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Weight Loss, Anti-aging Food and Cocking Recipe

Do you struggle to lose weight? Does it seem like no matter what you do, you are always left hungry from the dieting and unsatisfied from the workouts you are doing? Well fear no more, the answer you have been looking for is right here!

Female Fat loss Click the Image below to get the Body You Desire

Losing weight is never a fun process. You have tried everything there is to lose weight

such as exercise, diets, pills, and even surgeries, but still little results to show for. Women

have been proven to have a harder time shedding fat than men do.

But how do you plan to overcome this problem if you have already tried everything?

Well I have just the answer for you. The answer lies within something that is already

contained within your body. This ‘master hormone’ is indicative of your body’s ability to

burn fat.

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This hormone is known as Leptin.

Leptin is designed to speed up your metabolism and signal for your body to burn fat. Low

levels of Leptin, on the other hand, will slow down your metabolism and tell your body to

store fat. But even though women have a harder time losing weight than men, there is still

hope because this master hormone is twice as likely to be found in women. Which means

you have twice the fat burning capabilities that men have. Incredible!

The reason why women have more of a struggle losing weight is because women are

typically 3 times less responsive to the fat burning capabilities that Leptin possesses. This

condition is known as “Leptin Resistance.” If you have ever experienced the feeling of

having soft, squishy, cottage-cheese looking fat located in your problem areas, then that

is a sure sign you are experiencing Leptin resistance.

Another problem that women commonly encounter when dealing with Leptin is the

ability to diet. Dieting can cause a decrease in Leptin levels twice as much as compared

to when a man diets. Because you diet, your Leptin levels drop and your metabolism

pretty much hits a wall, causing it to slow way down.

Click the Image below to get the Body You Desire

There is also the dreaded rebound weight gain that you suffer after you stop dieting. This

is a result of the same thing, your Leptin levels drop and your metabolism is now even

slower than when you first began the diet.

What happens to Leptin levels after pregnancy?

Having kids is one of the most beautiful things you will ever experience in your life. But

how does this impact your body and more importantly your Leptin levels? Well,

unfortunately it gets a lot worse after pregnancy. Basically you are fighting a losing battle

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because every time you attempt to lose weight, your body counteracts it by decreasing

your Leptin levels. Thus, causing the weight to come right back.

So is there any way to solve this Leptin issue and get your body back to the way it used to

be? The answer is yes! All the answers you will need about shedding unwanted pounds

and getting your body back to the way you want it to be can be discovered through this

exclusive program:

The Venus Factor

Click the Image below to get the Body You Desire

Here are some of the things this program will provide you with:

Foods that damage Leptin sensitivity and make it near impossible to lose even a

single pound for women. After 2 weeks into the program you will see weight just

falling off, by simply eliminating the soy and processed foods.

The vital nutrient that is necessary for weight loss that nearly all women lack.

Starting today you can increase your fat burning capabilities and change your life


The cheat food that will spike your metabolism and increase your Leptin levels

significantly. This food will work while you are on and off the clock, both waking

and sleeping hours your body will be working hard to keep you healthy. Learning

this secret will alter your view on fat loss; you will never look at it the same way.

A unique herb that will accelerate female fat loss by increasing the Leptin

sensitivity by an incredible 52%!

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If you are tired of living a life that keeps you from feeling and looking like the women

you want to, then make the change and click on the link below. We have the tools

necessary to tap into these amazing weight loss secrets, but the problem is this is

something that is unknown to the general population. Changing your diet will not only

change the way you look, but it will change your life.

Transform Your Life Today

Weight Loss, New Body Getting older is something that we don’t have a choice but to do. As we go through life, our bodies begin to start breaking down and become more sensitive to the things we put in it and the care that we give it. But getting older doesn’t mean you have to settle with a body that leaves you unfit and out of shape. There are ways to prevent our bodies from entering this downward spiral that age can cause us to experience. After a number of methods such as low-fat diets, pills and the gym you still have not seen any results. The Exercise Programs Out There are Incredibly Long and Grueling Click the Image below to get the Body You Desire

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There are so many exercise programs out there that focus on staying in the gym for long hours of the day, doing incredibly tiring workouts and causing an overload of stress on you mentally and physically. It seems impossible to reach the level you want without spending all of your time in the gym. Look at the people that you see working out. Do you think their bodies have changed in the last 90 days? The probable answer is no. Statistics show a staggering amount of people will not experience any changes over a year from working out. Only about 1% of people do actually experience significant change. The reason is because you have been misled to believe the wrong things about dieting and exercise. The Solution? Here are 5 steps you must consider if you wish to slow the aging process and reclaim your body:

1. Forget low fat-diets a. Not all fats are bad fats. Some fats help regenerate the power of your


2. Get out of your rut a. Gym classes can be fun, but do you really notice a change in people’s

bodies? It is good cardio, but these long-term exercises will speed up the aging process many times.

3. Don’t blame others a. You have the weight because you ate the foods and skipped the gym.

So don’t make excuses, accept what you have done and allow that to motivate you to lose weight.

4. Avoid Chronic Dehydration a. Water not only suppresses hunger, but it burns fat as well.

5. Work out LESS

a. Resistance Training is the key and reducing the amount of time you spend in the gym.

But if you really want to reduce the aging process, you want to approach it the right way. Reclaiming your body can be a difficult thing to do because of the large amount of misinformation out there. Click the Image below to get the Body You Desire

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But we have made it easy for you. By clicking on the link below you will be able to develop an amazing body without having to spend hours in the gym and hundreds of dollars on pesky gym memberships. All you need is in this program and you will possess the tools necessary to get your life kickstarted in the right direction. Click below and soon you will have the body you have always dreamed of:

Old School, New Body

Fat Burning Kitchen and 101 Anti-aging Food

Click the Image below for a list of 101 Anti-aging Food

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What do you consider healthy in today’s day and age? How do you know if it is healthy or not? There are many foods that are hailed as “healthy” foods, but are they really healthy? Many of the foods that are labeled as “healthy” are deterring you from achieving maximum health. One of these foods is wheat (yes, even whole wheat). 3 Reasons to Never Eat Wheat

1. Wheat Increases Aging, causes weight gain and boosts diabetes risk, along with blood sugar problems

a. These little known facts are covered up by the food corporations and you have been convinced that whole wheat is healthy for you. Wheat contains a very unusual type of carbohyrdate that causes a higher spike in your blood sugar than refined sugar does.

2. Gluten and Gut-damaging Properties

a. There are hundreds of studies that show inflammation occurs in your digestive system. Gluten is theorized to cause so many problems

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because of the excessive hybridization of wheat excessively. This modified gluten molecule is foreign to the digestive system as opposed to ancient wheat humans ate several thousand years ago. As a result, digestive issues arise within the body.

3. Antinutrients in Wheat

a. These antinutrients block the absorption of certain minerals within the body, such as zinc, manganese, iron and calcium if wheat is consumed too often.

Avoid vegetable oil at all costs. Although the name sounds quite healthy and appealing, it is actually NOT made from vegetables. Vegetable comes from a variety of other oils, such as corn oil, soybean oil, canola oil, safflower oil, and/or cottonseed oil. All of these oils are terrible for your health. Click the Image below for a list of 101 Anti-aging Food

Here are 2 reasons that you should NOT use vegetable oil:

1. Contains deadly trans fats

a. The unhealthy problems regarding trans fats are no secret. But just to give you an idea how these common household ingredients are impacting your health it is important to note a few key things. It

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damages your cell membrane, which lead to numerous health problems such as cancer, obesity, heart disease, Alzheimer's, and many other

b. Due to high heat and pressure, trans fats cannot be completely dissipated from the oil. Even the vegetable oil that is “expeller pressed.”

2. Contains “mutated fats” that are worse for you than trans fats

a. During the refining process, free radicals form and create a “mutant” fat. This damages your chromosomes and your cell membranes. It also creates major inflammation in your body.

b. Your arteries get attacked by the free radicals in vegetable oils, which can increase your chances of having a heart attack. It should also be noted that this isn’t just something that will impact you short-term, but studies have shown an immediate dysfunction in your arteries.

When we become determined that we are going to start eating healthier and go to the store to get the right foods, oftentimes the foods that are thought to be “good for you” actually aren’t. Some of the foods that you might think are healthy, but you should stay far away from are:

Whole grain breads Whole grain cereals Whole grain crackers Soy milk Tofu or "veggie burgers" (non-fermented soy can be harmful to your

hormones) Orange juice (loaded with too much fructose that raises your triglycerides) Apple juice Skim milk or homogenized milk Margarine Pre-packaged "diet" dinners Sport drinks Protein bars (A.K.A. candy bars in disguise!) Overly processed meal replacements (contains more junk than it does

healthy ingredients) Rice cakes (crazy blood sugar spike) Pasta Diet ice cream or diet desserts So-called "energy" drinks Low-fat foods (typically replaces fat with more sugar) Low-carb processed foods

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Soybean oil Corn oil Canola oil

But eating healthy doesn’t have to be hard.

Click the Image below for a list of 101 Anti-aging Food

With all of these so called “healthy foods” taunting you, and so many diets out there being thrown in your face how can you tell which is the right foods you should actually be eating? The answer is quite simple really… If you are serious about shedding some pounds and discovering the foods that leave you feeling great, then you are in luck! Learn the simple solution and discover what it means to lose weight and keep it off. If you understand the information that is written in the book then you will see that it’s not as hard as you think to lose weight if you apply the right techniques to your

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life. Change your life today and improve the totality of your health by clicking the link below:

The Fat Burning Kitchen

Coconut Oil Hut and healthy cooking Nature is a beautiful thing and you have your health to prove it. The vast array of abundance in health we receive from the fruits and vegetables is incredible. Not only do these foods taste good, but they offer amazing health benefits that have your body thanking you. One of the best and most versatile fruits that Mother Nature has to offer are coconuts. Click the Image below for Coconut Oil Cooking Recipe

Coconuts offer such an abundance of health benefits that some consider coconuts ‘The Tree of Life’. It has actually been considered by many island dwelling folk as “The Cure for All Illnesses.” This is a pretty remarkable feat considering the amount of diseases and sicknesses that are out there.

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But somewhere along the way we started processing foods to make it more convenient and accessible to the consumers. This lead to the creation of many other oils rich in genetically modified ingredients. These oils were praised to be “healthy” and because they are far cheaper to produce, the manufacturing companies profited from the faulty scientific claims that all saturated fats are bad for you. Let us look at the other oils that are on the marketplace just to give you a comparison between coconut oil and the traditional oils used in many kitchens across the nation:

Canola Oil: Canola is not something that exists in nature. It is actually a modified version of rapeseed oil. In nature, the rape plant is avoided by other animals due to the cyanide compounds found within the plant. This oil is linked to fatty degeneration of the heart, kidneys, adrenals and thyroid gland, as well as muscular disorders.

Cottonseed Oil: This is used to produce thousands of commercially packaged foods. It is contained within many canned foods, chips and even Gatorade. But we know cotton is not a crop, which means it’s not treated like an edible crop, but rather an industrial one. On top of that, cotton is often sprayed with pesticides to keep all of the insects away. When this is processed and turned into oil, those chemicals are still there for your body to digest.

Soybean Oil: I can almost guarantee that if you go to your pantry right now, you would be able to find something with soybean oil in it. Soy is probably one of the most genetically modified plants on the market. 93% of American soy is genetically modified. That simply means, the nutritional value is mutated at a genetic level, which causes the foods to be humanized and perform the way the manufacturers want it to. This has been linked to a variation of conditions such as hormone disruption and thyroid damage.

Click the Image below for Coconut Oil Cooking Recipe

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As a society we have come to few saturated fats in foods as something to avoid. Many of us hear the word “fat” and cringe in fear of becoming obese. But not all fats are created equally. Coconut oil contains a healthy dose of saturated fats designed to help keep viruses, bacteria and infections away, as well as protect you from thyroid, cancer, brain and heart problems. It even has the ability to make your skin look amazing… and it actually assists in the fat burning process, rather than make it worse (as previously thought). Coconut Oil Will Set You Free Your health is one of the most important things to focus on in your life. But as long as you continue putting these things in your body, you will never reach the level of health that you want to.

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This is only just the beginning! If you really wish to make a change in your life and utilize the full benefit that coconut oil has to offer then check out the exclusive ebook:

The Coconut Oil Secret: Nature's #1 Best Healing Superfood

Here are the things you will discover from this program:

The fats you MUST avoid if you wish to maintain optimal health The truth about margarine and how it doubles the risk of heart disease Why the French have the lowest rate of coronary heart disease compared to

any Western country, even though they have a high fat diet Make the transition today and reclaim the health you deserve to have. Having a healthy body will not only make you look better, but it will make you feel better too. So click here to change your life today.

Paleo Cookbook There are so many foods out there that have no nutritional value, yet we continue putting it in our bodies. Is it because it tastes good or it looks good or maybe we are just addicted to eating it? Are you sick of feeling tired all day and not feeling like doing anything because of your lack of energy?

With this paleo cookbook you don’t have to face these struggles ever again!

The traditional methods of dieting are old and outdated. Since we are all required to eat if we wish to live, there must be some type of diet we follow. It doesn’t have to be considered ‘diet’. All diet means is the foods we eat on a daily basis. So what kind of diet are you currently using in your life? Many diets fail because of one simple reason… People are still left hungry and full of cravings for foods they are trying to stop eating. Click the Image below for Paleo’s latest Cookbook Recipe

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Let’s look at some of the other dieting strategies and see how these diets compare:

The Master Cleanse Diet: This diet has taken Hollywood by storm and created quite a buzz from various actors and actresses. This diet is just like it sounds, a diet that requires you to cleanse your body… many times. A concoction of maple syrup, lemon juice and cayenne pepper are mixed together and used as a means to flush the body of all harmful substances.

o Problem with this diet: The biggest issue with this diet is that a cleanse is not meant to be used as a diet. When the body is cleansed, it should only be performed occasionally so the body can start regenerating itself. But if you are constantly flushing your system then you will go back to normal and put on the pounds just as quickly as you lost it.

The Blood-type Diet: This sounds like a pretty reasonable diet to follow. The basic premise of this diet is to eat foods based on what your blood-type is. The blood types and the diet associated with it are as follows: A – vegetarian, B – balanced omnivore, AB – combination of food groups in moderation, O – high protein.

o Problem with this diet: It is very restricting and inflexible. Although it sounds like a good idea, every person is different and might have other problems that would cause them to deviate from this diet plan. Therefore, this diet is not for everyone because everyone has a different situation in which their life would not permit such a diet to take place.

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Click the Image below for Paleo’s latest Cookbook Recipe

Although there are many diets out there, not all of them work and some only work for certain people. But this can all be avoided once you start yourself on a magical journey of health and happiness through the implementation of the paleo diet. If you wish to change your life and start living with a healthy body and mind, click the link below:

Paleo Cookbook

Fat Loss Cookbook

Would you like to create simple fat burning foods that are prepared quick and easy and banish your boring diet so you can burn fat faster? The cookbooks that are currently on the market are misguiding you due to a lack of the proper ingredients. Instead of using the ingredients that will help you shed pounds, these programs encourage the consumption of things like high calorie dressings, margarine, and even sugar! This is obviously not in your range of diets if you wish to optimize fat burning from your body.

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Most cookbooks have the recipes sprinkled throughout the book with no structure at all. Most of the recipes in these cookbooks are not quick and easy either. Often they consist of a bunch of recipes pieced together and you pick and choose what you want to cook. This does not make for an easy diet plan and often discourages you when you struggle to see results. Click the Image below for the latest Fat Loss Cookbook

The majority of people will result in an endless cycle of consuming the same metabolic foods, each and every day. This causes your metabolism to slow down where your body stops burning fat.

But there is a better way!

Metabolic cooking offers everything you could want and more in a diet program. Here are some of the benefits when you purchase this program for yourself:

Over 250 Fat Torching Recipes Built-In Nutritional System EVERYTHING About Fat Burning Foods that you will ever need Our 10 Cooking And Nutrition Rules How To Create Your Own Individualized Fat Loss Meal Plan How To Manage Your Kitchen, Your Meal Preparation And Your Food Budget

Successfully Complete Access To PRIVATE Lists Of Resources

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Click the Image below for the latest Fat Loss Cookbook

Don’t let another day go by when you aren’t satisfied with your weight. Click the link below to experience a permanent change in your life:

Metabolic Cooking

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Muscle Building Cookbook

Going on a diet is a difficult thing to do. There are so many changes you are required to make if you want it to work, but no matter what diet you try it all seems to give you the same mediocre results. While traditional body building and dieting can work, it can become rather dull and boring after doing it for so long. Soon after beginning the diet you begin to crave that Twinkie that is taunting you with it’s delicious goodness from within the pantry. Click the Image below for the latest Muscle Building Cookbook

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So you figure what the heck? Why not? What damage is one Twinkie going to do to me? But because sugar is so addictive, you start craving more sugary foods. Before you know it you are back to where you started. But fortunately, you don’t have to be stuck with the traditional method of doing things because there is a better, more effective way to approach this. If you are one of the people that have suffered from being let down time and time again from your typical diet and exercise, then this program is perfect for you. As soon as you are ready to get the body you deserve, click the link below to begin your journey to discovery.

Anabolic Cooking The program will offer you:

Over 200 "Anabolicious" recipes, packed full of flavors, that will promote muscle building and fat loss. Not to mention you will be able to prepare these meals in minutes. Heck, even a 10 year old can make these recipes!

Done-For-You Meal Plans : Having a scheduled diet is best when you are still trying to figure out a meal plan for yourself. You will be guided on what to eat, when to eat it and how to prepare your meals. A shopping list will be provided to help keep you organized when shopping for the ingredients.

Nutrition Fundamentals of Anabolic Cooking: Discover exactly what is in the food you are eating and learn the ins and outs of the nutrients going into your body.

A Virtual Cooking Class: Learn a variety of things such as how to read recipes, different cutting techniques, cooking methods, as well as a cooking glossary for your anabolic cooking.

Advice designed to help you prepare all meals for the week in 3 hours or less.

Money Saving Tips: Don’t spend your money if you don’t have to! Smart grocery shopping is the key to saving as much money as you can, while still getting the benefits from the foods you are eating. Learn how to incorporate your meal plan into a budget and that eating the right food is much cheaper than you thought.

Managing cheat meals and following an action plan when you go to a restaurant.

This is only a small taste what the program has to offer. Change happens when you decide to do something differently. Making a change is good if you wish to look, think and feel the way you want to. So make the change today by clicking the link below.

Anabolic Cooking

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Click the Image below for the latest Muscle Building Cookbook

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