Download - Weapons Of Wwii

Page 1: Weapons Of Wwii

By Bryan

Page 2: Weapons Of Wwii

A light weight gun and highly effective, has a 20 round clip, and the clip is located on the left next to the trigger. Made in Germany

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Made in Germany. Most famous German pistol. Adopted by the Swiss Army in 1900.

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Was used as a rifle/and or sniper rifle when fitted with a telescope. Kar is short for karabiner other wise known as carbine. Also made in Germany

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Made in Germany. Was used on a bi-pod to increase accuracy while targeting land targets or aircraft. Could be used on a burst setting or fully automatic. Used a belt of 50 rounds or a drum with 75 rounds. 50 round belts could be linked to create up to a 250 round belt.

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The MG42 was a large suppression weapon that was engineered to fire an impressive 1,200 rounds per minute.

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The German style rocket launcher. Was as effective as the American one. Was used to take out American armor.

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Was built to replace the P 08. was just as easy and effective as the P 08, it was just easier to use.

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