


CLASS:TWO Md.Mehedey HasanSUBJECT:ENGLISH Assistant TeacherLESSON:3 LESSON UNIT 8:Animals

Learning out comes:Students will be able toAsk and answer questions about familiar objects.

Look at the pictures

Lesson Declaration

Animals Where do they live?

Input and practice at a time

It lives in the forest

Forest, stable, den, hole, water, nest, cow-shed, tree, dog house.

LionWhere does a lion live ?

Snake lives in the hole.

Forest, stable, den, hole, water, nest, cow-shed, tree, dog house.


Where does a snake live?

It lives in the cow-shed.

Forest, stable, den, hole, water, nest, cow-shed, tree, dog house.

Where does a cow live?


A monkey lives in the tree .

Forest, stable, den, hole, water, nest, cow-shed, tree, dog house.


Where does a monkey live?

Dog lives in the dog-house.

Forest, stable, den, hole, water, nest, cow-shed, tree, dog house.

dogWhere does a dog live ?

Bird lives in the nest.

Forest, stable, den, hole, water, nest, cow-shed, tree, dog house.


Where does a bird live?

A fish lives in the water.

Forest, stable, den, hole, water, nest, cow-shed, tree, dog house.


Where does a fish live?

Open your text book page no. 54


Match the picture with their own living place

ForestDenHoleNestWater TreeDog-house Cow-shed

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