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Acronym of the project OSUTI

Titre du projet en français

Des Origines et de la Structure de l’Univers aux Technologies de l’Innovation

Project title in English From the origin and the structure of the Universe to the innovation technologies

Coordinator of the project

Name : Karyotakis JeanInstitution : Université de SavoieLaboratory : LAPPUnit number : UMR5814

Requested funding ~9MEuros personnel et ~2M equipement

Disciplinary field (SNRI)

□ Santé, bien-être, alimentation et biotechnologies / health, well-being, nutrition and biotechnologies□ Urgence environnementale et écotechnologies / environnemental urgency, ecotechnologies□ Information, communication et nanotechnologies / information, communication and nanotechnologies□ Sciences humaines et sociales / social sciences x Autre champ disciplinaire / other disciplinary scope

Scientific areas

Particle physics Nuclear physics and energy Astroparticle physics and cosmology Theoretical physics Accelerator physics and technology Neutrino physics

Participation in an « Initiatives d’excellence » project (IDEX)

x oui □ non PRES Grenoble (ISCE-21, …): A compléter dès que des informations sont disponibles

Organisation of the coordinating partnerLaboratory/Institution(s) Unit number Research Organisation

referencePRES de Grenoble NA NA

Organization of the partner(s)

Laboratory/Institution(s) Unit numberResearch

Organisation reference

LAPP UMR 5814 Université de Savoie (UdS) / CNRS

LPSC UMR 5821 Université Joseph Fourier (UJF)/ INPG / CNRS


ILL International laboratory Private French corporate

owned by France (CEA/CNRS), Germany

and UK LAMA A compléter A compléter

1. SUMMARY...........................................................................................................42. APPLICATION TO THE ACTIONS OF THE PROGRAMME « INVESTISSEMENTS D’AVENIR ».........6


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM B3. MANAGEMENT OF THE PARTNERSHIP........................................................................63.1. Composition of the partnership..........................................................63.2. Relevant experience of the project coordinator...................................74. DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTING...............................................................................84.1. Presentation of the partners..............................................................8

4.1.1 Partner 1 Coordinator : PRES DE GRENOBLE 84.1.2 Partner 2: LAPP 84.1.3 Research and innovation 84.1.4 Exploitation of results 114.1.5 Higher education 114.1.6 Organisation 124.1.7 Partner 3 : LPSC 124.1.8 Research and innovation 124.1.9 Exploitation of results 164.1.10 Higher education 174.1.11 Organisation 184.1.12 Partner 4 : INAC/SBT 184.1.13 Research and innovation 184.1.14 Exploitation of results 204.1.15 Higher education 204.1.16 Organisation 214.1.17 Partner 5 : LAPTh 214.1.18 Research and innovation 214.1.19 Exploitation of results 244.1.20 Higher education 244.1.21 Organisation 254.1.22 Partner 6 : LSM 254.1.23 Research and innovation 254.1.24 Exploitation of results 274.1.25 Higher education 274.1.26 Organisation 274.1.27 Partner 7 : ILL (Nuclear and particle physics group) 284.1.28 Research and innovation 284.1.29 Exploitation of results 294.1.30 Higher education 294.1.31 Organisation 294.1.32 Partner 8 : LAMA 294.1.33 Research and innovation 294.1.34 Exploitation of results 304.1.35 Higher education 304.1.36 Organisation 31

4.2. Existing collaborations.....................................................................325. TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT..........................................365.1. State of the art................................................................................365.2. Objectives of the project compared to the state of the art and in relation to the SNRI......................................................................................41

5.2.1 Scientific programme 415.2.2 Exploitation of results, transfer and expertise 495.2.3 Higher education, Integration into the workplace 525.2.4 Governance 555.2.5 Attraction 58

5.3. Strategy of the supervising institution.............................................605.4. Connections to the economic world..................................................635.5. Pull effect.......................................................................................646. FINANCIAL AND SCIENTIFIC JUSTIFICATION FOR THE MOBILISATION OF THE RESOURCES.....676.1. Justification for the mobilisation of the resources (on 10 years).........67

6.1.1 Research project 676.1.2 Educational project 696.1.3 Exploitation of results 716.1.4 governance 72

6.2. Others resources.............................................................................747. APPENDICES......................................................................................................75


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM B7.1. State of the art references...............................................................757.2. Partners’ references........................................................................757.3. Estimate.........................................................................................82


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1. SUMMARYCe résumé devra présenter les points suivants :

- le contexte et les objectifs scientifiques dans lesquels s’inscrit la demande et comment ces objectifs seront poursuivis par le(s) partenaire(s) au projet,

- le résumé du projet de recherche,- la présentation du projet de formation,- la description du projet de valorisation et de diffusion des résultats (publications, cession ou

licence de brevets…),- une présentation synthétique du mode de gouvernance,- l’intégration du projet de laboratoire d’excellence dans la stratégie de l’établissement.

A rédiger au final par Développement & Conseil (maximum 3 pages)

Eléments à intégrer :

Le programme expérimental du LHC vient de commencer et devra durer plus de vingt ans. Les premières données sont déjà disponibles, et ouvrent une nouvelle fenêtre dans notre de recherche de nouvelle physique. En parallèle l’expérience PLANCK depuis un an dans l’espace, AMS et HESS montrent les premiers résultats sur l’histoire de notre univers. Les experience sur LHC et PLANCK AMS et HESS sont complémentaires et cherchent la réponse a la même question l’origine de notre univers. Reunir tous ces chercheurs au sein d’une meme structure renforce le potentiel scientifique.

OSUTI met ensemble tous les acteurs de la région Rhône Alpes, qui travaillent sur les interactions fondamentales, l’astrophysique et cosmologie, la physique et l’énergie nucléaire , ainsi que la physique et techno des accélérateurs. L’avantage une collaboration renforcée entre les partenaires, une mutualisation des ressources, une grande visibilité régionale, et nationale. Toute la région s’unit pour travailler ensemble. Notre atout majeur la proximité du CERN et le laboratoire souterrain de Modane unique en France et l’Europe.

On se base sur les 2 equipex dont on est porteurs, ULISSE et HoMe ainsi que sur tous les autres ou on est partenaire.

On renforce nos collaborations entre laboratoires.o Le LAPP et le LPSC s’engagent de travailler ensemble pour développer un futur

détecteur de traces pour ATLAS qui pourrait être installe en 2020. On réunit les compétences en mécanique électronique et informatique des 2 labos ce qui devient très crédible au sein de la collaboration ATLAS.

o La présence du LSM est l’occasion de développer un pole neutrino et recherche direct de matière noire en Rhône Alpes qui n’existe pas aujourd’hui.

o On se place aussi comme un interlocuteur unique avec le CERN, régional pour tout ce qui est la techno des accélérateurs. Ceci nous permet de développer cette thématique porteuse de valo de façon cohérente et coordonnée.

o L’ILL dispose la source des neutrons la plus puissante du monde et permet d’étudier les interactions fondamentales d’un angle différent de celui de LHC. C’est l’endroit unique pour étudier les effets de la gravite a l’échelle microscopique.

o Nous sommes à la frontière de la connaissance pour l’étude de la structure nucléaire et les réacteurs de la 4eme génération

o Nous préparons ensemble des projets d’envergure, LLST et CTA L’enseignement. A part les formations classiques, M1-m2, nous disposons une plateforme

unique d’enseignement de la physique subatomique. Plus de 500 étudiants ont été formes sur ces techniques.

Ce centre d’accueil CIPHEA. Nos thématiques et la proximité du CERN font d’OSUTI un labo idéal pour accueillir un grand nombre de visiteurs dont profitent les laboratoires et la formation des étudiants

Un potentiel de valorisation important, plusieurs collaborations avec les industriels.

Autres éléments clés à mettre en avant afin de répondre aux 7 critères majeurs de sélection :- qualité des équipes et infrastructures : préciser que le projet est porté par des labos A+ et A, et mettre une phrase sur le fait que les chercheurs de LabEx ont reçu les principales distinctions nationales et internationales dans leurs disciplines- ambition et pertinence du projet : SNRI, interdisplinarité, et lien avec les stratégies des tutelles- potentiel en termes de retombées : mettre en avant le fait que le LabEx est un support aux marchés en lien avec les grands enjeux sociétaux (energie, santé, TIC…)


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM B- investissement dans la formation de haut niveau : préciser combien de chercheurs de haut niveau le labex va intégrer sur les 10 ans à venir + préciser sur quel volume d’encadrants il s’appuie- qualité de l’organisation : préciser que le LabEx est en adéquation avec les équipements et compétences existantes, qu’il dispose d’un taille ambitieuse mais adaptée avec les capacités de gouvernance proposée, et enfin que le LabEx s’est doté d’outils de pilotage et de suivi (indicateurs) précis permettant une évaluation régulière de son efficience et de son excellence- dynamisme du projet : la proximité du CERN permet de structurer le triangle européen de la physique fondamentale (Genève – Grenoble – Annecy) et ainsi générer des projets ambitieux à visée internationale

Particle and nuclear physics and cosmology address fundamental questions about the origin of the universe. Observing far away structures in our sky or the particles issued from a proton-proton collision at the Large Hadron Colider (LHC) energies, the world's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator informs us on the birth and the evolution of our universe and helps us to understand the deepest laws of nature.

The research carried out by the partners of the OSUTI project aims at unveiling the fundamental laws of physics, and exploring the origin of mass, the dark matter and dark energy, the grand unification of forces, the number of spatial dimensions and numerous other problems that physicists try to solve.

Along a virtual geographical line starting from Geneva and running south to Grenoble more than 200 scientists share the same fundamental questions. CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research, taking a major role in the definition of the European Strategy for Particle Physics) located at the Swiss border, is a major research site for all the partners of the OSUTI project. The LSM laboratory is unique in France and Europe by its depth and offers excellent observational conditions for neutrino physics. The aim of the laboratories of this consortium is to reinforce their solid collaborations, coordinate together their scientific programs, and share efficiently their technical resources. This labex project covers a wide scientific area spanning from nuclear physics and energy, particle and astroparticle physics, cosmology, neutrino physics, theory, and accelerator physics and technology. The labex should take advantage of the equipex already proposed in the same framework namely, HoMe, ULISSE, and EFG.

The quest for knowledge is the main goal of the OSUTI project partners; however our research implies cutting edge techniques and drives the technology in many areas where our community is playing a major role:

Engineering and detector developments Electronics & real-time data processing Particle accelerator science Grid computing Medical imaging & radiotherapy

The next decade will be crucial for our projects. Most probably the LHC experiments will be able to discover new phenomena and reveal new physics. Precise astroparticle experiments will scrutinize the sky and are expected to bring answers on the dark matter and perhaps the dark energy. In the coming years we will decide the future for the next 20 years. It is therefore the time for OSUTI partners to strengthen our laboratories, and get prepared to face new challenges.

This initiative guided the partner laboratories to lead the “Equipement d'Excellence”, HoMe and ULISSE and be partner of few others, as a first structuring action before preparing this application for the creation of a “Laboratoire d'Excellence”.


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Action Acronym of the project Coordinator Consortium /involved partners

Equipex HoMe Karyotakis Jean (LAPP)


Equipex ULISSE Piquemal Fabrice (LSM)


IRFU /Inst NeelEquipex EFG Breton Vincent

(Institut des Grilles)IRFU / BioGeCo / LISC / CERSAT / IRIT /

CRRI / LIFL / LPSC /LAPP/ IPHC / Direction Informatique Bordeaux I

Equipex Cerec Rousset Bernard (SBT)

INAC-SBT / Institut Neel / LEGI

Equipex CePit F. Debray(LNCMI)


Equipex CEMBRO Delannoy Jean-Jacques (EDYTEM)

Edytem / LSM / Cemagref

IDEX À préciser




Organisation reference

Staff / manpower categories(Researchers, engineers, PhD students…)

PRES de Grenoble A compléter A compléter

LAPPUniversité de Savoie

(UdS) UMR5814 / CNRS-IN2P3

Total number of staff = 148ð Researchers=32 ð Faculty=9ð Post Docs=11ð Research engineers=23ð PhD students=10

ð Engineers= 34ð Technicians=17ð Non permanent Research

engineers=7ð Visiting scientist about 5

LPSCUniversité Joseph

Fourier (UJF)/ INPG / CNRS-IN2P3

Total number of staff = 218ð Researchers=38 ð Faculty=28 ð PhD students=34

ð Post Docs and temporary technical staff =25

ð Permanent technical staff =91


Total number of staff = 72ð Professor = 1ð Researchers = 4ð Assistant professor =1ð Engineers = 25ð Technicians = 22

ð PhDs = 7ð Post docs = 2ð Cooperative trainees = 7ð Other temporary positions

(CDD) = 3


Total number of staff = 50ð CNRS Researchers : 15 ð Faculty UdS : 7 ð Administrative : 3Computer system : 2

ð Post-doctoral : 6ð PhD Students: 7 ð Other temporary visiting scientists: 10

LSM CNRS-IN2P3 / CEATotal number of staff = 14

ð Researcher = 1ð Engineers = 4

ð Assistants engineer = 5ð Technicians = 2

ILL (Nuclear and

particle physics group)

Private French corporate owned by France (CEA/CNRS),

Germany and UK

Total number of staff = 18ð Researchers = 10ð Technicians = 4

ð PhD students = 4ð More than 100 visiting

scientists per year

LAMA A compléterTotal number of staff = A compléter

ð A compléter ð A compléter


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3.2. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE OF THE PROJECT COORDINATORThe OSUTI project is put forward by a consortium of six partners: LAPP, LPSC, INAC/SBT, LAPTh ILL, and LSM. Its leader is Dr Jean Karyotakis who is director of LAPP. LAPP, founded in 1976, is a joint lab (UMR) of “Université de Savoie / CNRS-IN2P3” since 1995. Based in Annecy-le-Vieux, LAPP benefits from the proximity of CERN.The report of the AERES, following the evaluation of the laboratory in February 2010, reported a « well structured research program…well organized, very competent and motivated technical services ». The AERES awarded LAPP with an A+ mark.Dr Jean Karyotakis and the LAPP make the proof of its dynamism as well as its will to coordinate and work in collaboration with very high level research projects. The laboratory is based on scientific excellence of the highest level, both in LHC physics, gravitational waves detection, cosmology and astrophysics, based on participation in international research programs ATLAS, LHCb, OPERA, VIRGO, AMS, HESSII and CTA. The laboratory also uses an interdisciplinary approach (mechanics, electronics, computing, what is now the basis of mechatronics) in line with the expectations of the last call Equipex where Dr Jean Karyotakis and LAPP submitted an ambitious project entitled “HoMe” “Hosting Mechatronics Projects”. These previous achievements, coupled with the skills of the scientific and technical teams, place the LAPP at the cutting edge for the future which is totally in agreement with the Labex call.The lab, which now employs nearly 444148 people (41 permanent physicists, 81 engineers and technicians, 21 students and post docs and about 5 visitors), can build on strengths and opportunities that will enable it to carry out the OSUTI project, in collaboration with the other partners. More specifically on the coordinator’s experience, we can notice its:

Scientific Quality Production: Dr J.Karyotakis has participated in the past to outstanding experiments, NA3, L3 at LEP, BaBar at SLAC, and has published more than 650 physics papers to international physics revues.

Ability to manage ambitious projects: For the BaBar experiment (1994-2005), Dr J.Karyotakis served as a group leader for the LAPP team, and as the responsible for all the French groups participating to the experiment. From 1999 to 2002 he served as ‘Technical Coordinator’ for the whole experiment, forming with the spokesperson the management team for more than 600 physicists, from about 50 institutes from 10 countries. In 2001 BaBar published the 1st evidence for CP violation in the B system.

Experience of the pooling of resources: As laboratory director Dr J.Karyotakis increased the external resources (not originating from CNRS) of the laboratory from 5% of the total budget to 25%. This was achieved by answering calls to EU, ANR, Region Rhone Alpes, Conseil General, and Minister of foreign affairs. In the past he participated to the FP6 European project EUROTeV, as Work package coordinator, and scientific responsible for the CNRS, bringing significant resources to France and allowing the involved laboratories to participate successfully to the next calls, EUCARD and AIDA of FP7.

Supervision: Dr J.Karyotakis has supervised 7 PhD thesis in the past and has been member of many thesis juries. Using project funds he earned, he had hired about 10 engineers and post docs, and half of them got a permanent position to CNRS at the end of their temporary contract.

An international recognition: Dr J.Karyotakis served as member of the LHCC committee form 2000-2004, is member of the scientific advisory committee of NIKHEF, member of the Restricted European Committee for Future Accelerators, and is member of many review committees in Europe and USA. Finally he was awarded by the Joliot Curie prize of the French physical society, in 2001.

N’est ce pas plutôt à mettre dans l’intro ? Support of the PRES de Grenoble, University of Savoie, University Joseph Fourier, CNRS and CEA: the LAPP laboratory is positioned in perfect harmony with the objectives of the IN2P3 (Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules CNRS) defining the global French strategy for the discipline.The University of Savoie, member of the PRES de Grenoble, aspires to develop a high level education and promote excellent research in connection with the socio-economic world. The university strategy is built around few themes and among them ”Physics to Mechatronics” establishing a real link between fundamental science and innovation supported by the competitivity pole “Arves Industries”. Therefore the OSUTI Labex is a strategic element for the University development for the future.


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4.1.1 PARTNER 1 COORDINATOR : PRES DE GRENOBLEA compléter par Yannis avec les éléments envoyés par le PRES


4.1.3 RESEARCH AND INNOVATIONThe Laboratoire d’Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules is very actively involved in several large international collaborations working on accelerators (ATLAS, CMS, LHCb at the LHC at CERN, BaBar at SLAC in California) to study matter anti-matter asymmetry, to search for the elusive Higgs boson, to explain the origin of particle mass, investigating the makeup of dark matter or the existence of extra dimensions of space. The laboratory also contributes to the search for appearance in a beam produced at CERN with the OPERA experiment at Gran Sasso in Italy. Other LAPP teams collaborate in experiments studying signals from the cosmos. AMS aims at precisely measure the flux and nature of cosmic rays; this might reveal signs of anti-matter and dark matter in the universe. This information will complement measurements by HESS and the future CTA of high energy emitted by cosmic sources. Detecting gravitational waves is the challenge that the VIRGO experiment near Pisa strives to meet. The location of the laboratory, 50km from CERN, and the presence of the theory lab LAPTh in the same premises, makes the LAPP campus an ideal and very attractive place for people willing to contribute to particle and astroparticle physics. An international center for high energy physics and astroparticle physics (CIPHEA) is running since 5 years now allowing more than 10 senior internationally known visitors to work on all themes accessible with LHC, and coach young students and researchers.AERES assessment: grade A+, In its report of July 2010 the AERES underlines:

The scientific and technological excellence of the laboratory, the originality and quality of the research: “The research program of the lab is of top level quality. The proximity of CERN brings to Annecy very brilliant people. The Technical Services are well organized, very competent and motivated. A robust technical R&D program keeps the Technical Services at the technology forefront.”

International collaboration and good position: “All activities at LAPP are of international level. LAPP has a strong participation in the LHC experiments and collaborates with the R&D for future accelerators and detectors, still at CERN”

Concrete results of the research activity and socio-economic partnerships: “LAPP is of extreme importance for the region of Annecy-le-Vieux and for the local University of Savoie. LAPP is heavily involved to the University and entertains an excellent relationship with the local authorities. The construction in collaboration with the “University of Savoie”, of a new laboratory dedicated to R&D on advanced mechanics, microelectronics and controls, “ La maison de la Mécatronique” [...] can give important contributions to the University Campus and to the local economy.”

Ability to recruit high level scientists, post-docs and students particularly from abroad: “Among the PhD students working at LAPP six are from abroad, one from Grenoble, three from Lyon, one from Paris and two from other provinces.”

The laboratory publishes about 85 scientific and technical papers per year to international magazines requiring peer review. The best papers are cited about 250 times after few years. Physicists and research engineers give about 30 talks per year to international conferences. International workshops, collaboration meetings and other scientific events are regularly organized at LAPP.


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM BAssessment of the researches

FieldParticle Physics on colliders :

Particle interactions, searches for new phenomena and flavour physics

Astroparticle physics :Gravitational waves, Dark matter, Cosmology, Sources

of gamma rays and charged particlesNeutrino Physics and



Scientific and

technical results

CERN experiments :ð UA1 : Search for W and Z bosons and top quark at

SppS. ð ALEPH, L3 : Extensive study of the Z decays,

consolidation of the Standard Model, searches for new particles and b flavour physics at LEP

ð ATLAS, LHCb : Searches for new particles, and new physics at LHC, symmetry breaking mechanism and Higgs searches, dark matter, exploration for extra-dimensions, flavour physics

BaBar experimentð PEPII (Stanford Linear Accelerator) Extensive study

of B meson decays, CKM mechanism, measuring of the unitarity triangle angles.

Particle detectors design, construction and commissioning

ð ATLAS : New construction techniques for the Liquid Argon calorimeter. 12 LAr modules built, tested and installed.

ð L3 : BGO crystals development and machining techniques. Composite material light mechanical structure built to support ~11000 crystals. First R&D on PbWO crystals for CMS.

ð LHCb : Heavy mechanics development to support and move the 4 calorimeters.

ð Future Linear Collider : New detection techniques based on large surface micromegas chambers for a Hadron calorimeter

ð Electronics and DAQ: Conceptual designs and realization of complex electronics systems and DAQ architectures

ð Computing: Setting up a TIER2 center (MUST) for the LHC experiments

The Virgo project :ð Design, construction, commissioning and operation

of detectors (vacuum towers, detection system and data acquisition system)

ð Significant contributions to analysis software development and data analysis.

ð In charge of some of the major upgrades of the detector to the Virgo+ configuration

ð Responsible for the construction of sub-systems of the upgraded detector, Advanced Virgo

AMS-I and AMS-II :ð Designs and construction of the particle Id based on

aerogel counters and the ECALð Significant contributions to the software

reconstruction for the gamma-ray detection and exploration of the corresponding physics cases through Monte Carlo simulation methods.

The HESS experiment :(Descartes prize) ð Building the auto-focus and the automated camera

unloading mechanism for the 5th telescope ð Significant contribution in statistical data analysis

methods improving background rejection power and resolutions.

ð Significant contributions in data analysis of galactic sources and candidate sites of dark matter overdensity regions

The CTA experiment : ð Development of novels ICT technologies and

software for the data management and data pipelines for the future CTA observatory through the CTACG- CTA Computing Grid project

ð Development of automated system for active dynamic stabilization of telescopes structures

Bugey experiment : Neutrino oscillation searches with a nuclear reactor

Nomad experiment Set limits on oscillation parameters on the WANF neutrino beam at CERN

ð CHOOZ sets the first limit still valid on the mixing angle 13

OPERA experiment Design and construction (brick automated manipulators) and data analysis.

ð First observation of a appearance candidate from neutrino oscillation

Projects ATF2, CTF3 and future projects like ILC and CLIC :

ð Stabilization below 1nm of a final focus magnet mock-up.

ð R&D on sub-nanometre vibration: simulation, measurement and control.

ð Innovative front end electronics for beam position monitors reducing the cost by 3.

ð Commissioning on the ATF2 accelerator aiming to produce low emmitance and requiring nanometre stabilization

ð Simulation of the beam size of the ATF2

Factual Elements

Discovery of the W and Z bosons; Nobel 1986 Precise electroweak measurements constraining the

Standard Model, best limits on Higgs and SUSY particles

Discovery of the CP violation for the B mesons, (Nobel 2009) B and flavour physics, discovery of new particles

390 published papers since 2005

HESS : First TeV gamma ray sky survey with high sensitivity (> 100 sources discovered and publications on Nature and Science as well)

80 published papers since 2005

12 published papers since 2005

40 scientific publications and 6 international conferences contributions

2 published papers since 2005

Xx Conference contributions

Development of a feedback algorithm to dump vibrations


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Researcher or Professor of very high level or potential

Name JJ. Blaising D.Duchesneau J.Karyotakis F. Marion B.Mours S.Rosier T’Jampens I.Wingerter

Corps grade DR1 DR2 DR1 DR2 DR2 DR2 CR1 DR2




search for SUSY


QCD and, Neutrino Physics

Electroweak measurements, search for new particles, CP


Gravitational Waves

Physics Gravitati

onal waves


Search for SUSY

particles, Dark matter

and anti-matter


Flavour and electroweak


Calorimeter instrumentation, symmetry

breaking mechanisms

HDRThèse d’état1977


Thèse d’état1985


Thèse d’état1988

HDR2000 - HDR


n and prize

- CNRS Bronze medal 2000

Joliot Curie prize

CNRS Bronze

medal 1998-

Prix Thibaud and Palmes

academiquesCNRS Bronze medal 2008 -

Number of

published papers the last 4


18 26 250 52 15 28 24 10


Ex-Director of

the physics

division at CERN

Member of the OPERA

executive committee

BaBar Technical


member, former LHCC

memberLAPP director

Compact binary

coalescence Coordinator

Ex-Virgo spokesp


Project leader of the ECAL

electronics for the AMS-II


CKM Fitter coordinator

Project leader of the ATLAS

LAr calorimeter

Other researchers with very high potential: MN. Minard, DR1 : Légion d’Honneur, LHCb Calorimeter Project leader, D.Decamp professor and ex-Savoie University vice-president R.Kosakowski professor and ex-Savoie University vice-president J.Colas (DRCE1), director of the EGO consortium managing the Virgo experiment

Available equipments and infrastructures






Type of equipment UseAutomation and Robotics laboratory Design, construction and test of automation systems.

Mechanical department with simulation software, machining and soldering tools, large assembling hall Conceptual design, construction and test of particle detectors

Electronics test bench laboratories Design and test of electronics systems and ASICSOptics laboratory Light detection calibration bench, optical cavity tests

Photodetection laboratory Characterization and tests of photodetectors (will be created with HoMe Equipex)



de la





Type of equipment Use

Computing Mesocenter TIER 2 for the LHC experiments

Grid and analysis facility for LHC, scientific computing for the Savoie University (exist in LAPP and will be moved in “Maison

de la Mécatronique” under construction)

Vibration control laboratorySub nanometer vibration measurements and control (exist in LAPP and will be moved in “Maison de la Mécatronique” under

construction)3D Electronic laboratory Signals reading for the detectors of new generation (will be

developed with HoMe Equipex)Assembling hall Assembly of scientific instruments

Computer Assisted Teleoperation laboratory Replacement of futur detectors under irradiated environment (will be created with HoMe Equipex)

The above infrastructure is hosted actually in the LAPP campus premises. A new building (‘Maison de la Mecatronique’) of 3000m2 located inside the campus should begin construction before the end of 2010 and will host a new computing center, an assembling hall, and 4 large laboratories


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM Bdedicated to mechatronics. The building delivery is planned early 2012. Part of the equipment for these facilities is requested within the HoMe Equipex project.

4.1.4 EXPLOITATION OF RESULTSThe laboratory’s skills cover a large scope of domains which is nowadays the basis of mechatronics using systems involving innovative technologies:

ASICs and Programmable design and realisation Mechanical structure design and optimisation Simulation of particle propagation in matter Scientific computing, grid computing

Structure for the promotion of the ResearchName LAPP Technology Transfer Officer (TTO)

Status and organization

A part-time TTO works in contact with research groups to identify work with industrial or economic potential and to facilitate industrial relations.

This person maintains close relationships with both structures responsible for Technology Transfer at the “Université de Savoie”1 and the regional service of CNRS2 in Grenoble.

LAPP is also part of the IN2P3 Technology Transfer Network which enhances the collaboration between TTOs and provides a comprehensive approach of Technology Transfer in particle and nuclear physics.


Partnerships : ð Service contracts to public and private are regularly concluded for the provision of

various studies. A scientific computing facility, so-called “mésocentre MUST”, is located at LAPP providing expertise, high performance computing resources to all research laboratories of “Université de Savoie”.

ð Mechanical computations have already been performed using MUST and medium-terms plans have been defined to bring this infrastructure closer to the industrial needs.

ð LAPP has well-established relations with technical centres such as MIND (centre de Microtechnologies pour l’Industrie), CETIM (Centre Technique des Industries Mécaniques), with the Arve Industries cluster and the Thésame association, all involved in complex multi-technology assemblies and mechatronics.

ð Industrial partners of the Equipex HoMe project have access to the foreseen equipment. The business plan foresees up to 25% occupation by the partners.

ð A strong collaboration is also established with the Thésame association which carries out innovation strategies in the Haute-Savoie region and works towards the elaboration of innovative and collaborative projects between research centres and the local industrial cluster.

ð Technological transfer (Licences...)   : In the IT domain, LAPP has achieved the transfer of CRISTAL technology with CERN,University West of England and Thésame. This transfer has result in the creation of French start-up company and in an active licence. CRISTAL is a Java description-driven system to manage data and process information for business process life cycle management which has been licensed to Agilium and now commercialized by M1i company.

Communication : ð General public: Outreach actions are organised frequently all over the year: student and high

school teachers visits, public conferences in town, public poster displays, TV and radio interviews, science en fete and lab open doors, 30 years anniversary etc. The deputy lab director acts as communication officer in connexion with the university and IN2P3 outreach cells. The lab had benefit of a professional scientific communication person who opened a new area in this domain. At the end of this position, a close collaboration with a specialized company to organise the lab’s outreach is considered and under study.

ð Scientific public : LAPP personnel are giving regularly seminars to similar laboratories around the world showing their results

4.1.5 HIGHER EDUCATIONBetween 10 and 15 students prepare their PhD thesis at LAPP spread over three years of preparation. Four to five defend their thesis each year. The last years 3 thesis have been awarded for their originality and quality with the “Prix de neiges” attributed by, the “L’association des Pays de Savoie (APS)”. The students’ thesis are financed by the minister of research, the APS, BDI and the Savoie University. Given the number of HDR physicists, LAPP could increase the capacity to supervise 30% more students, however we are currently limited by the available funds.Actually LAPP is involved in three different education programs:

1 Cellule de valorisation (Université de Savoie)2 Service du partenariat et de la valorisation (Délégation Rhône-Alpes du CNRS).


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Name of the education where the

laboratory is implied

Master in Physics 1st Year

Univ. de Savoie

Master in Physics 2nd Year

“Subatomic Physics and Astroparticles”

Univ. Grenoble 1 / UdS / INPG

Master in Physics 2nd Year“Fields, Particles and condensed Matter”

Univ. Lyon 1/ ENS Lyon

DisciplineQuantum mechanics / Nuclear

Physics / Particle Physics / Practical Work

Particle Physics I and II (advanced) Particle Physics

Type of involvement

Lecture courseand exercises

Lecture courses and exercises

Lecture coursesand exercises

Role in the excellence

of the training

The high quality of the trainers , all of them researchers deeply involved in frontier experiments, guarantees the excellence of the education at Master 1 and 2 level

The special attention that the trainers pay to the concrete problems will profit from to the students who follow the Master 1 courses

The choice for the students to do their Thesis for the Master 2 in the most advanced fields of High Energy Physics. This will greatly enhance their chance to accomplish a successful carrier since they will evolve in an International environment and will be confronted to the actual problems of the field.

4.1.6 ORGANISATION Organization

Type of organization

LAPP is a UMR (mixed unit) between the CNRS and the Savoie University (UdS ). It is part of the CNRS-IN2P3 institute (solid network of 20 laboratories to participate to international projects)

The lab director is in charge of the leadership and reports to CNRS (IN2P3), the CNRS Delegation Regional of Alps and to the University. The lab director has appointed a management team to form an executive body for the lab.

Details of the


The management team is composed by the lab director and deputy, the technical and administrator directors.

The laboratory council and the scientific committee advise the management team The LAPP management reports to both supervisors (CNRS and UdS) formally once a year

during a dedicated meeting “Entretiens Objectifs Moyens” The safety and quality control officer intervenes to all groups and reports to the

management. Each scientific project is discussed inside the laboratory council following a well established

procedure and signs a “Contrat d’objectifs moyens” with the management if accepted, insuring the human resources. The financial resources are provided by the IN2P3 and other partners (EU, ANR, CG74) if approved by the institute scientific council.

4.1.7 PARTNER 3 : LPSC

4.1.8 RESEARCH AND INNOVATION The “Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie de Grenoble” (LPSC)” is a research laboratory created in 1967. The LPSC is not only a major actor in the local Grenoble research environment but it also plays an important role at both the national and the international level. The size and complexity of the projects in which LPSC is involved are such that they are organized on time scales exceeding sometimes decades and that they request worldwide collaborations formed by hundreds of people. The annual budget of the lab is around 13 M€.The physics themes we investigate include some of the great enigmas of modern physics including the unification of the four fundamental forces, the origin of the mass of subatomic particles, the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe and the search for dark matter and energy. Our experiments require the construction of complex and sophisticated detectors and therefore R&D of specific instrumentation and components in diverse domains (mechanics, electronics, computing …). Moreover the strong connection with our theoretical groups allows advanced experimental


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM Bpreparations, helps the interpretation of the analyzed data sets and optimizes the laboratory’s scientific return. Interdisciplinary collaborations are another important feature of the laboratory. They address issues like new types of nuclear reactors for energy production and waste reduction, as well as athe interface between physics and other sciences like biology and medicine and more recently plasma physics. Spin-offs arise from the knowledge and the know-how acquired by the members of the lab during their fundamental research studies. The LPSC is also engaged involved in many teaching programs at the UJF and INP universities in Grenoble, in particular in the sole engineering school in France for civil nuclear power generation.

AERES assessment: A+ ratingIn its report of July 2010 AERES underlines:

The excellence of the laboratory : “In these various disciplines, the experiments in which the LPSC is participating have a considerable impact. [...] With a strong technical skill in these domains and in the instrumentation, the LPSC easily finds partners in physics and can get involved completely in important experimental projects. The scientific return of the last four years is obvious. We can quote, as example, the measurement of the W boson mass at the Tevatron at Fermilab, a fundamental ingredient of our model of the subatomic world. This measurement is the best ever performed. At the other end of the spectra, we can also quote the results concerning the Ultra High-Energy Cosmic Rays by AUGER.”

Its international collaboration and position: “Most of the physics groups work in big international collaborations. If we take the experiment Alice on the LHC at CERN as example, the LPSC team joined the experiment and took an essential responsibility in the construction and the assembly of the calorimeter. [...] The LPSC plays an international role in the world of subatomic physics. To better appreciate this, we can point out where the experiences in which LPSC participates take place : they are in South America, North America, Antarctica, and everywhere in Europe”

Interdisciplinary and adaptability: “Part of the members who joined the ATLAS group are physicists who participated to DØ and who brought their expertise from DØ to ATLAS they took very important responsibilities in ATLAS. “


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM BAssessment of the researches

Field High Energy Physics and Fundamental Interactions

Astroparticles and Cosmology

Reactors and Nuclear Physics

Accelerators and Ion Source Hadronic Physics Phenomenolgy and

theoretical Physics

Scientific and

technical results

ATLAS  : R&D, installation and commissioning ; (detectors and computing)

Fermilab  : Data taking with D0

CALICE  :Successful R&D for the future collider electron -positron ;

Construction of the GRANIT spectrometer at ILL

Transfer of the RAL- SUSSEX spectrometer for the nEMD experiment at PSI (Switzerland) ;

LHC Grid computing  : Commissioning and operation of a TIER3 node

AMI and Tag Collector codes for the ATLAS collaboration

Planck mission  : R&Ds for the Satellite (Lagrange point 2, CMB) ;

NASA CREAM mission : Detectors for the balloon (Antarctic, Cosmic Rays) ;

AMS mission  : Detectors on the ISS (antimatter and cosmic rays) ;

Pierre Auger Observatory (Argentina): R&Ds (radio) and analysis;

Large Survey Sky Telescope in Chile : New member (dark energy) ;

MIMAC  : Innovative R&D for the direct detection of WIMPS (dark matter)

ADS GUINEVERE project  : Successful constructions (coupling of accelerator and subcritical reactor) ;

Generation IV reactors  : Innovative scenarios studies;

Operation at LPSC of the PEREN (neutronics and chemistry) platforms and installation of a Molten salt loop for new concept for reactors

Program of Nuclear Structure physics at ILL and preparation of a program for SPIRAL2

SPIRAL2 project  : Leader in several tasks and construction in Grenoble (High power RF feedthroughs, ion ECR source and charge breeding, low energy beam line) ;

GUINEVERE project   : Construction and commissioning of the GENEPI-3C Accelerator

Hadrontherapy : Participation to the construction of the synchrotron of CNAO : centre for cancer treatment

Innovative concept FFAG (Fixed Field Alternating Gradient) for the hadrontherapy)

LHC experiment  : Successful construction of the EMCal detectors for ALICE at CERN

Physics program at Jlab and results on GPDs

Polarized positron source : New R&D

Lattice QCD calculations

Phenomenology of the physics beyond the Standard Model at high energy colliders and in astroparticle physics. QCD precision calculation, Higgs, SUSY and GUT predictions

Few-Body and hadronic physics

Factual elements

Organization of the international Conference HEP 2011 in Grenoble ;

Data taking on ATLAS at LHC (first papers published)

Nature Physics publication : GRANIT

W mass publication (Bronze medal for Jan Stark)

Article in Science (Auger) ;

Planck mission : Successful launching

AMS  : Launch of the shuttle scheduled end of February 2011

MIMAC  : Successful detection of 3 D recoil tracks

Commissioning of GENEPI3C in Mol (Belgium) ;

Support by a Carnot Institute and the cross disciplinary CNRS PACEN program ;

Gamma multidetector EXOGAM : Agreement for hosting at ILL (Grenoble)

International agreement for a 60 GHz source ;

Collaborations with the LNCMI ;

CPER project for a technological platform

Partner in the LINAC 4 project (LHC) upgrade

New upgrade for ALICE (Japan-China) with assembly and tests in LPSC

Synergy with the experimental group activities Coordination of Theory-LHC-France initiative

Coordination and participation to two ANR projects

Coordination of FCPPL (LIA with China)


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM BResearcher or Professor of very high level or potential

NameMichael Klasen (UJF)

Barrau Aurelien (UJF)

Billebaud Annick (CNRS)

Collot Johann (UJF)

DeConto Jean-Marie (UJF)

Kox Serge(CNRS)

Stark Jan(CNRS)

Sortais Pascal (CNRS)

Albrand Solveig (IN2P3

Derome Laurent(UJF)

Santos Daniel (CNRS)

Kraml Sabine (CNRS)

Corps grade










DisciplinePhysics at Colliders and Astroparticles

Astroparti-cules and Cosmology

Nuclear Physics and Reactors

High Energy Physics

Accelerators Hadron Physics

High Energy Physics


Computing Astroparticles and Cosmology

Astroparticles and Cosmology


Distinction and prize

Emmy Noether excellence group

Heisenberg fellow

Bogolioubov Prize, IUF Junior member

Thibaud Prize Thibaud Prize

Cristal CNRS Prize

CNRS Silver Medal

CNRS Bronze MedalandJoliot-Curie prize

Cristal CNRS Prize,ADEME prize for innovating technologies,IN2P3 prize for technology Transfer

Cristal CNRS Prize

CNRS Bronze Medal

- Junior Member of the Austrian Academy of Science

Bibliography during

the last 4-years

36 publications1 book

14 publications2 books

4 publications 16 publications

6 publications 12 publications

more than 30 publications

5 publications 9 publications

7 publications

10 publications

19 publications


Deputy vice-president of UJF in charge of international collaborations

Member of CERN fellow selection committee

Director of PSA Master

French spokesperson of GUINEVERE project

Former director of LPSC. Former member of ILL scientific council. Coordinator of an International Associated Laboratory of CNRS between France/Morocco and Sweden

FP6 and FP7 work packages

Director of the LPSC, Former member of International Scientific committees (GSI, CERN, JLab), spokesperson of experiments at JLab and Saturne

- - - -

Spokesperson of MIMAC project

Co I of Planck HFI

Member of scientific council of PNPP CNRS department



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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM BAvailable equipments and infrastructures

Infrastructure Type of equipment UseSubatomic Physics

Paltform Platform for Nuclear Science Educational (Practical)I3AP Platform for Plasma Science Educational (Practical)LBA Low Activity measurement Valorisation and Environment

PEREN Platform for Nuclear Energy (neutronics and chemistry) Research

FFFER Molten Salt Loop Research (Generation IV nuclear reactor)

Tier3 Grid Tier LHC computing, LQCD, CIMENTHall Ariane Assembly and test Hall ALICE calorimeter assembly (LHC)

Hall B Assembly and test hall, clean rooms All experimental projectsSARA Assembly and construction halls Accelerators and Ions Sources

CAD mechanics and workshop Mechanical design and fabrication Mechanical part of the experiment

CAD electronics Electronics hardware design Electronics part of the experimentCAD radiofrequency RF cavity design SPIRAL2 projectAccelerator building and infrastructure

Shielding, electrical power, de-ionized water, compressed air, cranes SPIRAL2, GUINEVERE project, …

General instrumentation

equipment (hardware and software)

RF and beam measurements, data acquisition,... All experiments


Structure for the promotion of the ResearchName FLORALIS / GRAVIT / GRAIn / PETALE

Status and organization

First level of valorization of the laboratory: FLORALIS (UJF) et GRAVIT (CEA, CNRS et INPG). Evaluation of the projects, assaistance until maturation (technical, juridique, economical et marketing)

Second level: GrAIn (incubation of the projects of start-up) + PETALE (assistance for the startup after the first phase of incubation)


Patent : 2 patents delivered per year and 2 pending applications for patents Partnerships : ð The LPSC is mainly implied in 2 societal issues:

o Energy : nuclear waste retreatment, development of generation IV nuclear reactors

o Health and treatment against the cancer : Hadrontherapy, instrumentation (tomography electron positron), beam profiler

o Ion and plasma sources for material treatmentð 12 bi-lateral contracts with institutional partners who approach the LPSC on a specific know-

how (plasma and ion sources, microelectronics and instrumentation developments, low activities measurements, …)

ð 8 industrial partnership Service provided : ð The LPSC offers special services based on its expertise and know-how (electronics,

mechanics and low activities …) Technological transfer (Licences...): ð 5 active licences and 4 technological transfers Communication : ð General public: This is made via conferences, by talks and shows in the local high schools,

by visits of the laboratory and participation in special events. LPSC supervised the design and achievement of the PLANCK exhibition.

ð Scientific public: the writing of books and publications of articles in newspaper and magazines


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4.1.10HIGHER EDUCATIONThe laboratory has always been involved in its mission of education not only in terms of teaching but also in the management and development of new programs of education. This involvement is present in numerous fields of the higher education: Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, Engineering school, University Institute of Technology and covers all the present domains in the laboratory, from the training for research in experimental and theoretical physics to applied research and to vocational training. The laboratory has a central place in the nuclear education (Engineer School PHELMA and Master’s degree ITDD) and has played a very important role in Grenoble to satisfy the request of the “high commissioner for the development of the nuclear education”.

Higher education

Name of the education


Subatomique et Astroparticules”UJF and Phelma (ex

Grenoble INP)

Master Ingénierie, Traçabilité,

développement durableUJF

Master “Electrotechique Automatique Traitement du

Signal”UJF and Grenoble INP

Discipline High Energy Physics and Astroparticles

Nuclear Energy and Sustainable development

Electronics and Plasma

Type of involvement

Responsible of the Master

Responsible of the Master Responsible of part of the Master, courses

Role in the excellence of the training

The international label of this degree course combined with the possibility for the students to realize an internship at the LPSC make this education program a high-level tool to train future scientists.

The strong links of the LPSC with the industrial sector is very profitable to this Master course which brings vocational training and high-level knowledge to the students

The students of this master have the opportunity to realize their thesis in plasma physics and at the LPSC

The possibility for the students to access to unique experimental tools (plasma platform IAP3 located at LPSC) and the high level knowledge of the LPSC is really beneficial to the Rhône-Alpes high technologies environment

Higher education

Name of the education

Joint Universities accelerator School from

the CERN and the European cluster of

technological Universities

Techno-Parc (Haute –Savoie)

School of engineers

Phelma (ex Grenoble INP)

The formation centre :Platform of nuclear physics

Located at the LPSC

Discipline Particle accelerator Energy and nuclear

Fundamental physics / Applied physics /Instrumental physics

Type of involvement

Courses / Member of International Committee

Responsible of the Master

Responsible of the platform

Role in the excellence of the training

A compléter A compléter Unique platform allowing to the student to develop practical competences

More than 500 students per year are trained

4.1.11ORGANISATION Organization


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organization LPSC is a joint laboratory (UMR) of CNRS, the University Joseph Fourier (UJF)

and Grenoble INP.

Details of the organization

The LPSC is lead by a director assisted by a direction councilcouncilboardcouncil with expertise for the administration, the technical coordination, the links with Universities, the communication, the valorisation and scientific missions. The objectives are reviewed by funding agencies (CNRS-Universities)

The laboratory council follows all the projects and ensures the allocation of resources. The members, from the laboratory, are elected and nominated

The objectives are reviewed by funding agencies (CNRS-Universities) and a technical council is in charge of assessing the technical difficulties and the needed of the new projects

The Scientific council ensures a scientific review by an advisory committee formed by laboratory and external members

Most of the international projects are finally reviewed by international committees (from collaborations or facilities)


4.1.13RESEARCH AND INNOVATIONThe “Service des Basses Températures” (Laboratory for Cryogenic Engineering) is part of the “Institut Nanosciences et Cryogénie” (INAC). INAC is involved in fundamental research in nanoscience, at the interface with biology, and in low temperature physics and engineering. INAC is a major actor in Grenoble basic research, and is deeply involved in the Nanoscience Foundation and in the Minatec innovation campus. SBT is involved mainly in cryogenic engineering and primarily develops technological skills, prototypes or products, rather than scientific publications. Relations of SBT with space agencies (ESA, CNES), with large instruments (CERN, ITER, LMJ) and industrials (Air Liquide, Thales and SMEs) contribute at a major level to SBT activities. However, basic research is not absent in SBT, and contributes to enhancement of knowledge and to the future developments. After the recent evaluation by AERES (Feb 2010), INAC and SBT excellence was recognized, as INAC as a whole received the A+ notation, and SBT the A notation.AERES assessment: grade AIn its report of July 2010 AERES underlines:

Excellence of the laboratory: “The laboratory is performing excellently, especially in the domain of space coolers, with an overall excellent professional standard of work and the working environment. Overall SBT is an impressive outfit working at the highest level of professionalism and engineering excellence.”

Plurisciplinarity and adaptability: “This laboratory has a large pool of expertise in cryogenics under extreme conditions such as cryogenics in space, controlling the heavy and variable heat loads in Tokamaks and in ultra-intense laser environments.”

Strong relations with industrial sector: “Being very technologically based, the output of the groups is not measured by the number of articles in scientific journals but rather by the successful delivery of engineering solutions, good design, the winning of contracts and the technological transfer of laboratory results.”

Efficient training: “The SBT is an excellent place to train young engineers. INAC and the local university and schools should consider the possibility of an undergraduate programme of project work to take advantage of the obvious potential of this resource.”

Cryogenic Engineering has for a long time been identified as a key technology for fundamental research activities. Particle Physics, Astrophysics, Magnetic and Inertial Fusion are fields of Physics which need complex Equipments or Infrastructures ( LHC and future upgrade, Tore Supra, JT60-SA, ITER, Laser MegaJoule (LMJ), Hiper, Herschel, Planck, and in the future Ixo, Spica and the cryogenic missions in Cosmic Vision 1 and 2), where cryogenics is one of the key issues. In this context, SBT targets to serve the national and international research community by providing expertise, unique prototypes and specifically designed devices building upon the know-how derived from 50 years of cryogenic engineering.

Assessment of the researches (since 2005)

FieldCryogenic Engineering for fundamental research activities :

Refrigeration, cryogenic distribution to the end users and development of advanced cryostats


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Scientific and

technical results

Cryocoolers and Space Cryogenics

ð Development of pulse tube technology

ð Development of sorption based cryocoolers for space and ground applications

ð Very low temperatures for space: Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator (ADR)

ð Development of thermal links

Cryogenics for fusion

ð LaserMegaJoule (LMJ) project: responsible for the cryogenic engineering

ð Hiper project: participation to WP11 and WP15

ð JET project : Development of pellet injectors for JET

Refrigeration and Thermohydraulics

ð Study of two phase superfluid helium flows

ð High Reynolds – normal and superfluid turbulence

ð ITER : Validation of the cooling system (supercritical helium)

ð Validation of the JT-60 SA cooling system(supercritical helium)

Factual elements

Delivery of the two Herschel subkelvin coolers(PACS & SPIRE instruments)

SBT technology (ADR) is today the reference solution for cooling Spica/Safari and Ixo

4 technology transfers 3 Patents

Prototyping the cryostats for LMJ; delivery to CESTA

DDelivery of the pellet injector system to JET

1 patent 1 technology


Validation of the LHC cooling system

Contribution to the specification, installation and commissioning of 1.8 K components (heat exchangers, refrigeration units) for LHC

Superfluid turbulence: Phys. Fluids 2010

Large Refrigeration: 2 patents

Researcher or Professor of very high level or potential

Name PERIN Jean-Paul DUBAND Lionel BEYSENS Daniel

Corps grade Director of Researches International Expert

Senior executive / Director of the researchesAuthorization to manage researches (HDR) in


Discipline Cryogenic Engineering Cryogenic Engineering Phase transitions

Distinction and prize

In charge of the Cryogenics for the Laser Megajoule project

Prize “Science and Defence” 2006

In charge of the delivery of Herschel cryocoolers (launched May 2009)

In charge of the cooling system for the Spica/Safari project (joint ESA/JAXA mission)

2008: “EMERGENCE” award, bestowed by the French Minister of Research 2007: Prize of Innovative Technologies for the Environment, bestowed by ADEME.2000: “GAZ DE FRANCE” Prize in Fluid Physics, bestowed by the Academy of Science.1985: Ancel Prize in Condensed Matter Physics, bestowed by the French Physical Society.

Bibliography during the last four-


6 publications, 3 Conf. Proc.

10 publications, 18 Conf Proc.

45 publications25 Conf Proc

1 patent

Other 1 patent

Member of the board of the International Cryocooler Conference (ICC)

2 patents

Member of the board of « European Low Gravity Research Association », (President 2003 to 2007)PI of the US- French DECLIC experiment for the International Space Station

Available equipments and infrastructuresInfrastructure Type of equipment Use

Space Cryogenics and miscellaneous

4 Cryostats for space applications

Counter gravity testing of devices at low temperature

Superconducting Coils: Hylde and Olga Study of fluids in Microgravity

Clean room class 10000 including a class 100 spot Development of space coolers


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Large refrigeration and


Large Refrigerator: [email protected] K

Cooling of large test loopsStudies on control system and efficiency

CMT (Multipurpose Cryostat) Hosting cooling loopsMultipurpose liquid helium free

cryostat Within the Home Equipex, for R&D on cooling and

testing Two helium liquefiers

(200 000 litters / years) Supply of users with cryogenic fluids


Structure for the promotion of the ResearchName CEA INAC Direction, and CEA Valorisation Team

Results (2005-2009)

Patents at INAC/SBT ð Between 2005 and 2008: 5 patentsð 2009-2010: 3 patents proposed Licensing agreements for INAC/SBT ð Since 2005, Pulse tube cryocoolers developments have led to four technology transfers

to three different industrials; these technology transfers are very active and provide significant royalties. Electronics also has led to one active technology transfer to a SME.

Partnership with industry (INAC/SBT) ð SBT has steadily worked with industry: 6 direct contracts with industry were signed and

completed including one ANR contract, mainly in the field of space cryogenics. Communication (INAC/SBT): ð General public :

o SBT is active in the yearly held “Fete de la Science”, in particular in 2009 with the organisation of a Herschel stand

o SBT welcomes young schoolboys for their one week stay in the professional area ð Scientific public :

o SBT is active in the Association Française du Froid, and participates to the organization of thematic meetings, schools (instrumentation, cryocoolers) for technicians and researchers

4.1.15HIGHER EDUCATIONSBT is involved in training at the graduate and post graduate level :

Higher educationName of the education

Master 2 “Fusion” (University of Paris) IUT Grenoble IUT Grenoble

Discipline Magnetic Fusion Technology Thermics Electronics

Type of involvement

Course in VacuumCourse in Low Temperature

Courses + Practical works Courses + practical works

Role in the excellence

of the training or interest of

the students

At the M2 level, SBT teaches on Vacuum and Low Temperatures, with a strong background and every day expertise in these fields. SBT, involved in Fusion programs, will hire three Trainees in the field of Cryogenics for Fusion (funded by Europe). Moreover, every year SBT welcomes master2 students from different origins: from M2 “EEATS” (for Automatism), from “Energétique Physique”…

At the level of technicians, in thermics and electronics SBT provides teaching in fields, where SBT is active. Opportunities of short stays (1-2 months) are offered to IUT students at SBT. Moreover SBT hires cooperative trainees from the IUT.

SBT also participates actively in courses organized by the “Association Française du Froid, Commission Cryogénie et Supraconductivité” (AFF/CCS). More specifically, SBT heartily endeavours to train young individuals at the IUT, Licence Pro, and Engineer levels (a total of 20 trainees over the period 2006..2009); post-docs and PhD students are also present, and, if the number of PhDs in SBT (7 at present) cannot be compared to fundamental research laboratories, it drastically increased since 2005 (only 1 in 2005); this is connected to a broadening of our collaborations with academic partners, in particular through the association with the University (Jan 2007).


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Type of organization

INAC is an institute of fundamental research from the CEA. SBT is one of the 6 services of the INAC. It is associated with the University Joseph Fourier of Grenoble (UMR-E 9004)

Details of the organization

INAC management organisation relies on a clear identification of responsibilities at each level (Institute, Laboratory, Group). This organization is re-examined each year and updated if necessary.

SBT has three thematic groups (GCCS for space, GCF for magnetic fusion, and GRTH for Refrigeration and Thermohydraulics), and three support groups (GLRC for liquefaction, refrigeration and characterization, GEA for Electronics and Automatics and G3C for numerical simulations and conception).


4.1.18RESEARCH AND INNOVATIONLAPTh is considered as a first class laboratory in theoretical physics. The scientific areas are represented by three broad activities grouped into three teams: i) mathematical physics in the team Fields, Strings and Symmetries. ii) particle physics iii) particle astrophysics and cosmology. The laboratory benefits from the geographical vicinity of CERN (50kms) and from sharing a building with LAPP initiating with the latter an International Centre for High Energy Physics and Astrophysics (CIPHEA) that has attracted many first class physicists. LAPTh has also been running some world renowned events among them RAQIS in mathematical physics and PhysTeV in particle physics, the latter having set standards and accords for the physics at the LHC. LAPTh has been awarded an A+ label by the AERES in recognition for the quality of its research. To further illustrate the excellence of LAPTh, it should be mentioned that the laboratory hosts 3 “médailles du CNRS”, five out of the six members of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) of the Université de Savoie are LAPTh members. Moreover one member of LAPTh is the recipient of two prestigious prizes: Max-Planck and Heineman prize.AERES assessment: grade A+, in its report of July 2010 AERES underlines:

The excellence of the laboratory: “LAPTh is one of the best French laboratories of theoretical physics, at the forefront on the international scene in all its three main areas of activity: particle physics, mathematical physics, and astrophysics/cosmology. The scientific production is regular and very well-balanced across the fields.”

The multidisciplinary: “LAPTh has a rare mix of first-rate expertise in both the formal and the phenomenological aspects of fundamental physics, ranging from string theory and the search for new physics in accelerator experiments, to astrophysics and cosmology.”

The international involvement, collaboration and attraction: “All three teams are well-inserted in the broader European research landscape, as evidenced by collaborations, participation in networks, invitations to (and organization of) conferences or workshops, and their ability to attract first-rate students and postdocs. The coexistence and good relations with LAPP, and the proximity of CERN, offer many opportunities which are being well exploited.”

Important link with education and public society: “The laboratory has a unique program of outreach activities, addressed both to the wider public and to local high-schools. These help the integration of LAPTh in the region, and augment the visibility of fundamental science in a broader sense.”

Assessment of the researches


Particle Physics (Phenomenology)

Techniques for precision calculations

Dark Matter codesQuark Gluon Plasma

Astrophysics and Cosmology

Cosmology and neutrinosAnalysis of Dark Matter

Propagation of Cosmic rays

Mathematical PhysicsGauge and Strings theories

Quantum Integrable systemsGenomics and Proteomics

Scientific and

technical results

Development of Codes Monte Carlos, and automated codes for HEP first computation ever of multileg

Work in the SNLS Collaboration collected 900 citations and leads the way to LSST

CMBPol : Pioneering work

Gluon scattering amplitudes : Discovery of dual conformal symmetry of multi-loop integrals

Discovery of the weak-


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM Bprocesses for NLC and then LHC (world breakthrough)

MicrOMEGAs code : Automatic code for Dark Matter for any type of New Physics, including relic density, direct detection and indirect detection

Spin determination : New approach

Organization of PhysTeV and Tools for the New Physics

ð Leading to the Les Houches Accord

ð Know how in pooling experts to work for the LHC

for constraining inflation Cosmology : World

reference on massive neutrino

Matter power spectrum : Non-linear corrections

Galactic centre : The 511 keV line

World class analysis of PAMELA excess pointing at importance of the uncertainties in the cosmic ray propagation models

Development of USINE: a semi analytical code for cosmic ray propagation

Gamma Ray Bursts : New explanation

coupling duality between maximally helicity violating gluon scattering amplitudes and light-like polygonal Wilson .

Wilson loops and amplitudes : Derivation of dual conformal symmetry Ward identities

Scattering amplitudes in N=4 SYM Construction of all tree amplitudes in N=4 SYM : Discovery of dual superconformal symmetry of

Using supersymmetric BCFW D.

Discovery of a Yangian symmetry of scattering amplitudes in N=4

Factual elements

109 publications (2006-2009)

69 refereed journals 32 Proceedings 2 Chapters of Books 7 Theses

94 publications (2006-2009) 61 refereed journals 25 Proceedings 4 Chapters of Books 4 Theses

105 publications (2006-2009) 86 refereed journals 10 Proceedings 5 Chapters of Books 4 Theses


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM BResearcher or Professor of very high level or potential

Name Patrick Aurenche

Geneviève Belanger Fawzi Boudjema Pascal

Chardonnet Luc Frappat Pierre Salati Emeri Sokatchev Paul Sorba Raymond Stora

Corps grade

DR1HDR : 1973

DR2HDR : 1985

DR2HDR : 1987

PR2HDR : 2002

PR1HDR : 1993

PR1HDR : 1985

PR1HDR : 1984

Emeritus professor

HDR :1974

Emeritus professor

HDR : 1958Discipline Particle

physics Particles physics Particle physics Astrophysics /cosmology

Mathematical Physics

Astrophysics /cosmology

Mathematical Physics

Mathematical Physics

Mathematical Physics

Distinction and prize

Servant Prize of the Sciences

Academy in 1995

-Alexander Von

Humboldt Fellow (1990)

-Junior member of the French universitary


CNRS Bronze medal 1989Junior then Senior the

French universitary


Senior member of the French universitary


Parville Prize of the Sciences Academy in


-Max Planck medal in 1998

Heineman Prize (2009)

(American Institute of Physics )

Number of published papers the

last 4 years

10 publications 23 publications 29 publications 14

publications 10 publications 21 publications 19 publications 12 publicationsand 1 book

1 book1 publication


-Director of the working group et the CERN (QCD

1995)-Director of

the LIA France-Vietnam

-Director of the working group at

the NLC (Supersymmetry

)-Coordinator of

the GDRi automatic

calculations (France Japan


-Director of working groups at

the LEP1, LEP2 and Linear

Collider- ANR Project

Leader (ToolsDMColl)

-Director of LAPTh

Coordinator Erasmus Mundus

Vice-President of the UdS -

-Member of the Sciences Academy

- « Chevalier de la légion


Other researchers with very high potential: Céline Boehm, CR1: CNRS Bronze medal 2008 (Astrophysics /cosmology), 14 publications Julien Lesgourgues, CR1 : CNRS Bronze medal 2005 (Astrophysics /cosmology) 25 publications


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM BConcerning the equipements the LAPTh uses the same premises than the LAPP. However, as a theorical physics laboratory, the LAPTh does not need particular equipments except for the computing centres of the MUST platform.


Structure for the promotion of the ResearchName LAPTh Technology Transfer Officer (TTO)


Partnerships : ð LAPTh with colleagues from LAMA (Mathematics Laboratory) and collaboration with a

biologist has worked on the 3D structures of all the protein interfaces present in oligomers. This has led to a data base “GeminiData” of interfaces and their interactions. Intellectual property rights pertaining to this data base are being handled by the “Valorisation" departments of the CNRS and Université de Savoie

Public Outreach : LAPTh is strongly involved in many actions towards the general public and children in schools and high schools

ð Active part in the yearly Fête de la Scienceð LAPTh has initiated Faites de la Science towards children in colleges in the Region and

soon with those of the Vallée d’Aoste. The idea is that children with the help of their professor submit a scientific tool and design in a yearly competition

ð Throughout the year general public presentations through, for example, the series “Amphi pour tous” or “Café des Sciences”. In the same vein a member of LAPTh is Scientist in Residence in the Centre de Culture Scientifique, Technique et Industrielle (CCSTI)

ð Publication of a series of small books on particle physics (two a year). The series is entitled La physique expliquée à ma grand-mère.

ð A member of LAPTh is editor of FUTURA a popular science websiteð Our members have been interviewed on radios and written for popular science magazine

(for example see the October issue of la Recherche)ð A “Dictionnaire de physique” has been written by R. Taillet.

4.1.20HIGHER EDUCATIONFor the period 2005-2009 21 doctoral students graduated after having pursued their PhD at LAPTh. As testimony of the attraction of LAPTh 1/3 of these came from the Master Program of Lyon and Grenoble in which LAPTh is involved (see below). For the rest, we have been able to reach out for other students in France (including Grandes Ecoles) and particularly from abroad. The latter being financed through foreign, binational or Marie Curie fellowships, thanks to vigourous actions towards higher education outside France (see below)

Higher education

Name of the education

UFR Sciences Fondamentales et

AppliquéesUniv. De Savoie, Le

Bourget-du-Lac, Licence and first year of Master

Master in Physics 2nd Year

“Subatomic Physics and

Astroparticles”Univ. Grenoble 1 /


Master in Physics 2nd year

“Fields, Particles and condensed Matter”

Univ. Lyon 1/ ENS Lyon/UdS

3rd cycle of the Federal

Polytechnic School of Lausanne

DisciplineQuantum mechanics /

Nuclear Physics / Particle Physics / Practical Work

Particle Physics I and II (advanced) Particle Physics

Particle physics /

CosmologyType of


and exercisesLecture courses and exercises

Lecture coursesand exercises


Role in the excellence

of the training

Members of LAPTh (either UdS or CNRS) bring a rare mix of mathematics, formal approach as well as phenomenology in both astroparticles and particle physics.

Apart from the initiatives taken by LAPTh at the international level, this helps attract students at the doctoral level for a PhD at LAPTh, hence our involvement in the region Rhone-Alpes and nearby Switzerland.

LAPTh is not only involved in the day-to-day teaching but also is setting up programs, for example the Master 2 in Lyon was originally initiated by LAPTh members (J.C. Le Guillou and P. Sorba)

Physicists also teach at various doctoral schools in France, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland, organize or teach at summer schools (Les Houches, Cargése, Gif, CERN, ...)

Involvement in International Programs and Actions


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM BRecently, a professor from LAPTh (P. Chardonnet) has led the proposal of an Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Programme “International Relativity and Astrophysics” which has just been accepted.LAPTh physicists take part in teaching cycles in Algeria and Vietnam. Altogether more than half of the permanent staff of LAPTh has been involved in these activities. In Algeria we have helped set up, closely monitor and take part into the 3ème cycle de l’Université de Jijel. In 2010 this has born fruits as two of the students received offers for a PhD in France and Germany. P.  Aurenche has been heavily involved in the Vietnam School since 1994 and is now head of the LIA FVPPL (CNRS-Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST)). Many of the students (Master and PhD) in France are a result of his action. LAPTh has certainly benefited from some brilliant PhD students from Vietnam.Thanks to close scientific collaborations between LAPTh physicists and Università di Torino and Università Roma Tre, six students prepared a «co-tutelle» thesis.All these efforts will be highly boosted by giving more resources to CIPHEA which will attract even more students and will help create a first class master and topical courses taking advantage of the a pool of renowned physicists from around the world who will be visiting the Centre or will be on sabbatical. This has already been experimented with success with one of our American colleagues who gave a series of lectures to doctoral and Master students from Lyon in 2007.

4.1.21ORGANISATION Organization

Type of organization

LAPTh is a research laboratory run jointly by CNRS and “Université de Savoie” (Mixed unit of research UMR5108). The laboratory is part of the Institute of Physics of the CNRS (INP)

Through its director the laboratory reports its decisions to the CNRS (INP), the Delegation Regional of Alps and to the Université de Savoie

Details of the


The management team is led by the laboratory director and the head of the administrative staff with help from the assistant director.

The director convenes the Laboratory Council about 4 times a year for consultation. It is also planned to have a scientific advisory board composed of international figures which meets every two years. Allocation of resources are generally agreed upon and distributed during one of the meeting of the Laboratory Council.

The director designates correspondents in charge of i) training ii) public outreach, iii) health and safety, iv) contacts with the University and v) contacts with CERN and LAPP.

The laboratory is structured around three scientific teams each with a team leader. There is also an administrative team. The computer staff are part of the LAPP-LAPTh computing centre.

4.1.22PARTNER 6 : LSM

4.1.23RESEARCH AND INNOVATIONThe Modane Underground Laboratory is very low radioactive equipment located 1700 m under the Fréjus Mountain. At this depth, the cosmic ray flux is suppressed by a factor 2 000 000. The very low radioactive conditions allow hosting international experiments looking for very rare physical processes in particle, astroparticle and nuclear physics. Two of the experiments installed in LSM NEMO3 (neutrino physics) and Edelweiss (Dark matter) have reached the best limit in the world in their filed. The LSM has also developed in collaboration with CENBG and Canberra Company, a unique expertise in the development of gamma spectrometers to measure ultra-low level of radioactivity. These detectors are now used for environmental research and survey, applications and expertise. This platform is unique in France and it is the second deepest laboratory in the world. The LSM leads the ULISSE equipex project to build a new low radioactive platform 15 bigger than the present laboratory to be able to host the next generation of particle and astroparticle physics experiments.

Assessment of the researches

Field Neutrino mass Ultra-low radioactivity Dark matter

Scientific Tracko-calo detector NEMO3: Development Development


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and technical results

ð Limit on neutrino mass <mn> < ~0.3 -0.5 eV (to be published) at the level of the best world limits

ð Best world limit on Majoron coupling with neutrinos

ð Limits on right-handed current coupling constant in the electro-weak interaction limit on bosonic part of the neutrinos

SuperNEMO (successor of NEMO3) in construction to reach a sensitivity on neutrino mass ~50 meV

Improvement of energy resolution of scintillating counter based on plastic scintillator coupled to photomultipliers by a factor 2

of gamma-ray spectroscopy detector with Canberra and Ortec companies

ð The best sensitivities are 40 µBq/kg for 208Tl and 200 µBq/kg for 214Bi.

bolometers (EDELWEISS) :

ð Cryogeny able to refresh 1 ton of Ge detectors at 15 mK beyond the absolute zero Development of germanium bolometers

ð Development of electronics operational at very low temperature

Development of TPC detector (MIMAC)

ð Low energy TPC gaseous to reconstruct the direction of dark matter

ð Development of electronics readout

Factual elements 7 publications 2 publications 5 publications

Researcher or Professor of very high level or potential Name Piquemal Fabrice Gilles Gerbier (CEA)

Corps grade DR2, Authorization to manage researches (HDR)

A compléter

Discipline Particle physics Particles physics

Distinction and prize -

Bibliography during the last 4-year 10 publications 10 publications


Director of LSM since 2007Spokesperson of SuperNEMO collaboration Member of Program Advisory Committee of JINR Dubna (Russie)

Spokeperson of the Edelweiss experimentcoordinator of the European project ILIAS

Moreover, the LSM has close link in its experiments with Alain Benoit, member of the Sciences Academy in Physics, Prize Louis Ancel of the French Society of physics (1986), Silver medal of the CNRS (1994) and prize Jean Ricard of the French Society of physics (2003). M Benoit contributes to the scientific excellence of the LSM.

Available equipments and infrastructuresInfrastructure Type of equipment Use

LSMVery low radioactivity equipment To protect the experiments against cosmic rays and

to provide very low background environmentExternal building Offices, workshop, guest room, meeting room


extension Very low radioactivity equipment To protect experiment again cosmic ray and to provide very low background environment

4.1.24EXPLOITATION OF RESULTSThe valorisation in LSM is done by a team of 4 people including a researcher, 2 engineers and a technician. The LSM develops utra-low background spectrometers since 20 years in collaboration with CENBG and Canberra-Eurysis and Ortec companies. These manufacturers are now in their catalogs such ultra low background detectors. The LSM valorises also the space in the laboratory for users requiring low radioactivity conditions. The IRSN, the LSCE and the CEA/DASE are customers of the laboratory and rent a space for several gamma spectrometers. The laboratories


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM Band industrials of the micro/nanotechnology rent also space for the test benches to measure effect of the natural radioactivity on the micro/nanoelectronics circuits. The LSM has also developed a space for outreach in the external building for the general public. It welcomes more than 2,000 visitors per year. For the extension of LSM (ULISSE project), it is foreseen to create a circuit of visit inside the new laboratory.

Structure for the promotion of the ResearchName Integrated unit for the promotion of the Research of the LSM

Status and organization The promotion of the research is ensured directly by the team of the LSM


Partnerships and technological transfer: ð Development of ultra low background gamma spectroscopy for the measurement of

radioactivity and the selection of material in collaboration with Canberra-Eurysis (Areva) and Ortec companies

ð Number of contrats : 2 Serviced provided : ð The LSM recently developed special service of develop ultra-low radioactive measurements for

applications and expertises ð Number of serviced provided : 2 Communication : ð Development of a permanent outreach space, visit of general public commented by the

members of the Laboratory or students.ð Organisation of conferences : Workshop for LSM extension in June 2008 and September 2009,

Low Radioactive Techniques 2006 (Aussois France)ð Participation to conference : NNN 2009 (Estes Park, Colorado USA), TPC workshop 2008 (Paris,

France), LRT 2010 (SNOLAB, Sudburry Canada)


Higher educationName of the education

IUT 2 GrenobleIntitulé exact de la formation ?

Discipline Informatics

Type of involvement Courses, exercises and practical works

Role in the excellence of the training

The technical and practical knowledge developed by the LSM in high technologies applications with important requirement bring to the student skills particularly appreciated by their futur employers

4.1.26ORGANISATION Organization

Type of organization LSM is a mixes unit of research between the CNRS and the CEA.

Details of the organization

Executive board composed of the directors of the CNRS/IN2P3 and the CEA/LSM or their representatives and the director for the LSM

Scientific council : 13 international experts form : Univ. Valence, IN2P3/CPPM, INFN, INFN/Roma, Oxford, CEA/DAPNIA, JINR-DUBNA, CEA/DAPNIA, CEA/DSM, CEA/LSM, IN2P3/DAS, IN2P3/DAS, CEA/DAPNIA, CERN

A committee of users: Every experience has a representative and this committee meet with the direction of the LSM at least one time a year.

A committee for Hygiene and Security



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To complete by ILLThe Institut Laue-Langevin is an international research centre at the leading edge of neutron science and technology. The Institute operates one of the most intense neutron sources in the world, feeding intense beams of neutrons to a suite of 40 high-performance instruments that are constantly upgraded. As a service institute the ILL makes its facilities and expertise available to visiting scientists. Every year, some 1200 researchers from over 40 countries visit the ILL. More than 800 experiments selected by a scientific review committee are performed annually. Research focuses primarily on fundamental science in a variety of fields: condensed matter physics, chemistry, biology, nuclear physics and materials science... ILL is funded and managed by France, Germany and the United Kingdom, in partnership with 11 other European countries.

Assessment of the researchesField Particle physics with neutrons Nuclear physics

Scientific and

technical results

Highest cold and ultra cold neutron fluxes in the world

ILL participates in a wide user program including, in particular :

Neutron life time and electric dipole moment, beta-asymmetry and other angular correlation coefficients, Neutron – anti-neutron oscillations, T-violating triple angular correlation in neutron decay, short-range interactions of neutrons with matter, parity-violating neutron-nucleus interactions, neutron scattering lengths and others)

ð To complete by Herbert and Ulli

Factual elements

Proceedings of the international workshop “Particle physics with slow neutrons”

Facility providing access to four public instruments in nuclear and particle physics for international user groups (beamlines for cold and ultracold neutrons, fission fragment separator and double-crystal gamma-ray spectrometers)

To complete by Herbert and Ulli

Researcher or Professor (teaching and research) of very high level or potential

Name Herbert Faust

Ulli Koester Valery Nesvizhevsk


Torsten Soldner Zimmer

OliverOthers ?

Corps grade A compléter A compléter HDR 2007 A compléter A compléter Others ?

DisciplineNuclear Physics

Nuclear Physics

Neutron particle physics

Neutron particle physics

Neutron particle physics

Others ?

Distinction and prize

A compléter A compléter Hendrik de Waard Prize

(2002)JINR Prize

(2003, 2009)

A compléter A compléter Others ?

Bibliography during the last four-


A compléter A compléter 43 A compléter A compléter Others ?

Other A compléter A compléter GRANIT Project leader

A compléter group leader Others ?

Available equipments and infrastructuresInfrastructure Type of equipment Use

H172A GRANIT spectrometer Research and education

LOHENGRIN Instrument for fission fragment analysis Research and education


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Structure for the promotion of the ResearchName A COMPLÉTER


Patent : A COMPLÉTER Partnerships : A COMPLÉTER Technological transfer (Licences...)   : A COMPLÉTER Start-up creation : A COMPLÉTER Communication : ð General public : A COMPLÉTERð Scientific public : A COMPLÉTER


Higher education

Name of the education

Master program(Precise name ?)

Others ?

Discipline Neutron particle physics Others ?

Type of involvement

Lectures and responsibility for students Others ?

Role in the excellence of the training

A compléter : how the ILL make this education performing : excellence of the teacher, practical aspects developed etc...

4.1.31ORGANISATION Organization

Type of organization User facility financed by three associates

Details of the organization

Several divisions : Divisions for science, technical projects, and operation of the high-flux research reactor...

Management : Director and two associate directors advised by subcommittees for allocation of beamtime, and by scientific council for political questions. Steering committee...


4.1.32PARTNER 8 : LAMA(4 pages maximum)


A compléter par le LAMAParagraphe d’introduction de quelques lignes

Assessment of the researchesField A compléter A compléter

Scientific and

technical results

A compléter A compléter


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elementsA compléter A compléter

Researcher or Professor (teaching and research) of very high level or potential

Name A compléter A compléter A compléter A compléter A compléter A compléter

Corps grade A compléter A compléter A compléter A compléter A compléter A compléter

Discipline A compléter A compléter A compléter A compléter A compléter A compléter

Distinction and prize

A compléter A compléter A compléter A compléter A compléter A compléter

Bibliography during the last four-


A compléter A compléter A compléter A compléter A compléter A compléter

Other A compléter A compléter A compléter A compléter A compléter A compléter

Available equipments and infrastructuresInfrastructure Type of equipment UseA compléter A compléter A compléter

A compléter A compléter A compléter


Structure for the promotion of the ResearchName A compléter


Patent : A COMPLÉTER Partnerships : A COMPLÉTER Technological transfer (Licences...)   : A COMPLÉTER Start-up creation : A COMPLÉTER Communication : ð General public : A COMPLÉTERð Scientific public : A COMPLÉTER


Higher education

Name of the education

A compléter A compléter

Discipline A compléter A compléter

Type of involvement

A compléter A compléter

Role in the excellence of the training

A compléter : how the LAMA make this education performing : excellence of the teacher, practical aspects developed etc...

4.1.36ORGANISATION Organization


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM BType of organization A compléter

Details of the organization

A compléter

4.2. EXISTING COLLABORATIONS(2 pages maximum)Ajouter les collaborations manquantes en lien avec le labex et compléter les existantes.

All the main scientific projects of the six partners are part of international collaborations involving tenths of similar laboratories all around the world, ex: the ATLAS collaboration at LHC, where both LPSC and LAPP are members. These collaborations (ATLAS, LHCb, ALICE, HESS, CTA etc...) are not mentioned here. In parallel scientists regroup (EU or ANR projects etc.) following specific scientific goals in order to develop new physics ideas or a particular technology. The table below presents a non exhaustive list of current and past collaborations.


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM BPast and current collaborations

Project Involved partners Discipline Objective Results Complementarity and added value of

the consortium

LIA FVPPL France-Vietnam“Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics and grid computing”2010-2013

LAPTh, LPSC, LAPP, CEA IRFU, LPC-C, LPTHE, IPN, LPNHE, INST Hanoi, IOP Hanoi, Univ. of Science Ho ChiMinh and Hanoi...

Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics, Grid computing and applications

Collaboration with and training of Vietnamese physicists in the mentioned fields

The project has just begunAttract young gifted scientists from Vietnam in the field of nuclear and particle physics to work in European collaborations

PICS “Precision calculations for the LHC”2007-2009

LAPTh, University of Science in Ho ChiMinh, Institute of Physics in Hanoi

Particle physics, LHC physics

Precision calculations of LHC processes

Tools for precision calculationsAttract young gifted scientists from Vietnam to develop computer based tools for LHC physics

LIA FJPPL “Event generators and Higgs Physics at LHC”Renewed each year since 2007

LAPTh, LAPP, KEK (Tsukuba-shi) Particle physics Physics at LHC Tools for LHC analyses Exchange of methods for computing LHC


ATLAS upgrade2010-

LAPP, LPSC, LPHE, LAL, CPPM, foreign labs

Particle Physics, Instrumentation

Inner detector for higher luminosity New inner detector 3D Electronics and mechanical design

CLIC final focus stabilization. Financed by EuroTeV, EUROTeV, EUCARD (FP6 and 7), CERN French exceptional contribution, CNRS. 2004-

LAPP, SYMME Accelerator physics, mechanics, automatism

Stabilize the final focus CLIC magnets to 0.3 nanometres

- Extensive study of existing sensors. - Mechanical simulation of the process.- Feedback algorithms development.

Develop common infrastructure for sub-nanometre vibration control.

New collaboration on CLIC2010-


Accelerator, Physics and Technology

R&D for future machines beam diagnostics

Develop beam diagnostics Accelerator and mechanics skills at LPSC and electronics expertise at LAPP

New collaboration on LHC Accelerator2010-


Accelerator, Physics and Technology

Enhance luminosity for LHC

High field and high performances crab cavity

Skills, equipment and infrastructures for RF at LPSC and for cryogenics at SBT


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Data modelling and interpretation2008-2011


Particle and astroparticle Physics, Cosmology, Theoretical Physics

A compléter A compléterSynergy between experimentalists and theorists ANR DMTools

AMS2000- LAPP, LPSC Astroparticle and

CosmologyDetect anti-matter and dark matter in space

AMS-I had measured the first electron/positron measurements of cosmic rays spectra in space, setting up among other results the best upper limits at the time on the antimatter-to-matter ratio.

Develop a common data analysis after the AMS-II flight foreseen in spring 2011

CALICE, financed by CNRS, EUDET(FP6 and 7), AIDA2004-

LAPP, LPSC, LAL,LLR, IPNL, 20 foreign labs

Particle Physics, Instrumentation, Data Analysis,

R&D for the future calorimeters to equip ILC and CLIC experiments

- Mechanical design for the ECAL and HCAl sub-detectors.- Read-out electronics development.- R&D on MicroMegas chambers

Develop large prototypes

PICS “Low Energy Positron Propagation in the Galactic Center and origin of the 511 keV line”2009-2011

LAPTh, Oxford University Astrophysics

Low energy positron propagation in the Galactic center and origin of the 511 keV line

A compléter A compléter

NEMO3Année du projet

LSM,A compléter Neutrino physics A compléter A compléter A compléter

EURECAAnnée du projet

LSMA compléter Dark Matter A compléter A compléter A compléter

MIMACAnnée du projet LSM, LPSC Astroparticle and

Cosmology A compléter A compléter A compléterCEPITAnnée du projet LPSC, LNCMI Accelerator and Ion Source A compléter A compléter A compléterGUINEVEREAnnée du projet

LPSC,A compléter Nuclear Reactors A compléter A compléter A compléter

ANR « ToolsDMColl »2007-2010


Theory and Experiment at Colliders and in Astrophysics

Development of Tools and Analyses of Dark Matter

Development of micrOMEGAs, for direct and indirect detection. Development of SloopS for one-loop precision for supersymétrie. Applications and analyses

The development of tools for astroparticle and particle physics requires close collaboration between members of these two communities. It was also important to have experimentalists and theorists work together for such a projet

ANR SUSYPheno LPSC, IPNL Theory at Colliders and in Astroparticle physics

Precision calculations for new physics

QCD Resummations, MC@NLO, new models Expertise on QCD and newphysics aspects

ANR « ConformalSYM »2006-2010


Mathematical Physics, Superconformal gauge theories

Find new ways of calculating scattering amplitudes

Discovery of a dual conformal symmetry, discovery of a Yangian symmetry for scattering amplitudes in SYM N=4

QCD experts meet N=4 SYM experts

GDRI « Automatization LAPTh, LAPP, Particle and astroparticle Powerful Codes and Development of GRACE, CompHEP, Theorists and experts on model building and


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM Bof calculations in particles physics »France/Japan/Russia2003-2010


MC as well as their usage for High energy physics

CalcHEP, SloopS, micrOMEGAs renormalisation meet code and MC developpers

GRANITSince 2005,collaboration since 2000

ILL, LPSC Neutron particle physics To study gravity at short distances

Discovery and study of quantum states of neutron in gravity field; new generation precision gravitational spectrometer

ILL: experience in UCN physics;LPSC: studies of physics beyond standard model

CRYOLOOP program2004

SBT, CERN, Institut Neel Thermohydraulics

To examine basic phenomena taking place in the two phase superfluid flows

A better characterisation of the superfluid diphasic heliu flow

CERN: “industrial” aspectsSBT: design, installation and characterisation of a two phase superfluid flowInstitut Neel: advanced characterization of the flow

Accord CERN – CEA2006 SBT, CERN Refrigeration

Study of the process of 1.8 K refrigeration units

Specifications of the refrigeratorsQuality tests on the sucooling heat exhangersParticipation to the installation, commissioning

SBT was totally involved in superfluid components

ANR CHEOPS project Running

SBT, Air Liquide, Gipsa Lab

Control system, refrigeration

To develop an advanced control system able to deal with transient conditions

Improvement of the control system of large cryoplants2 patents

Gipsa Lab: fundamental aspectsSBT: implementation of the code and testsAir Liquide: industrial aspects


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30 pages maximum pour cette partie

5.1. STATE OF THE ART(5 pages maximum)

The OSUTI project is a pluridisciplinary project about fundamental and applied physics in the fields of subatomic physics and cosmology.This project will be divided in 6 complementary themes that will offer the opportunity to develop synergies and joint researches:

Physics on Colliders Astroparticles and Cosmology Neutrino physics Nuclear structure and Energy Future accelerator Physics and technology Mathematical Physics

As presented in the laboratories description, this leading edge fields are integrated in national and international contexts where the OSUTI members play a major role. It explains the OSUTI members implication in national and international projects in link with important stakes of these disciplines.

The following tables present the national and international state-of-art concerning the 6 themes:


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM BNational and international State-of-the-Art : Physics on Colliders

National and international context Stakes Factual elements that justify those stakes The Standard Model of particle physics (SM) provides

today an excellent description of the elementary particles and their interactions – apart from Gravity. It has been very successful succin the Electroweak sector in predicting the existence of the W and Z bosons,carrier of the Weak force, and in the description of the Strong sector – QCD – in anticipating the existence of the gluon, carrier of the Strong force.

Theoretical predictions have reached the per mille precision for most of the pure Electroweak processes and at best the per cent level for QCD processes, ground line of the future LHC physics.

The validity of the Standard Model has been further consolidated in the past years by international experiments at the LEP collider (ALEPH,DELPHI,L3), at the Tevatron (D0) and at the B-factories (BaBar). With its first collisions in 2009, the LHC, hadronic collider at CERN opens a new area in terms of energy and luminosity. Experiments at the future linear collider will corroborate or not these results thanks to high precision data.

In another domain, the Standard model of cosmology built upon experimental results from e.g sky surveys (COBE, WMAP) and galaxy surveys reveals that almost 25% of the Universe is made of mater of unknown nature- the Dark Matter. Each galaxy is immersed in a large halo of Dark Matter.

The SM leaves open several questions : ð What is the actual mechanism that gives mass to all

elementary particles?ð What is the nature of Dark Matter? ð What is the reason for the number of particle families and

their mass hierarchy?;ð How can the 4th force, the gravity be incorporated?. Different possible extensions of the Standard Model of

Particle Physics offer solutions to these issues and will be tested with the current experiments at the LHC and with unprecedented precision with the next generation of experiments at as well as in precision low energy experimentsSuperB factories and Linear Colliders. The later ones require the development of a novel generation of highly-segmented detectors.

Global fits tototoexploiting simultaneously low energy, collider and astrophysical data provide a unique way to explore the full parameter space of anyanyanyconstrain new models.

Complex and long calculations of theoretical predictions are generated by the precision required by the current and next generation of experimental results. The high luminosity at LHC planned for 2017 will require improved electronics to treat the large data flux and improved detectors to stand the higher level of radiations.To unravel the nature of Dark Matter, 3 approaches are complementary:

ð The direct search trying to detect the DM particles from the halo surrounding our galaxy inunderground detectors (MINACMINACMINACMIMAC in LSM)

ð The indirect search looking for anomalies in the flux of standard cosmic-rays (AMS,HESS)

ð The DM could be created in collisions at LHC and at future colliders (ATLAS,LC)

International collaborations : ATLAS, LHCb, D0 , AMS, HESS, Calice, RD51, FCPPL(LIA France-Chine)

International conferences : EPS-HEP (Cracovie 2009, Grenoble 2011) , ICHEP (Paris 2010), FPCP, Beauty, Lepton-Photon, HCP, “Rencontres de Moriond”, LCWS,IWLC

International Workshops : Phys-TeV (Les Houches), CKM, GRANIT

International and transversal working groups : Electroweak, CKMfitter, HFAG, ILC-GDE, World Wide Study,CTEQ

French Support  : GDR TeraScaleTeraScaleTeraScaleTerascale ,ANR ( ToolsDMColl, HiggsTime,SusyPheno), Theorie-LHC-France initiative

FP7 : Eudet, AIDA Common tools: GEANT, Micromegas, the

Phox family, Golem NCNClibrairy,Resummation, MC@NLO, PowHEGPowHEGPowHEGPOWHEG, CTEQ-PDFs (with LAPP, LPSC inputs)


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM BNational and international State-of-the-Art : Astroparticles and Cosmology

National and international context Stakes Factual elements that justify those stakes

Very High Energy gamma rays messengers ð A key result of recent years was that sources of very high energy particles play a

significant role in the cosmic cycle. ð Europe, with telescope systems such as H.E.S.S. and MAGIC instruments holds a

leading position. ð The proposed CTA facility, an array of telescopes deployed on an unprecedented

scale, will allow the European scientific community to remain at the forefront of the research.

The optical deep sky survey ð Dark energy is one of the major enigmas of contemporary physics. The Large

Synoptic Survey Telescope should dramatically change the situation. Many projects are devoted to dark energy but none of them however approaches the LSST capabilities at least at this time scale

Galactic High Energy Cosmic Rays ð The AMS 02 experiment soon to be installed on the International Space Station

will collect invaluable informations on how GeV to TeV cosmic ray species are produced and propagate throughout the Galaxy.

ð The CREAM experiment is currently operating long duration balloon flights and is measuring the fluxes of a few cosmic ray nuclei at the TeV scale.

Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray ð The “Pierre Auger Observatory” is the largest and most advanced cosmic ray

detector ever built. Its unprecedented sensitivity opens the era of UHECR astronomy and gives access to physics at energies far beyond that of man made accelerators.

Directional detection of non-baryonic dark matter ð MIMAC offers a complementary effort to the existing projects giving the

directional signature needed to correlate the event to the galactic halo.ð The development of a dedicated microelectronic chip (LPSC) and a pixelized

micromegas (IRFU) were the keys to have the excellent results on the scale of a small prototype that allow being very competitive.

ð The international competition (USA, UK) is very hard. The MIT and Drift use the same target with other strategy.

Gravitational waves: ð The European project Virgo is one of the most sensitive GW detectors worldwide.

The analysis of the data has allowed establishing interesting astrophysical limits. Cosmic background anisotropies ð Planck is designed to image the anisotropies of the Cosmic Background

Radiation Field with unprecedented sensitivity and angular resolution.ð Planck is a large international collaboration having two instruments on board:

Low and High Frequency

Very High Energy gamma rays messengers ð To improve sensitivity and explore wide energy rangeð To investigate nature and distribution of Dark Matter

through signatures of its annihilation in the gamma-ray spectra at the energy threshold of CTA sensitivity >20 GeV

ð To study large population of non-thermal astrophysical sources

ð To develop modern e-infrastructures to open Cherenkov data access and supporting a large virtual research community.

The optical deep sky survey ð To understand the nature of dark matterð To measure the redshifts of billions of galaxies. Galactic High Energy Cosmic Rays ð To investigate the sources of TeV cosmic rays.ð To model accurately the propagation of cosmic rays in

the Galaxy.ð To derive the astrophysical backgrounds against which

the indirect signatures of the astronomical dark matter Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray (UHECR) ð To understand the nature and origin of UHECRð To study physics of hadronic interactions and test

fundamental laws of at centre of mass energies >100 TeV

ð To improve the sensitivity and the precision of existing observatories to the identification of UHECR, photons and neutrinos

Directional detection of non-baryonic dark matter ð To cover a big volume of detection with a spatial

resolution in 3D Gravitational waves: Advanced Virgo ð To establish the first direct detection of gravitational

waves and to enter the era of GW astronomy. ð To improve the sensitivity through upgrading the

detector to the 2nd generation interferometer of Virgo Cosmic background anisotropies ð To provide, in the next ten years, a major source of

information relevant to several cosmological and astrophysical issues, such as testing theories of the early Universe and the origin of cosmic structures.

Very High Energy gamma rays messengers

ð 2008 CTA in the ESFRI roadmap;

ð 2010 CTA in the “European E-Infrastructures ESFRI Project requirements” document

The optical deep sky survey ð Many related conferences,

workshop and colloquia. Galactic High Energy Cosmic

Raysð ICATPP Cosmic Ray conferenceð AMS has received the help of

the NASA. Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray ð The EASIER R&D carried on in

the frame of the Pierre Auger Collaboration has received a start up funding from the “Particles & Universe” program of IN2P3/CNRS.

Directional detection of non- baryonic dark matter

ð Subject of the international community who meets at the CYGNUS Conference (next organized by the LPSC)

Gravitational waves: Advanced Virgo

ð Virgo is a declared priority in the "HORIZON 2020" strategic plan of CNRS.

Cosmic background anisotropies

ð The Planck-HFI collaboration has a structure that includes a Core-Team and Working Groups. The LPSC has 7 members in the Core-Team and participates to 4 Working Groups.

National and international : Neutrino physicsNational and international context Stakes Factual elements that


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Thorough studies of the nature of the neutrino, its oscillation properties and the existence of CP violation in leptonic sector.

ð Search for direct proof of flavour changing process (OPERA/CNGS in Italy)ð More precise measurements of oscillation parameters (Minos/NUMI in US and

Kamland in Japan).ð Search for the third mixing angle theta13 with reactor (Double Chooz in France)

and with powerful long baseline beam (T2K in Japan, Nova in US).ð Preparation of the next generation of neutrino beams and detectors to constrain

more or determine theta13 if small, measure the mass hierarchy and search for CP violation process with leptons => open window to matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe

ð Existing double beta decay experiments with sensitivities on neutrino mass near 0.2 eV. Typical isotope mass close to 10kg

ð Prepare next steps of double beta projects to gain a factor 2 to 10 on sensitivities. Several projects with different technologies and isotopes are under study to reach masses of 100 kg within the 5 coming years (GERDA, CUORE, SuperNemo, EXO etc…)

Oscillation experiments: ð Conception of large detectors with fine grained

detection capabilities.ð Work in low background environmentð Neutrino beam : Need more powerful oneð Control and determine the background processes

occurring at low energiesð Control at the lowest possible levels the systematic

uncertainties coming from neutrino sources and fiducial detection volumes.

Double beta decay experiments ð Enrichment of isotopes. Some of the best isotopes are

150Nd, 48ca or 96Zr but there is no possibility to enrich them for large mass today

ð Natural radioactivity and radon : reduction of backgrounds needed

ð Improvement of energy resolution for tracko-calo approach

Next Nucleon Decay and Neutrino Detectors conferences

Bi-annual international neutrino conferences

ASPERA roadmap ILIAS conclusions Minutes of APPEC

scientific council

National and international : Nuclear structure and Energy

National and international context Stakes Factual elements that justify those stakes

From a national point of view, the regulation and the “national Policies for the sustainable management of radioactive material and waste” lead the public research organisations to focus on the separation and the transmutation of radioactive nuclear waste

From an European point of view the Euratom program supports the European R&D programs in nuclear energy

From an international point of view cooperative research and development for the next generation nuclear energy systems are gathered under the Generation IV Forum

ð Conception of a new reactor functioning with a liquid fuel, the Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR)

ð Lack at the international scale of experimental experts to develop new technologies

To minimize the impact of the nuclear waste on the environment

ð Develop new systems to burn minor actinides To optimize the fuel cycle of reactors to make

nuclear energy sustainableð Optimization of nuclear fuel resourcesð Study of a new fuel cycle: The thorium-233U fuel

cycle produces less minor actinides than the present uranium/plutonium

To go deeper into the challenging atomic nucleus understanding

The Physor and Global Conferences gather the main nuclear countries and aim at developing innovations for nuclear reactors

“Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei” international conference gathers main experts in nuclear structure research


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM BNational and international : Futur accelerator Physics and technology

National and international context Stakes Factual elements that justify those stakes Exploration of the nature of elementary particles and their

interactionsð LHC at CERN holds the world record for centre-of-mass energy (7TeV)ð Higher luminosity and CM energy at 14TeV to be reachedð Improvement of the control of large refrigerators

Need higher energy and luminosity accelerators

Need to increase LHC luminosity Need of more powerful accelerators

(CLIC: electrons/positrons collider)

Conference ICHEP 2010, Paris Conference Snowmass 2010: The future of particle physics ESFRI Roadmap

Preparation of next generation of accelerator experts Lack of younger accelerator specialists

Number of students low Low number of PhD candidates Lack of candidates for academic (“Maître de Conférences”)

or research (“Chargé de Recherche”) positions

French laboratories are active and visible partners in accelerators Reinforce links and collaborations between institutions (CNRS, CEA, ...)

Multiple synergies between the Rhône-Alpes laboratories have been identified

UE FP6 and FP7 networks (CARE, EUCARD) are funded to federate activities and to share common knowledge

Nuclear waste treatment and/or energy production with accelerator driven reactors

Major improvement of accelerator reliability required

Series of “International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Applications of Accelerators” (last : AccApps 2009, Vienna)

Series of “Accelerator Reliability Workshop” (last : ARW 2009, Canada)

National and international State-of-the-Art : Mathematical PhysicsNational and international context Stakes Factual elements that

justify those stakes The ultimate aim is to understand the fundamental laws of nature and the principles that

govern matter and energy from cosmological scales down to the tiniest scales of the elementary particles. The notion of symmetry has been the guiding thread in the construction of a unified picture of the forces and interactions. Different guises of symmetry, topology and geometry are deep-rooted in the current formulation of the models and theories which therefore require mathematical know how.

The predictions that derive from the underlying symmetries and which need to be confronted by experiments are based on approximations and hence the search for exact solutions or integrable formulations that exploit dualities between different symmetries.

Beyond the search for the Higgs as a sign for a hidden realisation rather than a breaking of a symmetry, lies an understanding of the quantum vacuum. Implementation of novel symmetries, such conformal and supersymmetric as in field theory or strings, have given birth to beyond standard model physics that is looked for at the LHC providing at the same time a candidate for Dark Matter. At a deeper level the challenge, as within superstring, is to reconcile gravity with quantum mechanics with the hope of solving the Dark Energy puzzle.

This line of cutting-edge formal research has led to remarkable spin-offs such as new ways of calculating scattering amplitudes most efficiently that may ultimately be applicable for the predictions of observables at the colliders (LHC). Our mathematical physics team has been leader in this specific topic.

More efficient ways and techniques for calculating scattering amplitudes and hence predictions for the LHC.

Construction of Models for the New Physics at the LHC and Linear Collider and connection to Dark Matter candidates and neutrino physics.

Investigation of “landscape” like scenarios or general phenomenology of strings and new physics predicts first order phase transitions which may be the seed for a stochastic gravitational wave (GW) background that could be searched for by experiments.

Usage of dualities and exploitation of integrable systems outside the realm of particle physics, opening up to condensed matter for example.

Nature of the quantum vacuum and the dark energy puzzle.

Reconciling gravity with quantum mechanics

Various string theory Workshops and Conferences

International workshop on gauge and string amplitudes

Recent meetings at the IAS Princeton and Perimeter Institute involving leaders in the field of theoretical physics are testimony of the high stakes in the recent developments.

RAQIS Series on integrable systems


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5.2.1 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME(6 pages maximum)

In order to organize the scientific program, OSUTI team divided the research in 6 complementary work programs as presented on the following diagram:

Compléter le schéma ci-dessous et ajouter les laboratoires manquant dans les WP.

Inclure quelques lignes résumant les éléments phares de l’ensemble du programme scientifique du projet: caractère ambitieux, les grands objectifs, les avancées et les résultats visés.

This program of research is in total agreement with the French national strategy for the research and innovation (SNRI). In fact, OSUTI will contribute to develop disruptive innovations for the 3 axis clearly defined by the SNRI by providing a technological and a theoretical high level support. The scientific marches obtained in the OSUTI frame will for sure positively influence the SNRI targeted sectors:


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Moreover, this project will reinforce “French international fields of excellence” defined by the SNRI such as physics, mathematics, and nuclear energy.

Concerning the European program for research, OSUTI is in accordance with the EU strategy think to the several participations to collaborative projects of the FP7 and previous programs.

As a fondamental and applied research project, it is difficult to clearly identify quantificable indicators for each Work Package. However, the OSUTI members main objective is to participate to the scientific and technological effort allowing to answer to the important stakes internationnaly recognized. As a consequence, the implication of the partners in national and international collaborative projects of researches in the targeted fields will be a clear challenge for all the partners. Other quantificable indicators in links with the global scientific excellence will be presented in the Governance part of this scientific submission form.

Evoquer si possible les grands jalons de cette partie R&D.


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM BWP 1 : Physics on Colliders (PhyCol)

Scientific presentation of the research project

Scientific and technical objectives

To reveal the mechanism and new physics at the origin of the masses of all elementary particles To discover the nature of Dark Matter . To constrain the nature of extensions of the Standard Model with precision flavor physics

measurements (rare B decays, couplings ,top physics ) and precise low energy experiments To develop new methods to compute physics processes in order to reach a precision on the

theoretical predictions sufficient to reveal discrepancies with the measurements due to new physics.

To adapt detectors to a higher data rate and a higher radiation level .Headways

compare to the state of the art

Discovery of the Higgs bosons or other mechanism at the origin of the masses of elementary particles.

Nature of Dark Matter . Deviation from SM expectations

Originality and ambitious character

The present project aims at understanding the actual mechanism at the origin of masses of all elementary particles. About 40 years after the conceptual design of the Standard Model, one key ingredient is still not verified experimentally

The physics of flavours will be accessible with a high statistics in several channels for the first time : B hadrons, Top quark and Charmed hadrons

Several levels of synergies inside this LABEX :ð A unique constellation for Dark Matter search with all experimental aspects present: colliders

physics and precise low energy experiments, indirect searches, direct searches, models for Dark Matter, computation of Relic Density, understanding of the Standard Cosmic Rays background - flux & propagation.

ð Between experiments, theory and interpretations in the exploitation of SM measurements from LHC & Linear Collider.

ð Precisions measurement of flavor physics and rare decays (LHCb) and predictions (Theory)

Positioning with the

national or international researches

The LHC physics program is one of the top scientific priorities of both the IN2P3 and the INP. The ATLAS, LHCb experiments at the LHC are international collaborations bringing together several hundred institutes from all continents.

The LHC at CERN will be for the next 15 years the only operating high-energy collider after the planned shutdown of the Tevatron in the coming years.

Both LAPP and LPSC have recognized expertise in the conception and realisation of innovative detectors for high-energy physics (L3 and ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter, R&D for the highly segmented future detectors).

This involvement resulted in the nomination by their collaboration of LAPP members as project leaders for the ATLAS and LHCb electromagnetic calorimeters.

LAPTh and the LPSC theory group are internationally recognized for their expertise in theoretical precision computations of SM and new physics processes. They are at the origin of many public tools (Micromegas, PHOX Family, Resummation codes, Golem library) and contributes largely to other tools (CTEG_PDFs, MC@NLO, POWHEG).

ILL (highest neutron flux reactor in the world)


Available energy and limited particle production. Experimental precisions are limited by the statistics of data sets and by the performances of the

detectors. Complexity and length of the theoretical computations limits the attainable precision of the

predictions. Current limitations of detectors  : Sensitivity to small rates (DM direct & indirect searches), jet

energy resolution (Linear Collider) and facing high luminosity : radiation hardness and data fluxes

Scientific approach andWork Program

Task 1 :Exploitation i.e analysis and interpretations of massive data sets. Task 2 :Quantitative studies and prospective for future experiments (SuperB, Linear Colliders) Task 3 : Developements and tests of novel methods to compute physics processes. Task 4: Developements of high granularity electromagnetic & hadronic calorimeters in order to

double the performances on jet energy resolution. Task 5 : Consolidation of data acquisition to face the high data rate Task 6 : Consolidation of tracking devices to face a high level of radiations Task 7 : Organisation of workshops and conferences


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM BWP 2 : Astroparticles and Cosmology (Astro)

Scientific presentation of the research project

Scientific and

technical objectives

To provide high performance technologies for the CTA To work in link with the CREAM and AMS collaborations To work in link with the Pierre Auger Observatory To build one of the most complicated optical systems ever created for the measurement of the dark

energy parameters of the LSST To provide unprecedented spatial resolution in 3D of tracks at such low energies to allow directional

detection of non-baryonic dark matter To establish the first direct detection of gravitational waves and enter the era of GW astronomy; to

upgrade the detector to the 2 nd generation Advanced Virgo configuration PLANCK has many scientific objectives described in a special document, called the “Bluebook”. In

particular, to give the most precise determination of the cosmological parameters of our Universe ruling the geometry and the energy and matter content of it.

Headways compare to the state of

the art

For the first time, the CTA project unifies the research groups working in this field in the World in a common strategy, resulting in a unique convergence of efforts, human resources, and know-how.

The precise determination of the B/C and Be10/Be9 ratios would be invaluable as well as the measurements of the antiproton and positron fluxes up to the TeV.

The detection of a few antideuterons would also be a major step forward. For the improvement of the identification of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray, an event per event

identification of the nature of the interacting primary cosmic rays would be a major achievement. This major step will be possible only through the measurement of new observables. The radio-emission of extensive air showers has been identified as a promising solution.

As demonstrated by the panel of independent experts selected for the “dark energy task force”, the LSST will be a state-of-the art experiment allowing for an improvement of more than one order of magnitude on the current measurement of the dark energy parameters.

At the prototype level MIMAC is able to show the goals needed for the study of directional detection of non-baryonic dark matter. The challenge is to build a large micro-TPC (50m3) to have enough events at such low cross sections.

The improved sensitivity of Advanced Virgo should bring the number of detected compact binary coalescence sources to a few or a few dozen per year. Extract science from the astrophysical sources observed, especially from compact binary coalescences.

PLANCK has been launched in May 2009 and the first light survey has shown an excellent quality of data. The electronic noise of detectors is the lowest ever had.

Originality and

ambitious character

The improved performance of CTA is expected to lead to the discovery of a broad range of new phenomena in astroparticle physics and high energy astrophysics which will be profitable for fundamental questions of physics, particle physics and cosmology.

AMS will be a space station borne experiment operating during at least 10 years in space. It opens a new window in the GeV to TeV energy range. Benefiting from such a mine of observation will help construct a reliable model for galactic cosmic ray production and propagation.

The international Pierre Auger collaboration supports the proposed development of GHz or MHz radio detection in slave mode to complement existing detectors.

The LSST will be the telescope with the highest expanse . It will address the dark energy question by nearly all the know probes.

MIMAC is showing for the first time 3D tracks at such low energies with the required spatial resolution. The directionality signature is the only one to discriminate the researched events from those produced by neutrons.

Bringing the detector to the nominal AdV sensitivity in due time for Virgo should allow the first detections and entering the era of GW astronomy.

The PLANCK-HFI mission is a technology challenge for the European Spatial Agency. It has bolometers cooled to 100mK, having 3 cryocoolers in chain to get it.

Positioning and

relevance with national

or international researches

The CTA is an international consortium of more than 200 institutes from more than 20 countries . Since 2010 the CTA consortium includes also USA and India, two countries which decided to join CTA in a worldwide effort instead of following their own path toward a new generation IACT facility. CTA is therefore the unique worldwide IACT tera-electronvolt astronomical observatory for the next decade.

AMS is the largest collaboration so far gathered for a space mission with 56 participating institutions from 16 countries over 3 continents and 600 physicists.

The Pierre Auger collaboration is a consortium of 81 institutes of 18 countries . The Auger Southern observatory is unequalled in term of size and performances. The European institutes are leading the R&D efforts and the French groups including the LPSC groups play a key role in these R&D.

The LSST will be the leading project of its category , as reported by the US “decadal survey” which rated it at the highest priority for large scale astronomy projects. It is also deeply complementary with most other dark energy projects carried out.

The directional detection of non-baryonic dark matter project is complementary to other projects because it explores the axial (spin-spin) interaction on a 19F target having a good sensitivity to light Wimps.

Virgo is a declared priority in the "HORIZON 2020" strategic plan of CNRS and Advanced Virgo has been approved by CNRS and INFN.

The results of Planck will be a reference for decades. Planck is a 3rd generation of CMB satellites. The results will have an impact on astrophysics and particle physics.


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Links and continuity with the

other projects

The LSST CCOB development requires a refined design involving optics, mechanics, and computing. For the Directional detection of non-baryonic dark matter, the MIMAC project participates to the

ULISSE Equipex, concerning the very low radioactivity equipment for the underground laboratory of Modane (LSM).

Planck has strong links with astroparticle projects searching for dark matter (MIMAC) or dark energy (LSST).

For gravitational waves, the AdV upgrade involves many aspects in mechanics, optics, electronics and real-time control, and therefore fits well within the mecatronics project.


For the CTA the main bottlenecks are represented by :ð the highest possible reliability of mechanical, mecatronics and optical layout of the array of

telescopes;ð capacity of improved photodetection sensitivity and background rejection technique to lower down

the energy threshold;ð the challenge to operate CTA as an observatory by building up e-facilities for data management and

open data access.ð The installation of AMS on the ISS is a challenge. The identification of the cosmic ray isotopes at

GeV energies is also crucial for measuring accurately the B/C and Be10/Be9 ratios for instance or for observing the first cosmic antideuterons.

For the Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray, the molecular Bremsstrahlung GHz emission is much poorly know and not yet detected in correlation with cosmic rays.

Although the LSST design has been demonstrated, it remains an extremely difficult instrument to build.

For the Directional detection of non-baryonic dark matter, an important number of chambers is needed. The test, validation and calibration need a relative important number of full time equivalent personnel.

The AdV design implies pushing the Virgo techniques well beyond the current performances: high power laser, interferometer with dual-recycling, monolithic suspensions, thermal compensation, new beam geometry, large mirrors with top-quality coating, and more flexible real-time environment.

The complexity of Planck data analysis , particularly the aspects related to polarization.

Scientific approach



Task 1 : Development of technologies for the CTA ð characterization and test of new generation SiPm photo-detectors with higher quantum efficiencyð Design, conception, prototyping and construction of stringer and lighter mechanical components of

the Large Size Telescopes ð Instrumentation of mecatronics devices for the dynamical dumping of mechanical structures and

driving system of the LSTs.ð Software and middleware solutions to provide the functionality of a Data Center for CTA. Task 2 : Modeling of galactic cosmic rays and search for the indirect signatures of the dark matter

speciesð Construction of the numerical code USINE for the production and propagation of galactic cosmic

rays. This code should be released for public use.ð In collaboration with CREAM and AMS, analysis of a few significant astrophysical backgrounds such

as the antiproton, positron and antideuteron radiations.ð Analysis of the observations in search for potential distortions which may signal the presence of

WIMPs in the galactic halo. Task 3 : To develop a prototype array of antenna for the detection of UHECR ð To install a prototype array of antenna that can prove the detectability of MHz (geosynchrotron)

and GHz emission (molecular Bremsstrahlung)ð To characterise these observables within a couple of month (EASIER project in the framework of the

Pierre Auger Observatory). Task 4 : Developing a Camera Calibration Optical Bench (CCOB) for the LSST. This CCOB has a very

important role for the quality of the LSST data. Task 5: To design and validated the automatic device to simulate and calibrate the first bi-chamber

for the Directional detection of non-baryonic dark matterð Task 6 : technological development for the Advanced Virgo : large mirror coating robot, upgrade of

the detection system, upgrade of the data acquisition system and real-time environment, upgrade of the calibration system and data analysis.

Task 7 : Planck data analysis ð The Planck collaboration has a Work Package dedicated to the preprocessing in which the LPSC has

the leadership. ð The polarization of the CMB is covered by other work packages having links with calibration, map

reconstruction and non-gaussianities.


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM BWP 3 : Neutrino physics (PhyNeu)

Scientific presentation of the research project

Scientific and technical objectives

The goals of the proposed project of developing a neutrino research pole are: Prove unambiguously the flavour appearance through oscillation mechanism. Measure theta13 and CP violation phase with next generation of neutrino detectors Study mass hierarchy Study the nature of the neutrino and the mass in double beta decay process Participate in defining, designing and building new generation of detectors for the scientific goals

mentioned above.

Headways compare to the state of

the art

To develop original and refined neutrino event analysis to optimise numu-nutau and numu-nue search with OPERA/CNGS

To design and optimize large water Cerenkov detectors To improve and optimize the photodetection devices and arrays To develop new traco-calo detector for double beta decay search with improvement of the energy

resolution DE/E < 8% (FWHM) To Improve the photomultiplier (8’’) and use PVT plastic scintillator

Originality and

ambitious character

Develop a research pole specialised on different major aspects of neutrino physics which need underground infrastructures and new detector developments. This pole should gather experts in the field.

Positioning with the

national or international researches

This project follows the international strategy on the future of neutrino physics. It is part of a global effort for constructing and developing the new generation of neutrino facilities (experiments, beam lines etc…)


Oscillation experiments: ð Conception of large massive detectors with fine grained detection capabilities at reduced costð Work in low background environmentð Need more powerful neutrino beamð Control and determine the background processes occurring at low energiesð Control at the lowest possible levels the systematic uncertainties coming from neutrino sources

and fiducial detection volumes. Double beta decay experiments: ð Enrichment of isotopes. Some of the best isotopes are 150Nd, 48ca or 96Zr but there is no

possibility to enrich them for large mass todayð Reduce backgrounds coming from natural radioactivity and radonð Produce source foil with a radiopurity of 2 µBq/kg in 208Tl et 10 µBq/kg in 214Bið Improvement of energy resolution for tracko-calo approach

Scientific approach



Task 1: Oscillation physics ð Develop new approaches for the analysis of the direct nutau appearance in CNGS beam in electron

and multihadron channelsð Feasibility studies for building large Water Cerenkov detector in underground cavities.ð Simulation to optimize the detector geometry and photodetector performancesð Develop front end readout electronicð Study calibration system of several thousands photosensorsð Study mechanical structure for supporting photodetector arrays and integration in underground

cavities. Task 2: Double beta decay ð Develop traco-calo detector module which consists in a thin source foil of enriched isotopes

sandwiched by two tracking volume surrounded by a calorimeterð build a demonstrator module with 7 kg of source foil:

- Production of source foil at the required radiopurity level - Production of calorimeter blocks with the required resolution, test of aging- Prove that radon level (100 µBq/m3) under control- Study of automatic calibration system


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM BWP 4 : Nuclear structure and Energy (StrNuE)Scientific presentation of the research project

Scientific and technical objectives

To participate to the development of the new generation of nuclear reactors

Headways compare to the state of

the art Study of innovative systems based on a new fuel cycle

Originality and ambitious


The Osuti project aims at providing experimental facilities to : ð Allow the development of Molten Salt Fast Reactor technology which is necessary for

validation of key points of the concept ð Give access to nuclear data relevant for new fuel cycle

Positioning and relevance with national

or international researches

The project is in total accordance with the national and international policies in order to : ð Minimize the impact of the nuclear reactors on the environmentð Improve the general performances of the nuclear reactors

Bottlenecks To develop new equipments and processes compatible with the particularity of molten salt

monitoring (pumping, flow, temperature, pressure…) To design a neutron source by mean of a particle accelerator coupled with a ILL spectrometer

for nuclear data measurements

Scientific approach andWork Program

Task 1: Development of molten salt instrumentation and mock-ups in support of MSFR

Task 2: Upgrade of LPSC PEREN facility for nuclear data measurements ð Nuclear data for Th/U fuel cycle, related reactor calculations and nuclear energy development

scenarios Task 3: Experiments at ILL in support of Nuclear structure models (academic research

on matter properties)

WP 5 : Future Accelerator Physics and Technology (Fat)Scientific presentation of the research project

Scientific and

technical objectives

Helping to make the LHC machine one of the richest discovery fields of the early 21st century and participating to the world effort towards a new linear collider is the main objective of this work package.

Headways compare to the state of

the art

Solid state amplifiers (lower cost, higher reliability, modularity) for beam intensity increase Crab cavities for LHC (compactness, high field, low high order modes) for luminosity

enhancement Optimisation of refrigeration for LHC Minimize the time necessary for refrigerator tuning to match CERN’s objective to increase the

available beam time. Nanometre size beam production and characterisation High polarization electron beam production and characterization for CLIC

Originality and

ambitious character

Obtain unprecedented beam properties with our developments for both LHC and CLIC

Positioning and

relevance with

national or international researches

LHC and CLIC will be world leading projects in particle physics . French teams will play a major role in the construction, upgrade and exploitation of results.

Complementing the accelerator pole in the Paris region, the Rhône-Alpes accelerator pole will play a major role with its privileged proximity of major accelerator partners like CERN in Geneva and the recognised experience from the Grenoble partners.

Links and continuity with the

other projects

Accelerator developments are based on techniques common to different machines therefore the developments proposed in this WP will benefit to the whole community such as particle physics machines (LEP,LHC, CLIC), machines like synchrotron facilities (SOLEIL, ESRF), future Accelerator Driven Systems (proton linear accelerators) or medical machines.

Some accelerator topics listed in this proposal correspond to the continuity of work undertaken for LHC which will be pursued. Additionally, new developments are proposed to benefit LHC upgrade and CLIC. Scientific outcomes will be supported by equipments to be funded by the EQUIPEX HoMe program.

Bottlenecks ð Solid state amplifiers : Ability to reach 300 kW peak and 30 kW averageð Crab cavities : Reach targeted performances: very high electric field, quality factor, high order

modesð Cryogenics : Robustness, cold temperature stabilisation, pulsed heat loads management and

minimization of the energy consumption of refrigerators


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM Bð Reach high polarization (>85%) for high bunch charge operation with CLIC stability and

reliability requirementsð Reach stabilization at a subnanometer scale in an accelerator environment

Scientific approach



Task 1: Towards LHC luminosity upgrade ð Subtask 1.1: Solid state RF amplifiers : Assembly and test of a power unit (300 kW, 100% duty

cycle, solid state, 350 or 700 MHz).ð Subtask 1.2: Crab cavities : Construction of a prototype conventional cavity (2012-2014) and

installation on LHC (2014-2015) at the IR4 point. The second step will be the development of compact cavities (final installation 2018-2020).

ð Subtask 1.3: Advanced control system of a large refrigerator coupled to the cryogenic distribution system : (2014-2016) This subtask will be included in the current general research program performed at INAC/SBT about this item. The work to be performed deal with a new improved methodology for controlling cryogenic refrigerators and the development of a new method for controlling the cryogenic distribution system.

ð Subtask 1.4: Cooling of the inner triplets for LHC upgrade (2011-2013): Numerical simulations and analysis of different cooling solutions. Experimental validation could be performed on the existing supercritical loop coupled with 400W 1.8K cryogenic test facility at INAC/SBT

Task 2: Contribution to CLIC ð Subtask 2.1: Beam diagnostics : In 2011, a concept of the beam diagnostics electronics should

be available. The study and definition of an industrialization scheme for the thousands of instruments that will be needed for CLIC.

ð Subtask 2.2: Nanometre stabilisation: The nanometre size beams can only interact in the collision point if the accelerator components are stabilized to the sub-nanometre level. Provide the stabilization system that has to be compact, measure the nanometre, in a low frequency range (0.1-100Hz), that are radiation hard and can perform in a magnetic field.

ð Subtask 2.3: Polarized electron source Polarized electron beams dedicated to CLIC physics require specific GaAs photocathodes in an ultra high vacuum environment. LPSC is proposing to build a test stand dedicated to photocathode characterization, capable of measuring quantum efficiency and beam polarization.

WP 6 : Mathematical Physics (PhyMat)Scientific presentation of the research project

Scientific and

technical objectives

More efficient ways and techniques for calculating scattering amplitudes and hence predictions for the LHC

Construction of Models for the New Physics Usage of dualities and exploitation of integrabilities outside the realm of particle physics,

opening up to condensed matter for example. Strengthening research in superstrings and addressing the issue of gravity at the quantum level

as well as applications to new physics model building at the electroweak scale.. At the same development in Loop Quantum Gravity should be addressed.

Headways compare to the state of

the art

Discovery of dual conformal symmetry of multi-loop integrals in gluon scattering amplitudes. Discovery of the weak-coupling duality between maximally helicity violating gluon scattering

amplitudes and light-like polygonal Wilson loops. Derivation of dual conformal symmetry Ward identities for Wilson loops and amplitudes Confirmation of the Wilson loop/amplitude duality for 6 gluons at two loops. Discovery of dual superconformal symmetry of scattering amplitudes in N=4 SYM Construction of all tree amplitudes in N=4 SYM. Using supersymmetric BCFW recursion rules , the amplitudes for an arbitrary number of particles

and of all types were constructed and their dual superconformal symmetry was demonstrated. Discovery of a Yangian symmetry of scattering amplitudes in N=4 SYM . This symmetry is exact

for all tree amplitudes, but it is broken by loop corrections. Understanding the breaking mechanism is a major challenge at present.

Originality and

ambitious character

The project is truly ambitious since the aim is to find exact solutions to gauge theories which are after all the pillars of, for example, LHC physics. It draws from quite a few complementary approaches: Wilson loops, dual conformal supersymmetry, correspondence AdS/CFT, integrable systems and exact derivation of the anomalous dimension. The ultimate aims of application to scattering amplitudes for LHC physics and perhaps new approaches to certain problems in condensed matter physics, such as the calculation of correlations in spin chain models, add originality.

Positioning and

relevance with national

or international researches

The team in Annecy is leading the way in the exploitation of N=4 Super-Yang Mills for the construction of a paradigm that would allow a simplification of the calculation of scattering amplitudes that will lead to direct application for the LHC. It is also a lucky strike that the mathematical physics team of LAPTh has also experts in integrable systems. The discovery of a Yangian structure calls for a closer collaboration within LAPTh putting it at the leading edge. Moreover the particle physics group has been among the leaders in multi-leg one-loop calculations and can therefore contribute to this very ambitious program. There are very few places in the World where such a gathering of know how drawing from seemingly diverse disciplines meets. The breakthrough achieved by the LAPTh team has, very recently, spurred a flurry of activity in a few centres of excellence such the IAS, Princeton. We do hope that our project will help strengthen our teams.

Some applications to other domains in condensed matter physics are also foreseen . This line of


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM Bresearch may therefore turn out to be truly multi-disciplinary.

Scientific approach



Task 1: Examine the recent proposal for a modification of the light-like Wilson loop which incorporates helicity.

Task 2: Investigate the twistor properties of the amplitudes/Wilson loops . Task 3: Search for higher symmetries andintegrability . Task 4: Try to understand the breakdown of ordinary conformal symmetry by infrared

singularities. Task 5: Investigate the dual conformal symmetry of the scattering amplitudes in the non-planar

sector. Task 6: Look for possible scattering amplitude/Wilson loop dualities in gauge theories with less

supersymmetry Task 7: Try to find infrared safe observables and investigate what constraints the dual conformal

and other symmetries impose on them. Task 8: Adapt the solution of the supersymmetric BCFW recursion relations for tree amplitudes

to the QCD model and automate the procedure in the form of a computer code. Task 9: Exploit our know-how in integrable systems to express the dilatation operator appearing

in the AdS/CFT correspondence. Task 10: Non-perturbative effects in the phenomenology of D brane models related to

supersymmetric extensions of the MSSM. Task 11: Relations with F-theory and implications for F-theory phenomenology


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5.2.2 EXPLOITATION OF RESULTS, TRANSFER AND EXPERTISEThe promotion of the research is an important stake for the OSUTI Labex. Firstly, the dissemination of the results will permit to create new collaborations with scientific and socio-economic partners that will reinforce the scientific excellence of the laboratory. Secondly, the OSUTI members think that the communication oriented to the general public is important to provide a scientific answer concerning crucial actual questions such as the origin of the universe. This involvement will also develop the interest for the fundamental physics research and will create vocations that will provide the future high level researchers for the OSUTI laboratories.Finally, this global action will assure a long lasting funding solution to support the research.

The Promotion of the research policy of OSUTI will be in total agreement with the current policies of the partners and the supervising institutions. The main aim of this action is to provide a complementary link in the chain of the promotion of the research to improve its efficiency. Consequently, the OSUTI Labex will allocate 10% of the requested aid for the promotion of the research.

Actually, 3 themes have been identified for the promotion of the research policy:

To reach its objectives, the Osuti Labex proposes the following action plan:

Action 1 : To create a performing Promotion of the research network The Promotion of the research unit of the OSUTI Labex will structure and allow making the most of the potential of the scientific results, knowledge and skills developed. The aim of this unit will be to create links between fundamental research, applied research and applications. It will also coordinate the global action for the promotion of the research.This action will be based on the current partners of the Osuti members in particular the promotion of the research structures such as the regional incubation structures: SAS FLORALIS (University Joseph Fourier valorization subsidiary company), consortia GRAVIT (Grenoble Alpes Valorisation Innovation Technologiques) and GRAIN (Grenoble Alpes Incubation); or hopefully the future appropriate structure such as SATT (Sociétés d’Accélération de Transfert Technologique). All the other partners academic and socio-academic will be also integrated:


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Action 2 : Integrate early in the process of the research the stakes of the Promotion of the research

The promotion of the research unit will be integrated to each step of the selection and the estimation of the different projects and workpackages. The policy will permit to take into account early in the strategy of the research the purpose of the promotion. This will allow to detect interesting results for the different partners and if necessary to reorientate the strategy of the project.

Action 3 : To support the first steps of the promotion of the research Once the potential of promotion of the research is detected, the valorization unit will act as a Technology Transfer Officer to facilitate the fist steps of the process such as the deposit for a patent or the drafting of partnerships. Then contacts will be taken with specialized partners for the promotion of the researches: Gravit, Grain Floralis or CEA investissement. The exploitation of results will also be accomplished through the set up of new (multi-) disciplinary research networks focused on particle physics, astroparticle physics, and cosmology such as the TTN (Technology Transfer Network) of CERN Members in construction.

Action 4 : To continue the performing dissemination of the results to the scientific world

To maintain its international scientific recognition, the OSUTI Labex will retain its performing scientific communication. Research results conducted on OSUTI Labex may be broadcasted to the scientific community through 3 channels:


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM B Action 5 : To improve the dissemination of the results to the socio-economic

worldThe OSUTI project will participate actively, within the research ecosystem developed in the PRES Université de Grenoble , to ensure medium and long term socio-economic impacts at the regional, national and European level. It should therefore:ð Ensure the widest dissemination of the research results in order to maximize the socio economic

issues. This objective can be reach threw strong collaborations with the clusters or other organizations realizing interfaces between socio-economic actors and laboratories. An efficient way could be for example the organization of annual meetings with these partners to present the results of the project.

ð Use all possible ways of transferring knowledge and technologies in order to put industrial and socio-economic partners in optimal capacity to exploit directly or indirectly the research results.

The transfer to the industry of common results will be decided in a collegial manner and performed through existing promotion of the research structures. Start-ups incubation will be encouraged by the availability of room and offices within the “Maison de la Mécatronique” from the Home project platform and also business expertises.

All partners will be invited to take an active role in spreading the news about the project in their own spheres. A project website will be created in order to be able to deliver specific and understandable information about the OSUTI Project equipment including the description of the members of the Consortium and the day-by-day obtained results.

Action 6 : To develop the dissemination of the results to the general public OSUTI team wants to improve the efficiency of the communication oriented to the general public complementary to the actual actions as for example the participation to the « fêtes de la science », the organization of conferences or the organized visits of the laboratories.It is why OSUTI plans to work with a subcontractor specialized in communication to increase these performances.

Action 7 : To create value with research to provide future sources of funding : Patents and IP

The OSUTI Labex also aims to create value by offering researchers the possibility to collaborate on joint studies, co-financing thesis, and R&D projects. Any research project accepted by OSUTI scientific council and using OSUTI resources will be governed by a research collaboration agreement or consortium agreement between the partners according to the context. These agreements will provide to the research projects the appropriate resources and governance structure but also the rules for protection and distribution of intellectual property rights among the partners (if new knowledge is created).The OSUTI consortium will act to provide fair and reasonable conditions for all the research project participants. The basic principle of co-ownership of the results generated by employees of partners will be respected. Exploitation of results by a co-owner, such as patents, will involve financial compensation for other partners, including public partners whereas each partner will have access to the IP of the results of joint R&D projects for their own research purposes.


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Décrire le projet du laboratoire en termes d’engagement au sein des formations de haut niveau et notamment :

- l’encadrement des étudiants de niveau master et doctorat,- l’implication du laboratoire au sein des écoles doctorales et des masters,- la mise en place de projets pédagogiques innovants, par exemple sous la forme d’une


Mettre d’avantage en avant dans cette partie les résultats de l’ensemble des laboratoires dans le domaine de la formation et les actions collectives du Labex car ce programme semble principallement orienté pour les infrastructrues et les formations de Grenoble.

S’il est envisagé la création d’une Chaire, merci de l’indiquer aussi dans cette partie comme une nouvelle action.

As previously mentioned the Osuti members are actually implied in the several education programs and have the following results:

Autres principaux resultats à faire figurer qui incluraient l’ensemble des membres du consortium ?

Actual results for the higher education

Professional training

A facility dedicated to practical training in nuclear physics was developed in Grenoble. More than 500 students from the Joseph Fourier University, Phelma and E3 engineering schools use this facility each year. This is a key ingredient of their professional training. This is a unique equipment at the national level: ð the equivalent of 9 FTE professors teach on the facilityð the total investment in the equipment of the facility is not far from 1 million Euros

Master level (for

fundamental research)

Several high-level formations are offered to students aiming at learning subatomic physics in the Rhône-Alpes region:ð The program of the Master PSA (Physique Subatomique et Astroparticules ) is built to

further the development of the student as a professional physicist, either experimentalist or theoretician. Lectures are given in elementary particle physics, fundamental interactions, relativistic quantum mechanics (gauge theories) and quantum field theory, hadronic and nuclear physics, general relativity and cosmology, astroparticle physics, physics beyond the standard model; together with the associated experimental methods and detectors. A four-month training period within a research laboratory takes place after the courses. Former students from the Master have obtained very good results when applying for a permanent position as a researcher or assistant professor. Three courses of study are available: "Particles and the Universe", "Nuclei and particles" and "Accelerator physics". As this is an "International Master", some lectures are given in English. The lecturers are from LPSC, LAPP and LAPTh, together with the IPN-Lyon and the ENS-Lyon.

ð The program of the Master EP (Energétique Physique) covers: nuclear energy, new materials, cryogenics, thermal studies and solar energy.

ð Those masters also allow students to attend the JUAS international accelerator school located in Archamp.

Doctorate level

More than 25 students (average) , selected by the doctoral school, start a PhD thesis each year in the OSUTI laboratories.

The education program is a crucial point for the Osuti members to develop the next generation of high-level scientists who will work in the Osuti laboratories and will maintain their excellent standards. Professional training is also a powerful means to develop the competences of the current staff of the laboratories. This is why, education is viewed as a complementary activity to research work and the Osuti members have decided to allocate 30% of the requested Labex budget to education. From an operational point of view the education policy will be coordinated by a special unit in the Labex wich will be in closed links with the supervision institutions and the members. In order to reach these objectives the following program action will be implemented:


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM B Action 1 : Create a unified pole for subatomic physics and cosmology in the

Rhône-Alpes region with a national reputationBased on existing structures, and by reinforcing actual links between the Grenoble, Annecy and other partners from Lyon, such as the “Institut de Physique Nucléraire” and the “ENS”, we want to create a national centre proposing a coherent and high-level education program. By unifying complementary research themes of Grenoble and Annecy, this pole will cover all the range of the subatomic physics and cosmology. This will is in total agreement with the policies of the supervising institutions (UdS, UJF etc...).The proximity of two internationally renowned laboratories, CERN and the ILL, are also catalysing factors for the creation of this pole.

Action 2 :Hosting new PhD students in the Labex laboratories The Osuti Labex partners wish to host new PhD students in their laboratories to continue the tradition of training future scientists. The members of the consortium have the potential to integrate new students into their laboratories with the guarantee of a high quality supervision. Such conditions are similar to the staff-student ratios of internationally recognized teaching programs in countries such as the USA and Germany, who assign no more than 2 post-docs and 2 students to each supervisor.

Action 3 : To recruit high-potential foreign PhD students In order, to attract foreign students dedicated grants for PhDs will be attributed to excellent quality applicants. Hosting foreign students will give a international visibility to our education programs.

Action 4 :To develop the internationalization of the Master PSA for fundamental research by increasing the number of students from foreign countries

Dedicated grants will be attributed to excellent students so that they can attend the courses. In addition, professors will be especially invited to participate in the Master courses to give highly specialized and attractive lectures. This will strengthen the links between the Grenoble University and foreign universities. OSUTI will beneficiate of the numerous foreign researchers invited that will naturally favour this action because these researchers will promote and speak about the Osuti program threw the world.

Action 5 :To increase the capacity of the current nuclear training facility The Labex plans to develop the nuclear training facility by gathering the different equipments within a dedicated inter-university centre. This will allow improved visibility and an increased number of students, in accordance with the high demands for trained personnel in the nuclear engineering field. In fact, the current facility is saturated. This new facility will be mainly benefit vocational training.Moreover, equipment development is for seen which be an opportunity to introduce new experimental themes (e.g. physicial medicine). These could be:

ð A NaI Scintillation Detector and the related data-acquisition systemð A cosmic muon detectorð A tomography station

Action 6 : To use new pedagogic tool The OSUTI Labex wants to use its tools such as video-conferences to allow the teaching of courses by foreign lecturers. This means will bring an economical and powerful way to participate in courses in foreign languages.

Action 7 : To develop successful initiatives such as the Les Houches Workshop and the thematic schools

The Workshop at Les Houches is one world renowned and gathers internationally recognized scientists who share their experiences and competences with both students at the beginning of their careers and with more experienced researchers. The flexible frame of this 3-week long Workshop is a really good opportunity to create links between research teams and to set up excellent dedicated working groups on particular themes. This Workshop is also a means to identify new high-level research projects and to propose them to join the laboratories of the Labex members.The thematic schools are also an efficient mean to pass on the knowledge and experience of experts to professionals and students. A successful example that can be quote is the thematic school of the SBT involved cryostat design for CERN, oriented towards technicians and engineers. This specialized training develops recognized expertises.The Labex could be a means to provide lasting financial solution to these special initiatives.


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Action 8 : To develop international lectures by encouraging synergies between research activities and education

The presence of foreign researchers in the Labex and their development in the frame of the OSUTI actions will give an opportunity to increase the number of high-level international lectures by proposing to each guest researcher the opportunity to present their subject to the students of the educational program.

Action 9 : To create new exchanges with social and human sciences Fundamental physics around the Messenger of the Cosmos is closely related with the philosophy of science. OSUTI partners have identified three topics on which we could interact strongly with the philosophy department of the Mendes university (Grenoble 2):

ð Epistemology of physicsð Ethics of physicð History of physics.

The OSUTI team already have strong links with philosophers: a workshop on the philosophy of cosmology which lead to a book being published not long ago. The OSUTI team believe that having a few PhD students with two advisors, one philosopher and one physicist would benefit to both communities. Such an interdisciplinary approach to the philosophy of physics is quite rare in France and the OSUTI LABEX would unquestionably be an ideal support base for those promising studies.

Action 10 : To facilitate the feedback of the former students for the current education program, encouraging continuous improvement and promoting professional insertion

The Osuti members want to generalize the actual policy of feedback from former students which is currently running via debriefing meetings. This action is coupled to internal insertion surveys. The Osuti members think that a good education program with links with the industrial sector is the best way to encourage the insertion of students into the workplace.

5.2.4 GOVERNANCE(3 pages maximum)

The LABEX will depend from the PRES University de Grenoble and will use the PRES administration and mechanisms to run.Rajouter quelques lignes sur la pertinance de faire porter le porjet par le PRES et son rôle

The Labex team choosed a structure that: Allow coordinating the global action in links with the partners and the supervision

institutions that will be assure with the involvement at different levels of their representatives

Create flexibility to answer rapidly to the scientific and technological new problematics with an internal process functioning as a call for projects involving each WorkPackage. This mean will to optimize the use of the resources and favor the Labex on the national and international stage.

Accomplishe the fixed objectives with defined indicators and organs responsible of this aspect.

The governance of the LABEX is structured in 3 different bodies: A decisional layer: The executive board will supervise the management team, approve

the scientific programme, the financial investments, and the operation plan. It meets at least once a year, chaired by one of the PRES Université Grenoble representative. Its role is to review the LABEX’s status and plans for the future. It reviews the scientific programme and its achievements, and approves the human and financial resources in a yearly basis. It is composed of 18 members:

ð Three representatives of the PRES of Grenoble (3 members)ð Three representatives from CNRS/IN2P3 and INP and CEA (3 members)ð One representative of the doctoral school (1 member)ð Two representatives respectively from the SATT association and one industrialist. (2

members)ð The elected representatives of the personnel (2 members from each partner)


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM Bð Two internationally recognised scientific (?) experts outside the PRES Grenoble

universites. (2 members) A consultative layer: The scientific council aims to advise the management team on

the scientific orientation. It is appointed by the project coordinator who is also the chair and meets at least once a year. It is composed of the following members :

ð A representative of the Conseil Scientifique du Laboratoire or scientific council for each partner, (5 members in total)

ð A representative from the PRES de Grenoble (1 member)ð Other national and international experts (5 members)

An operational layer: The management team will be in charge of the day to day running of the LABEX project. Each project should sign an agreement stating the objectives and obligations, with the management team to use the different resources (Contrat Objectifs Moyens). The management team will also have the responsibility of the operational implementation of the strategy, public outreach, industrial partnerships and the promotion of the LABEX. The management team will refer to the corresponding laboratory directors for matters related to the day to day running and the executive board for medium and long term issues. It is composed by:

ð The project coordinator (2 years term renewable once) ð The deputy coordinator (2 years term renewable once, nominated by the project

coordinator) ð The coordinators of the work packages (2 years term non renewable), the 3

platforms, the educational project and valorisation

LPSC ManagementLPSC Scientific manager :

Serge KoxLPSC Financial manager :

Geneviève Gras

Management teamOSUTI project Coordinator :

Jean Karyotakis, LAPPDeputy Project Coordinator :

Johann Collot, LPSCScientific councilExecutive board

WP 1 : Physics on Colliders (PhyCol)Coordinator :Corinne Goy , LAPPCo-Coordinator :Mickaël Klasen, LPSC

WP 3 : Neutrino physics (PhyNeu)

Coordinator :Fabrice Piquemal , LSMCo-Coordinator :Dominique Duchesneau, LAPP

WP 4 : Nuclear structure and Energy

(StrNuE)Coordinator :Annick Billebaud, LPSCCo-Coordinator :Gary Simpson , LPSC

LAPP ManagementLAPP Scientific manager :

Jean KaryotakisLAPP Financial manager :

Lionel Bert-Erboul

LSM ManagementLSM Scientific manager :

Fabrice PiquemalLSM Financial manager :

Michel Zampaolo

SBT/INAC ManagementSBT Scientific manager :

Philippe GullySBT Financial manager :

Nathalie Colombel

WP 5 : Futuraccelerator physics

and technology (Fat)Coordinator :Maud Baylac, LPSCCo-Coordinator :Andrea Jeremie, LAPP

LAPTH ManagementLAPTH Scientific manager :

Fawzi BoudjemaLAPTH Financial manager :

Dominique Turc

WP 6 : Mathematical

Physics (PhyMat)Coordinator :James Drummond (LAPTh)

Platform 2 : HOME Equipex

Coordinator :Jean Karyotakis, LAPP

Platform 1 : CIPHEACoordinator :Fawzi Boudjema, LAPTH

Platform 3 : ULISSEEquipex

Coordinator :Fabrice Piquemal , LSM

WP 2 : Astroparticlesand Cosmology

(Astro)Coordinator :Frédérique Marion, LAPPCo-Coordinator :Pierre Salati, LAPTh

Education UnitCoordinator :AurélienBarrau , LPSCCo-Coordinator :Pierre Salati, LAPTh

Promotion of the Research UnitCoordinator :Pascal Sortais, LPSCCo-Coordinator :Frédérique Chollet, LAPP

ILL ManagementILL Scientific manager :

XXXXXXILL Financial manager :


PRES of Grenoble UniversitéCoordinator :

Farid Ouabdesselam

Platform 4 : “Institutdes grilles” Equipex

Coordinator :XXXXX

Platform 5 : PEREN & FFERCoordinator :Véronique Ghetta, LPSCCo-Coordinator : GrégoireKessedjian, LPSC

This structure of governance will ensure the realization of the objectives of OSUTI Labex : The scientific excellence of the project with the participation of national and international

experts and high level institutions in the scientific council


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM B The dissemination and the valorization of the scientific results will be coordinated

and optimized by a special unit within the Labex in links with existing valorization structures. The promotion of the research will be ensured by a closed collaboration with the valorisation structures of each laboratory as well as the presence of the SATT association and one industrialist in the executive board. A consortium agreement will be signed between the partner laboratories to define the intellectual property rules, valorisation rules of  the results of the researches performed in the frame of the Labex

The development of the education will be also coordinated by a Labex special Unit. The presence of the doctoral school representative in the executive board will be also a key element to take into account education purpose.

Suite à l’email du PRES un certain nombre d’indicateurs avaient été proposés, doit-on obligatoirement reprendre ces indicateurs ou pouvons-nous faire une proposition qui serait un mix des 2 ?

In order to evaluate the performances and the realization of the Labex objectives, 3 types of indicators can be proposed: For the scientific excellence :

ð Scientific production : Number of publications in international reviews with selection panel and

number of citations after 2 years, Conference communications with national or international proceedings, Number of conferences where the partners are invited

o Scientific influence Organization of coll oquiums, Invitations and stays in France and abroad, Leadership positions at running or proposed experiments, Leadership and participation at european or international programs of

research, Membership on thesis juries, Prizes and distinctions.

ð Strengthening the human resources Increase of the size of the LABEX, Invitations of researcher-professor of international prestige.

For the dissemination and the valorization of the scientific results in the socio-economic world :

ð CIFRE Thesis : number of thesis and capacity to attract new companiesð Research contr acts : evolution of the number, capacity to attract new companies,

recurrence for funding companies,ð R&D collaborative projects with industrialists (ANR, AVOIDED(FLED), PCRD):

evolution of the number and amount of funding obtained,ð Transfer of patents or licensing and amount of royalties ,ð Creation of spin-offs .

For the development of the education :o Supervision of PhD students and post-PhD students : number of students per year

and, capacity to welcome foreign students,o Number of students in dedicated education (in particular Master's 2 degrees).

The realization of these objectives will be frequently compared to the ambitions of the OSUTI project and be evaluated and analysed:


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5.2.5 ATTRACTION (2 pages maximum)

Détailler la stratégie d’attractivité vis-à-vis des chercheurs et des étudiants français et étrangers de très haut niveau ou à très fort potentiel, et notamment les moyens mis en œuvre pour créer une chaire. Décrire l’effort déployé pour développer l’attractivité des métiers de la recherche et l’accueil des étudiants.

The Osuti team can rely on several assets that contribute to the actual and futur acttraction : An exceptional scientific environment whith internationally recognized researchers and

infrastructures Closed relationships and the proximity to CERN The networking of the main laboratories in the Annecy-Geneva-Grenoble triangle, An interdisciplinary associating theory, experiment, research and development The exploration of new areas combining physics, mathematics, biology and complex

systems. An available welcoming capacity in terms if human resources and premises in the

partenrs’ laboratories

In order to attract new researchers and student, French and foreigners, of very high level or very high potential, it is envisaged to: Action 1 : To develop the current successful CIPHEA (Centre International de

Physique des Hautes Energies et d'Astrophysique or International Centre of High Energy Physics and Astrophysics)

CIPHEA was founded in 2006 by the LAPP and the LAPTh under the auspices of CERN and Local Authorities “ Conseil Général de la Haute-Savoie” which is the major funding body. From early on, the Centre was able to attract very high level scientists from around the world, including confirmed experts, post-doctoral fellows, PhD students and young trainees. Recently, the prestigious Sakurai3 Prize was awarded to one of our regular visitor from Boston. The ever-growing success of the

3 ,The physicist is Kenneth Lane, who has spent, on average, 6 months a year at the Centre since 2006.. As a reminder, the J.J Sakurai prize has been awarded to Higgs, Guralnik, Kibble… in 2010 for the Higgs mechanism!


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM BCentre in attracting an ever increasing number of scientists, particularly since the LHC experiments started taking data coinciding with a wealth of results from astrophysics and cosmology.The LABEX call for tenders is a good opportunity to maintain and develop this ambitious program and will lead:

ð To promote and develop scientific collaborations around the physics at current and future) colliders, as well as in Astrophysics and Cosmology. Neutrino physics is a very natural addition, particularly with the LSM taking part in the project.

ð To attract new fields such as mathematical physics, mathematics and biophysics/biomathematics. This would bring in a multi disciplinary approach to the Centre which is rather unique on the European research scene in particular. It would also perpetuate the areas of focus within the MSIF Federation, which incorporates the LAMA, the LAPP and the LAPTh), and would partly reflect collaborations developed as part of ANR projects between the LAPTh, the LAPP and the LPSC.

ð To be the melting pot of research and explorations for mini workshops where experts from different horizons meet under one roof through : researchers from fields as varied as biophysics and biomathematics, or data management on a large scale drawing from the LHC experience towards genomics, DNA and quantum computing. As a result, this Centre of excellence would also be able to initiate debates and reflexions on epistemology.

ð To reinforce the training/teaching role by attracting young post-doctoral fellows and PhD students. It has been performing on a smaller scale and with renowned physicians into partners premises, the Osuti team will be able to continue to offer lectures at the doctoral school.

ð To organise summer schools associating lectures and in-situ research . Without substituting to those offered by CERN, these programs should be elaborated in tandem with the CERN partnership.

ð To become a leading Centre of excellence on the international scene , drawing from the experience of Centres like the Kavli (Santa-Barbara), Perimeter Institute (Waterloo, Canada), GGI (Florence) or Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences. Moreover, the CIPHEA project has already led to several MoU that have been signed between the Osuti laboratories laboratories and larges centres/universities in Europe, USA and Asia (India, Japan and China). It is also envisaged to organise and coordinate doctoral or post-doctoral lectures which could be linked to different laboratories or universities taking into account the fact that LAPP and LAPTh through the UdS have now joined the PRES Grenoble.

Action 2 : To develop the cooperation and the synergies between the CIPHEA and the CTPG (Centre de Théorie en Physique de Grenoble ) Partie à conserver ?

The CTPG is another actual initiative from the LPSC that aims at assuring a scientific animation in theoretical physics, especially local but also very national and international physics. This project insists particularly on the communication between different domains of the theoretical physics.He will propose among others the regular organization of a general colloquium in theoretical physical appearance, thematic days as well as workshops around some high-level guests.By developing synergies and the cooperations whith the CIPHEA and the CTPG, the OSUTI members wish to develop the international attraction of the laboratories. Action 3 : To propose high level education and training preogram with

internationnaly recocgnaized lectures and professorBy using inititaoves such as the CIPHEA the OSUTI project wish proposate high level education and tarinig program in link with a professional environement that will attract international students. Action 4 : To create a welcoming human and material environment . The LABEX will allow to act on these 2 control levers as far as :

ð The human environment will be improved : Possibility to form / to strengthen working teams integrating complementarities

and affinities, Welcoming PhD students and young graduates source of dynamism and revival, A structure of simple and strong governance which will work in partnership with the

structures for the promotion of the Research and will allow simple administrative functioning.

Middle term contracts and attractive salaries will be proposed and will ensure stability and an economical propitious environment


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM Bð The material conditions offered via the LABEX will allow the staff to blossom in a high-

level environment. The current premises presented in the laboratories description that could be developed with the Equipex Home, Ulisse and EFG will provide high level equipements and infrastructures.

Action 5 : To develop the communication about scientific results to reinforce the excellent reputation of the OSUTI partner on national and international scene

ð Improve the communication oriented to scientific ð Improve the communication oriented to general public


Partie en attente des retours des établissements de tutelle.Partie rédigée en français par D&C pour faciliter les échanges avec les VP

Le pôle de recherche et d'enseignement supérieur (PRES) de Grenoble  rassemble les 6 établissements universitaires, universités Joseph Fourier (UJF), Pierre Mendès France et Stendhal, Grenoble INP (INPG), l’Université de Savoie (UdS) et l'IEP de Grenoble, en partenariat avec les organismes de recherche présent sur le site (CEA, CNRS…), les acteurs territoriaux, sociaux et économiques du site, ainsi que les autres établissements d'enseignement supérieur.

Cet établissement public de coopération scientifique (EPCS) est la structure support du pôle de recherche et d'enseignement supérieur de l’Académie de Grenoble. Il construit et développe le projet stratégique universitaire et scientifique du site et gère les actions et projets communs de ses membres.

Le PRES de Grenoble, coordinateur du LabEx OSUTI, a pour mission : - d'accroître la visibilité internationale du Pôle de recherche et d'enseignement supérieur, notamment à travers les partenariats internationaux et le développement international du site- de promouvoir le potentiel de recherche du site, par la délivrance du doctorat de l'Université de Grenoble et la gestion du collège doctoral de site, la mise en place de la signature unique dans les publications, la participation à la valorisation d'activités de recherche menées en commun- de gérer les projets communs, en particulier le projet «Grenoble université de l'innovation» créer et gérer des services relatifs à la vie étudiante : accueil, vie associative, activités culturelles- de gérer le patrimoine mis en commun

En ce sens, le LabEx OSUTI présenté au financement des investissements d’avenir entre totalement dans la stratégie du PRES Grenoble puisqu’il vise à renforcer la position des partenaires impliqués et de la France dans les domaines de la physique subatomique et de la cosmologie, afin de faire de Grenoble et du territoire alpin un pôle de recherche référent national et européen capable de collaborer avec les plus grands instituts et laboratoires étrangers, et d’attirer les scientifiques et techniciens de premier plan.Chargé de gérer et coordonner les projets communs portés par les établissements universitaires, le PRES de Grenoble réalisera également la coordination des compétences du LabEx OSUTI et des moyens de l’Equipex HoMe, afin de mener sur ces sites d’excellence des projets de recherche et développement ambitieux.

Il est nécessaire de renforcer cet aspect en précisant le détail de l’engagement pluriannuel du PRES sur la stratégie et les moyens matériels, financiers et humains mis en œuvre pour lancer et pérenniser le LabEx.

5 tutelles sont aujourd’hui prioritairement représentées au sien du projet OSUTI. Elles ont toutes placé la physique subatomique, la physique des particules et la cosmologie au centre de leur stratégie scientifique visant à améliorer leur visibilité et leurs travaux :



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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM BLe CNRS mène des recherches dans l'ensemble des domaines scientifiques, technologiques et sociétaux grâce à ses dix instituts dont trois sont nationaux. 2 de ces instituts sont parties prenantes de OSUTI, puisque tutelle de 4 des 6 laboratoires du consortium.

L’IN2P3 (Institut national de physique nucléaire et de physique des particules), tutelle des laboratoires LAPP, LPSC et LSM.Créé en 1971, l’IN2P3 a pour mission de promouvoir et fédérer les activités de recherche dans les domaines de la physique nucléaire, physique des particules et astroparticules. Il coordonne les programmes dans ces domaines pour le compte du CNRS et des universités, en partenariat avec le CEA.Ces recherches ont pour but d’explorer la physique des particules élémentaires, leurs interactions fondamentales ainsi que leurs assemblages en noyaux atomiques, d’étudier les propriétés de ces noyaux et d’explorer les connexions entre l’infiniment petit et l’infiniment grand.Toutes les thématiques portées par OSUTI structurent la roadmap technologique de l’IN2P3 : physique des particules, physique hadronique, physique nucléaire, astroparticules, neutrinos, accélérateurs, grilles de calcul.Le LabEx OSUTI, de part son positionnement scientifique et son orientation forte vers la formation et la valorisation, renforce la politique de l’IN2P3 qui a vocation à apporter ses compétences à d’autres domaines scientifiques, ainsi qu’à la résolution de certains problèmes posés par la société, à participer à la formation des jeunes aux côtés de l’Université, et à faire bénéficier le monde de l’entreprise de son expertise en diffusant vers l’industrie les ressources technologiques qu’il a su développer dans le cadre de ses activités de recherche.

L’INP (Institut de Physique), tutelle du laboratoire LAPTh, qui travaille en étroite interaction avec le LAPP, collaboration renforcée à travers la mise en place d’une fédération commune : MSIF, Modélisation, Simulation et Interactions Fondamentales, qui regroupe donc le LAPTh, le LAPP et le LAMA (Laboratoire de Mathématiques de l'Université de Savoie).L’INP a pour mission de développer et de coordonner les recherches dans le domaine de la recherche en physique avec deux motivations principales : le désir de comprendre le monde et la volonté de répondre aux enjeux actuels de notre société.Les thématiques scientifiques portées par les laboratoires de l'INP sont regroupés autour de deux grands domaines : lois fondamentales, optique et lasers ; physique de la matière condensée et nanosciences.

A renforcer sur l’aspect suivant : en quoi ce type d’initiative entre dans la stratégie du CNRS globalement, et des 2 instituts en particulier+Il est nécessaire de renforcer cet aspect en précisant le détail de l’engagement pluriannuel du CNRS sur la stratégie et les moyens matériels, financiers et humains mis en œuvre pour lancer et pérenniser le LabEx.

L’Université de Savoie (UdS) :L’Université de Savoie a effectué ces dernières années un important effort de rationalisation de ses structures recherche. Ses 600 enseignants-chercheurs travaillent au sein de 20 laboratoires de recherche, dont 12 associés aux grands organismes, qui couvrent aujourd’hui quatre domaines de compétence :

Mathématiques et Physique Sciences et génie de l’environnement Systèmes intelligents et technologies avancées Organisations et territoires, représentations et cognition

Par nature pluridisciplinaire, elle a fait le choix de se distinguer en construisant, au fil des ans, des spécificités reconnues autour de trois thèmes transversaux qui présentent chacun la particularité de couvrir le spectre de la recherche académique à la valorisation/transfert : - La physique, des questions fondamentales traitées notamment en relation avec le CERN et les équipes de mathématiques, aux développements technologiques qui en découlent, notamment dans le domaine de la mécatronique, en relation avec l’industrie mécanique de la Haute-Savoie et le pôle de compétitivité Arve Industries. - La montagne, avec une couverture thématique des sciences de la terre aux problématiques du tourisme et du développement, - Le solaire, de la problématique des transferts d’énergie à la mise en œuvre dans le bâtiment, dans le cadre de l’Institut National de l’Energie Solaire (INES) ainsi que du pôle de compétitivité TenerRdis,

La place de la physique est aujourd’hui centrale dans la stratégie de l’UdS.


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM BLe contrat quadriennal actuellement mis en œuvre à l'Université couvre la période 2007-2010. Depuis plusieurs mois, l'Université de Savoie prépare son projet d'établissement 2011-2014.Le texte stratégique a été validé par le Conseil d'Administration lors de sa séance du 13 octobre 2009. Il met fortement en avant les dimensions internationale et pluridisciplinaire, 2 valeurs maîtresses portées par le LabEx OSUTI. Il met également l’accent sur la nécessité de bâtir une stratégie sur une identité forte, partagée en interne, visible et reconnue à l’extérieur, fondée sur la qualité de sa recherche, déclinée sur des thématiques visibles et cohérentes, et sur la qualité et la pertinence de sa formation.

La physique et la mécatronique est encore une fois une des 3 thématiques mise en avant. L’histoire a placé le CERN près de Genève, et de ce fait à proximité d’Annecy-le-Vieux, un des sites d’implantation de l’UdS et des laboratoires partenaires de OSUTI. Ainsi l’axe physique/mécatronique a pour ambition de concrétiser le lien qui peut être établi entre d’une part, des aspects fondamentaux et, d’autre part, des objets technologiques innovants, et des réalités économiques et sociales en relation étroite avec le pôle de compétitivité Arve Industries Haute-Savoie Mont-Blanc. La construction de la Maison de la mécatronique, qui accueillera des chercheurs du CNRS et de l’UdS ainsi que des acteurs économiques, constitue aussi une réponse concrète à cet enjeu de rapprochement et de transfert de compétences. Le renforcement de ce secteur pourra aussi s’appuyer sur une collaboration consolidée entre les équipes de physique des particules, de physique théorique et de mathématiques, qui concrétise aussi des liens étroits avec le CNRS.

A renforcer sur l’aspect suivant : en quoi ce type d’initiative entre dans la stratégie de l’UdS+Il est nécessaire de renforcer cet aspect en précisant le détail de l’engagement pluriannuel de l’UdS sur la stratégie et les moyens matériels, financiers et humains mis en œuvre pour lancer et pérenniser le LabEx.

L’Université Joseph Fourrier (UJF) :Présente dans tous les grands classements internationaux (top 200 des universités mondiales - classement de Shanghaï , l'UJF propose une offre de formation initiale et continue ouverte sur des métiers d'avenir dans une grande diversité de disciplines : physique et chimie, mathématiques et informatique, biologie, médecine et pharmacie, ingénierie et technologie, sciences de la Terre et de l'Univers, environnement, géographie et sciences du territoire, sciences des activités physiques et sportives.

A renforcer sur l’aspect suivant : en quoi ce type d’initiative entre dans la stratégie de l’UJF, en particulier en lien avec le plan quadriennal+Il est nécessaire de renforcer cet aspect en précisant le détail de l’engagement pluriannuel de l’UJF sur la stratégie et les moyens matériels, financiers et humains mis en œuvre pour lancer et pérenniser le LabEx.

Le CEA :Le Conseil du Cern s’est réuni le 14 juillet 2006 à Lisbonne et a approuvé la stratégie élaborée par le Council strategy group mis en place pour la première fois l’an dernier. Plusieurs personnalités du CEA / Direction des Sciences de la Matière sont membres du Council strategy group. La Direction des sciences de la matière du CEA affiche une parfaite cohérence avec les orientations stratégiques européennes définies au Cern dans le domaine de la physique des particules, et contribue à celles-ci.

A renforcer sur l’aspect suivant : en quoi ce type d’initiative entre dans la stratégie du CEA+Il est nécessaire de renforcer cet aspect en précisant le détail de l’engagement pluriannuel du CEA sur la stratégie et les moyens matériels, financiers et humains mis en œuvre pour lancer et pérenniser le LabEx.

L’INPG : Grenoble INP finit premier du classement 2010 des écoles d’ingénieurs françaises du journal « Industrie et technologies », grâce à ses excellentes performances concernant le montant généré par des contrats de recherche (19,94 millions d'euros, 3ème meilleur score du palmarès), le nombre de brevets déposés depuis 2005 (142, 2ème place), et le nombre de doctorants et de post-doctorants (877, 1ère place).


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM BL’INPG a toujours placé l’excellence de la recherche et de la formation au cœur de sa stratégie, comme creuset de l’innovation.

A renforcer sur l’aspect suivant : en quoi ce type d’initiative entre dans la stratégie de l’INPG+Il est nécessaire de renforcer cet aspect en précisant le détail de l’engagement pluriannuel de l’INPG sur la stratégie et les moyens matériels, financiers et humains mis en œuvre pour lancer et pérenniser le LabEx.

5.4. CONNECTIONS TO THE ECONOMIC WORLDOsuti partners as LAPP, LPSC and SBT have a long tradition of industrial collaborations with regional, national and international partners. These laboratories are already involved on various fields of industrial collaborations which are the consequences of dissemination of the present knowhow of the laboratories. We can quote for the:

ð Industrial partners : o New technologies for superconductive cavities , cryogenics and accelerator

techniques : Air Liquide, Thalès, SDMS, IRELEC, Pantechniko Rapid analogical electronics : PSI electronics, TRIXELL, ST Microelectronicso New electronics and detectors for medical imaging: DOSISOFT, MEDASYS, AS2I…o new analyzing and machining devices for nanotechnology using ion sources : Orsay

Physicso new machine for industrial treatment of the surface : BODYCOTEo low radioactivity characterization of material : CYRUSo high power RF solid state amplifier : THALES, SAIREM

ð Laboratory valorization supervisor and regional incubation structure : Floralis, Gravit, Grain, CEA valorisation, and future SATT

ð Technical centres, clusters and association : CTDEC, CETIM, Plastipolis, Thesame, Arve Industries and Mind

The work packages of the OSUTI LABEX will drastically upgrade the relationship between fundamental research and economic domains for next generations of such applications. As a consequence, the consortium identified 5 different topics that could be interesting for the socio-economic environment:

OSUTI proposes the following action program to support its objectives:


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM B Action 1: To maintain closed contacts with the valorization structures, the clusters and technical

centres Action 2 : To favour the research collaboration agreements with the industrials , including a

licence strategy Action 3: To assure transfers to industry though common projects with industrial partners (co-

financed thesis and fix term contracts). Action 4: To identify new partners threw the participation to the international conferences,

industrial exhibitions, and the participation to innovation fairs. Action 5: To Deposit patents in the concerned fields. Action 6: To support the design and the realization of prototypes dedicated to industrial

purpose in link with the topics identified. Osuti will develop 3 years programs oriented for common prototype definitions

Action 7: To develop technical services involved inside the different work packages, mainly for the particle detection, electronics and ion beam production and simulation.

5.5. PULL EFFECT(2 pages maximum)

The pull effect of the LABEX will be realized under 2 forms:

An internal pull effect for the partners, via the LABEX, to become the "hard core" of the research projects in the field of the particle physics already priority axis of the scientific development of establishments supervision. The LABEX will federate an European pole for the subatomic physics and cosmology to affirm the euopean excellence on the international scene by strengthening the collaborations between Grenoble, Annecy and the Geneve (CERN). So, the LABEX will contribute:

To become the catalyst and federative element for the research in particular for physics of the neutrino where Osuti project which to create the French pole in this discipline

To pool risks and costs: this Labex is an opportunity to share the risks linked to the necessity to lift technological barriers, in parallel with a multiparty financial effort, will stimulate regional and national innovation

To save time: the exchange and sharing of technology and expertise within a single entity will allow faster access to innovations.

To save costs: the pooling of resources will maintain a capacity to investigate and experiment with lower risk new researches and innovations. But each structure separately could take on its own.

A greater likelihood of success for more ambitious projects: the linking of players throughout the value chain will allow a knowledge crossing of technical issues. This increased knowledge of the various constraints will reduce the risk of project failure.

A pooling of complementary actors for technology transfer: the Labex Valorization Unit structure will allow matching easier academic teams between them and link with industry. For these players it will be possible to access to a wider range of equipment and high-level skills.

A pooling of complementary actors for education: the Labex Education Unit structure will allow improving the efficiency of the education policy by coordinating the different initiatives of the partners and disposing of a wider range of professors and premises.

An external pull effect which will be benefit to the national and international research centres working in the field of particles physics and related disciplines, the expertises and the know-how which will have been developed within the framework of the LABEX. This project will be also profitable for socio-economical actors. Labex will contribute to:

A gain of territorial cohesion: the success of research and innovation projects is based on iterative process between academic research, R&D, marketing, production. It is becoming increasingly necessary to maintain a physical proximity between these different functions. Osuti will be also profitable for education system and companies (sub-contractor or big companies

A strengthening of the sector: OSUTI will consolidate in short term the academic ecosystem, and strengthen in the long-term the industrial base, with direct impact on job creation and increased industrial investment in the region Rhône-Alpes. HoMe will be a practical tool for implementing the strategy of the PRES Université de Grenoble. The increase of the number of innovation projects that can be conducted through OSUTI will promote exchanges between actors. A virtuous cycle will therefore be in place. This


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM Bstrengthening of the sector will also be done through the close localization of training actors within OSUTI, thereby attracting students to careers in existing and new trades.


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On présentera ici la justification scientifique et technique des moyens demandés dans le document de soumission A.

Objectif pour l’instant : positionner le LABEX à hauteur de 10M d’€ de budget : - 8 M€ de fonctionnement (principalement des frais de personnels, missions…)- 2 M€ d’équipements pour optimiser les performances des équipements existants au sein des laboratoires partenaires)

Cette partie 6 sera travaillée avec les responsables de laboratoires et de WP à partir du moment où la fiche financière officielle ANR sera disponible.

6.1. JUSTIFICATION FOR THE MOBILISATION OF THE RESOURCES (ON 10 YEARS)Le partenaire coordinateur justifiera les moyens qu’il demande, sur une durée maximale de 10 ans, en distinguant les différents postes de dépenses.


• Équipement / Equipement (coût unitaire supérieur à 4000 Euros HT)Présenter les moyens nécessaires à l’amélioration de la qualité et de la performance des équipements et à leur fonctionnement. Les coûts indiqués seront justifiés, dans la mesure du possible, par des devis (à placer en 7.3).

Necessary resources for the improvement of the quality and the performance of the equipments and their functioning (more than 4000€ HT)

Type of equipments Nature of the demand (improvement of the quality, functioning)

Justification Cost


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• Personnel / Personnel costLe personnel non permanent (thèses, post-doctorants, CDD...) financé sur le projet devra être justifié.

Pour chaque poste, donner le coût unitaire et la durée prévue (en mois).

Personnel cost

Nature (thesis, fixed-term contract) Role in the project Length (month) Cost

• Prestation de service externe / SubcontractingPréciser :

- la nature et le coût des prestations

- le type de prestataire


Type of service provided Type of subcontractor Justification Cost

• Missions/ TravelPréciser :

- les missions liées aux travaux d’acquisition sur le terrain (campagnes de mesures…)

- les missions relevant de colloques, congrès…


Type (campaign for measurement, colloquium, congress) Justification Cost


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM B• Dépenses justifiées sur une procédure de facturation interne/ Expenses for inward

billing (Costs justified by internal procedures of invoicing)Préciser la nature et le coût des prestations.

Expenses for inward billing (Costs justified by internal procedures of invoicing)

Type of expense Justification Cost

• Autres dépenses de fonctionnement/ Other working costsToute dépense significative relevant de ce poste devra être justifiée, dont les équipements de coût unitaire inférieur ou égale à 4000 Euros HT.

Other working costs (less or equal to 4000€ HT)

Type Justification Cost

6.1.2 EDUCATIONAL PROJECTJustifier les moyens demandés pour mettre en place le projet pédagogique, et le cas échéant celui de la chaire.

• Equipement (coût unitaire supérieur à 4000 Euros HT)Présenter les moyens nécessaires à l’amélioration de la qualité et de la performance des équipements et à leur fonctionnement. Les coûts indiqués seront justifiés, dans la mesure du possible, par des devis (à placer en 7.3).

Necessary resources for the improvement of the quality and the performance of the equipments and their functioning (more than 4000€ HT)

Type of equipments Nature of the demand (improvement of the quality, functioning)

Justification Cost


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Personnel cost

Nature (thesis, fixed-term contract) Role in the project Length (month) Cost

• SubcontractingPréciser :

- la nature et le coût des prestations,

- le type de prestataire.


Type of service provided Type of subcontractor Justification Cost

• Travel


Type (campaign for measurement, colloquium, congress) Justification Cost

• Expenses for inward billing (Costs justified by internal procedures of invoicing)Préciser la nature et le coût des prestations.

Expenses for inward billing (Costs justified by internal procedures of invoicing)

Type of expense Justification Cost


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• Other working costsToute dépense significative relevant de ce poste devra être justifiée, dont les équipements de coût unitaire inférieur ou égale à 4000 Euros HT.

Other working costs (less or equal to 4000€ HT)

Type Justification Cost

6.1.3 EXPLOITATION OF RESULTSJustifier les moyens demandés nécessaires à la mise en place de la stratégie de valorisation.

• Personnel cost

Personnel cost

Nature (thesis, fixed-term contract) Role in the project Length (month) Cost

• SubcontractingPréciser :

- la nature et le coût des prestations

- le type de prestataire


Type of service provided Type of subcontractor Justification Cost


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Type (campaign for measurement, colloquium, congress) Justification Cost

• Expenses for inward billing (Costs justified by internal procedures of invoicing)Préciser la nature des prestations.

Expenses for inward billing (Costs justified by internal procedures of invoicing)

Type of expense Justification Cost

• Other working costsToute dépense significative relevant de ce poste devra être justifiée, dont les équipements de coût unitaire inférieur ou égale à 4000 Euros HT.

Other working costs (less or equal to 4000€ HT)

Type Justification Cost

6.1.4 GOVERNANCEDécrire et justifier les moyens demandés pour mettre en place la gouvernance.

• Personnel cost

Personnel cost

Nature (thesis, fixed-term contract) Role in the project Length (month) Cost


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• SubcontractingPréciser :

- la nature et le coût des prestations

- le type de prestataire


Type of service provided Type of subcontractor Justification Cost

• Travel


Type (campaign for measurement, colloquium, congress) Justification Cost

• Expenses for inward billing (Costs justified by internal procedures of invoicing)Préciser la nature et le coût des prestations.

Expenses for inward billing (Costs justified by internal procedures of invoicing)

Type of expense Justification Cost


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM B• Other working costsToute dépense significative relevant de ce poste devra être justifiée, dont les équipements de coût unitaire inférieur ou égale à 4000 Euros HT.

Other working costs (less or equal to 4000€ HT)

Type Justification Cost

6.2. OTHERS RESOURCESIndiquer de façon détaillée les autres sources de financement prévues pour le projet ainsi que capacité du projet à générer de nouvelles resources pour assurer la pérennité du LABEX.

Other resources

Type Ability to the ensure the viability of the Labex Amount


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7.1. STATE OF THE ART REFERENCESInclure la liste des références bibliographiques utilisées dans la partie « Etat de l’art ».

Références à mettre en forme par D&C

Physics on Colliders (WP1)


1. A Schematic Model of Baryons and Mesons, Murray Gell-Mann, Phys.Lett.8:214-215,1964,.2. Ultraviolet Behavior of Nonabelian Gauge Theories, D.J. Gross & Frank Wilczek,Phys.Rev.Lett.30

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Unity of All Elementary Particle Forces. By H. Georgi & S.L. Glashow.Phys.Rev.Lett.32:438-441,1974,.

Hierarchy of Interactions in Unified Gauge Theories.By H. Georgi, Helen R. Quinn, Steven Weinberg.Phys.Rev.Lett.33:451-454,1974,.

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Lepton Number as the Fourth Color.By Jogesh C. Pati & Abdus Salam.Phys.Rev.D10:275-289,1974,Erratum-ibid.D11: 703-703,1975,.


Supersymmetry, Supergravity and Particle Physics.By Hans Peter Nilles.Phys.Rept.110:1-162,1984,.

The Search for Supersymmetry: Probing Physics Beyond the Standard Model.By Howard E. Haber & Gordon L. Kane.Phys.Rept.117:75-263,1985,.

Dynamical EWSB==============

Implications of Dynamical Symmetry Breaking: An Addendum.By Steven Weinberg.Phys.Rev.D19:1277-1280,1979,.

Dynamics of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in the Weinberg-Salam Theory.By Leonard Susskind.Phys.Rev.D20:2619-2625,1979,.



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Little Higgs============

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The Littlest Higgs.By N. Arkani-Hamed, A.G. Cohen, E. Katz, A.E. Nelson.JHEP 0207:034,2002,. [hep-ph/0206021]

Astroparticles and Cosmology (WP2)

4. Seven-Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Observations: Cosmological Interpretation. By E. Komatsu, et al.,[arXiv:1001.4538] (Jan 2010) 48p.

5. An excess of cosmic ray electrons at energies of 300-800 GeV. By J. Chang, et al., Nature 456:362-365,2008,.

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14. Supersymmetry parameter analysis: SPA convention and project. By J.A. Aguilar-Saavedra, G. Belanger, M. Klasen, S. Kraml, et al., Eur.Phys.J.C46:43-60,2006,. [hep-ph/0511344]

15. MicrOMEGAs 2.0: A Program to calculate the relic density of dark matter in a generic model. By G. Belanger, F. Boudjema, A. Pukhov, A. Semenov. Comput.Phys.Commun.176:367-382,2007,. [hep-ph/0607059]

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unification. By B. Herrmann, M. Klasen, K. Kovarik. Phys.Rev.D80:085025,2009,. [arXiv:0907.0030]

Neutrino physics (WP3)

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Nuclear structure and Energy (WP4)

Future accelerator Physics and technology (WP5)

Mathematical Physics (WP6)

Flavour Physics

1. Unitary Symmetry and Leptonic Decays, N. Cabibbo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 10, 531 (1963); 2. CP-Violation in the Renormalizable Theory of Weak Interaction, M. Kobayashi and T.

Maskawa, Prog. Theor. Phys. 49, 652 (1973); 3. Observation of CP violation in the B0 Meson System, B. Aubert et al.  (BaBar

collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 091801 (2001).4. Observation of Large CP violation in the neutral B Meson System, K. Abe et al. (Belle

Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 091802 (2001).5. Direct CP Violating Asymmetry in B0 →K+π- Decays.

B. Aubert et al. (BaBar collaboration) Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 131801 (2004).


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM B6. CP Violation and the CKM matrix : assessing the Impact of the Asymmetric B-

factories, J. Charles et al. (CKMfitter), Eur. Phys.J.C41:1-131 (2005)7. Observation of Bs0-Bs0bar Oscillations, CDF Collaboration (A. Abulencia)

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Model Standard and beyond

1. Experimental Test of Parity Conservation in Beta Decay, CS Wu et al,Phys. Rev. 105 1413 (1957)

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3. Broken Symmetry and the Mass of Gauge Vector Mesons, F. Engler and R. Brout, Phys. Rev. Lett. 13: 321–323.(1964).

4. Broken Symmetries and the Masses of Gauge Bosons, P.W. Higgs, Phys. Rev. Lett. 13: 508–509.(1964).

5. Electromagnetic And Weak Interactions, A. Salam and J.C. Ward, Phys. Lett. 13:168-171,(1964).

6. A Model of Leptons, S. Weinberg, Phys. Rev. Lett 19: 1264–1266 (1967)7. Predictions For Neutrino - Electron Cross-Sections In Weinberg's Model Of Weak

Interactions, G. t’Hooft, Phys. Lett. B 37:195,(1971).8. Observation of neutrino-like interactions without muon or electron in the gargamelle

neutrino experiment, F.J. Hasert et al., Phys. Lett. B 46: 138.(1973)9. Experimental Observation of Isolated Large Transverse Energy Electrons with

Associated Missing Energy at s**(1/2) = 540-GeV, G. Arnison et al. (UA1 Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 122, 103 (1983)

10. Observation of single isolated electrons of high transverse momentum in events with missing transverse energy at the CERN ppbar collider, S. Loucatos et al. (UA2 Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 122, 476 (1983)

11. Experimental Observation of Lepton Pairs of Invariant Mass Around 95-GeV/c**2 at the CERN SPS Collider, G. Arnison et al. (UA1 Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 126, 398 (1983)

12. Evidence for Z0 ---> e+ e- at the CERN anti-p p Collider, P. Bagnaia et al. (UA2 Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 129, 130 (1983)

13. Observation of top quark production in anti-p p collisions,CDF Collaboration (F. Abe et al.), Phys. Rev. Lett. 74:2626-2631(1995).

14. Observation of the top quark, D0 Collaboration (S. Abachi et al.), Phys. Rev. Lett.74:2632-2637 (1995).

15. Searches for supersymmetric particles in e+ e- collisions up to 208-GeV and interpretation of the results within the MSSM, DELPHI Collaboration (J. Abdallah et al.), Eur. Phys. J.C31:421-479 (2003).

16. Search for the standard model Higgs boson at LEP, LEP Working Group for Higgs boson searches, Phys. Lett. B 565 :61-75 (2003).

17. Absolute mass lower limit for the lightest neutralino of the MSSM from e+e− data at Vs up to 209 GeV, ALEPH Collaboration, Phys. Lett. B 583 247-263 (2004).  

18. Precision electroweak measurements on the Z resonance, ALEPH Collaboration and DELPHI Collaboration and L3 Collaboration and OPAL Collaboration and SLD Collaboration and LEP Electroweak Working Group and SLD Electroweak Group and SLD Heavy flavour Group., Phys. Rept. 427:257 (2006).

19. The ATLAS Experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider, ATLAS Collaboration JINST 3:S08003 (2008).


1. Evidence for planar events in e+e- annihilation at high energy, R Brandelik et al. (TASSO Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 86, 243 (1979)


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1. The Physics of Ultracold Neutrons, V.K. Ignatovich, Oxford University Press (1990)2. Ultra-Cold Neutrons, R. Golub, D. Richardson, S.K. Lamoreaux, Adam Higler (1991). 3. Quantum states of neutrons in the Earths gravitational field?, V.V. Nesvizhevsky, H.G.

Börner, A.K. Petukhov, H. Abele, S. Bäßler, F.J. Rueß,Th. Stöferle, A. Westphal, A.M. Gagarski, G.A. Petrov, and A.V. Strelkov, Nature 415: 297-299 (2002).

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5. Dark matter, F. Zwicky, Helv. Phys. Acta 6, 110 (1933) 6. On the Masses of Nebulae and of Cluster of Nebulae, F. Zwicky, ApJ 86, 217 (1937) 7. Rotation of the Andromeda Nebula from a Spectroscopic Survey of Emission

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K.G Begeman, A.H Broeils, R.H. Sanders, MNRAS 249, 523 (1991)9. Supersymmetric relics from the Big Bang, John Ellis et al., Nucl. Phys B 238, 453 (1984) 10. Cosmological constraints from the SDSS luminous red galaxies, Tegmark, M et al. ,

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12. CP violation and the CKM matrix: assessing the impact of the asymmetric B factories. Charles J, Hocker H, Lacker H, et al. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C. Volume: 41; Issue: 1; Pages: 1-131; Published: MAY 2005 (Cited 414 times; Average citations per year: 69.00).

13. Observation of a narrow meson state decaying to D-s(+)pi(0) at a mass of 2.32 GeV/c(2). Aubert B, Barate R, Boutigny D, et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. Volume: 90; Issue: 24; Article Number: 242001; Published: JUN (Cited 372 times; Average citations per year: 46.50).

14. Observation of CP violation in the B-0 meson system. Aubert B, Boutigny D, Gaillard JM, et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. Volume: 87; Issue: 9; Published: AUG 27 2001 (Cited 299 times; Average per year: 29.90).

15. Measurement of the CP asymmetry amplitude sin2 beta with B-0 mesons. Aubert B, Boutigny D, Gaillard JM, et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. Volume: 89; Issue: 20; Article Number: 201802; Published: NOV 11 2002 (Cited 261 times; Average per year: 29.00).

16. Search for neutral MSSM Higgs bosons at LEP. Schael S, Barate R, Brunelière R, et al. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C. Volume: 47; Issue: 3; Pages: 547-587; Published: SEP 2006 (Cited 200 times; Average per year: 40.00).

17. The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) on the International Space Station: Part I - results from the test flight on the space shuttle. Aguilar M, Alcaraz J, Allaby J, et al. PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS. Volume: 366; Issue: 6; Pages: 331-405; Published: AUG 2002 (Cited 191 times; Average per year: 21.22).

18. Observation of a broad structure in the pi(+)pi(-)J/psi mass spectrum around 4.26 GeV/c(2). Aubert B, Barate R, Boutigny D, et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. Volume: 95; Issue: 1; Article Number: 142001; Published: SEP 30 2005 (Cited 190 times; Average per year: 31.67).

19. Cosmic protons. Alcaraz J, Alpat B, Ambrosi G, et al. PHYSICS LETTERS B. Volume: 490; Issue: 1-2; Pages: 27-35; Published: SEP 28 2000 (Cited 181 times; Average per year: 16.45).

20. Physics interplay of the LHC and the ILC. Weiglein G, Barklow T, Boos E, et al. PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS. Volume: 426; Issue: 2-6; Pages: 47-358; Published: APR 2006 (Cited 166 times; Average per year: 33.20).

21. Study of the B- → J/psi K-pi(+)pi(-) decay and measurement of the B- → X(3872)K- branching fraction. Aubert B, Barate R, Boutigny D, et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. Volume: 71; Issue: 7; Article Number: 071103; Published: APR 2005 154 (Average per year: 25.67).


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM B22. Precision electroweak measurements on the Z resonance. Schael S, Barate R,

Bruneliere R, et al. PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS. Volume: 427; Issue: 5-6; Pages: 257-454; Published: MAY 2006 (Cited 148 times; Average per year: 29.60).

23. Leptons in near earth orbit. Alcaraz J, Alpat B, Ambrosi G, et al. PHYSICS LETTERS B. Volume: 484; Issue: 1-2; Pages: 10-22; Published: JUN 29 (Cited 142 times; Average per year: 12.91).

24. Cosmic-ray positron fraction measurement from 1 to 30 GeV with AMS-01. Aguilar M, Alcaraz J, Allaby J, et al. PHYSICS LETTERS B. Volume: 646; Issue: 4; Pages: 145-154; Published: MAR 15 (Cited 136 times; Average per year: 34.00).

25. Protons in near earth orbit. Alcaraz J, Alvisi D, Alpat B, et al. PHYSICS LETTERS B. Volume: 472; Issue: 1-2; Pages: 215-226; Published: JAN 13 2000 (Cited 135 times; Average per year: 12.27).

26. Observation of an excess in the search for the Standard Model Higgs boson at ALEPH. Barate R, De Bonis I, Decamp D, et al. PHYSICS LETTERS B. Volume: 495; Issue: 1-2; Pages: 1-17; Published: DEC 7 (Cited 133 times; Average per year: 13.30).

27. Supersymmetry parameter analysis: SPA convention and project. Aguilar-Saavedra JA, Ali A, Allanach BC, et al. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C. Volume: 46; Issue: 1; Pages: 43-60; Published: APR 2006 (Cited 128 times; Average per year: 25.60).

28. Energy Spectrum of Cosmic-Ray Electrons at TeV Energies. Aharonian F, Akhperjanian AG, Barres de Almeida U, et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. Volume: 101; Issue: 26; Article Number: 261104; Published: DEC 31 2008 (Cited 125 times; Average per year: 62.50).

29. Study of time-dependent CP-violating asymmetries and flavor oscillations in neutral B decays at the Upsilon(4S). Aubert B, Boutigny D, Gaillard JM, et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. Volume: 66; Issue: 3; Article Number: 032003; Published: AUG 1 2002 (Cited 122 times; Average per year: 13.56).

30. An exceptional very high energy gamma-ray flare of PKS 2155-304. Aharonian F, Akhperjanian AG, Bazer-Bachi AR, et al. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. Volume: 664; Issue: 2; Pages: L71-L74; Part: Part 2; Published: AUG 1 2007 (Cited 120 times; Average per year: 30.00).

31. Helium in near Earth orbit. Alcaraz J, Alpat B, Ambrosi G, et al. PHYSICS LETTERS B. Volume: 494; Issue: 3-4; Pages: 193-202; Published: NOV 30 2000 (Cited 110 times; Average per year: 10.00).

32. Fast variability of tera-electron volt gamma rays from the radio galaxy M87. Aharonian F, Akhperjanian AG, Bazer-Bachi AR, et al. SCIENCE. Volume: 314; Issue: 5804; Pages: 1424-1427; Published: DEC 1 2006 1 (Cited 109 times; Average per year: 21.80).

33. Perturbative quantum field theory in the string-inspired formalism. Schubert C. PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS. Volume: 355; Issue: 2-3; Pages: 73-234; Published: DEC 2001 (Cited 108 times; Average per year: 10.80).

34. Direct CP violating asymmetry in B-0 → K+pi(-) decays. Aubert B, Barate R, Boutigny D, et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. Volume: 93; Issue: 13; Article Number: 131801; Published: SEP 24 2004 (Cited 105 times; Average per year: 15.00).

35. Evidence for D-0-(D)over-bar(0) mixing. Aubert B, Bona M, Boutigny D, et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. Volume: 98; Issue: 21; Article Number: 211802; Published: MAY 25 2007 (Cited 100 times; Average per year: 25.00).

36. Branching ratios and spectral functions of tau decays: Final ALEPH measurements and physics implications. Schael S, Barate R, Bruneliere R, et al. PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS. Volume: 421; Issue: 5-6; Pages: 191-284; Published: DEC 2005 (Cited 98 times; Average per year: 16.33).

37. Search for lepton flavor violation in the decay tau(+/-) → mu(+/-)gamma. Aubert B, Barate R, Boutigny D, et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. Volume: 95; Issue: 4; Article Number: 041802; Published: JUL 22 2005 (Cited 96 times; Average per year: 16.00).

38. Primary particle acceleration above 100 TeV in the shell-type supernova remnant RX J1713.7-3946 with deep HESS observations. Aharonian F, Akhperjanian AG, Bazer-Bachi AR, et al. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS Volume: 464; Issue: 1; Pages: 235-243; Published: MAR 2007 (Cited 90 times; Average per year: 22.50).

39. Higgs candidates in e(+)e(-) interactions at root s=206.6 GeV. Acciarri M, Achard P, Adriani O, et al. PHYSICS LETTERS B. Volume: 495; Issue: 1-2; Pages: 18-25; Published: DEC 7 2000 (Cited 86 times; Average per year: 8.60).

40. Study of fermion pair production in e(+)e(-) collisions at 130-183 GeV. Barate R, Decamp D, Ghez P, et al. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C. Volume: 12; Issue: 2; Pages: 183-207; Published: JAN 2000 (Cited 79 times; Average per year: 7.18).

41. Search for lepton flavor violation in the decay tau(+/-) → e(+/-)gamma. Aubert B, Barate R, Boutigny D, et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. Volume: 96; Issue: 4; Article Number: 041801; Published: FEB 3 2006 (Cited 72 times; Average per year: 14.40).


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM B42. Final results of the searches for neutral Higgs bosons in e(+)e(-) collisions at root

s up to 209 GeV. Heister A, Schael S, Barate R, et al. PHYSICS LETTERS B. Volume: 526; Issue: 3-4; Pages: 191-205; Published: FEB 7 2002 (Cited 70 times; Average per year: 7.78).

43. Measurement of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa angle gamma in B--/+ → (DK -/+)-K-(*) decays with a Dalitz analysis of D → K-S(0)pi(-)pi(+). Aubert B, Barate R, Boutigny D, et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. Volume: 95; Issue: 12; Article Number: 121802; Published: SEP 16 2005 (Cited 69 times; Average per year: 11.50).

44. Measurement of the Lambda polarization in nu(mu) charged current interactions in the NOMAD experiment. Astier P, Autiero D, Baldisseri A, et al. NUCLEAR PHYSICS B. Volume: 588; Issue: 1-2; Pages: 3-36; Published: NOV 6 2000 (Cited 68 times; Average per year: 6.18).

45. Study of the fragmentation of b quarks into B mesons at the Z peak. Heister A, Schael S, Barate R, et al. PHYSICS LETTERS B. Volume: 512; Issue: 1-2; Pages: 30-48; Published: JUL 12 2001 (Cited 66 times; Average per year: 6.60).

46. An upper limit on the stochastic gravitational-wave background of cosmological origin. Abbott BP, Abbott R, Acernese F, et al. NATURE. Volume: 460; Issue: 7258; Pages: 990-994; Published: AUG 20 2000 (Cited 21 times; Average per year: 10.50).

47. The commissioning of the central interferometer of the Virgo gravitational wave detector. Acernese F, Amico P, Arnaud N, et al. ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS. Volume: 21; Issue: 1; Pages: 1-22 Published: APR 200 (Cited 17 times; Average per year: 2.43).

48. Thermal noise reduction in interferometric gravitational wave antennas: using high order TEM modes. Mours B, Tournefier E, Vinet JY. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. Volume: 23; Issue: 20; Pages: 5777-5784; Published: OCT 21 2006 (Cited 12 times; Average per year: 2.40).

49. Detailed comparison of LIGO and Virgo inspiral pipelines in preparation for a joint search. Beauville F, Bizouard MA, Blackburn L, et al. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. Volume: 25; Issue: 4; Article Number: 045001; Published: FEB 21 2008 (Cited 9 times; Average per year: 3.00).

50. A comparison of methods for gravitational wave burst searches from LIGO and Virgo. Beauville F, Bizouard MA, Blackburn L, et al. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. Volume: 25; Issue: 4; Article Number: 045002; Published: FEB 21 2008 (Cited 9 times; Average per year: 3.00).

51. Search for gravitational waves associated with GRB 050915a using the Virgo detector. Acernese F, Alshourbagy M, Amico P, et al. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. Volume: 25; Issue: 22; Article Number: 225001; Published: NOV 21 2008 (Cited 8 times; Average per year: 2.67).

52. Variable placement of templates technique in a 2D parameter space for binary inspiral searches. Beauville F, Buskulic D, Flaminio R, et al. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. Volume: 22; Issue: 20; Pages: 4285-4309; Published: OCT 21 2005 (Cited 8 times; Average per year: 1.33).

53. First events from the CNGS neutrino beam detected in the OPERA experiment. Acquafredda R, Agafonova N, Ambrosio M, et al. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. Volume: 8; Article Number: 303; Published: DEC 5 2006 (Cited 55 times; Average per year: 11.00).

54. Observation of a first v candidate event in the OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam. Agafonova N, Aleksandrov A, Altinok O, et al. PHYSICS LETTERS B. Volume: 691; Issue: 3; Pages: 138-145; Published: JUL 26 2010 (Cited 1 time; Average per year: 1.00).

55. Measurement of the atmospheric muon charge ratio with the OPERA detector. Agafonova N, Anokhina A, Aoki S, et al. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C. Volume: 67; Issue: 1-2; Pages: 25-37; Published: MAY 2010 (Cited 1 time; Average per year: 1.00).

56. MICROMEGAS chambers for hadronic calorimetry at a future linear collider. Adloff C., Attie D., Blaha J., Cap S., Chefdeville M., Colas P., Dalmaz A., Drancourt C., Espargilière A., Gaglione R., Gallet R., Geffroy N., Giomataris I., Jacquemier J., Karyotakis Y., Peltier F., Prast J., Vouters G. JINST 4 (2009) P11023; in2p3-00419201.

57. Response of the CALICE Si-W electromagnetic calorimeter physics prototype to electrons. Boumediene D., Adloff C., Karyotakis Y. et al., CALICE Collaboration. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A608 (2009) 372-383.

58. Preliminary ground motion measurements at LNF Site for the Super B Project. Bolzon B., Brunetti L., Jeremie A., Esposito M., Rotundo U., Tomassini S. Proceedings IPAC'10, Kyoto (Japon) 23-28 may 2010, p. 1482-1484 poster session in2p3-00497106.

59. Present status and first results of the final focus beam line at the KEK Accelerator Test Facility. Bambade P., Bolzon B., Geffroy N., Jeremie A. et al. ATF Collaboration Physical Review Special Topics Accelerators and Beams 13 (2010) 042801; in2p3-00490983.

60. Linear collider test facility: ATF2 final focus active stabilisation pertinence. Bolzon B., Jérémie A., Seryi A., Bambade P., Renier Y., ATF2 collaboration. Contributed paper to 23rd

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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM B61. Roadmap for selected key measurements of LHCb. Adeva B., De Bonis I., Decamp D.,

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62. Prompt K0s production in pp collisions at √s= 0.9 TeV. Adeva B., De Bonis I., Decamp

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63. Measurement of (pp → bb̅X) at √s =7 TeV in the forward region. Aaij R., De Bonis I., Decamp D., Ghez P., Hopchev P., Lees J.P., Machikhiliyan I., Minard M.N., Pietrzyk B., T'Jampens S., Tisserand V. et al., LHCb Collaboration. ArXiv: 1009.27319 à paraître ds Physics Letters B ; in2p3-00520174.

64. Expected performance of the ATLAS experiment - Detector, trigger and physics. Aad G., Berger N., Colas J., Consonni M., Delsart P.A., Di Ciaccio L., Elles S., Ghez P., Goy C., Guillemin T., Jézéquel S., Lafaye R., Laplace S., Marchand J.F., Massol N., Perrodo P., Przysiezniak H., Sauvage G., Wingerter-Seez I., Zitoun R. et al., ATLAS Collaboration.ArXiv: 0901.0512 in2p3-00350536.

65. Charged-particle multiplicities in pp interactions at √(s) = 900 GeV measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Aad G., Arnaez O., Aubert B., Aurousseau M., Berger N., Colas J., Di Ciaccio L., El Kacimi M., Elles S., Ghez P., Goy C., Guillemin T., Helary L., Jézéquel S., Iengo P., Koletsou I., Lafaye R., Laplace S., Marchand J.F., Massol N., Perrodo P., Przysiezniak H., Sauvage G., Simonyan M., Todorov T., Wingerter-Seez I., Zitoun R. et al., ATLAS Collaboration. Physics Letters B688 (2010) 21-42; in2p3-00464800.

66. Study of energy response and resolution of the ATLAS barrel calorimeter to hadrons of energies from 20 to 350 GeV. Abata E, Abdallah JM, Addy TN, et al. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT. Volume: 621; Issue: 1-3; Pages: 134-150; Published: SEP 2010.

67. Study of the response of ATLAS electromagnetic liquid argon calorimeters to muons. Aharrouche M, Colas J, Di Ciaccio L, et al. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT. Volume: 606; Issue: 3; Pages: 419-431; Published: JUL 21 2009.

68. Response uniformity of the ATLAS liquid argon electromagnetic calorimeter. Aharrouche M, Colas J, Di Ciaccio L, et al. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT. Volume: 582; Issue: 2; Pages: 429-455; Published: NOV 21 2007 (Cited 13 times; Average per year: 4.33).

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1. Title: G(Ep)/G(Mp) ratio by polarization transfer in (e)over-right-arrowp -> e(p)over-right-arrow Author(s): Jones MK, Aniol KA, Baker FT, et al.Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   Volume: 84   Issue: 7   Pages: 1398-1402   Published: FEB 14 2000 4963493226 3. Title: SEARCH FOR NEUTRINO OSCILLATIONS AT 15, 40 AND 95 METERS FROM A NUCLEAR-POWER-REACTOR AT BUGEY Author(s): ACHKAR B, ALEKSAN R, AVENIER M, et al.Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS B   Volume: 434   Issue: 3   Pages: 503-532   Published: JAN 30 1995 13919148 4. Title: GATE: a simulation toolkit for PET and SPECT Author(s): Jan S, Santin G, Strul D, et al.Source: PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY   Volume: 49   Issue: 19   Pages: 4543-4561 Published: OCT 7 2004 3353567275 5. Title: Performance of the DELPHI detector Author(s): Abreu P, Adam W, Adye T, et al.Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT   Volume: 378   Issue: 1-2   Pages: 57-100   Published: AUG 11 1996 2110574  6. Title: TRENDS OF TOTAL REACTION CROSS-SECTIONS FOR HEAVY-ION COLLISIONS IN THE INTERMEDIATE ENERGY-RANGE Author(s): KOX S, GAMP A, PERRIN C, et al.


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM BSource: PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 35   Issue: 5   Pages: 1678-1691   Published: MAY 1987 1781186 7. Title: Correlation of the highest-energy cosmic rays with nearby extragalactic objects Author(s): Abraham J, Abreu P, Aglietta M, et al.Source: SCIENCE   Volume: 318   Issue: 5852   Pages: 938-943   Published: NOV 9 2007 005710444 8. Title: The upgraded DO detector Author(s): Abazov VM, Abbott B, Abolins M, et al.Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT   Volume: 565   Issue: 2   Pages: 463-537   Published: SEP 15 2006 840636130 9. Title: Search for neutral MSSM Higgs bosons at LEP Author(s): Schael S, Barate R, Bruneliere R, et al.Source: EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C   Volume: 47   Issue: 3   Pages: 547-587   Published: SEP 2006 227616347 10. Title: The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) on the International Space Station: Part I - results from the test flight on the space shuttle Author(s): Aguilar M, Alcaraz J, Allaby J, et al.Source: PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS   Volume: 366   Issue: 6   Pages: 331-405   Published: AUG 200211. Title: Cosmic protons Author(s): Alcaraz J, Alpat B, Ambrosi G, et al.Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B   Volume: 490   Issue: 1-2   Pages: 27-35   Published: SEP 28 2000 1419101211 12. Title: Explicitly covariant light-front dynamics and relativistic few-body systems Author(s): Carbonell J, Desplanques B, Karmanov VA, et al.Source: PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS   Volume: 300   Issue: 5-6 Pages: 215-347   Published: JUL 1998 12106185 13. Title: Neutron whispering gallery Author(s): Nesvizhevsky VV, Voronin AY, Cubitt R, et al.Source: NATURE PHYSICS   Volume: 6   Issue: 2   Pages: 49-52   Published: FEB 2010 14. Title: Observation and properties of the X(3872) decaying to J/psi pi(+)pi(-) in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV Author(s): Abazov VM, Abbott B, Abolins M, et al.Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   Volume: 93   Issue: 16 Article Number: 162002   Published: OCT 15 2004 4232272625 15. Title: Tuning and test of fragmentation models based on identified particles and precision event shape data Author(s): Abreu P, Adam W, Adye T, et al.Source: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIK C-PARTICLES AND FIELDS   Volume: 73   Issue: 1   Pages: 11-59 Published: DEC 1996 781158 16. Title: Precision electroweak measurements on the Z resonance Author(s): Schael S, Barate R, Bruneliere R, et al.Source: PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS   Volume: 427   Issue: 5-6 Pages: 257-454   Published: MAY 2006 737423134 17. Title: Leptons in near earth orbit Author(s): Alcaraz J, Alpat B, Ambrosi G, et al.Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B   Volume: 484   Issue: 1-2   Pages: 10-22   Published: JUN 29 2000 51111191118. Title: Protons in near earth orbit Author(s): Alcaraz J, Alvisi D, Alpat B, et al.Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B   Volume: 472   Issue: 1-2   Pages: 215-226   Published: JAN 13 2000 67576 19. Title: New measurement of Sigma beam asymmetry for eta meson photoproduction on the proton Author(s): Ajaka J, Anghinolfi M, Bellini V, et al.Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   Volume: 81   Issue: 9   Pages: 1797-1800   Published: AUG 31 1998 9131774 20. Title: The ATLAS Experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider Author(s): Aad G, Abat E, Abdallah J, et al.Source: JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION   Volume: 3 Article Number: S08003   Published: AUG 2008 0025577 21. Title: Supersymmetry parameter analysis: SPA convention and project Author(s): Aguilar-Saavedra JA, Ali A, Allanach BC, et al.Source: EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C   Volume: 46   Issue: 1   Pages: 43-60   Published: APR 2006 730383518


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM B22. Title: Strange-quark contributions to parity-violating asymmetries in the forward G0 electron-proton scattering experiment Author(s): Armstrong DS, Arvieux J, Asaturyan R, et al.Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   Volume: 95   Issue: 9 Article Number: 092001   Published: AUG 26 200523. Title: Correlation of the highest-energy cosmic rays with the positions of nearby active galactic nuclei Author(s): Abraham J, Abreu P, Aglietta M, et al.Source: ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS   Volume: 29   Issue: 3   Pages: 188-204   Published: APR 2008 00197035 24. Title: Direct limits on the B-s(0) oscillation frequency Author(s): Abazov VM, Abbott B, Abolins M, et al.Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   Volume: 97   Issue: 2 Article Number: 021802   Published: JUL 14 2006 96032190

25. Title: A precision measurement of the mass of the top quark Author(s): Abazov VM, Abbott B, Abdesselam A, et al.Source: NATURE   Volume: 429   Issue: 6992   Pages: 638-642   Published: JUN 10 2004 29141245 26. Title: Measurement of quantum states of neutrons in the Earth's gravitational field Author(s): Nesvizhevsky VV, Borner HG, Gagarski AM, et al.Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D   Volume: 67   Issue: 10 Article Number: 102002   Published: MAY 15 2003 171061018 27. Title: Next-to-leading order QCD analysis of polarized deep inelastic scattering data Author(s): Abe K, Akagi T, Anderson BD, et al.Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B   Volume: 405   Issue: 1-2   Pages: 180-190   Published: JUL 17 1997 24231 28. Title: MEASUREMENT OF THE NEUTRON MAGNETIC FORM-FACTOR Author(s): BRUINS EEW, BAUER TS, DENBOK HW, et al.Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   Volume: 75   Issue: 1   Pages: 21-24   Published: JUL 3 1995 36611 29. Title: Cosmological constraints from Archeops Author(s): Benoit A, Ade P, Amblard A, et al.Source: ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS   Volume: 399   Issue: 3   Pages: L25-L30   Published: MAR 2003 9212136 30. Title: The ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC Author(s): Aamodt K, Quintana AA, Achenbach R, et al.Source: JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION   Volume: 3 Article Number: S08002   Published: AUG 200831. Title: Observation of the suppression of the flux of cosmic rays above 4x10(19) eV Author(s): Abraham J, Abreu P, Aglietta M, et al.Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   Volume: 101   Issue: 6 Article Number: 061101   Published: AUG 8 2008 0016345 32. Title: DETERMINATION OF THE ASTROPHYSICAL N-13(P,GAMMA)O-14 CROSS-SECTION THROUGH THE COULOMB DISSOCIATION METHOD Author(s): MOTOBAYASHI T, TAKEI T, KOX S, et al.Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B   Volume: 264   Issue: 3-4   Pages: 259-263   Published: AUG 1 1991 44111 33. Title: ULTRACOMPACT/ULTRALOW POWER ELECTRON CYCLOTRON RESONANCE ION SOURCE FOR MULTIPURPOSE APPLICATIONSAuthor(s) : P. Sortais, T. Lamy, J. Médard, J. Angot, L. Latrasse, and T. ThuillierSource: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81, 02B314 (2010)34. Title: THE GENEPI-3C ACCELERATOR FOR THE GUINEVERE PROJECT. Author(s): Baylac M., Aıt Abderrahim H., Baeten P., Billebaud A., Bergmans G. et al. Source: International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Research Applications and Utilization of Accelerators (AccApp ‘09), Austria (2009) 35. Title : Prompt multiplication factor measurements in sub-critical systems : from MUSE experiment to a demonstration ADS Author(s): A. Billebaud, R. Brissot, C. Le Brun, E. Liatard, J. Vollaire. Source: Progress in Nuclear Energy, 49 (2007) 142. 36. Title : Possible configurations for the thorium molten salt reactor and advantages of the fast nonmoderated version Author(s): Mathieu L., Heuer D., Merle-Lucotte E., Brissot R., Le Brun C., Liatard E., Loiseaux J.M.,


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37. Title: OBSERVATION OF ISOMERIC DECAYS IN THE R-PROCESS WAITING-POINT NUCLEUS CD-130(82) Author(s): Jungclaus, A; Caceres, L; Gorska, M, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   Volume: 99   Issue: 13   Article Number: 132501   Published: 2007 38.  Title: Triaxiality in Mo-105 and Mo-107 from the low to intermediate spin region Author(s): Pinston, JA; Urban, W; Droste, C, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 74   Issue: 6   Article Number: 064304   Published: DEC 2006 39. Title: Constraint on the coupling of axionlike particles to matter via an ultracold neutron gravitational experiment Author(s): Baessler S, Nesvizhevsky VV, Protasov KV, et al.Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D   Volume: 75   Issue: 7 Article Number: 075006   Published: APR 2007 01359 40. Title: Study of the neutron quantum states in the gravity field Author(s): Nesvizhevsky VV, Petukhov AK, Borner HG, et al.Source: EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C   Volume: 40   Issue: 4   Pages: 479-491   Published: APR 2005 12118511 41. Title: Constraints on non-Newtonian gravity from the experiment on neutron quantum states in the Earth's gravitational field Author(s): Nesvizhevsky VV, Protasov KV Source: CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY   Volume: 21   Issue: 19   Pages: 4557-4566 Published: OCT 7 2004 84448 42. Title: Final results on the neutrino magnetic moment from the MUNU experiment Author(s): Daraktchieva Z, Amsler C, Avenier A, et al.Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B   Volume: 615   Issue: 3-4   Pages: 153-159   Published: JUN 2 200543. Title: Limits on Light-Speed Anisotropies from Compton Scattering of High-Energy Electrons Author(s): Bocquet JP, Moricciani D, Bellini V, et al.Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   Volume: 104   Issue: 24 Article Number: 241601 Published: JUN 17 201044. Title: Measurement of the W Boson Mass Author(s): Abazov VM, Abbott B, Abolins M, et al.Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   Volume: 103   Issue: 14 Article Number: 141801  Published: OCT 2 200945. Title LOW-POWER GASEOUS PLASMA SOURCE (COMIC DEVICE). Author(s): P. Sortais, T. Lamy, Patent: WO2010043831 (A1) - 2008-10-1746. Title: ULTRACOMPACT/ULTRALOW POWER ELECTRON CYCLOTRON RESONANCE ION SOURCE FOR MULTIPURPOSE APPLICATIONSAuthor(s) : P. Sortais, T. Lamy, J. Médard, J. Angot, L. Latrasse, and T. ThuillierSource: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81, 02B314 (2010)47.  Title:First observation of low-lying excited states in the very neutron-rich 95Kr Author(s): Genevey J; Guglielmini R; Orlandi, R, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW C  Volume: 73 Article Number: 037308 (2006) Published: MAR 2006 48. Title: Neutron-rich In and Cd isotopes close to the doubly magic 132Sn Author(s): Scherillo, A; Genevey, J; Pinston, JA, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW C Volume: 70 Article Number 054318 Published: NOV 2004

49. Title: First observation of excited states in the 138I nucleus Author(s): Rząca-Urban, T; Pągowska, K; Urban, W; Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 75  Article Number: 054319 Published: MAY 2007 50. Title : Potential of thorium molten salt reactors : detailed calculations and concept evolutions in view of a large nuclear energy production Author(s): A. Nuttin, D. Heuer, A. Billebaud, R. Brissot, S. David, C. Le Brun, E. Liatard, J.-M. Loiseaux, O. Méplan, E. Merle-Lucotte, H. Nifenecker. Source: Progress in Nuclear Energy, 46 (2005) 77.


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM B51. Title : Scenarios for a worldwide deployment of nuclear power Author(s): Merle-Lucotte E., Heuer D., Le Brun C., Loiseaux J.M., Source: International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology, 1 n.2 (2006) 168-192



Particle Physics team --- Collider Physics WP (WP Particle Physics)

70. T. Binoth et al,“A proposal for a standard interface between Monte Carlo tools and one-loop programs,”Comput. Phys. Commun. 181, 1612 (2010)

71. F. Boudjema and R. K. Singh,“A model independent spin analysis of fundamental particles using azimuthal asymmetries,”JHEP 0907, 028 (2009)

72. N. Baro, F. Boudjema and A. Semenov,“Automatised full one-loop renormalisation of the MSSM I: The Higgs sector, the issue of tan(beta) and gauge invariance,”Phys. Rev. D78, 115003 (2008)

73. N. Baro, F. Boudjema and A. Semenov,“Full one-loop corrections to the relic density in the MSSM: A few examples,”Phys. Lett. B660, 550 (2008)

74. (with LPSC) G. Belanger, F. Boudjema, S. Kraml, A. Pukhov and A. Semenov,“Relic density of neutralino dark matter in the MSSM with CP violation,”Phys. Rev. D73, 115007 (2006)

75. G. Belanger, F. Boudjema, A. Pukhov and A. Semenov,“micrOMEGAs2.0: A program to calculate the relic density of dark matter in a generic model,”Comput. Phys. Commun. 176, 367 (2007)

76. E. Accomando et al. [CLIC Physics Working Group],“Physics at the CLIC multi-TeV linear collider,”arXiv:hep-ph/0412251.

77. B. C. Allanach, G. Belanger, F. Boudjema and A. Pukhov,“Requirements on collider data to match the precision of WMAP on supersymmetric dark matter,”JHEP 0412, 020 (2004)

78. G. Belanger, F. Boudjema, A. Pukhov and A. Semenov,« micrOMEGAs: Version 1.3, »Comput. Phys. Commun. 174, 577 (2006)[arXiv:hep-ph/0405253].

79. G. Belanger, F. Boudjema, J. Fujimoto, T. Ishikawa, T. Kaneko, K. Kato and Y. Shimizu,“Automatic calculations in high energy physics and Grace at one-loop,”Phys. Rept. 430, 117 (2006)

80. T. Binoth, N. Greiner, A. Guffanti, J. Reuter, J. P. Guillet and T. Reiter,“Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to pp --> b b_bar b b_bar + X at the LHC: the quark induced case,”Phys. Lett. B685, 293 (2010)

81. T. Binoth, J. P. Guillet, G. Heinrich, E. Pilon and T. Reiter,“Golem95: a numerical program to calculate one-loop tensor integrals with up to six external legs,”Comput. Phys. Commun. 180, 2317 (2009)

82. T. Binoth, J. P. Guillet and G. Heinrich,“Algebraic evaluation of rational polynomials in one-loop amplitudes,”JHEP 0702, 013 (2007)

83. P. Aurenche, M. Fontannaz, J.-Ph. Guillet, E. Pilon and M. Werlen,“A New critical study of photon production in hadronic collisions,”Phys. Rev. D 73, 094007 (2006)

84. T. Binoth, J.-Ph. Guillet, G. Heinrich, E. Pilon and C. Schubert,“An algebraic / numerical formalism for one-loop multi-leg amplitudes,”JHEP 0510, 015 (2005)


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM B85. S. Catani, M. Fontannaz, J.-Ph. Guillet and E. Pilon,

“Cross-section of isolated prompt photons in hadron hadron collisions,”JHEP 0205, 028 (2002)

Particle Physics and Astrophysics&Cosmology teams (some with LAPP)--Astro Cosmo WP

86. G. Belanger, F. Boudjema, P. Brun, A. Pukhov, S. Rosier-Lees, P. Salati and A. Semenov,“Indirect search for dark matter with micrOMEGAs2.4,”

87. G. Belanger, F. Boudjema, A. Pukhov and A. Semenov,“Dark matter direct detection rate in a generic model with micrOMEGAs2.1,”Comput. Phys. Commun. 180, 747 (2009)

C Astrophysics&Cosmology teams (some with LAPP)--Astro Cosmo WP

88. T. Delahaye, R. Lineros, F. Donato, N. Fornengo and P. Salati,“Positrons from dark matter annihilation in the galactic halo: theoretical uncertainties,”Phys. Rev. D77, 063527 (2008)

89. F. Donato, N. Fornengo, D. Maurin and P. Salati,“Antiprotons in cosmic rays from neutralino annihilation,”Phys. Rev. D69, 063501 (2004)

90. P. Salati,“Quintessence and the Relic Density of Neutralinos,”Phys. Lett. B571, 121 (2003)

91. F. Donato, D. Maurin, P. Brun, T. Delahaye and P. Salati,“Constraints on WIMP Dark Matter from the High Energy PAMELA $\bar{p}/p$ data,”Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 071301 (2009)

92. M. Sullivan et al.« Rates and properties of type Ia supernovae as a function of mass and star-formation in their host galaxies,”Astrophys. J. 648, 868 (2006)

93. J. Lesgourgues and S. Pastor,“Massive neutrinos and cosmology,”Phys. Rept.429, 307 (2006)

94. L. Perotto, J. Lesgourgues, S. Hannestad, H. Tu and Y. Y. Y. Wong,“Probing cosmological parameters with the CMB: Forecasts from full Monte Carlo simulations,”JCAP 0610, 013 (2006)

95. J. Lesgourgues, S. Pastor and L. Perotto,“Probing neutrino masses with future galaxy redshift surveys,”Phys. Rev. D70, 045016 (2004)

96. C. Skordis, D. F. Mota, P. G. Ferreira and C. Boehm,‘‘Large Scale Structure in Bekenstein's theory of relativistic Modified Newtonian Dynamics,”Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 011301 (2006)

97. Y. Ascasibar, P. Jean, C. Boehm and J. Knoedlseder,‘‘Constraints on dark matter and the shape of the Milky Way dark halo from the 511 keV line,”Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 368, 1695 (2006)

98. D. Hooper, P. Blasi and P. D. Serpico,“Pulsars as the Sources of High Energy Cosmic Ray Positrons,”JCAP 0901, 025 (2009)

99. F. Iocco, G. Mangano, G. Miele, O. Pisanti and P. D. Serpico,‘‘Primordial Nucleosynthesis: from precision cosmology to fundamental physics,''Phys. Rept. 472, 1 (2009)

Astrophysics&Cosmology teams (some with LAPP)--Astro Cosmo WP and neutrino WP

100. P. D. Serpico and M. Kachelriess,‘‘Measuring the 13-mixing angle and the CP phase with neutrino telescopes,”Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 211102 (2005)

101. A. Bandyopadhyay et al. [ISS Physics Working Group],‘‘Physics at a future Neutrino Factory and super-beam facility,”Rept. Prog. Phys. 72, 106201 (2009)


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SCIENTIFIC SUBMISSION FORM B102. M. Viel, J. Lesgourgues, M. G. Haehnelt, S. Matarrese and A. Riotto,

“Can sterile neutrinos be ruled out as warm dark matter candidates?,”Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 071301 (2006)

Mathematical Physics Team -- Math Phys WP

103. L. Frappat, R. Nepomechie and E. Ragoucy,‘‘Complete Bethe Ansatz solution of the open spin-s XXZ chain with general integrable boundary terms,”J. Stat. Mech. 0709, P09009 (2007)

104. G. Feverati, L. Frappat and E. Ragoucy,‘‘Universal Hubbard models with arbitrary symmetry,”J. Stat. Mech. 0904, P04014 (2009)

105. J. M. Drummond, J.M. Henn, G. P. Korchemsky and E. Sokatchev,‘‘Hexagon Wilson loop = six-gluon MHV amplitude,”Nucl. Phys. B815, 142 (2009)

106. J. M. Drummond, J.M. Henn, G. P. Korchemsky and E. Sokatchev,‘‘Conformal Ward identities for Wilson loops and a test of the duality with gluon amplitudes,”Nucl. Phys. B826, 337 (2010)

107. J. M. Drummond, J. Henn, G. P. Korchemsky and E. Sokatchev,“On planar gluon amplitudes/Wilson loops duality,”Nucl. Phys. B795, 52 (2008)

108. G. P. Korchemsky, J. M. Drummond and E. Sokatchev,“Conformal properties of four-gluon planar amplitudes and Wilson loops,”Nucl. Phys. B795, 385 (2008)

109. J. M. Drummond, J. M. Henn and J. Plefka,“Yangian symmetry of scattering amplitudes in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory,”JHEP 0905, 046 (2009)


110. Measurement of the background in the nemo3 double beta decay experimentBy NEMO Collaboration (J. Argyriades et al.). Mar 2009. 32pp.Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A606:449-465,2009.

111. Measurement of double beta decay of mo-100 to excited states in the nemo 3 experiment.R. Arnold et al.Nucl.Phys.A781:209-226,2007.

112. Limits on different majoron decay modes of mo-100 and se-82 for neutrinoless double beta decays in the nemo-3 experiment.R. Arnold et al.Nucl.Phys.A765:483-494,2006.

113. The SuperNEMO projectF. PiquemalPhys.Atom.Nucl, vol. 69, No. 12, pp2096-2100, 2006

114. First results of the search of neutrinoless double beta decay with the nemo 3 detector.R.Arnold et al.Phys.Rev.Lett.95:182302,2005.

115. Study of 2b-decay of mo-100 and se-82 using the nemo3 detector.R. Arnold et al.JETP Lett.80:377-381,2004., Pisma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz.80:429-433,2004.

116. Technical design and performance of the nemo 3 detector.R. Arnold et al.Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A536:79-122,2005.

117. Topical Workshop on Low Radioactivity Techniques, LRT 2006”, Editor Pia Loaiza, AIP Conference Proceedings 897, (2007)

118. “Low radioactivity at the Modane Underground Laboratory”, P. Loaiza. AIP Conf. Proc. 785: 100-103, (2005)



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