Page 1: Week 14 Schedule  Chapter 7  Group work  If time allows:  AP style: sports edition  General AP stylebook practice  Grammar

Week 14 Schedule Chapter 7 Group workIf time allows: AP style: sports edition General AP stylebook practice Grammar

Page 2: Week 14 Schedule  Chapter 7  Group work  If time allows:  AP style: sports edition  General AP stylebook practice  Grammar

lcome to the world of urnalism, where porters have been gging dirt, raking muck, king headlines and adlines for centuries w. It’s a history full of bloid trash, of slimy nsationalists, of runkards, deadbeats and mmers” (as a Harvard iversity president once scribed reporters). But it’s a history full of roes, too: men and men risking their lives tell stories of war and agedy, risking prisonment to defend ee speech. And as you n see here, reports have come beloved characters p culture, too, turning up movies, comics and TV ows as if guided by an cult hand.

Every culture seeks effective ways to spread new information and gossip. In ancient times, news was written on clay tablets. In Caesar’s age, Romans read newsletters compiled by correspondents and handwritten by slaves. Wandering minstrels spread news (and the plague) in the Middle Ages. Them came ink on paper. Voices on airwaves. Newsreels, Web sites, And 24-hour cable news networks. Thus when scholars analyze the rich history of journalism, some view it in terms of technological progress—for example, the dramatic impact of bigger, faster printing presses. Others see journalism as a specialized form literary expression, one that’s

constantly evolving, reflecting and shaping its culture. Others see it as an inspiring quest for free speech, an endless power struggle between Authority (trying to control information) and the People (trying to learn the truth). Which brings to mind the words of A.J. Liefling: “Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to htose who own one.” In the pages ahead, we’ll take a quick tour of 600 years of journalism history, from hieroglyphics to hypertext: the media, the message and the politics. Technical advances and brilliant ideas forged a new style of journalism. It was a century of change, and newspapers changed

dramatically. The typi newspaper of 1800 wa undisciplined mishma legislative proceedinglong-winded essays a secondhand gossip. B1900, a new breed of tor had emerged. Jourhad become big busin Reporting was becom disciplined craft. And newspapers were becmore entertaining and essential than ever, wmost of the features w expect today: Snappy headlines, Ads, Comic Sports pages. And an “inverted pyramid” sty writing that made stori tighter and newsier. Radio and television brought an end to newspapers’ media monopoly. Why? Well yourself: Which did yo

Inside ReportingTim Harrower

Law and ethics


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Law & ethics

Press rights

Press wrongs


Invasion of privacy

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Congress shall make

no religion, or prohibiting law

respecting an establishment

of the free exercise thereof;abridging the freedom

of speech, or of the

press… The First Amendment to the U.S.


Press rights

Privileges and protections for journalistic activities.

Access to government operations and records.

Rights fall into two main categories:

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Press rights

Fair report privilege•Allows journalists to report anything said in official government proceedings.

•Must be accurate and fair.

Privilege and protection for sources and stories

Opinion privilege•Protects written opinions

from libel suits.•Distinction between

facts and opinion.

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Press rights

•Allows journalists to criticize performers, politicians and other matters of public interest.

Privilege and protection…Fair comment and criticism

Freedom from newsroom searches

Shield laws

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Understanding libel

Who can sue for libel?•Living people.•Small groups.

Who is it that gets sued?•Usually, the publication.

Beginning reporter’s guide to libel

What is libel?•False statements and•Defamatory and•Published and•Identifiable plaintiffs and•Defendant must beat fault through negligence or malice.

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Understanding libel

Actual malice –knowing you are lying or disregarding the truth

Opinion – ideas that don’t claim to be factual

Slander – defamation that is spoken

A lexicon of libel

•Public official –someone who exercises power or influence in governmental affairs

•Public figure – person who has acquired fame or notoriety

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Invasion of privacy

Intrusion•Trespass•Secret surveillance•Misrepresentation

Most common ways to invade someone’s privacy4

Public disclosure of private facts


False light•Anything that portrays

someone in an inaccurate way

Appropriation •Unauthorized use of

someone’s name, photo or words to endorse or sell a product or service.

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The seven deadly sins

Ethical pitfallsBias •Slanting a story by

manipulating facts to sway opinions.

Plagiarism•Passing off someone else’s words or ideas as your own.

Fabrication•Manufacturing quotes or

imaginary sources or writing anything you know to be untrue.

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Journalistic ethics

Seek truth and report it.

Minimize harm.Act independently.Be accountable.

Code of ethics Why ethics? Because...•62% of Americans say they don’t trust the press.•59% think newspapers care more about profits than public interests.•58% don’t think reporters care about inaccuracies.

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Group Work

Class 2

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7

Jack Beryl Carol Judy Leo Christina Roxanne

Joey Kathy Lily Cici Yao Mavis Shirley

Barack Helen Bonnie Sara Gicy Emma

Class 3

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7

Bilan Cherry Snow Tina Jenny Anne Sunny

Cassie Carey Kane Helen Claire Emma Tanya

Joanna Cara Carolin

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Ch. 5 eWorkbook exercise 5-12


She had a 7 par to finish 2-up for the round.

The Fountain Valley High School girls soccer team won 12 games last year.

The Barons beat the Eagles 7-0.

Walter Payton was the NFL's leading career rusher.

She threw five strikeouts in the fourth inning.

On third down, he rushed 5 yards for the touchdown.

The 6-10 Cal graduate shot a 3-pointer at the buzzer.

Minnesota lost its only home game this week.

After his team started 0-3, coach Lawrence Hannah shook up the roster.

Page 14: Week 14 Schedule  Chapter 7  Group work  If time allows:  AP style: sports edition  General AP stylebook practice  Grammar

1.The six-year-old girl was given aide by her brother, who is nine. (3)

2.“Air Force One” narrowly avoided crashing in Ala. but landed safely at the United States Airbase. (4)

3.Air-traffic-controllers at the Boston Airport are seeking a raise. (2)

4.The prosecutor accused him of allegedly robbing the bank. (1) 5.The college alumna set an all-time record for distance traveled when he returned to the campus for a reunion (2).

6.The funds were divided between Ford, Carter and McCarthy (1).7.10 people took the test; another 20 refused (3).8.My dictionary is my Bible (1).



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AP style practice

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AP style practice answers

4 The 6-year-old girl was given aid by her brother, 9.

4 Air Force One narrowly avoided crashing in Alabama but landed safely at the U.S. air base.

4 Air traffic controllers at Logan International Airport (or Boston airport) are seeking a raise.

4 The prosecutor alleged that he robbed the bank. Or: The prosecutor accused him of robbing the bank.

4 The college alumnus set a record for distance traveled when he returned to the campus for a reunion.

4 The funds were divided among Ford, Carter and McCarthy.

4 Ten people took the test; 20 others refused.

4 My dictionary is my bible.

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Grammar: Plurals and Possessives

4 Instructions: Please correct the errors in the sentences below. Do not try to avoid the grammar issue by rewriting a sentence. Instead, try to keep the words in the same basic order, but correct the punctuation.The car is the students’. I saw your father at Ricks house.The teacher’s asked the girl’s and boy’s to be quiet.The Detroit Tiger’s baseball team dropped a

doubleheader yesterday. The mans son shoveled the walk.

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Grammar answers: Plurals and Possessives The car is the student’s.I saw your father at Rick’s house.The teachers asked the girls and boys to be quiet.The Detroit Tigers baseball team dropped a

doubleheader yesterday.The man’s son shoveled the walk.

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Week 14 Assignments

Read Chapter 8Post Beat story #3 idea

•Deadline: Monday, May 26 by noon

Continue group work

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