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“WAVELENGTH CONNECT IS A GAME-CHANGER. My socialenterprise was at a crossroads and Wavelength showed me the way togo. I have met senior people at Vodafone, John Lewis, Red Bull, Kiva and others who we now work with or have given me advice that I’ve taken to my board successfully. Brilliant. Join!”

Maff Potts, CEO, People Can

“WAVELENGTH CONNECT IS A GREAT WAY TO GAIN NEWINSPIRATION to lead your company to greatness. The content is verycompelling and thought provoking. The level of access at the companieswe visit is second to none.”

Fiona Sperry , Studio Director & VP, Electronic Arts

“INSPIRATIONAL - that sums up our Wavelengthexperience. To see, hear and mix with such a range of great organisations and leaders has been apowerful force that has motivated us all. Real changeis happening throughout our business on a day to day basis because of Connect.”Richard Doe, CEO, ING Direct

“IT TAKES COMMITMENT AND EFFORT FOR ANY BUSINESSTO SEEK OUT INSPIRATION, best practice and challenging stimuluswhich results in meaningful action. Wavelength delivers for me and my topteam superbly well designed routes into the cultures and practices ofgreat businesses and like minded leaders.”

Mark Hunter, CEO, Molson Coors Brewing Company

“IT’S MARVELOUS because people you didn’t know were coming to meet people they didn’t know they were going to like, and didn’t know they were going to have anything in common with! We come from different business worlds but miraculously together we have insights which neither would've had if we’d stayed in our little silos.That’s why we do Wavelength.”

Tim Smit, CEO, The Eden Project


“THE MOST SIGNIFICANTLEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE OFMY CAREER. I have met businessand social giants who have helped meto implement change in my businessand to grow as a leader. Exposure tocompanies like Rolls-Royce, Zappos,Grameen Bank and Apple is priceless.The best investment of time and moneythat we have made!”

Lily Lapenna, Founder, MyBnk

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Our membersand partners for2011 included: {


We created WAVELENGTH CONNECT because we love bringing together leaders from acrosssectors and industries to learn and grow. WAVELENGTH CONNECT, our membership club forleaders, is based upon some core beliefs we hold about leadership:

we believe in the potent power of experiential learning, going to see for yourself. If you want to know about service excellence, visit Ritz-Carlton Hotels. Great innovation? Meet Apple

smart leaders are keen to learn from the best, create networks outside their day-to-day business worlds and allow themselves to be provoked and challenged

we believe in leaders learning from leaders. Sit with accomplished leaders able and willing to share their insights and war stories. No bullshit. No big metaphysical theories. Just honest top tips you can really use

there is much to be gained by being together with peers whose backgrounds, training and organisational experience are quite different from yours. They look at things differently, approach problems from other directions.

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WAVELENGTH CONNECT is a leadership developmentprogramme that inspires, develops and connects leaderswhose professional paths would not normally cross.

Our members are a richly diverse community ofleaders from large corporates, social enterprises,charities and the public sector. The programme isconstructed around three pillars:


Unique access to world class companies with outstanding reputations for innovation,employee engagement and service excellenceand a series of events which bring the best ofthe world into the room.

The companies that open their doors toWavelength are of the calibre of Apple, Ritz-CarltonHotels, Innocent, Virgin Atlantic and The EdenProject. Our international network of leadersincludes Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus fromBangladesh; Tony Hsieh CEO of Vegas basedZappos; Preethi John, SVP, Aaravind Hospital inIndia and Sir Tim Smit CEO of The Eden Project.


Master classes with successful leaders andentrepreneurs who’ve been there and done it. No guru speak. No ‘I’ve been to the mountain top’rhetoric. They speak off the record giving insightsinto what they do, day in and day out, to keep theirvision alive and engage the hearts and minds oftheir people.


Access to an eco-system of smart accomplishedleaders from very different worlds. Through thismembers make new connections, do deals, forgementoring relationships and became smarter,better connected and informed leaders.

Membership is by invitation only.

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“HIGH POTENTIAL LEADERSneed opportunities for new insights,ideas and new connections – exactly what Connect delivers in a comprehensive and compellingprogramme.”

Tracey Ashworth-Davies, HR Director,Molson Coors Brewing Company


Drawn from nine businesses acrossa wide variety of industries, theseare people in top leadershippositions, either board directors oridentified as potential top talent.


From large charities to grassrootssocial enterprises, these leaders arepassionately focussed on findingsolutions to some of society’sbiggest challenges, succeedingagainst the odds in creatingsustainable change.


A small number of individualshandpicked by Wavelength –successful entrepreneurs, thoughtleaders and pioneering heads ofpublic services - who just get it, whohave great energy, brilliant networksand a desire to help build theCONNECT community.


WAVELENGTH CONNECT is designed for accomplished and ambitiousleaders who are:

passionate about their learningopen to having their assumptions challenged and learning from sectors outside their ownwilling to help others connect, develop and grownon-stop curious about what makes other business leaders tick and willing to do the work to apply what they learn in their organisations.

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WHAT’SIN ITFOR ME?“THE NEW CONNECTIONS I’ve madehave been fantastic and so helpful.Not only does Wavelength let you into this great network they activelyhelp you make the most of it. Andthe quality and honesty of all thesessions is so high. First class.”

Ben Elms, Strategic Programmes Director, Vodafone


Practical insights and ideas on how to make theirbusinesses more innovative, customer centric andemployee focussed gleaned from Best In Classmodules to Apple, Red Bull, Ritz-Carlton Hotels, The Eden Project and Virgin Atlantic.


People loved the insights into how to lead andstay true to your values shared by the likes ofMartin Narey, former CEO of Barnardo’s and formerDirector General of the Prison Service; EmmaHarrison, entrepreneur and founder/chairman A4e;and James Timpson OBE, CEO of Timpson.


Our members tell us about the immense value ofbeing part a community - a growing eco-system of over 200 leaders – wrestling with the sameprofessional and personal challenges. They citethe mentoring and coaching relationships theyhave formed. The business deals hatched andconcluded. The new learning networks formedand the business and personal connections made.


From the leading edge of technology in SiliconValley to the social innovation empowering thepoor of rural Bangladesh, our networks andconnections enable Wavelength to bring anunmatched diversity of business insights to ourmembers. By being exposed to people frombusiness worlds they would not normallyencounter, WAVELENGTH CONNECT membersdeepened and enriched their strategicunderstanding of the big issues shaping business and society and so informed their future decision-making.

Over the two years since westarted our members have toldus about the many and variedbenefits of their involvementwith WAVELENGTH CONNECT.

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We don’t do pointless inspiration. We work hard to ensure that members get the most from the programme and find ways of connecting what they are learning back to their own businesses.

We use great facilitators to make sure there is always time for creativereflection and challenge. We encourage maximum participation and always use surprising and inspiring venues.

To ensure you get the most from the investment of time and money you will be part of a learning group of 20 leaders drawn from the wide range ofindustries and sectors represented in the WAVELENGTH CONNECT community.

WAVELENGTH CONNECT offers you world-class stimulus and content. We know that how you learn is as important as what you learn. Learning that lasts has to be structured.

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BEST IN CLASSConnect enables you to get inside worldrenowned companies to meet the leaders,engage with staff, walk the shopfloors, andreally get to the heart of what it takes tocreate and sustain a great company.In May 2012 you will visit up to three ofthese best in class businesses.


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Some of the brilliant companies who open their doors to Wavelength includehousehold names such as Apple, Innocent,Google, Four Seasons, Virgin Atlantic, Red Bull and The Eden Project.Others are ‘hidden gems’ such as Timpsonand - in Scandinavia - Grundfos and SOL.


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CALENDAROF EVENTSTo take part in as much of the programme aspossible you will need toblock out 8 DAYS in yourdiary. To maximize yourlearning and your returnon investment you mustattend: On Your Marks,one Leadership MasterClass, one Best in ClassModule and oneReconnect event.


In March, we start buildingthe Wavelength Connect2012 community at a highenergy, residential event atthe fantastically inspiringSheepdrove Centre in theBerkshire Downs. Far fromthe madding crowd, theprimary purposes of thisgathering for all membersare to:

explain in detail what you can expect fromWavelength Connect 2012and how you can make themost of it

create your learning group and its rules of engagement

commence your learningby engaging with world-class leaders.


At One Alfred Place –Wavelength’s home inLondon - you will meet anddine with two successfulleaders and entrepreneurswho’ve been there and doneit. No guru speak. No ‘I’vebeen to the mountain top’rhetoric. They will speak offthe record giving insightsinto what they do, day in andday out, to keep their visionalive and engage the heartsand minds of their people.


In May, a series of Best inClass modules will provideyou with unique access tosome of the world’s mosticonic organisations withmuch to teach aboutcustomer service, brand,employee engagement,leadership, and socialinnovation.

Over the 48 hours of eachmodule, you will:

visit at least two Best inClass companies

have facilitated time todraw out your learning and actions

be re-energised byreconnecting with yourfellow members.


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Connectivity and networkingare key for leaders. At thishighly participatory event,we will teach you how tonetwork and – learning bydoing – we will connect youwith the Wavelength alumni.


The Business of SocialInnovation defines a moveaway from Corporate SocialResponsibility (giving moneyto charity, staff volunteering,painting the communitycentre – all good things butperipheral to the business)towards the creation ofnewproducts and services thatdifferentiate your brand,drive shareholder value,engage your people andachieve lasting social orenvironmental impact.

We will provide a platform for businesses andentrepreneurs from aroundthe world who are learning to align markets, brands,people and positive impactat scale.


Throughout the year wecapture as much of theCONNECT magic as possiblefor our live online

There you will find videos of the best of our speakers;their powerpointpresentations; interestingback ground reading andlinks as well as full detailsabout CONNECT events andhow to sign up.

The online content isupdated regularly and is afree resource of great bitesize pieces of inspiration and learning available foryou to use and share withyour teams.


At this first of threeReconnect gatherings of the entire Wavelength 2012cohort, we will focus on the theme of ‘innovation’:how to create and lead aculture of innovation; howincremental innovation is as important as ‘eureka!’moments; and how opensource innovation can bebest deployed.

This event will give you thechance to reflect on andshare learnings from theBest In Class immersions.


Some of the most influentialand successful businessesin the world have their rootsin Silicon Valley. During thisamazing event you will meeta cross-section of theleading businesses, venturecapitalists, entrepreneursand commentators who arekeeping the Valley at theleading edge of innovationand the digital revolution.

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This enables 7 leaders to participateand gives your entire companyaccess to www.wavelengthlive.comAdditionally the key sponsor withinyour business – typically your Headof Leadership / Talent Development– will be able to attend all elementsof the programme.

SOCIAL INNOVATORS£3,500 per person (two minimum)

This enables leaders from charities, social enterprises, housing associations and other“non-profits” to participate in theprogramme.

MAVERICKS£7,500 per person

This enables entrepreneurs, thoughtleaders, pioneering heads of publicservices, and individuals who justget it who have great energy andgreat networks to participate.


Membership of WAVELENGTH CONNECT 2012is by invitation only and open to just 9 corporatepartners, 15 pioneering social enterprises,charities and third sector organisations and a handful of mavericks. The membership fee excludes VAT; travel to and from activities and overnight accommodation if required.

TO JOINContact Liam Black or Adrian Simpson on:[email protected] +44 (0) 7714 521 061

[email protected] +44 (0) 7966 193 343

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From the cutting edge of SiliconValley to the empowerment of the poor in the villages of ruralBangladesh, we bring purposefulinspiration to our clients to helpthem become better leaders.

Wavelength operates a cross-subsidy business model, enablingsocial enterprise, charity, and othernon-profit leaders equal access toworld-class inspiration, education,and connection usually only open to senior executives from the private sector.

Our intention is to change the world for the betterthrough business. We work with ambitious businessleaders, entrepreneurs and social innovators fromacross sectors to build their knowledge, insights,resilience, connectivity and networks.

LIAM BLACKLiam, who hosts our events, is himself a seasoned andsuccessful leader, having set up and led a dozen socialbusinesses to award-winningsuccess. Before he createdWavelength with Ade and Jess,he worked with Jamie Oliver togrow Fifteen into a global brand,famous for its great restaurantsand pioneering programme oftransformation for young peoplefrom tough realities. A mentor of young entrepreneurs andsocial activists, Liam speaks and writes widely on leadershipand social innovation.

ADRIAN SIMPSONAde is our Chief Connector andimpressario of stimulus! Hisunparalleled networks of peopledoing great stuff in business,combined with his 15 years plusexperience of creating world-class events and study tours,underpins Wavelength’s agenda-setting portfolio. He created theTopDog leadership developmentprogramme, exposing the CEO’sof blue-chip business to themost successful, innovative andadmired companies in Europeand North America.

JESSICA STACKWith more than twelve yearsexperience as a theatre setdesigner behind her, Jessica isWavelength's creative director.Her attention to detail islegendary and drives 'TeamJess', ensuring that everyelement of our events - from theflow of the delegate experienceto the stage designs - is firstclass. When not creating, Jess chairs the company and oversees operations and finances.

TAMMY POTTERTammy Potter is the manager of Connect responsible forensuring we have great content, flawless execution and a vibrant community ofmembers. She also runs ourcommunications to the worldthrough Wavelength she worked in innovation consultancy and forthe health service.

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1 Confirmed dates of all CONNECT events will be communicated to delegates no later thanDecember 31 2011.

2 In exceptional circumstances Wavelength mayneed to alter the details given in this brochureor to change dates and location of events. Ifany changes to these details are required thenWavelength will make these changes clear todelegates.


3 Delegates are responsible for booking andpaying for their hotel accommodation and fortransport to the hotel and home.

4 During the course of the event Wavelength will provide coach transfers to and from hotelsto the venue at Sheepdrove Eco-ConferenceCentre at Sheepdrove Organic Farm,Sheepdrove Road, Lambourn, Berkshire RG17 7UU.

5 Wavelength will provide light refreshments anddinner on Day 1 of the event, lunch and dinneron Day 2 and lunch on Day 3. Delegates areresponsible for their own breakfasts.

6 All monies paid to WAVELENGTH CONNECT LTD inrespect of the On Your Marks event will beheld in a trust account.


7 This event will take place at One Alfred Place,1 Alfred Place, London, WC1E 7EB. Dinnerwill be provided to delegates.


8 Best In Class events will take place in London,Manchester, Leeds, Dublin and Denmark.Delegates are responsible for booking andpaying for their hotel accommodation.

9 Delegates are responsible for their transport toand from the start and end points of theevents and during the modules Wavelengthwill provide delegates coach transfers to andfrom and between the company hosts

10 Delegates are responsible for the costs of allmeals except lunches.

11 For the Scandinavia event all delegates areresponsible for their outward and homewardtransport and no arrangements are made byWAVELENGTH CONNECT LTD in the event thatthose outward or homeward journeys aredelayed or cancelled. It is the delegate’sresponsibility to ensure that he or she holds a valid passport and if he or she is a citizen of a non-EU country that the relevant Visa is acquired.

12 All monies paid to WAVELENGTH CONNECT LTDin respect of the Best In Class events will be held in a trust account.


13 There will be three Reconnect events in June, September and November 2012.

14 Delegates are responsible for booking and paying for their hotel accommodation if required.

15 Delegates are responsible for the costs of all meals except lunches.


16 This event will be held in the greater Londonarea and delegates are responsible for theirtransport to and from the start and end pointsof the event.

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