Page 1:  · Web viewWe’ll also be featuring sessions from our charity partners LS29 and Made with Music with whom we will be hosting a number of ‘relaxed’ performances

We are all living through extraordinary times at the moment.  

As a Trust we have been thinking about what part we could play in supporting the wider

community during these difficult times and this update sets out some of our early plans that

we hope will lift spirits and increase the community's sense of connection.

4pm on a Friday is an ideal time to settle down with the family for Storytime at the Manor

House.   Just go to the Ilkley Manor House Facebook page to enjoy a traditional fairy story

read by one of our volunteers in front of the wonderful fireplace.

The first storytime happened last Friday at 4pm.

  The story was 'The Little Red Hen'.

If you would like to see the film just click on link below

Page 2:  · Web viewWe’ll also be featuring sessions from our charity partners LS29 and Made with Music with whom we will be hosting a number of ‘relaxed’ performances


The next story is 'The Magic Porridge Pot'.  With each story we are also posting some

activities that families could do together linked to the story.  For the Little Red Hen we

included an activity for making bread with children.

The films were made in the Manor House before the government guidance was issued

about staying in our homes.

The team at the Manor House has been working together to put imaginative content on our

social media platforms so as many people as possible will be able to enjoy it.  We have

called this programme - Ilkley Manor House at Home 

We do appreciate that not everyone has access to these but at the moment it is the only

way we can keep connected to the wider community.


If anyone has any thoughts on what else we could do to lift spirits and keep connected

please do let us know.

Monday - MONDAY MEMORIESEach Monday across all the Manor House social media platforms share your

memories of the Manor House. 

Page 3:  · Web viewWe’ll also be featuring sessions from our charity partners LS29 and Made with Music with whom we will be hosting a number of ‘relaxed’ performances


If you are interested in taking part in this special archive project, which will

culminate in an exhibition in the Manor House in 2021, we would be

delighted to hear from you - [email protected]

Tuesday - MUSIC

On Tuesdays across all the Manor House social media platforms we will be

sharing the work of performers and artists who have either performed at or will

be joining us later in the year. 


We’ll also be featuring sessions from our charity partners LS29 and Made

with Music with whom we will be hosting a number of ‘relaxed’ performances

later in 2020/2021.

Wednesday - WORDS

During the need to stay at home our Poets' Corner in the Manor House is

closed but you can still enjoy poems and the written word with our regular

‘Words’ posts. Each Wednesday we aim to publish poetry and recordings

from the Wharfedale Poets and other guest readers.

We are also exploring other ideas with our writer in residence, Melanie Shearn,

to post online too.

Page 4:  · Web viewWe’ll also be featuring sessions from our charity partners LS29 and Made with Music with whom we will be hosting a number of ‘relaxed’ performances


Each Thursday across all the Manor House social media platforms we will be

sharing activities, resources and facts and figures about the history and

heritage of the Manor House.

If you have children and young people at home we hope our resources will be

helpful to support your home-schooling. 


Join us on Facebook every Friday at 4pm for Story Time at the Manor House. 


Recorded in the Manor House prior the government advice to stay at home,

listen with your family to traditional fairy stories including the Little Red Hen,

Goldilocks and the 3 Bears and the Billy Goats Gruff.

Saturday - FAMILY FUN

Each Saturday across our social media platforms you’ll find fun, creative

challenges that the whole family can get involved with.  Why not share the

challenges with your friends and family ‘virtually’ and get everyone involved!

We would love to see what you make - so make sure you post pictures online

and tag us in.

Page 5:  · Web viewWe’ll also be featuring sessions from our charity partners LS29 and Made with Music with whom we will be hosting a number of ‘relaxed’ performances


An opportunity to learn more about the artists and exhibitions at the Manor

House, as well as further afield, on our social media platforms. 


We will be featuring artists whose work has either been shown at the house, as

well as looking to showcase ‘online’ exhibitions of artists work who should have

been in the house before our closure was announced.

Memories of the Manor House Project

This is the ideal time to look out old photos and share memories of the Manor

House.  If you are talking to friends and family on the phone or online why not

ask them about their memories of the Manor House and share these with us.  

Page 6:  · Web viewWe’ll also be featuring sessions from our charity partners LS29 and Made with Music with whom we will be hosting a number of ‘relaxed’ performances

We’d love to hear these memories and though the house is closed at the

moment we are still working on the Memories project - so please send any

information or photos to [email protected]

Our Volunteers are a vital part of the Manor House community and while we are closed we

have been working with them all to offer support where that is needed, regular updates on

what our plans are for the programme during the closure period as well as looking forward

to when we are able to socialise again.

Our writer in residence, Mel Shearn has also put out an offer to our volunteers to work with

her on a writing project during these unprecedented times too.

Page 7:  · Web viewWe’ll also be featuring sessions from our charity partners LS29 and Made with Music with whom we will be hosting a number of ‘relaxed’ performances

Looking Forward 

Page 8:  · Web viewWe’ll also be featuring sessions from our charity partners LS29 and Made with Music with whom we will be hosting a number of ‘relaxed’ performances

Though most of our attention recently has been on the immediate support we can

give to the community we are also thinking about what we we can be offering once

our doors are open again.  More of these plans in the next issue.

We are still working with the Co-op Community Fund to help support some of our

future relaxed music events planned for later in the year.

Ilkley Manor House Trust is a registered charity and while we are generously

supported by generous local benefactors, we rely heavily on income from visitors and

events.  We know we are not alone in worrying about the impact of closing our doors

to the public, but if you feel able to make a donation, no matter how small, to help us

through this financially-difficult time, we would be very


And to all of you -

Keep well and as much as possible, enjoy this period of imposed rest.  We will continue to keep in touch

and if you have any ideas of things we could be doing to support the wider community and others please

do let us know.

Our mailing address is:[email protected]

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Page 9:  · Web viewWe’ll also be featuring sessions from our charity partners LS29 and Made with Music with whom we will be hosting a number of ‘relaxed’ performances

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