Page 1:  · Web viewCaroline Slocock was a civil servant, not a Conservative and a feminist who became a junior Private Secretary at No 10 under Thatcher. Despite everything she grew to admire


Rt Hon Keith Simpson MP

What a contrast between the Commons and Lords.

MPs have been grumbling about the paucity of legislation and votes and the Lords

the very opposite. We endure a Parliament that is totally and utterly dominated by

Brexit and the divisions and rivalries that ensue.

The summer holidays will be a welcome break as colleagues flee to far parts of the

world to relax, recharge their little grey cells and perhaps undertake a little reading.

As usual this reading list is merely a personal, friendly guide of books published over

the last year on politics, history and war.

Mrs Simpson has suggested that colleagues would prefer fiction to relax and the last

thing they wanted were “heavy” books as I proposed. I look forward to reading her

“chic list” next year.

Some of us will recall reading Norman Gash’s short biography of Lord Liverpool.

Much caricatured as a reactionary Tory Prime Minister, he has been due for a new

appraisal and this can be found in William Anthony Hay

Lord Liverpool A Political Life (Boydell Press).

Lloyd George is our forgotten wartime Prime Minister,

overshadowed in the Second World War by his former

junior, Winston Churchill. There are many biographies of

Lloyd George, but Richard Wilkinson has written a good

introduction which attempts to create a balance between

conflicting opinions in Lloyd George Statesman or

Scoundrel (I.B. Tauris).

Keith Simpson MP’s Summer Reading List 2018 1

Page 2:  · Web viewCaroline Slocock was a civil servant, not a Conservative and a feminist who became a junior Private Secretary at No 10 under Thatcher. Despite everything she grew to admire

In Fighters and Quitters Great Political Resignations (Biteback), Theo Barclay looks

at several modern ministers who had to resign from Stonehouse to Huhne and their

attempts to retain office.

Not necessarily in the premier league of political books,

nevertheless David Cohen has made a reasonable stab

at re-examining the relationship between Churchill and

Attlee that has been covered in many other books –

Churchill & Attlee (Biteback).

The South African leader Jan Smuts went from Boer

guerrilla leader to sitting in Churchill’s War Cabinet. This

is examined by Richard Steyn in Churchill’s Confidant:

Jan Smuts, Enemy to Lifelong Friend (Robinson).

Probably one of the best political books, published this

year is Ayesha Hazarika and Tom Hamilton Punch and

Judy Politics An Insider’s Guide to Prime Minister’s

Questions (Biteback). Well researched, well written, a

must for every MP and hack.

Andrew Gimson has provided a series of amusing and

telling books on politics and his Gimson’s Prime Ministers

Brief Lives from Walpole to May (Square Peg) is an

amusing bluffer’s guide.

Our former colleague, the Labour MP and journalist Tom

Harris has written a powerful and emotional account of the happenings in Ten Years

In The Death of the Labour Party (Biteback).

In contrast another view is taken by Francis Beckett and Mark Seddon in Jeremy

Corbyn and the Strange Rebirth of Labour England (Biteback)

Accounts of Margaret Thatcher are usually gleaned from the memoirs of politicians

and journalists. Caroline Slocock was a civil servant, not a Conservative and a

Keith Simpson MP’s Summer Reading List 2018 2

Page 3:  · Web viewCaroline Slocock was a civil servant, not a Conservative and a feminist who became a junior Private Secretary at No 10 under Thatcher. Despite everything she grew to admire

feminist who became a junior Private Secretary at No 10

under Thatcher. Despite everything she grew to admire

Thatcher, and although her account drifts into her own

views People Like Us Margaret Thatcher and Me

(Biteback) is well worth a read.

A wonderfully gossipy but insightful account of the

Thatcher years in the late 1980s is provided by a senior

foreign office mandarin based upon his diaries – Patrick

R H Wright Behind Diplomatic Lines Relations with

Ministers (Biteback).

For many conservatives the “Queen across the Border”

who they look to for leadership but at present is

unavailable is the feisty and opinionated Ruth Davidson

and Andrew Liddle has written a useful biography in Ruth

Davidson And the Resurgence of the Scottish Tories


Iain Dale, the political pundit, broadcaster and former

managing director of Biteback Publishing has teamed up

with Jacqui Smith, former MP and Home Secretary, to

edit two volumes of every female MP ever elected to the

House of Commons Volume One The Honourable Ladies Profiles of Women MPs

1918-1997 (Biteback) contains biographies of 168 female MPs. A good browsing

book for those attending Party Conferences.

The border lands between England and Scotland were wild and brutal before James

VI of Scotland became James I of England. The Marches, or the debatable land

have received much historical and literary attention and this year have been looked

at in two books. Rory Stewart, Justice Minister and writer has written a personal

account walking over much of what is his constituency and a tribute to his elderly

father in The Marches Border Walks with My Father (Vintage) and Graham Robb

Keith Simpson MP’s Summer Reading List 2018 3

Page 4:  · Web viewCaroline Slocock was a civil servant, not a Conservative and a feminist who became a junior Private Secretary at No 10 under Thatcher. Despite everything she grew to admire

does a more traditional account in The Debatable Land The Lost World Between

Scotland and England (Picador).

Diarmaid MacCulloch has written extensively on Tudor history, religion and politics

and in the autumn we look forward to his Thomas Cromwell A Life (Allen Lane)

which will appeal to all those parliamentarians obsessed by the power and influence

of the civil service.

Lady Antonia Fraser is well known as a prodigious authoress and now as a sprightly

lady in her eighties has written a well researched and readable book The King and

the Catholics: The Fight for Rights 1829 (Weidenfeld & Nicolson).

Amongst my parliamentarian colleagues there are old

Etonians who write books – Kwarsi Kwarteng, Rory

Stewart and Jesse Norman. Jesse Norman is very much

at the philosophical end of the spectrum and published

some time ago a biography of Edward Burke. Now he

has written a revisionist biography of Adam Smith What

He Thought and Why it Matters (Allen Lane) a must for

the SNP.

James Pope-Hennessy was something of an upmarket

hack writer who was murdered at home. He wrote the

authorised biography of Queen Mary which was well

received on publication. He kept notes on many of the

interviews he carried out with Royal relatives, courtiers

and friends and Hugo Vickers has edited them in The

Quest for Queen Mary (Zuleika).

Edward VIII abdicated as king because he was

determined to marry the American divorcee Wallis

Simpson. Edward loved America from his youth and

Americans were fascinated by him as Ted Powell shows

in King Edward VIII: An American Life (OUP).

Keith Simpson MP’s Summer Reading List 2018 4

Page 5:  · Web viewCaroline Slocock was a civil servant, not a Conservative and a feminist who became a junior Private Secretary at No 10 under Thatcher. Despite everything she grew to admire

Christopher Andrew is a Cambridge historian who has dedicated his academic life to

the study of intelligence. Inducted into the Security Service he wrote the authorised

history. He has become convinced that those who operate within the intelligence

and security agencies are ignorant of the history of intelligence. In The Secret World

A History of Intelligence (Allen Lane) he attempts to correct that and shows how

intelligence organisations have flourished and declined. At nine hundred and sixty

pages this may be something for the kindle version.

It would be easy for the modern reader to conclude that

women had no place in the world of early modern

espionage, but Nadine Akkerman through extensive

archival research demonstrates the role of women spies

and agents. Her study Invisible Agents Women and

Espionage in Seventeenth Century Britain (OUP) makes

for a fascinating read.

In Enemies Within Communists, the Cambridge Spies

and the Making of Modern Britain (William Collins)

Richard Davenport-Hines examines the extensive

recruitment of spies and agents by the Soviet Union and how Blunt, Burgess,

Cairncross, Maclean and Philby were used and the sheer extent of their activities.

Gill Bennett worked for the FCO and is the author of the excellent book Churchill’s

Man of Mystery Desmond Morton and the World of

Intelligence (2009). Now she has written The Zinoviev

Letter The Conspiracy that Never Dies (OUP) and how it

became a symbol of dirty tricks and humiliated the first

Labour government in 1924.

Donald Maclean was a star diplomat, and establishment

insider and had access to diplomatic and military secrets

in the 1930s and 1940s. He was also a Russian spy,

driven by passionately held beliefs, whose betrayal and

Keith Simpson MP’s Summer Reading List 2018 5

Page 6:  · Web viewCaroline Slocock was a civil servant, not a Conservative and a feminist who became a junior Private Secretary at No 10 under Thatcher. Despite everything she grew to admire

defection to Moscow with Guy Burgess shocked the establishment. Roland Philipps

has written an excellent study in A Spy Named Orphan The Enigma of Donald

Maclean (Bodley Head).

The old Soviet Union infiltrated hundreds of young men and women in to Western

universities to acquire intelligence – such “sleepers” are still active today working for

Putin’s Russia. Svetlana Lokhova looks in detail at the role of Stanislav Shumovsky

who in 1931 enrolled as a student at the US MIT and helped to acquire the secrets of

the Manhattan Project. Well worth a read is her The Spy Who Changed History The

Untold Story of How the Soviet Union Won the Race for America’s Top Secrets

(William Collins).

During the Second World War there were a minority of

British people, former members of the BUF and Nazi

sympathisers, who hoped for a German victory. In Agent

Jack The True Story of M15s Secret Nazi Hunter

(Weidenfeld & Nicolson) the journalist Robert Hutton

looks at the role of one rather quiet but resourceful M15

agent at the heart of Operation Fifth Column.

The Times journalist Ben Macintyre has made a

speciality of writing excellent books on spying and also

Special Forces. In The Spy and the Traitor The Great Espionage Story of the Cold

War (Viking) he shows how SIS recruited a senior KGB officer and were able to

smuggle him out of the Soviet Union in 1985.

As the UK’s political and military power has been reduced since 1945 much has

been made of our niche intelligence resources and the excellence of our Special

Forces. Such covert action is examined by Rory Cormac in Disrupt and Deny Spies,

Special Forces and the Secret Pursuit of British Foreign Policy (OUP).

The question of how far a state should authorise its agents to go in seeking and

using secret intelligence is one of the big unresolved issues of public policy for

Keith Simpson MP’s Summer Reading List 2018 6

Page 7:  · Web viewCaroline Slocock was a civil servant, not a Conservative and a feminist who became a junior Private Secretary at No 10 under Thatcher. Despite everything she grew to admire

democracies today. This is examined in Principled Spying The Ethics of Secret

Intelligence (OUP) by David Omand, former senior mandarin and director of GCHQ

and Intelligence expert Mark Phythean.

Accounts of postwar Britain have been dominated by a

theme of political, educational and industrial decline.

Correlli Barnett’s books in the 1970s and 1980s

lambasted trades unions and employers and became

must reads for government ministers. Now David

Edgerton’s The Rise and Fall of the British Nation A

Twentieth Century History (Allen Lane) is a revisionist

examination of the thesis of decline and provides a

stimulating and alternative account.

Peter Heather published a serious book several years

ago on The Fall of the Roman Empire which mainly covered the Western Empire.

Now he has completed his study in Rome Resurgent War and Empire in the Age of

Justinian (OUP).

Ron Chernow is a veteran American historian and biographer, and has achieved

fame and fortune through the adaptation of his biography of Alexander Hamilton as a

hit musical. His Grant (Head of Zeus) is a readable and magisterial biography of the

General US Grant and his time in office as President. A warts and all book which

leaves the reader admiring Grant as a soldier, politician and very humane man.

Translated from the German Pandora’s Box A History of the First World War

(Harvard U.P) by Jörn Leonhard is a magisterial history of the war away from the

usual Anglocentric accounts.

For much of the war on the Western Front 1914-1918 the British Army faced the

Bavarians. Fortuitous for historians as most of the Prussian military archives were

destroyed in bombing and fighting in 1945. A senior member of the Bavarian Royal

Family held senior command appointments and Jonathan Boff has exploited the

Keith Simpson MP’s Summer Reading List 2018 7

Page 8:  · Web viewCaroline Slocock was a civil servant, not a Conservative and a feminist who became a junior Private Secretary at No 10 under Thatcher. Despite everything she grew to admire

archives in Haig’s Enemy Crown Prince Rupprecht and Germany's War on the

Western Front (OUP).

The distinguished historian of Nazi Germany is Robert

Gellately and his The Oxford Illustrated History of the

Third Reich (OUP) draws heavily on recent research

and challenges many old assumptions.

The study of slavery and Britain’s role in exploiting and

then abolishing it has received much attention. In time

for the Party Conferences is Christopher Petley White

Fury A Jamaican Slaveholder and the Age of

Revolution (OUP).

For those seeking a short, authorative and readable book

on Ireland then look no further than John Gibney A Short

History of Ireland 1500-2000 (Yale UP)

Understanding the Middle East in today’s context

requires knowledge of its history and the role of the

British, French, Russians and Americans during the

Second World War. Reading Ashley Jackson Persian

Gulf Command A History of the Second World War in

Iran and Iraq (Yale UP) meets that requirement.

Jonathan Fenby is a journalist and historian and in Crucible Thirteen Months that

Forged our World (Simon&Schuster) he writes a gripping account of the crucial year

of 1947 and 1948.

The Bolshevik imprisonment of the Romanov Royal Family and attempts to negotiate

their release is well worn historical subject. But Helen Rappaport in The Race to

Save the Romanovs The Truth Behind the Secret Plans to Rescue Russia’s Imperial

Family (Hutchinson) uses new evidence and offers new explanations.

Keith Simpson MP’s Summer Reading List 2018 8

Page 9:  · Web viewCaroline Slocock was a civil servant, not a Conservative and a feminist who became a junior Private Secretary at No 10 under Thatcher. Despite everything she grew to admire

Our old Liberal opponent Paddy Ashdown has written

several good books on military operations during the

Second World War. In time for the Party Conferences he

has now written Nein! Standing Up to Hitler 1933-1945

(William Collins)

The distinguished military historian Anthony Beevor,

author of books on Stalingrad and Berlin has now turned

his pen to Arnhem The Battle for the Bridges (Viking) and

B Montgomery and B Horrocks are firmly in the dock. He

uses with special effect Dutch archives to show how they

paid the price for Allied failure.

Your reviewer indulges himself in his fascination with Franklin D Roosevelt with two

new books which look at important aspects of his policy. Sebastian Edwards

American Default The Untold Story of FDR, the Supreme Court and the Battle Over

Gold (Princeton UP) and Susan Dunn A Blueprint for War FDR and the Hundred

Days that Mobilized America (Yale UP).

The Year 1983 saw the USA and the Soviet Union nearly

coming to war and how miscalculation and paranoia

dominated Soviet political and military thinking. This is

ably covered by Taylor Downing 1983 The World at the

Brink (Little Brown).

For the real political anorak and those colleagues who

have yet to get a life apart from Brexit then look no further

than Robert Saunders Yes to Europe! The 1975

Referendum and Seventies Britain (CUP) which is the

very best account of the earlier referendum.

The great Israeli political survivor is Bibi, the current Prime Minister and supplicant to

Donald Trump. Anshel Pfeffer has written the best account to his rise and fall and

rise in Bibi The Turbulent Life and Times of Benjamin Netanyahu (C. Hurst & Co).

Keith Simpson MP’s Summer Reading List 2018 9

Page 10:  · Web viewCaroline Slocock was a civil servant, not a Conservative and a feminist who became a junior Private Secretary at No 10 under Thatcher. Despite everything she grew to admire

Three books have been published on the experience of

the British suffragettes which are a good read. Jane

Robinson Hearts and Minds The Untold Story of the

Great Pilgrimage and How Women Won the Vote

(Doubleday); Fern Riddell shows the more violent side

of the movement in Death in Ten Minutes Kitty Marion :

Activist, Arsonist, Suffragette (Hodder & Stoughton) and

Patricia Fara shows the role of women in war time

service in A Lab of One’s Own Science and Suffrage

in the First World War (OUP).

Leon Werth was a Jewish writer who left Paris in 1940 and hid out in a village in the

Jura Mountains. His account of life during the war is in Deposition A Secret Diary of

Life in Vichy France (POUP).

John Julius Norwich, the son of Duff Cooper and Diana Cooper has been a prolific

writer, and shortly before he died he published France A History from Gaul to De

Gaulle (John Murray) which is a personal, anecdotal but a wonderful read.

Without doubt the biography of the year must be Julius

Jackson A Certain Idea of France The Life of Charles de

Gaulle (Allen Lane). A stimulating read with a balanced

assessment which delves into the contrary character of

Charles de Gaulle.

Jackson shows that the spirit of de Gaulle still pervades

France and has been an influence on President Macron,

the man who broke the old party system. Sophie Pedder

has written a sympathetic biography Revolution

Française Emmanuel Macron and the Quest to Reinvent

a Nation (Bloomsbury Continuum).

Keith Simpson MP’s Summer Reading List 2018 10

Page 11:  · Web viewCaroline Slocock was a civil servant, not a Conservative and a feminist who became a junior Private Secretary at No 10 under Thatcher. Despite everything she grew to admire

Rupert Christiansen City of Light The Reinvention of Paris (Head of Zeus) is a

fascinating account of the fifteen year project by Emperor Louis Napoleon to knock

down the old cluttered streets of Paris and create the Paris we know today. This

development was ruthlessly driven through by the incorruptible prefect of the Seine

Department Baron Haussman.

Maureen Everson has lived on the French Riviera and has loved the development of

new houses and estates from the 1920s and how it became a popular area for the

fashionable to live and love. Riviera Dreaming Love and War on the Cote d’Azur (TB

Tauris) is a work of nostalgia overtaken by mass development after the 1960.

T E Lawrence continues to fascinate historians, journalists and those who have

travelled across the Middle East. Apart from his own writings there are numerous

biographies of Lawrence of Arabia. In Behind the Lawrence Legend The Forgotten

Few who Shaped the Arab Revolt (OUP) Philip Walker explores the role of Colonel

Cyril Wilson and dozens of junior officers who carried out intelligence and diplomatic

work and helped sustain Lawrence and his operations in Arabia. A fascinating and

excellent read.

James Barr is a young author who published Setting the

Desert on Fire T E Lawrence and Britain’s Secret War in

Arabia, 1916 – 1918 in 2008. He has now written Lords

of the Desert Britain’s Struggle with America to Dominate

the Middle East (Simon&Schuster) in which he explains

Britain’s declining influence underpinned by the rivalry

with the USA.

David Lough has written a ground breaking book No

More Champagne Churchill and His Money (2016). In

the autumn he will publish Darling Winston Forty Years of

letters between Winston Churchill and his mother (Head of Zeus) which will be full of

revelations about Churchill’s character.

Keith Simpson MP’s Summer Reading List 2018 11

Page 12:  · Web viewCaroline Slocock was a civil servant, not a Conservative and a feminist who became a junior Private Secretary at No 10 under Thatcher. Despite everything she grew to admire

In 1943 Doris Miles was appointed as a private nurse to

Churchill who was stricken with pneumonia. During her

time with Churchill she wrote regular letters to her

husband serving with the Royal Navy. These letters were

full of observations and comments about Churchill and

his circle, and her daughter Jill Rose has edited them in

Nursing Churchill Wartime Life from the Private Letters of

Winston Churchill’s Nurse (Amberley).

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission is a much

respected organisation that for one hundred years has

maintained tens of thousands of graves and memorials to the dead of two World

Wars. In the early autumn Catherine Lawson’s A Guide to the Commonwealth War

Graves Commission (Third Millennium) is published and illustrates the history with

extracts from the archives and explores the CWGC’s main sites.

Portugal is a popular holiday destination for British tourists and there has been a

long and historic connection between our two countries. The capital Lisbon has

survived earthquakes war and espionage and Barry Hutton has written a vivid history

in Queen of the Sea A History of Lisbon (C Hurst & Co).

Enjoy the summer break and return in September to the Palace of Varieties for more

hard pounding!

Keith Simpson MP’s Summer Reading List 2018 12

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