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SIn our efforts to keep you aware of

our program’s development, we are

pleased to share this information in

our biannual newsletter.

This edition is filled with new

developments, updates and some

exciting news that we are anxious

to share with our community.

Since our last

publication, we

have been very

busy creating

three new

courses to enter

into our WQM

AAS degree

elective schedule

rotation, re-

accrediting the

entire program,

working diligently on our expansion

plans, and updating our curriculum.

First and foremost, we are very

pleased to introduce four new

staff members to our program. Mr.

Richard Harnish comes to us with a

wealth of environmental experience

that includes work in Antarctica and

an extensive educational background

that includes tenure at Colorado

School of Mines. Mr. Harnish will

be instructing our new WQM 130

Water Chemistry course. Mr. Carl

Olson is a safety expert who will be

aiding us with expanded schedules

in our WQM 126 Safety and Security

Programs. Lastly, Ms. Pei Xu, from

Colorado School

of Mines, has been

brought on this

semester to allow

us to schedule day

lab classes. Her lab

experience and

continuing work

at CSM brings a

new level of talent

and knowledge

to our program. Please join us in

welcoming all three of these new

faculty members into the program.

Yarrow Spitzfaden, our non-student

program assistant will be leaving

us in a few months to pursue her

environmental studies in Belize. – 1

Spring 2011

Welcome to another edition of the Water Source! Please also read the Green Gazette, our latest publication from the Water Quality Department where you can get all kinds of “going green” information and ideas.






Water and Wastewater Applied Vocation Education

Learn more: page 5



in W



NEW Network programspage 2




RRCC in Boliviapage 3

Welcome, continued on page 2

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As a result of grant funding received by the College from NSF - National Science Foundation and Carl Perkins, we are developing a new networking program for the women in the WQM program. With assistance from The National Science Foundation (NSF), we are adamant to support women who have chosen the water and wastewater treatment career path. Although females have been the minority in this industry in the past, we are seeing growing numbers within our program, as well as an increased awareness of the asset of female personnel within utilities. Women bring a new and welcome addition

of skill sets to this industry, as your take on all aspects is different

than that of men. Detailed work, interaction

with processes and nurturing potential are qualities that lend themselves well to the overall efficiency of our work to provide

clean and sustainable drinking water and

sanitation to the public.

Our goal is to connect the women pursuing this and related

career fields with graduates and female professionals who have gone through the program previously. Our concept is to create a portal of sorts where these women can communicate as needed. The newer students can express their concerns or difficulties,

get clarification and ask questions that come up. The more experienced professionals can answer these questions and share their experience. We are thinking that a digital, online portal will probably work best, as it will allow for convenient and remote use. We welcome feedback and ideas to help us meet your needs!

We have gathered some contact information last semester, but if you are interested in joining this group and/or being kept up to date on the happenings, please come into the ETC office and give us your contact information. This is still in developmental stages, but we will keep you updated as things progress. S

Yarrow SpitzfadenWQM Graduate – May 2010Administrative Assistant

Welcome Women!

To fill the huge hole that will be created with her

departure, we have brought on Wendy Baca, an

existing student in the WQM program who will be

helping me help you – our students.

Within this edition we are also announcing several new

major developments within our program. The W2AVE:

Water/Wastewater Applied Vocational Education

program. This is a short school, 40-hour course to

provide additional training assistance with certification

preparation. Another major announcement is our E

TC expansion plans coupled with the construction of

three new exterior training modules to enhance our

distribution training course.

The Water Quality Management Program has

also been busy working with higher educational

institutions, Colorado School of Mines, Regis University,

and Colorado State University - Global to give our

students advanced educational options and career

paths. In addition, we are also establishing a working

relationship with IDE, International Development

Enterprises. This relationship is based on international

consulting working with developing countries and their

irrigation systems which is linked to their domestic

needs. IDE and RRCC have a unique need for each

other and we intend to develop a mutually beneficial


As always, we are pleased to be working for you and to

provide the training needs our industry requires to not

only meet our regulatory requirements but to provide

the industry with quality, trained operators. We will

continue to strive for development keeping you, the

public, and the environment in the forefront of our

strategies. S

Mike SmithWater Quality Program CoordinatorEnergy and Environmental Technology Red Rocks Community College

Welcome, continued from page 1

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ResearchCornerPROJECT BOLIVIA – Update

After more than three

years in the making, our Bolivia project is ready

to take off! As of August 2010, the treatment facility for Hardeman arrived safely in Bolivia and was transported via three semi trucks to the remote community. This was a difficult journey as one of the trucks broke down in transit and was forced to overnight in the middle of nowhere. Mike slept under the truck to protect the equipment while we waited for a tractor to come by and pull us to Hardeman. This was extremely risky and very uncomfortable--no bed, no blanket, no pillow and worse yet, no coffee in the morning! Finally, after more than 14 hours of waiting, a tractor was contracted to pull us into Hardeman.

The grounds have been prepared for the construction site. In our recent

communication with the Water Cooperative

in Hardeman and our NGO, INCADE, confirmed that the proper type and amount of bones have been collected and are ready to be prepared for the treatment process.

Now that the equipment is in place and the media has been collected, we can begin our final planning for our first student group to travel to Hardeman, Bolivia and install this very unique treatment facility to reduce the high levels of fluoride in their contaminated ground water supply. This first trip will

be scheduled for May 2011 following graduation. To put us back on schedule, we plan to prepare two groups this coming summer which should give us the ability to complete treatment facilities

for five communities. Hardeman is the largest and so it will be scheduled first. If weather permits, the first group will also complete a system in Canandoa which is much smaller but easily accessible.

A second group, if scheduled, will install systems for Piari, Litoral and Punto Grande, all smaller communities that are deeper into the jungle.

Watch for our next publication to monitor our progress with this extensive humanitarian effort. This is a new program within RRCC’s Water Quality Management program. This program provides our students with the opportunity to help with international development efforts. Many of our students are now highly motivated to add new skills to their water studies and develop their careers.

If you need assistance with an assessment or research project, please share that information with us. Contact [email protected]. Please visit this section in future issues. The students and Water Quality Management staff are looking forward to providing you updates.S



nt D


Summer and Fall Semesters Registration begins . . . . . April 4, 2011WQM classes fill up quickly. Plan and reserve your Fall 2011 schedule early!!

Spring 2011 Break . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 28 - April 3, 2011

Spring 2011 Semester Ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 10, 2011

Spring 2011 Graduation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 14, 2011

Application deadline for Foundation Scholarships . . June 3, 2011(Fall 2011/Spring 2012)

Summer 2011 Semester Begins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 8, 2011

Summer 2011 Semester Ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 3, 2011

Fall 2011 Semester Begins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 22, 2011

Spring 2011


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Training Units, Certificates and DegreesDid you know that every Water Quality Management accredited course is automatically Training Unit approved?

We have worked hard with the Colorado Plant Operators Certification Board to establish a strong educational relationship.

Each course is approved by 10-hour increments for Training Units with material in all categories. Look for this announcement on the OCPO Web site.

What are Certificates? The Water Quality Management Program has developed nine different Certificate programs in addition to our existing AAS degree. These certificates, when completed, represent specific areas of interest/study to help an operator build his/her portfolio. Certificates are offered for the following categories:

Introduction to Water Treatment

Introduction to Wastewater Treatment

Water Distribution and Collection

Water Quality Analysis

Treatment Mathematics

Experience and Education

Wastewater Treatment Operator Certification (D-A)

Water Treatment Operator Certification (D-A)

Source Control and Water Audit

Did you forget something? We have many files of past students who did not complete their degree. Amazingly, many of these students already have enough courses and experience to earn the degree and don’t know it. If you have been a past student who never completed the degree program, give us a call; you may be a lot closer than you think.

Get Into Water, a new innovative partnership involving some of the most dynamic and successful professionals in the industry, is right on top of the game when it comes to recruitment.

This organization focuses on youth, working with high schools to introduce the industry, plant the seed, and provide

training for employment opportunities in lower skilled positions. The concept is simple by design but complex to


The partnership put together a successful strategy by creating three classes exclusive to this age group. Once

students complete the classes, they become a pool for the Water Quality Management Technology program at RRCC.

These young students/professionals then have the opportunity to receive higher-level training while gaining valuable

experience and establishing themselves as reliable, dedicated employees in this high tech industry.

The courses provide basic training in:

• Water Foundation

• Essentials of Wastewater Collections

• Essentials of Water Distribution

We are looking forward to supporting Get into Water with their efforts and plan on seeing these students working

toward a successful career in the water/wastewater industry. S

Waterget into

and RRCC An Innovative Partnership focusing on Youth

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Our newest project is designed to meet another much anticipated need within our industry. We are developing a high-quality option for students to earn training units (TUs), which are required to keep current state certifications valid as well to earn higher level certifications.

The W²AVE – Water and Wastewater Applied Vocation Education – is a one-week short school program which basically takes our 100-level courses, and relevant additional material, and compiles it into a very thorough introduction to the water and wastewater industry. This program is intended to provide a refresher to those already in the field needing TUs, as well as a fast track option for those wishing to get a stable career but who are unable to attend our WQM program at this time. This new program does

not compare to our current degree program--it does not transfer, is not college accredited and we cannot give CPL (credit for prior learning) for it.

This is not designed to replace the education we currently

offer, but intended to meet the needs of

those who are not in a position to pursue our full degree program at this time.

We will introduce the

W²AVE program this spring with

Introduction to Water Treatment, Introduction

to Wastewater Treatment, and Introduction to Collection/

Distribution combined. The programs will run simultaneously during the same week, each covering all entry-level topics relevant to each discipline. Mathematics, operations and process, safety and regulations are just some of the topics to be covered. This is an extremely comprehensive and demanding curriculum, but will provide

attendees with the education needed to continue operations at their utilities efficiently, and for those who are new to the industry, the knowledge to be able to successfully pass the state licensing exams.

We have spent the holiday break creating this program for those of you waiting for it! After many, many long hours of assembling over 3000 PowerPoint slides – we are almost ready to roll out this new wing of our ever-growing educational outreach. We plan to run this program quarterly, giving you several opportunities annually to participate. Exact dates and host locations will be published as the final pieces are put into place. Keep an eye out for more information if you and/or your utility are interested in joining us for the W²AVE. S


In our previous “Water Source” newsletter we featured the new Distribution Training Model – a scaled community model to demonstrate how a water distribution system operates and some of the many things that need to be considered to maintain a fresh supply of water to the public. This is a joint effort between RRCC and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) who is providing the funding through an EPA educational grant. This model, in addition to our upgraded WQM 109 Water Distribution course, is an effort to significantly increase the distribution technician’s knowledge of this discipline. However, these efforts were only the beginning of the entire plan.

Our next phase of this unique undertaking is the construction of three exterior training modules. These modules consist of an above ground vault that will be modified with an access door and windows for visual training. Inside the vault will be four typical configurations, 1) double check fire line, 2) compound meter assembly, 3) by-pass system, and 4) Air vacuum relief system.

The second module is an above ground “piping array” which will feature a series of different pipe sizes, materials, and connections. This will allow for practice assembly, tapping and inspection. The materials for this array have been donated by the Denver Water Board.

Distribution Training ModelWQM growth means an exciting facility expansion

Distribution Training Model , continued on page 6

Launching March 7, 2011! Introducing the Wave2

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The third module is a below ground piping network that will be punctured and solenoid valve controlled for leak detection using the latest in leak detection equipment. With today’s conservation efforts, this module will be invaluable to every water system in the state.

In addition, we will be displaying a chlorine feed system with a 150 lb. cylinder and one ton containers. Each is complete with feed equipment and practice leak control systems.

The entire system will be set up in a secure, fenced-in area and will be set up with night lighting so that instruction will not be limited to daytime use. This is only Phase II of a four phase project. With the

growth of the Water Quality Management program and the expansion of our educational abilities, we will need to expand our facility. This will be Phase III and IV. The new expansion will include four new classrooms, built in pairs so that we can enlarge them into two large classrooms, new office space, a conference room, reception area, water fall display and finally a life-size display of a below ground excavated trench with DI pipe for a fire hydrant and a PVC line with a customer service tap. The facility will then be provided with a new 100-car parking lot.

We are very proud of the developments so far because they are all directed toward operational compliance. During the spring 2011 semester, students in the WQM 109 Water

Distribution class will be directly involved with assembly as part of their curriculum. This will provide a once in a lifetime learning opportunity with actual hands-on experience.

Please join us here at the RRCC Environmental Technology Center and take a look at these additions. S

Distribution Training Model, continued from page 5

The Water Quality Program is proud to announce the addition of three new courses that will be added to our elective program. These three new courses represent our “build –out” of our curriculum. We are now quite confident that ALL water topics are now covered within our program making us one of the most complete water industry training institutions in the country. All of these courses will be rotated through our elective schedule offerings during the Fall and Spring semesters. This brings our curriculum up to 30 different courses with 9 certificates within our AAS degree.

WQM 130 – Water Chemistry (3 credits)

This course is an introduction level lecture course on water chemistry. Topics include, specific gravity, density and water properties, acids and bases, equivalent weights moles, molarity, normalities, valances, balancing chemical equations, chemical dosing, fluoridation, chemical and mechanical softening systems.

WQM 131 – Solids Waste Management (3 credits)

This course is designed to educate the student with solid waste created through the water and wastewater treatment

process as well as “spoil” wastes generated from excavation of water distribution and wastewater collection lines. Topics include disposal, record keeping, solids testing requirements, options of recycling, composting, practical product use from waste, soil types, blending options, and soil corrosion issues related to toxic or acidic soils.

WQM 140 – Management and District Leadership (3 credits)

This is an elevated comprehensive management course that is relevant for all supervisors. Employee management, site management and district planning and direction are the core basics of the course. The course topics include contracts, State Statutes, billing, revenue management, District/Company rules and regulations, working with other districts, budgeting, employee and employment issues, office management and Board Room etiquette, safety policies, management obligations and responsibilities, and project and capital planning development are all discussed in detail with this thorough applied district management course. S

WQM New CoursesMaking us one of the most complete water industry training institutions in the country!

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1. Whatarethefourmajorcomponentsofthehydrauliccycle?

2. WhatcommondiseasecanbeseverelyaffectedbyReverseOsmosissofteningsystems?

3. Whatisthemostaccurateflowmeasuringdevice?

4. Whatisthecrucialpointreferredtothatdetermineseffectivechlorinationandavailableresidual?

5. Wewanttodeliver200gpmintoastoragetank80fttall.WhatwouldbetheHPrequirementsofapumptoperformthistask?Motorefficiency=82%Pumpefficiency=86%DetermineWWHP


1. WhatdothelettersQ,A,Vstandfor?2. I’mnormallyarotary-typedistributorwhich


3. Whatarethetwomainoptionsforsurplussludgehandingfollowingtheactivatedsludgeprocess?

4. Doesanincreaseintemperaturespeeduporslowdownthemetabolicprocessofmicro-organisms?

5. ARBCunitisloadedatarateof228lbs/day.Manufacturerrecommendationsare3.5lbs/1000ft²/day.Howmanyft²ofsurfaceareaisrequired?

Test YOUR Skills Take a crack at these questions to test your knowledge and skills.

(Answers will be published in our Fall 2011 edition)





Answers from previous edition:

Partnership for SuccessRed Rocks Community College and Regis University


It gives us great pleasure to present a very beneficial partnership that has been developed between Regis University and Red Rocks Community College.

A Bachelor’s degree from Regis University is a very prestigious accreditation to have and thanks to the creativity between these two schools, the path to this accomplishment is now a lot easier to achieve.

Complete the 46 credits for an AAS degree in WQM (Water Quality Management) and then (the BONUS), another 45 credits at RRCC in approved General Education Studies makes a total of 91 credits to transfer to Regis University.

Complete another 30 credits at Regis plus an additional eight credits, either at Regis or Red Rocks, and you qualify for a Bachelor’s degree from Regis University.

With today’s economic conditions, this is an incredible opportunity to advance your educational portfolio and finish with a Bachelor’s degree from Regis University and an AAS degree in Water Quality Management. S

For more details contact: [email protected] • 303-914-6325 or Sara Villegas • [email protected]

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WQM Schedule at A Glance

WQM 100 Intro to WQM M 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 100 Intro to WQM T 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 100 Intro to WQM ONLINE

WQM 105 Specific Calculations M 6:00PM – 9:20PM

WQM 109 Water Distribution M 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 109 Water Distribution ONLINE

WQM 119 Basic Water Analysis T/R 6:00PM – 7:45PM

WQM 119 Basic Water Analysis T/R 1:00PM – 2:45PM

WQM 120 Equipment Maintenance M 6:00PM – 9:20PM

WQM 121 Environmental Sampling W 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 122 Instrumentation T 6:00PM – 9:20PM

WQM 124 Water Certificate Review C&D W 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 124 Water Certificate Review C&D R 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 126 Safety and Security Systems W 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 126 Safety and Security Systems R 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 160 Source Water Management W 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 165 Water Law W 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 169 International Development M 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 190 Water Chemistry F 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 200 Hydraulics (2 classes) W 6:00PM – 9:20PM

WQM 206 Design Interpretations R 6:00PM – 9:20PM

WQM 212 Drinking Water Regulations W 6:00PM – 9:20PM

WQM 216 Bio/Bact Water Analysis T/R 6:00PM – 9:20PM

WQM 217 Disinfection Systems M 6:00PM – 9:20PM

WQM 280 Internships

WQM 285 Independent Study

Spring 2011 Schedule

WQM 100 Intro to WQM M 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 100 Intro to WQM T 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 100 Intro to WQM ONLINE

WQM 105 Specific Calculations (3 classes) R 6:00PM – 9:20PM

WQM 109 Water Distribution Systems R 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 109 Water Distribution Systems ONLINE

WQM 119 Basic Water Analysis T/R 1:00PM – 2:45PM

WQM 119 Basic Water Analysis T/R 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 120 Equipment Maintenance M 6:00PM – 9:20PM

WQM 121 Environmental Sampling W 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 123 Water Rescue Systems R 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 125 Water Certificate Review C&D M 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 125 Water Certificate Review C&D W 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 126 Safety and Security Systems W 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 130 Water Chemistry T 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 150 Troubleshooting in WQM W 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 165 Water Law W 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 169 International Development M 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 200 Hydraulics T 6:00PM – 9:20PM

WQM 212 Drinking Water Regulations W 6:00PM – 9:20PM

WQM 216 Bio/Bact Water Analysis T/R 6:00PM – 7:45PM

WQM 216 Bio/Bact Water Analysis M/W 1:00PM – 2:45PM

WQM 217 Disinfection Techniques M 6:00PM – 9:20PM

WQM 230 Idst. Treatment & Monitoring R 6:00PM – 8:45PM

WQM 280 Internships

WQM 285 Independent Study

Fall 2011 Schedule

Water Quality Management

WQM 280 Internships

WQM 285 Independent Study

Summer 2011 Schedule

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