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April 28, 2019 10:00AM Easter Sunday 2C We Gather as Church

*please rise in body or in spirit PRELUDE Sentimentale Claude Bolling From Suite for Flute and Jazz Piano (b. 1930) The UCG Jazz Combo Peace be with you… and also with you… WORDS OF WELCOME Please rise in body or in spirit as our worship begins. A deacon of the church will place the opened Bible on the pulpit, reminding us that the Word of God gathers the church and belongs to all God’s people. *HYMN #258 Morning Has Broken BUNESSAN CALL TO WORSHIP Pastor: We are welcomed into the family of God on this second Sunday of Easter. Let us worship God together in faith, hope and love. We lift our eyes, thoughts and hearts to you, O God. Your pastoral care of all of us brings us together. We offer our praise and thanks to you for shepherding our church family and indeed the whole United Church of Christ. All: We pray for blessings, instructions and peace through our Welcoming Shepherd, Jesus. Amen. GATHERING PRAYER CALL TO CONFESSION PRAYER OF CONFESSION All: Gentle God, Remind us, that as a part of your family no one is unattended, or considered "less than," or left outside the fold of your realm. Help us to recognize the strength we gain from one another. May we be ever mindful of the distinctive gifts we bring into our wider church family. Forgive us when we forget. Create in us a renewed gratitude for relationships with all your people. Amen.

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The Rite of Confirmation We invite Elias Hopper and Jesse Balkcom to come to affirm their baptism by being confirmed. QUESTIONS OF THE CANDIDATES Elias and Jesse, do you desire to affirm your baptism into the faith and family of Jesus Christ? CANDIDATES: I do. Do you renounce the powers of evil and desire the freedom of new life in Christ? CANDIDATES: I do. Do you profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior? CANDIDATES: I do. Do you promise, by the grace of God, to be Christ’s disciple, to follow in the way of our Savior, to resist oppression and evil, to show love and justice, and to witness to the work and word of Jesus Christ as best you are able? CANDIDATES: I promise, with the help of God. Do you promise, according to the grace given you, to grow in the Christian faith and to be a faithful member of the church of Jesus Christ, celebrating Christ’s presence and furthering Christ’s mission in all the world? CANDIDATES: I promise, with the help of God. Please stand as we say the Statement of Faith: ALL: We believe in God who has created and is creating, Who has come to us in Jesus Christ to reconcile and make us new, Who works in us and others by the Holy Spirit. We trust God. God calls us to be the church, To celebrate God’s presence, To love and serve others, To care for creation, To seek justice and to resist evil, To proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, our judge and our hope. In life and death, in life beyond death, God is with us. We are not alone. Thanks be to God! (adopted from the United Church of Canada)

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PRAYER FOR THE CANDIDATES Let us pray together: Almighty God, who in baptism received these your servants into the church, forgave their sins, and promised them eternal life, increase in them the gifts of your Holy Spirit. Grant love for others, joy in serving you, peace in dis- agreement, patience in suffering, kindness toward all people, goodness in evil times, faithfulness in temptation, gentleness in the face of opposition, self-control in all things. Thereby strengthen them for their ministry in the world; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.

ACT OF CONFIRMATION Parents come forward and stand near the confirmands. Candidates may kneel Elias and Jesse the God of peace bless you. AMEN Strengthen, O God, this your servant Elias with your heavenly grace that he may continue yours forever; and daily increase in him your Holy Spirit, until you receive him at last in your eternal home. May God defend you in every time of danger CANDIDATES AND PEOPLE: AMEN Strengthen, O God, this your servant Jesse with your heavenly grace that he may continue yours forever; and daily increase in him your Holy Spirit, until you receive him at last in your eternal home. May God defend you in every time of danger CANDIDATES AND PEOPLE: AMEN Pastor: O God, in the grace of Jesus Christ you have accepted this your servant ELIAS through the water of baptism. Nourish in him the power of your Holy Spirit that he may serve you in the world. Amen CANDIDATES AND PEOPLE: AMEN Pastor: O God, in the grace of Jesus Christ you have accepted this your servant JESSE through the water of baptism. Nourish in him the power of your Holy Spirit that he may serve you in the world. Amen CANDIDATES AND PEOPLE: AMEN

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Pastor: Prayer of Confirmation The newly confirmed individuals may rise and stand in place, with Kathryn Thomas, Head Deacon Kathryn: By your baptism you were made one with us in the body of Christ, the church. Today we rejoice in your pilgrimage of faith which has brought you to this time and place. We celebrate your presence in this household of faith.

QUESTION ABOUT PARTICIPATION Kathryn: Do you promise to participate in the life and mission of this family of God’s people, sharing regularly in the worship of God and enlisting in the work of this local church as it serves this community and the world? CANDIDATES: I promise, with the help of God.

WELCOME Kathryn: Congregation please rise Let us, the members of local church, express our welcome and affirm our mutual ministry in Christ. All: We promise you our continuing friendship and prayers as we share the hopes and labors of the church of Jesus Christ. By the power of the Holy Spirit may we continue to grow together in God’s knowledge and love and be witness- es of our risen Savior. The congregation may be seated Kathryn: In the name of Jesus Christ, and on behalf of local church, we extend to you the hand of Christian love.


MUSICAL OFFERING Jesse Balkcom Allegro from Le Catedral AUGUSTIN BARRIOS

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We Listen for God’s Word

ANTHEM In This Place Will Todd (b. 1970) In this place I have been made new; I have been gifted jewels beyond price. In this place greater dreams are given. I am made everlasting. In this place I am light, In this place, in Your sight I am made everlasting. In Your love, starting and ending; I will be carried softly to heaven.

In Your love I am given beauty. I am made everlasting. You give the strength for me to hold, You are the hope that shines like gold. In this place I am new. In this place I am true. I will fly with angels to this place And be made everlasting.

Reading of Select Scriptures and Reflection Transitional Senior Minister Dr. Bonnie Scott MUSICAL MEDITATION Irlandaise C. Bolling

We Respond PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE The Lord be with you… And also with you… Let us pray...

• We celebrate with Erin and Dexter Singleton and Xavier on the birth of Isaiah

• Prayers for Shawna Hart on the loss of her Mother • Prayers for Pastor Bonnie as she retires to Massachusetts. We will miss her. • Prayers for the people of Sri Lanka • Those who are celebrating a birthday this week, including Peter O’Connell

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Call to Action


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OFFERTORY How Can I Keep From Singing? Gwyneth Walker (b. 1947)

My life flows on in endless song above earth’s lamentation. I hear the real though distant song that hails a new creation. Through all the tumult and the strife I hear the music ringing.

It sounds an echo in my soul, how can I keep from singing?

What though the tempest loudly roars, I hear the truth, it’s living! What though the darkness round me close, songs in the night it’s giving!

No storm can shake my inmost calm while to that rock I’m clinging. Since I believe that love abides, how can I keep from singing?

When tyrants tremble when they hear the bells of freedom ringing.

When friends rejoice both far and near, how can I keep from singing? In prison cell, in dungeon dark, our thoughts to them are winging.

When friends hold courage in their heart, how can I keep from singing?

*SONG OF THANKSGIVING HYMNAL #51 All creatures of our God, now sing LASST UNS ERFREUEN




OFFERTORY PRAYER Steward, Tim Bertaccini - Blessed and blessing God, we bring you gifts from our hearts and lives. May our gifts be used to bring forth light and life to those whom you call into your family. ALL: And bless those who give and those who long to give, that we may become living stones of mercy, grace and justice in the house of your creation. Amen.

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ANTHEM Peace Be With You Susan Hulsman Bingham (b. 1944) “Peace Be With You” in Portuguese, Zulu, Croatian, Hebrew, Hindi, Bengali, Chinese, Thai, English, Norwegian, Arabic, and Russian.

Order for this Time of Passage: Farewell

Sarah Drummond, Dean of Yale Divinity School and Andover-Newton: Our church family is constantly changing. People come and go. Babies are born. Children grow up. People commit themselves to one another. Loved ones and friends among us come to the end of their lives. Individuals move into our community and church life. Others leave us, moving away to new places, new experiences, and new opportunities. It is important and right that we recognize these times of passage, of endings and beginnings. Today we share the time of farewell with Pastor Bonnie who is leaving.



Cher Balkcom, Moderator: Members and friends of the United Church on the Green, For all the ways God has been present in our lives. And in our congregation, we give thanks. For our history, our members and friends, our staff. Our pastor and former pastors, For all those who serve the members of this church, We are continually grateful, Inspired by our heritage as a people of faith, We stand firmly in the present Open to whatever God has in store for us, even as We give God thanks for Bonnie Scott, who has walked with us these last five plus years. She has witnessed God’s love to us in speech and by listening, By teaching and by caring, Nurturing our children and calling us to be faithful. For her service and witness, we are grateful. And now with grateful hearts, we release her from Her duties as our Transition Senior Minister. Sarah Drummond: In April 2014 this local church called Dr. Bonnie Scott to serve first as Interim Senior Minister, then as Transitional Senior Minister.

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Pastor Bonnie: I thank The United Church on the Green, its members and friends, for the love, kindness, and support shown me these last five plus years. I ask forgiveness for any mistakes I have made. I am grateful for the ways my leadership has been accepted. As I leave, I carry with me all that I have learned here. PEOPLE: We receive your thankfulness, offer forgiveness, and accept that you now leave us to begin a new chapter of your life. We express our gratitude for your time among us. We ask your forgiveness for our mistakes. Your influence on our faith and faithfulness will not leave us at your departure. Pastor Bonnie: I accept your gratitude, trusting that our time together and our parting are pleasing to God.

Vows of Release

All who are able may stand for these or similar words. Sarah Drummond: addressing the congregation Do you, the members and friends of the United Church on the Green, release Pastor Bonnie from the duties of being Transitional Senior Minister PEOPLE: We do, with the help of God.

Sarah Drummond: Do you offer your encouragement for her ministry as it unfolds in new ways? PEOPLE: We do, with the help of God. Sarah Drummond: Do you, Bonnie, release this local church from turning to you and depending on you? Pastor Bonnie: I do, with the help of God. Sarah Drummond: Do you offer your encouragement for the continued ministry here and on the relationship with another who will come to serve? Bonnie: I do, with the help of God. Please be Seated.

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Witness of the Conference/ Association Church officers: Cher Balkcom, Kathryn Thomas, Jean Blue, Jeff Hoper, Tim Bertaccini, and our representative of the Association, Roger Adams, please come forward. Roger Adams, Member of Committee on Ministry: On behalf of the New Haven Association and the United Church of Christ, I witness to the words spoken: words of thankfulness, forgiveness, and release. The member churches of our Association and Conference hold each of you in prayer. We pledge our support in the transitions signified in this service. OFFICERS: Thanks be to God

Prayer Kathryn Thomas, Head Deacon: Let us pray. O God, we give thanks for remembered time when we, together, have shared the life of faith. We thank you for the moments we have shared with Bonnie in worship, in learning, in service. We pray that Bonnie will be aware of your Spirit’s guidance as she moves to Massachusetts, in the name of Jesus the Savior. PEOPLE: Amen Cher Balkcom: God, whose everlasting love for all is trustworthy, help each of us to trust the future which rests in your care. The time we were together in your name saw our laughter and tears, our hopes and disappointments. Guide us as we hold these cherished memories but move in new directions, until that time to come when we are completely one with you and with each other, in the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

We Are Sent Out *HYMN OF CELEBRATION #529 Let All Things Now Living ASH GROVE *COMMISSION AND BLESSING Dr Bonnie Scott, Minister Emerita POSTLUDE Javanaise Claude Bolling


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THIS WEEK’S WORSHIP LEADERS Transitional Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Bonnie Scott Deacons Kathryn Thomas, Al Forino, Alan Thayer, Ron Munson, Rahteisha Pittman Steward Tim Bertaccini Director of Music & Organist Caesar Storlazzi United Church Choir The UCG Jazz Combo Amir Farsi, flute; Jim Andrews,

bass; Arti Dixson, drums; and Caesar Storlazzi, piano

Childcare Provider Colleen O’Connor Childcare Provider She’mone Jenkins Head Sexton William Henton Sexton Brendan Linehan


Apr 28th: 10:00AM Worship at United Church 11:30AM Coffee Hour at the Bradley Room 12:30PM Second Worship Service at the Meeting House 4:30PM Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) at the Parish House 5:00PM Shalom Congregation Worship and Potluck at Parish House Apr 29th: 12Noon AA at the Meeting House Apr 30th: 12Noon Staff Meeting at the Parish House

12Noon AA at the Meeting House May 1st: 12Noon AA at the Meeting House 12:30PM Finance Committee Meeting at the Parish House 6:30PM NA Speakers Group at the Parish House May 2nd: 10:00AM Five for Five Crafts Group at the Parish House 12Noon AA at the Meeting House 6:30PM New Generation NA at the Parish House 7:00PM Hope After Loss at the Parish House 7:30PM UCG Choir Rehearsal at the Meeting House May 3rd: 12Noon AA at the Meeting House 5:30PM New Haven – Leon Sister City Projects at the Parish House May 4th: 9:00AM UCNS Concert at the Meeting House

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Christian Copyright Licensing International Number: 11242315 Dry Pasta - Food Donation of the Month Please bring in your food offering on Sunday, or drop it off at the Parish House during business hours. In April + May, we are collecting: Dry Pasta.

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At United Church on the Green, we seek to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God, following in the footsteps of Jesus. We are also a progressive Protestant Christian church, a member of the nationwide United Church of Christ (UCC).

We have a long history. • Established 1742. Meetinghouse was built in 1815. • The Amistad Incident? Abolition of slavery? The 1970 Black Panther trials?

Divestment in South Africa? United was there. We believe God is still speaking to the world today... and we're trying to listen.

• Not a "The Bible says it. I believe it. That settles it." kind of church. Questions encouraged. (Actually, they’re necessary.)

• "Open and Affirming" of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people since 1989.

We are working with God to build a better future. • Not interested in "saving souls" or "converting the heathen." God's love is for all. • Trying to "connect the dots" to grow peace, justice, and compassion in the

world. Staff Contacts Caesar Storlazzi, director of music [email protected] Betty Baisden, director of the nursery school [email protected] Jack Russell, director of operations [email protected] Nicole René Atchison, church administrator [email protected] Nancy Lupi, financial secretary [email protected] Rev. Louise B. Higginbotham, minister emerita Rev. Dr. Bonnie Scott, minister emerita United Church on the Green, UCC meeting house, corner of Temple & Elm parish house office, corner of Temple & Wall 323 Temple St., New Haven, CT 06511 tel 203.787.4195 fax 203.772.7884 Worship Sundays @ 10:00am, corner of Temple & Elm

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