Page 1:…  · Web view¡Bienvenidos! = _____ C. Key Word Recognition: Find in the video the Spanish word(s)/phrase

Nombre: __________________________________ Clase: ____ Fecha: ___________________________

Práctica Interpretiva: EscucharCerca y Dentro de Mi Comunidad Escolar

Práctica 1:

A. Guessing meaning from context: Use the context clues in the video to figure out the English meaning for the words and phrases below.

1. Alumna= ________________________________________________________________________

2. Tenemos libertad de expresión= _____________________________________________________

3. Mesas y sillas necesitan reparación= _________________________________________________

4. Estamos contentos= ______________________________________________________________

B. Key Word Recognition: Find in the video the Spanish word(s)/phrase that best expresses the meaning of each of the following English words/phrases below.

1. Where we share experiences= ______________________________________________________

2. It’s a place to learn values= _________________________________________________________

3. The teachers work and teach well= __________________________________________________

4. Always decorated= _______________________________________________________________

5. Are boring= _____________________________________________________________________

C. Main ideas: Answer the questions below in English. Be sure to include evidence like what you saw or heard in the video to support your answer.

WHAT: What is the name of the school?

WHO: Who do you think made this video?

WHY: Why do you think this video was made? For what audience?

Page 2:…  · Web view¡Bienvenidos! = _____ C. Key Word Recognition: Find in the video the Spanish word(s)/phrase

Práctica 2:

A. Supporting details: Circle the letter of each detail that is mentioned or seen in the video. Note that not all are included!

a. Los estudiantes tienen mochilas.

b. La escuela está en México.

c. No hay un gimnasio en la escuela.

d. Hay mucha tecnología.

e. Muchos estudiantes tienen el pelo castaño/moreno.

f. Los estudiantes comen el almuerzo en la cafetería.

g. El director de la escuela es muy, muy viejo.

h. Sólo hay chicos en esta escuela.

B. Guessing meaning from context: Use the context clues in the video to figure out the English meaning for the words and phrases below.

5. Escuela(s) Técnica(s) = ____________________________________________________________

6. una nueva experiencia= ____________________________________________________________

7. la última tecnología = ______________________________________________________________

8. ¡Bienvenidos! = __________________________________________________________________

C. Key Word Recognition: Find in the video the Spanish word(s)/phrase that best expresses the meaning of each of the following English words/phrases below.

1. You all will make many friends = _____________________________________________________


2. You all will study but also have fun = __________________________________________________


Page 3:…  · Web view¡Bienvenidos! = _____ C. Key Word Recognition: Find in the video the Spanish word(s)/phrase

D. Main ideas: Answer the questions below in English. Be sure to include evidence like what you saw or heard in the video to support your answer.

WHAT: What is the name of the school?

WHERE: Where is this school located?

WHY: Why do you think this video was made? For what audience?

E. Personal Response: Based on the video, write a paragraph comparing and contrasting this school with your own school in ENGLISH. Think about the school layout and appearance, classes, cultural differences, etc. Write about at least 3 similarities and 3 differences and include evidence from the video to support your statements. Write in complete sentences._____________________________________________________________________________________


















Page 4:…  · Web view¡Bienvenidos! = _____ C. Key Word Recognition: Find in the video the Spanish word(s)/phrase

Nombre: __________________________________ Clase: ____ Fecha: ___________________________

Práctica Interpretiva: LeerCerca y Dentro de Mi Comunidad Escolar

Práctica 1: El horario Look at the school class schedule below and use it to choose the correct answer to the questions that follow.

1. El miércoles a la una y media tiene la clase de _____________________________________________

2. El lunes y martes a las dos y veintidós tiene la clase de ________________________________.

3. Al mediodía tiene la clase de _________________________________ o ____________________________

4. El jueves hay _______________________ clase.

5. Toca instrumentos y tiene que leer notas en la clase de ______________________________________

6. Viernes a las doces menos cuarto está en ________________________________________.

7. En el almuerzo tiene que ____________________________.

8. El viernes la clase de estudios sociales es a las _______________________________.

Page 5:…  · Web view¡Bienvenidos! = _____ C. Key Word Recognition: Find in the video the Spanish word(s)/phrase

Nombre: __________________________________ Clase: ____ Fecha: ___________________________

Práctica Interpretiva: LeerCerca y Dentro de Mi Comunidad Escolar

Práctica 1: El mapa: Using el mapa de la escuela, read the statements below and choose the correct answer.

1. El baño está a lado de las escaleras. C F

2. La clase preescolar está entre la biblioteca y el sexto. C F

3. La cafetería está cerca del baño. C F

4. El centro de acopio está a la derecha de 701. C F

5. La clase de 802 está cerca del laboratorio Q, C, B. C F

6. Hay tres escaleras en la escuela. C F

7. Hay tres puertas dentro de la cafetería. C F

8. Hay cinco personas en el patio. C F

9. El refrigerio está a lado de la cafetería. C F

10.Delante de las tres clases de primaria está el patio central. C F

11.La escuela está en Honduras. C F

12.El almacén está detrás del aseo. C F

Page 6:…  · Web view¡Bienvenidos! = _____ C. Key Word Recognition: Find in the video the Spanish word(s)/phrase

Nombre: __________________________________ Clase: ____ Fecha: ___________________________

Práctica Interpretiva: LeerCerca y Dentro de Mi Comunidad Escolar

Práctica 3: Los Comentarios: These three students were asked about their opinions on school. Read their responses and answer the questions that follow based on their answers.

1. Which is NOT a reason that Ferran likes school?

A. The school is small

B. They do many activities

C. He makes friends

D. Math class is fun

2. Carla doesn’t like _________________________.

A. dancing in pairs and counting

B. studying and singing in groups

C. singing and going in pairs

D. writing and telling stories

3. What might Carla say to her friends about going

back to school?

A. “¡Estoy nerviosa!”

B. “¡Estoy depremida!”

C. “¡Estoy triste!”

D. “¡Estoy emocionada!”

4. Why does Oriol not like school?

A. He has to work on the patio

B. He has a large tractor

C. He has a lot of work

D. He has no friends

5. Where do all of these students go to school?

A. Ecuador

B. Spain

C. Mexico

D. Argentina

Page 7:…  · Web view¡Bienvenidos! = _____ C. Key Word Recognition: Find in the video the Spanish word(s)/phrase

Nombre: __________________________________ Clase: ____ Fecha: ___________________________

Práctica Presentacional: EscribirCerca y Dentro de Mi Comunidad Escolar

Choose one of the schools or countries you have learned about in the last few weeks. Being sure to name your school or say where it is located, write a response that includes:

Your school building’s layout and appearance and/or where 2-3 classes are located What your favorite and least favorite classes are and why What you have to do in classes and what supplies you need for your classes Comparisons of your school and your middle school
























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