
“Everyone must learn before they die, what they are running from, what they are running to, and why.

—James Thurber

Editor’s Note

Starbucks has defined a new generation of coffee drinkers and established itself as an icon in our society with stores popping up in every city. In 1971, the company was a single store in Seattle’s historic Pike Place Market. From just a narrow storefront, Starbucks offered some of the world’s finest fresh-roasted whole bean coffees. The name, inspired by Moby Dick, evoked the romance of the high seas and the seafaring tradition of the early coffee traders.

In 1981, Howard Schultz (Starbucks chairman, president and chief executive officer) had first walked into a Starbucks store. From his first cup of Sumatra, Howard was drawn into Starbucks and joined a year later.

A year later, in 1983, Howard traveled to Italy and became captivated with Italian coffee bars and the romance of the coffee experience. He had a vision to bring the Italian coffeehouse tradition back to the United States. A place for conversation and a sense of community—a third place between work and home. And it’s upon this mission that the Starbuck’s Issue has been created. You hold history. You hold an idea that first started in my head over a year ago when I first used Starbuck’s bags to make journals. Now I’ve expanded the vision and included actual coffee bags, receipts and everything we could get our hands on to bring this recycled issue to you. It’s one of a kind. Enjoy!

—Robert Stofel, Editor


My Snowman

By Hannah

“Suzie! Wake Up! It snowed last night,” I could hear my sister Tori screaming. I rolled over and put my head beneath my pillow. I love the snow, but I hate waking up early.

“I’ll get up in a minute,” I say, just barely loud enough for Tori to hear. Just then she threw my door open and screamed “Now!” It was freezing cold in my room. Our heater didn’t work so we had to basically freeze all winter. I buried myself under my quilt and waited for Tori to leave, but she didn’t.

“Please come and play in the snow with me, Suzie. I hate playing alone,” Tori whined. I peaked my head out from under the pillow, she was standing there with her hands on her hips. I focused in on her bleach blonde hair and could see small flakes of snow. I shivered.

“Fine, I’ll come play. Let me put some coats on, give me a minute,” I said. Tori had a large smile on her face now. She turned to leave and shut my door. I stood up out of bed and quickly walked to my closet.


I picked out some tights to wear beneath my jeans. I was almost warm so I put sweat pants on also. I then put on a very thick shirt and my two biggest jackets. When I had my cloths on I decided to put my thick gloves on also.

When I was dressed, I walked to Tori’s room and told her to come on. She quickly ran outside and made many snowballs. I decided to make a snowman, because I had never before. I started to roll the bottom half and Tori came to help me. We quickly rolled up three snowballs. One very large one, a medium one, and a smaller one. e stacked them on to of each other, like you would a snowman. I found pebbles on the ground and used them for eyes and a smile. Tori ran inside and got a banana. Instead of using a carrot for the nose we used half a banana. The snowman was finished soon after.

“Perfecto! It’s the best snowman ever!” Tori shouted. She was obviously very proud of the banana-nosed snowman we had sculpted. I giggled when she started trying to hug it. We stayed outside and played until I was hungry. We then went inside to eat the breakfast we had forgot about earlier. We ate cold waffles and bagels. When we were finished, we watched a random cartoon for about thirty minutes. I wanted to go and see if our wonderful snowman was still intact. As I was putting my jackets on again I heard a crash and scream. I ran to the living room. Standing there was Tori. The fear I saw on her face was heartbreaking. I turned my head in the direction of what she was staring at and saw out snowman, but it was so scary. This wasn’t the snowman we had so much fun making. No. This was something much more terrible. It slides across the floor as Tori runs to her room.


Brotherhood of Ravens

By William

We are ravens we stand together and were strong we fly together we run by heart. Our color is black we are proud we stand together good and bad. We are not evil we are good. We are better be better to we will me you and you to. We stand together and we are proud they have not been evil far and wide we are not evil far or wide we will not fight you we will help you and you or you we see no evil in anyone we have saved you all around.

Pirate’s Life

By William

We are the most terrifying pirates in the black sea. The scariest pirates in the world! We will fight you together. We are pirates for life. we have hope we have life we have pride we have everything in site. We will fight everything in site. We stand together.


Branching Out

By Kayla

It seems as if the night sky never been darker

As I look at tat black abyss that swallows the stars

I recreate an image of death upon a lonesome tree

It branches up to the stars, guiding my soul into the eternal infinity

You can almost see the stars have something to say

But they don’t, unemotional, unmoving

It seems like this dark blue is alone

Standing, lying in this crowded room

And just here with my dead tree, you

As the stars burn into your eyes

You can see that the depth of one man’s soul,

Cannot be measured in a manner of meters,

Fathoms, yet by the depictions and values

Of which he can branch out from death

And reach a true eternal infinity.


“Suzie! Do something!” Tori yelled. I was so scared I almost didn’t hear her. The snowman came closer and closer to me. I didn’t move. The snowman was standing directly in front of me at that moment.

“What do you want?” I asked out of fear. It didn’t respond instead it quickly surrounded my with its body and everything was black…


I stood there and watched as our snowman completely surrounded Suzie. In a matter of seconds she was gone. I let out a scream. I didn’t know what to do. That snowman just swallowed my big sister, I thought to my self. Tears fell from my eyes. Then I was filled with anger. I ran to my room again and got my very large hairspray can, and then I ran to Suzie’s room and got her favorite lighter. I was gong to melt this snowman and get my sister back.

The snowman was still standing there when I got back. With trembling fingers I struck the lighter then sprayed my hair spray in the direction of the snowman. It let out a blood-chilling scream. It thrashed and rolled to get away from the flame but couldn’t. After about three minutes, there was just a large puddle on the floor, and in the middle of that puddle was my big sister. I ran to her and threw my arms around her. I was so happy to have her in my arms. All I could do was cry.

“You just saved my life,” Suzie said. She kissed my cheek and we laid there together for hours,


Music in a Bottle

By Kayla

Depths and abysses protruded by vibration

Winds of winding note written in elaboration

Rung out in a song of my own emotion

Calm and soothing, yet a maddening motion

Making this music by my own hand

Taking me to an unknown land

It may seem peaceful,

But remember love is deceitful

So swallow it down toy our soul

Use the drugs to ignite your coal

Make more music from an unprescribed high

The more fame, the bigger the lie



By Nicolette

A girl name Nicole was sitting on the floor reading a wish book and she wish for three things one she wish to have a good life two she wish to make better grade three she wish she think about positive thing and them three wish came true and she want her life to be better again and what’s keeping her from havein a better life is her mother because her mother hurt her feels she cries just to see if her wish really go come true so she say to herself I go think about positive things and I not go let my mother keep it from me.



By Nicolette

There was a girl name jada and she sees her mother but jada was wit her boyfriend when they was gin to leave her mother told her to get in the car with her but jada boyfriend Chris told her to get in the car with him but jada was thinkin to herself that I should of listen to my mother so she told her boyfriend to take her home her boyfriend said no he said you should not runaway with me so she said I will never runaway with u again I should of listen to my mother so she told him to stop the car so she got out of the car when he stop it and she told him that she will walk so she got on the phone and call her mother to come to get her so her mother came and got her and her mother told her you should have listen to me so her mother gave her a hug and told her not to do it again do you know what I was thinkin I was thinkin that I should not come in get you but you is my child and I love you I not goin to leave you with that boyfriend of yours but the only thing you need to do is to leave these boys along they not good for you.


Going Home

By Kayla

Skyline, out my window

These clouds they float beneath me

And I know this plane’s going down

I’m going to die

Bank left and turns

Won’t you please, please take me home?

I’m not ready to pay

First place, second time

He can control me with those blue eyes

And this plane’s still shaking

I know I’m still alive

Oh, these two long weeks

I’ve been with you, you’ve drawn me weak

You’ve made my blood so thin


Beaten severely, my body’s been bruised

My ears are bleeding...

On the phone...

In Carolina my plane should’ve crashed

Explode with the joy, into flames and ash

My skin would melt and my heart would ignite

Burning up the words I used to write...

Landing home is smooth

This place is still the same

There are people here who care...

But things are never gunna be the same

Depression solved by sleeping the days away

So drop a pill into my glass now

Swallow down, the perfect life...

You can lie and bleed me...

My feelings will die...


A Mirror Never Lies

By Kayla

There are always two sides of a reflection

One protrudes death, the other perfection

You can see through the crystal glass to another you

Seeing to dimensions, through and though

Getting lost in the depth of that stranger’s eyes

Taking those beating of anger and lies

In those eyes a flame’s going out

And on those lips a silented shout

On the other side is the girl with the tough shell

That weak little girl finally fell

Now they see what I see

An indifferent, pessimistic me

That sweet little girl is trapped in the mirror

Her depression and confusion growing clearer and clearer

The other me screaming shut up and heal

Ignoring reality, nothing is real

So is it true that a mirror never lies?

Because so many truths can be concealed in those eyes…


I Was Only Dreaming

By Hannah

In a forest of dead trees

Scared, hopeless, cowardly me

I can barely keep my balance

And it’s very quite hard to see

The sky is blue

Starless and dark

Even here everything is perfect

On my arms, not a mark

The crows are high above me

Beautiful in the sky

I wish that I could join them

But sadly I cannot fly

But when I take a look around

I can finally see

That maybe I am dreaming of this perfect world

Where everything is wonderful to me


Lady of Butterflies By Hannah

A beautiful girl

Loved by all

Was followed by butterflies

So she would never fall

A normal girl

That doesn’t have much to say

Is all alone

Every single day

When these two girls met

Everything changed

Everything was perfect

Nothing deranged

The girl with butterflies

And the girl all alone

Shared the butterflies

And soon made a home

Together they could not fall

They held each other’s hands

They were always there

They were the best of friends

Soon the normal girl began to realize

That deep down inside

She was as beautiful

As the girl with butterflies


Ken & Barbie

By Glenn

Ken & Barbie is so cold that they up and stay warm and alive and they were going to the north poll and to see Santa Claus to stop him cause he is a vampire and he is trying to turn all of the kids into one.

The deer &the bear

By Glenn

I was out in the woods hunting for some deer the other day. I was walking and I heard a roar I think. I looked behind me and I saw a bear and he started to chase me. I had to shoot it so we could get away safely.

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