Page 1: Website Inspiration Q Magazine

Website Inspiration

Page 2: Website Inspiration Q Magazine

Homepage The same house style used in their magazine is also present here on the Q website. A white background with black text with the red Q logo at the top left corner. This layout of this website is similar to many other websites for a magazine. This is apparent by the large images placed all around the page and text over them. This is so it’s clear what the text is linked to as with so many images and different articles to click on the text would get lost if it wasn’t so close to or actually on top of the image it may not be clear what the image the text is with. I really like this layout however as its very clear and the text isn’t so big that it overpowers the images and vice versa. I also like the buttons at the buttons at the top too and the way they are divided. There is a small diagonal line to divide the text/buttons and I think that that is a lot better than having nothing or even just vertical lines. I think that the black bar at the top of the page isn’t a very good idea as although it contrasts well with the white background, it’s still too small and hard to notice so people may miss that part of the website. Overall I think this is a very good and stylish website that works well with the magazine as they have similar house styles and I also like the layout of this website too.

Page 3: Website Inspiration Q Magazine

Looking at other pages of the website, we see that the house style is present throughout. This keeps the consistency up however I think that makes it so the viewer can’t tell what page they’re actually on. Everything on this website looks the same and its hard to see what page you’re actually on. When looking at this website I noticed that most of the fonts are exactly the same and a lot of the time they’re quite hard to pick out of the page and see. Although this makes the style constant, it also lowers the viewability of the website as a whole. I like the ad to side of the page encouraging readers to subscribe to the magazine. It has a bit of colour on it that isn’t present anywhere else on the page (yellow) which draws the attention of the viewer, which in turn makes them look at the other issues and the information that they can subscribe to the magazine.

Overall I like the layout of this website however there are a lot of things that I would change on it. I think that the lack of colour makes it difficult to read and focus on certain things as everything looks the same. This also means that readers have a difficult time finding things that they want to as the average viewer would want to be able to scroll through the page and look at what peaks their interest, but with as few colours here that’s quite difficult to do. I could also cause strain on the reader’s eyes.


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