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GPS, use 51 Vernam Street, Iselin NJ

Fr. Thomas Naduviledathu, S.D.V.,


Fr. Vernon Kohlmann, S.D.V., Parochial Vicar

Fr. Emeka Okwuosa, S.D.V.,

Parochial Vicar

Mr. Richard Lutomski, Permanent Deacon

Mr. Anthony Pepe, Permanent Deacon

Ms. Mirabella Parota,

Director of Music

Ms. Rosemary Jablonski, Parish Catechetical Leader

Mr. John Cook, 732-381-0008

Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry

Mrs. Stephanie Setar, Parish Office Manager [email protected]

Mrs. Kathleen Beglan, Parish Secretary

[email protected]

Ms. Ann Cecilia Trinh, Altar Server Coordinator

Religious Education Office: 732-283-2816 Food Pantry: 732-283-0150 ext 1023

@StCeceliaIselin St. Cecelia Iselin

The Parish Family of St. CeceliaThe Parish Family of St. Cecelia 45 Wilus Way, Iselin NJ 0883045 Wilus Way, Iselin NJ 08830

Phone: 732-283-2300 · Fax: 732-283-3326 Web page:

Parish e-mail: [email protected]

CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST Saturday Vigil: 4:30 PM Sunday: 7, 8:30, 10 & 11:30 AM; 5 PM Weekdays: 7 & 9:15 AM Saturday: 8 AM Holy Days: Please see the bulletin

RECONCILIATION/PENANCE Saturdays: 11 AM & after 4:30 PM Vigil Mass

July 5, 2015July 5, 2015July 5, 2015

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Sick Relatives & Friends and all in hospitals, sick at home or in nursing homes; may they always be assured of our prayers.

T.J. Bergmann, Marlene & Alan Szoran, Cecilia Menzenbach, Regina Rapoza, Catherine Donahue, Ray Binelti, Catherine Kenney, Jerry Bellino, Mary Gumina, Jacqueline Coester, Nikki & Bob Honkisz, Joan Tricarico, Jay Boyle, Barbara Honkisz, Thomas Hark, Francine C, Les Soper, Michael Olejarczyk, Kumar & Chula De Silva, Marjorie Carroll, Emil Vargas, John Smyth, Mary Anthonyrajah, John Olenchak, Michael Clifford, Jr., Jolee O'Reilly, Dolores Sinzdak, Maria Chicweicz, Paul &, Eileen Tchorz, Jean & Louis Bonus, Jennie Negron, Linda Negron-Colon, Fr. Bob McCarty, Brian Aubrey, Franklin Pfeifer III, Richard & Janet Wojewodzki, Joseph Taglialatela

Registration To enable us to better serve you, all parishioners are asked to register at the Parish Office. Family members over the age of 18 should register as individuals. To receive a letter of recommendation or character reference you should be registered for at least three months.

House Blessing If you would like to have a home visitation or blessing, please call the Parish Office.

The Sacraments SPONSOR LETTERS: Church law mandates that a sponsor for Baptism and Confirmation be an active Confirmed Catholic. An active Catholic is a parishioner who is registered, attends Mass weekly, contributes to the support of the Church, is in a valid Catholic Marriage, and publicly leads a life compatible with Church teaching. We can only write letters of eligibility for parishioners who meet these criteria.

BAPTISM: Please contact the Parish Office for all information and to make arrangements. Pre-Baptismal Preparation Class is required.

MARRIAGE: Make arrangements one year in advance of the proposed wedding date. One party must be a parishioner. Participation in a pre-marriage preparation program is required; call the Parish Office.

MINISTRY TO THE SICK OR HOMEBOUND: If any of your loved ones are in need of a priest because they are homebound, sick, going for surgery, etc., and need the sacraments, please call the parish office at any time. The priests are always on call! Regular communion calls to the sick, aged or homebound should be arranged in advance; please contact Kathy Beglan, at 732-283-2300.


RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Phone: 732-283-2816 OFFICE HOURS: Call the Religious Education office for current information. CLASSES for grammar school students are held on Mondays from 5:45 to 7:10 PM at James Monroe School (right on the St. Cecelia parish campus). SPECIAL PROGRAMS for the continuing education of adults are held periodically during the year. R.C.I.A.: If you know anyone interested in becoming a Catholic or are baptized and want to receive other sacraments, please invite them to join the RCIA! Call the Parish Office at 732-283-2300, Deacon Rich at 732-680-1921, or send an e-mail to [email protected] for more information.

Social Ministry Office FOOD PANTRY is open for food pickup TUESDAYS from 10 AM TO 2 PM ONLY. Call 732-283-0150 x1021 for food requests/ appointments for pickup.

OTHER SERVICES provided by the Social Ministry Office: Those in need may leave messages on voice mail at 732-283-0150 x1021.


CENACLE for Marian Movement of Priests every Wednesday after 9:15 AM Mass NOVENAS to St. Jude and Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal after 8 AM Mass on Saturday DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET in the chapel on Sunday after 11:30 Mass

St. Cecelia Gift Shop Phone 732-283-1775

Gift Shop hours are M-F and Sunday 10 am—1pm. Since hours may vary, please call Parish Office at 732-283-2300 for actual opening time-Sorry for the inconvenience Visa / MasterCard / Discover

Adoration chapel Daily starting after 7 am Mass to 5 pm. Please arrive before 4 pm for admittance to church. Devotion sign-up sheets are located outside of the Chapel. When you come in the Chapel and the Tabernacle doors are closed, open them. If you are the last one in the Chapel, please close the Tabernacle doors and shut off the light.


KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS: 2nd & 4th Thursdays; Membership: call Anthony Pepe, 732-603-9266. LEGION OF MARY: Saturdays at 10 AM, Chapel. ROSARY/ALTAR SOCIETY: The Rosary is prayed on the 1st Saturday at 4 pm, prior to the 4:30 pm Vigil Mass. 1st Sunday at 8:30 am Mass; Meeting 1st Monday after 1st Sunday at 7 pm in the Church Conference Room. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CONFERENCE: 1st & 3rd Mondays, 7:30 PM; Conference rm.

Church Etiquette Come to Mass early enough not to disrupt and leave late enough not to insult. The Mass does not end until the final song has been completed. Worship reverently enough not to distract. This includes silence in the church and the spirit of quiet in the vestibule before Mass. Be mindful to turn off your electronic devices and quietly put the kneelers up and down during the Mass. Joyful and active participation creates an atmosphere of belonging and sharing. Dress modestly and appropriately as you would for any special occasion.

Go to our website to enroll; our church code is NJ425.

For GPS: please use 51 Vernam Street, Iselin NJ

Due to the early printing deadlines for the Independ-ence Day holiday, the collections for the weekend of June 27th & June 28th will be reported in the July 11th & 12th bulletin. Thank you for your generous support to our parish family.

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Mass Intentions July 4 through July 12, 2015

Vigil Mass—SATURDAY, 7/4 4:30 PM Anna Werner req, the Werner Family

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time—SUNDAY, 7/5 7:00 AM Living & Deceased Members of the Parish 8:30 AM Joan Parisi req, Dale & Family 10:00 AM Joan Napiorski req, Ann & Paul DePaolo 11:30 AM James Dowd req, Donna & Ceil 5:00 PM Victor & Anna Banko req, Ray & Chris Napiorski

St. Maria Goretti—MONDAY, 7/6 7:00 AM Vivian Romanello req, Bob & Annette Conway 9:15 AM Ed & Walter Zepf req, Sister Eileen & Family 1:15 PM Veterans’ Home Mass—

Weekday—TUESDAY, 7/7 7:00 AM Bernard Dillon req, Wife 9:15 AM Thomas Johnston req, Rick & Isabel Yglasias

Weekday—WEDNESDAY, 7/8 7:00 AM Irma Olivo req, Priscilla, Glen & Family 9:15 AM Anne Maloney req, Rick & Isabel Yglasias 2:00 PM Roosevelt Care Center

St. Augustine Zhao Rong—THURSDAY, 7/9 7:00 AM Nina Emanuele req, Daughter Susan 9:15 AM Rev. Matthew King req, Louis King

Weekday—FRIDAY, 7/10 7:00 AM Fr. Francis Vaz req, Fr. Thomas 9:15 AM Regina Bachley req, Dolly Hark

Saint Benedict—SATURDAY, 7/11 8:00 AM Frank & Martha Drust and Rustum Palomata req, Drust Family

Vigil Mass—SATURDAY, 7/11 4:30 PM Jennie Ciardiello req, Family

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time—SUNDAY, 7/12 7:00 AM Living & Deceased Members of the Parish 8:30 AM Helen Messina req, Gerald 10:00 AM Michelle Cerami req, Joan & Lou Leva 11:30 AM Thomas Paul Banks req, Mother 5:00 PM Nina Emanuele req, Daughter Susan

The SANCTUARY CANDLE will burn this week

IN MEMORY OF Debbie Conklin req Louise & Pete DeFazio

July 5, 2015 Responsorial Psalm

Our eyes are fixed on the Lord, pleading for his mercy (Psalm 123)

In Loving Remembrance Let us remember all our departed brothers and sisters,

asking God to reward them as only He can with Light, Happiness, and Eternal Peace

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Gn 28:10-22a; Ps 91:1-4, 14-15ab; Mt 9:18-26 Tuesday: Gn 32:23-33; Ps 17:1b, 2-3, 6-7ab, 8b, 15; Mt 9:32-38 Wednesday: Gn 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a; Ps 33:2-3, 10-11, 18-19; Mt 10:1-7 Thursday: Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5; Ps 105:16-21; Mt 10:7-15 Friday: Gn 46:1-7, 28-30; Ps 37:3-4, 18-19, 27-28, 39-40; Mt 10:16-23 Saturday: Gn 49:29-32; 50:15-26a; Ps 105:1-4, 6-7; Mt 10:24-33 Sunday: Am 7:12-15; Ps 85:9-14; Eph 1:3-14 [1:3-10]; Mk 6:7-13

The BREAD & WINE are offered IN MEMORY Inez Gertner

& Daughter Betty req by Alma & Al Carchietta

Courtesy of Growing In Faith...

Why do Catholics go to Confession? Disobeying God damages our friendship with him, so we need his forgiveness to heal it. That’s why Jesus initiated the Sacrament of Reconciliation (also called “Confession”). “Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” (Matthew 16:19). This brings us back to God. In

Confession, we admit what we did, say that we’re sorry, and resolve never to do it again. Penance helps us make up for it. When the priest conveys Christ’s forgiveness to us, our friendship is restored.

Summer Hours for the Parish Office begins July 6th. Monday through Thursday, 8am to 4pm. CLOSED ON FRIDAYS until after Labor Day!

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Dear Friends in Jesus Christ…

Have you ever felt in your life that you were rejected, even after you did all that you could do for them; maybe it is your own

family and friends? Welcome to the club. You are not alone. We saw in today’s Gospel that Jesus’ home town people rejected

Him. And Jesus said, "No prophet is without honor except in his native place, among his own kindred, and in his own house." We

read in the Gospel that at the beginning of His public ministry, the people of Jesus' hometown of Nazareth, attempted to murder Him

by trying to throw Him over a cliff (Lk 4:29-30). Later, some of Jesus' relatives, probably from His hometown, "came to take charge of

Him, saying, 'He is out of His mind' " (Mk 3:21). This may have been more traumatic than the attempt on His life. Nevertheless, Jesus

went back to His hometown and taught "in the synagogue in a way that kept His large audience amazed" (Mk 6:2). However, "He

could work no miracle there, apart from curing a few who were sick by laying hands on them, so much did their lack of faith distress

Him" (Mk 6:5-6). Jesus reaches out in love, forgiveness, and mercy to those who hate, attack, reject, dishonor, and distress Him. If

people rejected Jesus in his lifetime, we should not be surprised if people reject us, his followers, in our lifetime. We should not be

surprised if people reject us because we oppose destroying innocent life through abortion. We should not be surprised if people

reject us because we hold our moral principles and oppose same sex marriage, premarital sex, or contraceptive usage. We should

not be surprised sometimes when our own family rejects us. We should not be surprised if people reject us because we stand up for

human rights or we stand up for the elimination of poverty and illiteracy. When these rejections come, it is easy for us to lose heart. It

is easy to give up. It’s easy to stop loving. It’s easy to grow angry. It is easy to become bitter and resentful. But we must resist this


Bishop Fulton Sheen, the great preacher, was told by his collage debate coach, “You are absolutely the worst speaker I

ever heard”. Earnest Hemmingway, the great novelist, was told by his teachers, “Forget about it; you don’t have enough talent for

it.” Even when the whole world rejects us, we still have to go on. I don’t know if you remember the popular cartoon series called

Looney Tunes. One of the favorite characters in the series was a romantic skunk called Pepe LePew. Pepe was always falling in love

with someone. But because of his unpleasant odor, Pepe’s love was always rejected. But that did not stop Pepe. He went right one

loving no matter how many times he was rejected. Pepe never gave up on people. Jesus never gave up on people either. He went

on loving them up until his death, no matter how many times he was rejected. So we too have to go on loving and doing the right

thing, no matter how may times we are rejected. Sometimes these people even repent. As did some of Jesus' relatives, “go into the

upper room and receive a new Pentecost” (Acts 1:14).

But something we have to keep in mind is we should not reject Jesus and his teaching. If you have rejected Jesus, there is

no hope for you no matter what you have done — only if you repent. If you have been rejected with Jesus, there is hope, for the Lord

is changing the hardest hearts.

And as we a nation, celebrate Independence Day, let us try our best to be faithful to the Christian principles of our Founding

Fathers and to our Constitution. If we reject them, our nation will be in danger. Let us pray for our country and the leaders of our

nation. Happy Independence Day!!!!

God Bless you!

Fr. Tom

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Adopt a Vocationist seminarian of India, Philippines, Nigeria, Madagascar,

Chile, Columbia, Indonesia, Argentina, Brazil or Ecuador

For $35 a month For information please contact

Fr. Emeka Okwuosa, SDV At 973-780-0057 or [email protected]




Dedication cards for your hour

of adoration are available

in the Chapel. Take one

and send to the person

who you are praying for in



REGISTRATION/RE-REGISTRATION: The Religious Education Office is closed for the summer and will reopen on August 31. However, I can be reached by phone through the Parish Office. (Remember there is a two-year process for First Eucharist preparation.

CONFIRMATION: We are pleased to inform you that Bishop Paul G. Bootkoski will preside at the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday, October 23rd at 7:00PM.

CATECHISTS ARE NEEDED FOR Grades 1,5.6 and 7 for 2015/2016: We are in need of volunteer Catechists for Mondays with the exception of holidays. If you young adults, men/women, couples, retired persons, teachers – feel that God is calling you to this ministry, please contact the Parish Office between 9AM-4PM. We will help you prepare for this wonderful ministry. Please consider taking part if you: …believe deeply in Jesus and want to share your belief with others …are committed to the Church and what the Church teaches …are comfortable with children or youth …have the time to prepare for each catechetical session beginning September 21, 2015 through May 9, 2016.

Re-Registration: Forms are available online at You may return the re-registration form to the Parish Office dur-ing office hours.

TUITION: Checks Payable to St. Cecelia Church One Child-$105,Two Children-$200,Three + Children-$260 After Sept.. 3, 2015 One Child-$125,Two Children-$220,Three + Children-$280 Please register soon, to avoid the late fee!

YOUTH MINISTRY This week I wanted to share the second site we will be working on this year. This site is a trailer that sits directly down a large hill from a nearby road. The road debris has washed down onto the front entranceway, destroying, (rotting away) the wooden front porch area that sits on the ground by the front door. There is significant road debris in the form of loose stones that is pressing up against the front door. We have been asked to replace the front porch area and the long staircase that leads to it from the driveway above. As it sits now it is very dangerous. Lots of loose boards and railings that have been rotted away from the water coming down the hill. We face an engineering create a water way that channels both the water and debris away from the trailer. Next, we need to remove and replace a large stairway and porch area. Our contractors and teens are up to the challenge of digging ditches, removing rotting wood, and creating a support structure and porch that will last the test of time. Our biggest problem is the cost. There is a lot of lumber and concrete that needs to go into this job, and we will inevitably face some cost overruns as we see what needs to be done. A great big thank you to all those who have donated to this project year after year. Please know that we are still accepting donations. Checks can be made out to SJV youth group and mailed to John Cook at St. John Vianney Church at 420 Inman Avenue in Colonia, NJ. We will fix this site, but just how much of this large porch gets replaced will come down to budget. If you know me you know that I believe in the power of prayer. Please take a moment to pray for the families that we will be serving this year, and especially for the safety of our team as we travel and work many hours from home. Once again you can take pride in our teens as they work tirelessly to accomplish our goals to serve the needs of America's poor. Blessings to you and your families!!

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We Celebrate Milestones in July! Wedding Anniversaries

Paul & Franca Perlongo, 10 years Michael & Kristen Quinn, 10 years Franklin & Thany Salazar, 10 years

Victor & Daisy Ramos, 15 years John & Kathleen Beglan, 20 years

Alexander & Lorraine Bildeyko, 20 years Elias & Rosa Fernandez, 25 years Jose & Jessymol Jacob, 25 years

Christian & Josephine Janson, 35 years Richard & Janet Wojewodzki, 45 years

George & Elizabeth Whitehead, 57 years Matthew & Genevieve Cyrana, 60 years

Michael & Mollie DiFeo, 67 years

Parish Membership Anniversaries Nicholas & Wendy Williams, 1 year

James & Lorie Esposito, 1 year Maria Cacace, 1 year

Philip & Geraldine Songco, 1 year Edwin & Ana Garcia, 1 year

Glain & Alvira Hendricks, 1 year Loubert Anne DeGuzman, 10 years

Randy & Rona Martin, 10 years Mark & Katherine Fernandez, 10 years

Precious Fernandez, 10 years John Carlo, 10 years

Matthew & Marilyn Toth, 25 years Kathleen Lynch, 25 years

Joseph & Cherie Creighton, 25 years Nancy Nikiper, 30 years

Domingo & Virginia Espiritu, 30 years Michael McMahon, 30 years

Jeffrey & Joyce Grose, 35 years Christine Palmer, 35 years

John & Anna Mikulak, 40 years William & Carmella Fee, 45 years

Stephen & Ann Kubichek, 50 years William McHale, 50 years Walter Machos, 50 years Marie McSorley, 50 years

Jean Cawley, 50 years Richard Madej, 51 years

Harold & Gloria Carney, 52 years Margaret Fletcher, 52 years Elizabeth Paulikas, 52 years

John & Madlyn Kobryn, 52 years Oswina Hansen, 52 years

Paul & Rose Johnson, 52 years Eleanor Kull, 52 years

Stephen & Carolyn Colligan, 54 years Richard & Theresa McMahon, 55 years

Helen Lanigan, 56 years Anna Lebar, 56 years


Home visits from our priests is ongoing. If you would like to have our priests visit your

home on a Friday or Saturday evening, please call the parish office.

Thank You…

The St. Vincent De Paul Society would like to thank

all parishioners for the generous donations totaling


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Donations Needed!!! Sometimes you and your family receive a gift that really isn’t something you want or it may be something you already have. Chances are you store them away in your home, thinking you may use them one day. Well we all know that day never comes and all the items do are taking up space. How about donating any of these NEW or UNUSED* items to our auction!?! The more donations we receive, the less out of pocket expense we have and therefore more profit to our auction!!!

*Any opened or used items donated will not be used the auction. Please be considerate when making a donation. Thank you.

Please send your items to the parish office, Attn: Tricky Tray. Your donations are greatly appreciated!!!

Our “Families of St. Cecelia’s” gift baskets are one of the most popular baskets auctioned off. We are asking all parishioners to kindly consider donating a themed family gift basket.

The Themed Family Baskets can be donated in several ways: First, you can create your family’s own basket, filled with a theme of items having a monetary value of $50 - $100. Second, you can create a basket with another family, or thirdly, you can make a monetary donation, between $50 - $100 and a basket will be made on behalf of your family.

Whether you make the basket yourself or not, every family’s basket will be labeled with the donating family’s name. The basket will be displayed on the “Families of St. Cecelia’s” table. All donations are voluntary.

If you would like to donate a basket on behalf of your family, please fill out the form below and send to the Parish Office. If you are choosing to make a monetary donation, please remit with the form below. The baskets will be due to the Parish office by Friday, November 20, 2015

This is a great way for our Parish families to show their support to our parish. As always, any contribution you make to the Tricky Tray Gift Auction is greatly appreciated.

Name: ____________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________

_____Our family will donate a basket for the Tricky Tray Gift Auction.

_____Our family will donate a gift basket for the Tricky Tray Gift Auc-tion, with another family.

_____Our family will make a monetary donation, for a gift basket to be made on behalf of our family, valued at $50 - $100. My monetary do-nation is $________. (Please make check payable to “St. Cecelia Church”).

Mount St. Mary House of Prayer, Watchung, will offer the fol-lowing programs. Registration required; call 908-753-2091 or e-mail: [email protected]

LOOKING FOR JOY? LIVE A GRATEFUL LIFE! Ronald Holheiser challenges us to live a grateful life as one of the final tasks of the spiritual life, enabling us to give and receive joy every day. A refreshing new look at gratitude! July 8, 7-9 p.m. ($20-$30 As You Are Able)

GRIEF RECOVERY-Learning a process to deal with grief Gentle 4-step experiential process for resolving the grief caused by loss. July 12, 1:00-5:30 p.m. ($45) KEEP THE SPIRIT UP! Be refreshed as you prayerfully reassess your unemployment and God’s call in the now. Prayer, reflection and sharing. July 14, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Lunch provided—No fee—Be our guest Weekend Retreat July 17-19, Begins 7 p.m. on opening day; concludes at 2 p.m. ($140/weekend; non-refundable deposit $30)

The Parish Picnic is Back!

In celebration of the Feast Day of Blessed Justin M. Russolillo, SDV

On Sunday, August 2nd, beginning with 11:30 am Mass in Merrill Park and ending ???

The menu will include hamburgers, hot dogs, salads, soft drinks, beer and more!!! We as that you bring a dessert or snack to share on our community table, and a folding chair for your comfort during Mass.

Mark your calendars and make your plans! More information to come!

DONATIONS NEEDED! Water (bottles/case)

Paper Towels Beverages (soda)


Please send your items to

the parish office. Your donation is greatly


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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 7 pm Cantor Training


3 First Friday Parish Office Closed

4 10 am Legion of Mary—Conf. Room


1 pm Baptism


7 pm—Rosary Altar Society Meeting Conference Room

7:30 pm—St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry (Parish Center)

7 7:30 pm Bible Study—Chapel

8 7 pm Cantor Training


10 Parish Office Closed

11 10 am Legion of Mary—Conf. Room

12 12:30 pm—Divine Mercy—Chapel


14 7:30 pm Bible Study—Conf. Room

15 7 pm Cantor Training 7:30 pm Baptism Class-Conf. Room


17 Parish Office Closed


10 am Legion of Mary—Conf. Room


12:30 pm—Divine Mercy—Chapel

1 pm Baptism

20 7:30 pm—St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry (Parish Center)


7:30 pm Bible Study—Conf. Room

22 7 pm Cantor Training


24 Parish Office Closed

25 10 am Legion of Mary—Conf. Room 2nd Collection—Parish Improvement Fund


12:30 pm—Divine Mercy—Chapel 2nd Collection—Parish Improvement Fund

27 Pastoral Council Meeting 7 pm

28 7:30 pm Bible Study—Conf. Room

29 7 pm Healing Mass with Fr. Joe Faller

30 31 Parish Office Closed

July 2015 Please note that meetings may be subject to change or cancellation. Information deadline is Monday evening by 9 PM.

Please note NEW BULLETIN E-MAIL ADDRESS: [email protected].

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Page 9 July 5, 2015: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time INFORMATION SHEET CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS 511586: St. Cecelia 45 Wilus Way, Iselin NJ 08830 PHONE 732-283-2300 (Church) CONTACT PERSON Kathy or Stephanie @ 732-283-2300 SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher® 2010 Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard Windows 7 PRINTER HP® Laserjet 1200 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT

Cover + 7 text pages + this page = 9 - we are a 10-pager this week.


June 14, 2015 TRANSMISSION TIME Thursday, 8 AM SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS (for production)

FedEx shipping address: 45 Wilus Way, Iselin NJ 08830 Special instructions (for delivery): If atrium locked, please leave by doors. FedEx tracking e-mail: [email protected]

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