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October 2013 ATTENTION:

Media Marketing Director


To call attention to the forgotten story of last months floods in Colorado as seen through the extraordinary experiences and efforts of the exponentially growing viral organization The RELIEF Foundation.


Watch Out FaceLess Non-Profits' – New-Age Organization Utilizes Latest and Greatest Technology to be Extremely Efficient and Completely Up-Front Transparent.


Eight Year Old R.E.L.I.E.F. Foundation (Relieving and Embracing Lives Interrupted by Earths' Forces) 501(c)3 Uses Technology to Quickly Respond To Natural Disaster Locations - Successfully Returns From 5th Global Organized Effort After Providing Disaster Recovery Services to Victims of the Nationally Forgotten Colorado Flood Disaster - You Can Join Them Too.


You have heard of 'Flash Mobs' – but what about 'Flash RELIEF' efforts? The RELIEF Foundation a 501(c)3 with thousands of members, all across the globe, just returned back from Colorado where they brought much needed support to victims of last months' incredible flooding and pounding rains.

First responding to Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the group uses social media to quickly organize, ramp up, and ship out – in subsequent other trips:

I. They were the largest independent grass roots troop to respond to the Haiti Earth Quake

II. Sent a team to Japan for tsunami clean-up,

III. Provided Georgia Tornado RELIEF in 2011.

They are not first responders – but arrive at that critical and equally important moment right between 'search-and-recover' meets 'repair-and-restore.' There is no age of the average RELIEF member – it is open to anyone who wants to do more than give a $5 text message.

With no hidden agenda or religious denomination, RELIEF missions provide safe opportunities for everyone of all walks of life to get their 'hands dirty' and make a difference in the unfortunate lives of others.


Like running in a marathon, all RELIEF members are required to raise a set amount of funds (averaging $300-$500) and supplies from friends, families, and co-workers. Collected via new electronic payment systems like

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Venmo or Square, these funds are spent by the sponsored individual to support them on their specific trip (travel expenses, food, etc.).

This approach gives the donors of the volunteers, a vested interest in the responded-to disaster. ie. Would you rather give $5 to your co-workers daughter going to get her hands dirty or to a large established non-profit where you have no idea how those funds are going to be spent?


RELIEF members are encouraged to share their videos, photos, and stories with their donors – in effect building trust for the organization by allowing for complete transparency of the spent funds. Donors know where 100% of their donation goes and traditional hand-written post-trip-sent 'thank you notes' are a requirement not a recommendation. The unforeseen result of this approach becoming that on each subsequent trip, RELIEF donors have graduated and are becoming volunteers themselves. RELIEF hopes to expand and create global chapters who can continue to quickly respond and create local RELIEF efforts when/if ever needed.


The Government shutdown has completely overshadowed the devastating flood in Colorado and with winter quickly approaching the need for publicity is pressing.

One example of an individual who was caught in the flood was John Pellouchoud from Lefthand Canyon (just outside of Boulder). John is a True-Walking-Living-Legend. He has given his life to protecting others - being a rescue diver for the Coast Guard, a rescue climber, Colorado Police Department response leader, a first responder on 911, etc... He currently resides (or resided) in a hand crafted home in the middle of the Colorado mountains. He works alongside the local fire department. At best guess, John has legitimately saved the lives of nearly 100 individuals - he is a hero's hero.

5 weeks ago, at 4:30am, John attempted to respond to an emergency call but found leaving his home near impossible due to the inclement weather. In his full gear, he decided his efforts were best spent diverting water which was over-powering a small stream above his house. Within minutes the ground shook & John looked up to see a 20 foot wall of ash, debris, boulders, mud, and trees barreling down directly towards him. Within seconds he was swiftly flushed away – tumbling hundreds of feet and surrounded by the thick cluster of debris and dirt – he was deposited directly into the river at the base of the mountain. John most notably recalls the unyielding sound of trees snapping and rock-on-rock grinding amongst the ferocious churning waters that now surrounded him.

Despite clinging to a tree for 4.5 hours in the middle of the raging river and after having radioed-in what he thought would be his final good-byes. John miraculously survives in what can only be described as the ultimate feat of strong will-power, determination, and shear grace of God. His full play by play overview is incredibly moving and powerful.

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John is the type of man who seldom asks for help and it was a friends independent anonymous suggestion on his behalf that brought John and RELIEF together. The Relief Foundation was lucky enough to meet John through the hard work of the 'Mudslingers.' Two weeks ago, the Boulder Mudslingers had received a tip that a rescuer himself needed assistance. After quickly responding, the group had taken volunteers to John's house to remove over 5 feet of ferocious thick mud that had settled in every room post disaster.

The Mudslingers are a group of individuals who decided to stand together and help instead of watching through the news. Working alongside RELIEF, the two group's combined forces this past weekend to put additional touches on John's house. Now, John is happily well on his way towards staying there for the up-coming winter.

John is only one incredible story of RELIEF - he is also one of the lucky ones' as other areas (like the town of Lyons) have yet to receive any volunteers to date.

Members of RELIEF and The Boulder MudSlingers Pose with John Pellouchoud after an amazing day of providing RELIEF

For Additional Information or Photos/Videos:

Please contact David Harding (646)-334-5251 or Peter Groverman (305)-582-5643

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