Page 2:  · Web viewSalvador Dalí Español 3 / Hora 2 4 de setiembre del 2015 PART VII: ASSISTANCE/ENRICHMENT: What if I need help beyond the classroom setting? A. Señor a Salinas …

Señora Salinas Salón 1207

Año Escolar 2015-2016

PART I: GENERAL GUIDELINES: What does Señora Salinas expect from me every day in class?A. Character Education Oath: I must be a caring, fair, responsible, respectful, trustworthy citizen in the classroom at all times. I am a unique and valuable member of our team.B. Always on Time or Early!: I will always be on time for class or early by being in my seat before the bell rings. I am not permitted to be tardy to or absent from class for any unexcused reason. After TWO tardies I will be invited to a mandatory re-teaching session with Señora Salinas at a time that we both agree on. C. NO Gum, NO Food, NO Candy, and ONLY water (if I need a beverage)…KEEP THE ROOM CLEAN!: 1. I will dispose of any gum, food, candy, or beverages other than water PRIOR to entering the classroom. 2. I am responsible for making sure my space and the entire classroom is kept clean with my classmates. I will not be permitted to leave until the entire room is ready for the next class. D. No electronic devices permitted for use without Señora Salinas’ Permission: Cell phones, i-Pods, and other electronics will be confiscated by Señora Salinas if used during class or SHIELD if used without permission from her. All cell phones and i-Pods will be turned in to the main office and may be picked up at the end of the day. These devices are for educational use ONLY and privilege will be revoked if used inappropriately. E. NO Headphones or hats in class or in the hallway!F. Prepared to Participate!: Upon being seated before the bell rings before class, I will “dress my desk” with my Spanish materials and immediately begin copying the classroom daily agenda of activities. I will be ready to participate in class, fully prepared with all necessary materials and assignments required every day. G. Sign-Out: Whenever I must leave class for an office-related departure or an emergency, Señora Salinas will sign my agenda. I need to visit the restroom between classes during the six minutes I have given…It’s the same action Señora Salinas has to take!H. The Bell Does NOT Dismiss Me!: Señora Salinas dismisses me. The bell is her signal to say, “Adiós!” when she is ready.

PART II: THE DAILY AGENDA OF ACTIVITIES: What are our daily activities and goals?A. The daily agenda provides a list of activities as goals for completion for class each day. If an activity remains incomplete on any agenda, it may stay on it until it has been fulfilled for a few sessions depending upon the pacing of the course.B. Students are required to copy the objectives from the board for every class into their binders.C. Students who are absent from class must copy the missed agenda(s) and notes from another student or assigned study partner on their own time…NOT during the next class upon return.

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D. Students should consult the appropriate classroom hanger on the bulletin board for any missed worksheets stemming from agendas in case of an absence.E. Resources may also be checked on VISION.

Ask Señora Salinas questions via e-mail at any time! Her email is: [email protected]

PART III: CLASSROOM MATERIALS: What materials are required in class each day? (NOTE: Students who are unprepared for class on any day will be marked down as unprepared and after 3 unprepared days students will need to stay for a re-teaching session.)A. Heavy-duty 1 ½ - 2” 3-ring binder with dividers: B. Loose leaf paperC. Composition notebookC. Sharpened pencils with erasersD. Pencils with erasers

Suggested materials for class: USB drive folder for graded work colored pencils

PART IV: ASSIGNMENTS and GRADING: How will we be graded in this course?A. The Loudoun County Public Schools Grade Scale will be used in distributing all individual and final grades during the nine-week marking periods, semester averages, and year-end averages:B. Overall grades are based on the number of total points earned per nine-week marking period.

Letter Grade Numeric Grade Range

A+ 98-100A 93-97A- 90-92B+ 87-89B 83-86B- 80-82C+ 77-79C 73-76C- 70-72D+ 67-69D 63-66D- 60-62F 0-59

Page 4:  · Web viewSalvador Dalí Español 3 / Hora 2 4 de setiembre del 2015 PART VII: ASSISTANCE/ENRICHMENT: What if I need help beyond the classroom setting? A. Señor a Salinas …

1. Time necessary to complete homework assignments will vary.

2. Late assignments will be penalized by ten points (10%) for every day late. (See next section)

PART V: MAKE-UP POLICY: What if I miss class for an excused reason?A. It is the student’s responsibility to make up work missed for any reason.B. Agendas posted in the classroom can be used to check on missed assignments.C. Be sure to get missed notes from a class mate prior to returning to class! It’s your job to stay focused on your education!D. Students have the number of days missed plus one (+1) for making up assignments stemming from excused absences. Extended absences will be handled individually.E. Students missing for extracurricular activities or other school-approved absences are responsible to retrieve their work before that class is missed. These students will have the same due dates and responsibilities as those attending class that day.


Señora Salinas will allow ONE re-take on a quiz or a test per quarter at her discretion. You have 72 hours after the time you receive tests and quizzes back to let Señora Salinas know you would like to re-take. Coming to her at the end of the quarter about re-taking something that was given back to you a while back is not permitted.

PART VI: NOTEBOOK ORGANIZATION: How do I organize my notebook for class?

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A. Students should place the appropriate number of dividers in their binders in sequential order by date. B. Students should never remove anything from the notebook without the permission of the teacher. It will become a valuable resource for years to come.C. All loose-leaf paper assignments are to have the following heading: EXAMPLE:

Salvador Dalí Español 3 / Hora 2 4 de setiembre del 2015

PART VII: ASSISTANCE/ENRICHMENT: What if I need help beyond the classroom setting?A. Señora Salinas is here for you!: Email or see Señora Salinas to set up an appointment for extra help before school, after school, or during SHIELD. Passes will be distributed the day before or in the morning of the SHIELD rotation. Señora Salinas will not give out SHIELD passes right before the SHIELD block begins.B. Tutoring: If you would like to schedule an appointment with a National Spanish Honor Society student for additional tutoring or assistance, please e-mail Señora Salinas and this can be arranged. If you would like a Spanish tutor at home, see or email Señora Salinas for a list of several tutors in the area.

PART VIII: THE KEY TO SUCCESS: DISCIPLIN E This course will be a very enjoyable one for you in many aspects, but will also require your hard work and dedication to succeed. We are a team with high expectations moving towards a common goal of learning as much as possible concerning the Spanish language and associated cultures. You will notice your skills becoming more and more proficient with the endurance required to succeed. Be confident and follow the instructions in this document carefully to provide yourself with the opportunity to achieve the best! You’ll do very well if you are disciplined and dedicate yourself!

---------------------------------------------------STUDENT/PARENT CONTRACT--------------------------------------------------------------I understand the guidelines listed above and will follow them completely for the duration of this course. I will also follow all other policies in our JCHS and LCPS handbooks, recognizing that they are in full effect in this classroom. I will return this paper to Señora Salinas at our next class meeting



Page 6:  · Web viewSalvador Dalí Español 3 / Hora 2 4 de setiembre del 2015 PART VII: ASSISTANCE/ENRICHMENT: What if I need help beyond the classroom setting? A. Señor a Salinas …

DATE: ¡Buena Suerte!

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