
Welcome! Please sit as follows:1 Blackstone 5 McKay

2 Grew 6 Irving

3 Guild 7 Lewis

4 Mattahunt 8 Rogers


Mar. 6, 2007

Plan for Today4:10-4:15 Overview

4:15-5:05 “Compass Points” Protocol

5:05-5:55 “Back to the Future” Protocol

5:55-6:05 Break

6:05-6:15 Debrief “Back to the Future”

6:15-6:25 Leadership Discussion

6:30-7:00 School Team Work

Spring Topics Data At Classroom Level

Looking At Student Work

Distributing Leadership

Supporting Peer Observation

Internal Accountability






Spring Objectives Offer concrete strategies

Allow learning from each other

Support implementation of action plan

Support preparation for “real thing” next year

Help with technology – MyBPS tutorial?

If you want to present to our class, discuss with your TF

Compass Points Protocol

Back to the Future Protocol

The Goal:

The Data Wise process – using data to improve instruction –

is an internalized, self-sustaining,

school-wide process.

Probing Questions – extend the thinking about the desired goal

How do we sustain the work with ongoing turnover in staff?

Is something going to have to “give” in the daily life of school staff so more of the Data Wise work can be done?

Project into the future What does it look like, sound like, feel

like having accomplished this endeavor?

Must talk in present tense.

Describe what is in this best case scenario. Do not yet describe how.

Try to remain as tangible as possible (think about culture, conversations, teacher and student work, etc.).

Look “back” from the future -- the year 2007 as the past

Describe how this endeavor looked when it started.

Must talk in past tense.

Think about issues, culture, conversations, teacher’s work, student achievement.

Try to remain as tangible as possible.

Continue looking “back” – the transition (2007-Future)

How did you address the starting place? How did you move to the “projected present”?

Must talk in past tense.

Relate directly to the previous description of how it looked when it started.

Consider how, when, with what resources, and by whom.

Next Assignment Decide on your final assignment

Meet without TF and start assignment

Meet with TF to get help with assignment

Email Kathy draft assignment by 3/30



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