
The theme:The world around us

The Aim:a) Listening and understanding the unknown text

from the lingophone.

b) Introducing the new words and doing exercises.

c) To develop the students interest to the language,

outlook and memory imagination.

Methods:game, listening audiotext doing exercises , ques-tions , work in pairs.

Visual aids:the map of Kazakhstan cards , placards, pictures, and tables.

P L A N :

I. Org moment.

a) Introducing with the pupils

b) Conversation with duties.

II. Speaking about the weather and season.

T:What day is it today?

P1:It is Thursday.

T:What is the date today?

P2:It's 23rd of February.

T:What season is it now?

P3:It's winter.

T:What is the weather like in winter?

P4:It is cold (foggy, frosty)

T:What winter sports do you know?

P5:I know

T:What winter Olympic Game is taking place?


T:Where it is helding ?


T:Ok, All, right .Thank you.

III. Listening to the unknown text.

a) Introduce with the new words.

a trap [trp]

a tail [tel]

hide [had], hidden [hdn]

sly [sla]

ashame [ 'em]

imitate [mtet]

without [wut]

Put your phones, listen to the text!

b) Answer the questions.

What is the story about?

What happened to the fox one day?

Was the fox very unhappy and ashamed?

Why did the fox ask the other foxes to come to her house?

Did the other foxes imitate her style?

What did they say?

c) Retell the text with the help of the diagram.

(the other foxes to come)

(in the forest)

(cut off .. not fashion) (a trap) didn't see

(a tail)

(beautiful tails) (unhappy ashamed, but sly)

That all! Thank you!

IV.New lesson.

Now children let's read the title of our lesson. The world around us. Today ,we'll speak about the nature of our country.

Do you know the proverb?

East or west , home is best?

Yes , the place where we live is our lovely place, motherland.

Thats why we must save and protect our place from pollution Look at the blackboard.

These are the new words

Repeat in chorus after me and write in your vocabulary

petrol stations ['petrl'sten]

fur [f:]

skin [skn]

soil [sul]

If you ready, youll listen to me.

Look at this diagram

What is Earth? What happened to the Earth or nature? (skin)


Look at the table Kazakhstans ecological problem.

T:What regions are dangerous in Kazakhstan?


T:What regions are more dangerous in Kazakhstan?


T:What regions are the most dangerous in Kazakhstan?


Find these regions from the map.

V. Doing exercises .

ex 4

T:Do it in your exercise book.

ex 9Read the task.

(The Friends of Nature)

(The oil companies)

(We give jobs for people.The country becomes rich.We have good experiences.Oil industry is very important for the future of Kazakhstan.) (Youll destroy the land and sea world.Youll kill fish.Our health is in danger.Air is polluted.Water is polluted.)

VI. Total of the lesson.

Now children last Unit we passed grammar material Conditional Sentence I,II.

You know how we express our dream

(If I were an akim) (If I were an ecologist)

At the end to be an akim or an ecologist what we must do? We must learn well.You know that

Knowledge is a power.

VII. Marks

VIII. Home task

ex 12 . p 140.


I v a r i a n t

1. I'm well- qualified and have completed a ___________in graphic design.

a) Curriculum

b) Course

c) Lesson

2. We would like details of your ____________on this form

a) Qualifications

b) Motivation

c) Career

3. Mr. Brown a lecturer at the local ________________

a) Infant school

b) Secondary school

c) University

4. In some schools ____________ is so high

a) Price

b) Tee

c) Payment

5. When people choose a school they are mainly interested in _________

a) A certificate

b) Exams

c) Facilities

6. Young people often don't like their school ____________

a) Time-table

b) Uniform

c) Break

7. Uniform is ______________ British schools

a) Compulsory

b) Competitive

c) Reasonable

8. It _________quicker if you _______ a computer.

a) Is , will use

b) Will be , use

c) Will be , will use

9. If I had some money I ________get a big flat.

a) Will

b) Must

c) Would

10.If I ___________ his address I would go round and see him

a) Know

b) Knew

c) Will know

II v a r i a n t .

1. Where ___________ you ________ if you need to buy a picture?

a) Will go

b) Did go

c) Are going

2. ________ the film finishes , I'll immediately go home.

a) If

b) When

c) Before

3. You can look _________in a dictionary it you don't know what it means.

a) Down

b) Out

c) Up

4. They phoned that my wife was taken ill I had to put _________ the meeting

a) Off

b) Out

c) Up

5. I n some schools _____________ is so high.

a) Price

b) Fee

c) Payment

6. Mr. White is a lecturer at the local ________

a) infant school

b) secondary school

c) university

7.When people choose a school they are mainly interested in __________.

a) A certificate

b) Exams

c) Facilities

8. Young people often don't like their school _______________.

a) Timetable

b) Uniform

c) Break

9. Uniform is ____________ in British school.

a) compulsory

b) competitive

c) reasonable.

10. It __________ quicker if you ________ a computer

a) is , will use

b) will be , use

c) will be , will use


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