Page 1:€¦ · Web viewThe nervous system controls the involuntary actions such as reflexes. The nervous system controls voluntary actions such as walking. What do you

Lesson #1

Discovery Education – Nervous System

Before opening your Discovery Education Science Techbook, record your thoughts on the following/ Antes de abrir su Discovery Education Science Techbook, registre sus pensamientos sobre los siguientes

1.List some things that you do that you seem to have no control over. These are actions that just seem to happen without

you having to think about them./ Haga una lista de algunas cosas que hace sobre las que parece no tener control. Estas son acciones que

parecen suceder sin que tenga que pensar en ellas.





Now, click on the link below to get to the Discovery Education page

click to go to Discovery Education online

You’ll need to sign in to gain access to the site.Your username will be your school email address made of your computer username followed by (Example:[email protected]) and

your password is still your lunch pin followed by three zeros (example: 56789000)


Read the section Thinking about the Control Center of Your Body and watch the video “Nervous System and Polygraphs” to learn about some of our actions that we have no control over./ Lea la sección Pensando en el Centro de control de su cuerpo y mire el video “Sistema nervioso y polígrafos” para conocer algunas de nuestras acciones que no tenemos control. terminado./ /

2. The nervous system is one of the most complex systems of the body. Which statements are true of the nervous system? Highlight all that apply./ El sistema nervioso es uno de los sistemas más complejos del cuerpo. ¿Qué afirmaciones son ciertas del sistema nervioso? Resalte todo lo que corresponda.

A. The nervous system contains one structure – the brain.

B. Nerve cells are smaller than most other body cells.

C. The nervous system works together with other systems.

D. The nervous system controls the involuntary actions such as reflexes.

E. The nervous system controls voluntary actions such as walking.

3. What do you think are the parts of the nervous system, and how do they communicate with the rest of our body?/ ¿Cuáles cree que son las partes del sistema nervioso y cómo se comunican con el resto de nuestro cuerpo? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 2:€¦ · Web viewThe nervous system controls the involuntary actions such as reflexes. The nervous system controls voluntary actions such as walking. What do you

Scroll all the way down the page and click on the NEXT button.

Read the section “How Do the Two Main Parts of the Nervous System Work Together to Perceive and React to an Animal’s Environment?” and answer the questions below. (Answers will be found in the first four paragraphs.)/ Lea la sección "¿Cómo funcionan las dos partes principales del sistema nervioso para percibir y reaccionar al entorno de un animal?" y responda a las preguntas que se indican a continuación. (Las respuestas se encuentran en los primeros cuatro párrafos.)

4. The nervous system is an organ system that consists of 1the ____________________, the spinal cord, and specialized

cells called ______________________.

5. The nervous system is divided into two parts2:

A. the ___________________________ nervous system consisting of the _____________________ and the


B. and the _______________________ nervous system, which is responsible for interpreting ___________________

coming from the body and controlling the body’s _______________________ to stimuli.

Click on the activity “The Brain and the Nervous System” and follow the directions in the activity. Before you close the activity, answer the following questions./ Haga clic en la actividad "El cerebro y el sistema nervioso" y siga las instrucciones de la actividad. Antes de cerrar la actividad, responda las siguientes preguntas./

6. The cerebrum3 is the largest part of the brain. What does is control? (10 things)



7. What are the other 3 parts of the brain and why are they important?




Use your back button to close out the activity and continue reading the informational text below the activity box and answer the question below. / Use su botón de retroceso para cerrar la actividad y continúe leyendo el texto informativo debajo del cuadro de actividad y responda la pregunta a continuación.  

8. Explain the difference between voluntary and involuntary actions. Give examples of each in answer./ Explicar la diferencia entre voluntarias e involuntarias acciones. Dé ejemplos de cada uno en la respuesta. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1 El sistema nervioso es un sistema de órganos que consiste en2 El sistema nervioso se divide en dos partes3 cerebro

Page 3:€¦ · Web viewThe nervous system controls the involuntary actions such as reflexes. The nervous system controls voluntary actions such as walking. What do you

Click on the link below to watch a video about the different parts of the nervous system./ Haga clic en el enlace a continuación para ver un video sobre las diferentes partes del sistema nervioso

click here for Schoolhouse Rock video

Use your knowledge to determine which activities would be carried out by the central nervous system or peripheral nervous system. Sort them into the appropriate columns. / Use su conocimiento para determinar qué actividades llevaría a cabo el sistema nervioso central o el sistema nervioso periférico.  Clasifíquelos en las columnas apropiadas.

1. Ignoring the sound of the engine while riding in a car.

2. Raising your heartbeat when you are afraid.

3. Slowing down digestion during exercise.

4. Deciding to go to the store today.

5. Throwing a basketball at a hoop.

6. Sensing the coldness of an ice cube.

7. Simplifying the expression 2 + 5

Central Peripheral

- Ignoring the sound of the engine while riding in a car.

You are now finished with this lesson 😊

Page 4:€¦ · Web viewThe nervous system controls the involuntary actions such as reflexes. The nervous system controls voluntary actions such as walking. What do you

Lesson #2

Discovery Education – Nervous System

Before opening your Discovery Education Science Techbook, record your thoughts on the following:/ Antes de abrir su Techbook Discovery Education Science, registre sus pensamientos sobre lo siguiente:/  

1. What if I told you that you have electrical impulses moving through your body right now. Explain how or why that would be happening./ ¿Qué pasa si te digo que tienes impulsos eléctricos moviéndose a través de tu cuerpo en este momento? Explica cómo o por qué estaría sucediendo eso. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Now, click on the link below to get to the Discovery Education page

click here to go to Discovery Education online

You’ll need to sign in to gain access to the site.Your username will be your school email address made of your computer username followed by (Example:[email protected]) and

your password is still your lunch pin followed by three zeros (example: 56789000)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Read the section “How Does the Structure of Neurons Relate to their Function?” and answer the questions below./ Lea la sección "¿Cómo se relaciona la estructura de las neuronas con su función?" y responde las preguntas a continuación. 2. Identify the three types of neurons and explain what the function of each is./ Identifica los tres tipos de neuronas y explica cuál

es la función de cada una.

A. ____________________ -- ____________________________________________________________________________________________

B. ____________________ -- ____________________________________________________________________________________________

C. ____________________ -- ____________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Label the three parts of a neuron by writing in the boxes in the image below./ Identifica los tres tipos de neuronas y explica cuál es la función de cada una.

Page 5:€¦ · Web viewThe nervous system controls the involuntary actions such as reflexes. The nervous system controls voluntary actions such as walking. What do you

Scroll down and click on the NEXT button/

Read the section How Are Nerve Impulses Sent Through the Body? and watch the video “Nerves in Action”

4. Briefly describe the role of neurons in our bodies4. What do they do? Why are they important?



You’ll need a family member and a ruler for this next part./ Necesitarás un miembro de la familia y una regla para la siguiente parte

You can measure how fast your reflexes are in a quick experiment with a ruler. Have a family member drop a ruler vertically between your fingers. You will catch the falling ruler. Measure the distance that the ruler traveled in the time it took for you to react./ Puedes medir qué tan rápido son tus reflejos en un experimento rápido con una regla. Haga que un miembro de la familia deje caer una regla verticalmente entre sus dedos. Atraparás a la regla que cae. Mida la distancia que recorrió la regla en el tiempo que tardó en reaccionar.

5. What was your measurement? ___________________ What was your reaction time? __________________

You are able to react so quickly because signals from the eye to the brain to the hand travel by action potentials of the


6. Think about this: When you sit with your legs crossed for too long, you experience the sensation of your leg “falling

asleep.” Use what you have learned about neurons and the transmission of nerve impulses to explain why this sensation

of numbness occurs.6




Let’s put this all together, from both lessons about the nervous system. You can go back and look at any tabs and pages of the Nervous System on your Discovery Education site to assist you in answering the following assessment questions./ puedes reaccionar tan rápido porque las señales del ojo al cerebro y la mano viajan por los potenciales de acción de las neuronas.

7. The nervous system is the center of all mental activity. Which of the following is NOT a function of the nervous

system (highlight your answer choice/ resaltar su opción de respuesta ):

A. Thinking

B. Learning

C. Memory

D. Digesting4 el rol de las neuronas en nuestros cuerpos5 puedes reaccionar tan rápido porque las señales del ojo al cerebro y la mano viajan por los potenciales de acción de las neuronas..6 Cuando te sentes con las piernas cruzadas durante demasiado tiempo, experimentas la sensación de que tu pierna "se duerme" Usa lo que has aprendido sobre las neuronas y la transmisión de impulsos nerviosos para explicar por qué se produce esta sensación de entumecimiento.

Page 6:€¦ · Web viewThe nervous system controls the involuntary actions such as reflexes. The nervous system controls voluntary actions such as walking. What do you

8. Neurons have two ends7. Nerve impulses travel from the end of one neuron to the beginning of another. What are

the names for these ends? (highlight your answer choice):

A. Axons and diaphragms

B. Dendrites and avlveoli

C. Axons and dentrites

D. Dendrites and medullas

9. Identify the structures as belonging to the peripheral nervous system ( PNS ), the central nervous system ( CNS ) , or

“both” by writing it on the line that follows each phrase.

A. Sends signals to muscles from the spinal cord ______CNS______

B. Cells communicate via synapses8 ____________

C. Collects impulses from sensory cells9 ____________

D. Sends information to the brain ____________

E. Includes spinal cord ______________

F. Includes brain ____________

G. Neurons have dendrites ___________

10. Match the types of neurons to its function by writing the letter of your choice next to it.

Motor neuron/neurona motora _______

Sensory neuron/neurona sensorial ______

Interneuron/interneurona ______

A. Carry messages from the body to the brain.

B. Carry the signals from the brain to the organs and tissues.

C. The link between sensory and motor nerve cells

Read the attached article, “Brain Gain” and while you are reading, answer these questions:

11. What are 3 things that surprised you about what you read in the article?




12. After reading the article, what are 3 questions that you have? It could be something that you just wonder about, or it

could be a question you would want to ask Dr. Geidd.




7 Dos extremos8 el punto en el que un impulso nervioso pasa de una neurona a otra.9 recoge impulsos de células sensoriales

Page 7:€¦ · Web viewThe nervous system controls the involuntary actions such as reflexes. The nervous system controls voluntary actions such as walking. What do you

13. What was something that you learned about your teenage brain that you would want your parents to know and




You are now finished with this lesson 😊

Page 8:€¦ · Web viewThe nervous system controls the involuntary actions such as reflexes. The nervous system controls voluntary actions such as walking. What do you

Optional Experiment

A Nervous Experiment

ContentsExperiment overview.....................................................1

Data table and worksheet..............................................2

Teaching tips and objectives..........................................3

Arizona Science Standards.............................................4

Common Core Standards...............................................5

Next Generation Science Standards..............................6

Learn More

This is a companion PDF for these online articles:

A Nervous Experiment

A Nervous Journey

About the AuthorBrittany Sanner is a Robert Noyce scholar and a graduate of Arizona State University. She teaches biology and chemistry at Central High School in Phoenix Arizona.

A Nervous Experiment Packet | | Ask A Biologist

Ask A Biologist activity for classroom and

home By Brittany Sanner

Page 9:€¦ · Web viewThe nervous system controls the involuntary actions such as reflexes. The nervous system controls voluntary actions such as walking. What do you

Experiment Overview

How do you know when your hand touches something? How do you know if something brushes against your shoulder? As you learned in A Nervous Journey, neurons of the nervous system sense things in the en- vironment and send those signals to the brain for analysis. Each neuron can only send one signal at a time. If two points touch the same neuron, it can still only send one signal to the brain. This means, your brain would only sense one thing touching you, even when there are two.

Knowing this, do you think you need the same number of nerves in every part of your body? Think about your fingertip, arm and back. In which of these places might your nerves be closer together? Make your pre- dictions and see for yourself in the experiment below!

HypothesisExplain which part of your body (fingertip, arm or shoulder) will be most sensitive and explain why:




Materials• 1 ruler with centimeters• 1 Paperclip• Paper and a pencil

ProceduresStep 1:

Open your paper clip. Spread the ends and use the ruler to measure the distance between them. Adjust them until they are exactly 4cm apart.

Step 2: Touch both ends of the paper clip to your finger tip. A gentle touch is all that is required. If you feel both ends, write a “2” in the first square in the chart as shown in the example above. If you only feel one paper clip end, that means both ends of the paper clip are touching the same neuron. If this happens, write a “1” in the appropriate square in your table.

Step 3: Repeat this on your upper arm and back, and record your results in your table. (Hint: If you have a hard time reaching your back, ask a partner for help.)

Step 4: Using your ruler, push the paper clip ends 1/2 centimeter closer together. Repeat steps 2 and 3, bringing the paper clip ends closer each time until they are touching.

Page 10:€¦ · Web viewThe nervous system controls the involuntary actions such as reflexes. The nervous system controls voluntary actions such as walking. What do you

Use the table below to record your results.

Distance between paperclip ends Fingertip Upper arm Back

4 cm

3.5 cm

3 cm

2.5 cm

2 cm


1 cm

.5 cm

ends touching

Analysis and Conclusions:

1. What was the independent variable in this experiment? How do you know?

2. What was the dependent variable in this experiment? How do you know?

3. What patterns did you see in your data?

4. Which part of the body was least sensitive?

5. Which part of the body is most sensitive? Why do you think that is?

6. Was your hypothesis supported? Why or why not? Use your data to explain your answer.

7. What further questions does this experiment raise, and what could you do to investigate the answers to those questions?

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