Page 1: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2012 · 2014. 5. 23. · wednesday, november 28, 2012 transcript host guest jennifer mclean panache desai


Host Guest



Page 2: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2012 · 2014. 5. 23. · wednesday, november 28, 2012 transcript host guest jennifer mclean panache desai

Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 2 of 36 Guest: Panache Desai | Workshop 2 Wednesday, November 28, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Jennifer: Welcome, everyone, to Healing With The Masters. We’re here on our second night

of our very powerful workshop with Panache Desai on volume 10 of Healing With The Masters on this year of 2012. Holy jumping! That was quite something last night, and I think we’re going to blow it up, again, here tonight. I mean that in the most beautiful and gracious and light-filled way.

Before we get there, of course, I just want to remind you that show — part of the

reason I share this little blurb with you is actually so your mind can embrace the credibility of the moment and allow itself to release into the body, into the heart, into the soul energy so that the soul energy is now receiving the amazing content that you’re about to receive tonight. So there is actually a purpose for these besides just selling Healing With The Masters. There is an actual energetic purpose that I want you to be aware of.

I don't know if you’ve noticed this, but we’re going through quite a remarkable

journey this season on Healing With The Masters, and it’s no accident that it’s happening in this 2012 year. So just remember that each show of this blessed series is a point of opening. Each show is a foundation for the next. Each one is energized with frequencies that allow you to open to the new capacities that are within you right now waiting for your discovery.

Each show builds on itself in a very synchronistic dance, so we recommend that you

try to catch as many of these shows as you can, and in order if that’s possible. A great way to do that is to purchase and own Healing with the Masters. You can do that at: If there was a season to own, this would be it. This season is quite remarkable. I

might say that next season too, because it feels like every season gets better and better. However, it does feel like there’s something special happening on this powerful 2012 one, and it would be a good addition to your library. So again, that’s: I’m also so grateful, so honored, and I feel so remarkably and deeply blessed to

know that each of you listening right now are on this ride with us. You are actually a co-creator on this beautiful dance that we are experiencing in each and every show. What comes forth does so from your intention. Each of you are the spark that allows all of us to grow. That’s the world we are creating too. Each on this planet are the spark of contrast, of light, of joy, of happiness that allows all of us to grow.

I also want to mention something about masters. We may think of masters as the

remarkable guests that share their knowledge and experiences with us each week, like Panache here tonight, but we actually consider you also to be the master, each of you in this audience, you the participant. No one is more uniquely qualified to transform your life than you.

In fact, you have within you the master that you are seeking. The master speakers

that we bring together in this series allow us to discover the tools and techniques to

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 3 of 36 Guest: Panache Desai | Workshop 2 Wednesday, November 28, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

continue to shift our lives into love and light and to continue to discover the masters that we are, and in the process we are truly making a difference on this beautiful planet.

Jennifer: Boy did we make a difference last night, and we are going to continue to make an

enormous difference tonight with our very special guest, Panache Desai. Panache is an inspirational visionary. He’s a contemporary spiritual master in the field of consciousness and vibration. He has inspired this amazing community and people around the globe, thousands and thousands around the globe, with eternal truths, with deep, sacred information and energies.

I don't know if you guys can feel it, but it’s already started. Every word that

Panache shares is energetically encoded with a high vibration to lift us up and out of these old beliefs, these old patterns, these old, lower-vibrating energies into the truth of who we are.

He is a modern-day avatar, truly acting as a direct link to Divine consciousness to

empower each of us into remembering our divinity, remembering who we are, remembering the opportunity for grace, ease, joy, abundance, flow, health, wholeness and balance in every moment.

Welcome, Panache Desai, to Healing With The Masters, for our second of three

workshops in this very special volume 10 season. So awesome having you back here again. Woo-hoo.

Panache: Thank you, Jennifer. It’s been quite the ride actually, and after last night’s

installment, I already began receiving emails and comments on Facebook. Thank you for those. People are in lots of different places with what occurred. Some people have really just embraced the fullness of each moment, and they’ve begun to recognize the blessing that stress is.

Some are still caught up in different aspects of life and still trying to figure out how

to best navigate it. So I’m excited tonight to dive into it even deeper and dive into it in an even greater way so that everyone can access the fullness and mastery that they are. Can’t wait, Jennifer. Can’t wait.

Jennifer: Woo-hoo. So just a quick recap: stress is our ally. Panache: Yes, it is. It is. Stress is our ally. Stress is a natural part of life and living. Jennifer: Stress is our ally. Panache: The only people that are immune to it are dead. By virtue of the fact that you are

alive, you are experiencing stress, and stress is great, because it’s pushing you into more. How you navigate that effectively is to flow with that. So right now — I love what you said — we’re in the middle of a vibrational overhaul.

So some people and some of the emails and some of the questions I got were —

they feel like their entire life is falling apart. The only problem with that is that they’re trying to hold on to that life that they once knew instead of allowing it to fall apart so that a life that is built on solid foundations can begin to emerge.

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 4 of 36 Guest: Panache Desai | Workshop 2 Wednesday, November 28, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Panache: So the image that comes to mind is almost a Phoenix that rises from the ashes, but what’s happening is this fire of purification, this fire of truth, this greater, divine love is literally burning away that no longer serves you so that your spirit can be fully resurrected so that that light and luminosity can be reflected in every single aspect of your life. And stress is that fire.

Stress is a part of that. It is the guiding principle of that. It is our friend. It is

leading us into more, and it’s trying to shift the paradigm of conversation on it, as we already have done and as we’ve already begun to explore last night. Can’t wait.

Jennifer: So this notion — I just kind of got the energetic signature of it as you said it. It

literally feels like that’s what’s been happening with me and to me and in my being last night, until this moment, which is there’s a burning away of all that is no longer needed. The idea that the things that are showing up in our life are the pieces that are showing up as fuel for that fire, in a way.

Panache: That’s right. People resist their pain, but they actually completely overlook the fact

that their pain is the fuel that fires their transformation. So we resist suffering. We resist pain. We resist feeling, but it’s all of that content that ultimately allows us to break free of it.

So that’s the part, and so yes, all of that stuff is being burned away. Old identities,

old roles, old responsibilities, old ways of showing up in the world, old ways of being in relationships, old ways of thinking and believing around money are collapsing. All of this is happening vibrationally, and this is where we’re lucky, because tonight we’re involved in a vibrational exploration.

In fact, this greater vibrational communion has already begun. For some of you it

hasn’t ended, and so the key is to just open your palms and begin to feel into the greater truth of what’s happening right now, because when I say to you that we have the capacity and the possibility and the power within us to fundamentally alter the way we perceive ourselves and our life for good, I’m not kidding.

Actually one of the comments I had yesterday was this wonderful lady who emailed

me, and please, your name escapes me, but she said, “I am so ready. I am waving the white flag.” She said, “Last night something struck me so powerfully, and when I got the package and started listening to it and started tuning into the energies and the greater frequencies that were encoded in it, I began to recognize the futility of my resistance.”

She began to dive into more. She said, “Panache, can you please, with Jennifer

tonight, take us over the edge? Take us into the fullness of that unknown so that we can live in it.”

So that’s what’s been happening, and the key, for most of you — I was listening to

some of the sharing that was going on before I even came on the call. The key is to just come into the awareness that there is nothing wrong here. There is nothing wrong here.

Our mind continually wants to find something wrong, and we’re continually seeking

out somebody or something outside of us to make wrong. Ultimately all that does is it distracts us and invalidates our own magnificence. There is nothing wrong here. Just take a breath. You are not wrong.

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 5 of 36 Guest: Panache Desai | Workshop 2 Wednesday, November 28, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Jennifer: I know you’ve already started it, but I would like to take it deeper with

consciousness, with the audience conscious of what’s happening. Would you assist us in this moment in releasing the years and years and years and years of belief, of pointing our attention on what’s wrong? Would you help us release that?

Panache: Absolutely. So all around the world, everybody, are you willing to get that there’s

nothing to get? Jennifer: I’m going to open the lines on that one. Ask again, and I’m going to open the lines

on the count of three. For those who are upset by this, please turn the volume down. Go ahead.

Panache: Are you willing to get, on every single level of your being, that there is nothing to

get? Jennifer: One, two, three. Everybody: Yes. Panache: Take some breaths, Jennifer. Are you willing to get that there’s nothing to get? Jennifer: Yes. Panache: Are you willing to understand and live and known, my beloved, sweet sister, that

you are not the problem, that you’ve never been the problem, that it’s not about you, that you just came into a world that didn’t embrace and accept itself?

You came into a world that needs to make something the enemy. It’s not you. It’s

never been about you, but in fact, all of these things that have been occurring have just been occurring because you incarnated into a planet rule of this existed. You are in fact a part of it, but you are not of it.

There is something transcendent in you that is wanting to emerge, and that is the

arising of that Phoenix. That is moving from stress to blessed. That is taking what one perceives to be the enemy and befriending it and including it in the oneness that we never left. The willingness to simply get that there is nothing to get allows you to fully experience the completeness right now.

Just take some breaths. Just going to lovingly ask the greater presence, the Divine

of your heart to just let you know tangibly that there is nothing to get, that you are not the problem and that all these things that you’ve been doing to try and prove to yourself that you’re lovable, or try and prove to others that you’re lovable, you never needed to do, that in fact, underneath that perceived darkness or underneath that perceived trauma, underneath all of that stuff that you’ve resisted is that golden, luminous light that dwells within you.

It’s time to start allowing that luminosity to arise. Just be with your breath. Just

witness the breath. There is nothing wrong here. Everything is helping me. There’s nothing to get. You can spend an entire lifetime becoming, or you can just finally embrace the fact that you’ve arrived. And you’ve arrived again, and you’ve arrived again, and you’ve arrived again.

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 6 of 36 Guest: Panache Desai | Workshop 2 Wednesday, November 28, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Panache: Transformation is the courage and the willingness to know yourself anew in each moment. It’s the courage and the willingness to meet yourself again and again and again, because in each moment you are different. In each moment you are new. In each moment you are resurrected. In each moment there is more possibility. In each moment there is light.

The only problem is that some of you are stuck in a moment in the ‘70s. Some of

you are stuck in a moment from the ‘60s. Some of you are stuck in a moment from the ‘80s, when you did those shoulder pads and the big hair.

Jennifer: Some of us who were in the healing arts rise around. Panache: That’s the thing. Simply this transformation is happening spontaneously. Now it’s

just a matter of having the courage to know yourself anew in each moment. Who am I now? Who’s experiencing this? Who is witnessing this?

Jennifer: How about now? And what about now? Panache: That’s right. That’s right. Can you see me now? Can you hear me now? Are you

feeling me now? That’s right. This assignment that you gave me, I love it. I love it when someone gives me an

assignment, because I dive into it. This assignment you gave me, that’s what it brought me to. That’s what it brought me to. It just brought me to this place of profound now-ness. It just brought me to this place of profound being-ness.

How amazing that something that is labeled, that is toxic and is detrimental and is

something you have to manage and avoid, that thing that we label as stress, that that was actually the thing that brought me to oneness and the remembrance of oneness. That thing that we’ve been trying to eradicate and manage and navigate, and it’s reaching epidemic proportions, was actually the doorway to bring me, and not only me, but everyone listening back to the oneness that they never left.

That’s how cool you all are. There is nothing to get. I used to say to people, “If I

never see you again, I’ll be so happy, because that means that you’ve really heard everything I’ve said. Now you’re embodying it, and you’re just living life.” Then you can deal with the important questions like what’s for lunch and what’s for dinner.

Jennifer: Those are the important questions. Panache: That’s right. Those are the important questions. Once you’ve answered who am I

and why am I here, you can deal with what’s important. Jennifer: That was a magnificent shift, Panache. What’s important is what’s for dinner. Panache: You can’t eat in any other dimension. That’s an important question. Jennifer: Imagine what our life will be, what the energy around us is, what our grace and

ease is that is our life when that does become the most important question. Panache: That’s right. There’s going to be such a profound level of relatedness to what’s

occurring that there’s not going to be any need for anything else to be occurring.

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 7 of 36 Guest: Panache Desai | Workshop 2 Wednesday, November 28, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Panache: Even listening to some of the people who are on the call, “I don’t know what to do

next. I’m embracing the moment, but I don’t know what to do next.” Well, the very second you go into, “I don't know what to do next,” you’re taking yourself out of the now. We are so quick to leave this space of blessed, and we’re so easily distracted, and we’re so easily pulled in every direction, because we so fundamentally need to belong in a world where we don’t fit.

It is not possible for you to belong in this world. You are having the experiences

that you need to have for you. You have the awareness — Jennifer: The point isn’t to fit. Panache: That’s right. Just imagine if everyone conformed and everyone fit. How would we

evolve? I don’t care what happened 2,000 years ago or 3,000 years ago or 4,000 years ago. What’s important is what we’re experiencing now. What is our contribution? What is the difference that we’re here to make? What is the legacy that we’re going to leave behind?

Are we going to continue to regurgitate the same old conversations that everyone’s

having over and over again, doing the same things trying to get a different result, or are we actually going to try something new and together, as a community of individuals, blaze a unique trail?

Because this greater vibrational resonance is calling forth inspiration. It’s calling

forth ingenuity. It’s calling forth people who are ready to step out of the norm and pioneer and say, “You know what? Stress isn’t the problem,” or, “You know what? Negative energy doesn’t exist,” or “This conversation that we’re having around cleansing and clearing is actually perpetuating separation.”

It takes pioneers to break free of the existing construct to unfold a new,

evolutionary principle and ladder — a new pathway. Every single one of you is here to do that. That’s why, first and foremost, it’s important for you to know that what you know you know for you. Another person may never understand it, and it doesn’t matter. You know it.

So now it’s important to just know it and live it fully, because everything that is

shared — everything that is shared, your soul at the deepest level already knows it. Jennifer: Yeah, and it’s kind of — I’ve witnessed this over and over again, that when people

release that need to change and bring another with or pressure another, as we were talking about on the pre-call, when they release that and they just be who they are fully, everyone joins in, or they don’t.

Panache: Yeah. It’s actually kind of a little more insidious than that. Since we’re having the

conversation, we’ll have it. So what happens is somebody will have a transformation in their mind, and then what they’ll do is they’ll make the pre-transformed version of them, in some way, less than.

Jennifer: That is really a wonderful insight. Holy cow.

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 8 of 36 Guest: Panache Desai | Workshop 2 Wednesday, November 28, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Panache: Yeah. So what happens is they’ll have some kind of a transformation or some kind of an experience, but then what they do is they invalidate who they were before that as being less than in some way.

That’s not it. It’s not that who you were before then was less than. Who you were

before then has led you to where you are now, and that’s — yesterday, when I was talking about the inclusion of all of you, you have to include all of you. Every aspect of you is on the bus with you.

Jennifer: So that previous aspect is a huge blessing. Panache: That’s where the greatest blessing is. That’s the place where people don’t want to

go. People want someone else to do it for them. They want someone to cleanse them, clear them, smudge them, take holy water, spit on them, spin them around in three directions, that some gadget, some gizmo, some other dimension or something is going to do something to their something. They don’t even know what it’s doing, but they just hope and pray that they don’t have to do it themselves.

It doesn’t work, and then what happens is they invalidate themselves. It just

becomes one more way for them to invalidate themselves. “Well, wait a minute. It worked for everyone else. Why didn’t it work for me? See? Nothing works for me.” Then it just solidifies that victim consciousness.

So that’s why it’s important to understand that who you are now is not wrong, and

where you are going is just a natural, evolutionary curve from where you were. Every single one of you is more conscious and more aware today than you were five years ago. You’ll be more conscious and more aware than you are right now in five years from now.

Don’t panic. Just relax. Focus on what’s important. Jennifer: The person that we are in this moment, with all of our stuff, is going to guide us to

that person we will be in five years. Panache: That’s exactly right, because that’s what allows you to relate to other people.

Jennifer, it’s like I’ve conducted workshops around the world, everywhere, and you know what really brings us together? It’s our authentic vulnerability. It’s not the 17 dimensions of intergalactic, multi-dimensional light. It’s not the ability to have St. Germain come pouring through your chakras so that you glow violent, and everyone in the room starts glowing violet. It’s not all of that.

It’s a vulnerable moment when someone actually lets the wall come down, and

they open their heart, and they share what’s in their heart. They share what’s been hidden there all along. It’s in that moment that everything in that room when everything in that room transforms, because it’s in that moment where the oneness can be found.

We are already together in our humanity. We are already unified in the experience

of being human. We are just absolutely, continually bombarded with the fact that being human is not quite where it’s at or that we need to be something more or better or improved, all the while missing the point of the greater blessing that you are right now.

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 9 of 36 Guest: Panache Desai | Workshop 2 Wednesday, November 28, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Panache: We’re continually trying to compensate or overcome for something that we perceive

that we’ve done that we need to undo. I promise you, everyone on this call has an access-all-areas pass to the Promised Land, and there is nothing that you can ever do to have that taken away. You’re never going to get carded. You’ll never get kicked out. It doesn’t matter.

Jennifer: Wow. So Panache, I’m feeling this kind of welling up in myself, in the audience,

even on the planet, as you’re saying these words. Your words, I can feel them. I can feel them in my being, in my body that it’s true, and that there’s a habit that is resisting these words. It’s like just pre-climax. Do you know what I’m saying?

Panache: Yes. Jennifer: So it’s a good feeling, but it’s also a palpable moment. Am I accurate in this

description at all? Panache: That’s exactly right. It’s that moment where you’re finally just able to just take a

breath and just take a breath, just a deep breath. It’s in that moment when you can just stop and slow down and take a deep breath that you begin to access something far greater than you could ever know.

In some ways it was never about people doing something. It was about just

getting them to chill out long enough to realize that they were already everything, but for some reason that’s gotten lost in translation. I don't know how. I don't know why, but it has.

Let’s just all take a collective breath around the world. It’s okay. You’re okay.

You’re all right, and you’re okay, and you’re all right regardless of how your experience is.

I spoke to this lady today, and because she didn’t have money in her life, she was

invalidating her being-ness, like there must be something wrong with her being-ness because she doesn’t have money. It’s like people are using everything to invalidate themselves.

They’re using every conversation, even transformation, to not own their power. It’s

like, “I’m not there yet; I don’t have money. I’m not there yet; I don’t conform to somebody else’s idea, that they’ve written in their book, about how I’m supposed to be feeling.”

That’s the problem. You’re supposed to be feeling how you’re feeling, not how

somebody else is feeling. You’re supposed to be experiencing what you’re experiencing.

Every single one of us is here today because of everything that we have gone

through. Someone said, oh, you and me had three years of that. I didn’t have three years of it.

I had a lifetime of not fitting in. I’ve had a lifetime of just feeling alone. I’ve had a

lifetime of speaking English but just having it translate like a foreign language. By the time these awarenesses leave my mouth and hit people’s ears, they’ve already

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 10 of 36 Guest: Panache Desai | Workshop 2 Wednesday, November 28, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

become something else. I’ve had a lifetime of loving intensely only to have that love bring everything that isn’t love up and out of people.

Panache: Now, our stories may not be the same. Our situations and circumstances may not

be the same, but regardless of who you are and where you vibrate and what your level of consciousness is, you are human, and you are not immune to being human. That is where our strength lies, in our humanity, in our humanity.

Jennifer: Say more about that, Panache. How can our strength lie in humanity? Panache: That’s where the interconnectedness of life can be found. It is in our humanity that

the interconnectedness of life can be found. It doesn’t matter what religion somebody is. It doesn’t matter where they grew up. It doesn’t matter how they live their life.

When someone starts authentically speaking from their heart, they immediately

touch the heart of another person, because on the level of humanness, we can relate to each other. There’s a vibrational resonance there.

So instead of trying to become Divine or become something other than you, be

you. Embrace the blessing of being you, and watch what happens. I love what you shared in the pre-call, that it’s that willingness to be yourself and to

leave everyone else alone. Step away from people. Stop committing those third-eye violations. Leave their third eyes alone. Step away from the third eye. It’s like everyone wants to bump everyone else’s third eye.

While your husband’s asleep at night, snoring, after watching the football, you’re

massaging his third eye with all kinds of bloody sacred oils that you’ve been told you need to massage him with so that he’ll awaken the next day and all of a sudden be different. He doesn’t need to be different.

What if the people that you’re trying to transform already know this, and that’s why

they’re not coming to these things? Jennifer: They’re waiting for you to transform. Panache: I had this woman come see me. She was married to this guy, and she said, “I

really want my husband to come see you.” I was like, “Why?” She was telling me all the different reasons why, and her husband is like, “You should really go and see Panache more often, because then finally you’ll come to embrace and understand life the way I already see it.”

I once said this in a workshop, because spirituality, in some ways, has become an

excuse for people to become better than others. I say that because what we’ve done is we’ve made the spiritual version of us better than the version that we perceive not to be, right? So where we’ve done that with ourselves, we’ve done it with other people.

It’s kind of weird. It’s kind of like, “Look at me. My chakras are all spinning

properly. If only your chakras were all spinning properly, you could experience what I’m experiencing,” all the while just completely invalidating the entire planet of people without even realizing.

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Jennifer McLean’s Healing With the Masters | Volume 10 Page 11 of 36 Guest: Panache Desai | Workshop 2 Wednesday, November 28, 2012 ©2007–2012 McLean MasterWorks All Rights Reserved. Brought to you by Healing With The Masters/McLean MasterWorks,

Panache: So this is what we do. We’ve basically just falsely inflated ourselves for no reason.

It’s like why? Everything is of spirit. Everything is Divine. Everything is Divine, so then what’s the big deal?

Jennifer: Yeah. So we were talking on that before the show. You and I were talking about

how there are some people who are really humming along with these concepts that you’re talking about. I want to remind everyone that every word is energized here, so whatever concepts Panache is sharing is moving into your being in an energized way to nudge you into remembering these things.

Then there are some here that are really, really struggling with this. Tanya is

saying, “I’m trying to follow along, but it feels so far to reach. I’m so caught up in negative thoughts, physical ailments and financial struggle.” She says, “What are some ways, in the throes of this pain, to feel relief and truly begin long-term healing?”

I know you’ve been talking about it all the way along, Panache, but it’s clear that

something is needed in this moment. I can still feel that pressure in my chest of about to get it. It’s like an energetic process.

Panache: Yeah. Let’s do it. Let’s do it in you so that we can do it in everybody. Jennifer: Okay, that’s a deal. Panache: So all I want you to do is just take some deep breaths and relax your bodies all

over the world. This is how people start seeing again, people get out of wheelchairs. This is how incredible things happen. What we’re doing right now, this is exactly how it occurs.

So just take some breaths, and just relax your bodies. Just allow yourself to relax,

and don’t resist what’s wanting to occur. Just be fully present of just everything that’s going on within you. It could be sadness. It could be some form of stress that’s accumulated as a result of you resisting or feeling overwhelmed or anxious. It could be anger.

Just simply be aware of the breath and just relax, and just allow whatever that

underlying energy is to just wash through you. It’s not wrong. It’s not bad. It just wants to be experienced.

So in your case, Jennifer, it’s the sadness of never truly ever being loved for being

you. Take some breaths. In your case, that’s the sadness sometimes of being attacked for just being you.

Jennifer: Yeah. Panache: Just breathe into it. Jennifer: I just want to remind everyone that I’m being kind of a surrogate for all of us. Panache: Yes. We’re all in this together, because we all have that loneliness, and the bottom

line is we’re all trying to just feel that loneliness with something instead of actually

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just being in the aloneness, being in the experience, being in the not being understood.

Panache: It’s not about changing the things in your life. Trying to change the things in your

life does not bring the freedom that you are looking for. It’s simply by accepting them now, in this moment, that then you can begin to lay a deeper foundation for the truth of who you are to begin to arise.

Good. What’s happening in your lungs, Jennifer? Jennifer: It’s really interesting. There’s something I’ve never noticed before. Lurking in the

background of this loneliness and not being seen is joy, but it’s a lurking joy. Panache: That’s right. That’s right, and just like we walked through that forest yesterday, on

the other side of that loneliness and that sadness is the ever-present bliss that everybody is seeking. Sometimes we have to experience the sadness or the depression or the anger or the fear in order to access that bliss or to recognize that the bliss is always present in the midst of it all.

Jennifer: Yes. That’s what I’m noticing in this moment. Panache: So just continue to breathe into your lungs. Continue to feel all of that sadness. Jennifer: Some of the attacks happened because they were seeking the source of that bliss. Panache: They needed to invalidate it, because they didn’t even want to go there. Jennifer: It was too much. Panache: Yeah. A lot of you that are on this call are just too much for people. So they have

to make you wrong. They have to make you wrong. They have to shut it down. “Quick. Let’s shut it down.” Too much vibration, too much love. They have to shut it down, but you have to understand that it’s not about you. It’s never about you. You’re just being yourself.

Jennifer: Right. It doesn’t make us special either in this moment. Panache: No. You’re just different, and different isn’t wrong. Different isn’t bad. Different is

required and needed. So we’re just going to invite all the energies that are up for people right now to just arise and wash through their systems, everything that is keeping you from fully perceiving and being the oneness that you are, everything that keeps you buying into the fact that it’s you that’s broken, in some way you’re not doing it properly, if only you could do it properly, then maybe people would understand you and love you.

There’s so much sadness there. There’s a lifetime of resentment there. Some of

you have just gotten to the place where you’ve just given up, because you’ve tried everything, and nothing seems to be changing.

Panache: Well, maybe it’s not about something changing. Maybe it’s about you just fully

being present for what you’re experiencing, because Jennifer and I have both been in situations where we haven’t known where money was coming from. We haven’t known when that vibrational harmony was going to be restored to our health, but

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the funny thing is, the more you embrace the experience, instead of making your experience your enemy, the more you begin to flow with what’s occurring.

In working with thousands and thousands of people from all over the world, people

losing their eyesight, people not having money, people having problems in relationships, when we lovingly just have them stop and slow down and just get present and bring this energy into being in their experience, it dissolves, not by changing it, not by trying to fix it, not by trying to heal it but by fully receiving the blessing that it’s offering us.

So are you willing, Jennifer McLean, to fully receive the blessing that the illusion of

separate has offered you? Jennifer: Yes, yes. Panache: Are you willing to fully receive the blessing of the abandonment, the rejection, the

betrayal and all of the attacks that you have suffered as a result of you just being yourself?

Jennifer: Yes. Panache: Are you willing to just fully embrace the fact that you’ve never, ever just truly been

loved and accepted for being you? Jennifer: Yes. Panache: Just breathe, sweetheart. And the frustration, too, of just wanting people to love

themselves, because you love them so much, but the frustration that no matter how hard you try to have them see how marvelous and miraculous and brilliant they are, for some reason they just can’t see it. Or they’ll see it for a moment, and then it’s gone.

Jennifer: Yes. Panache: The frustration. How you doing? What’s going on in your body? Jennifer: Well, there’s tears, and I’m noticing that I, as someone who is a leader in this

industry, was one of the people that is pressuring my own audience to change. I was what he was talking about.

Panache: I realized a couple of years ago — actually I realized a long time ago that I was

only ever talking to myself. When I realized I was only ever talking to myself, I went from being stressed to blessed really quick, because at that point I was like, “Wow, I’m only ever talking to me. Maybe I should just listen to myself.”

I started listening to myself. It was amazing. It was like I was neo and the oracle

all at the same time. I didn’t have to go see anybody; I could just ask me, because the oneness that I am knows everything that it needs to know for me.

Panache: So any and all places where all of you have tried to change other people, any and

all places where you’ve committed third-eye violations, ladies and gentlemen, are you willing to just confess and own up to the fact that you’ve been trying to force

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open people’s third eyes with crowbars, ascension devices, pyramids, gold, frankincense and myrrh, frequencies, laser lights, gamma radiation?

Jennifer: We’re going to open the lines on the count of three. I’ll get you to ask the question

one more time, Panache. Panache: Okay. Any and all places where you have been knowingly or unknowingly

committing third-eye violations around the world, will you please just lovingly just allow that to wash through your systems?

Jennifer: One, two, three. Everybody: Yes. Panache: Oh, my God. Jennifer: Aren’t we cute? Panache: We’re so funny. Jennifer: We’re adorable. Panache: But when we get it, it’s like, “Oh, thank God.” It’s just like that lady in the

workshop, right? She finally started to get it, and then her husband wrote me an email, thanking me. It’s like, “Oh, thank God. She finally heard what I’ve been trying to tell her since I’ve been with her. She finally heard it. Thank you.”

So what if it’s only ever God speaking to you? What if it’s only ever this infinite

intelligence that created you guiding you, and it’s using everything that you’re experiencing right now as the catalyst to have you fully come into this realization that everyone in your reality is playing their part to take you from stressed to blessed, the biggest button pusher, your boss that keeps giving you more and more work, the person that keeps telling you everything that you have to do every day to call you into some greater expression they perceive that you need to be in order to succeed in your relationships, in every area of your life?

Maybe that’s the Divine, and maybe it’s actually the oneness that you are doing it

to yourself. So instead of resisting the messengers of life and instead of resisting the message of stress, how about we just listen? How about we just stop taking things personally and being present for the blessing and the miracle that is unfolding in each moment?

Growing up I never had a physical teacher. I realized that everything was guiding

me, the grass, the sun, the landscape, the people around me. Everything was talking to me. Everyone was contributing to me. There’s nothing out there against you.

So any and all places, where you’ve made something the enemy, where you

believed that there’s something that you have to overcome, where you’ve bought into the conditioning and programming of this reality, are you willing to set yourself and entire planet of people free?

Jennifer: On the count of three. One, two, three.

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Everybody: Yes. Panache: I guess there won’t be a season 11. You’ll have to do a cooking show, Jennifer

McLean. Jennifer: Yeah, we’ll just be playing. It’ll be called Playing with the Masters. Panache: What’s For Lunch. Jennifer: We’re going to play chess, checkers. Panache: It’ll be called Close Encounters of the Fun Kind. We’ll just start having fun. But

that’s the shift. The shift is wow, and this is how awesome you are. So in your case, this is how incredible you are. This is how much the universe loves you. This is how much the universe loves everybody.

You are so brilliant that you’ve assembled this entire cast of characters to lovingly

support you in coming into the fullness of yourself. How amazing is that? How powerful are you?

Jennifer: Each person on this call has co-created this moment. Isn’t that amazing? Panache: That’s exactly right. They’ve co-created the liberation of the entire species. Not

bad. Jennifer: Yes, it’s okay for one call. Panache: Not bad. And so then the key is then to leave it alone. Leave yourself alone. The

natural tendency and habit of the mind is, “What’s next?” Because the mind is completely uncomfortable with nothing. “What’s next? What do I do now? What’s next?”

You’re trying to just continually take yourself out of now. So the key is to

continually just keep reeling your awareness back in, just to be fully present right now and now and now. It’s okay. This is the only place where the solution can be found. It’s not going to be found in the future. It can only be found here within you.

It’s not complicated. That’s why this stress piece that you gave me — I was like,

“Oh, my God. Wow.” At first, I’m not going to lie, “Stress? Bloody hell. Stress,” because I kind of bought into this reality’s conversation around stress for a minute. “Stress? That’s not sexy, Jennifer McLean. Stress? Give me a sexy title.”

So I had a minute of like, “Stress?” But then I thought, “No, this is good. Stress,

let’s deal with this thing, because everyone’s making a big deal of this thing called stress.”

Panache: So what if we, as a community, could fundamentally shift the entire paradigm

around stress? And what if just engaging in that conversation, we could shift the entire paradigm around being and experiencing ourselves as human beings to the point where we come to a place of wholeness in each moment, regardless of what’s occurring outside of us?

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So here’s the next piece: to stop being informed by your external reality. So many

of us are looking for external validation, and we’re looking to be informed by what’s occurring around us. That’s where we get confused. That’s where we get distracted, because we’re looking outside of ourselves for who we are. We’re looking outside of ourselves for the wisdom, for the knowledge, for the teaching, for that magic bullet that you talk about.

What if there is no magic bullet? What if ultimately there’s only the fullness of you

in each moment, and that’s all that you’re experiencing? When you give up the need for external validation and you start feeling into yourself, life immediately begins to shift.

So any and all places where you are still seeking any kind of external validation or

approval or you are informing yourself from outside of you, Jennifer McLean, on behalf of an entire planet of people — no pressure — are you willing to lovingly accept all of that?

Jennifer: Yes. Panache: Take some breaths. How you feeling? Jennifer: The last scene of Braveheart. Panache: That’s awesome. Jennifer: [Sings] Freedom. Panache: That’s awesome. So then it’s the no longer informing of yourself from anything

that’s going on outside of you. What does that mean? That means that, in any given moment, you’ve got it inside of you. That’s what I’ve always been sharing. That’s what I’ve been trying to point people to. It’s that guru inside of them. It’s that lion of their heart that draws within them, because it’s there that you’ll find the answers. It’s there that you’ll find the —

You know what? The universe is really helping you, because it’s making your

external world really unstable and really unreliable. Jennifer: Panache. Panache: Yeah, exactly. Exactly. That’s the shift. Jennifer: So this unstable reality that many of us are experiencing and we’ve still got

questions here about — “But how can I shift? I am on the edge. How can I shift?” That this external reality, that you just said is everything that is making you feel the stress, is actually the crucible within which you will feel blessed.

Panache: Yes, it is. It is. So how you make your way through it is to walk through it. Not

around it. Walk through it. Walk through it, and start tuning into what’s inside of you, because there you will find the greatest treasure of all. You’ll find the blessing, and then you’re free. Then you’re free.

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Then there’s no dependency on anyone or anything outside of you anymore. At any given moment, you’re being yourself. You’re fully committed to playing your role. You’re not wishing you were Angelina Jolie or George Clooney or somebody else that you think is having a better life. You’re also no longer comparing your life to somebody else’s. You’re just living in complete contentment of yourself, of you as you are.

Jan loves musicals, so we watched The King and I. Have you seen that? Yul

Brynner, he’s awesome. Jennifer: Yes. Panache: Did you see that? You know that song, Getting to Know You? Jennifer: [Sings] Getting to know you. Getting to know all about you. Panache: That’s right. Sing it. Sing it, Jennifer McLean. Jennifer: Getting to know you. Getting to know you. Know me. That’s all I know. Panache: That’s awesome. That’s what it is, getting to know you, beginning to trust in you,

beginning to access the blessing you are. And you know what? That’s what we’ve created. That’s what this community, through its intention, has created.

It’s that peace, to access themselves, to access the blessing of themselves, to step

out of what reality is saying you should be managing and you should be avoiding and you should be dealing with, because if you don’t it’s going to kill you. To just finally recognizing that, if it exists, it’s serving a purpose. If it’s serving a purpose, then it is in my best intention to flow with the greater purpose that it’s serving.

There was this really powerful king, and he thought he was so supremely powerful

that one day he had his subjects to bring a chair to the beach. He sat there, and he wanted to prove how powerful he was by commanding the waves to not come into the beach. He was like, “I’m going to show you how powerful I am. I’m going to sit there at the edge of the ocean, in my chair, on the sandy beach, and I’m going to command the waves not to come in.” Guess what happened to that king. He drowned. He drowned.

So the only way to navigate what you’re carrying in life is to be in resonance and

harmony with it. It’s to flow with it. It’s to move from being stressed to blessed. It’s to access the very tool that you’ve created for yourself, the very reminder that you’ve created for yourself, the endgame and to bring you into that space where you realize that the game was rigged. You were always going to win. There was only one outcome, you loving you and you recognizing your magnificence. So that’s what’s going on.

Jennifer: So one more brush of the broom. Can we do a releasing, a transformation, a

transmutation of all those individuals who are harboring that little glitch that, “Everything you say is true, but it’s not true for me”?

Panache: Yeah. So all of you that are in that place that everything I say is true but it’s not

true for you, the part of you that it’s not true for yet is your identity. Your soul has

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already agreed, because your soul already recognizes everything that I’m saying as the truth, because it is only really your soul that is speaking to you in another form.

So any and all places where you are empowering your identity over your spirit,

where you are empowering your doubts and your beliefs and your constructs, that you were given, by the way, over your inner knowing, where you’re allowing yourself to be distracted from that part of you that is eternal and infinite, that is wanting your attention — I’m just going to invite all of that to come out, just to be experienced, just to be felt, the fear, what it would mean, if all of a sudden you became empowered.

We had one lady once, she couldn’t see, and all of a sudden, she could start seeing

on one of the calls. One of her considerations was that she was going to have to give up disability. So she was actually afraid to let go of the blindness because she would have to give up disability.

It’s in that same way that we have those considerations in place. We want

transformation, but sometimes we’re not really ready to receive the transformation that we’re asking for, because we’re afraid of what it would mean to our story. We’re afraid of what it would mean for our limitations. We’re afraid of what it would mean to that part of us that believes it’s a victim. We’re afraid of what we would have to give up.

So any and all places where you are afraid of your transformation, of fully realizing

all that you are, of fully coming to the fullness of all that you are and to fully embracing that really right now you are the sum total of the universe made manifest in a human form — we’re just lovingly going to invite all of that to come up.

Jennifer: Yes. Panache: Good. How you doing, Jennifer? Jennifer: Wow. This is amazing. I can feel — I just feel clear, and I can feel the audience.

There’s this level of just — there’s not a word that I can think of in the human dimension other than clean. Clean.

Panache: Like a virgin, touched for the very first time. Bright and sparkly, luminous,

absolutely pristine. Jennifer: Innocent. Panache: That’s right. Jennifer: But not innocent — I could feel some of the audience jolt with that word, because

innocent means potential betrayal. Innocent means not protected, and that’s not what this energy is at all. In fact, it’s innocent and powerful, untouchable powerfulness.

Panache: That’s right. That’s right, and so nothing can ever impact your soul. Take a

breath. Nobody has any power over your soul or your spirit. Take a breath. Your soul is untouchable. It’s forever untarnished. It’s forever pristine, and so when I

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see you and I say that I see your luminosity, that’s what I’m seeing about you. I’m seeing that soul, that essence, that light, that eternal presence that is within you.

It doesn’t matter what you’re experiencing right now. You could be in the very

depths of stress and financial distress and emotional distress and all of that stuff, but I actively encourage you, my friends, to empower the truth over the lie that you’ve bought into and made more real than the truth.

The truth is that you are a spirit. You are an infinite being with an infinite

potential, and you have the gifts, talents and abilities within you that that infinite being who created you has. In any given moment, you just need to stop, slow down, take some breaths.

Just allow whatever is within you to arise within you. Allow stress to do its job.

Allow it to facilitate your evolution so this stress does not form in your system, so that you can navigate the relationship. You can navigate work. You can navigate everything that’s happening with absolute power and precision, incentiveness.

Just a quick example. I moved my parents into their new house on the 22nd of

September, and so in one week I experienced three or four of the most stressful things any human being can experience. Thanks to Jennifer McLean, her setting this intention in motion, I have to go through it in order to be able to guide you through it.

Jennifer: You’re welcome, Panache. Panache: So check this out. People think I’m immune to things. I’m not immune to things.

That’s not true. So the 22nd I moved my parents in from their house. They uprooted their entire life to move to Naples, to be there and be present as part of this extended network for my girls.

So the twins decide that they want to be born on the 23rd. I move my parents in

on the 22nd. Evening of the 22nd, I get a call. “You’d better fly to Wisconsin, because the girls are on their way.” Didn’t sleep that night. Go to bed at midnight, after unpacking my parents. Get up at 3:00 A.M., go to the airport, get the plane.

We’re in Atlanta, halfway there, and all of a sudden, we get a phone call. She’s

going into labor, and we’re halfway there at that point. So we’re just breathing through it, breathing through it, breathing through it.

The plane was a little delayed, so we’re like, “We’re never going to make it.” All of

a sudden the plane arrives. We get to Wisconsin. We land, and then I call. “You’d better hurry up. She’s dilated.” So we get there. We were supposed to have the driver pick us up at the airport, and we couldn’t find the driver. After five or ten minutes looking around looking for the driver, we went, “Let’s just jump in the cab.”

Panache: So we get in the cab like ten past 11:00, and we get to the hospital. We make it

into the hospital when she’s at nine. Within five to ten minutes, she’s at ten, and it’s all systems go. So we get there, and within ten minutes of us making it and getting there, Olivia was born, at 12:59, and Sophia was born at 1:07.

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So we go through this. All of a sudden, we’re parents. So I move my parents in. The next day, I’m a father to twin girls, not one but two babies.

Then the next day, the doctor says, “You can go home.” So he actually released us

from the hospital after one day in the hospital. Now, you can’t get on the plane with twin girls until at least two days. So then we have to take the girls from Wisconsin to Chicago.

Now, driving in the car with new babies is absolutely stressful. Driving in the car

by yourself, at the best of times, can be stressful, but driving in the car with newborn babies, every bump you’re looking back just to make sure that they’re okay.

So here I am doing like 50 on the highway, and the speed limit’s like 70. Every

bump I hit, I’m just breathing. So I have to do the drive in rush hour traffic to make the flight, which we might not make. Then we make the flight. We check in. We do everything with these newborn babies. We get on the plane, and then we fly home, two hours or two and a half hours to three hours with newborn babies.

So all of this happens, right? Then we’re home. We’re home for a day. So this is

now maybe Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday afternoon we get a phone call. Jan’s mother is dying in Minneapolis. I immediately put Jan on a flight. She gets there. She makes it just in time to be with her mother.

All of this occurred within the space of five days. So the cycle of moving, birth and

the transition of a loved one all occurred in the space of a week. This ability to navigate this experience, from stress to birth, is what allowed me to navigate every single piece of this thing gracefully. Just one of those things, in and of itself, is listed as one of the most stressful occurrences any human being will ever go through, moving, the birth of a child or loss of a loved one. In one week, we had all three of them occur.

So I want you to know that it is the collective consciousness and the intention of

the collective consciousness that is being addressed here and that, by moving from stressed to blessed, you are actually tangibly anchoring yourself in the peaceful presence that is available to you.

Now, was I nervous? Absolutely I was nervous. It’s nerve wracking, driving a car

with twin babies in the back who are just two days old and getting on a plane. Was I feeling anxiety? Was I apprehensive? Yeah, I was, but my ability to just remain present and to remind myself of what was occurring in each moment allowed me to navigate all of that. Then to lose my mother-in-law and to have all of that occur was just — it was just this whole confluence of events.

So I want you to know that I’ve walked this journey. That’s where this even came

from. This stressed to blessed thing, every time we set an intention, the universe has you experience everything that you have to experience in order to authentically be a bridge for others. It’s time to cross the bridge, my friends. Time to go home to yourselves.

Jennifer: Thank you. I want to do a little bit of housekeeping, but I have a really important

question that came through from an audience member about something that they

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are feeling right now, that I think all of you will really resonate with. So I want to ask that right after I’m done with all of this.

First of all, last night I forgot the phrase that pays. Not to worry. We’re going to

do it here now, and just enter tonight’s contest and tomorrow’s contest, and you will definitely be covered. The phrase that pays is pain is the fuel that fires the transformation. Pain is the fuel that fires the transformation. You can enter that phrase that pays at: Go to the contest page and enter that into tonight’s show, and you’ll be able to

potentially win a one-on-one session with Panache for 30 minutes. How cool would that be? So pain is the fuel that fires the transformation is the phrase that pays.

I want to talk about your special offer, and then I want to ask you this question at

the end. This special offer is just kind of ridiculous, in that what has happened is that all of you have actually created this through Panache, through the Divine, through your connection with each other and through us in this community.

You heard what assignment Panache took on to understand this topic so deeply

that he could then act as a conduit to assist all of us in moving to a new place with it. You heard from his story — that was real. That happened, and he’s able to use it then to create this remarkable offer.

From Stressed to Blessed is a brand new series created especially for this group.

You can’t get this anywhere else. It’s only for Healing With The Masters, and it’s designed to take you from breakdown to breakthrough. Many of our lives have broken down. This is a powerful, powerful program. Go to: To access that remarkable program. It is just chockfull of amazing information. In

fact, the daily infusions and the beautiful, beautiful Dance Away the Distress are amazing tracks and are infused with high-vibrational energy that you can use to actually move your body right through what’s happening.

There’s so many recourses to move. Panache and I talked a lot tonight about

moving through what you’re experiencing, not around but through it. This offer is going to give you multiple ways to move through.

You’re going to get Stress Is Your Ally, A Daily Harmonic Infusion, A Nighttime

Distress Dissolver. So at the end of the day filled with all your challenges, he’s created a 30-minute, soothing, vibrational sleep aid to dissolve the day’s remaining disturbances and densities. Relax and restore into a greater state of receptivity. There’s samples on this page, too, that you can listen to.

Jennifer: If nothing else, go to the page and start listening to the samples and get a taste, or

if it’s not in the cards for you to own it at this time, then enjoy those samples. Then there’s money. There’s a whole money piece in here, Money Vibrational Reset

Plus: Money Frequency Fix. He’s going to recalibrate your vibrational frequency so that you can access limitless abundance. One of the major stressors is financial,

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and he’s giving you the answer here. So if you’re ready to step into a relationship with money so that you can receive all that the universe is just waiting to deliver, this reset is here for you.

Then on top of that, when your stress level feels like it’s spiraling out of control,

this five-minute Money Frequency Fix is a tool created to be used anytime you need immediate and fast vibrational support, powerful, powerful, quick, vibrational infusion to allow you to immediately shift in the moment and release your financial worry into new behaviors and patterns. Each time you use it, it creates a new pattern within you that allows those habits to just simply dissolve out of your physical reality.

Then there’s a whole thing on Career and Work Vibrational Reset plus the Work

Frequency Fix. It’s the same idea. It’s resetting your relationship to work, and then a seven-minute Career & Work Frequency Fix. It’s used at anytime you need immediate and fast vibrational support. So if you’re about to go into an interview, if you’re about to have a big presentation, if you’re about to have a major conflict, potentially, with someone at work, go in the office for seven minutes and get your fix. Literally get your fix.

Of course that’s all part of the beautiful From Stressed to Blessed. On top of that,

there’s the beautiful Vibrational Infusion Group Breakthrough on December 16th, from 7:00 to 8:00 P.M. There will be a live webcast with Panache that’s going to take all those — only those who have this offer are at this huge, vibrational resonance. So it’s a unique group of individuals, because it’s those people who are playing with these. We’ve already gotten tons of email from people who have already purchased and are starting to play with it and seeing tremendous results immediately.

Then there’s the Pursuit of Happiness Master Class. This is a really cool product

that came out of one of his beautiful webcasts that was so powerful that it just felt like it fit right in here. You guys get to experience this master class. Allow you to expand your being into limitless vibrational possibility.

It’s a wonderful offer. Thank you so much, Panache, for just blowing my mind once

again and being at such a great level of partnership with me and this community, delivering something so profound. Again, that’s at: Any final thoughts about that before we ask this question from one of our viewers? Panache: No. It’s just a pleasure and an honor to give back to this community that gives so

much. Jennifer: Thank you. Thank you for honoring us. Panache: It’s just a pleasure to give back to this community that does so much and is such a

powerful contribution in the world. It’s an absolute honor, Jennifer. Jennifer: Thank you. So here’s Marie, and she’s saying, “I’m listening to you, and I find

myself very angry at you, at the world, at everything that feels wrong in my life. Even though intellectually your message that I am all okay makes sense,

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emotionally my body is saying, ‘You’re full of crap; that’s not going to fix anything.’ Am I supposed to feel this anger? Is this normal?”

Panache: Yes, it’s very normal, and actually thank you, because that’s exactly the anger that

you need to feel and experience inside of you so that you can see through this reality. So what happens — and this is what people don’t realize — is that life is only ever showing us where we’re incomplete with ourselves.

The news does that. People do that. Teleseminars do that. We all do that. We’re

all doing it to each other, but it’s not a negative. It’s actually something that is to be embraced. It’s something that is to be harnessed, because everything is working for you exactly.

Listen, I used to be so angry at the world, so angry at the world. I couldn’t believe

what people were doing in the name of God. I couldn’t believe what human beings were doing to each other, and then they were justifying it, because one set of individuals would make themselves better than another.

So on one level of reality, does it suck? Absolutely. Does it reflect our magnificent

and great potential? No, it doesn’t, but the one thing I realized that was fighting against it or trying to change it outside of me wasn’t working. I had to really start honestly having a look at what was going on inside of me.

Then I had to start coming into the awareness of how that was contributing to what

was occurring, because by not embracing my own rage and my own sadness and my own anger and everything that was arising, I was just merely contributing to the oil spill or the war or the famine or the suffering. I was feeding it, but by lovingly putting out all of those fires inside of myself, I began to be able to meet it all with spaciousness, to the point where I began to see what was happening and why it was happening.

That is an awareness and perspective that comes when we begin to realize what’s

really going on here and when we feel the anger, and also for a lot of you, you have a lot invested in your spiritual identities. You have a lot invested in everything that you’ve been doing, and by no means am I asking you to give that up. I’m asking you to realize fully who you are already and start from that place, because where you start from is where you’ll finish. If you start from whole and complete, then that’s where you’ll finish.

Jennifer: Beautiful. I just received another, kind of disturbing question here. It was sent

anonymously, and it’s a criticism. I hope it’s okay. I know that you handle this stuff so beautifully, but it really is a beautiful indicator of where some people are at. She’s competing with you on your level of stress. So I’m going to read this to you.

Very sarcastically, “You are really breaking my heart, Panache, with your sob story.

Only one of your so-called stressful events was bad.” Then she goes on to tell about her experience. “I lost my father at Christmas last year. I spent the first four months of this year nursing my daughter as she was in and out of intensive care until her death in April. During this I was in the middle of a divorce, and the IRS was busy seizing my property. Tell me how joyful these events were and how easily you would have dealt with them. I dare you.”

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Panache: Well, the key is not to find the joy in them, because there’s no joy in any of that. The key is to be fully present for the sadness in the midst of all of that. I wasn’t joyful in the midst of losing my mother-in-law.

Life isn’t about being joyful or just continually having one experience. When I

speak of bliss, I speak of bliss as an all-encompassing state of being that houses depression, that houses anger, that houses fear. So I can’t even imagine what it was like for you to go through what you went through.

By no means is it about invalidating your experience of you going through what you

went through, but it’s simply pointing to the truth that the greater freedom is found through going through what it is that you’re going through, through experiencing what it is that you’re experiencing. Yeah, life — we cry. We all cry. We all get angry. We all feel all of those things, but none of those parts of us are wrong. None of those parts of us are bad.

Just imagine if we actually authentically allowed ourselves to feel all of that. Just

imagine that we, as a community right now, stopped making anger and sadness and fear and life wrong. Every one of us is here today to contribute to the greater consciousness of this planet, right? So let’s embrace these parts of ourselves first. Let’s try that, because we’ve tried everything else. Let’s just try working with what we’ve got. What we’ve got is what is spontaneously arising in each moment.

My heart goes out to you, and I hear stories like yours every single day. It is not

about finding the joy in the midst of that experience, but it is about crying the tears, feeling the overwhelm and allowing yourself to be supported through it every single step of the way.

Jennifer: Thank you so much, Panache. Thank you. We have some questions about the

phrase that pays. Just go ahead and use the phrase that pays in both last night and tonight. We will only take one, so either of those boxes will work. Again, the phrase that pays is pain is the fuel that fires transformation, and it’s that answer that Panache gave just a moment ago. If it doesn’t speak to that, I don't know what does. Thank you so much, and much love to that lady who had experienced something so huge.

Panache: Yeah. Let’s just even take a moment together and just take some breaths for that

wonderful being and for everyone who’s currently triggered and who’s currently experiencing their anger or their sadness. Let’s just be with all of them together as a community, because the truth is we feel like we’re going through these things alone, but we’re not. The more we talk about these things and the more we wear our heart on our sleeves, the more we begin to realize that we’re all more alike than we are different.

Every single one of you is incredible, just the courage and the brilliance that you

display every day, the stories that I hear every day. I know for me in my life — I can’t speak for Jennifer, but I’m sure she has the same thing.

Panache: Every day reading people’s emails, I’m moved to tears, and in speaking to people

on the phone and hearing what they’re going through, moved to tears, but the more we can meet each other in that space of vulnerability, the more that harmony and balance is restored.

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So let’s commit to being that. Let’s commit to just holding that space for each other, that it’s okay. It’s okay. We’re here to hold each other in our grief, and we’re here to jump with joy with each other in our relatedness. And no one state is any better than another.

Jennifer: And so it is. Panache: Yeah. Jennifer: Well, thank you. We’ve gone way over time, so we need to wrap this up. Thank

you, everyone. Thank you, Panache. What a remarkable healing, poignant, sacred space we get, we joined together, and for all those listening live and all those who are listening well into the future, you are part of this. You are all part of this. You co-created this moment with us.

Much love to those who are feeling the brunt of their lives and much love to all of

us who are moving through our lives despite the huge challenges that feel like are up.

I want to remind everyone that tomorrow night is your chance to work directly with

Panache, so come early. Join the call. We will not be taking too many questions from the forum. It’s a richer experience to do one-on-one, so dial in early. There are only 500 seats. So dial in early. Star 2 will raise your hand tomorrow night, and come ready to experience. Each person will be the catalyst for the entire soul group. So whoever is chosen to work with Panache tonight is chosen for all of us to experience what our soul group is yearning for.

Thank you, so much, everyone. Thank you, Panache, for joining us. It seems that

sometimes we feel like we come to these calls as individuals, but in the end we feel how remarkably united we are as a community and in our own humanness and in our expansiveness. We make the difference. You make the difference. I love you all so very much. Till tomorrow night, good night. Thank you, Panache. Good night, everyone.

[End of Discussion.]

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Volume 10 | September 11 – December 20, 2012


Jennifer McLean

Panache Desai | Featured Guest | Further Information


Inspirational Visionary | Contemporary Spiritual Master

Panache Desai is an inspirational visionary and contemporary spiritual master in the field of consciousness and vibration. His energetic gift of vibrational transformation has inspired and shifted the lives of tens of thousands around the globe. He shares eternal truths, inspirational insights, and vibrational tools to empower you to create the life of your dreams. Panache is called a modern-day avatar. He acts as a direct link to Divine consciousness empowering people of all ages, economic and educational backgrounds to transform their lives by connecting them with their limitless Divine nature. Young, hip and funny, Panache holds large experiential seminars, group workshops, offers private sessions and brings a global community together weekly via live webcasting. His bi-monthly radio show, The Guru Is You, is featured on the World Puja Network, broadcast to 139 countries with more than 700,000 active subscribers. He is on the faculty at OMEGA Institute, Blue Spirit Costa Rica, and the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, and a featured speaker at Celebrate Your Life. He has collaborated with internationally recognized spiritual teachers including Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith, James Van Praagh, and Deva Premal and Miten. Panache’s newest internationally acclaimed CD series, Igniting Boundless Receiving, has propelled people out of lack, limitation and scarcity into greater levels of abundance, health and well-being. It has been described as the most complete vibrational solution on abundance ever created.

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Tue 09-11-12

Sound Healing Pioneer Emphasizing Eternal Teachings

Christopher Tims Christopher has travelled since January 8, 1988, when he started The Order of The Blue Star, sharing The Eternal Teachings with large and small groups around the world. There is a golden, virtually invisible thread that ties together all the religions and philosophies. This thread is the original or Eternal Teaching which surfaces to guide us and remind us of our own true nature.

Thu 09-13-12

Bestselling Author | Philosopher | Spiritual Teacher

Guy Finley

Bestselling “Letting Go" author Guy Finley's encouraging and accessible message is one of the true bright lights in our world today. His ideas go straight to the heart of our most important personal and social issues — relationships, success, addiction, stress, peace, happiness, freedom — and lead the way to a higher life.

Tue 09-18-12

Author | Teacher | Spiritual Guide

Suzanna Kennedy Author of the book Sacred Union: Pathway to Paradise, is an ascension activator and teacher whose unique consciousness technology helps people activate and embody their human divinity.

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Wed 09-19-12 BONUS CALL

Expert on ZeroPoint Energetics and EMF Protection

Rick Bergen

Rick Bergen is the CEO and co-founder of ZeroPoint Global company, dedicated to improving vibrancy, health and wellness through products devoted to enhanced energetic and vibrational alignment.

Tue 09-25-12 WORKSHOP 1

Investigative Journalist | Author | Public Speaker

Lynne McTaggart Lynne McTaggart is an investigative journalist and author, and a sought-after public speaker whose talks and workshops have transformed the lives of the thousands around the world who have heard her.

Wed 09-26-12 WORKSHOP 2

Biocybernaut Institute, Inc. founder

Dr. James Hardt

Dr. James V. Hardt serves as the President and founder of Biocybernaut Institute, Inc. He holds a BS in Physics from Carnegie Institute of Technology and an MS and PhD in Psychology from Carnegie-Mellon University. He has done post-doctoral training in Psychophysiology at the University of California at San Francisco.

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Thu 09-27-12 WORKSHOP 3

Author | Neuroscientist | Therapist World’s Leading Expert on Spirituality

Dr. Mark Waldman Mark Waldman is Adjunct Faculty at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, and an Associate Fellow at the Center for Spirituality and the Mind at the University of Pennsylvania.

Tue 10-02-12

Best Selling Author | Anat Baniel Method founder

Anat Baniel

Anat Baniel is the founder of the Anat Baniel Method and author of bestselling book Move Into Life: The Nine Essentials For Lifelong Vitality and the groundbreaking book Kids Beyond Limits. Anat is a clinical psychologist, dancer and leader in the field of movement/brain relationship — NeuroMovement®.

Thu 10-04-12

"I Believe the Sixth Sense should be the first." New York Times Bestselling Author Vibrational Healer | Six Sensory Teacher

Sonia Choquette Sonia Choquette is a world-renowned vibrational alchemist, intuitive consultant, and powerful spirited teacher. She is most recognized for her ability to instantly change vibration, lift depression, and connect others to their intuition. She helps people understand their souls’ plan and purpose and leads them to a successful, meaningful and peaceful lives.

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Tue 10-09-12

Dedicated Seeker of Truth, Healing and Wisdom

Hope Fitzgerald

In partnership with psychologist Jan Seward, Hope launched the Wave Energy Center for Conscious Evolution, a collective dedicated to the positive, expansive development of the individual, the community and the earth. She is also a certified neurofeedback specialist and a life coach, incorporating Reiki and energy healing into her practice.

Wed 10-10-12 BONUS CALL

VibesUP founder 3-Time Visionary Award Winner For Her Unique Healing Tools

Kaitlyn Keyt

Kaitlyn Keyt, the founder of VibesUP, is a five-time recipient of the Visionary Award for creating unique healing tools that communicate with nature. Combining lighthearted common sense with science, Kaitlyn clears a path for simple understanding of complex ideas and accessing the higher self, to easily release limiting beliefs and programming. With topics like Eating Through Our Feet, Fishing For Energy and Plants That Read Our Mind, she makes understanding how Nature helps us remember who we are just plain FUN!

Thu 10-11-12

Actor | Healer | Bestselling Author Creator of the Powerful I~M System of Healing

Dee Wallace

Dee Wallace is an actress best known for her portrayal of the mother in Steven Spielberg’s academy award winning movie ET. Dee has spent the last decade developing a remarkable healing model designed to work deeply in the core energy systems of the psyche to encourage profound yet instant release.

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Tue 10-16-12 WORKSHOP 1

Wed 10-17-12 WORKSHOP 2

Thu 10-18-12 WORKSHOP Q&A

Speaker | Healer | Author | Coach

Mary A. Hall Mary A. Hall is a renowned Healer, Abundance Coach, Author and Speaker. Her system for guiding others to connect to their Heart and Divine Essence has launched her to become known as one of the most profound Healers in the industry.

Tue 10-23-12

Electrifying catalyst for healing

Carol Tuttle

Carol Tuttle, MRET, is an electrifying catalyst for healing who has devoted her life to helping people rise out of deprivation into overflowing abundance. She is widely recognized as a leader in the areas of Energy Psychology, Emotional Freedom Technique and Energy Medicine and has helped thousands of people throughout her career.

Thu 10-25-12

"The Miracle Worker" | Author World Renowned Spiritual Teacher | Master of Energy

Jo Dunning

Jo Dunning is a world renowned Spiritual Teacher, author, presenter and popular radio talk show guest. She is well known for her unusual ability to use energy to transform lives and Awaken consciousness. She is often referred to as a Miracle worker because of her ability to create profound changes in the lives of an entire audience.   


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Tue 10-30-12

World's Leading Expert on Law of Emergence

Derek Rydall

After a life-changing ‘brush with death’ while making a movie, Derek Rydall considered becoming a monk, then a minister, then cloistered himself in his apartment without TV or news and meditated for several years — emerging to become a licensed integrative therapist, bestselling author, and adopt a monk (that’s another story). The world’s #1 leading expert on The Law of Emergence, he has trained top executives at Fortune 500 companies (from American Express to Disney) in relationship and communication skills, coached writers, artists, and media professionals (including Oscar and Emmy winners), on how to create more enlightened entertainment, and taught thousands of people around the planet how to live a more passionate, prosperous, and purposeful life. His work with The Law of Emergence and the process of Emergineering ends the struggle of self-improvement and helps people effortlessly achieve their full potential.

Thu 11-01-12

Internationally Recognized Leader in Bridging Science and Spirit

Bruce Lipton

Internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows, as well as keynote presenter for national and international conferences.

Tue 11-06-12 WORKSHOP 1

Wed 11-07-12 WORKSHOP 2

Thu 11-08-12 WORKSHOP Q&A

Spreading the seeds of Consciousness around the world. “Life comes to me with ease, joy and glory!”

Rikka Zimmerman Rikka Zimmerman is a global leader in consciousness and a true example of “being the change” we all desire to see in the world. Rikka has envisioned a dream of a new reality and is leading the way for many. She holds large seminars, tele-classes, offers private sessions and group classes and has just released her new book, audio collection and consciousness card deck 21 Secrets of the Universe: Tools for Getting Everything You Desire Out of Life.

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Tue 11-13-12

World Renowned Author and Speaker

Drunvalo Melchizedek Drunvalo is the author of four books including The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volumes I & II, Living in the Heart and his newest book Serpent of Light. These books have been published in 29 languages and reach out to over one hundred countries throughout the world.

Wed 11-14-12 BONUS CALL

Human Specialist | Holistic Health Practitioner | Teacher

Emmanuel Dagher Specializing in amazing transformation, Emmanuel Dagher has had the honor of co-creating amazing results with thousands of people around the world through his work as a Holistic Health Practitioner, Teacher, & Empowerment Coach. Emmanuel spent years studying and fine-tuning his craft, receiving a degree in Spiritual Psychology and advanced certifications in several holistic and alternative therapies. Emmanuel has also studied with visionaries including Dr. Michael Beckwith (from the movie The Secret), founder of Agape International and cofounder of the Association for Global New Thought.

Thu 11-15-12

New York Times Bestselling Author Scientific-Spiritualty Pioneer

Gregg Braden

New York Times Bestselling author Gregg Braden is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science and spirituality. Following a successful career as a Computer Geologist for Phillips Petroleum during the 1970's energy crisis, he worked as a Senior Computer Systems Designer with Martin Marietta Defense Systems during the last years of the Cold War.

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Instrument of the Universal and Creator Consciousness – Here to Assist You

William Linville

William Linville is a divine essence, clear Creator Consciousness in a physical body. He has ascended beyond all Akashic record levels, perceptions of the truth, identifications, beliefs, et cetera, which allows him to obtain/download clarity on any and all topics and so much more. William is an instrument of the Universal and Creator Consciousness and is here to assist you in accelerating and amplifying the process of you remembering, embodying and expanding into your Creator Essence and to experience all of your magnificence and much, much more.

Tue 11-27-12


Wed 11-28-12 WORKSHOP 2

Thu 11-29-12 WORKSHOP Q&A

Inspirational Visionary | Contemporary Spiritual Master

Panache Desai Panache Desai is an inspirational visionary and contemporary spiritual master in the field of consciousness and vibration. His energetic gift of vibrational transformation has inspired and shifted the lives of tens of thousands around the globe. He shares eternal truths, inspirational insights, and vibrational tools to empower you to create the life of your dreams. Panache is called a modern-day avatar. He acts as a direct link to Divine consciousness empowering people of all ages, economic and educational backgrounds to transform their lives by connecting them with their limitless Divine nature.

Tue 12-04-12

Internationally Acclaimed Entrepreneur and Author Creator of The Body Dialog System of Healing

Jennifer McLean

Internationally acclaimed entrepreneur, author and creator of The Body Dialog System of Healing, Jennifer McLean is a spiritual catalyst. Intelligent, heart-centered and mindful, Jennifer works with the acclaimed masters from the transformational thought and wellness communities, amplifying their teachings at a level her audience can absorb, no matter where they are in their own spiritual journey. This valuable amplification skill, combined with Jennifer’s intention to be a beacon of love, peace and light, has allowed her in a few short years to build a successful international business from the ground up.

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Thu 12-06-12

Creator of Quantum Lightweaving®

Kenji Kumara

Kenji established Quantum Lightweaving® (his synthesis of over 38 years in the field) in 2007 and his Fellowship of Lightweavers in 2005 (to ordain certified spiritual healers). On his website one can purchase his live and evergreen attunement activations and teaching videos. Monthly newsletters are also available on the site.

Tue 12-11-12

Special Guest

Tue 12-13-12

Special Guest

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Tue 12-18-12

Special Guest

Thu 12-20-12

Special Guest

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