  • 8/7/2019 Weeks Seven and Eight Assignments


    Weeks Seven and Eight Assignments

    1. Woodrow Wilson was similar to other Progressives in that resisted changing the

    government in order to accommodate the ______________________


    2. The progressive age of efficiency and bureaucracy, in business as well as government,

    brought into being a society in which more and more of the decisions affecting peoples

    lives were made by unelected _______________________ _____________________.

    3. Progressivism was largely a ________________-__________________movement in

    which the poor and unorganized had little influence.

    4. In 1914, American troops were sent into Veracruz, Mexico largely because a Mexican

    official refused to _____________________ the _______________________


    5. President Woodrow Wilson sent __________________________ __________

    ____________________ into Mexico to apprehend the notorious Pancho Villa.

    6. ________________________ ______________ encouraged American bankers to aid

    debt-plagued governments in Haiti, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua.

    7. The closing off of _______________________ _____________________ and the

    movement of 4 million men from the workforce into the armed services created a labor


    8. The ______________________ __________________ was the movement in which

    northern businesses sent recruiters into the Deep South to find workers for their factories

    and mills, resulting in over 400,000 southern blacks moving northward during World

    War I.

    9. _________________________ ____________________ was the executive director of

    the Committee on Public Information that sold Woodrow Wilson on the idea that the best

    approach to influencing public opinion was propaganda instead of censorship.

    10.Under the ________________________ and ______________________ of 19171918

    criticism of government leaders or war policies became a crime.

    11.For violating the Espionage Act, Socialist leader _______________________

    _________________ received a ten-year prison term.

    12.The American war effort early on in World War I was a race for_______________________.

  • 8/7/2019 Weeks Seven and Eight Assignments


    13.The turning point in France came at the Second Battle of the


    14.The leader of the Bolshevik party was a man by the name of

    __________________________ Lenin.

    15.As a result of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the Russians concluded a separate

    peace with __________________________.

    Week Eight

    1. The __________________ ______________ epidemic killed five times as the number of

    Americans as died of combat deaths in France.

    2. The Red Summer began in July of 1919, when whites invaded the black section of

    ____________________ Texas in search of a teacher who had allegedly accused a white

    woman of dating a black man. (Longview)

    3. A race riot in which 38 people were killed and over 500 injured took place in July 1919 in

    ______________________ _______________________.

    4. Nicola Sacco and ____________________ ____________________ were two Italian-born

    anarchists sentenced to death and executed even though there was doubt as to their guilt.

    5. The immigration quota laws passed in the 1920s favored immigrants from

    _______________________ and ______________________________ Europe.

    6. The 1924 immigration law set ________________________ limits on the number of immigrants

    allowed into the United States.

    7. The Ku Klux Klan had over ________________________ million members during it peak years.

    8. By the 1910s, the ___________________-___________________________ League had become

    one of the most effective pressure groups in American history.

    9. The amendment to the constitution that barred the manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquors was

    ratified in ______________________________.

    10.Not being able to convict Al Capone on bootlegging charges, the federal government convicted

    him for ______________________________ _______________________.

    11.Sinclair Lewis wrote a book entitled Main Streetabout ____________________-

    ___________________ life.

    12.The novel This Side of Paradise concerned modernist student life at


    13.In 1921, Margaret Sanger organized the American _________________________

    __________________________ League.

  • 8/7/2019 Weeks Seven and Eight Assignments


    14.Business executives interpreted the ____________________ victory in 1924 as a vindication of

    their leadership, and Calvin Coolidge saw the economys surging prosperity as a confirmation of

    his efforts to promote the interests of big business.

    15.The ______________________ were years of extraordinary innovation and inventiveness.

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