Page 1:€¦  · Web viewINTRODUCTION AND CONTENTS. Hello, and thanks for playing. This game is designed as an introductory, but still immersive, zombie


Hello, and thanks for playing. This game is designed as an introductory, but still immersive, zombie apocalypse-themed roleplaying game. You and your teammates will play as characters who are stranded in this world after the great zombie uprising. How you act, and the quests you choose to undertake, is entirely up to you. Will you be the one to save humanity, or will you succumb to the same plague that has wiped out the rest of the world?

General guidelines

This is a roleplaying game. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you make your way through the world:

1. First and foremost, roleplaying is encouraged. In other words, try to get used to thinking and acting as your character would. What would your character (not you) do in a particular situation, based on his or her personality and character traits? Don't be afraid to speak in character, as your character. Your ZM will almost certainly be making an ass of himself the entire game, so you might as well do the same.

2. Remember, there is a difference between what you know and what your character knows. As a player, you may know things about how the world works that your character would not know. Similarly, you, as a player, will be present at the game table for any number of conversations and encounters, but your character may not be there to witness a secret conversation between others. Therefore, you should play your character based on what he or she would know (or not know), and clarify if you are saying something or asking a question "out of character."

3. This game is designed to be completely "open-world." There are almost no limits on what your character can choose to do at any given time. Be creative--the best solution to a puzzle or problem may not always be the obvious one.

4. Dice play an important role in determining the outcome of many situations. Luck may be on your side, or not, at any moment. Throughout this document you will see references to dice rolls such as "4d6," "1d20," etc. This reference indicates what type of die, and what quantity of those dice, you will roll at one time. A "d6" is a six-sided die; a "d10" is ten-sided, etc. If you see 4d6, that means you will roll FOUR six-sided dice. 1d20 means one twenty-sided die.

5. Have fun, and don't be afraid to make suggestions or raise issues to the ZM. Often times, if there is something you feel would make the game work better, others might agree.

Your ZM will present you with a story, but it is up to the players and their characters to decide how the story unfolds. The ZM will guide you along, present situations, and provide help with the rules. This document should be used as a basic introduction to gameplay, and as a reference during the game. It is organized as follows:

Introduction and contentsCreating your characterClass descriptionsSkill descriptionsSpecial abilitiesEquipmentGameplay & rulesCharacter sheet

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Your character is a combination of two elements:

a personality and background that you create, which will determine how your character interacts with elements in the game world -- this is called your “backstory;” and

a set of numerical statistics and attributes that will determine your success or failure when you attempt any number of different actions.

The very first step in creating a character is to decide who you want to be. Do you want to be a grizzled, lonely ex-marine? Do you want to be a longtime zombie fiction fan who thinks he knows how to handle the world’s new and terrifying problem? Do you want to be a floozy that flirts and charms others into doing everything for you? The possibilities are limited only by your own imagination.

Think about where your character came from. Did he have a family before the world fell apart? What is his personality like?  Does he prefer to lead or follow, or does he always need to be the center of attention?  What did he do for a living before the outbreak?  Decide what kind of backstory your character has and how that might affect his (your) interactions with “NPCs” (non-player characters) in the game world.  Details matter--they will help shape your character further.  Is he a germophobe?  Does he carry a lucky charm around his neck?  Be creative!

Once you have an idea who your character is, it’s time to create your character sheet.

1.   Vital statistics

Start by entering your character’s vital statistics, including his name, age and sex. Characters start with a base speed of 30 feet, meaning they can move 30 feet per round when in combat situations.

You will also need to choose your character's "Class:" fighter, marksman, engineer or medic. Class is a general category that describes what kind of background or skill set your character has, and what role he might play in the party. See the Class Descriptions to choose your Class.

2.   Attributes

Each character has 5 attribute scores that represent his most basic characteristics: strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence and charisma.  These scores, and the modifiers they create, affect nearly every aspect of a character’s skills and special abilities.  

Attribute scores are generated by rolling dice. To generate an attribute score, you will roll 4d6, discard the lowest die result, and add the remaining three dice together.  A total lower than 8 may be attempted again. You will end up with a score ranging from 8 to 18.  Do this 5 times—once for each attribute. You may assign the resulting five scores to your attributes as you see fit.

The basic attributes are:

Strength (STR):  Strength measures muscle and physical power.  This attribute is important for those who engage in hand-to-hand (or “melee”) combat.  You apply your character’s STR modifier to:

o melee attack rolls o melee damage rolls o STR-based skill checkso any other strength-related checks

Dexterity (DEX):  Dexterity measures agility, reflexes and balance.  This attribute is vital when using ranged weapons.  DEX also determines how well a character can dodge or block attacks.  You apply your character’s DEX modifier to:

o ranged attack rollso Armor Class (AC)o reflex save rolls (to avoid traps or area-effect attacks)o DEX-based skill checkso any other dexterity-related checks

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Constitution (CON):  Constitution represents your character’s health and stamina.  A CON bonus increases a character’s hit points, so the attribute is important for all classes.  You apply your character’s CON modifier to:

o each roll of a hit dieo fortitude saving throws (to avoid poison, disease or other similar threats)o any other constitution-related checks

Intelligence (INT):  Intelligence determines how well your character learns and reasons.  This attribute is important for characters that work with electronics or machinery, and also for those who attack with ranged weapons.  You apply your character’s INT modifier to:

o ranged damage rollso the number of skills trained each levelo INT-based skill checkso any other intelligence-related checks

Charisma (CHA):  Charisma measures a character’s personality, personal magnetism, appearance, and ability to lead.  It is the most important ability for characters that negotiate with or heal others.  You apply your character’s CHA modifier to:

o healing and strengthening abilitieso will save rolls (to avoid fear, hypnosis or other mind-affecting threats)o CHA-based skill checkso any other charisma-related checks, especially attempts to influence others


Your character will be inherently better or worse at various things based on his attribute scores. For example, a very dexterous character will be skilled at performing Acrobatic feats, while a very weak character will be inherently bad at climbing walls and fences. This natural ability is reflected on the character sheet in the form of "modifiers."

A modifier is a bonus or a penalty to certain skills. For each of the 5 attributes, you will have a corresponding modifier. Once you have determined your attribute scores, you can figure out your modifiers.  An attribute score of 10 represents an “average” ability, and therefore generates a modifier of zero—the character is neither particularly good nor particularly bad at doing things related to that attribute.  For every 2 points beyond 10, the attribute gives a +1 bonus.  Therefore, a 14 would grant a +2 bonus, and a 17 would grant +3, and so on:

Attribute score Modifier8-9 -1

10-11 012-13 +114-15 +216-17 +318-19 +4etc…

3.   Health

Determine your starting health, or Hit Points (HPs).  Your HPs represent how many points of damage you can take before your character falls unconscious or dies.

Each class is assigned a “Hit Die,” which is the die you will roll to gain additional HP every time you level.  Thus, a character with a 1d10 hit die can potentially gain 10 or more HP at each level, while a character with a 1d6 hit die can only gain 6.  Refer to the class descriptions to determine your class’s hit die.

At level 1, you will start with your class’s FULL hit die score, plus your constitution modifier.  For example, if you are playing as a Medic (hit die 1d8) with a CON score of 14 (+2 modifier), you would start with 10 HP at level 1: 8 HP from your hit die, plus your +2 CON modifier.

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For each level thereafter, you will roll your hit die and add your CON modifier to determine how many HPs you gain. At a minimum, you are guaranteed at least half your hit die before adding your CON modifier.  As a medic with a 1d8 hit die, the minimum hit point increase per level would be 4 plus your CON modifier.

4.   Defense

Now it’s time to see how resilient your character is.  First, determine your Armor Class (AC).  Your AC score represents how hard it is for enemies to hit you.  Your AC is determined by adding 10, plus your DEX modifier, plus any armor bonus from armor or other special equipment you are wearing.

Next, determine your Save bonuses.  See the Class Descriptions to determine your inherent bonus to each type of saving roll, and then add the corresponding modifier (see your Character Sheet).  Occasionally, the ZM will ask you to roll a “save” to avoid a certain kind of damage or effect.  The higher your Save bonus, the better your chances of avoiding that effect.  A saving throw is a d20 roll plus your appropriate Save bonus.

Fortitude: These saves measure your ability to stand up to heavy physical punishment, and rely on your CON modifier.

Reflex: These saves test your ability to dodge area attacks and unexpected situations, and rely on your DEX modifier.

Will:  These saves reflect your resistance to mental influence as well as mind-affecting enemies, and rely on your CHA modifier.

5.   Skills

Skills are trained abilities that are useful both in and out of combat.  Characters will become more and more proficient in various skills as they gain levels.  Greater training in a skill means a higher chance of succeeding in any activity requiring that skill.

Each class gets a number of points per level to use to train new skills, or improve existing skills.  Additional skills are awarded based on a character’s INT modifier.  Further, each class has skills that are tied to that particular class. A player who invests skill points to train those "class skills" will get an additional bonus to those skills.

See the Class Descriptions for your class’s skill points per level and class skills.

See the Skill Descriptions for an explanation of skill point training and descriptions of the various skills.

6.   Offense

This section of your character sheet is about how effectively you can beat, shoot, blast, or otherwise grind your enemies to a pulp. For now, you will just write your "Base Attack Bonus" (BAB) into your character sheet. You can find the Base Attack Bonus for your class and level in the Class Descriptions.  Later, after you've chosen your weapon(s), you can figure out your full attack bonus and damage.

7. Equipment

Having the right weapons, armor and tools will make survival a lot easier for you and your allies. Think you'll be up close and personal with some zombies? Pick up a chainmail shark suit. Think you or your friends might be injured? Bring along some medkits for quick healing on-the-go.

Even though online shopping is a thing of the past, you will still find equipment, and occasionally be able to buy and barter for goods from local townsfolk. You will start with $100 to spend on gear at level 1. You may find more along the way. See the section on Equipment to decide what items you want to start with.

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Each player will choose a "class" for his character, which will determine, among other things, how many skills the character can train per level, how many potential hit points the character may gain, and what class-specific special abilities the character will learn.

Your choice of class should not necessarily dictate your character's background or backstory. In other words, just because you choose to play a "medic," your character does not automatically have to be a nurse or a doctor. Instead, maybe your medic character is a lawyer who learned about medicine by reading medical records at work every day. Similarly, your "engineer" does not need to be a pocket protector-wearing geek who sat in a cubicle programming computers all day. Maybe you were a carpenter who learned how to create machines in his spare time, or a stay-at-home dad who could fix a broken toaster or car engine by himself. How you tie your character to his or her class is up to you.

Each class description includes a table that illustrates its attack bonus progression (Base Attack Bonus, or "BAB"), and also its save bonus, per level. Think about these bonuses when deciding how you plan to play your character.


Engineers are well-rounded in their knowledge of science, mechanics and general engineering. Whether secreted away in a dark basement laboratory, experimenting with chemistry, or happily repairing engines and complex electronics, engineers are known as jacks-of-all-trades. Engineers are able to design and build exotic weapons that allow them to quickly alter the tide of battle, and are invaluable anytime a party needs a quick repair. But be careful—friendly fire is possible, and these powerful weapons can be dangerous if wielded recklessly!

Hit Die: d6Skills per level: 4Attribute modifiers: +2 INT; -1 STRClass skills: Disable device; Knowledge; Perception

Engineer class-specific special abilities:

1st level: Remote mine. The engineer throws a remote-controlled bomb. When the bomb explodes, at a time chosen by the engineer, it does 1d6 damage to all enemies in a 5-foot radius. For every 4 levels beyond the first, the bomb's damage is increased by 1d6 (damage is 2d6 at level 5, 3d6 at level 9, and so on). This ability can be used 3 times per day plus additional uses based on the engineer's INT modifier.

4th level: Stun bomb. The engineer throws a concussive bomb. When the bomb explodes, all enemies within a 10-foot radius must make a DC20 will save or be stunned for 1 round. For every 4 levels beyond 1st level, the bomb's radius is increased by 5 feet and the stun duration is increased by 1 round (15-ft radius and 2 rounds at level 5; 20-ft radius and 3 rounds at level 9; and so on). This ability can be used 3 times per day plus additional uses based on the engineer's INT modifier.



Base Attack Bonus

Fortitude Save

Reflex Save

Will Save

1 +0 +0 +0 +22 +1 +0 +0 +33 +1 +1 +1 +34 +2 +1 +1 +45 +2 +1 +1 +4

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Fighters are experienced in close-range combat: defeating their enemies, controlling the flow of battle, and protecting their allies. Few can match fighters for sheer battle prowess. Fighters are tough, able to fight fiercely even after taking a beating. Fighters gain class-specific special abilities faster than other classes, and their abilities increase their combat prowess.

Hit Die: d10Skills per level: 2Attribute modifiers: +2 STR; -1 INT; -1 CHAClass skills: Climb; Intimidate; Survival; Swim

Fighter class-specific special abilities:

1st level: Natural armor. The fighter's experience absorbing blows grants him the ability to withstand attacks that might knock a weaker person down. At 1st level, a fighter gains a natural +1 bonus to AC. Every 4 levels thereafter, the fighter gains another +1 bonus to AC, up to a maximum of +5. This ability is passive.

3rd level: Knockback. The fighter's great strength allows him to push his enemies back with each swing. Before any melee attack, the fighter may declare that he is using this ability. If the attack succeeds, the fighter does his normal damage and also pushes the enemy away from him in a straight line up to 5 spaces (the fighter chooses how far to push the enemy). The target cannot be pushed through objects or other creatures. Unlimited daily uses.

5th level: Power and precision. The fighter makes a strong, focused attack on an enemy's weakest point. Before an attack, the fighter may declare that he is using this ability. The fighter may add +2 to his damage roll for one attack against a single enemy. This ability may only be used once per enemy. If the fighter's attack roll fails, the ability is still expended with respect to the targeted enemy. This ability cannot be used with attacks that target multiple enemies. Unlimited daily uses.


Marksmen are deadly with ranged weapons. They possess the focus and dexterity required to shoot with deadly accuracy even under pressure. Marksmen are often also skilled in the arts of stealth and deceit, using their quickness to stay alert and deftly dodge their enemies. Over time, the marksman gains the ability to do devastating damage to multiple enemies using ranged weapons.

Hit Die: d8Skills per level: 2Attribute modifiers: +2 DEX; -1 CONClass skills: Acrobatics; Disable device; Escape artist; Sleight of hand; Stealth


Base Attack Bonus

Fortitude Save

Reflex Save

Will Save

1 +1 +2 +0 +02 +2 +3 +0 +03 +3 +3 +1 +14 +4 +4 +1 +15 +5/+1 +4 +1 +1


Base Attack Bonus

Fortitude Save

Reflex Save

Will Save

1 +0 +0 +2 +22 +1 +0 +3 +33 +2 +1 +3 +34 +3 +1 +4 +45 +3 +1 +4 +4

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Marksman class-specific special abilities:

1st level: Shot on the run. The marksman's agility allows him to fire a ranged weapon while moving. During a single round, the marksman may make any part of its base move speed, stop to fire a ranged weapon, and then may move the remainder of its base move speed. This allows the marksman to quickly jump in and out of cover. This ability is passive.

4th level: Piercing shot. The marksman modifies his weapon to fire with such force that a bullet or arrow passes through an enemy on a successful attack. If the marksman successfully hits an enemy with a ranged weapon, he may then make another immediate attack against another enemy in a 30-foot arc behind the first, as though the bullet passed through to hit the second target as well as the first. This ability can be used 3 times per day plus additional uses based on the marksman’s DEX modifier.


A medic is a great friend to have around when danger is near. Medics are experts in healing, anatomy and pharmaceuticals. Medics can restore and revive ailing allies. They can also temporarily strengthen allies or otherwise improve their abilities, and likewise can weaken or cripple enemies under the right circumstances.

Hit Die: d8Skills per level: 3Attribute modifiers: +1 INT; +1 CHA; +1 CON; -1 STRClass skills: Bluff; Diplomacy; Heal; Sense motive

Medic class-specific special abilities:

1st level: First aid. The medic's medical expertise allows him to administer basic first aid to an ailing ally. The medic can heal an adjacent ally for 1d8 HP plus his CHA modifier. For every 3 levels beyond 1st level, the ability heals an additional 1d8 HP (2d8 + CHA at level 4; 3d8 + CHA at level 7; and so on).

4th level: Adrenaline shot. The medic uses scavenged drugs to create a powerful concoction of stimulants and hormones, which he injects into an adjacent ally. The ally temporarily gains an additional full Hit Die of HP (based on his class), and gains a +2 bonus on attack rolls and saves. The effects of this injection last one hour.


Acquiring skills


Base Attack Bonus

Fortitude Save

Reflex Save

Will Save

1 +0 +0 +2 +22 +1 +0 +3 +33 +2 +1 +3 +34 +3 +1 +4 +45 +3 +1 +4 +4

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Each level, your character gains a number of skill points that can be used to train in different skills. The number of skill points you get will depend on your class (see Class Descriptions) plus your INT modifier. You can never have more points in a skill than your current level.

Investing points into a skill represents gaining some amount of additional training in that skill. The more you train a skill, the better you will be at it. Your bonus to a skill includes the number of points you have put into training that skill, plus (or minus) your modifier for the corresponding attribute. And, if a particular skill is one of your "class skills," then you will get to add another +3 to your skill bonus once you train at least one point in that skill. See the Class Descriptions to find out which skills are your specialized class skills.

An untrained skill still gets a bonus from its corresponding modifier, but class skill bonuses are not applied unless at least one point of training has been spent on the skill.

Example:John Doe is a fighter with 14 strength (+2 modifier). One of his fighter class skills is Climb, which is a strength-based skill. At level 1, John decides to put one point of skill training into Climb. Therefore, John's total bonus to the Climb skill is +6 (1 point from training, plus 2 points from his STR modifier, plus another 3 points because Climb is a fighter class skill). Remember, if John had NOT put a point into Climb, his bonus would only be +2 (0 points of training and 2 points from his STR modifier; John would not get the +3 class bonus, because he did not train this skill).

Skill checks

When your character uses a skill, he isn't guaranteed success. In order to determine success, whenever you attempt to use a skill, you must make a "skill check." When you make a skill check, you roll 1d20 and then add your skill bonus for whatever skill you are using.

If the result of your skill check is equal to or greater than the difficulty class ("DC") of the task you are attempting, you succeed. The difficulty class will usually be determined by the ZM. However, there are some situations where your skill check will be opposed by another person's skill check. For example, if you are trying to lie to someone using your "bluff" skill, that person will roll a "sense motive" skill in response, to see whether you are telling the truth. Whichever result is higher will be successful.



You can keep your balance while traversing narrow or treacherous surfaces without falling. You can also dive, flip, jump and roll to overcome obstacles and avoid some attacks. You can also use the Acrobatics skill to make jumps or to soften a fall.


You can evaluate the monetary value of an object.


You know how to tell a lie. Bluff is an opposed skill check against your target's Sense Motive skill. If you use Bluff successfully to fool someone, you convince your target that what you are saying is true. The ZM may modify the difficulty of the check at his discretion depending upon the basic believability of the lie. Note that some lies are so improbable that it is simply impossible to convince anyone that they are true.


You are skilled at scaling vertical surfaces, from rocky cliffs to smooth city walls. The ZM will determine the difficulty check of the attempt depending on the conditions of the Climb. Note that you need both hands free to climb, and you may incur a penalty for attempting to climb with only one free hand.Diplomacy

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You can use this skill to negotiate, persuade others to agree with you, resolve differences, and gather valuable information or rumors from people. A Diplomacy check is more difficult if your target is hostile toward you. You cannot use Diplomacy against a creature that does not understand you--including zombies.

Disable Device

You are skilled at disarming traps and opening locks. In addition, this skill lets you sabotage simple mechanical devices, such as catapults, wagon wheels, and doors. The DC depends on how tricky the device is. If the device is a trap, and you fail your check, you trigger the trap.

Escape Artist

Your training and flexibility allow you to slip out of bonds, escape from grapples, and squeeze through tight spaces.


You are skilled at tending to wounds and ailments. Note, this skill is NOT used to return HP to other players. Instead, this skill is used to diagnose conditions, treat temporary ailments like poison or disease, and help others recover from deadly wounds.


You can use this skill to frighten your opponents or to convince them to act in a way that benefits you. This skill includes verbal threats and displays of power.


You paid attention in school. Your education means that you have better than average knowledge about a number of fields. You can use this skill to remember an important bit of history, or to calculate whether a rusty bridge is strong enough to support the weight of several people. Note that this skill can only be attempted once for a specific task--the knowledge check represents what you know, and thinking about a topic a second time doesn't let you know anything more than you did the first time.


Your senses allow you to notice fine details and alert you to danger. Perception covers all five senses. One common use of Perception is to listen for enemies in an area. Another use is an opposed skill check against an opponent's stealth check, to determine whether you notice a hidden opponent. A perceptive character can venture out into the world and feel secure that he will probably notice any nearby threats.

Sense Motive

You are skilled at detecting lies and ulterior motives. Sense Motive involves making a gut assessment of a social situation--you can get the feeling from another's behavior that something is wrong, or that a target is either trustworthy or suspect.

Sleight of Hand

Your training allows you to pick pockets, draw hidden weapons, hide small objects, and take a variety of small actions without being noticed. The DC of a Sleight of Hand check will increase if you are being closely observed by one or more people. A Sleight of Hand check to pickpocket or take something from another is opposed by that target's Perception check. If the target notices, then your attempt fails and the target may become hostile to you.Stealth

You are skilled at avoiding detection, allowing you to slip past enemies, spy on a situation from the shadows, or strike from an unseen position. A Stealth check is opposed by the Perception check of anyone that might notice you. Note that if you are already under direct observation, you cannot hide using a Stealth check. However, any kind of cover or momentary distraction will provide the opportunity for a Stealth check.


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You know how to survive in the wild, and how to navigate in the wilderness. You are able to keep yourself and your allies sheltered and fed in the wild. You also excel at following trails and tracks left by others.


You know how to swim and can do so even in rough waters.

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As you gain levels, your character will learn powerful and specialized abilities. Within the game, these abilities will make your character stronger and better able to cope in a dangerous world. And, as a player, this will allow you to further customize and distinguish your character from others.

Some special abilities are passive, meaning that the character always gains the bonus from that ability. Other abilities are active, meaning that the player can decide when to use the ability. Some active abilities can be used any number of times, while others may only be used a limited number of times per day.

Players may choose one of the following special abilities at level 1, and again at every-other level (odd levels) thereafter:

Special ability Uses per day DescriptionAthletic Passive Your strength and stamina mean you exceed at athletic tasks.

Gain a +1 bonus to Climb, Swim and Acrobatics.Bleeding critical Passive When you score a critical hit, your target begins bleeding

profusely. The target takes 1d6 points of bleed damage at the start of each turn. The bleed damage can be stopped by a DC 15 Heal check (by the target on its turn).

Book smarts Passive You spent lots of time in the library before the zombie uprising. Gain a permanent +1 bonus to Intelligence. Nerd!

Defensive offense Unlimited You may increase your defense for one round by decreasing your chance to hit. On your next attack, do not add your BAB. Then, for the next round, your AC is increased by your BAB. You must declare that you are using this ability before you attack.

Desperation Passive When you are below 50% of your max HPs, gain a temporary +4 bonus to AC, and increase your damage by +2.

Dodge Passive Gain a +1 bonus to AC.Fast healing Passive When you are healed by a medic or a medkit, you regain

additional HP equal to your CON modifier.Flanking attack Passive Whenever one of your allies is on the opposite side of your target,

you gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls.Fleet footed Passive Your base movement speed increases by 10 feet. You may take

this ability multiple times. Grapple 3 + STRGym rat Passive You spent lots of time pumping up and getting swoll before the

zombie uprising. Gain a permanent +1 bonus to Strength. Improved critical Passive Double the critical threat range of one type of weapon.Improved initiative Passive Gain a +4 bonus to Initiative.Intuition Passive You know how to read people, and can use that ability to tailor

your deception. Gain a +2 bonus to Bluff and Sense Motive.Nimble fingers Passive Your hands are your finest tools. Gain a +2 bonus to Disable

Device and Sleight of Hand.Persuasive Passive You are skilled at swaying attitudes and intimidating others into

your way of thinking. Gain a +2 bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate.

Point-blank shot Passive Gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage when making a ranged attack against a target within 30 feet.

Quick draw Passive Drawing a weapon is a free action, and does not use up your

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move action.Resilience Passive You gain a +2 bonus to one of your Saves. This ability may be

taken once for each Save.Self-sufficient Passive You know how to get along in the wild and how to effectively treat

wounds. Gain a +2 bonus to Heal and Survival.Slowing critical Passive When you score a critical hit, your target's movement speed is

reduced by half.Smooth talker Passive You know how to turn on the charm. Gain a permanent +1 bonus

to Charisma.Stealthy Passive You are good at avoiding unwanted attention and slipping out of

bonds. Gain a +2 bonus to Stealth and Escape Artist.Street smarts Passive You spent lots of time scrapping on the mean streets before the

zombie uprising. Gain a permanent +1 bonus to dexterity.Stunning critical Passive When you score a critical hit, your target is stunned for 1 round.Taunt 3 + CHA On your turn, you may make an Intimidate check against one

target. If successful, the target must try to attack you on its next turn. If it cannot attack you, it will move as far in your direction as it can.

Two-weapon defense Passive Gain a +1 bonus to AC when fighting with two weapons.Two-weapon fighting Passive When you attack with two weapons, you do not incur any penalty

to damage for your off-hand weapon.Two-weapon fighting, greater

Passive Add your STR bonus to off-hand damage rolls.

Weapon focus Passive Select one type of weapon. Gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with that type of weapon. This ability may only be selected once for a type of weapon.

Weapon focus, greater Passive Select one type of weapon for which you have already chosen Weapon Focus. Gain another +1 bonus to attack rolls made with that type of weapon. This ability may only be selected once for a type of weapon.

Worldly Passive You are well versed in the ways of the world. Gain a +2 bonus to Knowledge and Appraise.

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I. Melee weapons

Weapon Type RangeDamag

e Crit/dmg Special Cost*Bloodstained bat 1H - 1d6 x3 +2 to Intimidate when equipped $55Dagger 1H, OH - 1d4 x2 20Lead pipe 1H - 1d6 x2 40Machete 1H - 1d8 x2 60Net 1H 10' - - Area attack: 5' radius. Chance to cause all

affected targets to be "grappled" (see Special Abilities).


Push knife 1H, OH - 1d4 19-20, x3 If using push knives in both hands, no penalty to damage for off-hand.


Taser 1H - Special x2 vs. Zombies: no damage, no effect 75vs. all others: 1d8 damage, and target is stunned for 1 round (loses its next turn)

Whip 1H 10' 1d3 x2 On a successful attack, make another attack roll. If second attack is also a hit, then in addition to taking damage, target is also tripped off its feet and spends its next move action standing back up.


Large axe 2H - 2d6 19-20, x2 75Sharpened pole 2H 10' 2d8 18-20, x2 May only attack creatures at range 10 feet 80*Prices subject to change

II. Ranged weapons

Weapon Type RangeDamag

e Crit/dmg Special Cost*Flamethrower 2H 20'

cone2d6 x2 Cone attack: 20' diagonal. Only holds

enough fuel for 3 uses during one combat encounter.


Grenades 1H 30' (max)

1d8 x2 Area attack: 10' radius. Quantity: 3. Once used, must re-buy for $150.


Handgun 1H 30' 2d4 x2 65 Shotgun 2H 15'

cone2d6 19-20, x2 Cone attack: 15' diagonal. Cannot attack

two rounds in a row with the shotgun (reload time).


Six-shooter 2H 30' 1d10 19-20, x2 90Throwing knives 1H 30' 1d6 x2 A player with throwing knives equipped as

his only weapon may choose to make a second attack on his turn instead of moving. Unlimited quantity.


*Prices subject to change

Page 14:€¦  · Web viewINTRODUCTION AND CONTENTS. Hello, and thanks for playing. This game is designed as an introductory, but still immersive, zombie

III. Armor and shields

Armor TypeArmor bonus Special Cost*

Thick leather jacket Body +1 $50Bulletproof vest Body +2 600Shark suit Body +3 2,500Lady Gaga meat dress Body - Zombies will focus on you and move in your

direction, ignoring others unless directly attacked10,000

Combat boots Feet - When you land a normal melee attack against a target next to you, you may then make an extra “kick” attack. Damage: 1d4. Note the Critical Fumble range for this attack is 1-2.


SWAT helmet Head +1 -1 on attack rolls with ranged weapons 500Night vision goggles Head - +2 on attack rolls with ranged weapons at night 750 *Prices subject to change

IV. Other items

Item Special Cost*Backpack $20

Candle 1

Chalk 1

Crowbar 5

Energy drink +2 to damage for one attack. Can be used before any attack. If attack roll fails, energy drink is still used.


Flask 5

Flint & steel 1

Medkit, small Heal yourself or an ally next to you for 1d6 + CHA hit points.


Pen & paper 1

Lantern 10

Rations Food for a day of travel 5

Rope 5

Tent 65

Thieves’ tools +1 to Disable Device and allows lockpicking


Page 15:€¦  · Web viewINTRODUCTION AND CONTENTS. Hello, and thanks for playing. This game is designed as an introductory, but still immersive, zombie

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