Page 1: Week Commencing 22 June 2020 Year 5- English Monday- SPAG · 6/22/2020  · 1. Use the adjectives tropical, deserted, colourful and inflatable. Use the fronted adverbial upon the

Week Commencing 22nd June 2020Year 5- English

Monday- SPAGTuesday- ReadingWednesday- WritingThursday- WritingFriday- Well-being Friday!Daily reading- 30+ minutes of your chosen book


Page 2: Week Commencing 22 June 2020 Year 5- English Monday- SPAG · 6/22/2020  · 1. Use the adjectives tropical, deserted, colourful and inflatable. Use the fronted adverbial upon the

Week Commencing 22nd June 2020Hi Year 5,

We’ve been using lots of our own avatars recently, so I thought I’d try and find some for the Year 5 pets too! What do you think?

Even as cartoons, they’re all adorable!


Attila Rincewind Patricia Bonnie Milo

We love hearing from you! If you’d like to share a piece of work, or just let us know how you are, email your teachers [email protected] Remember to put your class as the subject so your teacher doesn’t miss your message.

Page 3: Week Commencing 22 June 2020 Year 5- English Monday- SPAG · 6/22/2020  · 1. Use the adjectives tropical, deserted, colourful and inflatable. Use the fronted adverbial upon the

Week commencing 20th April 2020Year 5- English

Monday- SPAGTuesday- ReadingWednesday- WritingThursday- WritingFriday- SPAGDaily reading- 30+ minutes of your chosen book


Page 4: Week Commencing 22 June 2020 Year 5- English Monday- SPAG · 6/22/2020  · 1. Use the adjectives tropical, deserted, colourful and inflatable. Use the fronted adverbial upon the

Monday 22nd June 2020- SPAG


People who write books don’t just write a story and send it to the publishers. They edit and improve their writing to make it the best it can possibly be!

Over our time in Year 5, you have become skilled editors. You’re great at finding mistakes in spelling, punctuation and grammar and know where to

look to ensure you correct them accurately.

Today, we are going to focus on the improving (or up-levelling) side of writing.

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Monday 22nd June 2020- SPAG


Here is a very simple and quite boring sentence:

‘The wolf guarded the babies.’

Although it gives us the key information, it isn’t very exciting to read! I have had a go at improving this sentence. What do you think I have done to improve it? Write your

answers in your Home Learning book.

‘Curiously, the calm, nurturing wolf, who normally growled at humans, guarded the vulnerable, abandoned babies.’

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Monday 22nd June 2020- SPAG


‘Curiously, the calm, nurturing wolf, who normally growled at humans,guarded the vulnerable, abandoned babies.’

I’ve included…

Fronted Adverbials Expanded Noun Phrases Relative Clauses

There are many other writing techniques we can use to improve our writing, but we are just focusing on these three today.

As you use each of these three techniques, remember to challenge yourself to use ambitious vocabulary too!

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Monday 22nd June 2020- SPAG


Fronted adverbials are

words or phrases at the

beginning of a sentence

which are used to describe

the action that follows, such


Without hesitation, Riyad reached up to

grab the ball.

Every evening, Maiya

practises with her


Cheekily, Liza smiled

when she saw her


Quick recap!

An expanded noun phrase provides extra

information about the

noun. You can use

adjectives to give more

information within your

sentences, such as:

some exciting holiday brochures

a cute, pink pig

the majestic, magical unicorn

A relative clause gives us extra

information about the noun in

the main clause. It is connected

to the main clause by a relative pronoun. Examples are:

The squirrel, which was half way up the tree,

clung onto the trunk.

Sebastian, who was previously undefeated,

now stands in fourth place.

The storm, that was predicted yesterday,

almost capsized the boat.

Come back to this slide at any point if you get stuck!

Page 8: Week Commencing 22 June 2020 Year 5- English Monday- SPAG · 6/22/2020  · 1. Use the adjectives tropical, deserted, colourful and inflatable. Use the fronted adverbial upon the

Monday 22nd June 2020- SPAG


‘The boy held open the door.’

First, we will create expanded noun phrases. Next, we will add a fronted adverbial.Finally, we will add a relative clause.

We are going to improve the following sentence one step at a time.

Use ambitious adjectives to add extra information about both of the nouns in this sentence. Which two things will you be describing?

What do they look like?Think about personality.How are they feeling?Think about condition.What age are they?What about size?

Give yourself one minute to

expand the noun phrases ‘the

boy’ and ‘the door’ in your Home

Learning book..

Page 9: Week Commencing 22 June 2020 Year 5- English Monday- SPAG · 6/22/2020  · 1. Use the adjectives tropical, deserted, colourful and inflatable. Use the fronted adverbial upon the

Monday 22nd June 2020- SPAG


‘The boy held open the door.’

When did it happen?Does he do it frequently?

Where was the door?How did he hold it?

How long had he been there?What state was he in?

Give yourself one minute to write down as many fronted adverbials you can think of, that would fit this sentence.

Remembering that fronted adverbials are words or phrases at the beginning of a sentence, which are used to describe the action that follows, think about these


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Monday 22nd June 2020- SPAG


‘The boy held open the door.’



Give yourself one minute to come up with as many relative clauses as you can, that you think might fit the sentence.

A relative clause gives us extra information about the noun in the main clause. Choose one of the following relative pronouns to start your relative clause. What

extra information will you add to your sentence to make it interesting?

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Monday 22nd June 2020- SPAG


Here is just one example of how your improved sentence could look.

‘The boy held open the door.’

could have become

‘After lunch, the sensible, responsible boy, whose job it is to

tidy up, held open the blue classroom door.’

Fronted Adverbials Expanded Noun Phrases Relative Clauses

Page 12: Week Commencing 22 June 2020 Year 5- English Monday- SPAG · 6/22/2020  · 1. Use the adjectives tropical, deserted, colourful and inflatable. Use the fronted adverbial upon the

Monday 22nd June 2020- SPAG


Your tasksWork through the three tasks as best you can.

Task 1Improve each of the simple sentences below. Aim to include a fronted adverbial and at least one expanded noun phrase and one relative clause in each improved sentence.

• The boy ate a hotdog.• Sharon read a book.• The homework was too hard for Kieran.• Eight friends stood in a circle.• Josie balanced on one leg.• Gregory ran away from the scene.• Class 10 sat on the bench.• Max and dad read a story together.• Lee’s son pointed to the park.• They put the last baubles on the tree.

Fronted Adverbials Expanded Noun Phrases Relative Clauses

Page 13: Week Commencing 22 June 2020 Year 5- English Monday- SPAG · 6/22/2020  · 1. Use the adjectives tropical, deserted, colourful and inflatable. Use the fronted adverbial upon the

Monday 22nd June 2020- SPAG


Task 2Someone has already had a go at improving these sentences. Work out which technique they have used, and then have a go at improving them further.

• The hardworking, dedicated farmer, who was used to getting muddy, wore waterproof, green boots.

• Once per week, Suki, who is only thirteen years old, delivers the newspapers to Beech Street.

• Below the cliffs, the unruly, turbulent waves crashed onto the sharp, jagged rocks.

Fronted Adverbials Expanded Noun Phrases Relative Clauses

Page 14: Week Commencing 22 June 2020 Year 5- English Monday- SPAG · 6/22/2020  · 1. Use the adjectives tropical, deserted, colourful and inflatable. Use the fronted adverbial upon the

Monday 22nd June 2020- SPAG


Task 3For each image, create a sentence that uses ALL of the following words/phrases

1. Use the adjectives tropical, deserted, colourful and inflatable.Use the fronted adverbial upon the sand.Begin the relative clause with the relative pronoun which.

2. Use the adjectives golden, tired, ageing and brittle.Use the fronted adverbial wearily.Begin the relative clause with the relative pronoun who.

3. Use the adjectives frozen, colossal, towering and destructive.Use the fronted adverbial shortly before midnight.Begin the relative clause with the relative pronoun that.

Fronted Adverbials Expanded Noun Phrases Relative Clauses

Page 15: Week Commencing 22 June 2020 Year 5- English Monday- SPAG · 6/22/2020  · 1. Use the adjectives tropical, deserted, colourful and inflatable. Use the fronted adverbial upon the

Tuesday 23rd June 2020- Reading


Today we are going to explore Chapter 9, I AM OFFERED A QUEST.

Task 1Read Chapter 9, or listen to one of your teachers reading it for you using the link sent to your parents (if you need this re-sent, please send an email to us).

Task 2Create a graphic for Chapter 9, just like we did for Chapter 2.

Remember, a graphic is an illustrated representation of a chapter. There are a few rules we need to follow when creating a graphic- we will work through these together.

Rule 1- A graphic will have a picture in the middle which is a symbol for the chapter. It might be an important object mentioned in the chapter.Rule 2- The picture must contain at least three colours. Each colour represents something different about the chapter.Rule 3- Each corner of the page must include a quote that you feel is important from the chapter. It may tell us something about one of the characters, or be key to the storyline. Each quote should be explained.Rule 4- The title for the chapter you are creating the graphic for and your name must be written at the top.

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Tuesday 23rd June 2020- Reading


This is an example graphic for Chapter 1. Rule 1- Image. Which objects do you feel are important in Chapter 9? Pick one and draw it in the middle of your page. Below are a few suggestions.• A newspaper• A trident • Hydra head• Toiletries bag

Rule 2- Colours for image. At least three colours to represent different parts of the story. Your colours will depend on the object you picked. These colours could show different characters’ emotions or key parts of the story.

Rule 3- Quotes. One quote for each corner of your graphic (so four quotes in total). These can be moving on the story line or important information about the characters. To challenge yourself, have a go at explaining why you chose these quotes.

Rule 4-Chapter title. At the top centre of the page, write the title of the chapter, and your name.

Brown for


resilience and

protection of


Page 17: Week Commencing 22 June 2020 Year 5- English Monday- SPAG · 6/22/2020  · 1. Use the adjectives tropical, deserted, colourful and inflatable. Use the fronted adverbial upon the

Wednesday 24th June 2020- Writing


Today we are going to look at how to write instructions.

Instructions tell us how do to something.

There are many different types of instructions.

Some examples include:

• recipes;

• directions;

• how to play a game;

• how to make or build something;

• how to repair something;

• or how to look after/care for


Can you think of any more examples?

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Wednesday 24th June 2020- Writing


Regardless of their purpose, instructions share many of the same features:

• An introduction to explain what the end result will be (what the instructions will help the reader to do). This will usually include questions to engage the reader.

• A list of things the reader will need, such as ingredients for a recipe, materials for a building project or equipment for a craft activity.

• An outline of the method needed to complete the task (usually in chronological order).

• Imperative verbs are usually used within the method to ‘boss’ the reader around!

• Conjunctions, prepositions and adverbs to show time, place and cause should be used throughout, e.g. After that, Inside the box, As soon as it has melted, etc.

• Extra tips and advice may be given to the reader for especially tricky parts of a task.

• Pictures or diagrams can be used to provide clarification, e.g. a series of pictures or diagrams corresponding to each step of the method, a single picture or diagram of a tricky part of the process or an illustration of the final product.

• A conclusion to sum up the task and help the reader check that they have achieved the correct outcome.

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Wednesday 24th June 2020- Writing

Your taskHave a look at the instructions on the next couple of pages. Can you find all the following features? Write an example for each one in your Home Learning Book.

Features of instructions:

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Wednesday 24th June 2020- Writing

Page 21: Week Commencing 22 June 2020 Year 5- English Monday- SPAG · 6/22/2020  · 1. Use the adjectives tropical, deserted, colourful and inflatable. Use the fronted adverbial upon the

Wednesday 24th June 2020- Writing

Check the answers at the end of the slides to see if you found correct examples for each feature!

Page 22: Week Commencing 22 June 2020 Year 5- English Monday- SPAG · 6/22/2020  · 1. Use the adjectives tropical, deserted, colourful and inflatable. Use the fronted adverbial upon the

Thursday 25th June 2020- Writing


In Chapter 9, we discovered that Zeus (along with a number of other gods) believes that Percy stole his lightning bolts!

Today you are going to write instructions on how to steal Zeus’s lightning bolts.

According to Greek myth, Zeus’s lightning bolts were created by the cyclopes during a great war between the Titans and the Olympians. At the same time, Poseidon's trident and Hades’s pitchfork.

The lightning bolt is the symbol of Zeus. Some myths portray Zeus only having on lightning bolt that creates storms, whereas other myths show Zeus with multiple bolts that he throws down to the world.

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Thursday 25th June 2020- Writing


Your instructions are going to be a step-by-step guide on how to steal Zeus’s lightning bolt from Mount Olympus. You are going to aim to include all the features of instructions in your work.

Points to think about before you begin:

• How would you get from the Earth up to Mount Olympus?• Would this be something you must do alone, or with others? If others, who

and how many?• Will you be aiming to get in and out without being seen? Or are you going

to charge in and use force?• Who or what would you need to look out for?• Is there a special way you need to handle the lightning bolt so you don’t

damage it (or so it doesn’t damage you!)• How would you get back from Mount Olympus to Earth?• What do you recommend could be done with the lightning bolt, once you

have it safely back on Earth with you?

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Thursday 25th June 2020- Writing


Instructions layout

TitleThis normally begins with the phrase ‘How to…’

Introduction A couple of lines to introduce your instructions. Often including rhetorical questions such as ‘Have you ever…’, ‘What would you do if…’

Equipment • Bullet points of all the things you are going to need

Method/Steps Each step of the instructions written in detail, in chronological order.

Conclusion A couple of lines to finish off your instructions. Often including phrases like ‘Now you have…’ or ‘Once you are finished…’

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Thursday 25th June 2020- Writing


Here are some key words you could include in your instructions:

It’s time to get writing your instructions on how to steal Zeus’s lightning bolt!

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Thursday 25th June 2020- Writing


Bonus task!

Some instructions have diagrams to help you understand them better. Have a go at adding diagrams to some of the steps in your instructions.

We’d love to see your instructions! Either take a photo of your instructions, or type them up then send to [email protected] Remember to put your class as the subject so your teacher doesn’t miss your message!

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Friday 26th June 2020- Well-being Friday!


This week, our well-being Friday tasks have been inspired by this song. As you listen, make sure you pay careful attention to the lyrics as they hold a very important message…

Reach for the stars,Climb every mountain higher.Reach for the stars,Follow your heart's desire.Reach for the stars,And when that rainbow's shining over you,That's when your dreams will all come true.

It can be tricky sometimes to keep yourself motivated when you are trying to achieve a goal that feels a long way away. BUT, if keep positive and keep challenging yourself, you will get there.

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Friday 26th June 2020- Well-being Friday!


Pick as many of the tasks below as you wish:

• Research your dream job. What would you actually have to do?• Interview somebody in your life you has an interesting job. Find out how they

started the job, what do they love about it, and is there anything they don’t like about it?

• Create a ‘life plan’ of exactly what you need to do in order to get your dream job. Are there certain qualifications you need to get? Do you need to move to a different county?

• Create a piece of art based on where you would like your life to be when you are 30 years old. Think about what house, family and job you would like.

• Design your dream house. You could either draw this, create it on the computer or cut out pictures from magazines and catalogues (make sure you ask an adult before cutting anything up!).

Page 29: Week Commencing 22 June 2020 Year 5- English Monday- SPAG · 6/22/2020  · 1. Use the adjectives tropical, deserted, colourful and inflatable. Use the fronted adverbial upon the

Friday 26th June 2020- Well-being Friday!


When I was about 5, I told my mum that when I grew up I wanted to be a ‘paddling pool lady’. She quickly worked out I meant a lifeguard. When she asked why I wanted to be that, my answer was because I got to use a whistle! For my well-being Friday I decided to research what I’d have to do in order to become a lifeguard…

•You need to be 16+. Definitely over 16!•Must be able to jump, much preferably, dive into deep water. I’ve never been brave enough to dive!

•Swim 50 meters, two lengths of an average pool, in 60 seconds. Hmmm not sure if I can do it that fast…

•Swim 100 meters continuously, at your own pace, on front and back in deep water. Now this I can do.•Tread water for 30 consecutive seconds Another tick for me!•Surface dive to the bottom of the pool. Oh dear, I was never very good at this during swimming lessons…•Climb out of the pool unaided and with ease. Tick tick tick!

From the looks of it, being a ‘paddling pool lady’ might have to stay a childhood dream for now.At least I get a whistle being a teacher!

Page 30: Week Commencing 22 June 2020 Year 5- English Monday- SPAG · 6/22/2020  · 1. Use the adjectives tropical, deserted, colourful and inflatable. Use the fronted adverbial upon the

AnswersThe answers for some of the tasks are on the next few slides.

As a lot of our English work is creative, it is not possible to give answers for every task as everyone will have come up with different ideas for their writing/sentences.

If you are unsure on any of the answers, or want to check your answers to creative work, please email the Year 5 team.


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AnswersWednesday 24th June 2020


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AnswersWednesday 24th June 2020


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