Page 1: Wednesday 29th August 2012 Issue 13 Founder’s Day · of toasters, quiet murmurs of chatter and radio jingles

On Wednesday 22nd of August Galen Catho-lic College celebrated its’ past traditions as we focused upon the life and person of Saint Marcellin Champagnat, the founder of the Marist Brothers. The Marist Brothers began with humble beginnings in the early 1800’s and are now found in over 80 countries throughout the world.Throughout the Founder’s Day Assembly, the school community, which now num-bers over 1000, were encouraged by the wise words of Mr Joe McCarthy, our guest speaker from Marist Schools Australia. Joe encouraged us to reflect how we are Marist people today. He highlighted the strong social justice and actions that happen here at Galen but also worldwide. He shared stories of inspirational service of Marist students in Syria and made valuable links with the social justice and actions that Galen students do as exactly what Marcellin would

be doing if he was here today. These words were echoed by Mr Neal, as he addressed the Galen community that we do live out the Marist story here and now at Galen. This plays out in our efforts for Project Compassion, going on the Soup Van, travelling to Santa Teresa, our upcoming 2013 Immersion trip to East Timor and our first Alternative Schoolies pilgrim, Jessica Traczyk, who journeys to Cebu in The Phil-lipines in December. Our Marist connections have helped Galen start our immersion trips and this is how we are Marist people in today’s world.On the day our students shone. They acted out Marcellin’s story, linked it to today’s world, and wrote prayers of hope for the whole community. It was also an opportu-nity for Mr Hovey and the Mini School Directors to celebrate academic success, as many students received distinction awards.

Other students showcased the wonder-ful Senior music program, led by Mr David Ashfield. Marcellin Champagnat would be proud of the school that Galen has become. Well done, but remember, in this age of governments arguing about accepting asylum seekers and rich people getting richer and poor people getting poorer Marcellin would be standing with us and applauding Galen’s mission to stay commit-ted to social justice and action. He would be challenging us to be more and to do more for others, in Wangaratta, Australia and worldwide. Founder’s Day was a day to remember who we are, where our tradition comes from and how we can continue to grow together, living out Jesus’s mission. Marcellin’s Golden Rule was and still is, “If you want to educate young people, first you must love them.”Written by Gerard Sullivan

Founder’s Day AssemblyWednesday 29th August 2012 Issue 13

Galen Catholic College Newsletter


Page 2: Wednesday 29th August 2012 Issue 13 Founder’s Day · of toasters, quiet murmurs of chatter and radio jingles

2 | Reflections - Issue 13

From the PrincipalDear Parents and Guardians,

Our celebration of Founders’ Day last week saw virtually the whole of our Galen community gathered in the stadium. Each year, Galen alternates between remembering the Marist Brothers and the Brigidine Sisters who founded the schools which eventually merged and became Galen Catholic College.

This year, our focus was on the Marist Brothers and the wonderful traditions they have embedded into the Galen culture. Mr Joe McCarthy, whose role with the Marist Brothers is to forge links between the Marists and their lay associates such as the people who work at Galen. He spoke to our students and staff about the vision of Marcellin Champagnat, founder of the Marist order, reminding us that we are part of a living tradition and something that is much bigger than Galen itself.

Similarly, a group of Galen Drama students presented a dramatization of the formation of the Marist order and its spread around the world to here in Wangaratta. In my own address to the gathered community, I emphasized the importance of acknowledging the work of our founders, and of those who came after them, because it is on the foundation of their work that the current Galen community thrives. In our turn, too, we contribute to the unfolding story of Galen – just as our school is different now from when our current Year 12’s first started school, so too, will the school be different again by the time local current Prep students reach Galen in a little over six years’ time.

CREW Professional Learning DayAt the time of writing this piece, we are still in the period leading up to the CREW Professional Learning Day on Monday. Galen will play host to the staff from Our Lady’s, St Patrick’s, St Bernard’s and Borinya for our annual professional learning day.

This year’s day is entitled “Education for Global Citizenship - Languages Across the Curriculum in an Interdisciplinary Approach”. Our guest presenter is Dr Margaret Gearon from Monash University, a languages expert with a special passion for immersion teaching – where lessons are actually taught in a second language as a means of deepening one’s understanding of both the language and the culture in which it is embedded.

As part of the day’s activities, staff from each school will be devising practical outcomes that can be implemented in each of our CREW schools, including, of course, Galen.

Insight SRCAs mentioned in the last edition of the newsletter, Galen is again participating in the school improvement surveys conducted by Insight SRC. All staff, 150 students and 60 parents will have the opportunity to reflect on what is done well at Galen and in which areas we believe we can improve.

Parents involved in the surveys will be contacted in the near future with details of how they can participate. Staff and students will complete the surveys before the end of term.

Subject Selections for 2013I urge all students and their parents to ensure that subject selection forms for 2013 are returned as soon as possible. It is important that the selections are returned on time because otherwise students run the risk of classes filling up before their forms are submitted.

Regards,Bernard Neal - Principal

What’s On• Thur Aug 30, 31 - Peter Pan Performance• Thur Aug 30 - Snow Trip #6• Thur Aug 30 & 31 - Yr 10 Melb Trip• Wed Sept 5 - Yr 10 OED: Bike• Mon Sept 10 & 11 - 9.4 Bushwalk• Tues Sept 11 - Yr 10 Formal• Thur Sept 13 & 14 - 9.5 Bushwalk• Wed Sept 19 & 20 - 9.6 Bushwalk• Thur Sept 20 - Parent Teacher Evening• Fri Sept 21 - Parent Teacher Morning

The latest ‘What’s On’ is also updated daily on the Galen website homepage.

Uniform ShopOpening Hours

Tuesday: 10.30am - 2.30pmThursday: 1.00pm - 5.00pm

Direct Line: 03 5723 [email protected]

Santa Teresa Party Plan Extravaganza!

All monies raised go directly to the Aboriginal community at Santa Teresa,

Northern Territory.

Come along and do your Christmas shopping from a variety of available

products:• Body Shop @ Home• Oasis Homewares

• Tupperware• Envy Jewellery

• Lorraine Lee Linen• Party Lite

• Chef’s Toolbox

When: Friday, September 7Time: 5 – 8 pm

Where: Galen College Staff Room

Lucky Door Prizes & More! See You There!

Parents!Parents are asked to be cautious when dropping their children off at school and be aware of the rules around the Bus Stop. Illegal parking and unsafe driving has been reported to the police. Police will be targeting those drivers around Phillipson Street. Please drive safely around the school area in the morning and afternoon to minimise the risk of an accident occuring.

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Student ExchangeHi, I’m Beatrice and I come from Naples, in the south of Italy. I’m sixteen years old and I decided to spend my summer holidays, three months, here in Australia. In Italy I’m going to do my Year 12 at a Classical High School, where I will be studying Italian literature, Latin, Greek, Philosophy and History. I do fencing and I used to study French and Spanish. I really enjoyed my time here, because everything is so different that sometimes I feel like I’ m living a dream. For example I love all the open spaces, your friendship with teachers, your fitness and above all your relaxed style of living. All the people in Italy are so stressed, because of the work, homework, traffic, smog and noise. Here everything is so quiet and everybody is so happy. I also love that you are really more open minded compared to us. The exchange for you is a normal thing. From the first moment you have tried to make us welcome and inclusive, letting us feel at ease. A very different thing here is the food. I miss Italian pasta and pizza, but I reckon that your meat and particularly your sausages, are the best that I’ve ever tasted. I wish that my Australian stay would never end and I could stay forever in such an awesome place.

Library NewsChampions Read - Book Week 2012

August 18 to 25 is book week, the time to acknowledge the best chil-drens books for 2012. A short list is drawn up by CBCA within a variety of sections, and a variety of genres. Of particular interest to the junior library is the Younger Readers section, the Information Book and the Picture Story book. The 2012 winning book for the Younger Reader is Crow Country by Kate Constable.

Other titles of interest for the students this year are Susan Green’s The Truth about Verity Sparks which was chosen by 8.2’s Reader Cup team, and Bungawitta, by popular author Emily Rodda, is the book chosen by 7.6 in the upcoming Year 7 Readers Cup Challenge.

To celebrate, the most prolific readers at Galen from each junior school homeroom were invited to the junior library for a delicious morning tea. Each student was given a congratulatory gold medal (chocolate) to complement the ‘Champions Read’ theme for 2012. A further treat for the reading elite was the unveiling of a large range of new books for their perusal and borrowing. These books are now available for all junior school students to borrow and to also celebrate book week.

The aroma of coffee and toast wafted around the Senior Library on Wednesday morning before school. Students were treated to break-fast to celebrate Bookweek, a breakfast of Champions. Tables of new fiction and non-fiction titles were displayed for borrowing. The pop of toasters, quiet murmurs of chatter and radio jingles contributed to the festive occasion. Bridget Feehan said, “I think the breakfast book club was a huge success. It was celebrating book week and there was plenty of food to eat and many new books to look at as well.”

Galen Parents’ AssociationNext meeting of the

Galen Parents’ Association

Date: Tuesday September 4thTime: 7.00 p.m.

Location: Staff Room-entry via side door on auditorium/senior library side of Main

Office Block.

Some items on the Agenda for discussion are:• Student ID cards

• Special Dietary options at tuckshop• Sausage sizzle by Parents’ Association

• Presentation Balls for 2013.

If you are interested please come along!

Page 4: Wednesday 29th August 2012 Issue 13 Founder’s Day · of toasters, quiet murmurs of chatter and radio jingles

West Africa Appeal

On Monday 20th at recess, the class of 7.6 gathered together to make some money for the unfortunate people of West Africa, who are suffering due to crop failure, drought and lack of food. The students baked sausage rolls, quiches and cakes and sold them enthusiastically. The aroma of the sausage rolls and quiches meant sales were brisk. What a great way to help those who have less than we do! The earnings will be sent to Caritas to assist with their charity work. Congratulations 7.6!

4 | Reflections - Issue 13

On Thursday August 9th the Year 10 Hospitality students and Hairdressing students went on an excursion to Melbourne to visit the RACV (Royal Automobile Club Of Victoria) club. It was 5 stars and had 17 levels. We were greeted by a man named David Wallace who was a public relations manager. He showed us around the area. First off, we were shown the rooms that would often host events such as 21st birthday’s, weddings, conferences etc. We were then able to enter one of the most standard hotel rooms. Inside, it had a mini bar, flat screen TV and all the first rate necessities. David described that these rooms were to give a ‘homely’ feel. Each room has 24-hour room service. We were basically shown around the entire estate. Some things we saw throughout the property included the gym, with a 25m indoor pool and new exercise equipment, cellar/wine bar which was at a very cool temperature to compensate for the drinks, meeting room, dining room, library, kitchen etc. To be a member, it is roughly around $1000 to have full access to all of the facilities. After a couple hours, we were then introduced to the bistro to have an ‘all you can eat’ lunch. I didn’t waste any time and filled my plate to the absolute brim with food. To begin, we got a main meal. I tried all different types of pastas, meats and salads topped with gravy and dressings of all sorts. Afterwards, we were enticed to have dessert, which was indeed the very best. Foods such as macaroons, lemon slice, hedgehog, rockyroad, fruit salad and jelly were on offer. There was even a self-serve ice-cream machine with sprinkles and marshmallows to top if all off. It was definitely my favourite part of the day, although I couldn’t eat for at least a day later. After lunch it was then time to leave the premises. It was only 12.30 so we still had at least another one and a half hours to kill. Mrs Kittel had it all planned out. Instead of The Amazing Race, like the famous T.V. show, she came up with her own race, which she called ‘The Great Melbourne Foodies Race’. The students were in small groupsof at least four. We were given a map to find our way around the main streets of Melbourne and a sheet full of questions we had to fill out. It was quite challenging, but in the end we got all the answers and still had a little spare time to reward ourselves with window shopping. By 2.00pm, we all had to meet back at Southbank/Yarra Bridge. All in all it was a fantastic day and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. - By Teagan Woodward

Hospitality Melbourne TripRefugee & Asylum Seeker Day

On Sunday 26th August, we celebrate with the universal church, Refugee & Migrant Sunday, which in the words of Pope Benedict XVI ‘offers the whole Church an opportunity … to pray that hearts may be open to Christian welcome’. We give thanks for the variety of gifts with which our migrant and refugee brothers and sisters have enriched the tapestry of Australian life. And we pray that Australians will continue to “welcome the stranger” cf Mt 25:35.

Asylum seekers, who fled from persecution, violence and situations that put their life at risk, stand in need of our understanding and welcome, of respect for their human dignity and rights, as well as awareness of their duties. Their suffering pleads with individual states and the international community to adopt attitudes of reciprocal acceptance, overcoming fears and avoiding forms of discrimi-nation, and to make provisions for concrete solidarity also through appropriate structures for hospitality and resettlement programmes. All this entails mutual help between the suffering regions and those which, already for years, have accepted a large number of fleeing people, as well as a greater sharing of responsibilities among States. - Pope Benedict XVI’s Message for The World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2012.

Above: The ‘wine-cellar’ restaurant at the RACV, kept at 18 degrees.

Junior School NewsLauren Lee - Junior School Director

This week we have a report from Meg Walch of 8.2 on the recent excursion to ‘Annie’...

We kicked off the day boarding the bus at 8:20am. The bus ride was long and loud but we were all full of adrenaline. Once we got to Melbourne our first stop was to Universal Cafe. Miss Clarke made sure we made our deadline for An-nie at 1pm. So we were trying our best to eat fast but enjoy it at the same time. We ran back to our bus through the rain and cold. We hurried to the Regent Theatre and queued up amongst the many schools that were there. We made our way to our seats while admiring the great marble work and chandeliers of the theatre. Galen was on the balcony and towards the back. We had other schools left, right and centre around us. Once the show started everyone settled down to enjoy the production. The music, sets, actors, singers, dancers and theatre was fantastic! It was so much fun! Once it had finished we waited outside for the buses, this was when the stars of Annie came outside and started signing autographs, we were lucky enough to get a photo! We can’t thank the teachers enough for our trip. So thank you Miss Lee, Miss Clarke, Mrs Peterson, Mr Magree, Miss Apostolopolous, Mrs O’Donahue and Eliza on behalf of all the Year 8’s who saw Annie!

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Congratulations to Year 11 students, Ben Leith, Ben Seager, Bridgette Byrne and Mick Raleigh who have been accepted to partici-pate in the National Youth Science Forum in 2013.

The SRC continue to meet on a regular basis to discuss ways to further improve things for the rest of the student cohort. They are a terrific group of students and have been both active and reflective as they continue to serve their constituents. With the support of Laurie Burt (student leadership co-ordinator) they have organized Lorin Nicholson a prominent youth motivational speaker who captivates, educates, entertains and inspires, to visit Galen College.

Subject Selections (Year 12 – 2013) Selection sheets were due on the 15th August. Important Dates:• Arts/Technology Exhibition, Tues Oct 16–19• Year 12 Last day Tues Oct 23• Year 12 Unit 4 Exams begin Thurs Nov 1• Year 12 Graduation Evening Thurs Nov 22

Senior School News

Mick Grogan - Senior School Director

Year 10 Formal Tuesday 11th September

St Pat's Hall7.30-12.00 midnight.

Red Carpet arrival 7.30-8.00

Entertainment - 'Scott & Amanda'

Tickets at the door - $15.00

A Red Carpet Affair New Staff Member in Technology

Evan Gibson recently joined the Technology Department in the Materials Tech area. He is assisting the staff with preparation of materials, setting up benches and vices, installing equipment and general maintenance of the rooms. He comes to us with a wealth of experience. He is a qualified refrigeration mechanic, specializes in welding, teaches part-time at GOTAFE, and has 30 years ofexperience across many industries. Evan is currently with us one day per fortnight.

We welcome Shari Webb to wellbeing. She is a social work student from Latrobe University completing her 3rd year practicum at Galen College. Shari comes from Numurkah, attended school in Shepparton and now lives in Wodonga. She enjoys soccer, and is busily planning her trip to Kenya in January to work in an orphanage. Shari will be evaluat-ing the Impossible Made Possible Program and counseling some students. Welcome to Galen Shari!

Words from WellbeingTherese Rodway - Wellbeing & Pastoral Care

English Language on the AirLast month our Year 12 English Language students: Ben O’Neill, Ashleigh Fife, Bradie Robinson and Connor Murtagh starred in their own radio program on ABC Goulburn Murray. As part of their Unit 3/4 studies of how Australians demonstrate their identity through language, the students were invited to “share the mic” with their old friend, and Head of Speech Pathology at CSU, Libby Clarke. The students were “on the air” on the 30th of July edition of the morning program segment “Just Say the Word” hosted by Joseph Thomsen. This visit gave the students a chance to demonstrate, and test their knowledge of Australian English. The students had to be prepared to respond to talk back callers and comment on topics such as Australian slang-terms like random and grouse, and fillers and colloquialisms, like… like! Students lent their expertise to callers from all over the Goulburn Murray region and proved just how interesting the English Language can be!

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6 | Reflections - Issue 13

Careers News


Did you know that some universities offer ‘Early En-try’ and ‘Principal Recommendation’ programs where they consider factors other than just your ATAR for selection into their courses?

To apply for the following programs, you must • Meet eligibility requirements for the course• Apply for the course via the relevant tertiary admission centre (I.e., VTAC or UAC)• Place the course at number one on the VTAC/ UAC preference list (for most schemes)• In some cases, be attending a school that is eligi-ble for the program

It is important to note that not all courses at each university are eligible for early entry.

Charles Sturt University, Principals Report Entry Scheme (PREP): Entry is based on your mid year academic report, a recommendation by the school and your answers to three questions. Your ATAR is not taken into consideration. The application form is due in by 19 September.

La Trobe University, Schools Access LaTrobe (SALT): Entry is based on an ATAR set by LaTrobe and your contribution to school and community life (i.e., com-munity service, volunteering, leadership). Apply for SALT via SEAS Category 6 by 9 October.

University of Ballarat, Regional Education Entry Program (REEP): Entry is based on an ATAR set by the University, your demonstrated motivation to succeed and your contribution to school and com-munity life. Apply for SALT via SEAS Category 6 by 9 October.

Australia Catholic University, Early Achievers Pro-gram (EAP): Entry is based on minimum ATAR set by ACU, Year 11 Reports and Year 12 Mid Year Report, and contribution to school and community life. You must apply via the application portal at the follow-ing link by October

University of Canberra, Principal’s Recommenda-tion Scheme: Entry is based on an application form signed by the school Principal. Your ATAR is not taken into consideration and the form must be emailed to the University by 28 September.

University of New England, UNExtra: Entry is based on an assessment given by the school of how hard you have worked at school and your contribution to school life. Your ATAR is not taken into considera-tion. You must apply by 28 September via an appli-cation form.

Flinders University South Australia, Principal’s Rec-ommendation Program: Entry is based on a school recommendation, Year 11 and 12 academic reports, and community service, leadership, volunteering etc. Your ATAR is not taken into consideration. You must apply by 28 September via an application form.


Applying for student accommodation: If you are planning to study at university or TAFE next year and you need to apply for accommodation, you should be exploring your options now. Unlike

institutions such as Australia National University and University of Ballart, very few institutions guarantee first year accommodation and some take student applications on a first apply first in basis (i.e., Monash University). You should apply for accommodation as soon the institutions application period opens.

Essential Energy Apprenticeship Applications Open: Applications close 2 September and all appren-ticeships are available in NSW locations,

Melbourne Law School 8th in the world: Melbourne Law School confirmed its position as Australia’s top law school with its latest ranking in the global top ten according to the QS World University Rankings by Subject. Melbourne moved up the global ranking to be named number 8 in the world for law.

Elite Athlete and Performers Special Entry: If you are applying for university and have competed at a National level during Years 11 or 12, you may be eligible for special consideration at various uni-versities. The University of Technology Sydney will provide students with 5 ATAR bonus points. Contact the university you would like to study at to find out if they offer a special entry scheme.

Win $20 000 towards studying at CSU! Students interested in applying to study at Charles Sturt University have the opportunity to win $20 000 to assist them with university expenses. The You + CSU competition will open later in the year. To register for updates and to be alerted when the application period opens, go to

Apply for JMC Academy programs now: You can apply for courses at JMC now via direct application. You will be able to audition and undertake your interview early to ensure you have a place for the February 2013 intake. Places are limited, so apply now to start building your creative future at JMC Academy. You can apply online via:

New website for students interested in university study: What Degree? Which University? is a fantas-tic website which has been developed by current university students for students interested in study-ing at university in the future. It covers information such as courses, student housing, student exchange etc. For more information visit:

How much will your university degree cost? Did you know that Bachelor Degrees are all roughly the same amount across Government universities depending on what type of degree it is? So a Bach-elor of Engineering will be about $8363 per year at all universities. To find out how much your degree will cost per year, search for the course you are interested in via the My University website:


Explore your options at Endeavour College of Natural Health: An information evening will be held Wednesday 22 August between 6.00 – 7.00pm at the Melbourne campus. You will be able to explore courses in massage, naturopathy, acupuncture, nutritional medicine, and musculoskeletal therapy. For more information and to register, go to

Residential Indigenous Science Experience: This three day residential program is for indigenous students in Years 9 and 10 who are interested in

science. The program at the University of Melbourne offers presentations and hands-on practical workshops exploring current themes in physics, chemistry, biology, maths and computer science. Participants will be supported by live-in indigenous and scientist mentors. For more information, email the administrative office at: [email protected]

2013 UNSW Minerals Summer School: Applications are now open for the 2013 UNSW Minerals Sum-mer School (UMSS) to be held from 7-10 January 2013 Students who are currently in Years 10 or 11, and are interested in Science and Engineering, are encouraged to apply. For more details, please visit:

UNSW Women in Engineering Camp: If you are a female currently in Year 10 or 11 and have an interest in engineering, you have the opportunity to apply for a four day residential program at the Uni-versity of NSW. You will be able to explore careers in engineering, live on campus at the University and participate in amazing activities. Cost is $200. For more information and to apply by 28 September, go to

Bacchus Marsh School of Aviation is conducting its annual Pilot Careers Seminar. Sunday 9th Septem-ber. If you think you would be interested visit:

Find out about Law Careers at ACU: Besides becom-ing a Barrister or a Solicitor, there are a wide range of careers in law that students may not be aware of. Australian Catholic University is hosting a panel of law graduates on Wednesday 12 September between 6pm – 7.30pm at the Melbourne Campus. For more information and to register, go to:

AUGUST EVENTS• Open Days- August is the month of Open Days. For a calendar of dates, please see your Career Adviser. • 23: Creative Industries Information Session, Wodonga TAFE, • 28: Information Technology Cadetship Information Evening, La Trobe University, Bendigo Campus,• 28: MyDay Teaching & Education, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga Campus,

SEPTEMBER EVENTS• 4: WHK Traineeship Information Evening, Albury, [email protected] • 5, 10, 12: Health & Community Services Informa-tion Sessions, Wodonga TAFE, nursing (5), youth work & youth justice (5), disability (10 & 12) and community services (12), • 12: Law Panel and Information Evening, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne Campus, • 19 & 21: Creative Industries Events, Box Hill In-stitute, Music Showcase (19) and Momentum Dance Performance (21), • 21: Robotics Competition, Swinburne University,• 25 & 27: Future Students Advisory Day, La Trobe University, Bundoora (25) and Bendigo (27) Cam-puses, • 25: Discover Deakin, Deakin University,

Rob Walker - Work & Further Education Coordinator



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Year 7 Boys’ SoccerGalen’s Year 7 boys’ soccer team have finished runners-up in the Hume region competi-tion. Galen was one win away from contesting the state finals, but unfortunately they were denied the opportunity to do so by a bigger, stronger team from Notre Dame College, Shepparton.

In their first two matches at the South Wangaratta Reserve on Thursday 9th August, Galen easily accounted for Tallangatta Secondary College 5-0 and Mansfield Secondary College 23-0. Yes, you read correctly, 23-0!

In the final, Notre Dame seemed to have several boys who looked to be in their mid 20s! Our lads tried hard but their opposition were simply too good.

Sebastian Pasquali was clearly Galen’s best player for the day and he received excellent support from Lachie Austin, Joe Richards and Matt Jordan. All the other members of the squad, Ryan McNeilly, Connor Delaney, Zac Lea, Pat Knowles, Isaac Wolff, Dan Murphy, Brannan Duffy, Xavier Wales and James Duncan never stopped trying, and always gave 100% for their team. Their overall record for the season was 5 wins and just the one loss.

Thanks to Year 9 student, Ryley Pasquali for doing such a fantastic job coaching this team. Ryley is a great ambas-sador for our school and leads by example. Thanks also to Lachlan Busk who braved the horrendous conditions to be our linesman and to the parents who attended on the day to support their boys and Galen.

Year 8 Boys’ Soccer

On Wednesday the 8th of August the Year 8 boys’ soccer team went down to the South Wangaratta Reserve and participated in the second stage of the school boys soccer. The boys competed against three other schools in Yarrawonga, Seymour and Notre Dame. In the first game the boys competed against Yarrawonga and had a convincing 5-0 win. In the second game the team pulled another good win against Seymour. The team won 3-0 against a very competitive side. For the last game they had to win against Notre Dame to make it through to the next level, unfortunately they lost 4-0 to a side that was too strong for us on the day. Some of the good players on the day were Alex Reid, Zac Elliot and Josh Taylor. A big thanks to Mr. Pasztor who coached us on the day.

By Jayden Bear



On Thursday August the 9th Galen College participated in the annual North Eastern Zone Clay Target Championships held at Echuca. The competition on this day comprised of a 20 Target Single Barrel event and in the prevailing windy, cold conditions this proved to be challenging and demanding for all of the 220 competitors who attended.

Galen had a number of shooters who performed superbly through-out the day with several outstanding individual results being recorded. Jaden Scobie was the winner of the Senior Boys. Kayla Grassi won Senior Girls. Will Robinson came second in Junior Boys. Demi Shale came third in Senior Girls. Brianna Grassi came third in Junior Girls and Bryan Green was third in Senior Boys. This means out of a possible 13 trophies Galen Shooters collected six. All of the above shooters will now travel to Bendigo to represent Galen in the

State Championships on September 3rd.

Other students to represent Galen were James Connor, James Bennett, Hugh Amery, Jak Canning, Hamish Falla, Codi Rasmus-sen, Braden Ellis, Daniel Scott, Tim Judd, Sam Canning Scobie, Kyle Woods, Reiley Murtagh, Bailey Hourigan, Rohan Watson, Patrick Powell, Jack Bosnich, Declan Taylor, Jack Reiter, Adam Evans, Jamie-son Stewart, Riley Carter, James Ackerly, Sam Peters, Sean Szeligie-wicz and Wyatt Griffiths. All students are to be commended for their behaviour and presentation throughout the day.

Special thanks are expressed to parents Mr. Rod Green, Mr Paul Benedetti and Mr Neil Taylor for their attendance, advice and support on the day.

Week 2 of Term 4 will see the next event on the Clay Target Calendar with the annual North East Field and game Competition being contested in Benalla. More information regarding this event will be forthcoming towards the end of this term. Keith Willett

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Galen Catholic CollegeCollege Street, WangarattaPO Box 630 Wangaratta Vic 3676

Principal: Bernard NealEmail: [email protected]: 03 5721 6322Web:

Who’s Who at GalenLeadership Team• Bernard Neal : Principal• Geoff Welch : Deputy Principal—Staff & Students• Darren Hovey : Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning• Gerard Sullivan : Deputy Principal – Catholic Identity• Dom Giannone : Business Manager• Bern Albertson : Professional Development Co-ordinator• Gary Watson: Timetable/Daily Organiser• Mick Grogan : Senior School Director• Keith Willett : Middle School Director• Lauren Lee : Junior School Director• Marlene Kittel : Staff member

The best way to contact Galen staff members direct is by email. All staff have email addresses which follow the formula: [email protected]

Members of the Board and Parents Association can be contacted via the office on 035721 6322 or email:[email protected]

School Board• Monsignor John White: Parish Priest• Tony Lane: Board Chair• Bernard Neal: Principal• Geoff Welch: Deputy Principal - Staff & Students• Max Fletcher: CEO Sandhurst Representative• Cameron Butler: Community Representative• John Byrne: Parent• Suellen Loki: Parent• Angie Semmens: Parent• Mark Williams: Parent• Darren Hovey: Staff Representative• Mick Grogan: Staff Representative• Elizabeth Holligan: Staff Representative• John Pasztor: Staff Representative

Parents Association Executive • Allison King: President• Graham Spence: Treasurer• Trish Impink: Secretary

Newsletter enquiries can be emailed directly to the Publications & Promotions Officer: [email protected]

August 30th & 31st 7.00pm

Wangaratta Performing Arts Centre

Tickets can be purchased from WPAC & Edgars Newsagency

IT Workshop for ParentsTools for controlling Internet use at home for our Year 9’s and 10’s

This session will start with a short presentation from a guest speaker with reflections and advice on the issues surrounding the use of the Internet and games at home. The session will then move onto demonstrations of the following tools:

• Free software called Self Control • A hardware solution called a NetGear Router• The Telstra Filter Account • Commercial software called Nortons Family Online• Apple’s parental controls • Physical solutions eg: timers

A Year 7 and 8 workshop will be held early next term.

You can’t be watching all the time, but you can play a consistent and supportive role in your kids’ lives, online. Let them grow and learn on their own while being able to provide guidance when necessary. (Nortons online family)

So join us in the senior library 6.00pm to 7.00pm Monday 12th September. Enroll online at The code required is: AZZ2A

Five Year 7 students performed ‘Tari Topeng’ (masked dance) at the opening of the 2012 Regional LOTE Conference which was held at The Gateway on 16th August. School volunteer Ibu Anne also joined in, which gave the students confidenceon the day. Their performance was very well received, with requests following to send instructions to other schools. Well done Kotone Kamiyama, Chloe Elliott, Bianca Mulqueen, Molly Homewood and Samantha Lilley on a very bright, colourful and exciting display!

Regional LOTE Conference

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