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  • 7/29/2019 Web Design Quest


    2. Describe features of CSS?

    CSS use some features to define fonts, colors, layout, etc. The content is separated from the design part which

    makes content visible thereby enhancing productivity of the complete process. Same page is made to appear in

    various formats.

    3. Describe the rules in style sheets?

    In style sheets, a big list of rules is defined. Every rule contains declaration block and selectors. Declaration

    block contains declarations which are defined and separated using semicolon in curly braces. Additionally, every

    declaration has a property, colon and a semicolon.

    4. Describe hover element?

    A hover element is activated if the user moves pointer on the area in which HTML code is defined. Mainly, this

    style is used for online advertising. It can be appended to #elementid:hover.

    5. Give some uses of CSS?

    Various possibilities are offered to developer and designer by CSS. Some of them are given below:

    Complete style sheet coding is moved to isolated external folder.

    CSS is made rich because it contains code reuse and repetition.

    Structure and presentation are made different by CSS etc.

    6. Explain different types of author styles?

    A developer, web page author, designer, etc describe styles in various forms they are:

    Embedded style

    External style sheets and Local and default style sheet

    Inline styles

    7. What is the main aim of applying style sheets?

    The main use of style sheet is to ensure great degree of control on his presentation to the user. If the user

    does not like some font then he can modify it without any difficulty. The effects of browser on the application

    or text part of a web page are minimized by the developer. Control on the complete web page without external

    influences, isolation of page from code part of HTML.

    8. Describe CSS1?

    The adoption of W3C is recommended in the year 1996. Some of the features and capabilities of CSS1 are given


    Text colors, background colors, etc

    Font properties

    Images, tables alignment

    Spacing between words, text, etc

    Margin, border, positioning and padding of elements

    Attributes are identified uniquely and generally classified.

    The specifications present in CSS1 are adopted by W3C.

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    9. Give the extra features in CSS2 compared to CSS1?

    There are many features in CSS2 and some of them are given below:

    Elements positioning will be according to fixed, relative and absolute positioning.

    Large number of media functions is added.

    Bidirectional, shadows support for aural and text style sheet.

    10. Describe CSS filter?

    The difficulties faced by designers and developers are solved using CSS filter. These filters are used to write

    completely different code or change the current design patterns so that the CSS specifications are received by

    the browsers. Thus, browsers are not allowed to make any changes which are not required.

    17. Give the limitations of style sheets?

    Style sheets have own limitations and some of them are given below:

    Vertical control limitations

    Inconsistent browser support

    Some of the limitations present in CSS are lack of column declaration and variables.

    Float containment, margin collapsing, control of element shapes, etc

    1. Define HTML?

    The language which is used for describing web pages is known as HTML.

    The abbreviation of HTML is Hyper Text Markup Language.

    HTML is a markup language but not a programming language.

    A set of mark up tags is known as markup language.

    To describe web pages, markup tags are used by HTML.

    2. Differentiate HTML and HTML Extension?

    The extension which is used for saving HTML file is .html or .htm. In our example .htm is used. It is a past habit

    when only three letters are allowed for the software in file extensions. In the new versions of software, we can

    perfectly use .html extension.

    3. Define tag?

    Browser is told what to do by the tags in the HTML language. While writing an HTML page, the tags are entered

    for many reasons such as to show graphic, to change the text appearance or to link to other page.

    4. Define HTML tag?

    In the HTML language, HTML tag is a syntactical construct that abbreviates particular instruction to be executed

    when the web browser loads HTML script. It is like a function in C++, method in Java, routine in FORTRAN or a

    procedure in Pascal.

    12. Define polymorphism?

    In object oriented programming polymorphism is nothing but objects ability to take form objects of different


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    17. Define DHTML?

    The combination of HTML, JavaScript, XHTML, CSS and Jquery is known as DHTML.

    It is used for creating interactive and dynamic web pages.

    18. What is the difference between HTML and DHTML?


    The full form of HTML is hyper text markup language.

    HTML is a markup language but not programming.

    It does not allow any features.

    HTML documents describe web pages which include HTML tags and plain text.


    The full form of DHTML is dynamic hyper text markup language.

    Few extra features are permitted by DHTML.

    DHTML sites are going fast on the client based technologies.

    The art of combining HTML, HTML DOM and JavaScript is known as DHTML.

    19. Define XML?

    The abbreviation of XML is extensible markup language.

    To store and transport data, XML is used.

    20. Define CSS?

    The abbreviation of CSS is Cascading Style Sheets. To solve problem, styles are added to HTML 4.0 and these

    styles define how the HTML elements are showed. Lot of work is saved by External Style Sheets and is stored

    in CSS files.

    23. What are the advantages of HTML?

    The main advantages of HTML are as follows:

    HTML is the widely used language.

    Almost all the browsers support HTML.

    HTML is very simple and usage, learning is easy.

    You need not purchase additional software as it is in windows by default.

    The syntax of HTML and XML is similar and XML is widely used for storing data.

    Even the beginners feel easy to code the program.

    24. What are the disadvantages of HTML?

    HTML is used to develop plain and static pages. HTML suits perfectly when dynamic pages are required.

    A lengthy code is written to create a simple HTML page.

    The security features are not good in HTML.

    If you write a length code to develop web pages then the code may result in complexity.

    Always you must give answer as yes and explain briefly why you are successful. The best explanation is you

    have some goals and you met few and are on the process to achieve other goals.

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    5. What do you know about our organization?

    One must make some research about the organization before attending an interview. Find out where they are

    and where they are going. You must also know about present issues they are dealing with and know about

    major players.

    11. Why we should hire you?

    Give some points about your assets meeting the requirements of organization. Do not speak about any other

    person while making comparison.

    12. What is your strength?

    One can give many different answers for this question and make sure to be positive. Example: speak about your

    problem solving skills, professional expertise, ability to prioritize, ability to work under pressure, positive attitude

    and leadership skills.

    14. What is important for you money or work?

    Always money is important and the most important thing for me is work. You cannot give other better answer.

    1. Define Flash Tweening?

    Tweening appear from in between words. One can move from one key frame to other key frame using

    tweening and animation changes can be stated and flash program develop frames in between.

    2. How Flash can be embedded in HTML?

    First create flash movie and select File save as from top of the menu to save. File can be saved as

    filename.fla. One must go to flash program to set flash movie into HTML page. The following steps must be

    performed on the Flash program:

    First open the file and go to the file you have developed.

    Now, select export movie.

    File can be named as filename.swf and select location where you want to store the file and then click

    OK button.

    Finally, open HTML page where you are interested to place flash movie. Place the following code:

    8. Differentiate Flash VS Java Applets and Animated Images?

    Java Applets and Animated Images are used to generate dynamic effects on web pages.

    Flash advantages are used under:

    Loading is Adobe Flash is much faster when compared to animated Images.

    Interactivity is permitted by Flash whereas it is not allowed with Animated Images.

    Programming skills are not required by Flash but Java Applets require them.

  • 7/29/2019 Web Design Quest


    2. What interests you about our company?

    Read through the company's website and any other marketing materials you may have access to. Good, safe

    answers are:

    "I love the work your company does and I want to be part of it.

    "I'm looking for a place where I can apply and further develop my skills"

    "I believe I can be a valuable asset to your company" (Elaborate more on why. See #3)

    3. What makes you an asset to our company?This is the chance for your sales pitch. Tell the interviewer how awesome you are and why your skills are a great

    for the company.

    4. Where you see yourself in 5 years?

    The answer will vary for each person. Some people will want to be experts in what they do, while others may see

    themselves in a more of a management role. Think about what you want for yourself, and confidently answer this


    5. What's your greatest strength? Weakness?

    This helps us identify where you fit into the company. There's no "right" answer. Just be honest and concise.

    6. If a client is in the [______] industry and wanted to do [________] with their website, what advice would

    you give them?

    We like creative thinkers and well rounded people. Be prepared to answer these types of questions if you're

    applying for an agency type of company or one with a very broad range of clients.

    7. Do you read any industry publications or websites? If so, which ones?

    Showing interest in your field outside of office hours may indicate you really love what you're doing (and that's

    always a good thing). If you don't subscribe to any publications or websites, it's never too late.

    8. How do you handle pressure and multiple deadlines?

    More often than not, you'll be working on multiple projects with deadlines that may overlap. This is an excellent

    opportunity to show off your project management and task prioritization skills.

    9. What do you do when you're faced with something you've never done before or if you're stuck on a


    Like all things in business, time is money. Show how resourceful you can be here. Think about how you can make

    use of the Internet, your coworkers, and your own network to complete projects within or under budget.

    10. What's your favorite portfolio piece?

    Be prepared to tell us what it is and why.

    11. Why should we hire you instead of the other _____ people applying for this position?

    This is often the closer. Think about what makes you unique, what skills separate you from the others, and why yo

    want it or deserve it more than anybody else.

    Hopefully this inside info will help you on your next job interview. If you have any other questions to add to our list

    please add them to the comments below.

    12. Why are you leaving your current company?

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    This is a helpful question to help identify any underlying issues. If you were fired or laid off from your previous

    position, please be honest and explain the circumstances. It's much better to hear it from you than finding out from

    checking out references. Being terminated isn't always a red flag or a deal breaker as long as you can explain

    yourself. If it's something work related, like you weren't satisfied with the projects or you were hitting a career

    ceiling, it's often helpful for both your potential employer and you to see if you're a right fit for each other

    3. In your opinion, whats the most important aspect of a websites design for you to consider it


    If your web designer answers anything about aesthetics, such as beauty or it must be pleasant to look at, thenhe or she is more of an artist than a real designer. Designers are supposed to solve problems and help companie

    reach their goals, so their answer should match what your company wants to achieve with the design.

    What is CSS or What you mean by CSS ?

    In computing, CSS is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in a markup

    language. CSS, short for Cascading Style Sheets, a new feature being added to HTML that gives both Web site

    designers, developers and users more control over how pages are displayed.more about CSS.

    What you mean by Cascading?

    Cascading, A fundamental feature of CSS is that more than one style sheet can influence a documentspresentation. In CSS every rule is assigned a specificity value based on the composition of its selector, its location

    within a style sheet, and the location of that style sheet relative to other style sheets. specificity is what helps the

    browser determine how much weight is to be applied to a given CSS rule, based on the situation in which it

    appears.more about Cascading

    Difference between HTML and XHTML.

    HTML, stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, and XHTML stands for Extensible Hypertext Markup Language i

    a family of XML markup languages that mirror or extend versions of the widely used Hypertext Markup Language

    (HTML). The main differences of HTML and XHTML are:

    1. XHTML 1.0, a reformulation of HTML 4 as an XML 1.0 application.XHTML uses XML parsing requirement

    but html used its owm which are defined much more closely to the way browser actully handle HTML toda

    2. XHTML is case-sensitive, HTML is not. All tags and attributes must be lowercase in XHTML.

    3. XHTML allows the use of CDATA sections, HTML does not.

    4. XHTML can use xml:base, HTML cannot.

    5. HTML (prior to HTML5) was defined as an application of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML

    a very flexible markup language framework, XHTML is an application of XML, a more restrictive subset of


    More about html and xhtml.

    Types of Style Sheet or No. of way we can use a style sheet in a web page.

    There are three common types of CSS styles:1. Inline style sheet

    2. Inline styles are styles that are written directly in the tag on the document.and specified using the style



    text goes here

    4. External Style Sheets

    5. An external type of style sheet is a separate file apart from the HTML file(s), which can be linked with any

    number of HTML documents. professionals use it very often.


    7. Embedded (internal) Style Sheets
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    8. Embedded styles are styles that are embedded in the head of the document.You define Embedded

    (internal) styles in the head section of an HTML page, by using the tag



    11. P { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}

    12. >


    we can also attach a style sheet using @import rule. The @import rule allows you to include external style sheets

    in your document. The @import notations must come before any other declaration.

    @import url(URL);


    Whats the difference between cellspaging & cellpadding

    It is a technical question. Cell padding is used for formatting purpose. It is used to specify the space needed

    between the edges of the cells and also in the cell contents. Cell spacing is also used formatting purpose but ther

    is a chief difference between cell padding and cell spacing. Cell padding is used to set extra space which is used

    separate cell walls from their contents. But in contrast cell spacing is used to set space between cells.

    What tags are used to embed one html page inside another html page : tag used for this purpose.

    Intermediate Level:

    Difference between DIV and Span

    In HTML (including XHTML), the span and div elements are used where parts of a document cannot be

    semantically described by other HTML elements. Some differences are:

    tags are block elements that allow you to position elements contained within them, tags are

    NOT block elements.

    tags create line breaks, tags do not.

    DIV is used to select a block of text so that one can apply styles to it. SPAN is used to select inline text an

    let users to apply styles to it.

    The main difference between DIV and SPAN is SPAN does not do formatting by itself. Also the DIV tag is used as

    a paragraph break as it creates a logical division of the document in which it is applied. This is in contrast to the

    SPAN as SPAN simply dos the functionality of applying the style and alignment whatever was specified in it. DIV

    has ALIGN attribute in it which is not present in case of SPAN. Thus DIV is used in cases where one wants to app

    styles to a block of text. But there may be situations in which there might not be clear well structured block of text

    work with. In those cases one can opt to apply SPAN which is used to applystyles inline. That is in other words D

    is generally used for block of text and SPAN is generally used for words or sentences.

    Is CSS case sensitive?

    No , CSS is not case sensitive. Some conditions its depends on your DOCTYPE. Like If your page uses an XML

    declaration and an XHTML DOCTYPE then the CSS selectors will be case-sensitive for some browsers, if your

    page uses a HTML DOCTYPE then your CSS selectors will be case-insensitive.

    What is ID selector?

    ID selectors are used when you want to define a style relating to an object with a unique ID. ID is specified by

    including a number sign (#) before the selector name.

    #div {

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    Difference between ID and class.

    Both id and class are CSS properties and HTML attributes. when we are layouting a web pages some basic

    elements like h1, p, ul, span also helpful for us but this set of tags doesnt cover every possible type of page

    element or layout choice. For this we need IDs and Classes.

    The main difference between ids and class are that ID is a unique and therefore can only exist only one time in

    a single html file and on other side CLASS can be use multiple times on any html elements. ids designated by ahash (#) and Class designated by a period (.). ID selector will always take more superiority over any conflicting

    styles declared in the class selector.

    Why use div based layout instead table based layout.

    When we start developing a static website we have two options for layouts. One is CSS based layout and anothe

    is table based.more about table based layout..

    What is the w3c?

    w3c stands for World Wide Web Consortium. w3c is the main international standards organization for the World

    Wide Web (www) Founded and headed by Sir Tim Berners-Lee. w3c is working to Standardize the Web and makthe web accessible to all users. W3C was created in 1994 as a collaboration between the Massachusetts Institute

    of Technology (MIT) and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), with support from the U.S.

    Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) and the European Commission.

    Difference between Inline and block level elements.

    Every HTML page is built out of a series of elements and these elements are naturally displayed in following ways

    block (display:block;)

    Inline (display:inline;)

    Not display (display:none;)

    Block-level elements always appear on their own line in the document.It creates large blocks of content. A block-display element will span the full width of the space available to it. They start new lines of text when you use them

    and can contain other blocks as well as inline elements and text or data. some block level elements are:

    div, h1h6, p, ul, ol, table, tr, td, blockquote.

    Inline elements appear within an existing line in the document. they are only as wide as the content they contain

    and dont break the flow. They just fit in with the flow of the document.Because of this, the some of the properties

    cannot be set on inline elements like height, width, padding-top, padding bottom,margin-top, margin-bottom. some

    inline level elements are: i, b, a href, em, strong.

    What are pseudo-elements?

    In CSS pseudo-elements are used to add special effects to some selectors.

    selector:pseudo-element {property:value;}

    ex. P:first-line{ color:#ff0000; font-weight: bold; }

    these are four type:

    :first-line and :first-letter

    These two pseudo-element selectors are based on traditional typesetting, where the first letter or the first line of

    text appears different to all other text on a page.

    :before and :after

    These two pseudo-element selectors are used to insert generated content either before or after an element on the

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    What is shorthand property?

    Main advantages of using CSS is the large reduction in web page download time. Writing mulitple declarations an

    values in a single line of CSS code called CSS Shorthand Technique.more about CSS shorthand property..

    Expert Level

    What is DTD?

    The DTD() document Type Declaration tells the browser which version of (X)HTML youre using, so it will know ho

    to display the page. The doctype declaration refers to a Document Type Definition (DTD). more about DTD

    What should you put in alt text for presentational images?

    ALT tags provide a text alternative to an image for non-visual browsers when they come across images. This

    means, that the text is meant to be used when the image is not visible on the page. Instead, what is displayed (or

    read) is the alternative text.

    Whats inheritance?

    Inheritance is where specific CSS properties are passed down to descendant elements.

    Explain Graceful degradation?

    In general terms Graceful degradation is the property that enables a system (often computer-based) to continue

    operating properly in the event of the failure of (or one or more faults within) some of its components.

    In web design Graceful Degradation is an important principle. Graceful degradation focuses on building the

    website for the most advanced/capable browsers means when you put in features designed to take advantage of

    the latest and greatest features of newer browsers, you should do it in a way that older browsers, and browsers

    letting users disable particular features, can step down to a method that still allows access to the basic content o

    the site, though perhaps not as snazzy in appearance.more about Graceful degradation

    Why shouldnt I use fixed sized fonts ?

    Because we are working for web rather than printing. You can put a magazine, newspaper closer to your eyes bunot a monitor. So if some one is sort of sight or have vision problem then it could be a problem to read on web. An

    a information which cannot be read becomes a product without purpose.

    Explain Progressive Enhancement?

    Progressive enhancement is a strategy for web design that emphasizes accessibility, semantic markup, and

    external stylesheet and scripting technologies. Progressive enhancement uses web technologies in a layered

    fashion that allows everyone to access the basic content and functionality of a web page, using any browser or

    Internet connection, while also providing those with better bandwidth or more advanced browser software an

    enhanced version of the page.more about Progressive Enhancement

    What is parent-child selector?

    Parent-child selector is a selector representing the direct descendant of a parent element. Parent-child selectors

    are created by listing two or more tilde (~) separated selectors.

    body ~ P {color:#000000; background-color:#CCCCCC;}

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