
Waste to Energy Project

East RockinghamApril 2015

Number of plastic bags used by Australians in 2007.1

Of construction and demolition waste sent to landfill in 2006/2007.2



Plastic bags

• Only 14 per cent were reused by supermarket customers1

• That means 3.3 billion bags went to landfill

or into the environment

• Plastic bags are produced from polymers derived from

petroleum. The amount of petroleum used to make a

plastic bag would drive a car about 11 metres1

• All of the plastic bags used in one year contain enough

energy to propel a car 42 million kilometers

1 Australian Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (2010)

Construction and demolition waste

• Is produced from building or demolition sites

• Makes-up 38 per cent of the 43.8 million tonnes

of waste generated in Australia in 2006/072

• Seven million tonnes was sent to landfill in that period2

• Concrete, metal and clean fill can be recycled

• Leftover plastic, timber, textiles and card-board is

described as contaminated and unsuitable for reuse

or recycling – it is ideal for energy recovery

2 EPHC National Waste Report 2010

The Australian Environmental Picture


Tonnes of commercial and industrial waste produced by Australians in 2006/2007.3 44 per cent of this ended up in landfill.

About New Energy 2

What sets us apart? 3

Project Summary 4

The Process 6

Technology 8

Why Gasification? 10


Waste Hierarchy 16

Sustainability 18

Energy generation and carbon emissions 20

Our Goal 21

14.4 Million

Commercial and industrial waste

• Is generated in offices, restaurants and factories

• Not source-separated is often described as

contaminated and not suitable for recycling, and is

ideal for energy recovery

3 EPHC National Waste Report 2010

New Energy Corporation Pty Ltd (New Energy) is a leader in the emerging global Waste to Energy market.

• Our vision is a world with where waste fuels

a sustainable future.

• Our mission is to generate clean, renewable energy from

waste diverted from landfill.

• Our goal is to be a global leader in the emerging waste

to energy market.

We will achieve this by using the Entech low temperature

gasification technology, developed in Western Australia

and successfully deployed at sites in Europe and Asia.

New Energy is committed to sustainable business

practices for both the environment and the communities

in which we operate.

We partner with industry and government to recover

energy from waste streams that would otherwise go to

landfill. By doing this, the environmental impact from waste

is greatly reduced, with the added benefit of producing

renewable energy.


• New Energy was established in Western Australia in 2009.

We are privately-owned with progressive plans for

international growth

• Our executive management team has more than

20 years extensive experience in sustainable waste

management practices

• In 2013, New Energy became the first Australian company

to have a waste to energy project of its kind approved by

a government environmental protection authority.

Waste to energy technology

• Entech Renewable Energy Solutions Pty Ltd (Entech)

was established in Western Australia in 1990. It is a world

leader in the design and supply of modular gasification

plant and equipment to the waste to energy market

• Entech has successfully delivered 46 projects since 1990

(reference list available on request)

• New Energy is the global licensee (ex-Americas) for the

Entech low temperature gasification technology.

Technology key benefits

• Standard plant designs capable of treating multiple

waste streams

• Two-stage combustion process: waste is converted

into a synthetic gas (syngas) and then oxidised

to release heat energy

• Gasification technology that delivers emissions standards

EU WID 2000/76/EC

• Classified as Advanced Conversion Technology

producing electricity that qualifies for maximum European

Renewable Obligation Certificates and Australian

Renewable Energy Certificates

• Low temperature gasification process producing

significantly less bottom ash than traditional thermal

technologies with less than three per cent carbon content

(loss on ignition) and no fly ash

• Modular design means facilities can be scaled up or

down to meet resource availability and energy demand

• Suitable for between 2,000 and 200,000 tonnes

of waste per annum

• Highly developed Plant Operating System software

requiring minimal operator interface

• Continuous emissions monitoring systems for online,

real-time information on emissions performance

• Insurance coverage available to warrant

system performance.

Using the energy

The energy recovered from the waste can be used

according to the needs of the client and the application:

• power in the form of electricity

• heat

• combined heat and power

• cooling

• combined heat, power and cooling

• steam for process needs

• thermal desalination.

About New Energy


What sets us apart?We generate renewable energy by processing waste diverted from landfill.

Our low temperature gasification technology reduces reliance on fossil fuels, helps to reduce our global environmental

footprint and is commercially proven on a range of difficult waste streams.

Other technologies use all household waste incinerated at high temperature. We only use non-recyclable materials

that would otherwise go to landfill.

Renewable EnergySociety’s Waste Environmental Benefits


New Energy is investing in state-of-the-art, low temperature gasification energy recovery technology.

This process converts solid waste into a synthetic gas

which is fired to release energy. This two stage process

has significant environmental advantages over

traditional mass burn technologies.


The project’s proposed location is 26 Office Road in

East Rockingham.

This 10ha site within the Rockingham Industry Zone (RIZ)

was selected specifically because it supported the State

Government’s industry zoning outcomes with the help

of Department of State Development and LandCorp.

The local community already supports the RIZ and New

Energy will continue to work with the community and other

stakeholders to deliver the best outcomes.

Project Summary

January 2015Environmental approval

February 2015Planning approval

October 2015Construction begins

Project Milestones


1 Artist’s impression of proposed plant

The site is an area of RIZ which is zoned for environmentally

acceptable heavy industry, which is appropriate for this type

of project. Some of the features of the site include:

• good site access for heavy vehicles

• access to existing power infrastructure

• synergies with existing industry in the area

• acceptable distance from residential areas

(about 2.5km)

• correct zoning and aligns with future land use plans.

Project Features

• State of the art Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)

• Waste capacity 225,000 tonnes per year

• Gasification thermal capacity of 72MW

• After recyclables are removed in the MRF 130,000 tonnes

a year is sent to energy recovery

• Electrical generation capacity of approximately 18MW

Project Benefits

• Diverts approximately 100,000 tonnes of

waste from landfill

• Creates energy to power 22,000 homes

• Targets waste left over from recycling and

recovery operations

• Up to 80 per cent of energy produced will be

deemed renewable

• Australian-first waste management infrastructure

• Supports waste management for large

industrial projects

• Creates approximately 30 full time jobs

• Environmentally sustainable

December 2017Plant opens


New Energy supports sustainable waste management by providing a commercially viable alternative to landfill.

The Process

Through our energy recovery process, the energy currently locked inside the waste is extracted, maximising the

waste’s value, minimising its environmental impact and creating a tangible benefit to the community through

sustainable power generation.

Sustainable waste treatment

• Supply commercially viable waste to energy facilities

• Reduce our environmental impact by diverting waste

from landfill

• Working towards around the world

Waste to energy plant

• Process waste using state-of-the-art

Entech technology

• Low temperature gasification recovers energy

from the waste


Clean energy generation

• Generate renewable energy to supply to the electricity

distribution network

• Clean technology produces energy for homes, local

businesses and industry

New Energy projects meet international standards.

The technology has demonstrated best available

practice for emission performance against traditional

fossil fuel power generation and European Union Waste

to Energy plants.


Incoming Waste Inspection1

Entech Low Temperature Gasifier2

Syngas Burner and Energy Utilisation3

Turbine and Generator4

Air Quality and Control System5

Waste to energy technology diagram

New generation energy recovery.

Plant: New Energy’s processing plants are designed to

accept waste, inspect it, remove recyclables, and recover

energy from the remainder.

Accept: Trucks carrying waste enter a weighbridge, where

they are registered, recorded and weighed. They are

weighed again upon exit. The weighbridge operator directs

drivers where to deposit the waste according to its type.

Inspect: If sorting is not required, waste is deposited in the

energy recovery building. It is carefully inspected before

being fed into the energy recovery units.

Recyclables: Waste to be sorted is deposited at

the materials recovery facility, where it is inspected and

recyclables and incompatible wastes are removed. The

remainder is transferred to the energy recovery building.

Buildings: All operations, including waste deliveries,

inspection, processing, and storage and energy recovery

are conducted indoors. No operations occur in the open,

minimising potential noise, dust and odour.

Gasification: The waste is slowly “cooked” over 16 to

24 hours reaching temperatures between 600°C and

875°C during which small quantities of air and steam

are introduced. This breaks up the molecules in the

waste, which are converted into a gas. This synthetic

gas or ‘syngas’ contains molecules such as methane.

It is like natural gas with high energy content.

Energy: The waste’s energy content is extracted into the

syngas, which is transferred to a burner to heat water

producing steam. The steam can be used directly for

heating, industry processes or to generate electricity

which is fed into the electrical distribution grid for homes,

business and industry.



Syngas: The syngas is fired to generate heat and this

secondary oxidation stage converts the syngas to

carbon dioxide and water vapour. This exhaust gas

is cleaned and filtered to neutralise acidic gases like

sulphur dioxide and to remove any trace particulates

and heavy metals. The carbon dioxide and water

vapour is then safely released to the atmosphere.

Waste: The gasification system is very flexible, and has been

proven on many waste streams. This plant will process Class I,

II and II waste and will not be processing hazardous wastes.

Odour: All waste will be handled inside an enclosed,

ventilated building, preventing the escape of odours.

Ventilation air will be treated in the energy recovery process

to destroy odour.

Noise: All operations occur indoors. The materials recovery

facility and energy recovery processes are relatively quiet.

The power generation equipment is housed in special

acoustic enclosures to reduce noise.

Dust: The process keeps dust to a minimum. Major plant

activities occur indoors and dust is contained. The waste is

handled in bulk for inspection and recyclables removal.

Air: The only stream emitted to air is from the stack. This

stream is carbon dioxide and water vapour with trace

amounts of other compounds which meet the most

stringent environmental standards. Stack emissions

are tested continuously and displayed in real time in

the plant control room as an additional safeguard.

Solid Residue: Small volumes of ash, lime and activated

carbon are generated in the energy recovery process.

These are inert and stable and suitable for disposal in

landfill. It is like the ash from a slow combustion stove

and has no energy content.



Entech Low Temperature Gasification Reactor

Gasification - A two-stage Oxidation Process

Air Quality Control System

(Impurities removed)






Air & SteamWaste


Gasification – A Two-Stage Oxidation Process

The source of the energy in waste is carbon-based (carbonaceous) molecules.

Extracting the energy means oxidising the carbonaceous

molecules. To extract the maximum energy, all the

carbonaceous molecules must be oxidised.

The safest way to extract the maximum energy

from the waste is through a two stage process:

• carbon removal from the waste

• carbon combustion.

Carbon Removal from the waste

The carbonaceous molecules in the waste are converted

from a solid to a free-flowing gas. This is a slow process

which can take up to 24 hours. The gas rises gently, leaving

behind a stable, inert ash.

Carbon combustion

The carbonaceous gas is collected and ignited in a

separate gas burner. This process can reach very high

temperatures, oxidising all molecules completely, without

ash blocking the flow of air or shielding the molecules

preventing full oxidation.

This two-stage approach means the carbon is thoroughly

removed and combusted, releasing the maximum energy

from the waste. Importantly, the two stage combustion

process delivers superior environmental performance for

organic pollutants like dioxins and PAHs.

Why Gasification?



A New Energy facility adheres to stringent international

standards for environmental performance, including the

European Union Waste Incineration Directive 2000/76/EC.

This is considered world’s best practice in emissions

performance, with low allowable limits for all pollutants.

The table opposite shows the 2000/76/EC standards in grey,

and the Entech technology performance in green. Emissions

from low temperature gasification are less than half the

standards allowed value.

Gasification benefits

• Low emissions

• High diversion from landfill (up to 95 per cent)

• Commercially-proven technology

• Reduces greenhouse gas emissions

• Energy generation and reduction use of fossil fuels.

Gasification produces a syngas that can provide the

flexibility to produce a wide range of products and

by-products from the municipal solid waste stream

The plant’s low emissions profile complies with the National Environmental Protection Measures for Ambient Air Quality; ensuring ground-level absorption is significantly lower than allowable limits.


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Comparison of ‘Typical Plant Performance’ against ‘World’s Best Practice Emissions Standard’.

Entech plant performance












Best Practice emission limits





















Heavy Metals


Where will the project be located?

The preferred location is a 10ha site within the northern

area of RIZ, at 26 Office Road, East Rockingham.

It was selected in consultation with Department of State

Development and LandCorp, the State Government’s

industrial land developer and supports the State

Government’s industry zoning outcomes.

It is the preferred location for a number of reasons:

• close to major road transport routes

• access to existing power infrastructure

• synergies with existing industry in the area

• acceptable distance from residential areas

(about 2.5km)

• correct zoning and land use

• adjacent to the planned East Rockingham

Waste Water Treatment Plant.

When will the plant be built?

New Energy received Environmental and Planning approval

in January and February 2015 and is currently securing the

remaining feedstock for the plant with construction due to

commence by October 2015. On this basis the facility will

be operational by the fourth quarter of 2017.

What wastes will the facility accept?

The project will process solid waste that fall in either

Class I, II or III landfill categories. All waste sent to

energy recovery will have been processed to remove

recyclables. New Energy will invest in a materials

recovery facility to recover such items as, concrete,

bricks and metals, which can be recycled.

The remaining material, which would normally go

to landfill, will be used to generate energy. These

materials include municipal solid waste, plastic bags

and wrapping, contaminated cardboard and timber

packaging from construction and demolition projects.

New Energy will also seek to work with metropolitan regional

councils to process waste left over from current alternative

waste treatment facilities, which can only go to landfill.

Will there be jobs for people living in Rockingham

and Kwinana?

New Energy anticipates about 150 people will be employed

during the plant’s peak construction period. Once

operational, the plant will require approximately 30 people.

The facility will also provide unique training opportunities

for plant operators. This Western Australian developed and

owned technology has huge export potential and WA will be

the centre of excellence for the technology.

How will New Energy convert waste into electricity?

New Energy’s facility will use proven low temperature

gasification technology. It is a two stage process that breaks

down the organic portion of waste materials to produce a

synthetic gas (syngas) that consists mainly of methane (the

main component of natural gas) and carbon monoxide. This

syngas is then burnt or fired to produce electricity.

Other technologies use all household waste incinerated

at high temperatures. New Energy uses only residual,

non-recyclable materials that would otherwise go to

landfill. This ensures New Energy adheres to the

internationally recognised and industry accepted

Waste Hierarchy as landfilling is the least desirable

outcome for waste management.

What does the City of Rockingham think about the project?

New Energy is committed to following all statutory processes

to ensure the project obtains the necessary regulatory

approvals. These processes are designed to protect the

community’s interest in relation to environmental and

planning outcomes.

The company has provided a number of briefings to the City

of Rockingham, which has been supportive of our proposal.

The project will require development approval by the City

of Rockingham. A development application will be lodged

before the end of 2013. The application will be subject

to New Energy receiving the necessary environmental

approvals from the Environmental Protection Authority.

Under what kind of Environmental, Health and Safety

Guidelines will the plant operate under?

The facility will be assessed by the Environmental Protection

Authority and the Department of Environmental Regulation

(DER). It can only be built when all necessary approvals

are in place. The facility will be under a stringent operating

licence administered by the DER.


New Energy projects incorporate international standards and the technology has demonstrated B.A.T. (best available technology) for emission performance against fossil fired power generation and European Union Waste to Energy plants.4

4 Appendix 2 – Boodarie Waste to Energy Facility Public Environmental Review –


Australians create about 54 million tonnes of garbage every year. Over 53% of this material is recovered for recycling or export waste.5

5 Page 9, Figure 2. Australian Bureau of Statistics – Waste Account, Australia, Experimental Estimates 201314

Emissions from the plant will be regularly tested and the

plant has a continuous emissions monitoring system for a

wide range of parameters. A gasification plant of this nature

has comparable emissions to a gas fired power station and

superior emissions to a coal fired power station.

What about odour?

The facility’s location more than 2.5km from the

nearest residential area, and unlike composting operations,

all waste received on the site will be processed as soon

as possible.

All waste materials will be handled inside an enclosed,

ventilated building, preventing the escape of odours.

Ventilation air will be treated in the energy recovery

process to destroy odour.

Odour profile will be modelled and published as part of

the EPA’s assessment process.

What about noise levels?

All operations occur indoors. The materials recovery facility

and energy recovery processes are relatively quiet. The

power generation equipment is housed in special acoustic

enclosures to reduce noise. The location of the facility more

than 2.5km from the nearest residential area means noise will

not be detectable in residential areas.

New Energy is completing computer modelling of noise

emissions to demonstrate they meet the criteria defined in

the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997.

How will water supply and usage be managed?

The New Energy Facility will use up to 100,000kL of water

a year. Most of this water is used for either cooling in the

power production process or wash-down water.

What about wastewater?

Wastewater will be discharged to the sewer after being

pre-treated to Water Corporation requirements.

Isn’t gasification just incineration by another name?

No. While gasification and incineration are both thermal

processes, that’s where the similarities end.

Incineration involves combusting large amounts of waste

material at high temperatures. This technology has been

around since the 1920s and the first plants were developed

in the UK. It uses high temperature incineration to produce

base load electricity. These facilities tend to be bigger

because of the amount of material they need to consume.

Emissions are released into the atmosphere via smoke

stacks, which can be as high as 120 meters.

New Energy’s gasification process has been developed

in Western Australia, is commercially proven and reduces

reliance on fossil fuels, reduces emissions and meets

European Union air emission concentration standards.

The technology is modular, which means a facility can

be scaled up or down depending on the availability of

resources and energy demand. It operates at significantly

lower temperatures and processes only materials which

cannot be recycled and would normally go to landfill.

What will the hours of operation be?

The gasification and power components will operate

24 hours per day, seven days per week, but waste

deliveries will be confined to between 6:30am and 4:30pm.

Will the facility have a visual effect on the area?

We have consulted the Department of State Development

about the best place to locate a waste-to-energy facility.

With their assistance, we have identified a 10ha site in

LandCorp’s RIZ in East Rockingham. This is exactly where a

facility like this should be.

The building won’t take up the entire site. It will be no bigger

than, and will look like any other industrial building in the

area, with an office administration area at the front and the

working area behind.

Both the building and the site’s landscaping complies

with the City of Rockingham’s building and streetscape

codes. LandCorp will also approve the building design to

ensure they comply with the Rockingham Industry Zone’s

design guidelines.

What benefits will the waste to energy facility provide?

• The facility will divert up to 200,000 tonnes of waste

from landfill per year.

• Up to 80 per cent of the energy produced will be

deemed renewable.

• The electricity generated will be enough to power

22,000 homes.

• It will create about 150 jobs during construction and

approximately 30 full-time jobs once operational.

• There will be local training and manufacturing opportunities.

• It supports best practice waste management for

local industry.


What is the Waste Hierarchy?

The internationally recognised and industry accepted Waste

Hierarchy defines waste management strategies in terms of

their desirability and environmental impact.

Reduce: The most desirable outcome for waste

management is to eliminate it at the source. Reducing the

amount of waste created will reduce the need for disposal.

In 2009, 1.3 billion tonnes of waste – or just over a kilo per

person per day was generated in global cities.

Reuse: If waste can be reused it does not need to be

disposed of. Opportunities to reuse solid waste are limited

largely due to health and environmental concerns.

Recycle: Processing waste materials to make new products.

While recycling rates vary widely around the world, it is a

way of life in many countries, especially recycling metals,

paper, glass and some plastics.

Recover energy: All waste (solid, liquid or gaseous)

has an energy component that can be recovered

and reused. This is lost if waste is sent to landfill. Energy

recovery should only be utilised after the potential to

recycle or reuse the waste is exhausted. In Europe,

waste to energy accounts for 23 per cent of waste

management while in China it represents 16 per cent with

plans for a significant increase over the next decade.

Landfill: Is the least desirable waste management option as

the opportunity is lost to recycle, reduce or recover. Many

nations still rely heavily on landfill. Despite the growing

number of waste management initiatives, up to 85 per cent

of the world’s waste still goes to landfill.

Australia and the Waste Hierarchy

It is important to understand the current situation

to show how energy recovery fits into the Australian

waste management structure.

The following information is provided by the Environment

Protection and Heritage Council’s Waste Report 2010,

which published data collected in 2006/07.

Reduce: Australia produced almost 44 million tonnes of

solid waste in 2006/07, more than two tonnes of per person

per year. That is an increase of 35 per cent over four

years, largely as a result of sustained economic growth

and the associated consumption as incomes grow.

Reuse: Australia is more successful at reusing waste

water than solid waste. Water reuse has steadily grown

but opportunities to reuse solid waste items are limited

as a result of our more affluent, throw-away society.

Recycle: The estimated recycling rate for Australia for

2006/07 was 52 per cent, which is good by world standards,

driven largely by education and the yellow top bin system.

Recycling has only slightly improved over the last 15 years:

just over 90 per cent of Australian households recycle but

there are limits on what can be recycled.

Recover Energy: There is almost no energy recovery

in Australia, representing only one per cent of

waste management. Currently, landfill gas capture

and anaerobic digestion of waste are the only

significant forms of energy recovery practiced.

Landfill: Australia relies heavily on landfill, the least

sustainable strategy for waste management. Between 2001

and 2007, the volume of waste to landfill rose by 12 per cent,

despite government efforts to encourage recycling and

alternative waste treatment technologies. In all, 21.3 million

tonnes of waste was dumped in landfills in Australia in 2007.

Waste Hierarchy


The Waste Hierarchy

Reduce Changing our behaviour1

Reuse Reusing material2

Recycling and reprocessing materialsRecycle 3

Recover Recovering energy4

Landfill Targeting 5

Why Energy Recovery or Waste to Energy is needed for Sustainable Waste Management.

Waste to energy is one solution among many to successfully

manage waste. However, there are three inconvenient truths

about human behaviour and waste management:

1. We are an increasingly wasteful society.

Reducing waste volume is the most effective and

sustainable action but we are not doing this.

2. Recycling is important, but not everything can be

recycled. There will always be residual waste to be

managed after recycling has been optimised.

3. Landfilling is still increasing despite the best

efforts of governments around the world.

Clean energy recovery processes – such as gasification –

are vital to accelerate our landfill diversion performance

and our progress towards a society.

With the appropriate environmental protocols, energy

recovery facilities can safely generate renewable

energy. It has been shown that countries that adopt

energy recovery also have higher rates of recycling.

Clean energy recovery systems are needed and help

to achieve sustainable waste management, progress

towards a society, and help reduce our

dependence on energy derived from fossil fuels.


Renewable energy Waste to energyCommunication

Sustainability is about more than the environment. It is also about ensuring a community’s long-term economic and social future.

The Environment

Waste to energy bridges the gap between reusing,

recycling and landfilling waste. Some waste simply

cannot be reused or recycled. These are the

waste streams that New Energy will target.

The Community and Employees

New Energy will work with communities ensuring they are

familiar with the technology and its long-term benefits.

The Economy

New Energy is supported by an experienced team

who will deliver commercially sustainable solutions for

waste management and renewable energy delivery.



Responsibility FutureProgressive


Renewable Power: New Energy will produce renewable

power by processing waste biomass, which includes

food waste, material derived from plants or animals,

wood, natural textiles, and cellulose fibre from paper

and cardboard. It is estimated that 80 per cent of the

waste processed in Australian projects will be biomass

and classified as renewable energy. Plastics and rubber

or material derived from fossil fuels are not considered

as biomass and are not a source of renewable energy.

Methane Emissions Avoidance: Biodegradable wastes sent

to landfill will decompose and produce methane, which is

considered to be 25 times more damaging as a greenhouse

gas than carbon dioxide. Diverting these wastes to an

energy recovery facility will converted them into carbon

dioxide, which has a much lower greenhouse gas impact.

Fossil Fuel Displacement: Each tonne of waste processed

in a New Energy facility replaces the equivalent of about

half a tonne of coal (depending on waste type). This

includes emissions resulting from mining, extracting,

transporting, processing and burning the coal. So, each

tonne of waste processed by New Energy represents a

tonne of waste diverted from landfill, eliminating the

significant atmospheric, ground and water environmental

impacts caused by landfill waste disposal.

Size: The modular design of New Energy’s facilities

means they can be scaled up or down to meet resource

availability and energy demand. Plants can vary in size

from 1.5MW thermal to 72MW thermal. They operate

continuously (24 hours a day, seven days a week), and

when exporting electricity can produce up to 144,000MW

hours a year, enough to power 22,000 homes.

New Energy’s electricity will be available continuously to power homes, businesses and industry. Our facilities present opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas impacts by generating renewable energy, replacing fossil fuels and reducing methane emissions.

As a reliable part of the sustainable energy mix, New

Energy’s waste to energy facilities can provide base load

power to support other intermittent energy sources such

as solar and wind, providing flexibility in the use of all

renewable resources.

Supporting government initiatives: Governments around

the world are looking for ways to improve sustainability

and protect the environment. New Energy waste to energy

facilities supports these initiatives.

• European Union Renewable Energy Directive (2009)

• European Union Landfill Directive (1999)

• Australian Renewable Energy Target (RET)

• Western Australian Waste Avoidance and Resource

Recovery Act 2007.

Energy generation and carbon emissions


Our Goal

If you have any questions or would like

to discuss the project further, please contact:

New Energy Corporation

Head Office – Perth

T: +61 8 9226 0722 E: [email protected]

Sydney Office – Miles Mason

T: +61 407 237 185 E: [email protected]

To be a leader in the emerging waste to energy market.



HEAD OFFICE Suite 1, 12 Parliament Place, West Perth, WA 6005PO Box 1036, West Perth, WA 6872P: +61 8 9226 0722 F: +61 8 9481 8023 E: [email protected]


The information contained in this document is provided by New Energy Corporation Pty Ltd in good faith. The Company believes the information to be accurate and current at the date of publication. The Company does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, completeness or currency of the information provided.

New Energy Corporation is making a positive contribution to the Australian environment by printing on Revive – 100% recycled FSC® certified and carbon neutral and Australian made paper. Sales of Revive provide funds for Landcare Australia and the restoration and replanting of landfill sites throughout Australia.

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