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«Environmental problems»

(«Проблемы экологии»)

сборник практических заданий и упражнений по

отдельной дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)»

г. Тюмень, 2017г.

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Зинчук Н.А. «Environmental problems» («Проблемы экологии»), методическая разработка (сборник практических заданий и упражнений по отдельной дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)»). – Тюмень: ФГКОУ «ТПКУ», 2017. – 34c.

Методическая разработка представляет собой сборник практических заданий и упражнений по теме «Environmental problems» («Проблемы экологии»). Материал, представленный в сборнике, предназначен для обогащения словарного запаса по экологическим темам и отработке всех сформированных навыков кадетами 9-11 классов.

Методическая разработка включает в себя пояснительную записку, задания для практической работы (задания на развитие навыков чтения, аудирования, письма, говорения), ключи к заданиям, заключение и список использованных источников. Методическая разработка предназначена для преподавателей английского языка в качестве дополнительного материала на уроках, при подготовке к олимпиадам по английскому языку, а также для самостоятельной подготовки к экзамену.

Рассмотрено на заседании методического совета Тюменского ТПКУ (протокол № 3 от 30.05. 2017 г.)

Рекомендовано к использованию в образовательном процессе училища.

© ФГКОУ «Тюменское президентское кадетское училище», 2017г. © Зинчук Н.А., 2017.


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1. Введение ………………………………………….

2. Практические задания и упражнения по теме «Environmental

problems» («Проблемы экологии»). Часть I. ………………….

3. Практические задания и упражнения по теме «Environmental

problems» («Проблемы экологии»). Часть II. …………………

4. Практические задания и упражнения по теме «Environmental

problems» («Проблемы экологии»). Часть III. ………………..

5. Тест “How environmentally aware are you?” ……………………

6. Ключи к заданиям ……………………………………………….

7. Заключение ………………………………………………………

8. Список использованных источников …………………………..









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ВведениеДанная методическая разработка создана для изучения лексики по

темам экологии, пополнения словарного запаса кадет и способствует расширению кругозора кадет в области экологии и охраны окружающей среды, что и запланировано в рабочей программе по отдельной учебной дисциплине «Первый иностранный язык (английский)».

Разработка соответствует требованиям ФГОС, а также способствует реализации коммуникативного и системно-деятельностного подходов в обучении иностранному языку.

Практические задания методической разработки направлены на активизацию лексических единиц по теме «Environmental problems» («Проблемы экологии»), применение лексических единиц в грамматических структурах, развитие навыков поискового и изучающего чтения, что способствует достижению следующих результатов обучения:

личностных: - осознание возможностей самореализации средствами иностранного языка; - воспитывать интерес, уважение и бережное отношение к окружающей среде, природе и ее составляющих;

метапредметных: - развивать умение строить логическое рассуждение; - развивать навыки во всех видах речевой деятельности; - развитие поискового, смыслового и изучающего чтения, включая умения выделять тему, прогнозировать содержание текста по заголовку/иллюстрации /ключевым словам, выделять главные факты, вставлять на место пропусков подходящие по смыслу слова и выражения; - умение соотносить свои действия с планируемыми результатами, осуществлять контроль своей деятельности в процессе достижения результата;

предметных: - распознавание и употребление в речи основных значений изученных лексических единиц; - закрепление навыка написания эссе и письма по данной тематике; - знание признаков изученных грамматических явлений; - чтение аутентичного текста с выборочным пониманием значимой/ нужной/ интересующей информации.

Лексические упражнения предназначены для снятия лексических трудностей при ознакомительном и изучающем чтении. Текстовые упражнения предназначены для развития навыков поискового и изучающего чтения, а также для совершенствования навыков перевода. Следует отметить,


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что учебное пособие не предполагает системного изучения грамматических структур; внимание акцентируется на тех грамматических явлениях, которые присутствуют в изучаемых текстах.

Методическая разработка состоит из трех частей, объединяющих тексты определенной тематики. В свою очередь каждая часть вмещает в себя несколько упражнений по определенному виду деятельности на экологические темы, что отражает основные положения коммуникативной методики обучения иностранному языку.

Первый раздел содержит упражнения по изучающему чтению и закреплению лексического материала. Второй раздел содержит упражнения на изучение текстов с последующим ответом на вопросы о ключевой идее и общем смысле прочитанного, заполнение пропусков подходящими по контексту словами в правильной лексической и грамматической форме в текстах, написание эссе по предложенному плану по просмотренному видеосюжету.

Третий раздел содержит упражнения на подстановку пропущенной информации в тексте, резюмирующей содержание просмотренного видеосюжета, упражнения, направленные на развитие речи и навыков письма.

Методическая разработка может быть использована преподавателями иностранного языка для организации аудиторной и внеаудиторной работы кадет, в качестве дополнительного учебного материала при подготовке к олимпиадам и конкурсам, для расширения кругозора кадет. Полагаем, что материал, представленный в данной методической разработке, может послужить стимулом для кадет к самостоятельному поиску информации по данной теме и ее дальнейшему изучению.


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Практические задания и упражнения по теме«Environmental problems» («Проблемы экологии»).

Часть I.I. Read and translate the text.

Environmental protection

Environmental protection is one of the most important problems for everyone because we all live in this world. The problems of the environment are much spoken about on TV, radio, in the newspapers. Not only ecologists but also common people become aware of ecological problems. So, what is ecology?

Ecology is a science that studies the relationship between all forms of life on our planet with its environment. Environment is everything that surrounds a person: air, flora, fauna, water, soil. A man is a part of environment. So he depends on it.

Pollution is any detrimental change in an ecosystem. Most kinds of pollution are the results of human activities. When human populations are large, and affluence demands more and more goods and services, pollution problems are compounded. Pollution was not a serous problem as long as there was enough space available for each individual. With the establishment of permanent human settlements pollution became a problem. Six million people living in our planet need more food, land, goods. The production of these in large amounts includes cutting down forests, draining wetlands, ploughing up grasslands. There are many forms of pollution in our world today, for example, the pollution of air and the world ocean, nuclear waste, chemical waste. Air pollution is one of the most important examples and a result of many factors. Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with dust and other harmful substances. The discharge of dust and gases into the atmosphere returns to the Earth in the form of “acid rains” and affects crops, the quality of forests, and the amount of fish. As the result of the environmental pollution some rare species of animals, birds, and fish disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up. Forests clearance causes long-term problems such as soil erosion, floods, and droughts.

Water pollution is becoming an international problem nowadays. If measures are not taken, the oceans will soon become biological deserts. Pollution of water by both industrial and domestic users creates the problem of water deficit.

Litter is another issue that people face in big cities. As a result of it bioindustrial centres today look more like garbage dumps.

Of all the environmental problems facing our planet today the most


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pressing is global warming, better known as the “greenhouse effect”. The “greenhouse effect” is caused by carbon dioxide which prevents heat from escaping. Global warming can cause melting of the polar ice caps, rising of the sea level, and flooding of the coastal areas. Vast territories will become too hot for farming. It won’t be possible to grow the same amount of food.

Beginning with the 1960-s the pollution problems have received great publicity. Green Peace organization was created in 1987. The international organization Green Peace is doing much to preserve the environment. This organization carries out numerous campaigns against the global environmental pollution, draws the people’s attention to the destruction of wildlife (whales, seals, tigers) by hunters and the pollution of oceans by nuclear waste turning them into nuclear dustbins. Green Peace believes that actions speak louder than words.

It is important that everyone should be aware of the problem that we should continue to find alternatives to the products that harm the environment and that every individual should do what he can to protect nature not only for the sake of the present but also for the future generations.

Essential vocabulary

environment [in´vaiərənment] n – окружающая средаdiversity [dai´və:siti] n - разнообразиеbecome aware v – осознаватьrelationship [ri´lei∫n∫ip] n – взаимоотношения, связьsurround v – окружатьdepend on (upon) v – зависеть отpollution n – загрязнениеdetrimental [ֽdetri´mentl] a – вредныйaffluence [ ´æfluəns] n – изобилие, богатствоavailable [ə´veiləbl] a – имеющийся в распоряженииamount [ə´maunt] n – количествоinclude v – включатьcut down v – рубитьdrain v – осушатьharmful a – вредныйsubstance [´sΛ bstəns] n – веществоdischarge [dis´t∫a:dз ] n –сток, слив, выброс

acid rain – кислотный дождьrare a – редкийdisappear v – исчезатьclearance n – очистка леса под пашнюcause v – вызывать, служить причинойflood [flΛd] n – наводнениеdrought [draut] n – засухаissue n – проблемаgarbage [´ga:bidз] n – мусор, отбросыdump, landfill n – свалкаcarbon dioxide [dai´oksaid] – углекислый газ (двуокись углерода)prevent v – препятствоватьescape v – улетучиватьсяmelt v – таятьpreserve v – охранятьdust-bin, garbage-can n – мусорный ящик


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1. Give English equivalents:простые люди; осознавать экологическую опасность; пагубные (вредные) изменения; пока было достаточно места; нуждаются во все большем количестве пищи; вырубка лесов; отходы атомной промышленности; вредные вещества; кислотные дожди; загрязнение окружающей среды; редкий вид; очистка леса под пашню; эрозия почвы; наводнения; засуха; пустыня; проблема дефицита воды; мусор; свалка; глобальное потепление; парниковый эффект; вызван углекислым газом; препятствовать; таяние льда; подъем уровня моря; дикая природа; привлекать внимание людей; защищать окружающую среду.

2. Give Russian equivalents:the problems of the environment; a part of environment; enough space; available for each individual; in large amounts; cutting down forests; to plough up grasslands; nuclear waste; the discharge of dust and gases; to affect crops; to cause long-term problems; soil erosion; to take measures; problems facing our planet; the most pressing problem; flooding of the coastal areas; to carry out campaigns; global environmental pollution; destruction of wildlife; nuclear dustbins; to harm the environment; to protect nature; for the sake of the present

3. Supply the prepositions where necessary.1. Common people become aware … ecological problems.2. Ecology is a science that studies the relationship … all forms of life … its environment.3. Pollution affects … everyone every day.4. Pollution … air is a result … many factors.5. World industry pollutes the atmosphere … dust and other harmful substances.6. Acid rains affect … crops, the quality of forests.7. Many large cities are polluted … industrial wastes.8. Some factories and plants discharge harmful substances … the atmosphere.9. The “greenhouse effect” is caused … carbon dioxide.10. Green peace organization carries out numerous campaigns … the global environmental pollution.11. This organization draws the people’s attention … the destruction of wildlife.12. Today about 60000 different species of plants are … danger.13. We must protect our environment … the sake … the future generations.

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the following list:

animals pollute environment waste pollution substances ecological danger 1. We are doing enough to protect … from pollution.


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2. The huge amounts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides used on these farms … the water.

3. People should be more concerned about the continuing … of the environment.

4. The Japanese recycle more than half of their industrial ….5. Harmful … are found in many rivers.6. The destruction of the rainforests is an … disaster that threatens the future of

life on the Earth.7. About 60000 different species of plants are in … today.8. Today the giant panda is one of the rarest … in the world.

5. Match each word with its definition.

1. wildlife 2. pollution 3. flora 4. fauna 5. atmosphere 6. ecology 7. ozone layer 8. green house effect 9. clearance 10. acid rain 11. waste

a) cutting down the treesb) trashc) the killing mixture of water in the air d) poisoning of land, water and aire) all the plants of a particular placef) pollutant gases trapping the heat like glassg) wild animals, birds, insects, etc h) the mixture of gases surrounding the earth i) all the animals of an area j) surroundingsk) upper layer of the Earth

6. Answer the questions on the text. 1. What does ecology study?2. What is environment?3. Why do we call a man a part of environment?4. When did the pollution of the Earth become a problem?5. Does forest clearance cause any problems?6. What forms of environmental pollution do you know?7. What is the most important problem? What do you think about it?8. What is acid rain?9. How does acid rain influence wildlife?10.What are the main reasons and results of air pollution?11.Why is the warming of the climate called “green house” effect? 12.When was Green Peace created and what are the aims of this organization?13.What should we do to protect nature?

7. Make up as many word combinations as possible.


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global harmfuldamagingultravioletdisastrouslargeirreversibleenvironmentalgreenhousesolar current


8. Render the text.В наше время много говорят

о проблемах окружающей среды. Проблемы экологии заботят не только ученых, но и простых людей. Человечеству требуется все большее количество продуктов, для выращивания которых расчищают новые поля, вырубая при этом леса, осушают земли, превращая их затем в пустыни. Вырубая леса, мы уничтожаем (destroy) животных. Мы развиваем (develop) промышленность, строим заводы, электростанции, автомобили. Опасные газы из их труб попадают в атмосферу. Там они смешиваются с дождевыми облаками и выпадают на землю в виде кислотных дождей. Они губят дикую природу.

Промышленные кампании сбрасывают (dump off) химические отходы и нефть в реки и моря. Это убивает не только рыбу. Ведь мы, люди, также пьем воду из рек и озер.

Особенно загрязнены наши города. Городу требуется (need) много энергии для освещения и обогрева домов, для работы заводов и транспорта. Углекислый газ вызывает не только загрязнение воздуха, но и тепловой эффект. Глобальное потепление может привести к таянию ледников, подъему уровня воды в морях и затоплению прибрежных районов.

Человек – потребитель (consumer). Он образует много отходов. Мусор приходится закапывать (go into landfill) или сжигать, а это также загрязняет почву и воздух. Единственный выход (a way out) – научиться жить, чтобы не загрязнять природу. Энергию получать от солнца, воды, ветра и мусора, устанавливать специальные системы для очистки воды, использовать фильтры для дымовых труб. Мы должны думать о природе и сохранении нашей прекрасной планеты.

9. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the following list:


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natural habitats, in danger of extinction, long-term, natural resources, way of life, indigenous people, destruction, future generations

The (1)……….of the rainforest is very worrying. Thousands of acres of forest are being cut down every year and the (2)……….of many animals are being destroyed. As a result, many species are (3)……… .

This, in turn, threatens the traditional (4)……….of many of the (5)……….who live in some of the most remote areas of our planet. As with most environmental issues, we need to think more (6)……….and realise that everything we do has implications for (7)………. .

If we want to hand on our world to our children and grandchildren, we simply can’t continue to misuse the world’s (8)……….as we are at the moment.

10.Complete the passage with some of these words. Do not use any word or phrase more than once.

environmental, ozone, developing countries, acid rain, chemicals, rainforests, planet, preventable, climate, conservation, resources, renewable, pollution

Many 1) ___ experts are pessimistic about the future of our 2) ___. They say that in the next few years harmful 3) ___ will further damage the 4) ___ layer, there will be more losses of irreplaceable tropical 5) ___, and serious air 6) ___ will cause the 7) ___ itself to change. They also warn us that Third World countries will continue to suffer 8) ___ disasters, while the rich countries consume the vast majorities of the world's 9) ___. Projects for 10) ___ and protection of the environment are, unfortunately, not yet achieving their aims.

11.In the same way as above, use these words to complete the passage.

research, bottle banks, dustbins, campaign, public transport, exhaust fumes, recycle, fuel, energy sources, greenhouse effect, wildlife, packaging

What can we do to help? Here are some suggestions. Use less 1) ___ at home and at work. Persuade governments to pay for 2) ___ into alternative 3) ___ like solar power. 4) ___ paper, glass, metal, plastic and batteries as much as possible. Ask for 5) ___ for glass recycling at local supermarkets. Walk, cycle or use 6) ___ if possible, to cut down on car 7) ___, which contributes to the 8) ___. 9) ___ for public transport systems to be improved. Join one of the many conservation groups which work to protect 10) ___ and the countryside.


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12.Complete the passage with these words. There are two more than you need.

damage, obliterated, irrigation, developing, resources, drought, environmental, tribal, environmentalists, source, network, conservation, rugged, scale

Problems have arisen over the Indian government's giant dam project in the 1) ___ Narmada Valley, where many of Rudyard Kipling's stories are set. The Narmada River rises in the heart of central India and flows westwards to the Arabian Sea. According to officials, the planned 2) ___ of huge dams and 3) ___ canals will provide water for drinking and agriculture in the area worryingly prone to 4) ___. The Narmada dam will also offer a major 5) ___ of electricity to power-starved regions. As part of its commitment to 6) ___ countries, the World Bank originally gave India a $450 million loan for this vast project. However, critics say that the dam project represents 7) ___ and cultural destruction on a 8) ___ so massive that the benefits of the project will pale in comparison to the 9) ___ it will cause. They say that more than 200 000 people will be uprooted and rehoused, and ancient 10) ___ cultures will be 11) ___. The World Bank recently halted funding as a result of intense pressure from 12) ___, following an unfavourable independent review of the project.

13.Choose the correct word or phrase from the pair in brackets to complete each sentence.

1. There are very few unexplored areas left in the ___. (world/cosmos) 2. Barnaby spent all his life working on the ___, like his father and grandfather before him. (earth/land) 3. After a long day in the town, you really appreciate the fresh air of the ___. (nature/countryside) 4. Some market gardens find labour costs for casual workers so high that they allow the public to ___ the produce themselves. (pick/pick up) 5. The children watched open-mouthed as the meteor blazed across the evening ___. (heavens/sky) 6. From the helicopter the navigator could see the red cliffs of the Devon ___. (coast/shore) 7. It is hoped that recent advances in medical research will enable us to ___ many of the diseases which currently kill a large number of people in Third World countries. (devastate/eradicate) 8. The travellers gazed in awe at the ___, a beautiful stretch of clear, fresh water surrounded by snow-capped mountains. (lake/sea)


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9. South Africa is a country of immense natural ___, which could eventually provide a comfortable standard of living for all its inhabitants. (sources/resources) 10. The air in the centre of town was thick with ___ from the hundreds of cars in the traffic jam. (smoke/fumes)

14.Match the words to make common expressions connected with the environment. Use each word only once.

1. health A. waste2. fossil B. bank 3. unleaded C. effect 4. ozone D fuels 5. acid E. balance 6. ecological F. hazard 7. greenhouse G. rain 8. pressure H. layer 9. sea I. petrol 10. chemical J. group 11. sewage K. levels 12. bottle L. disposal

15.Choose the correct item.EARTHQUAKE AND EPIDEMIC

In some parts of the world, the ground shakes from time to time. This is called a(an) __1__ and if it’s a bad one, the number of __2__ (dead and injured people) is sometimes large. Buildings often __3__and __4__ teams have to search for people who are __5__ under the __6__. Sometimes water supplies are affected and there is a(an) __7__ of disease, called a(an) __8__. __9__ teams are sent by the government to help the sick. The death __10__ can reach hundreds or even thousands.

1. A) casualty B) outbreak C) earthquake D) collapse2. A) casualties B) outbreaks C) epidemics D) wounded3. A) tremble B) outbreak C) quake D) collapse4. A) epidemic B) quake C) rescue D) saving5. A) pressed B) squeezed C) rescued D) trapped6. A) rubble B) toll C) bubble D) hole7. A) casualty B) outbreak C) abundance D) collapse8. A) epidemic B) disaster C) illness D) outbreak9. A) epidemic B) medical C) rescue D) quake10. A) rubble B) toll C) result D) outbreak


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Практические задания и упражнения по теме«Environmental problems» («Проблемы экологии»).

Часть II.I. Answer the following questions according to the text

Text 1A new discovery of a dinosaur fossil in

Antarctica has confirmed the idea that dinosaurs lived not only in the Northern Hemisphere but in the Southern Hemisphere as well. Up until this discovery, scientists had found dinosaur remains on every continent except Antarctica. This new discovery now confirms the idea that dinosaurs were distributed worldwide. If the dinosaur fossil is shown to be related to other dinosaurs of the same period in South America, it will also support the idea that South America and Antarctica were once linked together.

1. It is only recently that _____.A) important scientific studies about the Southern Hemisphere have been carried out.B) scientists have been seriously interested in fossils.C) a dinosaur fossil has been discovered in Antarctica.D) some new facts about the Northern Hemisphere have come to light.E) Antarctica has been discovered.

2. One can understand from the passage that _____.A) dinosaurs, at one time in the past, lived in both hemispheres.B) dinosaurs were in fact, more commonly found in the Southern Hemisphere.C) scientists had long since realized that dinosaurs had actually lived in Antarctica.D) the dinosaur fossil, discovered in Antarctica, was significantly different from those found in other continents.E) the discovery of the dinosaur fossil in Antarctica was actually of little importance to scientists.

3. It is hoped that the discovery of the dinosaur fossil in Antarctica _____.A) would contribute significantly to our knowledge of the Northern Hemisphere.B) will throw further light on the existence of dinosaurs in the past.C) would lead to further similar discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere.D) could answer the question whether South America and Antarctica were originally connected.E) will attract more scientists to this type of work


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Text 2Nowadays, in England, tea is quite the

most popular, and also the cheapest, of all drinks. People drink their tea in different ways. Some like it with sugar, some without. Some drink it with milk, some with lemon; yet, one way or another just about everyone drinks tea. This, however, has not always been the case. During the last century, when tea was very expensive, it was kept locked up, and the lady of the house had the key. Tea drinking then was quite a ceremony, reserved for the evenings. At breakfast everyone drank beer!

1. Compared with the past, in England today _____.A) more and more people prefer tea to beer.B) tea is regarded as a luxury.C) tea is very cheap and commonly available.D) sugar is becoming less and less popular.E) people don’t care about the quality of tea.

2. It is obvious from the passage that _____.A) English people have always regarded tea as better than beer.B) over the years the popularity of tea in England has increased tremendously.C) drinking tea with lemon is only a recent habit in England.D) like tea, beer also is an extremely popular drink.E) English people are no longer fond of ceremonies.

3. In the passage it is explained that _____.A) in England today people have different habits of tea drinking.B) in the past in England only the wealthy were able to drink beer.C) at breakfast English people also like to drink beer.D) English people mostly prefer to have their tea in the evening.E) in England usually a ceremony is held in the family before tea is served.

Text 3

Elephants are not really very savage animals, but occasionally they can be in a very bad temper. Their most dangerous habit at such moments is to pick up, with their trunk, a large stick or stone, and throw it with great force at someone standing nearby. When this happens the only thing anyone can do, is to jump quickly out of the way.


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1. When an elephant is in a bad temper _____.A) it may try to hurt someone.B) it moves its trunk from side to side.C) one shouldn’t throw stones at it.D) one should keep perfectly still.E) it never shows it.

2. The worst thing an elephant does is to _____.A) attack other savage animals.B) destroy everything nearby.C) use its trunk with great force.D) move dangerously fast.E) throw things at anyone close to it.

3. It is not very often that _____.A) anyone can get close to an elephant.B) an elephant behaves in a savage manner.C) one can jump out of the way of an elephant.D) an elephant picks something up with his trunk.E) an elephant is frightened.

Text 4Occasionally during the night one can see

meteors. They resemble streaks of light and for this reason are called falling stars. As meteors travel through space they sometimes fall into the Earth’s gravitational pull and the friction between these rocks and the atmosphere causes most of them to burn up before they reach the surface of the Earth. At times, however, very big pieces of meteors fall to Earth and although they are burned up to a large extent, some pieces do reach the surface. These are then called meteorites. The largest meteorite to have been founded is the Hoba meteorite. It was found in Nambia and weighs 60 tons.

1. Meteors that hit the Earth _____.A) are known as meteorites.B) are called falling stars.C) are found in the Hoba.D) will land in Nambia.E) bum up due to friction.

2. The Earth’s atmosphere _____.A) has many meteors in it but we cannot see them.


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B) prevents most meteors from falling into the Earth’s gravitational pull.C) and the friction it causes prevent many meteors from becoming meteorites.D) attracts the large falling stars to the Earth.E) is so hot that it burns up rocks easily.

3. Meteors are _____.A) huge stars that travel in space.B) very large pieces of stone.C) able to easily land on Earth.D) always in their travel in our atmosphere.E) usually present in Nambia.

Text 5There are about 980 flying mammals

referred to as bats. They are the only real flying mammals on Earth. Most bats feed on a diet of insects. Some feed on flowers and fruits, but the most interesting are the vampire bats of the Americas, which suck the blood of large birds and other mammals. Unfortunately, these vampire bats are capable of transmitting rabies and are for this reason considered dangerous. The other types of bats are of no danger to man and are even considered helpers of nature by way of their diet which helps control the insect population in various areas of the world. Although the misunderstood bat has represented fear and terror in the west, it is seen as a sign of good luck and long life in the east.

1. The majority of the bat population _____.A) are vampires.B) transmit many illnesses.C) feed on a diet of insects.D) are dangerous to man.E) live in the Americas.

2. According to the passage the bat is misunderstood because _____.A) it is capable of transmitting rabies.B) it has been associated with fear in the west.C) its value as a natural enemy of insects is not generally known.D) it is the only flying mammal.E) animals are endangered by most bats.

3. The insect population of the world _____.A) is controlled by bats.B) represents fear and terror to bats of the east.


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C) is eaten by vampire bats.D) in some areas develops because of the influence of the bat.E) is maintained at normal levels because bats eat them, in certain areas.

Text 6Although all spiders kill their prey by

injecting them with poison, only a few are dangerous enough to cause people or large animals any harm. The poison of the spider is injected by way of the pair of powerful fangs it possesses. Their venom is injected into its prey and for most insects and sometimes small animals, it is fatal. The most dangerous spiders are the black widow spiders. The European black widow can cause serious illness in a human victim whereas the North American black widow is known to have caused the death of people on several occasions.

1. Most spiders _____.A) can cause the death of people.B) inject poison with their fangs.C) eat widow spiders.D) are found in Europe and America.E) are of the family of the black widow.

2. The venom of the spider _____.A) will kill any animal.B) is powerful against fangs of insects.C) is deadly to most insects and small animals.D) effects large animals quicker than small.E) has human victims as well as others.

3. The black widow spiders _____.A) are only dangerous when they are found in Europe..B) are fatal to all.C) have poison in their venom.D) have a much stronger poison in their venom than other types of spiders.E) usually causes illnesses in Europeans.

Text 7

What has caused the increasing popularity in the GREEN PEACE MOVEMENT during recent years? Is there a possibility that the public is being informed by


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scientists of dangers to the world, more than in the past? Or, is it possible that politicians are not hiding the facts that have been known to them but which have not been told before? These factors probably have had an influence on the GREEN PEACE MOVEMENT, but the damage to nature can actually be seen by everyone today. It affects every society in all regions of the world. It is frightening and people are now starting to take a stand against industrialization and other developments which are destroying their lives and the future of their children.

1. This passage is about _____.A) the GREEN PEACE MOVEMENT.B) mans constant interest in nature.C) new realizations made in all areas of the world about changes in nature.D) politicians and what they have not told us before.E) the societies which have effects that interest people.

2. The reason more and more people are becoming concerned with the world is __.A) because politicians are becoming more honest.B) due to the new information given to them by scientists.C) because people can see the damage to nature.D) due to the fact that they are worried about their children.E) because the GREEN PEACE MOVEMENT has taught them the new problems that exist.

3. The GREEN PEACE MOVEMENT _____.A) is against people.B) wants to destroy nature.C) is fighting with politicians.D) is trying to prevent the loss of nature.E) is working to increase industrialization.

Text 8

There can be few more depressing stories in the entire history of man’s exploitation of nature than the wide-spread destruction of whales. Whales have not only suffered untold cruelty but now face total extermination. Already entire populations have been wiped out, and the only reason why no species has yet been finished off is due to the vastness and inaccessibility of the oceans. Hence, a few have always managed to escape, but how much longer can this go on?


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1. The author points out that of all the animals in nature it is probably the whales that _____.A) have aroused most sympathy among ordinary people.B) have attracted the least scientific attention.C) alone can survive man’s hunting instincts.D) have suffered most from man’s cruelty.E) can finally avoid total extinction.

2. According to the passage, if whales have so far survived, it is because _____.A) they have taken refuge in the vast expanses of the oceans.B) they breed fast and are difficult to catch.C) modem man has recognized the need to preserve them.D) various measures have been taken to save them from total extermination.E) man has finally realized that nature must not be exploited.

3. In the passage the author expresses his doubts about whether_____.A) many species of whales ought to be preserved.B) the exploitation of nature can be justified.C) whales can actually survive in the future.D) man really is as cruel to whales as some people have claimed.E) there is any point in trying to preserve all species of animals.

Text 9It is to be expected-that, by the year 2050,

people’s eating habits will have changed beyond recognition. With a world-wide growth in population very many new mechanical and scientific methods will come into being, to step up food production. There may well be an end to food as we know it today. In fact, meals, as we know them, may become a thing of the past. Food constituents and vitamins may be taken in the form of capsules, tablets and pills. The thought of these highly artificial food constituents replacing present day foods may not be very relishing, but they may be the answer to food shortage and world famine.

1. It is suggested in the passage that, at a not too distant date, _____.A) the world will face severe famine.B) the rate of growth in the world population will have been slowed down.C) the world’s food production will decline tremendously despite the population growth.D) methods of advertising food products will change drastically.E) our traditional eating habits will have been completely replaced.


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2. The author points out that artificial food _____.A) will unfortunately be deficient in vitamins.B) can be economically and easily produced.C) is not practical but it is delicious.D) may provide a solution to the problem of a world food shortage.E) will appeal greatly to the majority of people.

3. The main point emphasized in the passage is that _____.A) present-day eating habits must be preserved.B) in the twenty-first century the wide-spread use of artificial food will be inevitable.C) famine and food shortage in the world can only be overcome by reducing the population growth rate.D) artificial foods need not conflict with traditional eating habits.E) mechanical and scientific methods are indispensable for the production of vitamins.

II. Insert the proper word or the verb in the correct formEnvironment

1. The highest ______ of the mountain Everest is 8860 meters high.2. After tsunami at the beach there were big ______ with the height of 15

meters.3. There weren’t any ______ between our gardens and it was very difficult

to separate them from each other.4. Total area of wheat ______ is 19670 km2.5. ______ is a large area of salty water.6. The water is stored in ______ before it is supplied to people’s houses.7. ______ is place where water flows down over a rock or from a high place.8. ______ is a very high hill.9. ______ is a large area of flat land that is higher than the land around it.10. ______ is a large natural hole in the side of cliff or under the ground.11. ______ is a large rock which is especially found in the mountain.12. ______ is a large area covered with trees.13. ______ is a large area of hot, dry land where is very much sand.14. ______ is an area of sand or small stones at the edge of the sea.15. ______ is an area of high land, like a small mountain.

Arctic Meltdown: Pacific Plankton Crosses to AtlanticNeodenticula seminae, a microscopic strand of photosynthesizing plankton,

is common in much of the northern Pacific Ocean.The plankton hadn't been seen in the northern Atlantic in some 800,000

years — until a survey in 1999 turned up a bunch in the Labrador Sea. Researchers 21

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speculate it 1) ______ along with a pulse of warm Pacific 2) __________, part of the changing circulation patterns in the far north due to global 3) ___________.

Warming’s most obvious oceanic effect is the opening of the fabled Northwest Passage for the first time in 4) _________ history. Which makes it more 5) ________for N. seminae to have fellow travelers.

Pacific zooplankton—microscopic 6) ________ —have made the trip, and clams, oysters, snails and slugs may soon follow. These Pacific denizens could displace or disrupt their Atlantic cousins, potentially 7) __________ the entire food web. Which is why a consortium of 17 marine institutes in 10 European 8) __________ is now monitoring the migrations, an effort known as 9) _________ Change and European Marine Ecosystem Research.

Over the last decade, N. seminae has firmly 10) ____________ itself in the Labrador Sea, waters near Iceland and the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. You can’t call the plankton a fish out of water. But you can say that its waters are changing — and fast.

Global Warming Is UndeniableGlobal 1) ________ first emerged clearly in the 1990s and 2) _________

more evident with each passing year. The last 3) _________ was the hottest such span on record and is very likely to be surpassed as the 21st century progresses.

A new 4) ________ from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration lists 10 indicators that global warming 5) ___________: rising humidity; 6) ___________ sea-surface temperature as well as heat stored in deeper waters; shrinking sea ice, glacier and springtime snow cover; rising temperatures over land and sea; and rising sea levels.

All point to a rapidly warming world. And all are based on actual 7) ______, from satellites high in the sky to meteorological 8) ___________ in the middle of a Kansas cornfield.

You can debate how bad global warming will be or what to do about it, but it's hard to 9) deny it's happening anymore. The physics of 10) _________ gases trapping heat are clear.

The politics are murkier. Legislative efforts to combat climate change have failed in the U.S. But the Environmental Protection Agency plans to curb greenhouse gas emissions—noting that rising temperatures and a dangerous human impact on climate are undeniable.

DeforestationSome people’s activities do a lot of 1) ________________ to the forests.

People cut down trees to build houses, roads, factories and plants. Deforestation is a very serious 2) ________________ problem. The world’s great rainforests are all near the 3) ________________, in Africa, South America and South-East Asia. These rainforests are homes to millions of kinds of exotic animals, birds, reptiles, 4) ________________, strange plants and beautiful flowers. Three quarters of the world’s species live in the rainforests. If we destroy their 5)________________


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many of them will not survive. Amazon rainforest is the biggest and most important in 6)________________ America. Scientists believe that plants from the forest could give us many important new 7) ________________ such as cures for cancer and AIDS [eɪdz]. The rainforests also help to 8)________________ pollution levels in the atmosphere and affect the weather around the world. Without rainforests our planet might not survive. People know it but continue to destroy rainforests every day. Logging companies cut down trees to sell the wood, farmers 9) ________________ the land to grow food crops, people build towns and roads where the forest used to be. Vast forests are cut and burn in 10) ________________ . Their disappearance upsets the 11) ________________ balance. As a result, a number of rivers and lakes dry up, some rare species of animals, fish, birds and plants disappear forever. People should take 12) ________________ to reduce the amount of deforestation and protect the flora and fauna of the rainforest. Our planet is our home and we need to 13) ________________ it.

III. Watch the video and write an essay (200 words as a minimum).


In your essay you must cover the following points:

RAINFORESTS - What is the rainforest? - Where are they located? - Say some words about the climate and the average temperature in the rainforests. - Could the rainforest exist in the other part of the world such as the desert or the arctic regions? - How can we counter deforestation?


In your essay you must cover the following points:

AIR POLLUTION- What is air pollution?- What causes it: factories, cars, rubbish, cleaning

products, insect sprays, high temperatures, fumes from cooking/cigarettes/paint?

- Can the air we breathe kill us?- What destroys the ozon layer?- What measures can people take to reduce air


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Практические задания и упражнения по теме«Environmental problems» («Проблемы экологии»).

Часть III.

I. Watch the video, read the texts below and fill the missing information into the gaps.

1) Agricultural biodiversity provides humans with …………………………………- such as cotton for clothing, wood for shelter and fuel, plants and roots for medicines, and materials for biofuels - and with incomes and livelihoods, including those derived from subsistence farming. Agricultural biodiversity also performs ecosystem services such as soil and water conservation, maintenance of soil fertility and biota, and pollination, all of which are essential to human survival.

2) A landfill site (also known as a tip, dump, rubbish dump, garbage dump or dumping ground ) is a site for the disposal of …………………………………..


3) We create garbage every day. Domestic, agricultural and industrial wastage are the main reason of environmental pollution. Every day we empty the household garbage such as ………………………………… into the garbage bins or dust bins.

4) Trash is literally one of the biggest problems facing our nation’s beaches. On the surface, it spoils the scenery. But as the trash piles up, so do the consequences. Rusty cans pose danger for barefooted beachgoers. Scrapped fishing line clogs motorboat propellers. And the trash costs coastal communities tourist dollars. But worst of all, trash is deadly. Marine detritus includes …………………………………

5) A habitat is a “home ground” or an environment in which an organism or group of species normally lives or occurs. In this sense, a habitat is any particular place that supports animal or plant life. From the habitat is where plants or animals get their survival essentialities such as ………………………………… …………


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II. Work in pairs. Read the text aloud and express your opinion about the problem. Answer the questions of your opponent.

Well-Known Tiger Killed bу PoachersThe first wild Siberian tiger ever fitted

with а radio collar was killed bу poachers, officials believe. The 14-year-old tiger, Olga, has bееn missing since January. She is presumed to have bееn killed bу poachers who destroyed her radio collar.

Wearing the collar for 13 years, Olga roamed а 200-square-mile (500-square-kilometer) swath of forest north of Теrnеу in the Russian Far East. She gave birth to six litters totaling at least 13 cubs, six of which survived. The well-known tiger appeared in National Geographic's ``Tigers in the Snow'' documentary. ``To our knowledge, Olga is the oldest, and the most intensively studied tiger in the world'', said Dale Miquelle, director of the Wildlife Conservation Society's Russia Program and оnе of the people who first radio-collared Olga.

Since January, scientists have bееn unable to locate the collar's signal despite extensive aerial and ground searches. Staff of the Siberian Tiger Project have documented other cases in which lost signals from radio collars were result from poachers killing tigers and destroying collars. Of 23 tiger deaths recorded bу the project, 17 were at the hands of poachers.

Pollution Fears for ``Pearl of Siberia''

Baikal is оnе of the world's most special water reserves. It's said to bе home to оnе fifth of the earth's fresh water, and is the unique habitat for mаnу species of animals, plants and fish. Baikal is majestic. Its waters, frozen much of the year, remain strikingly cold even during summer months. The ``pearl of Siberia'' continues to have аn almost mystical attractiveness. It was here that Russia's environmental movement was born.

Early campaigners demanded the Soviet Government close the 1960s Baikal'sk Pulp and Рареr factory. Then, as now, it pumped industrial effluent into


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Baikal's precious waters. The factory is as unpleasant inside as it is shockingly ugly оn the outside. Inside а dark and noisy cavern, old machinery was turning wood and bark chippings into paper.

Outside, there were ``purification facilities''. Stage оnе involves mechanical filtering. There, the stench was nauseating. Stage two relies оn biological filtering - the water, in theory, already being free from physical contaminants. Stage three is а pond, where water is aerated and held before being returned to Baikal.

The factory was the response to the Soviet space programme's demand for high-quality cellulose. It still stands there today, belching steam and polluting the lake.

The World's Rubbish DumpА ``plastic soup'' of waste floating

in the Pacific Ocean is growing at аn alarming rate and now covers аn area twice the size of the continental United States. This drifting ``soup'' stretches from about 500 nautical miles off the Californian coast, across the northern Pacific, past Hawaii and almost as far as Japan. ``The original idea that people had was that it was аn island of plastic garbage that you could almost walk оn. It is not quite like that. It is almost like а plastic soup. It is endless. Marine detritus includes plastic bottles, golf balls, plates, knives, forks, toothbrushes, helmets, tubes, beach toys, syringes and fishing tackle''.

The Mediterranean suffers more pollution from discarded plastics than аnу other sea, especially the north-west sector that washes up оn holiday resorts in Spain, France and Italy, аn ecological study has found.

Most of the human rubbish in the seas consists of plastic containers and bags. These present а serious environmental problem if you bear in mind that their average life, before they disintegrate, is around 450 years. The nоn-biоdegradable pieces of rubbish that wash оn to the beaches of southern Europe form only 15 реr cent of the total.

What is recycling?

“Reduce, reuse, recycle” is the mantra we often hear everytime there’s a discussion about recycling . Reducing waste means not only to reduce the volume of waste that goes


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to the landfills, but it also means decreasing the amount of dangerous chemicals that seep into the soil and pollute the air due to improper waste disposal. Reuse is basically extending the usage of most of the items we have in the house by reusing or donating these items to others in a free recycle group, for example. To complete the cycle, we must do it as part of our lifestyle to purchase and use products made from recycled materials.

At its core recycling is a process. It’s a series of activities within a loop, a cycle if you will, that includes, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) “the separation and collection of materials that otherwise would be considered waste, the processing and remanufacturing of these items into new products, and the use of the recycled products to complete the cycle.”

III. Write down an essay on any of the following topics.

a) an account of your visiting a reservation;b) your experience of visiting rainforests;c) a program of maintaining endangered species in your region;d) drinking water quality in your region.(about 600–700 words)


How environmentally aware are you?

1. What does your family do with empty bottles?А) take them to a recycling binB) return them to the supermarket C throw them in the rubbish bin

2. When you buy one or two items at the supermarket, you A) take a plastic carrier bag. B) reuse an old plastic carrier bag. C) use your own bag.

3. How often do you choose products which contain recycled materials? A) always B) never C) sometimes


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4. If you were asked to contribute to a Save the Animals project, you would A) give generously. B) give a small amount. C) refuse to give anything.

5. A local beach has been polluted with oil. You A) donate money for the clean-up project. B) do nothing. C) volunteer to help with the clean-up project.

6. You eat a chocolate bar in the street. What do you do with the wrapper? A) drop it on the pavement B) put it in a litter bin С) save it for recycling

7. When you buy paper products, you A) buy whatever is cheapest. B) try to purchase recycled paper. C) purchase recycled paper as long as it doesn't cost more.

8. When you clean your teeth, you A) turn the tap on only when you need water. B) leave the tap running until you have finished. С) only use one glass of water.

1   A 3   B 2   C 02   A 0   B 2   C 33   A 3   B 0   C 24   A 3   B 2   C 05   A 2   B 0   C 36   A 0   B 2   C 37   A 0   B 3   C 28   A 2   B 0   C 3

18-24Keep up the good work! You are doing your part to protect the environment.13-17There is some room for improvement. Change your habits and soon you will be green.0-12You are part of the problem. You should try to become part of the solution.

The Keys28

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Часть I

№ 1. Common people, to aware of ecological problems, a detrimental change, as long as there was enough space available, need more food, cutting down forests, nuclear waste, harmful substances, acid rains, environmental pollution, rare species, forests clearance, soil erosion, floods, droughts, desert, the problem of water deficit, garbage, dump, global warming, greenhouse effect, is caused by carbon dioxide, prevent, melting of the polar ice caps, rising of the sea level, wildlife, to draw the people’s attention, to protect nature.

№ 2. Проблемы окружающей среды; часть окружающей среды; достаточно места; доступны для каждого; в крупных размерах; вырубка лесов; распахивать луга; ядерные отходы; выброс пыли и газов; влиять на сельскохозяйственные культуры; вызывать долгосрочные проблемы; эрозия почвы; принимать меры; проблемы, стоящие перед нашей планетой; самые острые проблемы; затоплением прибрежных территорий; проводить кампании; глобальное загрязнения окружающей среды; уничтожение животного мира; ядерная помойка; вредить окружающей среде; защитить природу; ради настоящего.

№ 3. 1- of; 2-between, with; 3 --; 4-of, of; 5- with; 6 -- ; 7- with; 8- into; 9- by; 10- against; 11- to; 12- in; 13- for, for.

№ 4. 1 - environment; 2 - pollute; 3 – pollution; 4 – waste; 5 – substances; 6 – ecological; 7 – danger; 8 – animals.

№ 5. 1g; 2d; 3e; 4i; 5h; 6j; 7k; 8f; 9a; 10c; 11b.

№ 7. Global warming, global problems, global consequences, harmful radiation, harmful rays, harmful crisis, damaging effect, ultraviolet rays, disastrous radiation, disastrous effect, disastrous warming, large hole, irreversible effect, irreversible consequences, environmental problems, greenhouse effect, solar radiation, current problems, current effect.

№ 8. The problems of the environment are much spoken about nowadays. Not only scientists but also common people become aware of ecological problems. Humanity requires a growing number of products for the cultivation of which they clear new fields, cutting down the forests, drain the land, turning them into the desert. Cutting down forests, we destroy animals. We develop industry, build factories, power stations, cars. Dangerous gases from their pipes get into the atmosphere. There they mix with rain clouds and return to the Earth in the form of acid rains. They destroy the wildlife.

Industrial companies dump off chemical waste and oil into rivers and seas. This kills not only fish. After all, we humans also drink water from rivers and lakes.

Our cities are especially polluted. The city needs a lot of energy for lighting and heating homes, factories and transport. Carbon dioxide causes not only air


Page 30:  · Web view2017/08/24  · The Narmada River rises in the heart of central India and flows westwards to the Arabian Sea. According to officials, the planned 2) ___ of huge dams and

pollution, but also thermal effect. Global warming can cause melting of the polar ice caps, rising of the sea level, and flooding of the coastal areas.

Man is a consumer. He makes a lot of wastes. The garbage has to go into landfills or burn, but it also pollutes the soil and air. The only way out is to learn how to live so as not to pollute the nature. To get energy from the sun, water, wind and debris, to establish a special system for water purification, filters for chimneys. We should think about nature and saving our beautiful planet.

№ 9. 1 – destruction; 2 - natural habitats; 3 - in danger of extinction; 4 - way of life; 5 - indigenous people; 6 - long-term; 7 - future generations; 8 - natural resources.

№ 10. 1 - developing countries; 2 - planet; 3 - chemicals; 4 - ozone; 5 - rainforests; 6 - pollution; 7 - climate; 8 - environmental; 9 – resources; 10 – conservation.

№ 11. 1 - packaging; 2 - research; 3 - energy sources; 4 - recycle; 5 - bottle banks; 6 - public transport; 7 - exhaust fumes; 8 - greenhouse effect; 9 – campaign; 10 – wildlife.

№ 12. 1 - rugged; 2 – network; 3 – irrigation; 4 – drought; 5 – source; 6 – developing; 7 – environmental; 8 – scale; 9 – damage; 10 – tribal; 11 – obliterated; 12 – environmentalists.

№ 13. 1 – world; 2 – land; 3 – countryside; 4 – pick; 5 – sky; 6 – coast; 7 – eradicate; 8 – lake; 9 – resources; 10 – smoke.

№ 14. 1j 2i 3d 4h 5g 6f 7c 8e 9h 10a 11l 12b

№ 15. 1c 2a 3d 4c 5d 6a 7b 8a 9b 10b

Часть II

I. Answer the following questions according to the text

Text 1 – 1C 2A 3D

Text 2 – 1C 2B 3A

Text 3 – 1A 2E 3B

Text 4 – 1A 2C 3B

Text 5 – 1C 2C 3E

Text 6 – 1B 2C 3D

Text 7 – 1C 2C 3D

Text 8 – 1D 2A 3C

Text 9 – 1E 2D 3B

II. Insert the proper word or the verb in the correct formEnvironment


Page 31:  · Web view2017/08/24  · The Narmada River rises in the heart of central India and flows westwards to the Arabian Sea. According to officials, the planned 2) ___ of huge dams and

1. Peak2. Waves3. Hedge4. Field5. Sea

6. Reservoir7. River8. Mountain9. Plateau10. Cave

11. Boulder12. Forest 13. Desert14. Beach 15. Hill

Arctic Meltdown: Pacific Plankton Crosses to AtlanticNeodenticula seminae, a microscopic strand of photosynthesizing plankton,

is common in much of the northern Pacific Ocean.The plankton hadn't been seen in the northern Atlantic in some 800,000

years — until a survey in 1999 turned up a bunch in the Labrador Sea. Researchers speculate it 1) traveled along with a pulse of warm Pacific 2) water, part of the changing circulation patterns in the far north due to global 3) warming.

Warming’s most obvious oceanic effect is the opening of the fabled Northwest Passage for the first time in 4) recorded history. Which makes it more 5) likely for N. seminae to have fellow travelers.

Pacific zooplankton—microscopic 6) animals—have made the trip, and clams, oysters, snails and slugs may soon follow. These Pacific denizens could displace or disrupt their Atlantic cousins, potentially 7) transforming the entire food web. Which is why a consortium of 17 marine institutes in 10 European 8) countries is now monitoring the migrations, an effort known as 9) Climate Change and European Marine Ecosystem Research.

Over the last decade, N. seminae has firmly 10) established itself in the Labrador Sea, waters near Iceland and the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. You can’t call the plankton a fish out of water. But you can say that its waters are changing — and fast.

Global Warming Is UndeniableGlobal 1) warming first emerged clearly in the 1990s and 2) has become

more evident with each passing year. The last 3) decade was the hottest such span on record and is very likely to be surpassed as the 21st century progresses.

A new 4) report from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration lists 10 indicators that global warming 5) is happening: rising humidity; 6) rising sea-surface temperature as well as heat stored in deeper waters; shrinking sea ice, glacier and springtime snow cover; rising temperatures over land and sea; and rising sea levels.

All point to a rapidly warming world. And all are based on actual 7) observations, from satellites high in the sky to meteorological 8) stations in the middle of a Kansas cornfield.

You can debate how bad global warming will be or what to do about it, but it's hard to 9) deny it's happening anymore. The physics of 10) greenhouse gases trapping heat are clear.

The politics are murkier. Legislative efforts to combat climate change have failed in the U.S. But the Environmental Protection Agency plans to curb


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greenhouse gas emissions—noting that rising temperatures and a dangerous human impact on climate are undeniable.

DeforestationSome people’s activities do a lot of 1) harm to the forests. People cut down

trees to build houses, roads, factories and plants. Deforestation is a very serious 2) environmental problem.

The world’s great rainforests are all near the 3) the equator, in Africa, South America and South-East Asia. These rainforests are homes to millions of kinds of exotic animals, birds, reptiles, 4) insects, strange plants and beautiful flowers. Three quarters of the world’s species live in the rainforests. If we destroy their 5) habitat many of them will not survive.

Amazon rainforest is the biggest and most important in 6) South America. Scientists believe that plants from the forest could give us many important new 7) medicines such as cures for cancer and AIDS [eɪdz].

The rainforests also help to 8) reduce pollution levels in the atmosphere and affect the weather around the world. Without rainforests our planet might not survive.

People know it but continue to destroy rainforests every day. Logging companies cut down trees to sell the wood, farmers 9) clear the land to grow food crops, people build towns and roads where the forest used to be. Vast forests are cut and burn in 10 fire. Their disappearance upsets the 11) oxygen balance. As a result, a number of rivers and lakes dry up, some rare species of animals, fish, birds and plants disappear forever.

People should take 12) measures to reduce the amount of deforestation and protect the flora and fauna of the rainforest. Our planet is our home and we need to 13) protect it.



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Методическая разработка по учебной дисциплине «Первый иностранный язык (английский)» составлена по теме «Environmental problems» («Проблемы экологии»).

Практические задания и упражнения, представленные в данной методической разработке, направлены на достижение предметных, метапредметных и личностных результатов обучения, а также на развитие универсальных учебных действий, что соответствует современным требованиям к образованию.

Лексические упражнения предназначены для снятия лексических трудностей при ознакомительном и изучающем чтении. Текстовые упражнения предназначены для развития навыков поискового и изучающего чтения, а также для совершенствования навыков перевода. Следует отметить, что учебное пособие не предполагает системного изучения грамматических структур; внимание акцентируется на тех грамматических явлениях, которые присутствуют в изучаемых текстах.

Методическая разработка состоит из трех частей, объединяющих тексты определенной тематики. В свою очередь каждая часть вмещает в себя несколько упражнений по определенному виду деятельности на экологические темы, что отражает основные положения коммуникативной методики обучения иностранному языку. Разработка завершается тестовым заданием с целью выявить, не оказываете ли вы негативного воздействия на окружающую среду.

Таким образом, данная методическая разработка может быть использована преподавателями иностранного языка для организации аудиторной и внеаудиторной работы кадет, в качестве дополнительного учебного материала при подготовке к олимпиадам и конкурсам, для расширения кругозора кадет.

Список использованных источников


Page 34:  · Web view2017/08/24  · The Narmada River rises in the heart of central India and flows westwards to the Arabian Sea. According to officials, the planned 2) ___ of huge dams and

1. Atalay Oguz “Test Master”, Baskent Educational Publication, 2012. - 437 с.2. Английский язык. Учебное пособие по развитию навыков устной речи

для студентов неязыковых вузов. / Л.Ф. Рогачева; ПГСХА. – Уссурийск, 2007 – 119 с.

3. Методическая разработка по развитию навыков устной речи на английском языке для студентов 1-2-го курсов ИЭФ, ФКСиС, ФИТУ дневной формы обучения/Сост. Н.И. Дубовец, И.И. Ершова, Л.С. Карпик и др. – Минск: БГУИР, 2006 – 64 с.

4. Окружающая среда: учебное пособие / В.А. Шишова, Е.С. Закиева. – Красноярск: Сибирский федеральный университет, 2010. – 52 с.

5. https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = OS 2 VrgRFCzc 6. https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = BAs 3 fSLJItw 7. https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = o 90 Zn - is 5 yc & t =5 s 8. https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = iRaL 3 VeYfNI 9. https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = sS 2 QyVhZyfg 10.https :// www . youtube . com / watch ?

v= hEMLqrgEwbg & list = PLC 2 PQBAwSQExX _ pbEaqjgrTBcNVMNM 4 Ky & inde x =15

11.https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = dSVMP 4 cwnXA & t =76 s 12.http :// www . pacebutler . com / blog / what - is - recycling -7- reasons - why - we - should / 13.http :// www . independent . co . uk / environment / green - living / the - worlds - rubbish -

dump - a - tip - that - stretches - from - hawaii - to - japan -778016. html 14.http :// news . bbc . co . uk /2/ hi / europe /3162302. stm 15.https :// www . livescience . com /6945- tiger - olga - presumed - killed - poachers . html


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