you create for your business is based on

When it comes to copy, it’s absolutely necessary to have a clearly articulated “before” scenario if you stand any hope of demonstrating the benefits and outcomes that your product or service can deliver.

Section Two: Where does your ideal customer or client want to be and how do they ultimately desire to feel?

So this question is all about outcomes, results and transformation.

Why do you need to know this?

In order to demonstrate the value that you bring to the table, you absolutely have to be able to articulate the benefits of working with you to your reader in words that they understand and with examples that are meaningful for them.

You’ll go on to use the notes that you make in these first two sections super frequently too:

Write headlines, course names, subject lines, sales copy, module breakdowns, inspirational subtitles and graphics, landing page copy, home, about and work with me pages and so much more.

Section Three: What’s holding your ideal client back from moving forward and getting the results that they really want to achieve?

This question is really about understanding the practical and emotional challenges that your ideal client or customer faces when they consider buying from you.

These are essentially the objections that you’re going to have to help them overcome with your words in order to make your ideal client or customer feel confident and safe enough to buy from you.

You’ll go on to use the notes that you make in this section as the basis for:

Subject lines, Sales emails, Is this really right for me? and Q & A sections in your sales pages, emails in your nurture sequence, as well as to help you gather data for your testimonials.

Section Four: What’s triggered them to take action this time?

The ideas that you record in this section are super significant to everything you’re about to create.


Because what’s spurred your ideal client from stuck into actively looking for a solution to their problem is their motivation.

It’s what’s driving them.

And what’s driving them is the solution or benefit that you’re really selling… you just might not know it yet!

You’ll go on to use the notes that you make in this section in practically everything you write:

Write headlines, course names, subject lines, sales copy, module breakdowns, inspirational

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Page 17: Welcome to From Lead To Launch! - Amazon S31/Class+1.pdf · This class, Create Your Ideal Client Avatar, is your starting point. Everything you create for your business is based on

subtitles and graphics, Facebook ad copy, landing page copy, home, about and work with me pages and so much more.

And finally, section five:

If your ideal client were to stay stuck in exactly the same position, what would be at stake?

The thoughts that you record in this section are really the fears that play on your ideal clients’ mind as well as the consequences of their inaction – the things that can be really scary for people.

You’ve probably heard a lot about pain-selling and I want to speak about that for a second.

I believe, as marketers, we have a responsibility to ensure we’re using this powerful emotion in a really responsible way.

Using fear in a responsible and authentic way in web copy is like holding up a mirror to your ideal client and reminding them of everything they’ve already told you. Used correctly, fear or pain-selling reminds your ideal client of the desires they have and the solutions they are already searching for, rather than creating them a brand new problem for your product or service to solve.

The bottom line?

If you’re using fear irresponsibly in your copy and marketing to influence and persuade people to invest in products or services that they don’t really need, then they’re going to feel ripped off and ask for refunds. If you’re using your copy to create needless panic, guilt or anxiety, people will get pissed off with you and unsubscribe from your list.

That said, the ideas that you record in this section can be used to create really powerful calls to action, subtitles, subject lines, blog posts titles, sales emails…the list is absolutely endless!


Now you know the significance of each of the research areas you’ve been populating during this class, take some time to reflect on everything you’ve written down and condense your notes into 10-20 or so bullets under each heading before moving on.

Taking the time to organize your ideas now will make the copywriting process so much easier as you move onto the next class of the course.

If you’ve made it to the end of this class, high five!

Cut yourself a nice slice of cake or go yourself a low-calorie pat on the back if you prefer and Lori will meet you in class 2.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

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