Page 1: · Web viewIf I listen to different solos on the viola (my primary instruments), they must be solos that I have never played and are not currently working

A Truly Motivational Environment

Journaling about writing practices for three days seemed very unnecessary and kind of

boring to me when my English 103 teacher told us that’s what we would be doing for research

on our first project. But it turned out to be a very beneficial and convenient thing to do to

better my writing practices. As I analyzed my data collected on January 20th, 21st and 22nd

(Saturday, Sunday and Monday) in my writing journal I realized something about myself; I am

not always a fully motivated, go getter person that I can sometimes be. Motivation is defined as

the willingness of someone to do something. Based on the research I gathered on my own

writing habits, my level of motivation changes as it gets later in the day, as my environment

changes and based on the different stimuli around me.

Some people can write with anything going on around them, people talking to them,

Netflix, vocal music. But I seem to be unable to write with any of those things going on. When I

write, I have to be well focused on my writing task. If I attempt to watch Netflix while trying to

write something for a class, it does not end well. I always get very distracted by the show that

I’m watching because there might be silent parts that you only understand if you’re watching or

usually what is happening on the screen is more engaging than trying to write a paper. I make

to-do lists, like the one in figure 1, for the weekends so that I know what needs to get done

throughout the days I can watch Netflix. To-do lists require little brain power and usually only

involve looking at other notes that have been made regarding what needs to get done for

Monday or Tuesday. The list I made on Sunday was written while I was watching That 70s Show,

and was easy to write because I had already what homework was completed, I just needed to

determine when I was going to do what for Monday and Tuesday.

Page 2: · Web viewIf I listen to different solos on the viola (my primary instruments), they must be solos that I have never played and are not currently working

Figure 1

I also cannot be interrupted when writing. If what someone has to say to me can wait, it should

because I lose my train of thought so easily sometimes and if it gets interrupted I can’t get it

back. I usually write in quiet or with music in the background.

The only drawback with music is that I am a musician and can aurally analyze music

which can make it a big distraction especially if it is a piece that I have played before. If I listen

to different solos on the viola (my primary instruments), they must be solos that I have never

played and are not currently working on like the one in figure 2; otherwise I start humming or

even air bowing (it’s like air guitar only cooler) along with the piece because I remember it and

it is a more prominent stimulus than trying to write a paper that I have no desire to write.

Page 3: · Web viewIf I listen to different solos on the viola (my primary instruments), they must be solos that I have never played and are not currently working

Figure 2

When I listen to music and write, I have to listen to pieces that I haven’t played or am not as

familiar with. I also cannot listen to music with words, whether they are in English or in a

language that is foreign to me I pay too much attention to trying to figure out the words rather

than writing what I’m supposed to be writing. The stimuli around me have a huge impact on

how motivated I am to do a certain task. If the stimulus is visually distracting like watching a

movie or a TV show I cannot do that and write a paper or outline for a lesson or speech. I need

to have background noise that is less distracting and easier to focus with.

As my environment changes throughout my day, my level of motivation to work

becomes less and less existent. In the morning when I am working by myself on papers or

reading notes I focus much better and am much more productive than if I am alone working in

Page 4: · Web viewIf I listen to different solos on the viola (my primary instruments), they must be solos that I have never played and are not currently working

the afternoon. Working alone in the morning works for me but taking notes in an 8am class is

much less engaging; especially when the teacher is not excited to be teaching early on a

Monday morning. All the distractions presented in the room become magnified and I have no

motivation or desire to listen to what the professor is saying. If it was a later class and I was

more awake in the morning I would find the class much more engaging. In the afternoon, I work

better when there are people around. Not necessarily if I am around people I know I will talk to

but if I am in a public place with liveliness and people talking, I can focus better because the

environment keeps me awake. In the later afternoon, I am getting tired and bored with doing

work that I could save for a later time. But when I am in an area that has a lot of traffic and

chatter I am more productive because my brain is working harder to tune out certain stimuli

and focus on others. For example, on Sunday of my journaling I was working on a speech

outline around 4pm that had to be done for Monday. My brain new that the outline had to get

done and I didn’t have a choice in the matter but I could not force myself to focus solely on that

paper. I was sitting alone in the upstairs lobby of Sursa Performance Hall (figure 3) listening to

viola solos, so I should have been able to focus on the paper based on what stimuli I focus well

with but I couldn’t find a way to focus my energy to write the outline. I was thinking about

other things that would be going on that evening or later in the week; I was also much

Page 5: · Web viewIf I listen to different solos on the viola (my primary instruments), they must be solos that I have never played and are not currently working

Figure 3

more willing to switch my computer screen to Netflix rather than keep in on the outline and

finish it. A secluded space is not the place for me to write in the afternoon. Something I’ve

noticed since I have started writing this paper is that it is 1pm, I am in the Atrium, I am listening

to the second movement of the Walton Viola Concerto on Spotify and I have almost finished

half of this draft of this essay! I could not have made myself write this if I was sitting in Sursa

trying to do the same thing because it is quiet there and I have eaten lunch so I would fall

asleep if I wasn’t focusing well enough.

As the hours in the day get later my level of motivation goes downhill quicker. I find it

difficult to focus on a single project later in the afternoon without the help of caffeine or

outside chatter. When I was writing my speech outline on a Sunday around 4pm I could not

focus even though I was in a secluded area where I could think without many distractions; but

once I had had a couple sips of Cocoa Cola and some M&Ms I could focus much better and was

willing to focus on the tasks that needed to get done. Whereas, in the morning on Saturday at

Page 6: · Web viewIf I listen to different solos on the viola (my primary instruments), they must be solos that I have never played and are not currently working

9am I was much more productive when taking notes over music theory. My motivation was

much higher in the morning than it was later in the day when I had to force myself to complete

homework. I think it has to do with my willingness to get tasks done and my wanting the rest of

the day to relax. In the morning, I think of all the things I should get done and think that the

sooner I get them all done the sooner I can relax; but once its later in the day I figure I can save

the same project for later and relax now because I have spent the earlier part of the day

working as well.

Noticing my writing patterns with that journal has helped me so much. I probably

wouldn’t have thought of writing this paper in a public place where I originally thought I could

not focus. Journaling for three days has helped me in many ways. I have noticed where I write

best and at what times. Now I know why I didn’t get any work done on Fridays last semester.

My classes were over at 12 and I was not going to jump up and get my homework done because

I figured I had all weekend to get stuff done and I could just do it later and relax now. The

reason I did this was because I didn’t know the time or place that would motivate me most to

get work done. This semester I am already doing better than that. My last class ends at 11 on

Fridays and I spend most of the rest of the day practicing for viola lessons, piano class, or sight

singing class, or I spend it doing homework that I don’t want to do over the weekend. My level

of productivity is going to sky rocket this semester because of what I have learned from

journaling. I know now that I don’t have to stay in a secluded area to get work done; instead I

can be in more lively environments and still be productive as long as I know what I need to

focus on.

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