Page 1: Web 2.0 artifacts in SME-networks

Nadine Blinn, Katrin Fäcks, Markus NüttgensUniversity of HamburgSchool of Business, Economics and Social SciencesInstitute for Information SystemsVon-Melle-Park 9, D-20146 Hamburg

Web 2.0 artifacts in SME-networksA qualitative approach towards an integrative

conceptualization considering organizational and technicalperspectives

Nadine LindermannUniversity of Koblenz-Landau

Computer Science FacultyInstitute for Management

Universitaetsstrasse 1, D-56070 Koblenz

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KMU 2.0 … the research question: Web 2.0 - an instrument

To foster the exchange of creativity and ideas within a network of SMEsIn order to generate innovative solutions for daily work life problems ?

Organizational/ Technical Requirements

Web 2.0 SME-Network


Collaborative Innovation Processes

Exchange of Creativity

and Innovative


IT-Perspective Organizational Perspective

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Web 2.0 – Enterprise 2.0 – SME 2.0

Bringing Web 2.0 into organizational practiceEnterprises and SMEs with 2.0: A State of the ArtResearch question

A concept for Web 2.0-based cooperation within SME-networksUse case & research designResults of a qualitative studyRecommendations


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Web 2.0 – Enterprise 2.0 – SME 2.0: … Bringing Web 2.0 into organizational practice

Web 2.0“… a business revolution […] to the internet as platform … “Actively participating & communicatingCreating & sharing content

Enterprise 2.0Web 2.0 platforms used “… within companies, or between companies and their partners and customers … “

KMU 2.0 (SME 2.0)Web 2.0 applications targeted at the necessities of SME-networks

McAfee 2006; Tim O’Reilly 2006 Mc Afee 2006 von Kortzfleisch et al. 2008

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Web 2.0 – Enterprise 2.0 – SME 2.0: … Enterprises and SMEs with 2.0: A State of the Art (1/2)

Enterprise 2.0 is becoming familiar - companies plan to spend more on it

Extensive use of Web 2.0 in companies deriving business value from it… outside the company (e.g. improving customer service/ interaction)

… inside the company (e.g. Managing knowledge and information flow)

Enterprise 2.0 – Trends:

Not all companies are using Web 2.0

Technical AspectsDissatisfaction with existing toolsSecurityNo clarity about term Web 2.0 and its (economical) benefits

Organizational Aspects“Nature” of the company (SMEs)

Berlecon 2008; McKinsey 2008; The Economist Intelligence Unit 2007

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Web 2.0 – Enterprise 2.0 – SME 2.0: … Enterprises and SMEs with 2.0: A State of the Art (2/2)

The personality of the SME’s owners “A real small firm has two arms, two legs and a giant ego”

A short-term oriented strategic horizon (survival/ reactive strategy)Bellmann and Gerster 2006, Levy and Powell 2005, Street and Cammeron 2007

Enterprise 2.0 within SMEs that are characterized by

... that impact the implementation and usage of IT within SMEs

using Web 2.0 within SMEs remains exception: Web 2.0 has no business relevance and is considered with scepticism

De Saulles 2008; Netzwerk elektronischer Geschäftsverkehr 2008

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Web 2.0 – Enterprise 2.0 – SME 2.0: … Research question

Successfully implementation of Web 2.0 software depends onOrganizational and cultural aspects (80 %) Technical aspects (20 %)

… what does that mean for KMU 2.0?

qualitative design science approach towards an integrative conceptualization of Web 2.0 artifacts in SME-networks

KMU 2.0 – requires an integrative concept for the social software development process considering

The characteristics and challenges of SME-networksThe technical requirements for the implementation of Web 2.0

Raabe 2007

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Web 2.0 – Enterprise 2.0 – SME 2.0

Bringing Web 2.0 into organizational practiceEnterprises and SMEs with 2.0: A State of the ArtResearch question

A concept for Web 2.0-based cooperation within SME-networksUse case & research designResults of a qualitative studyRecommendations

Summary and conclusion

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… the conceptualization of Web 2.0 artifacts in SME-networksRequires to gather organizational & technical requirements

A concept for Web 2.0-based cooperation within SME-networks: … Use case and research design (1/2)

Requirements collected by means of a qualitative study within a specific SME-network: WirtschaftsForum Neuwied e.V.

Regional network of SMEs in the north of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany100 SMEs from industry and business sectorHeterogeneous in structureFocus on non-competitive activities

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Methodical approach

Sample (n=6): Executives of member companiesCompanies represent the six project’s value partners

Data acquisition:Guided interviewsSubdivision into modules :

A concept for Web 2.0-based cooperation within SME-networks: … Use case and research design (2/2)

General information about SMEs and their collaboration within network1

Usage of internet-based applications2

Personal & professional experience with Web 2.0 3

Requirements for implementation and acceptance of Web 2.0 4

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A concept for Web 2.0-based cooperation within SME-networks: … Results of the qualitative study (1/2)

The use of Web 2.0 remains exception – BUT

Web 2.0 is perceived as instrument to optimize cooperation:

No information about member structure:

BranchesBusiness areasProvided Services

No possibilities to represent own company

No possibilities to exchange services

Web 2.0 platform:“Who-is-Doing-What?

Incremental software development approach according to the company’s strategies, needs and Web 2.0 experience

… as “playground” to get confident with Web 2.0 technology

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A concept for Web 2.0-based cooperation within SME-networks: … Results of the qualitative study (2/2)

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9 Steps to transfer requirements into an integrated conceptualization of Web 2.0-base cooperation:

A concept for Web 2.0-based cooperation within SME-networks: … Recommendations

Requirements survey by means of structured interviews1

Classification of requirements in dimensions:a) Main content b) Design c) Data Security d) Extensions e) Behaviour


Prioritization of (technical requirements) for the first prototype (A; B) 3

Implementation of A-requirements in a first prototype4

Train the users for basic functionalities (economical benefits!)5

Testing the prototype in two-tier procedure: Lead users entire Forum6

Requirements survey from testing stage7

Implementation of B- and after testing requirements8

Testing the extended prototype and monitoring user behaviour 9

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Web 2.0 – Enterprise 2.0 – SME 2.0

Bringing Web 2.0 into organizational practiceEnterprises and SMEs with 2.0: A State of the ArtResearch question

A concept for Web 2.0-based cooperation within SME-networksUse case & research designResults of a qualitative studyRecommendations


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… some questions still remain:

Can Web 2.0 newbies in the SMEs handle the prototype?How do individuals accept or decline the Web 2.0 artifacts?Do the users apply the prototypic Web 2.0 platform to solve their daily work life problems?

… the concept is going to be evaluated in cooperation with the “WirtschaftsForum Neuwied e.V. …

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