
    S.Subj ect Page

    No No.

    1Mandai at a glance 01

    2 Cell phone numbers of var ious conn ected officers 02

    3Lands falling und er th e proposed Airport 02>

    4Proposed Airport plan D4

    5 Village wise detailed plans -

    6 Govt . Memo on the proposed Airport ~-l~

    7 List of displaced Villages ll..j

    8 Payment of compensation under new L.A. Act \s:-

    9 R & R Benefits under new L.A & R&R Act ' b ~ l l

    10 List of prominent persons in th e affected villages l~19

    11Details of Land Banks identifi ed for development of plots il-o-:t.\und er Land Pooling Scheme





    ," I



    , I

    I, I

    L1.lL•~l :;


    '"~ . e~,



    a) Vill ag es/Habitations

    No.of Reve nue No.of No . ofVillages Habitations Panehayats

    22 94 22

    •~ . •1

    b) Population detail s

    Total Popu lat ion Total STs SCshouse House Popul House PopulMale Female Total holds holds ation holds ation

    27403 27488 5489 1 13644 36 106 1065 3655

    c) Area

    i -Area inExtent in Ae.

    Private Land Govt. Land TotalI Sq . KM areaWet Dry Total Assi gned Govt Tota l (Ac.)

    I 113.39 5703 .73 16348 .36 22052 .09 2457.10 5663.39 8120.49 28080.26

    d) Literacy Percentage 51 %

    e) Other det ail s

    1. No . of Coasta l Villages ( Panehayats)

    2. Cos tal lengt h

    3. Fishermen detai ls

    Villages : 2Panehayats:4

    8 K.M.

    Panehay ats Habitations Households Populati on

    4 13 202 4 904 1

  • _....~.Name of the Officer Designati on Cell No~ , No

    I Sri V .Srinivasa Murth y Revenue Divisional Officer, Vizianagaram 949 10 1202 1

    ~ SmL R.Sreelat ha Spl .Dv ,Collector ,KRRC,Vizianagara m 949 10 12099

    -3 SmLK.Bala Tri pura Sundari For est Sett lement Officer,Vizianga ram 949101 2034

    4 srot .s.o .Anrtna SpI.Dy .Coliector ,(L.A.) Bobbili 9000782783

    5 Sr i D.Laxma Reddy Tahsild ar, Bhogapuram 949174695 9

    6 Sri K.Gi ridhar Dy .Tahs ildar(L.P,j. Bhoga puram 94410802 24

    7 Sri K.5atyanaraya na Mandai Revenue In spector, Bhogapuram 94 40196706

    8 Sri R,Simhachalam Mand ai Surveyor, Bhogapuram 8500404139

    Phon e Numbe r s o f v a ri ou s Off ice rs co n ne ct ed w ith Land Acquisition

    Li st o f Vill ag e Re ve nue Offi cers attached to various vill a g es

    " 2


    S,No Name of th e village Name of the V,R,O, Cell No-l.A,Usharani ,VRO, .Gudepuvalasa 85006 34558

    1 Gudepuvalasa2.5hiek Shaleema,VRO,Munjeru 70326340303.V,Jagadeesh,VRO,Nandigam 7730059392

    . 4 .P.Srinivasarao, VRO, Kongavanipalem 9440564900

    2. MunjeruShiek Shaleema,VRO, Munj eru


    3 Kongavanipalem G. Lax ma n, VRO, Kongavanipalem 9866515231

    l.Ch.Ganapath i,VRO, Kancheru 9440564900

    4 Kancheru , .Pvdithalli,V. R.O" Kanche ru 80086183353,M,Ch ,am achandra Rao,VRO, 944171 2342

    Chakiva lasa

    1.V .Thirumalarao, VRO,Kavulavada 94900266905 Kavulavada 2 ,M,Ramarao,VRO, Polipal li 98 49596472

    3,Raje sh,RO, Bhoqapurarn-East 9666469335

    l.LJagan,VRO, Ravada 73825550736 Ravada

    2,K,Ganesh,VRO,Sava ravilii 99 129 13 170

    7 Savaravil li K,Ganesh,VRO, Savarav ill i 99129 13 170

    8 A.Rav ivalasa V,Banga runaidu,VRO, A.Ravivalasa 89 77583327

  • ._.~ .._-- .__.._- _. __._- ---.- . .-. - .. - .-- -- --- _.~-- - - - - - - - -- ._ ~- --

    5. Pr ivate la nd {Ac. ) Go v t . l ~~d (P.e. ) G:-a n rt ea st c va lues

    No .'/iltage

    AgrJ. Non Agrl. ~SSigne IGovt ITotalt o t a l

    Agricultural HouseTotal ( I- c.)Land iand , I land sites

    1 Nunjeru 74 .33 0 .00 74 .3 3 0.00 8.08 8 .08 82 .4 1 500000 900

    2 Kongavanipalem 64 .50 2.00 66.5 0 0.0 0 1.09 1. 09 67. 59 500000 900

    3 Kencheru 633.75 2.75 636.50 502.13 16 7 .77 669.90 1306.4 0 500000 1200

    4 Kancherupalem 1. 75 1.75 5.8 3 89.38 9 5. 21 96 .96 500000 1200

    5 Kavu lavada 1258 .60 27 .34 1285.94 193 .73 88 .15 281.88 1567.82 500000 12 00

    6 Gudepu valasa 967.42 225.17 1192.59 210 .77 20 1. 19 4 11.9 6 1604 .55 800000 1500

    7 Ravada 316.53 37.71 354.2 4 66.85 86.4 5 15 3.3 0 507.54 800000 1500

    8 A. Ravivalasa 42.09 3 .0 9 45.18 0.00 4 .27 4.27 49.45 8000 00 1500

    9 Savaravilli 28.28 0 .0 0 28 .28 28.28 900000 1500

    Total 3387.25 29 8 .0 6 3685 .31 9 79.3 1 6 46.3 8 1625.6 9 5 3 11.00




    Assigned land

    Govt. land

    Conversion/approved layouts

    Land proposed for Airport extent Ac. 5311.88 cts

  • ll'





    Air port atof revised

    Establishment of Internati onal Green Fiel dBhogapuram·Analyzed var ious opt ions -Setectio n

    optio n-Justi f ication report-Submit ted.

    l. RC.No.30f 20121G3, Dt : 08·2 015 received fro m theCollector 's Off ice , Vlzianagaram .2. Lr .No. WP.4768 and 9Z50 f20121Rev, dated.20 .8.l01 5

    received from the Govt. Pleader for Reven ue (A.P) addressed to

    th e Dist r ic t Collector, Vlzianagaram.

    " In view of t he inter im orders of the Hon 'ble High Cour t dt. 23.2. l 012and dt.3.4.l012, th e possession of the pet itione rs in respect of the subjectlands is not bei ng disturbed. These lands are b",ine noti f ied along with otherlands as they are coming wi thin the alignment o f proposed Green fi eldAirport at Bhcgapu ram. Th is noti f ication is subject to th e fur th er orde rs ofthe Hon 'ble High Court in pending Writ Pet i t ions."


    Dt:11·08 ·2015

    The attention of t he Coll ector & District Magist rate, VizianagaramDist rict is invi ted tl) the references cite d, he is informe d that the village wi sel 6.l~ d dl; co lb (..... 11 10...1. ..., ... I ~ ..:. t ~1V...f'I'» ,l lIy ,Illy lit.iu..l;~lil "n~ lJillnQ,r wir.n I.,nddetail' (Which are covered by Inte rim nrd" rs oi the Ilon'ble High Court inW.P.N0.4768 I l012 tt WPMP.No.11695 in W.P.NO.9Z50f2012) fall ing wi th inthe Proposed Airport at Bhogapuram are enclosed here wi th. He is informedthat even though t he Counters were filled ear l ier in both the W.P's andvacate Stay Petitions were moved, Governme nt considered to proceed·further. The Coltec tor', Vizianagaram is therefore requested to notify ~ ll s to a to tal extent o f Acs. 53 1 1.~~ by addm g a rider In the rullu"'hllgterms.


    ToThe Collecto r & Dist r ic t Magist rate,Vizianagaram (w .e) .

    f I Forwarded::8y Order I f

    '-K'~r~vJ~'-J~NOFFICER /

  • V III l\oe w ise l an d crnt an s t W ll icn are /Jut cover eo by ,my l il ;\IC1 /·;'r c t a t-- .-...__.. ....., ...-


    ' j:>






  • ..---_._-- -


    vtn aoc wi .


    Land Acquisition· Capitalisation of the value of garden lands under acqursition -Guidelines for valuation of Orchards in the State - Amendment - Orders -Issued.



    G.O.MS.No.268 Dated: 14-07 -2015.Read the following




  • ,-c,



    / .t~ e",



    -: 2 :-

    6. The provisions relating to solatium and Additional Market Valueswherever appearing in the G.O.Ms.No.357. Revenue (LA) Dept., dt.22-03-2006shall stand omitted as the District Collector shall calculate total compensationseparately as per "The Right to Fair Compe nsation and Transparency in LandAcquisition, Rehabilitat ion and Resettlement Act. 2013".

    7. As there were additional types of crops in G.O.Ms.No .357 . Reve nue (LA)Dept.. dt.22-03-2006 and now recommendations have been rece ived only inrespect of five crops. the Horticul ture Department sha ll send recommendationsfor the remai ning type of crops duly constituting an Expert Committee.

    8. The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, Andhra Pradesh. theCommiss ioner & Ex-Officio Secretary to Government. Agriculture & Co-operation (Horticulture and Sericulture) Department and all the DistrictCollectors sha ll take necessary action accordingly.



    ToThe Chief Commissioner of Land Administration . A.P.. Hydera bad.The Commiss ioner & Ex-Offic io Secretary to Government, Agriculture &

    Co-operation (Horti culture and Sericulture) Department.The Commissioner of Horticulture. A.P.. Hyderabad .The Commissioner of Sericutture, A.P.. Hyderabad.The Principal Chief Con servat or of Forests. A.P .. Hyderabad.All the District Collectors .All the Departments of Secretaria t. A.P.. Hyderabad.Copy to PS to Secretary to C.M.Copy to PS to Deputy C.M. (Revenue)Copy to PS to Minister for Agriculture & HorticultureCopy to PS to Principal Secretary to Govt .. Revenue Dept.SF/SC .

    /I Forwarded :: By order /I


    • 9

  • ~i

    Amended Annexure-I of G.O.Ms.No.357, Revenue (LA) Dept. ,dated 22.03.2006, appe nded to G.O.MS.No. 268, Revenue (LA)

    -- -Dept :, dateCl R 07:2 015 '



    Statemen t Sh owing the Catego ry w ise Total Compensat io nva lue per Tree payable in Case of Bearin g Trees

    SI.No. (As No. of Pre- Economic Total Compensation value perper G.O.Ms. Trees bearing or bearing Tree (In Rupees)

    NO.357, Crop per Gestation period Category Category CategorydL22-03-06) acre period A B C

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

    1 Mango 40 5 40 6,936 5,549 4,162


    60 7 60 5.800 4.640 3,480(ECl)

    4Acid time

    100 5 12 3,057 2,446 1,834(Seed lings)


    60 4 25 3, 135 2,508 1,881(Grafts)

    19 Oil Palm 57 4 30 5,936 4,749 3,562


  • - - 'P- - ... - ......·1O-·9- 9-- """'"'t-' f --cV "'14

    Amended Annexure-in of G.O.Ms.No.357 Revenue I LAl Dept.dated 22.03.2006 appended to G.O.MS. No. 268 Rev enue (LAI Dept dated 14.07 2015

    Statement of To tal Compensation payable under Cos t 01 Cultivation Net Returns and Damages fo r each Hortfculturll Species

    I Amount pay able up to a maxfmum of Net Retums payable fo r one acre O.m.,., p.,.bI. '0' 0", ac re orchard Ithe cost of cultivation during pre - orchard for the period equal to prei SI.No. No. 01 Pre- Economic bearing period bearing OR gestation periodifAs per G.O.Ms.Crop Treest Bearing or bearingNo.357, Gestation

    dt.22.03.2006 "" period perio d(y rs)I Category. Category- Categ ory - Category- Category- Categ ory- Category ·I A B C A

    Category-BC A B CatQg ory- C,

    (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)

    l . 3 • e 6(i) SCe} 5{j:f) 7(i) 7(ii) 7(iii) ali) e(ii) 8{~') ~, Mango ' 0 s ' 0 48,000 38,400 28,800 1,91,200 1,52,9S0 1,14,720 38,240 30,592 22,9442

    Coconut 60 7 60 44 ,000 35,200 26,400 2.66,000 2,12.800 1,59.600 38,000 30.400 ~2S

  • -- - - --

    Amended Annexure-ll of G.O.Ms. No 357 Revenue lLAI Oepl.dated 22.03.2006 appended to G.O.MS No 268 Revenue (LAl De pl dated 14.07.2015

    statement showing the Category-wise total Compensation va lue per tree payable In case ot Pre-beari ng Trees

    i 2~


    I 7U,

    su.o Ciltegory-A (In Rupees ) Category_S (In RLlpeul Calegory-C tin RupeeslI...• ... • ---G, O,~ .

    CropNo.l H .

  • Village wise land d etails falling within the proposed Airport at Bhogapura"1 3

    S.No. Vill ag e Sy.Nos. fa lling in t he a lignment of the Extentproposed Airport CAe. )

    1 A. Ravivalasa35 P, 36P, 62P, 63P, 77P, 78 P, 79 P, 114P,

    66.44116P, 117P

    2 Kongavan ipalem11 7P, 118P , 11 9, 120P, 121P, 131P, 13 2,

    68 .1113 3, 134P, 135P , 15 2P, 153P, 154 P, 155 P

    3 Munjeru38 0P, 381P, 386 P, 410P, 411, 41 2, 41 3P,

    69.414 14P, 415 P, 4 16P

    4 Savaravilli 137P, 141P, 142P, 145P, 146P 28.28

    5 Kanc he rupa le m 1P, 2P, 5P 86 .96

    1 to 25, 26 P, 27P, 28 to 8 1, 82 P, 9 1P, 92P,

    6 Kancheru93P, 94 to 96, 97P, 98P, 100P,101P, 11 9 P,

    1321.42120, 12 1P, 122P, 123 to 13 1, 132P, 13 3P,134P, 135P, 136, 137P, 23 1,272 to 327

    5P, 17P, 18P, 31P, 32,34P , 35P, 36 P, 37,38P, 40P, 4 1P, 4 2P, 43 P, 44 to 59, 60P, 61P,

    7 Gud epuvalasa 78P, 79 to 128, 131P, 132 to 142, 143P, 1615.75144P, 173P, 176P, 177 to 189, 190 P,197P,198P, 201 to 275

    1 to 25, 26P, 28P, 29 , 30P, 39P, 40, 41P, 4 2P,43 P, 44 , 45 P, 63 P, 64 P, 66P, 67P, 68 to

    8 Kavu lavada8 1,82P,83,84 P,85 TO 118,119P, 120, 121 P,

    1524.99127P, 128, 129 P, 139P, 140, 141 P, 14 3P,14 5P, 146P, 147, 148, 149P, 155 to157,158P, 160P, 161P, 162 to 189

    20 P, 21P, 24 P, 26 P, 27 P, 34P, 35 P, 36 P, 45P,SOP, 51P, 58, 59, 60P, 61P, 92P, 95P, 96,97P, 98P, 99 TO 107, 111 to 129, 130P, 13 1,

    9 Ravada 132, 133P, 134P, 13 5P, 137P, 140P, 141 to 530.5214 3, 144 P, 185P, 186P, 187P, 188P, 203P,204P, 205P, 210P, 211P, 212 P, 213P, 214P,215P,21 6P, 217 P,219 P

    Tota l 5311.88

  • Displa ce m ent of vill ages falling under revised Plan

    51. 5 1. 5.No. of

    Popu laReve nue village Panchay at Hab itation house

    No. No. No.hold s

    ti on

    1 Koogava nipa le m 1 Mukk am 1 Kongava nipa lem 51 155

    2 Mudasarlapet a 18 69

    2 Kancheru 2 Byreddipalem 3 Byreddipa lem 205 8 6 4

    I4 Bammidlpeta 56 245

    5 Marad apa iem 120 48 43 Kavu lavada 3 Kavu lavada

    6 Jam mayyap eta 172 646

    4 Gudepuvalsa 7 Gude puvalasa 257 10664 Gude puv alasa

    8 Rellipeta 41 153

    5 Dal lipeta 9 Dalilpeta 73 244

    10 Rallapalem 20 45

    11 Boll inka lapa lem 28 139

    5 Ravada 6 Ravada 12 Chlnna Ravada 164 638

    I Total 1205 4748


  • Determination of Land Compensation as per new L.A. Act

    S. No . Act ivity / Item Remarks

    1 Obtaining sales stat ist ics from the SRO prior to From 01.09.201 2t he date of P.N. to 31.08. 201 5

    2 The sale t ransacti ons of sim ilar land s to t he landsunder acquisiti on are to be identif ied and ar rangethem in th e desce nding order of sale va iue peracre ..-

    3 Cons ider th e 50% of sale transacti ons

    4 Calculate t he ave rage of t he abo ve saletransact ions (Col. No.3)

    5 Com pare the bas ic va lue and t he above va lue(Col . No. 4 ) and consider the higher of t hese twova lues

    6 Mult iply t he above va lue (Col. No.5 ) with 1. 25 M.V.times to arrive ma rk et value (M.V .)

    7 I f there are horticu ltural trees, est ima te t he va lue Orchardsas per G.O. MS. NO. 268, Dt. 14 .07. 201 5 va luation

    8 I f t he re are ot her trees, est ima te thei r va luat ion Tree va luat io nthroug h Forest Dept.

    9 If t her e are any struct ures, est ima te th eir St ructu reva luatio n th ro uah R&B Dent va luation ._

    10 I f the re are we lls and pipe lines, est imate th em Wells &throu gh t he con cerned Dept Pipelines

    valuat ion11 Com pensation = M.V+ Hort icultu ral t rees+ Tree Col. No.

    valuat ion+ Structure valuatio n+ Well s & Pipel ines 6+ 7+ 8+ 9+10-' 12 Sola t ium = 100 % on compensat io n 100 % on Col.

    1113 Addit io nal Market Value (AMV) @ 12% p.a . f rom 12% on Col. No.

    th e date P.N. to the dat e of award or date of 6adva nce nossession on M.V.

    14 Total com pensation- Com pensat ion+ Solatium+ Col. No.AMV 11+ 12+ 13


  • Individual benefits payable to PDFs under R&R new policy 16


    No.Item Description ex tended

    (Rs ./ Ac.)

    Also app licab le to joint House sit e1 House site to each family fam ily/ major sons & as per l AY

    da ughters sche me

    As per lAY

    2 House grant " scheme(Present ly Rs.250000)


    Employ me nt or AnnuityProviding Empl oyment toone of t he fami ly member

    If employ m ent is notOne time lumpsom amount 500000


    OrMonthly paym ent of Rs.2,000 for 20 years

    4 Subs ista nce allowanceMonth ly payment of Rs.

    360003,000 for one year

    5 Transportation charges 50000

    6 Cattle shed/ Shop 25000

    7One t im e gra nt to

    25000artisans/ small t raders

    8One t im e reset tl em ent


    Total amount 9360 0 0


    I S. !ItemNo i

    ! ! Roads withi n t he resettled villages and an all -wea ther road lin k t o th e nearest puccaI Ii road. passages and easeme nt rights for all the resettled famil ies be adeq uatel yI I arranqed .

    : 2 Proper drainage as well as sani ta tion plans executed befo re physical resettlemen t

    I 3 One or more assured sources of safe drinking wate r for each family as per the nor ms~resc ri bed bv th e Gove rnment of I nd ia.

    _4_~rov i s ion of drinking wate r for catt le.

    5 GraZing lan d as per proport ion acceptable in the State.

    6 A reasonable number of Fair Price Shops

    7 Panchaya t Ghars, as appropriate

    ~Village level Post Off ices, as ap propri ate, wit h facilities for opening sav ing acco u nts

    Appro pria te seed-cum-fert ilizer storage facility if needed.

    I I Efforts mu st be made to provide basic irrigat ion facili t ies to t he agricultu ra l land1 10 lallocated to th e resett led fam ili es if not from th e irrigation project, then by

    developing a cooperat ive or under some Government scheme or special assistance.'- -i IAli new vi llages esta blished fo r resettiement of th e displaced persons shall beI 11 provi ded wi t h suitable transport facil it y w hich must include public t ransport fac ilit iesi i th rough local bus serv ices wit h th e nearby growth cente rs/urban localities., 12 ' Burial or cremation ground, depending on the caste -communities at the site andi their practi ces.

    13 Facilit ies fo r san itati on, includin g individuai toil et points .,

    14 I Individual single electric connections or connection thro ugh non-convent ional sourcesI i of energy lik e sola r energy ), for each household and for public ligh t ing.! 15 i Anqanwadis pro viding child and mother supplemental nutritional serv ices .I 16 School as per the provisions of th e Righ t of Children t o Free and Compu lsoryL Education Act, 2009 ( 35 of 2009) .I 17 Sub- hea lth centre wi t hin tw o kilometers ran ge.I

    I 18 i Pri mary Health Centre as prescribed by th e Government of Ind ia.! 19 ! Playground fo r chi ld renI 20 l o ne community cent re for eve ry hundred fam ilies! 21 : Places of worship and chowpal/ t ree platform for every fifty families for com m unit y

    I assembly, of numbers sand dimensions conso nant with th e affected ar ea.

    I 22 I Separate land mu st be earmark ed for t raditional t ri bal institutions.I IThe forest dwelle r fami lies mu st be provid ed , where possibl e with th eir forest rightsi i on non- t im ber fore st produce and commo n pro perty reso urces, if ava ilable close to

    23 Ithe new place sett leme nt and, in case any such fa mily can cont inue t heir access orI ' entry to suc h forest or common property in t he area close t o the place of ev icti on,, I they m ust cont inue to enjoy th eir earlie r ri ghts to t he aforesaid sources of livelih ood.

    1 24 ~ppro pri ate secu r ity arrangements must be provided for th e settlement, if needed .i 25 i Veterinary service cent re as per norm s.


  • 19r- 4 Rav eda Kom ma Sri niv asa rao Ex .MPTC 949 3577677

    5 Ravada Nid ioattu Pvdithall i Saroanch 7032033713

    6 Ravada Ava na pu Pydapu naidu, Vice-Sarpanch

    99891 851 84YSRCP\

    7 Ravada Danthu luri Suryanarayana Murthy YSRCP 9866424424raiu (Rava da babu)

    R Chinaravada Nakka Narisa mma s/ o .Anoavve Ward Member(TDP) I 898565 18359 Kovvapeta Kovva Ad inarava na Villaoe elder I 9676627224

    6 . Ka v u lav adar

    H a mlet Name of t h e Person Details Cell N oSI. N o

    1 Kavu lavada Dat la Kranth i Saroanch 99499265242 .. Pvla Ban qaramma MPTC 8331912068:3 .. Kovva Manqa Uoa Saroanch 89856524926 .. Ko ndanu Raman a Ex.Saroa nch 949416634915 .. Ch .Narasim hulll Fie ld Asst 77020764849 .. Yerusu Anna lako nda Ward Mem ber 9492895494

    _ 10 .. Kondaou Panavvamma Ward Member 955373641911 .. Mudasala Banaaramma Ward Mem ber 9642059 15814 Pedaka vulavade Yeru su Ramu YCP Leader 95426608778 Jarnrnavvaoeta Duvvu Ram u TDP Leader 98494884385 .. Korada Aonann a YCP Leader 994911043312 .. Duvvu Santhosh Ward Member 954283423 1..

    I 13 .. Duvvu Ramudu Wa rd Member . ·_1l.~49488438i16 .. K. Ram ulam ma AWW 77023240 39' I Maradapa lem Korad a Ramu ((j) Tata rao TDP Lead er 96033373297 .. Ko nd an u Narasinaa rao YCP Leader 954293712517 .. K.Narasavvamma AWW 9704689429--

    7. Ited d i Ka n cheru_.__ .I.No Ha m le t Name of the Pe rson Detai ls Cell No

    1 Recldika ncheru Seerupu Bangaramma Sarpan ch (YSRCP) 96768134782 Redd ikancheru Seerapu Narasingarao Field Asst 7095541408-3 Redd lkanche ru Byreddi Ramana 99899665564 Redd ikan che ru See rapu Su ra ppa nna 9908839655S Redd ika ncheru Nee lapu Surya laxmi MPTC 9701845999

    8 . Ba i re dd ip a le m_.

    SI.No Ham le t Name of t he Pe rson Details Cell No

    1 Bvreddioalcm Bvredd i Yerra Aooalanaravana Saroanch (YSRCP) ; 8179002777FP shoo Dealer

    _. .- 2 Bvreddi nal em Bovi Satvam 9,,04861889

    3 Bvreddi oa lern Bvredd i Prabhakara Reddv MPTC (YSRCP) 9491 259777.) Bvreddioale m Bvredd i Yerra Aooa nna 955038849 25 Bvreddioalern See raou Srin ivas 97040064186 Barnm idi oeta Pitta Ram babu 98665771407 Barnmidi oeta Bamrn id i Ramana 9908205441

    1-.8 Muda salaoeta Cheliboi na Ramu 9949087849_. 9 Mudasala pe ta Chel iboina Narasinaarao 9959892946

  • ~ -.

    , 1 .' J " , ~ ., , _ -,- .$ , ,,~ "

    Ava ila bili ty of Govt. / Ass ign ed Lan ds proposed fo r R&R locat ions fo r th e displaced villa ges (Subject to theconse nt/ acccepta nce of PDFs)

    Deta ils o( d is~aced v ill ages Ava ilab ility of land for Rehabiltation

    5 1. 5 1. S. No. of Papula Revenue ExtentRevenue village Panchayat Habitation house . Sy.No. Classificat ion

    No. No. No. I"olrl, tion village (Ac.)1 Konqavanipalem 1 Mukkam 1 Kongavanipalem 51 155 71, 92, 96,

    2 Mudasarl apeta 18 69 Kongavanip99 , 100, 95.34 Assigned Land

    alem , 104, 105,

    3 BammidJpeta 56 245 108," 1092 Kancheru 2 Byreddipalem

    4 Byreddipalem 205 864 Savaravilli 7 28.00 ASsigned Land(Lee Land )

    5 Maradapalem 120 4843 Kavula vada 3 Kevulevede

    6 Jammayyapeta 172 646

    4 Gudep uvatsa 7 Gudepuvalasa 257 10664 Gudep uvalese 13asavapale 22 , 23 , 24 ,

    8 Rellipeta 41 153 90.00 Assigned Landm 25

    5 Dalltpete 9 Dallipeta 73 244

    10 RalJapalem. 20 45

    11 Bollinkalapalem 28 139

    5 Ravada 6 Ravada 12 Chinna Ravada 164 638 Ravada 64, 65, 66 33.00 Assigned &I" ov; 1 ,"rlTo ta l 1205 4748 24 6.34



  • D e tails o f Land Banks w h ich a r e p r o p o sed fo r d e ve lo p m e n t fo r handing over of developed p lo t s to land owners w ho opt fo rla n d poo l i ng for thei r la n d s f a llin g under A i r p ort

    Total land Net extent No. of plots can be developed

    S. bank proposed for Commercial ResidentialMandai village Sy.No. Extent plots (50% of RemarksNo. extent 200 Sq. 300 Sq. 1000 Sq.

    (Ac.) total extent) Yards Yards Yards

    1 Denkada Peda Tadivada 1 303.77 10% of netextent is

    Gunupu ru 1 171.41 482 .46 241.23 584 1051 proposed forcommercial

    Mungin apalli 1 7 .28 purpose

    2 Poosapatirega G. Chodavaram 1 494.44 494.44 24 7.22 3988

    3 Bhoga puram Basava palem 22 to 25 80.00 80.00 40.00 97 17 4

    T o t a l 1056.90 1056.90 528.45 681 3988 1 225

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