Page 1: WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 18 November 2012 OS33 - Napier Cathedral Newsletters/Newsletter A… · PRAYER CYCLES Cathedral 8.00am ... $10 to pay for a corrugated iron sheet for roofing, in


18 November 2012 - OS33

8.00 am Eucharist Rev’d Margaret Thompson 10.00 am Choral Eucharist Rev’d Margaret Thompson Preacher: Dean Helen Jacobi

Ormond Chapel, Napier Terrace:

No service

Please ensure all cellphones are switched OFF when in the Cathedral; if necessary, adjust hearing aids to the “Loop” system.

A place of resurrection, life, and hope

The CATHEDRAL KIDS programme is normally offered at the Cathedral during the 10.00 am service on Sundays of the school term. It is for chil-dren up to 12 years. The children and leaders move to their area after the opening of the service and return for communion. Visitors welcome.


Anglican Communion

We pray for the Reformed Episcopal

Church of Spain; the Rt Rev’d Carlos


Anglican Board of Missions

We pray for the staff and students at

Anglican Schools in the Diocese of

Polynesia: St James’, Levuka; St

Paul’s, Savusavu; St Mary’s Primary,

Labasa, All Saints Secondary, Labasa

Diocese, Parish and Community

The Rt Rev’d David Rice, Bishop of

Waiapu; Dean Helen Jacobi

Vanuatu - prison staff and inmates

Taradale Parish - Rev’d Stephen

Hayes, Vicar;

Puketapu Parish and their local ministry

support team

Diocese of Christchurch, Bishop Victo-

ria Matthew; Acting Dean Lynda Patter-

son; Cathedral staff and parishioners

Cathedral parishioners in residential

care and rest-home villages

Community social welfare agencies


Cathedral 8.00am

Eucharistic Liturgy “Thanksgiving

for Creation and Redemption”

commencing on page 456 of A

New Zealand Prayer Book.


Daniel 12: 1-3

Psalm 16

Hebrews 10: 11-25

Mark 13: 1-8


We pray together:

God our ruler and guide,

when we come to the place

where the road divides,

keep us true

to the way of Christ,

alive to present opportunities,

and confident of eternal life;

through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Page 2: WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 18 November 2012 OS33 - Napier Cathedral Newsletters/Newsletter A… · PRAYER CYCLES Cathedral 8.00am ... $10 to pay for a corrugated iron sheet for roofing, in


A very warm WELCOME to all who are worshipping with us -- especially if you are visiting Napier or at the Cathedral for the first time.

People News …

We remember those who are unwell, re-ceiving treatment in hospital or at home, or awaiting surgery - we pray for Fiona, Judy, Diane, Dorothy, Philip, Audrey, Megan, Jenny, Ken, Kerryn, Jessica, Millie (and the Ronberg family); Louis (Murray and Judy Mills’ grandson) and Max (Lester and Isobel O’Brien’s grand-son).

Natalie Myles is on a 12 month place-ment in Kenya to work with the VSO as a speech therapist. If you wish to make a donation to support Natalie, you may do so through the Parish Office (please place your donation in an envelope marked for Natalie Myles); and she’d love to receive emails to keep in touch - send to: [email protected]

Thanks to June Vernon who hosted the Op Shop and Sanctuary Guild volunteers for their end-of-year afternoon tea in her beautiful garden yesterday.

Acting Dean appointed This week Bishop David Rice has invited Bishop John Bluck to be the Acting Dean of the Cathedral from March - June 2013. Bishop John was Bishop of Waia-pu 2002-2008 and Dean of Christchurch 1990-2002. John and Liz Bluck will live in the Deanery. This will allow time for the search process for a new dean to proceed.

It was a joy to welcome Bishop Mwita Akiri from Tanzania to the Cathedral re-cently. Bishop Mwita gave the Cathedral a gift of a wooden chalice carved with Af-rican animals; and some Tanzanian cof-fee which we have enjoyed!

At the “Mission Encounter” meeting of Hawke’s Bay parishes at Taradale, Bish-op Mwiti invited us to contribute to a pro-ject involving constructing church build-ings in Tarime, his Diocese in Tanza-nia. The idea is that people contribute $10 to pay for a corrugated iron sheet for roofing, in places where the parish has already put up the walls. Donations are invited to go through the Diocesan Office account and be sent together. Please make cheques out to the Cathedral but in an envelope marked for Tarime, Tanza-nia, or cash in an envelope.

Copies of brochures describing the pro-ject are on the back table.

Cathedral services coming up:

Evensong - Thursday 22 November at 5.30pm - the last Chorister evensong for this year; celebrating St Cecilia’s Day, the Patron Saint of Music .

Parish Eucharist - next Sunday 25 No-vember at 10.00am - Christ the King - what sort of king is he?

Advent Carols - Sunday 2 December at 8.30pm - our beautiful Advent Procession by candlelight - invite a friend now!

Concerts in the Cathedral coming up:

Jan Preston’s “boogie-woogie’ and rag-time piano concert, this afternoon, Sun-day 18 November, 3.00 pm.

Concord Strings - Music for St Cecilia’s Day, Thursday 22 November, 7.30 pm. And wishing Vincent James a very Happy 80th Birthday!

Napier Civic Choir & HB Orchestra - Beethoven & Cherubini, Saturday 24 No-vember, 8.00 pm, and Sunday 25 No-vember, 2.30 pm. Door sales or from Civic Choir members.

Linden Singers - Saturday 8 Decem-ber, 4.00 pm

Page 3: WEEKLY NEWSLETTER 18 November 2012 OS33 - Napier Cathedral Newsletters/Newsletter A… · PRAYER CYCLES Cathedral 8.00am ... $10 to pay for a corrugated iron sheet for roofing, in


at Trinity Methodist Church,

Clive Square East, Napier

Trinity Methodist Church are offering a

new evening service where

JAZZ music

takes the lead for our reflecting and

worship; supported by prayer, scripture

and a brief reflection.

The first service is TONIGHT

Sunday 18th November, at 7.00 pm;

then at 7.00 pm on the 3rd

Sunday of the

month through to April 2013.

Free entry. All welcome.

“Checking the Foundations” Join the Diocesan Theologian, the Rev’d Dr Howard Pilgrim, in a series of conver-sations at the Cathedral, in which we ponder some of the deepest mysteries of faith in the 21

st century … “Life, the uni-

verse and everything”.

Fortnightly, Tuesday evenings at the Cathedral, 7.00 pm; session 2 is on 27th November.

A Celebration of Life in Waiapu 30th November, 7.00 pm

On St Andrew’s Day, you are all invited to the Cathedral for a celebration of our life as Waiapu.

The service will include - a welcome and commissioning of Pe-

ter O’Brien, the General Manager of Waiapu Anglican Social Services;

the ordination of Gaye Barkla from Holy Trinity, Tauranga, to the diaco-nate;

and the ordination of the Rev’d Susan Cooper from West Rotorua, to the priesthood;

and the farewelling of our 2012 youth interns, Saachi Kepa and Haydn Simmiss.

Clergy please robe with red stoles.

Refreshments will follow the service.

Billets needed for ordination supporters from Tauranga and Rotorua parishes - please make offers to the Parish Office.

The new computers are now all up and running and some re-

organisation has happened in the Parish Office; we survived!

Thanks to all who supported the Choristers’ concert last Sunday afternoon -

the generous donations received allowed us to make a gift of $125 to

each of the Barbershop Quartet to go to-wards their university fees for next year.

BOOK LAUNCH - Our Place, Our Voice Wednesday 28th November, 5.30 pm

in the Baptistery A new book exploring contextual theology,

with chapters written by women in the Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand

and Polynesia … including Dean Helen!

CHB breakfast club for kids, in Wai-pukurau, is a service run by the Waiapu Anglican Social Services, and is in need of bedding, towels, kitchen equip-ment, small items of household furniture, and clothing (especially children’s).

Thanks to our Op Shop staff and parish-ioners who responded to an urgent re-quest last week; additional donations of items appreciated.

The Cathedral EJP Network finished a busy year with a meal together last Sun-day. But members will be looking at sub-missions over coming weeks and will help commend the CWS Christmas Ap-peal through Advent. Next meeting: 3 February 2013, 4.00 pm.

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CLERGY Dean: Helen Jacobi 835 7862 Parish Mobile: 021 688 227

Assisting Clergy: Jon Williams 835 1566 Dorothy Brooker 843 6779 Graeme Pilgrim 835 6777

OFFICE: Monday-Friday 9.30 am - 3.30 pm 835-8824

Priest-Administrator: Margaret Thompson


Pastoral Asst: Elisabeth Paterson 835 4609 Lay Minister: Jennifer Harris 845 1108

STAFF Director of Music: Gary Bowler 835 8523

Verger: Malcolm Smith

Monday 8.30 am -12.30 pm Tuesday-Friday 12.30 pm - 4.30 pm

Waiapu Cathedral of St John the Evangelist, 28 Browning Street, Napier, NZ Phone 835-8824 ~ PO Box 495, Napier ~ email: [email protected]

NEXT SUNDAY - 25 November 2012

Christ the King

Readings: Daniel 7: 9-10, 13-14 Psalm 93 Revelation 1: 4b-8 John 18: 33-37


8.00 am Eucharist

10.00 am Parish Eucharist

Ormond Chapel, Napier Terrace:

11.00 am Holy Communion


Sunday 18 November 3.00 pm - Jan Preston “Boogie-woogie” and ragtime piano concert Tuesday 20 November 10.30 am - Eucharist in Prayer Room Tuesday 20 November 5.15 pm - Cathedral Link meeting Wednesday 21 November 12.30 pm - Cathedral Chapter meeting Thursday 22 November 4.30 pm - Chorister practice 7.30 pm - Choir practice Thursday 22 November 5.30 pm - Evensong with Choristers Thursday 22 November 7.30 pm - Concord Strings concert Sat. 24, 8pm & Sun.25 Nov, 2.30pm Napier Civic Choir concert Tues. 27 & Weds. 28 November Waiapu leadership team meeting, Kopua Tuesday 27 November 7.00 pm - ‘Checking the Foundations’ study series, session 2 Wednesday 28 November 5.30 pm - Book launch

Since January 2012, the Cathedral Pipe Organ has been in Timaru at the South Island Organ Company for its planned re-build. The organ you hear today is an electronic Rodgers 805B PDI Organ. The speakers are in the organ chamber where the pipes once were. To find out more about our organ project, and how to support the rebuild, please pick up a bro-chure from the back of the Cathedral. And follow progress of the rebuild on the SIOC’s Facebook page!

The dedication of the new organ is sched-uled for Thursday 4th April 2013.

Wednesday 28 November 7.30 pm - Vestry meeting Thursday 29 November 6.00 pm - Cliff Houston’s farewell Friday 30 November 7.30 pm - Diocesan service Sunday 2 December 8.30 pm - Advent Carols and Readings with procession by candlelight Thursday 20 December 1-4pm - Christmas Discovered

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