
Group bible study will start in a few minutes.

Daniel, Discernment & Revelation

Lighthouse Group Bible Study Series

Living with Discernment in the End TimesWeeks 5, 6 & 1: No Turning Back | The Blessing of Suffering | Living by Knowing the Truth

Living with Discernment in the End TimesNo Turning Back | The Blessing of Suffering | Living by Knowing the TruthWeeks 5, 6 & 1:


Opening Prayer

Discussion Points


Closing Prayer

Discussion Points…Week 5 (1 Peter 4)Peter reminds us that even in light of all that God has done for us, it is his will for us, on occasion, to suffer for doing what is right rather than avoiding suffering by doing what is called right by he standard of men. It is the will of God for our lifestyles to be according to His plan rather than the pleasurable schemes of men.

• What description is given of “the desire of the Gentiles”? How did the

nonbelieving Gentiles respond to the recipients’ salvation? How does this

response relate to the recipients’ circumstances? What role will God play

in this ?

• What instructions did Peter give the recipients in this chapter? How do

these instructions relate to their suffering? What will be the end result if

they obey these commands? What is to be their response while going

through their fiery ordeal?

• Can someone suffer and be in the will of God? What should they do when going

through a fiery ordeal according to the will of God? How do they do that

practically speaking?

Discussion Points…Week 6 (1 Peter 5)

The biblical teaching is clear: no one is exempt from attending the schoolhouse of suffering. Suffering is a part of the Christian life. It cannot be avoided. God allows suffering to happen to those who are His.

• What have you learned from 1 Peter about the true grace of

God? What have you learned about standing firm in the true

grace of God?

• According to Chapter 5, who suffered? Is anyone exempt from

suffering? What will God do for them after they have suffered

for a little while?

• How has God spoken to you personally through this study? What

is the most significant thing you learned? What surprised you the

most in this book?

Discussion Points…Week 1 (2 Peter 1-3)

Peter wants his readers to remember two things. First, he wants them to “remember the words spoken beforehand by the holy prophets.” Second, he wants them to “remember the commandment of the Lord…spoken by your apostles.” You need to connect to the one thing that is strong enough to keep you from falling. The safety line that will hold you in place is the Word of God—both the old and new testaments.

• What is Peter’s purpose in writing this letter? Of what does

he want to remind them? Why?

• Do we need this reminder today? Why?

• According to chapter 3 what should we, as believers, remember?



• The Holy Spirit

• Bible (NASB)

• Living with Discernment in the End Times by Kay Arthur

We’d love your feedback…

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Living with Discernment in the End TimesWeeks 5, 6 & 1: No Turning Back | The Blessing of Suffering | Living by Knowing the Truth

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