

SUBJECT: intro

FROM: Alicia T Rasley

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 23/05/2002 16:00


Hello, everyone! People are arriving all the time, so I'm going to wait

till things settle in to start talking about what we're doing here.

But let me just say welcome to AskanAuthorAll, which is an educational

list sponsored by some PANmembers who love to teach. :)

I'll introduce myself-- I'm Alicia Rasley, the listowner. Shelley

Bradley is a moderator here and I'll be adding another moderator just to

help out, as soon as my $##$%& DSL line lets me back online. (Down


How about everyone just say hi, introduce yourselves, and maybe say what

book you're working on?

Right now my project is cutting a 20-page synopsis to ten pages.... But

I've about decided to give up and write it from scratch!

Also revising the first three chapters of a proposal. (A different one.





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SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] intro

FROM: Laurie Schnebly


DATE: 23/05/2002 17:26


>How about everyone just say hi, introduce yourselves,

>and maybe say what book you're working on?

Hi, I'm Laurie Schnebly Campbell (waiting for a chorus of AA-type voices

to say "Hi, Laurie) and I'm wading through critique-buddy comments on my

fifth Special Edition, hoping someone can figure out how to fix this

embarrassing flaw somewhere in chapter 10.

Can't wait to see who else turns up here!

Laurie, who promises not to ask for advice on chapter 10


SUBJECT: also subscribe me at home?

FROM: Laurie Schnebly

TO: ,

DATE: 23/05/2002 17:32


Hey, guys, I forgot to ask -- since my home and work addresses don't talk

to each other, I'd like to subscribe from both. But sharing email with

my husband and son at home means I probably won't get on there

tonight...could you subscribe me directly (in digest format)?

My home address is [email protected]


Laurie, tickled at watching all the people come flooding in :)


SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] intro

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 23/05/2002 17:33



book you're working on?>>

Hi Alicia:

I'm Marian Clough still struggling to get back to my writing. LOL. I'm

working on a Time Travel set in Regency England in 1815. Of course, I've got

ideas, too. I love the idea of being able to ask a published author

questions, when I get to that point.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


SUBJECT: RE: [AskAnAuthorAll] intro

FROM: "Dicken, Leslie"

TO: "'[email protected]'"

DATE: 23/05/2002 18:12


How about everyone just say hi, introduce yourselves, and maybe say what

book you're working on?


Hello everyone!

I've been a member of RWA for about 5 years and I currently belong to 2

on-line chapters: From the Heart and Hearts Through History. I've

completed two manuscripts but they were written long before I learned about

the "craft." Right now I'm 1/3 of the way through my current WIP, which is

a historical set in Victorian England.

Thank you for the opportunity to join such a fabulous resource. I'm looking

forward to "meeting" everyone and learning!! There is still so much I don't


Leslie Dicken


SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] intro

FROM: "Wendy Douglas"


DATE: 23/05/2002 18:20


Hi, everyone! It's good to see you here.

I'm Wendy Douglas, going through the throes of second book syndrome. :-(

Actually, my second (a sequel to my first, a Harlequin Historical released

in March) is finished...but I'm looking at some revisions that have the

potential to be fairly serious. As practice while I mentally prepare to face

that (since that manuscript is completed), I'm revising a separate,

stand-alone proposal (three chapters/synopsis).

Uh, obviously I write historicals--right now post Civil War stuff.



SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] intro

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 23/05/2002 18:21


Hi Everyone,

I'm Dorma Stockham... I'm in the home stretch of my sixth short contemporary.

I'm doing a sort of mini biw thing this week trying to get my wip finished

before my son gets out of school for the summer. The problem with my work

seems to be that I read/love Temptations but write Desire-ish ...

hmmmm...........guess my voice falls somewhere in between? :/

Glad to be here!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected] (AskAnAuthor)

DATE: 23/05/2002 18:24



and maybe say what

book you're working on?>>

Hello everyone:

I'm Patricia Waddell. I'm currently working on two

projects, the first book in my Victorian series for

Kensington, and my second futuristic for Dorchester.

I've been writing for about six years and belong to

several RWA chapters here in Florida. With a long

weekend ahead of me, I'll be pounding the keys, but I'll

drop by every so often to see who else is joining us.

In the meantime, happy reading and writing.



Patricia Waddell


Historical June 2002


SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] intro

FROM: "Donna Grant"


DATE: 23/05/2002 18:54


Hi Everyone!

I'm Donna Grant and working on revising the second book in a series of six. I hate revisions, so this is taking a lot longer than I want. I'm trying to finish this one and get some plotting done on the third before the birth of my second child in late August. Do keep your fingers crossed for me. :)

So glad someone thought of this. My thanks goes out to everyone who contributed and to all the authors and other willing to take on this huge task.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] Hello

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 23/05/2002 19:04


> How about everyone just say hi

Hey there!

I'm Cheryl Lewallen and I'm up to my ears in rewrites. I've been writing

seriously for four years now and this year, so far, it has proven to pay off.

In January I signed with Karen Solem. Then just finalled in the short

historical catagory of the Golden Heart. I am your basic, run of the mill

contest 'ho.

I am currently putting another layer in a medieval I am working on and will

be sending that back to my agent next week. That is my fifth full mss.

I also really want to thank all the authors who have been generous enough to

start this loop. I think this is a GREAT idea and I promise not to burn you

out with too many questions (maybe ).

Cheryl Lewallen



Winner-Duel on the Delta

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


SUBJECT: Re: Hello

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 23/05/2002 19:28


Hey. My name is Sandra Sadler and I write romantic comedy. Finished my first

manuscript and am now deep into number two. Right at that point in the book

where I wonder why I thought this plot was either funny or romantic. Strange

things are happening, my plot is derailing, and mysterious characters are

turning up. I think I remember this from my first book. Hmmm. . .

Anyway, I love to discuss craft, am always looking for fresh ideas and like

to share tidbits I come across. Thanks to the people who thought this up and

are willing to share. Hi Alicia. Hi Shelley.


SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] intro

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 23/05/2002 19:54


In a message dated 5/23/02 6:06:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [email protected]


> How about everyone just say hi, introduce yourselves, and maybe say what

> book you're working on?


Wow, do I feel outta my league!


Hi, I'm Tamara Denby. I've been writing full time for one year, have finished

two mss, both totally unmarketable since they were written before I learned

the "rules" of writing romance--wrong time period, chock-full of violence,

multitudes of subplots (g), over-the-top plots, etc..

As a result, I've challenged myself to writing a category romance--following

ALL the rules. My story is a contemporary love story about a psychiatrist

with an autistic child and an art therapist he meets at a camp for autistic

children. It's simple plot is forcing me to focus on depth of character and


I hope to learn a lot from it--and this list.

Thanks so much for sharing!!!

Tamara (who is really excited about this list)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


SUBJECT: [AskAnAuthorAll] Re: Hello

FROM: "Shelley Bradley"


DATE: 23/05/2002 19:58


Hi, Sandra! Good to see you around! Been ages...

Hi, everyone! I'm lurking, so I'll make a brief introduction and go. I'm

subbing people left and right to the Pro list, of which I'm the owner. I'm

working on several things right now, another historical for my "Strictly"

series, a contemporary erotica piece, toying with something

contemporary--maybe suspense. I'm looking forward to learning a lot and

meeting new folks!

Shelley Bradley

STRICTLY SEDUCTION ~ Zebra Historicals ~ Available now!

STRICTLY FORBIDDEN ~ Zebra Historicals ~ September 2002

AAAPro list owner

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] intro



DATE: 23/05/2002 21:16


> Hello, everyone! People are arriving all the time, so I'm going to wait

> till things settle in to start talking about what we're doing here.



I've been writing a time travel for almost a year now - colonial America,

1700's, after mucking my way through a contemporary, where I didn't know

what I was doing. We're almost done having a house built and are moving

over the summer, so I'll be mostly lurking for the next couple months.

Thanks for all the efforts going into this list.

Anita Nolan


SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] intro

FROM: Joel Robinson

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 23/05/2002 21:36


In a message dated 5/23/02 6:06:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

[email protected]


> How about everyone just say hi, introduce yourselves, and maybe say what

> book you're working on?


I'm Rosemary Longworth, from southern Illinois. Been writing for years

and years, but joined RWA in 1998 to learn how to write romances, keep

up with the current market and, in general, have a support group. I

have my pro pin, belong to the KOD group. I'm bogged down in two books,

one an inspirational, one a historical (western) romance. I probably

should be working on something else, but I'm determined to finish these

two books first--if I live long enough. :-)



FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 23/05/2002 23:00


Hi! Cheryl St.John here. \o/ (waving) I'm waiting for the bible for a

Montana Maverick SSE which was supposed to arrive 2 weeks ago so

meanwhile I'm writing the book of my heart. I just prepared the entry for

the PASIC contest and am ready to mail it off. This is my first ever PASIC

entry and the first contest I've entered in ages. Well, I entered the

Writer's Digest contest this year, too, with an article, so technically it's

the second.

Looking forward to the new lists!

Cheryl :-)

¸.-··-.¸¸.-··-.¸ -;-

(¨`v´¨) -;- ;

-;-`v. (¨`v´¨)

`·. .·´ ` v´-;-

-;- `v´ ~

Cheryl St.John :-)

Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Nominee:


THE GUNSLINGER'S BRIDE, Montana Mavericks Harlequin Historical, 9/2001

NICK ALL NIGHT, Silhouette Special Edition, 6/2002

CHRISTMAS GOLD, Harlequin Western Historical Anthology 10/02


SUBJECT: Tamara's book

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 23/05/2002 23:22


<< My story is a contemporary love story about a psychiatrist

with an autistic child and an art therapist he meets at a camp for autistic

children. It's simple plot is forcing me to focus on depth of character and

emotion. >>

Whoo, Tamara! Sounds great to me!! I adore angst. My critique buddy has an

adult autistic child who is in full time care, and one of my Harl Hist pals

has highly functional *twins* who live at home and go to school--so I could

hook you up if you have questions for someone who's been there.

Cheryl :-)

¸.-··-.¸¸.-··-.¸ -;-

(¨`v´¨) -;- ;

-;-`v. (¨`v´¨)

`·. .·´ ` v´-;-

-;- `v´ ~

Cheryl St.John :-)

Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Nominee:


THE GUNSLINGER'S BRIDE, Montana Mavericks Harlequin Historical, 9/2001

NICK ALL NIGHT, Silhouette Special Edition, 6/2002

CHRISTMAS GOLD, Harlequin Western Historical Anthology 10/02


SUBJECT: Re: Hello

FROM: Margaret Stephens

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 23/05/2002 23:22


Hi all.

I've been a member of RWA for three years.

I write single title. My first complete is a historical set in the year1800

in England. It had so many subplots, that when I edited the silly thing, I

extracted enough for two more books. (yea!)

I also have a twisted time travel in the works, along with a couple of ideas

for contemporary romantic comedy.

I entered my first contest ever this year and finaled. I also just received

a first request for the full ms. A year for firsts.

I'm really looking forward to the discussions here.

Margaret Stephens


SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] intro

FROM: Alicia T Rasley

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 01:06


On Thu, 23 May 2002 19:21:25 EDT [email protected] writes:

> Hi Everyone,


. The problem with my

> work

> seems to be that I read/love Temptations but write Desire-ish ...

> hmmmm...........guess my voice falls somewhere in between? :/

Dorma, not sure if this applies, but I heard that Harlequin might be

coming out with a line between Temp and Blaze-- or resuscitate the old

one (Flame? something fiery). Hotter than temptations, anyway.

Not sure whether it'll happen.




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SUBJECT: intro

FROM: Alicia T Rasley

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 02:23


Welcome to AskanAuthor-All. This educational list is sponsored by PAN

members and open exclusively to RWA members interested in the craft and

business of writing romance fiction. Every two weeks, a PAN guest will

answer questions on a specific topic, and the listmembers can discuss the

topic among themselves before and after (but not during) the speaker's


The rules are few but important. This is a list for sharing information

about craft and business, not for promotion or socializing. Please keep

on topic, don't ask the speaker questions privately, and maintain the

usual Internet etiquette. Information and material may not be forwarded

off the list without the express permission of the person who posted it.

This list is open to all RWA members. But if you're also a member of the

RWA-Pro program (that is, you have been certified by the office for

completing and submitting a manuscript), you can also join

mailto:[email protected] , a similar list but with

a different schedule of speakers and topics.

You're currently set up to receive individual messages as they're posted.

However, you can switch to digest, go no-mail or return to regular mail

whenever you like. Just send a blank message to AskAnAuthorall-digest,

AskAnAuthorall-nomail or AskAnAuthorall-normal @

And welcome aboard!

Alicia Rasley, listowner



Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!

Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:


SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] intro

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 06:25


Thanks Alicia,

I'll see what I can find out!


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] Tamara's book

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 07:38


In a message dated 5/24/02 12:52:04 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

[email protected] writes:

> so I could

> hook you up if you have questions for someone who's been there.


> Cheryl :-)



What a generous offer! Thanks!

I'm really excited about this story for a number of reasons--and one of the

biggest is the "Son Rise" program after which I based my story. It's

wonderful when a story has its roots in truth--and in miracles.

Thanks again for offering to help! I want this story to turn out right and

eventually sell.

I'm targeting Sil Romance (or is that line being discontinued? Anyone know? I

am hearing conflicting reports).


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


SUBJECT: RE: [AskAnAuthorAll] Re: Hello

FROM: "Copeland, Jodi L."

TO: "'[email protected]'"

DATE: 24/05/2002 07:49


Hi Marg! Since you took the plunge, I will do so as well.

I am a member of RWA, MMRWA, RWU, Cata-Romance, Gonna-Beez, SEMWA, etc.

I write Single Title Romantic Suspense and Silhouette Desire, contemplating

beginning an SIM that has been asking me to write it for the longest time


I currently have two full manuscripts in at Desire, and several more in

various stages of work/rework.

I look forward to all the valuable input I will receive here.



Jodi Lynn Copeland

2nd Place - URWA Great Beginnings R/S

MY GUARDIAN ANGEL, The Pink Chameleon, Issue #3, July 2002

HOLE #7, Romancing the Soul, TBA

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

- Eleanor Roosevelt


SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] intro

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 07:52


In a message dated 5/24/2002 4:58:20 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

[email protected] writes:

> This list is open to all RWA members. But if you're also a member of the

> RWA-Pro program (that is, you have been certified by the office for

> completing and submitting a manuscript), you can also join

> mailto:[email protected] , a similar list but with

> a different schedule of speakers and topics.


Question-- I never applied for my Pro-pin. Never saw a real reason to--

until now. I have an agent, finished and almost sold two books, am a GH

finalist this year, but still, no pin.

Can I join the PRO loop, or must I apply and wait for the pin first?

Kathy Caskie

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


SUBJECT: RE: [AskAnAuthorAll] intro

FROM: "Shelley Bradley"


DATE: 24/05/2002 08:18


>Can I join the PRO loop, or must I apply and wait for the pin first?<


Sorry, you've got to have the pin to join. Contact the National office in

Houston. It shouldn't take long to receive your pin. Then you're welcome

to join in the fun over there. We won't have our first speaker on the Pro

list until about the 2nd week in June, so you have a little bit of time.

Contact me when you're ready!

BTW, you'll want that pin. PAN has lot of stuff we're working on for Pro


Shelley Bradley

AAAPro list owner

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


SUBJECT: Introductions

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 08:39


Greetings from the other side of the gender fence. My name's Steve, and I've

been writing romance and romantic comedy for about eighteen months. I have

finished two books.

The book I'm currently working on (the third, synopsis more or less complete,

prologue almost written) is the sequel to the first book I'd ever written,

which currently sits on Melissa Jeglinski's desk at HQ American, having

already done the partial/full/rejection/revisions/resubmission thingy. I'd

cross my fingers on that one but it's hard to type that way, so I've decided

to pretty much just forget I've written it and move forward. My agent is

very optimistic, though, so we'll see what happens.

My second book was a very tongue in cheek single title romcom for Avon that

just went out in full to about six houses. We'll see how that goes. On the

back burner are two more books in the HQA series, three more romantic comedy

ideas and a hard scifi/romance blend that I can't seem to get out of my head.

Needless to say, I adore writing.

Alas, I only do so part time. My day job includes writing internet search

engine software, and I have an almost-completed master's in Comp Sci/AI, so

if the list needs techie assistance, I'm here. I'll probably more or less

lurk most of the time, as life is really hectic for me at present. Then

again, I've never been accused of keeping my mouth shut for long.

I'm a member of the DC-area chapter (Hi Alicia, Steve from Harper's Ferry

here...) and edit the newsletter there and own/moderate their chat loop.

Steve Ciccarelli

Editor, Washington Romance Writers Update

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



FROM: "robinbayne"

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 10:33


Hi everyone--

I'm here ---but on no-mail for a trip to Colonial Williamsburg (VA)

this weekend. I'm also on the Pro list, but no one's talking yet : )

Looking forward to this list!

Robin Bayne


SUBJECT: Administration stuff-- please read

FROM: Alicia T Rasley

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 10:58


I'll be posting the schedule as soon as I get confirmation from a couple

people. The response from PAN members has been astounding. Both lists

are pretty much scheduled for the rest of the year! And there's a very

wide variety of topics.

Now maybe we can talk about what sort of questions would work best, and

what topics you'd like to see addressed. What we're planning-- and this

is experimental! so subject to modification-- is the first week of the

session (two sessions a month) will be devoted to the listers coming up

with questions for the author, and the second week, the author will

answer them throughout the week.

So how about we work on some sample questions, because I'm sure some

kinds of questions are likely to elicit more interesting answers. ("Do

you plot ahead of time?" "No." ) So let's pretend we're teachers

trying to come up with great essay test questions. :)

What works in questions? Open-ended, sure. Do you think it would help

to use an example?

Like say I asked, "I've gotten back contest scoresheets that say my

dialogue is wooden. What does that mean and how can I fix it?"

Does that sound too narcissic, or is it okay? (I don't know... :)

What about if I asked something more specific to my story, like, "Ms.

Author, I have a heroine who has to tell a lie, a very big lie, and her

motivation is to protect her father's reputation. Is that enough


I think our aim is to elicit answers that can be several paragraphs long

and can be interesting to most everyone listening. What else?

Over to you-- as I said, this is all experimental, so we all get to be

experimenters... or the guinea pigs!




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Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:


SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] Introductions

FROM: Alicia T Rasley

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 11:03




Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!

Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:


SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] Introductions

FROM: Alicia T Rasley

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 11:03


hi, Steve, I was wondering if that was you!




Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!

Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:



FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 12:11


Hi there,

My name's Dorien Kelly. I live in Michigan and am a member of Greater

Detroit RWA. I sold my first book last May, then 4 more in terrifyingly

quick succession. It makes me sound like an overnight success . . . if you

ignore the approx. five years and billions of dolllars spent on contests

before that first sale .

I write short contemp. for Harlequin and contemp. single title for Pocket --

no books out in print yet, just lots of deadlines and a very neglected

family. I'm really excited about the concept of this list and the AAAPro


I'm taking off for some Memorial Day fun, but look forward to catching up on

posts when I return!


Dorien Kelly

Designs on Jake (Harlequin Duets 10/02)

The Girl Least Likely To... (Harlequin Duets 02/03)

The Last Bride in Ballymuir (Pocket Books 3/03)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



FROM: "Debbie Fritter"


DATE: 24/05/2002 12:47


Hello Everyone!

My name's Debbie Fritter, I'm a member of RWA and WisRWA and carry the RWA Pro Pin.

I write contemporary, time-travel, paranormal and historical. As of yet, I'm still unpublished but vowed not to stay that way! And am patiently waiting to hear back from a publisher on my short contemporary.

I am represented by Michelle Grajkowski of the Three Seas Lit Agency located in Madison, Wisconsin.

I look forward to being on this loop and the wonderful information that is forthcoming.

Debbie Fritter

Public Relations--Madison Area of WisRWA

RWA & WisRWA Member

[email protected]

PARADISE IN A SQUARED CIRCLE, short contemporary (submitted)

A LEGACY THROUGH TIME, time-travel/paranormal working manuscript

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] Introductions

FROM: "Debbie Fritter"


DATE: 24/05/2002 12:52


Welcome Aboard Steve!

WisRWA also has a gentleman who writes romance novels. I believe he's in

the Green Bay area. Who knows, maybe he'll join this loop!

Debbie Fritter

Public Relations--Madison Area of WisRWA

RWA & WisRWA Member

[email protected]

PARADISE IN A SQUARED CIRCLE, short contemporary (submitted)

A LEGACY THROUGH TIME, time-travel/paranormal working manuscript

----- Original Message -----



Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 8:39 AM

Subject: [AskAnAuthorAll] Introductions

> Greetings from the other side of the gender fence. My name's Steve, and


> been writing romance and romantic comedy for about eighteen months. I


> finished two books.


> The book I'm currently working on (the third, synopsis more or less


> prologue almost written) is the sequel to the first book I'd ever written,

> which currently sits on Melissa Jeglinski's desk at HQ American, having

> already done the partial/full/rejection/revisions/resubmission thingy.


> cross my fingers on that one but it's hard to type that way, so I've


> to pretty much just forget I've written it and move forward. My agent is

> very optimistic, though, so we'll see what happens.


> My second book was a very tongue in cheek single title romcom for Avon


> just went out in full to about six houses. We'll see how that goes. On


> back burner are two more books in the HQA series, three more romantic


> ideas and a hard scifi/romance blend that I can't seem to get out of my


> Needless to say, I adore writing.


> Alas, I only do so part time. My day job includes writing internet search

> engine software, and I have an almost-completed master's in Comp Sci/AI,


> if the list needs techie assistance, I'm here. I'll probably more or less

> lurk most of the time, as life is really hectic for me at present. Then

> again, I've never been accused of keeping my mouth shut for long.


> I'm a member of the DC-area chapter (Hi Alicia, Steve from Harper's Ferry

> here...) and edit the newsletter there and own/moderate their chat loop.


> Steve Ciccarelli

> Editor, Washington Romance Writers Update




> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]




> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

> [email protected]




> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to




SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] Administration stuff-- please read

FROM: "Debbie Fritter"


DATE: 24/05/2002 12:59


Hi Alicia,

This loop looks to promise members with helpful information.

Debbie Fritter

Public Relations--Madison Area of WisRWA

RWA & WisRWA Member

[email protected]

PARADISE IN A SQUARED CIRCLE, short contemporary (submitted)

A LEGACY THROUGH TIME, time-travel/paranormal working manuscript

----- Original Message -----

From: "Alicia T Rasley"


Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 10:58 AM

Subject: [AskAnAuthorAll] Administration stuff-- please read



> I'll be posting the schedule as soon as I get confirmation from a couple

> people. The response from PAN members has been astounding. Both lists

> are pretty much scheduled for the rest of the year! And there's a very

> wide variety of topics.


> Now maybe we can talk about what sort of questions would work best, and

> what topics you'd like to see addressed. What we're planning-- and this

> is experimental! so subject to modification-- is the first week of the

> session (two sessions a month) will be devoted to the listers coming up

> with questions for the author, and the second week, the author will

> answer them throughout the week.


> So how about we work on some sample questions, because I'm sure some

> kinds of questions are likely to elicit more interesting answers. ("Do

> you plot ahead of time?" "No." ) So let's pretend we're teachers

> trying to come up with great essay test questions. :)


> What works in questions? Open-ended, sure. Do you think it would help

> to use an example?


> Like say I asked, "I've gotten back contest scoresheets that say my

> dialogue is wooden. What does that mean and how can I fix it?"


> Does that sound too narcissic, or is it okay? (I don't know... :)


> What about if I asked something more specific to my story, like, "Ms.

> Author, I have a heroine who has to tell a lie, a very big lie, and her

> motivation is to protect her father's reputation. Is that enough

> motivation?"


> I think our aim is to elicit answers that can be several paragraphs long

> and can be interesting to most everyone listening. What else?


> Over to you-- as I said, this is all experimental, so we all get to be

> experimenters... or the guinea pigs!


> Alicia


> ________________________________________________________________


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SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] Intro

FROM: Alicia T Rasley

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 13:31


Dorien and Pat Waddell are going to be "Guest speakers" later this year.

I think there might be a few other future speakers I've seen.




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SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] Introductions

FROM: Miz Molly

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 14:06


Molly Herwood here, from Syracuse, NY. Unpubbed PRO. I write romantic

suspense, but have been trying to write funny. Have a couple of agents

interested and a requested partial hanging out at a major pub. Member of

Central NY Romance Writers--Career Development Committee Chair this year,

VP for two previous years and heir-apparent to Presidency next year.

I'm excited by the positives coming down the pike lately.

Molly, Word Woman

[email protected]


SUBJECT: Introduction

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 14:08



My name is Gwyn Ramsey and I am a member of the RWA Tampa, Florida group. I am about to finish my first historical family saga and look forward to being published, after running the gambit of agents, rejections, editors, etc.

Looking forward to being on this loop.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



FROM: Katherine Cline

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 14:16



My name is Katherine Cline. I've been a member of RWA and on

the loops since 1997. I'm also a member of GRW, SMRW, and

most recently MORWA.

I've completed two single title contemporaries. The first

one never left my desk (except of course to go to my mom to

read), but I think it still has potential and maybe I'll

work it over some day. The second has been out in the big

scary world of agents. I got mostly quick and fairly

painless rejects, with two agents still sitting on a


Right now, I'm working on three erotic romance novella's

that I'm going to try to market as a 'Novel in Three Books'.

All three are set in the same small town. I've got about 4

pages to go on the first & have to get right to the second

to keep up with my 3 pages a day commitment from the

SurvivorWriters link.

I'm thrilled to be here and have already told Alicia what a

hero I think she is for stepping up to the plate once again

to help her fellow writers.


aka KC

aka KC Cusack


SUBJECT: What kind of questions....

FROM: Katherine Cline

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 14:26


Hmm... The Smokey Mountain Romance Writers have had a

similar program called the Mountain Laurel Lounge. I'm

trying to remember what kind of questions really elicited

in-depth responses from our guests.

I think by asking our guests how they do something, it will

help us get ideas about how we can do it.

I looked back at some of the emails I saved. A couple of

things we asked our guests:

- How do you do your research for a book, i.e. a particular

setting, profession, skill?

- Do you have a particular method for moving first drafts

into finished products?



SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] Introductions

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 15:26


Hi, everyone

I've been intorducing myself all over the place lately - so if you recognize

this introduction, correct me if I leave anything out. ;-)

Mitzi (Mary C.) Flyte from PA.

Secretary of Pocono/Lehigh Romance Writers chapter

Member of Valley Forge Romance Writers chapter

I write paranormal - time travel is my WIP (almost finished) and one

reincarnation/shapeshifting completed - working on a mainstream. I've been

published in short fiction - children's and horror (odd combo, I know). I've

done freelance writing for our local daily newspaper.

Looking forward to some great "conversations" here.



SUBJECT: [AskAnAuthorAll] Introduction

FROM: "janeen o'kerry"

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 15:48


Hello all,

I am Janeen O'Kerry and have been writing time-travel and fantasy romance for Dorchester/Leisure LoveSpell since 1996. I'm working on my seventh novel for them right now.

My webpage will tell you more about me, if you like:

I think I am set to be a guest author here on AskAnAuthorAll in July. I look forward to sharing what I've learned and what's worked for me on the business side of writing, so y'all get your questions ready.

Janeen O'Kerry


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SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] intro

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 15:51


In a message dated 5/24/2002 6:32:13 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

[email protected] writes:

> BTW, you'll want that pin. PAN has lot of stuff we're working on for Pro

> members...



Hi all -- I'm Pete (Peita) and I've been writing for about twelve years with

numerous breaks -- it's those breaks that have slowed my progress, no doubt

about it. I've finished one book, which is not suitable in it's present form

to show to anyone and working on a second -- romantic suspense -- that shows

more promise. Shelley's above message really has me fired to finish it and

send it out. I was lagging for all sorts of reasons and not even thinking I'd

apply for Pro status when I can, but this makes me think I will after all.

Looking forward to this list, thanks all for working so hard in bringing it

about. When I saw Alicia less on the links (as she was after the RWAcafe

thingy and she started the wonderful WoWlist) I knew she was preparing, with

others, something great for us.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


SUBJECT: intro

FROM: "romntklady"

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 16:31


Hi, Liz Slawinski here--

I'm delighted to see so many familiar names and I'm looking forward

to this list. It sounds like a great concept, and I can't wait to


I'm RWA (are we all RWA or is this a 'mixed' list?) I'm editor for my

chapter newsletter (2nd year), which is fun. (Long Island Romance

Writers "ShoreLines") Maybe there'll be some future article writers

out here???? Always have to make a plug. It's often difficult to get

my own chapter mates to write a little article.

I write Romantic Suspense and Paranormal romance. I'm on my 4th book.

The first one is too huge to do anything with-- when I'm a better

writer, I'll go back to it with an ax, since I love the story. My

second is an RomSusp, and got me an agent (yippee!), 3rd is a

paranormal-- first draft done (plan to polish later in the summer)

4th an RS. I started #4 in a panic, because my agent told me if a

publisher (excuse me, WHEN) buys it, they'll want another in the same

vein. Well, my head was completely blank, so I took two and a half

months to work something up, but now I love that. Hope it will go


So that's me.

On the Romantic Suspense, I just heard (yesterday) it got rejected,

again. Sniff. Cyber hugs accepted. (not that I'm begging) I must say,

having an agent gets those rejections rolling in a lot faster than on

my own. That one only took a month!

Thanks, Alicia, and all, for setting up the list!

Best to all!



FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 16:44


Hi, My name is Susan Brundige. I write both contemprary and historical. I'm

a member of RWA, Kod and CNN. I have the usual rejections and have had

requests for full manuscripts so far and yet to sell. Soon...


SUBJECT: Question

FROM: "romntklady"

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 16:46



I wondered if you could clarify for me what the two lists are going

to be?

I never did the PRO thing, but I could (my rejections qualify me,

right?) so that would be a pre-req of joining that list, correct?

Will that one be more business focused, and this one more craft





SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] Intro

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 16:58


I'm Daneal Cantor and am currently writing Short Contemporary's. My first,

with a Formula 1 racer as the hero sits in a shoe box for the time being in

need of MASSIVE rewriting. I have five others in various state, one with a

French Gypsy during the annual Pilgrimage in France (complete ready for

revision), one about a doctor and nurse in south America that my Critique

partner swears is ready to submit to Presents (if only I can finish the short

synopsis), three others dealing with sibs of this books' heroine one that is

2/3's complete set in Italy, one the first 3 chapters (big problem here she

is an opera singer) and the first chapter of the third an artist and bull

breeder that will move from New York to Spain.

Trying to expand my creativity I have a chapter of a historical set in

England (first chapter only) and imperial Russia (needs lots and lots of


Daneal (REALLY looking forward to another link that focus on what we love

best - writing)


SUBJECT: RE: [AskAnAuthorAll] Question

FROM: "Shelley Bradley"


DATE: 24/05/2002 17:29



>I never did the PRO thing, but I could (my rejections qualify me,

right?) so that would be a pre-req of joining that list, correct?<

You can use this to contact Houston and obtain a Pro pin. Then I can sub

you to that list in a snap.

Shelley Bradley

AAAPro list owner

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


SUBJECT: Introduction

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 17:59



My name is Kim Cox. I've been in RWA since 1997, a member of From The Heart

Online RWA Chapter where I serve as coordinator for their Unpublished and

their first Publsihed Author's contests, secretary and was a past treasurer.

I'm a member of World Romance Writers where I serve as treasurer and just

recently gave up my column on their SPIN Journal because I need to cut back

on volunteering. I'm the new General Manager at Word Museum (still in

training there) and co-editor in the excerpts section for The Pen Is Mightier

eZine. I belong to Diva's of Romance promotional group and recently joined

AEPRA (Association of Electronically Published Romance Authors).

My first book, a romantic suspense, was published electronically in January

2002 by RFI West and it will come out in print in the future. I am a

contributor to CRUMBS IN THE KEYBORD (a charitable anthology), sold a short

story a couple of months ago to True Love magazine (out in July 2002), have

another short story under consideration at Echelon Press's Dollar Download

(have revisions to do) and I write articles for Our Mail Network. I have an

anthology (paranormal romantic suspense) under consideration at Avid Press

with 5 other authors--all stories are romances with a paranormal element in

them, and 5 other books in different areas of completion.

What else? I'm married to a chainsaw artist, have two grown sons, 22 and 28

years of age and a grandson who is 4. I'm the lone female in my family. I

live in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, and I hate to write


Kim Cox

Suspicious Minds -- RFI West -- January 2002 5*s SimeGen and 4*s Huntress

Crumbs In The Keyboard -- Echelon Press -- June 2002


"A great book isn't written, it's rewritten." Phyllis A. Whitney

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] Digest Number 1

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 18:11


Hi Alicia! Do you ever sleep? ;^) Hi Steve! Cheryl are you here too?

I never really introduced myself. My name is Kathy Caskie. My manuscript,

Rules of Engagement, is a finalist in the Golden Heart, Long Historical

category, which thrills me to no end. The story is a Regency-set historical,

which (as a result of another contest ) Pocket has requested. Of course, my

mentor (the wonderful Eloisa James) thinks the book could be much more if I

ratchet up the sexual tension and transform my Mr. Darcy hero into the

Gladiator. So, if the kids (soon to become my constant companions due to the

upcoming summer break) will allow, I will be tackling a a major rewrite this


I've taken almost every class Alicia has offered-- and if you haven't, you

are really missing something. Sign up!! They are hands-down the best

writing classes I've ever come across.

Thanks Alicia for opening this loop. I have no idea where you find the time.

You are truly an amazing lady (and one heck of a Romance Jeorpardy player.)

Kathy Caskie (who often uses the email sig KC, but Katherine Cusack called

dibs this time, I think) ;^)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



FROM: Cindy Procter-King

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 18:42


Hi, everyone,

What a great idea for a list, Alicia. Thank you.

I write romantic comedies and have my first book coming out with an

unrecognized (not even a year old) publisher in about 10 days. I'm getting

excited, as the reviews have been extremely positive. I do have my RWAPro

pin; I just don't know where it is. We renovated this winter, and I

promised myself I wouldn't unpack boxes until after I paint the living room

and build more bookshelves this summer. I'm just finishing a wip that

began as a short contemporary but has somehow wound up single title length,

so if the editor who has the partial asks for the full I'm in for a lot of

of cutting! OTOH, if she rejects it, I'm going to rework it a little and

market it as an ST.

Other than that, I have two other manus in various stages of

needing-revisions/cutting/polishing, and two others you couldn't get me to

publish for $100K, unless they were released as examples of what *not* to

do. :)



Cindy Procter-King, [email protected]

HEAD OVER HEELS, NovelBooks, Inc., Release Date: June 3, 2002

5 Stars! Amazing Authors Showcase * 5 Roses! Escape to Romance

5 Stars! Love Romances


SUBJECT: First month!

FROM: Alicia T Rasley

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 18:42


Just a preview-- our first author guest will be historical writer and RWA

Hall of Famer (three Ritas in one category!) Jo Beverley. She'll be

talking about Writing About England. More details coming up!




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SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] Question

FROM: Alicia T Rasley

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 18:47


Liz, we're doing both business and craft on both links, but the Pro link

will be much more focused on the "almost-there" writer. The "All" list

will have more of a range to befit its range of members.

You have to be an RWAPro to join the list, because the sponsors wanted to

provide a little reward for the Pro program. You need a complete ms and

a rejection (you do NOT get extra credit for extra rejections )-- I

think there's more details on the RWA site.




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SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] Intro

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 18:56



I want to give with another thank-you to Alicia et al for getting this

together, and to all the PAN authors who are willing to donate their time. I

am very touched, and appreciative, and plan to make the most of it (including

going ahead and submitting the documentation for the PRO pin, which never

mattered before! )

Briefly, I write medievals, have 5 of the darn things. The first two I

wrote in complete isolation--no contests, no critiques, no RWA lists, and

they're just awful. The next three are much better. The one I've been

focusing on (medieval Ireland) and have entered in contests has started

finaling, and is sitting at Harlequin (I guess I shouldn't really say

"sitting," since it's only been a couple weeks. ), but I expect it to

come back with a "thanks but no." What I really hope to see is "Thanks but


Looking forward to interacting with everyone, and learning a lot.



SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] Administration stuff-- please read

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 19:09


Yes, I think all those questions about plotting are wonderful, Alicia. A

question I've been wanting to ask a veteran author is that a few years ago I

knew of someone getting her ms rejected because the editor said her plot had

a coincidence. But I read books all the time that has coincidences. For

instance, what are the chances of two people who haven't met, and who are

going to have to work closely together on a special project with the

government, what are the chances of these people meeting at a bar in a hotel

(not recognizing each other because they haven't met) and having instant

attraction and deciding to have a one night fling before they have to get

serious on this job? Of course when they realized who each other was -- it

is very awkward, especially since the heroine is the hero's boss. I loved

the book, but the coincidence seemed as unlikely as the one my friend had in

her book, (which I also loved!).

So, my question is this: what coincidences in plots are more likely to be

published than others?

Now there is an open-ended question! :)


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] Introduction

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 19:13


Hi my name is Mo Boylan and I just recently joined RWA as well as NJRW. I am

a virgin writer writing my very first book, a Scottish historical. I am

targeting Harlequin Historicals but will see when I am close to the end which

line it will fit better. I look forward to learning a lot from the published

authors here :)

Mo Boylan

I live in my own little world, but it's OK, they know me here.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] First month!

FROM: Alicia T Rasley

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 19:17


And Barbara Keiler, who writes as Judith Arnold for Harlequin and MIRA,

will be answering about Soul-Deep Characterization in the second half of





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SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] First month!

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 19:22


In a message dated 5/24/2002 8:00:25 PM Eastern Standard Time,

[email protected] writes:

> Just a preview-- our first author guest will be historical writer and RWA

> Hall of Famer (three Ritas in one category!) Jo Beverley. She'll be

> talking about Writing About England. More details coming up!


> Alicia


Great, Alicia - about one of my favorite places. I've been there three times

and planning to go again within the year.

My time travel is set in England but in the Dark Ages.

Thanks again for starting this list.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] Introduction

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 20:10



I guess I should have introduced myself before posting a possible question

for an author!

I'm Gloria Harchar and I'm a member of Romance Writers Ink (RWI) in Tulsa,

Oklahoma, as well as Beaumonde and KOD. I've written book #10, have 100+

rejections, sold my second book to Hard Shell Word Factory and keep thinking

that one of these days I'll get a mass marketed contract with an $8,000

advance and 8% royalties for three books, (or more)! :) I'm so glad to have

the opportunity to be on this list because I know it will be fantastic!!

A special thanks to the published authors who are making this unique tribute.

All the best, Gloria

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] Questions I'd ask

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 20:28


In a message dated 5/24/02 12:35:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [email protected]


> So how about we work on some sample questions, because I'm sure some

> kinds of questions are likely to elicit more interesting answers.

The kinds of questions that interest me the most include the following:

"Would you describe your writing habits/schedule?"

"How do you go about plotting your novel, and do you begin with a character

or with a plot premise?"

"How long does it take you to complete your first draft, and what areas do

you key in first in your revisions?"

"How did you set up your work station to make it stress free and ergonomic,

and what items helped most?"

"What types of revisions have been requested of you by editors?"

"What is your strong point as a writer, and what do you consider your weakest

point? How do you take advantage of the former and shore up the latter?"

"What reference works do you routinely use and are most helpful to your


"When you start to research for a novel, where do you begin and what tools

are most helpful?"

"What would you say are the top five things a new writer should keep in mind

in order to succeed?"

"What are the top five mistakes you think new writers make, and how can we

avoid making them?"

"How do you infuse your manuscript with feeling, so the reader wants to cry

or laugh along with the characters?"

Mir in Miami

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 21:02


> Hi Steve! Cheryl are you here too?


Hey Kath! I'm here and darned glad to see you showed up! Hey Steve. Don't

know you but you must be in great company if you are hanging with the DC

romance writers.

I'm down here in Birmingham, where it's nice and cool right now. Oh, we'll

pay later for it. But I used to live in that neck of the woods for eight

years and still consider Maryland home :(


Cheryl Lewallen



Winner-Duel on the Delta

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] Intro

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 21:10


Hi Everyone,

My name is Sheila Conway and I am the VP of Valley Forger Romance Writers. I

am on quite a few lists now and that's why my eyeballs keep revolving!!!!

I write Historicals, Medievals...and entered the English one in GH last year.

Since I had to have the full manuscript sent, I guess I can get my pro pin.

Am editing the Scottish one now and my WIP is set in Ireland in the 800AD.

Anyway, that manuscript got me an Agent that...believe it or not, I was

interviewed by at New Orleans last year. Sooooooo don't tell me it doesn't


I am writing a thriller that I guess you could call a Romantic Suspense with

my Critique partner, April Fuseck, who also happens to be the Pres. of Valley


Are you confused enough yet? Not as confused as I!!!!!! Still, it can't be

as bad as most of the post's we are getting VBG

Sheila Conway

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


SUBJECT: [AskAnAuthorAll] Introduction

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 21:18



I'm Renee-Marie Roy from Mansura, Louisiana. I'm a member of RWA (proud of

it), a member of 13 writer's groups (Coeur de Louisiana, NOLA Stars, RWA,

Cata-Romance, Outreach Romance Writers, From the Heart, SOLA, HeartLA, Dixie

Chapter, Kiss of Death, Scriptscene, RWA-ETC, and DARA. I'm also a member of

several critique groups.

I've been writing for over 10 years. I've completed 3 novels. One short

contemporary has won 3 contests and another short contemporary is a finalist.

An agent requested the full manuscript of the short contemporary that's won

in the contests. I'm excited.

Not only is writing my passion, by day I work as an LPN and by night I help

my hubby run our movie theater. (Psst...I don't stay every night to close,

so that gives me time to write. )

Alicia Ralsey has been a great help. She's a darling and I've learned a lot

from her since she's critiqued my manuscript. (Thanks again Alicia)

I'm ready to learn more.


Renee-Marie Roy

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] Question

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 24/05/2002 21:20


In a message dated 5/24/2002 5:00:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

[email protected] writes:

> You have to be an RWAPro to join the list, because the sponsors wanted to

> provide a little reward for the Pro program. You need a complete ms and

> a rejection (you do NOT get extra credit for extra rejections )-- I

> think there's more details on the RWA site.


> Alicia

Hi Alicia,

I sure do qualify for that one. :)) I've written plenty of manuscripts and

have been rejected the same or more times.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


SUBJECT: Jo Beverley preview

FROM: Alicia T Rasley

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 25/05/2002 01:19


Jo Beverley is the author of 23 romance novels and a number of novellas,

all set in her native

England. She has won 5 RITAs and numerous other awards, and is a member

of the RWA Hall of Fame and Honor Roll. She has had three books on the

USA Today Top 50 bestseller list, and many on the NYT extended list.

Publishers Weekly has described her as "...arguably today's most skillful

writer of intelligent historical romance."

Her novels include Devilish, (Georgian period), which won the Long

Historical RITA last year;

Dragon's Bride, (Regency period), which is a RITA finalist in Long

Historical this year; and Lord of My Heart, (1068), which was a RITA

finalist in 1993 and will be reissued later this year.

Born and raised in Lancashire, England, Jo also has a degree in English

History from Keele

University, Staffordshire. She will share her knowledge of the English

context -- geography,

climate, way of life, and general history. Come prepared with questions.



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SUBJECT: the method to our madness

FROM: Alicia T Rasley

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 25/05/2002 01:28


Here's what we're going to do-- and keep in mind, it's experimental, and

we might need to modify it to get the kinks worked out.

Each month will be broken into two sessions, each session having its own

guest author.

The first week of each session, the list will be open for discussion

about the topic, and members will propose questions for the speaker.

(There will be a limit on the number so that the speakers don't get too

mad at me. ) The speaker will get the questions over the weekend and

answer them over the course of the next week.

This will, we hope, inspire community on the listserve, create great

questions, and let the speaker have enough time to answer the questions.

The first "question week" will start June 3, though everyone's welcome to

hang out and talk before then. The first topic will be Jo Beverley's

Writing About England, so if you have RWA friends who write Regencies and

historicals, tell them to subscribe soon. Jo is a native of England and

sets her books in several different time periods in English history, so

medieval and contemporary writers will benefit too.

Barbara Keiler will be our guest for the second June session. You might

know Barbara as Judith Arnold, the very successful Harlequin Superromance

author who has recently added mainstream women's fiction to her

repertoire. She's known for her wonderfully complete characters, so her

topic is "Soul-deep Characterization". During the "question week" of

June 16, we can talk about what "soul deep" means, and come up with some

character questions.

That's all for tonight from me. I'll go to bed as soon as my

rockstars-to-be stop harassing their guitars. :)





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SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] Introduction

FROM: Alicia T Rasley

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 25/05/2002 02:32


Yes, Janeen is one of our first guest authors. :)




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SUBJECT: RE: [AskAnAuthorAll] Jo Beverley preview

FROM: "Dicken, Leslie"

TO: "'[email protected]'"

DATE: 25/05/2002 07:55


She will share her knowledge of the English

context -- geography,

climate, way of life, and general history. Come prepared with questions.


Oh! Oh! I can't wait! I had the privilidge of meeting and talking with Jo

Beverly at the Wash DC conference two years ago. I was a volunteer in her

workshop about England. In fact, one little tidbit fact that she mentioned

gave me the idea for my current WIP. I've only been to England twice --

once as a young child and last year for a week with DH -- but I wish I could

go over every year!

I can't wait! Thanks for this fabulous opportunity!


"Words From the Heart" newsletter editor

DECEPTION - WIP (Victorian England)


SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] intro

FROM: "Debbie Fritter"


DATE: 25/05/2002 09:03


Hi Alicia.

Re: > However, you can switch to digest, go no-mail or return to regular


> whenever you like. Just send a blank message to AskAnAuthorall-digest,

> AskAnAuthorall-nomail or AskAnAuthorall-normal @

Unless I'm doing something wrong here, I sent a blank message to

"[email protected] and got it back as undeliverable

mail. Please advise since when I opened mail this morning there were 64

messages ... Thanks!

Debbie Fritter

Public Relations--Madison Area of WisRWA

RWA & WisRWA Member

[email protected]

PARADISE IN A SQUARED CIRCLE, short contemporary (submitted)

A LEGACY THROUGH TIME, time-travel/paranormal working manuscript

----- Original Message -----

From: "Alicia T Rasley"


Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 2:23 AM

Subject: [AskAnAuthorAll] intro


> Welcome to AskanAuthor-All. This educational list is sponsored by PAN

> members and open exclusively to RWA members interested in the craft and

> business of writing romance fiction. Every two weeks, a PAN guest will

> answer questions on a specific topic, and the listmembers can discuss the


> topic among themselves before and after (but not during) the speaker's

> week.


> The rules are few but important. This is a list for sharing information

> about craft and business, not for promotion or socializing. Please keep

> on topic, don't ask the speaker questions privately, and maintain the

> usual Internet etiquette. Information and material may not be forwarded

> off the list without the express permission of the person who posted it.


> This list is open to all RWA members. But if you're also a member of the

> RWA-Pro program (that is, you have been certified by the office for

> completing and submitting a manuscript), you can also join

> mailto:[email protected] , a similar list but with

> a different schedule of speakers and topics.


> You're currently set up to receive individual messages as they're posted.


> However, you can switch to digest, go no-mail or return to regular mail

> whenever you like. Just send a blank message to AskAnAuthorall-digest,

> AskAnAuthorall-nomail or AskAnAuthorall-normal @


> And welcome aboard!


> Alicia Rasley, listowner


> ________________________________________________________________


> Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less!

> Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:




> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

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SUBJECT: Future questions

FROM: "Debbie Fritter"



DATE: 25/05/2002 09:21


Here are a couple of condensed suggestions for future "workshops" that I've come up with for either loop ....

1) Getting through mid-book crisis

2) Properly targeting

3) What if your romance doesn't follow the "formula" of category (i.e., older hero/heroine; sports figure; hero isn't a cowboy, cop, lawyer, etc.) but you believe in your work

4) Writing what comes from your heart yet pushes the envelope for what is the "normal" (see #3)

5) Being your own critique partner (BTW, Jane Toombs does a wonderful workshop on this)

6) Finding the right agent

7) Marketing techniques -- what works, what doesn't

8) The "empty nest" syndrome ... how to let go of the finished manuscript and begin the new one

9) E-book publishing (BTW, Karen Wiesner knows this subject inside and out)

10) Your hero isn't likeable but no other would fit in the story, what now?

Debbie Fritter

Public Relations--Madison Area of WisRWA

RWA & WisRWA Member

[email protected]

PARADISE IN A SQUARED CIRCLE, short contemporary (submitted)

A LEGACY THROUGH TIME, time-travel/paranormal working manuscript

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


SUBJECT: Re: [AskAnAuthorAll] intro

FROM: Alicia T Rasley

TO: [email protected]

DATE: 25/05/2002 10:11


Yahoogroup's site has been up and down, I believe-- at least I couldn't

get in most of yesterday. So try the command address again-- no quote

marks-- and hope it goes. :) If it doesn't, tell me and I'll try to

handset it, but I haven't been very successful about getting all the way

into the group site to members.


On Sat, 25 May 2002 09:03:55 -0500 "Debbie Fritter"


> Hi Alicia.


> Re: > However, you can switch to digest, go no-mail or return to

> regular

> mail

> > whenever you like. Just send a blank message to

> AskAnAuthorall-digest,

> > AskAnAuthorall-nomail or AskAnAuthorall-normal @


> Unless I'm doing something wrong here, I sent a blank message to

> "[email protected] and got it back as

> undeliverable

> mail. Please advise since when I opened mail this morning there

> were 64

> messages ... Thanks!


> Debbie Fritter

> Public Relations--Madison Area of WisRWA

> RWA & WisRWA Member

> [email protected]

> PARADISE IN A SQUARED CIRCLE, short contemporary (submitted)

> A LEGACY THROUGH TIME, time-travel/paranormal working manuscript


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: "Alicia T Rasley"

> To:

> Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 2:23 AM

> Subject: [AskAnAuthorAll] intro



> >

> > Welcome to AskanAuthor-All. This educational list is sponsored by


> > members and open exclusively to RWA members interested in the

> craft and

> > business of writing romance fiction. Every two weeks, a PAN guest

> will

> > answer questions on a specific topic, and the listmembers can

> discuss the

> >

> > topic among themselves before and after (but not during) the

> speaker's

> > week.

> >

> > The rules are few but important. This is a list for sharing

> information

> > about craft and business, not for promotion or socializing. P

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