Page 1: Welcome all, › wp-content › ... · For the Keepy Uppies Challenge, you must keep the ball off the ground. It is the skill of juggling a football using feet, lower legs, knees,

Welcome all, I hope you and your families are all continuing to keep well and safe. This is your final full week in Mercy Covent Primary School, can you believe it? The year has flown by! I would like to thank you all for keeping in contact with me during this unprecedented time via email, I really appreciate it. You should be so proud of all your hard work while at home. Well done girls! As it was not possible to have sport’s day this year, we have decided to designate this week to active schools week. This week we are going to focus on various activities to gets us active. Each day I have assigned one or more challenges. The aim of the various challenges is to record your results each day and send me your results via email. I hope you have fun! Remember do not hesitate to contact me at any time via my email address [email protected]. Keep in touch! I would love to hear how you are doing and what you have been up to! I hope to hear from you soon. Take care and stay safe, Ms. Ryan Note for parents: Please send your child’s education passport when complete via my email address, as soon as possible.

Page 2: Welcome all, › wp-content › ... · For the Keepy Uppies Challenge, you must keep the ball off the ground. It is the skill of juggling a football using feet, lower legs, knees,

MONDAY 22/06/2020 • Monday Morning Exercise

The body coach Joe Wicks live on YouTube at 9am for 30 minutes

• Rock, Paper Scissors

In a pair, stand one metre apart and face each other. Line up along a centre line with a safety line positioned twenty metres behind both pupil. Each pair begins

by performing a rock-paper-scissors routine. A rock is a closed fist, paper is a flat hand, and scissors are the index and middle fingers in a cutting position.

Paper always covers rock, rock breaks scissors, and scissors cut paper. To determine a winner, pupils count to three and form a rock, paper, or scissors. The

winning pupil then chases their partner toward their safety line, attempting to tag them before they are safe. Line up again and repeat the activity

Demonstration Video Clip:

• Sprint Challenge

For this activity, you need to place your 2 Cones or Garden Objects 10 metres (m) apart on a flat, non-slip surface (or 20m if you have sufficient space).

When the Tester shouts “On Your Marks”, stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart, with your dominant foot slightly in front, just behind the first cone.

Distribute most of your weight on the front foot. On “Set,” bend slightly at the hips and knees, keeping your head and chest up. From here, place your arms in

the ready position with one arm high behind your back (this should be the same arm as your dominant foot) and one arm low in front of your body. You may

also start in the *four-point* start position with both hands on the ground (see image above). Finally, when the Tester shouts, “Go” explode towards the second

cone straight ahead, touching it before returning to your starting point. You must cover 60m and the Tester will record how long it takes using the stopwatch.

• Egg and Spoon Race Challenge

For this activity you need to place your 2 Cones or Garden Objects 10 metres apart on a flat, non-slip surface (or 20m if you have sufficient space).

Line up at the starting cone with your egg balancing on your top of your spoon. Make sure you have one hand holding the spoon at the end of the handle and

the other hand behind your back. When the teste shouts “Go”, move as quickly as possible (walk or run) to the second cone and turn carefully before returning

to your starting point. If you drop your egg off your spoon, you must go back to the beginning and Start again! You must cover 40m and the Tester will record

how long it takes using the stopwatch.

Resources Needed:

• Egg (boiled to avoid a mess)

• Tester (a person to shout “Ready,

Steady, Go and record the time)

• Tablespoon

• Stopwatch

• 2 cones or garden objects

Page 3: Welcome all, › wp-content › ... · For the Keepy Uppies Challenge, you must keep the ball off the ground. It is the skill of juggling a football using feet, lower legs, knees,

TUESDAY 23/06/2020

• Tuesday Morning Exercise:

Today we are going to do yoga with Alissa Kepas

• Kick the score

Draw or stick target areas at various heights on a wall (see the image attached). Points should be placed in the centre of each target

from one to five. Record how long it takes you achieve a score of twenty. You must hit the targets on the wall to achieve that

score. When you have this complete, you could try to score a penalty on Mom, Dad or a big brother or sister.

Demonstration Video Clip:

• Solo Challenge

For the solo challenge, all you need is a football. A solo is a technique used in football. To solo, you release the ball from your

hand down to your kicking foot. Flick the toe upwards towards the ball. Kick back up the ball. Extend your arms forward to catch

the ball. This is called a solo. See how may solo’s you can do in one minute and record.

Demonstration Video Clip:

• Keepy Uppies Challenge

For the Keepy Uppies Challenge, you must keep the ball off the ground. It is the skill of juggling a football using feet, lower legs,

knees, chest, shoulders and head, without allowing the ball to hit the ground. For this challenge see how many you can do before

the ball hits the ground.

Demonstration Video Clip:



• Paper

• Marker

• Football

• Timer

• Tester

• Mat

Page 4: Welcome all, › wp-content › ... · For the Keepy Uppies Challenge, you must keep the ball off the ground. It is the skill of juggling a football using feet, lower legs, knees,

WEDNESDAY 24/06/2020

• Wednesday Morning Exercise:

The body coach Joe Wicks live on YouTube at 9am for 30 minutes

• Tennis Ball Challenge

The aim of this challenge is to throw the ball against the wall and catch it again as many times as possible in one

minute. Record your score.

Demonstration Video Clip:

• Bowling

Use cones to set up a bowling lane approximately five metres in length from where you are going to throw from.

At the end of the bowling lane place five skittles as targets. You have three chances to knock over as many skittles

as possible with the ball. Keep your score. If you did not knock over all the skittles after three throws, place the

skittles upright and try again until it takes just three throws or less to knock all skittles. Record how many times it


To increase difficulty increase the distance between the thrower and the skittles or decreasing the width of the lane

Demonstration Video Clip:

• What's your name?

Using the next slide, spell out your first and last name and complete the activity listed for each letter.



• Tennis ball

• Skittles (bottles)

Page 5: Welcome all, › wp-content › ... · For the Keepy Uppies Challenge, you must keep the ball off the ground. It is the skill of juggling a football using feet, lower legs, knees,
Page 6: Welcome all, › wp-content › ... · For the Keepy Uppies Challenge, you must keep the ball off the ground. It is the skill of juggling a football using feet, lower legs, knees,

THURSDAY 25/06/2020

• Thursday Morning Exercise:

The body coach Joe Wicks live on YouTube at 9am for 30 minutes

Wellington Toss

Start by holding the front side of your Welly boot in your strong hand, just below the ankle. Place the boot onto your shoulder, with the sole almost

touching the side of your face. This should look like you’re about to make a phone call. Stand sideways to your target with your feet shoulder-width apart.

The Welly boot should be in the hand furthest from the starting line (Left foot on the start line, Welly boot in your right hand). When you’re ready, quickly

move your weight on to your back foot and throw the Welly boot as far as possible by extending your arm and moving your weight back onto your front

foot. Your chest should be facing the target once you have released the Welly boot, but you must not cross the Start Line after your throw or this will not

count. The Tester will then place the Marker where the Welly boot first made contact with the ground. Using the Measuring Tape, the Tester will then

check how far the Welly boot travelled and this distance.

Punt Kick (no bounce)

For this activity, you will need a clear wall and a ball. You kick the ball off the wall. The ball will bounce off the wall and into your hands. You must not

drop the ball. If you do drop the ball, you must start from the beginning again, When the Tester shouts “Go!” , you see how many punt kicks can you do in

30 seconds and record. Demonstration Video Clip:

• Super Strong Challenge

Place your 2 Cones or Garden Objects 10 metres (m) apart on a flat, non-slip surface (preferably grass to cushion your hands slightly). You will begin in

the start position with one foot touching the first cone and your head pointing towards the second cone. When the Tester shouts “Go!” , crawl forwards as

quickly as possible until you can touch the second cone with your hand. Once you have touched the second cone with your hand, crawl backwards and

return to the first cone as quickly as possible, touching it again with your foot. You must cover 40m (Forward-Back-Forward-Back) and the Tester will

record how long it takes using the stopwatch.

Resources Needed:

• Skipping rope

• Wellington/ Boot

• Tester

• Timer

• Measuring tape

• 2 Cones

• Ball

Page 7: Welcome all, › wp-content › ... · For the Keepy Uppies Challenge, you must keep the ball off the ground. It is the skill of juggling a football using feet, lower legs, knees,

FRIDAY 26/06/2020

Skipping Challenge

For this activity, see how many times you jump over the skipping rope in 30 seconds.

• Marathon Challenge

For this activity, place your two Cones or Garden Objects 10 metres (m) apart on a flat, non-slip surface (or 20m if you have sufficient space).

Begin at your starting cone in a standing start position (similar to your Sprint start position but standing slightly more upright). When the Tester

shouts, “Ready, Steady, Go”, begin running at a steady, comfortable pace to the second cone, before turning sharply and returning to your

original cone. You will repeat this for 5 minutes with the Tester counting the number of lengths you can complete. You will then work out your

total distance, for example, if your cones are spaced 10m apart and you manage to complete 50 lengths, your total distance will be 500m or if

your cones are spaced 20m apart and you manage to complete 30 lengths, your total distance will be 600m

• Long Jump

For this activity, at the Start Line, stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart, facing forwards with your toes just behind the line. When

you’re ready, dip slightly at the knees and jump as far as you can (just like below), raising your arms up above your head to propel yourself

forward as far as possible. Try to stick your landing (stumbling forwards is not permitted) and the Tester will place the marker behind

whichever heel is closest to the Start Line. Complete 5 attempts and move the marker only if you manage to beat your previous effort. The

Tester will then measure the distance from the Start Line to the Marker to the nearest centimetre (cm), for example 137cm. I cant wait to hear

your results!

• Outdoor Scavenger Hunt

For this activity, you must find an object outside that begins with each letter for the alphabet. Please see the next slide.



• Skipping


• 2 cones

• Tester

• Timer

• Measuring


• Pen

• Paper

Page 8: Welcome all, › wp-content › ... · For the Keepy Uppies Challenge, you must keep the ball off the ground. It is the skill of juggling a football using feet, lower legs, knees,
Page 9: Welcome all, › wp-content › ... · For the Keepy Uppies Challenge, you must keep the ball off the ground. It is the skill of juggling a football using feet, lower legs, knees,

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