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A Hero’s Journey: Reflection Letter

Dear Mr. Berge,

I wanted to start off this letter with thanking you for an amazing semester. This class was

very different from all my other classes; it challenged me and gave me some variety in my

coursework. I know I have grown over the course of this semester. In an Adventure Log post

from February I said, “I wish to have better variety in my writing, be more concise, and have

smoother transitions.” I believe have accomplished this goal during this course. In my first paper,

I used my most common sentence structure four time just in the intro paragraph. In my latest

paper for a separate class, I only used my most common sentence structure (dependent clause

followed by a comma and independent clause) once in my introduction paragraph. I also

accomplished something new during this course. I accomplished my longest paper, consisting of

3,500 words. I was uncertain if I could write a 3,500-word paper, but you gave me enough

guidance, feedback, and useful assignments to make this paper successful. Another goal I had in

this class was to expand my view on what English can be. I accomplished this goal early in the

class. In February, I posted, “Before this class, I did not know the magnitude of literary elements

that can be found in video games. I am now seeing that more than just a textbook and novels can

be associated with English.” At the beginning of this course I said, “By the end of this course, I

hope to gain knowledge and have better critical thinking skills.” The final project we were

assigned forced me think outside of the box. Having to incorporate an element other than writing

to make a meta argument has broadened my critical thinking skills. I connected a media tool, my

comics, to my discourse analysis. I appreciated the detailed feedback on the rough draft of my

discourse analysis. My major revision plan was to organize my paper by giving it structure and

make it easier for the reader to navigate my paper. I included subheadings in my paper. I have

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never used subheadings before, but they were very useful to those I asked to review my paper

and myself. I also separated a paragraph and moved information to different paragraphs. I

wanted the reader to have a clear understanding of where my discourse analysis was going and

be able to distinguish between the three major communities. I also focused on removing

generalizations from my paper. I wanted my paper to be based on facts and not opinions. I cited

all my sources and removed statements that I could not be cited to a specific source. I also added

more comparisons between the communities in my paper, because that was the focus of my

paper. The media project was my favorite part of our final project. I used the website Pixton to

create four comic strips using the language parents and gamers would use when discussing video

game addiction. The comics are sideways in this document to ensure the font was large enough

to read, and the “click to edit” button could not be deleted. The target audience of my comics are

parents of children who play video games. The purpose of my comics is to promote discussion

between parents and their children on video game addiction; I want parents to think about why

they do not want their children to play videogames. Video games have positive and negative

aspects, and parents should consider all sides when deciding what amount of playing time is right

for their children. The comics are satirical, but do use the language used by my different

discourse communities. The comics focus on the disparities seen between parents and gamers

when taking about “socializing”, “enriching activities”, “adrenaline rush”, and “distractions”

when discussing video game addiction. The different uses of this language are analyzed in my

discourse analysis below. I hope you enjoy my final project, and I am excited for your feedback.

Thank you,

Jesslyn White

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Jesslyn White

Peter Berge

English 102

8 April 2018

Videogame Addiction: When and Why


In 2016 Americans alone spent almost thirty billion dollars on the gaming industry. A

diverse array of people across the world play video games sometimes for an extended period of

time. The captivity of video games has drawn concerns from academia, new sources, and

parents. As of 2018, the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Diseases

includes “gaming disorder” in the section titled “Disorders Due to Addictive Behavior”. The

interest in video game addiction has some academic researchers and parent groups linking

aggressive behavior and disinterest in other activities with video games. Psychologist, parents,

and those who play video games are all talking about video game addiction, but not much

debate is going on between the groups.

Literature Review

A substantial amount of research has been performed to prove the existence and side

effects of gaming disorders; however, gaming disorder is fairly new, so there has not been much

research surrounding the underlying reasons a person develops gaming disorder and when their

behavior transitions into an addiction. Multiple video game addiction rehab centers are appearing

across the United States and World. Treatment for video game addicts include individual

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counseling, behavioral modification techniques, therapeutic boarding schools, and inpatient

treatment programs. If people are going to be isolated and sent to recovery camps, there needs to

be a better understanding of why people are developing gaming disorder. If there is a better

understanding of when the amount of time a person spends playing video games transitions from

a past-time into an addiction, steps can be taken to modify behavior before the addiction can only

be treated by a recovery program. Although no formal research gives a clear answer to these

questions, debates between different discourse communities can be compiled to develop a

consensus. These groups are often using the same language and dialogue when discussing

gaming disorder, but sometimes the same key words and phrases are being used to support

different arguments. In an effort to answer these questions, dialogue from multiple academic

papers, parenting blogs, and online forums for gamers can use their variety of viewpoints to give

better standards to classify gaming disorder. As one would expect, those who play video games,

often called “gamers”, argue that playing hours a day is not unhealthy, but mothers of children

who play video games might consider playing video games every day for any amount of time is

unhealthy. Psychologist and addiction resources focus more on how video game affect other

aspects of a player’s life. These communities all offer valuable insight, and surprisingly all agree

on multiple sentiments on why individuals become addicted to video games and when exactly

their behavior becomes an addiction.

Discourse Community: Psychologist

Understanding the reason psychologist believe people are addicted to video games can

allow preventive steps or earlier treatment. Psychologist agree that video games are not only an

outlet which allows a person to reach their addiction, but rather the thing which people are

addicted to. In the academic article “Does Video Game Addiction Exist” Psychologist Mark

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Griffith details his research which supports the existence of video game addiction; then Griffiths

goes on to explain video game addicts. Video game addicts are often engaged in internet chat

rooms or fantasy role playing games; addicts use the internet as an alternate reality. Griffiths

found that people who are not satisfied with their lives become immersed in their character’s

lives and get their satisfaction from their character’s achievements. Other insights into the

addictive nature of video games come from research on the connection between gaming disorder

and addiction to slot machines. Griffiths gave evidence on a psychological and behavioral level

in support of the idea that video games could be considered a non-financial form of gambling.

Griffiths found similarities between video games and slot machines in demographic differences

such as age and gender breakdowns, similar reinforcement schedules, similar “near miss

opportunities”, similar use of light and sound, and similarities in skill perception. From his

findings, Griffiths concluded that slot machine players play with money as a form of

entertainment rather than trying to win money, similar to arcade games. People get an adrenaline

rush when playing video games; gamers will play for hours hoping to feel that rush and

excitement again. Gamers seek out games that give them an adrenaline rush (they want the

excitement), but psychologist are saying that this adrenaline can be a negative aspect leading to

addiction. In the academic journal “What’s in a game?” therapist Dale Anderson-Giberson

surveyed gamers to understand their relationship with games. Giberson interviewed individuals

who claimed video games gave them an outlet of self-expression. The different individuals

Giberson interviewed claimed they could be whoever they wanted to be online. In Giberson’s

article he claims, “When games offer possibilities for identity performance in preferred ways,

people who use games get a chance to manifest their preferred identity and, consequently, get to

explore the preferred construction of themselves in online communities.” Giberson used an

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example from the transgender community. Trans-gamers can express their true selves online

without fear of judgement. Psychologist also agree people play video games to find a sense of

belonging. Giberson stated, “People who use games interact with online communities in different

ways and the community members have particular experiences of the player’s constructed alias.”

Giberson also found that people enjoy playing video games, because video games are their social

outlet. Players Giberson interviewed stated with video games they could work together with

friends they know from their outside lives or connect with new friends from all over the world.

Psychologist, gamers, and parents all talk about the social aspect of games, but the word

socialize is used in different context. While psychologist acknowledged that video games are a

way to socialize, they also acknowledge that people can become addicted to video games if video

games are their only social outlet. In Mark Griffiths academic article he found, “those dependent

on video games were significantly more likely to have started playing computer games to

impress friends, because there was nothing else to do, for a challenge, and to meet friends.” Both

Griffiths and Giberson performed studies to conclude people can become addicted to video

games if they have a predisposed risk to become addicted to things with gambling behavior, view

video games as the only way they can socalize.


The standards that many Psychologist refer to when classifying a person’s behavior as

addiction look more at the symptoms the player is showing rather than the amount of time a

person plays; this is no surprise, because psychology is the study of behavior. Both Griffiths and

Giberson look at the changes a person exhibits when spending a large amount of time playing

videogames. In Mark Griffith’s academic journal, he lists the signs of video game addiction

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which consist of compulsive behavior, lack of interest in other activities, and symptoms when

attempting to stop the behavior. In his journal, Griffiths stated, “Dependency signs reported

include stealing money to play arcade games or to buy new games cartridges, truancy from

school to play, not doing homework/getting bad marks at school, sacrificing social activities to

play, irritability and annoyance if unable to play, playing longer than intended, and an increase in

self-reported levels of aggression.” Griffiths looked at the behaviors and symptoms when

determining a when a person would be considered to have gaming disorder. To psychologist

there is no standardized amount of time spent playing videogames which classifies a disorder. To

determine if a person has spent too much time playing video games, their behaviors have to be

examined. If the player is experiencing withdrawal symptoms or mood modifications when not

playing, a psychologist would suggest they seek help. In the academic journal “Video Game

Addiction and College Performances Among Males” psychologist present data concluding those

considered videogame addicts were found to be less involved in enriching academic and social

college experiences. This data was taken directly from gamers who completed questionnaires on

their time spent playing video games, involvement, and GPA. Although video games did not

affect grades, the lack of involvement was seen as negative. Like psychologist, parents factor in

“enriching experiences” when deciding what amount of playing time is unhealthy. This study

also ties in with the consensus that a person is spending an unhealthy amount of time playing

video games if their school/work performance is affected. Psychologist look at multiple outside

life factor when diagnosing gaming disorder.

Discourse Community: Parents

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Parents of young gamers are beginning to accept that video games are a large part of our

culture and are here to stay. The majority of parents on the parenting forums of the websites

Parents and A Fine Parent agree that cutting out video games completely is not fair to their

children. Parents ask questions on this forum, so they can have a better understanding of why

their children want to play video games and have an idea of if their children’s gaming habits are

unhealthy. One parent on the blog A Fine Parent encourages parents to “accept that gaming is

fun for your child even if it’s not fun for you. There is a difference between wanting to have fun

and being dependent on games.”. Another parent stated “Kids want to play video games,

because they are fun. If video games are the only way they have fun, then that’s a problem”

Parents on these forums and psychologist both believe children are addicted to videogames if

they experience withdrawal symptoms when attempting to stop or if video games are the only

thing one wants to do in their free time. An article on the website Parents gives “Eight Reasons

Video Games Can Improve Your Child”. Video games can teach problem solving skills and

creativity. Even games that are not labeled as educational can help children learn to use strategies

and anticipate consequences. The parent who wrote this article was conveying to other parents

that video games can be enriching. In contrast to their parents, children see video games as a way

to connect with their friends rather than an antisocial activity. One parent warns that children

who are not allowed to play videogames will not feel included. Another reason given for why

children want to play videogames is the joy of completion. The parent and author of this post

stated, “Video games are a safe place to express those competitive urges, and can give children

who aren't good at sports a chance to excel.” This is in agreement with psychologist who believe

children play videogames for a sense of belonging. Parents on the website Parents acknowledged

that children who are not good at sports or school get their feelings of accomplishment from

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videogames. Videogames are the only space where some of these parent’s children feel

comfortable competing. Although the sense of belonging is a good thing, if children feel as

though they cannot accomplish anything outside of videogames, this could lead to addiction.

Parents on forums from the websites Parents and A Fine Parent agree that video games should be

one of the many ways children can express themselves.

A Healthy Amount of Time to Parents

Among parents of children who play video games the majority believe that large amounts

of time spent playing video games are unhealthy, even if other aspects of life such as social life

and school performance are not affected. On a parenting forum on a parent asked,

“How long should my son play on his xBox?” The parents on the forum came to the consensus

that video games should be played no longer than an hour a day; more than an hour a day they

believed could result in negative effects on children. On parent stated, “Allowing more time than

one hour has a way of pushing children to become more dependent on video games”. In an

article from The Guardian, one mother claimed she let her children spend longer amounts of time

playing video games if the game required her child to use their imagination. She allotted her

children a specific amount of time per day to play video games, no longer than an hour, and she

made sure her children were involved in other enriching activities. By limiting the amount of

time spent playing video games, the gamer will have to engage in something else which could

include enriching activities such as being outdoors, reading, or playing musical instruments.

Both psychologist and parents acknowledge that video games can take away from other

“enriching” aspects of life. Both groups do not consider the majority of video game enriching, so

they believe video games are not the only thing a person should do in their free time. In an article

on The Guardian, a mother and her son recount his struggle with video game addiction. Tom

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Meltzer, the self-proclaimed gamer, was playing video games fifteen hours a day at the peak of

his addiction. Meltzer’s mother disagreed with the stance many gamers have which is if her son’s

school performance was unaffected he was therefore not an addict. In this mother’s opinion,

teenagers have a lot of free time, but if they play video games in all of their free time they will

never pursue more fulfilling activities. This conflicts with the gamer’s sentiment that if only free

time is used to play video games there is no problem. Parents believe one of the reasons people

become addicted to video games is because they have no other interest or hobbies. This stance

can relate back to one of the psychologist’s cause of addiction- being bored and unsatisfied in

life. To counteract boredom, gamers play video games as a form of entertainment and

excitement. Both psychologist and parents could agree that finding other engaging activities

could decrease the likelihood of an addiction developing.

Discourse Community: “Gamers”

People who play video games in general have stricter criteria for what they would qualify

as an unhealthy amount of time to play video games. The gaming website Giant Bomb had a

forum titled “How many hours a day/week do you play video games?” In this forum gamers

discuss their playing time and other life obligations that interfere with their playing time. Players

currently in school averaged around two hours of gaming a day with less time during test weeks

and more time on the weekends. Players who can limit themselves when needed, such as during

test weeks, do not fit the psychologist standards for an unhealthy amount of playing time. These

gamers are not dependent on videogames or letting games harm other aspects of their lives.

While many parents of child gamers believe videogames should not be played over an hour a

day, the gamers in this forum argue that playing video games was comparable to or even heathier

than watching television, which is not seen as taboo to spend multiple hours a day engaged in.

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One gamer commented on the Giant Bomb forum “video games give you an adrenaline rush that

you don’t get from watching TV”, but then acknowledged the adrenaline makes the game “hard

to put down”. Both gamers and psychologist used the phrase “adrenaline rush”, but the phrase

has different connotations to the separate discourse communities. The rush was a positive aspect

of games according to gamers; it made the games engaging. However, psychologist equated the

rush felt playing games to the feelings one has when gambling. Although gamers enjoy the rush

felt when playing video games, they acknowledge that it is unhealthy if they let the need to feel

the “rush” compromise other aspects of their lives.

Disconnect Between the Discourse Communities

There is a disconnect between gamers and parents on the effect videogames have on a

healthy social life. On a forum on Giant Bomb titled “Why do you enjoy videogames?” one

gamer commented, “video games are the main way I socialize with my friends”. Gamers see

videogames as a way to interact with others, but parents want their children to stop playing video

games so they can go outside and socialize with their peers. Video games give people a way to

connect with their friends and a common interest to talk about when they are “outside”

socializing. On the same forum, a large portion of gamers stated they use video games as an

outlet to escape their real lives. One gamer on Giant Bomb commented they played video games

“so my inner most darkest feelings and thoughts will have an outlet. Know how people blame

video games for causing violent behavior. It's the exact opposite”. Another gamer claimed video

games “can help distract yourself from real life”. Players forget about their life troubles by

immersing themselves into the interactive world of the game they are playing. Gamers,

psychologist, and parents all use the word “distraction”, but distraction is welcomed by gamers

and discouraged by parents and psychologist. Gamers see the distraction as something to make

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their lives easier, but parents and psychologist see the distraction as a reason gamers are

unsatisfied with their lives. While some people use video games as an outlet to disconnect from

the world, others use video games to connect with people who have similar interest. One gamer

regarding why they played video games commented, “they’re fun to play and then I can go on to

talk about those fun experiences with other people who have played the games I have played”.

Video games give people a common connection, and some individuals, such as those interviewed

by Gibberson, consider video games a part of their identity. Parents say people with this

sentiment are addicted, because videogames should be a past-time and not an identity. Multiple

gamers commented that they played video games for progress and achievements. Video games

challenge the mind and give the player satisfaction when completed. Parents of gamers discuss

ways to encourage their child to participate in “enriching” activities, but gamers consider video

games as a way to enrich the mind. The psychologist who co-authored the journal “Meta-

Analysis of Action Video Game Impact on Perceptual, Attentional, and Cognitive Skills” would

agree that video games can be enriching. The study performed in this journal indicated “action

video game play robustly enhances the domains of top-down attention and spatial cognition, with

encouraging signs for perception”. Although video games can be stimulating, psychologist

would not say that only playing videogames encompasses an enriching life. All three

communities use the word “involvement” when discussing gaming disorder. Video games are a

great way to interact with friends, compete, and improve mental cognition, but videogames alone

cannot encompass a well-rounded life outside of work and school.


Through multiple studies, psychologist have concluded that those with gaming disorder

often develop the addiction because they feel video games are the only thing they excel at or are

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the only place where they feel comfortable with their identity. A standardized amount of time

cannot be used to diagnose a person with gaming disorder; the circumstances surrounding the

reasoning for playing videogames is what makes this fun past time develop into addiction.

Psychologist, parents, and gamers can all agree that if a person is using a video game to escape

their life in which they are not satisfied, they will experience withdrawal symptoms when

attempting to quit playing. Withdrawal symptoms are an obvious sign of all addictions. All

communities agree that this dependence on video games is a bad thing. If gamers can find

satisfaction in other areas, Gibberson proposed that they are less likely to be dependent on

videogames. All discourse communities used the word “enriching” when discussing video game

addiction. Although parents did not consider video games to be enriching and gamers did, both

could agree that playing video games does not constitute an enriching life. All discourse

communities also used the word “involvement”. All communities agreed involvement was a way

to combat addiction. Gamers should keep check on the amount of time they spend playing

videogames to ensure they are participating in other activities. Videogames in moderation can be

a great, fun way so spend one’s free time while improving mental performance. Further research

should be done to see if addressing other problems such as the feeling of isolation in the addict’s

life would resolve the gaming disorder without a rehab program.

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“Ask the Expert: How Do Video Games Affect Mental Health?” Each Mind Matters,

“Choosing the Best Video Game Addiction Rehab .” Choosing the Best Video Game Addiction Rehab Program,“Games Discussion Forum.” GameSpot,

Grandoni, Dino. “The Ideal Amount Of Time Kids Should Spend Playing Video Games.” The Huffington Post,, 8 Aug. 2014, “How Long Should My Son Play on His XBox?”,, 3 May 2016,

Kuss, Daria J., and Mark D. Griffiths. “Internet Addiction: What Is It?” Internet Addiction in Psychotherapy, 2015, pp. 1–5., doi:10.1057/9781137465078_1.

Moore, Trent. “What Happens to Your Body When You Play Video Games for Hours.”, Grunge, 19 Oct. 2017,

“National Center for Biotechnology Information.” National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine,

Pontes, Halley M. “Investigating the Differential Effects of Social Networking Site Addiction and Internet Gaming Disorder on Psychological Health.” Journal of Behavioral Addictions, vol. 6, no. 4, 2017, pp. 601–610., doi:10.1556/2006.6.2017.075.

Pontes, Halley M. “Investigating the Differential Effects of Social Networking Site Addiction and Internet Gaming Disorder on Psychological Health.” Journal of Behavioral Addictions, vol. 6, no. 4, 2017, pp. 601–610., doi:10.1556/2006.6.2017.075.

Rapaport, Lisa. “How Much Video Game Time Should Kids Get?” Reuters, Thomson Reuters, 15 Sept. 2016,

Schmitt, Zachary L., and Michael G. Livingston. “Video Game Addiction and College Performance Among Males: Results from a 1 Year Longitudinal Study.” Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, vol. 18, no. 1, 2015, pp. 25–29., doi:10.1089/cyber.2014.0403.Stillwell, Christy, et al. “How to Handle Your Child's Video Game Obsession Positively.” A Fine Parent, 9 Feb. 2018,

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“Summer Camp for Video Game Addiction.” Teen Summer Camp for Video Game Addiction Ages 10-18, 19 Sept. 2017,

Anderson, Craig A., and Brad J. Bushman. “Effects of Violent Video Games on Aggressive Behavior, Aggressive Cognition, Aggressive Affect, Physiological Arousal, and Prosocial Behavior: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Scientific Literature.” PsycEXTRA Dataset, 2012.

West, James. “Inside the Chinese Boot Camps Designed to Break Video Game Addiction.” Mother Jones, 24 June 2017,

Anderson, Craig A., and Brad J. Bushman. “Effects of Violent Video Games on Aggressive Behavior, Aggressive Cognition, Aggressive Affect, Physiological Arousal, and Prosocial Behavior: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Scientific Literature.” PsycEXTRA Dataset, 2012, doi:10.1037/e315012004-001.

“Ask the Expert: How Do Video Games Affect Mental Health?” Each Mind Matters,

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