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Warming – Greenstein 6/20

Global Warming – Global increase in temperature of the atmosphereGreenhouse Gases – Traps heat from the sun in the atmosphere

Why is Global Warming Good?

1. CO2: When we pollute we helps plants grow – key to food and save livesa. Look for evidence that explains how CO2 helps all parts of plants grow

a. bigger rootsb. better soilc. makes them bigger d. more resistante. better seedsf. better reproduction

b. Talk about specific cropsa. Winter Wheat – can provide stability in Pakistan – civil war impactb. Mexican Corn solves extinctionc. Rice – China, civil war and CCP instability

c. Diverse impacts about certain plantsa. Feed Earthwormsb. Birds – key to biodiversityc. Soil Erosiond. Monoculturee. If the aff reads generics they probably don’t apply

d. Increasing CO2 solves Global Warminga. CO2 creates sinks (large cluster of plants)

1. Plants eat Co2 as there fooda. If they form networks with other plants they can

suck in more Co2i. Tropical Sinks are good

2. More Co2 in the air makes plants release biological aerosols

a. Aerosols can help cool the earth because it reflects light and energy back into the atmosphere

b. Has a net cooling affect on the affect of warming3. Night Warming: If warming occurs it will happen at night

a. Cloudiness decrease evaporation during the day and increase condensation that causes warming at night

b. If there is warming at night, it helps plants because there is more time for plants to go through photosynthesis

c. More moisture i. More condensation so they live longer

4. Warming will occur during winter

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a. If warming occurs in the winter it extends the warming season for plants

5. CO2 saturation: Michaels and Balling that there are bandwidths in the air and they store Co2 but they fill up and if they can no longer hold water they get full, if they are right that they are full then it doesn’t matter how much more we put C02 in the air cause the bands are full

e. Answers to Argumentsa. They will say too much CO2 hurts plants because it overwhelms

thenb. There are good plants and bad plants (C3 vs. C4)

1. CO2 makes all the bad plants crowd out the good plantsa. Answer it with that the bad plants are a good source

of foodb. More Co2 helps plant species coexist

c. CO2 helps weeds and they help plants1. CO2 helps plants so much that they can become resistant to

weedsd. CO2 helps insects and pests – that’s bad cause it kills all the crops

1. CO2 helps plants become resistant2. CO2 hurts pests

f. Why it’s the besta. You can read this argument with Warming Defenseb. All the Aff answers are extremely predictable so you can get really

prepared and update your answersc. Its so sciency – you can keep innovating and come up with new

arguments1. There’s evidence that increasing Co2 in certain plants

increase isocream, decrease tannins and increase BPVC’s and that this has a net cooling effect

2. SO2 – sulfur dioxidea. the aff decreases pollution and SO2 is an aerosol and it reflects light and

energy back into the air and has a net cooling affect on the planetb. also increases cloud albedo (the amount clouds reflect light and energy) so

they have a net cooling affectc. Global Dimmingd. Not quite as stronge. Tricks

a. Maybe read it in the block1. Though If they straight turn it you’re in trouble

f. Answers to common argumentsa. When you increase SO2 you increase acid rain

1. It kills plants – a link turn to the CO2 turn

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b. SO2 disperses poorly so it can’t overcome the affect of CO21. CO2 has a global affect while SO2 is regional

c. It hurts oceans – increases ocean acidificationd. Even if the plan decreases SO2 its not that bad cause there are

natural sources of SO21. Volcanoes – when they erupt it sends dust into the air and

the dust reflects lightg. Value of this argument

a. You can also read this with some Warming Defense – be careful though

1. Cant read it with Warming Not Real2. Can read it with C02 doesn’t cause warming

b. There are only a few argument to answer this

3. Polar Melting a. Warming causes melting in areas near Russia and that’s needed for them

to get access to oil that’s key Russian economy, extinctionb. Tricks

a. You can say that warming makes melting inevitable but the speed at which Russia can access that oil is key to their economy

c. Answers to Common Argumentsa. Warming Bad – be ready to answer them allb. You need to debate all of the Oil impacts c. “Dutch Disease” – when a country relies on one main export it

hurts the economyd. Impact turns to Ice melting

d. Value of this argument a. It interacts well with a lot of Aff advantages

1. Economy – Russia key to economy2. Peak Oil – Russia access to oil3. Trade Impacts – if the arctic ice melts that opens up

shipping lanes for tradee. Can be impact turned by sea level rise

4. Ice Agea. There should be an ice age but because we warm the earth a lot, it holds

off the Ice Ageb. Tricks

a. Felix “Not By Fire But By Ice” – it would be worse than all countries detonating all their nukes at once

b. A lot of scientists believe that we should be in an Ice Age right now

1. Milancovich cyclesa. As the earth rotates, the length, axis, and speed of

its rotations change over timec. Answers to Common Arguments

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a. Warming Impactsb. No Ice Agec. Warming causes cooling, without it Ice Age is inevitable

1. Warming melts ice in the arctic and antarctic regiona. Decreases temperature and salinity (amount of salt)

of ocean wateri. Drives the ocean conveyor belt – why they

contribute to warming1. North Atlantic Drift makes London

warm while Northern Canada is coldii. Warming messes up the cooling belt and

stops the North Atlantic Driftd. Value of this Argument

a. Few arguments against itb. Consensus we should be in an Ice Age right now

e. Don’t read this

5. Warming doesn’t exista. Proponents – believers

a. Use computer models to predict the future temperaturesb. What controls temperatures

1. Sun2. Wind currents3. Ocean Currents4. Gases

a. Cow farts5. Clouds

c. Its really hard to predict future temperatures accurately with computer equations

1. Human Error2. Slight Error

d. Good evidence saying its inaccurateb. Skeptics – non-believers

a. Use satellite and balloons data to measure climate1. Can see global climate2. Can measure where climate change occurs (in troposphere

and stratosphere)b. Urban heat island effect – if you take temperature measurements

over urban areas its hotter than normalc. We don’t take measurements over the ocean – it would be colder

than normalc. What are they going to say causes warming?

a. Anthropogenic – caused by humans1. Find an alternate cause

a. Natural CO2 i. Plate tectonics

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ii. Methaneiii. Sun – solar variations

1. One of the better arguments 2. Natural Oscillations3. Cosmic Ray flux

b. Positive Feedbacks – warming will happen really fast, something that causes something else that increases warming (Permafrost – if the ice melts, permafrost gets released and increases warming)

1. Say it’s a Negative Feedback – warming causes stuff that decreases warming

a. Cloudsb. Water Vaporc. Volcanoes

6. The Qualifications Debatea. Usually occurs when debating whether warming is real or notb. Great evidence saying Skeptics get paid off by oil companiesc. Just as good evidence that the Proponents get paid by the government

because they are interested in alternative energy technologyd. If your neg

a. Read Prodicts – positive things about your authorsb. Read Indicts – negative things about there authorsc. Say that the way the judge should resolve the debate is about the

better science, ignore who gets paid cause everyone does, talk about why satellite data is better

e. The IPCC got all the scientists together and released summaries of there research

a. Defend Global Warming real1. The problem is that less than 75% were willing to sign the

documenta. A lot of scientists didn’t agree that warming is realb. Some don’t think it was a true consensus

2. Find evidence that they manufactured consensus that global warming is real

b. They will say “were peer-reviewed”1. So is negative evidence

f. The NIPCC – a true consensus that warming does not exist

7. Cannot solve Warminga. Best argument against warmingb. The Aff only solves a small part of US warming, it’s a global phenomena

a. Hard to convince other countries to join a regime or sign a treatyc. Great evidence saying China is key and that people emitting in China wont

listen to governmental officials and keep emitting d. Past the tipping point – its too late

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a. No matter how much we reduce and because of all of their positive feedback arguments its impossible to stop it

8. Strategya. Best way to best Warming advantages is too give yourself ton of options

a. Say they don’t solve warming, it doesn’t exist, CO2 doesn’t cause warming, CO2 turn

b. Counterplan to solve warming1. Tons of advantage counterplans

a. Though if it decreases CO2 the CO2 turn isn’t a net benefit

2. Cut a counterplan to solve warming but doesn’t decrease CO2, now the turn is a net benefit

a. Geo-engineering – change the way the world works, manual change in the world temperature

9. Warming 1ACa. Strategic 1AC

a. Diverse Impacts to why Warming is badb. Warming kills plantsc. Read impacts to pollution – more leverage against CO2 and SO2d. 2 Sets of blocks to answer all the Warming DA’s

1. 1 where you straight turn it2. 1 where you don’t

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