Page 1: · Web viewLego Street fighter In this project we created a street fighter character in a Lego design and created dialogue and basic animations

Lego Street fighter

In this project we created a street fighter character in a Lego design and created dialogue and basic animations.

Discuss five strengths and five weaknesses in your final design



When I was writing my character story I looked for a way of tying in a local not known culture of Norway and a reason to fight. This being his herd which is the life blood of the Sami people who herd reindeers and this give a physical reward if he wins and if he loses effect his livelihood.


I believe his outfit is a strength due to its cultural heritage and how it clearly shows him to be of the Sami people.

Way of attacking

I was inspired by the Sami culture where I expanded it into my combat style of my character these being based on reindeers fighting such as them locking antlers and pushing being what I based my ultimate off. I based my kick of animals who are on four legs AKA using there back legs. His head-butt was Thought up around by the idea of people using weapons as to attack this inspired his antler head-butt. His taking damage animation was based on the cartoonist taking a hit animation from cartons and I used it as the basis for my attack.


The way I write my character backstory gave him little in terms of making friends by due to other character I was able to tie in a reason to dislike people into a reason for his friend both being animalistic in nature and I believe this a strength.

Reason to have enemies

The reason he hate his enemies can be used to show how information can be twisted over distances as Viking where raiders and Zulu are tribal did not mean all of them would do this. Then they may life up to their descriptions but the Viking is seeking a way home and the Zulu her tutor.



The creation of my animation was one of the main weaknesses of my Lego street fighter this is due to me over saving work on top of each other and files not rendering properly I was able to fix the problem with the rendering by giving it a file output.

Lack of knowledge

Page 2: · Web viewLego Street fighter In this project we created a street fighter character in a Lego design and created dialogue and basic animations

I would have liked to found out more about the Sami people then what I had researched so I may have got on thing wrong about their culture in terms of the design as I could not find a official combat prowess of the Sami people in which I used the Animals they herd as inspiration for my moves.

My Lego design was kept simplistic which upon looking at the antlers I realised the mistake of it not being smoothed out and so it does not fit Lego theme of no weaponry.

My dialog has issues as it can come off as aggressive when and sounds like he is trying to provoke a fight when my original intention was to sound more like I’m in a rush than anything else.

Lack of being defeated sound it is small but most character in street fighter give off one dialog and I forgot to record one for my character.

(Due to corrupting of animation I replaced them with their paper silhouette versions)

The theme of my character is the Sami people who live in Norway. The Sami people are reindeer herders and they are a culture which has embraced modernisation in their own way as you would not find the traditional ones who have not embrace modernisation in their own way. They inspired my character clothing and his fighting style as they effected his clothing to fit their traditional clothing. It also inspired how my character would fight with them being reindeer herders from this I gave my character a move set which would be similar to that of a reindeer fighting such as using his back legs to kick his opponents. This also inspired his ultimate and punch his punch being a head-butt and his ultimate being that of him charging his opponent both being inspired how reindeer fight. The reason I made these choices was because I received Norway as the country to turn into a character and I looked at the not known people of the country as I did not want to make was a Viking. I found out about the Sami people and decided that I would base my character on them.

What were the key areas of development in this project? You can discuss skills, techniques, equipment, programs, story development and a greater understanding of character and audience.

Key areas if developed during this project would range from my animation skills, voice acting and tools such as Adobe illustrator. My skills in animation have improved over the course of this project such as learning these skills have improved by finding out about 3ds animations and how they function.

Next my skills in tools such as Adobe Illustrator I learned a lot on how this tool work as it has its advantages over Photoshop I do personally prefer Photoshop but the advantage of illustrator is it a vector based graphic for vector images while Photoshop is for Raster graphic editor. I learnt more on how to use this program such as figuring out how the pen and pencil tools work on it which can sometime be a nightmare to work with.

What could you adapt about the work produced to improve and develop it?

Page 3: · Web viewLego Street fighter In this project we created a street fighter character in a Lego design and created dialogue and basic animations

I could adapt my work and flush out the dialog for my character and improve his own outfit by looking more into Sami culture and see if there is a significant outfit for men such as being married and not being married and weapons they might used.

Is the final work appropriate for the needs of Lego? Does it fit with the ethos of their existing games and products? Consider the design and story for this.

I believe his general characteristic would be acceptable for Lego but his reindeer antlers would have to be changed for full Lego as they would be pointy and would need to be smoothed out such as other item in the past an example of this would be batman cowl. His Lego backstory would be accepted as it not a brutal as his street fighter and would be suitable and I believe he would fit in the Lego games as he could take off his antler for puzzle solving or pieces to build something.

My character was a reindeer herder common for his people (Sami) he grow up with his family. He grow up following the traditional Sami way being reindeer herder when he turned 19 his heard was stolen he now seeks to get back his heard. Wielding the antlers of reindeer to assist in his fight he seek out the leader of Shadalool and he will not rest until then.

Is the final work appropriate for the needs of Street Fighter? Does it fit with the ethos of their existing games and products?

My character would fit into the street fighter ethos as he is cartoonish in appearance rather comical in stereo types but he would have his own fighting style but it would not be unique as there are other characters such as Balanka who fight like animals. I believe his backstory for street fighter would be a bit more gruesome.

My character was a reindeer herder common for his people (Sami) he grow up with his family. He grow up following the traditional Sami way being reindeer herder when he turned 19 his heard was killed he now seeks to avenge his heard wielding the antlers of reindeer to assist in his fight he seek out the leader of Shadlool and he will not rest until then.

Did it go better or worse than you expected?It was better and worse in different aspect I believed I would come up with a better character backstory but I feel that It falls a bit flat but I believe his appearance and animation even though my weaken where better then what I expected.

What feedback did you receive from your peers?Feedback I received was to make his backstory more gruesome as I originally planned his herd to put in danger in the streetfighter one such as he would have a time limit to save them. This changed when one of my tutors explained street fighter usually more tragic and so I changed his backstory to fit the tragedy type and him being out for revenge.

What do you think you could improve next time?

Page 4: · Web viewLego Street fighter In this project we created a street fighter character in a Lego design and created dialogue and basic animations

If I was to do this project again I could improve upon my design, intent of dialog and overall move set such as finer movement or a more impactful and not to come off as arrogant and more spiritually. I could also improve on his outfit making the different part standout Such as his collar or his sleeves appearing more clearly.

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