


i SECTION 1.-GENERAL. i 1. For the p u r p e of carq-ing out Lhe duties of Nilitary Registrars NOhlllin~lonD

and Assistant ltegistrars, Area Ollicers will be cnlled u p under Universal AfeUofficera 'Training Regulation IGOA, with pay of their rank; provided t.hat no Area

Offcer shall draw pay in excess of tha t laid down for Captain. Whilst so mobilized the Area Officers' allowance will be suspended.

. ' In Districts where the number of Area Officers g v d a l l e is found to be insufficieut, other officers may be appointed. The maximum pay for such officers will not exceed that laid down in U.T. Regulation' 1 6 0 ~ for Lieutenant.

I n order tha t Area Oficers may be unfettered in their duties i n <

relation to this appoiutment, no compulsory parades of Senior Cadets will .he held from October, 1916, t o Febryary, 1917. Para'des so can-ceued will be arranged for subscqoently.

The allotment of Area Officers for these duties will generally he carried out as-follows:-

(a)One Militn.ry Registrar for the SuWDistrict. ( b ) With him, one Assistint Registrar, who will also act as the

Military Itepres%ntative to attend at the Local Exemption' Courts, and perform sucli other duties as the Military-Registrar inay decide.

(c) Such other 'Assistant ltegistrars as are necessary. ( d ) Assistant Rcgistrars will be allotted s defii1it.e portion of the

Snb-Distl.ict-~lui~ich,under the Military Registrar, t,hey will administir.

2. Commandants 'will use-eyery endeavour t o ' effectively co-operate Repistrars. wiLh the S t n t e F $ $ & i g Committees, and, to this end, the Organizer or Secretary of su committee in each District will he appointed to the :District Head-&?.sss Sy as ': I lktr ic t Director of Recruiting."Ilis duties as y c h . w r".I be . in adition to those upon which he is .already engaged. W-hi stbbolding the appointment the temporary rank .,. of Captain will be granted.

I n a, similar maimer, Military Rcgisttrarj and their assistaiits will co-operate to the fullest extent with local Committees in each Sub-District. r . .

' 12egistrars are to exercise greiit tact and discretion ' i n dealiirg witb t*e public. AS t h e s r e perfprming important public duties they are not t o ' b e overbearingcin manned, but will a t all tim- be courteous in , demeanour .an$ language in a h e r i n g the many various inquiri- which will he made. 9,extreme degree. of tolerance will be exercised witb Lhose liKely to be u t all fractious.

C.13251. .



DiYi.i.3" 3. In the case of a Sub-District being divided, each portion of such Seb-uistllctP. Sub-District will be distinguished by adding to it a letter of Lhe alpliahet,

as i n the case of existing training areas, and will be referred to ,as L.visious A, B, C, &c., of the Sub-District. Military Sub-Districh will eenerallv be known bv the name of the electorate. Tlic numerical designacion will bo ado;ted usually for purposes of records only. . .

4. A t country localities which will furnish an approximate minimum of 50 and a maximum of 100 recruits, Training Centres" are to be mtjblished,. where recruits will, for a period not exceeding three weeks, receive preliminary instruction whilst continuing to live in their homas.

To staff these centres, the following establis1:ments ,are approved :.-

Where messing and quarte1-s caunot otherwise he arranged, an allowauce in lieu thereof may be made on the following scale:-

OEkers, 6s. per diem. N.C.O.'s, 3s. 6d. per diem. .L

Whilst on the strength of a Training Centre, recruits will receive pay, plus a commuted allowance of Is. Gd. per diem in lieu of rations arid quarters.

A first issue of boots, dungarees, underclothing, dic.', will be made. Recruits will receive traiuing on the lines laid down in the Syllabus

issued by the Chief of.the General Staff. Iu Districts where supplies arc . available, a limited number of S.M.L.E. Mk. 111. rifles will he issucd.

5. As soon as practicable, recruits will be moved from Trainingcentres to Receiving Camps or DepBts, which will be set up ' in ceut.rally- siruated localities.

A minimum strength of.800 should be taken as a guide for the estab- lishment of these Dep8ts. r

In localities which will not provide the minimum number of recruits ,

necessary for the establishment of Training Centres, recruits will be cvnveyed as soon as Ijmractica.ble after enlistment herein mentioned.

I n the case of those who, enlistment their private affairs, leave may he grauted ~ L O L esceedimg 7 d q 6 .

Coach or railway warrants will not.& granted for return to their places of residence, b u t a warrant will be issued from the place of enlist- ment to the Receiving Camp to which they are to,proceed.

Such persons will be informed in writing of the data 06 which they are to report a t the Camp specified, and the Military Registrar will v 'jinrorm tlic Cam!] Commanding Officer of t.he%imss.{znd tlic dates on' which they are due t o report. 5 . .rY

b" In the case of recririts resident on or near the boTder of a State.

they may proceed to concentration in either State, according as they wish.


~ p r


Where recruits procecd to a Camp in a Militarf District other than - , . , ,, tha t in which they were enlisted, t h e Military Registrar will advise . the Commandant of that District direct and forward the soldier's papers.

6 . District Comlnandants will report -by telegram daily, from t h e Progresserst day of mobilization, numbers reported, numbers examined, numbers repor'*. fit, numbers attested, numbers unfit, numbers appealing for exemption, . numbers commenced training. This instruction will apply only to the

' first 21 days following the issue of a Proclamation. Progress reports, W.S. Forms 9 and QA, will he rendered daily.

7. The wish of the Government is that as little time aa possible should ~ ~ t - i i ~ ~ t elapse between t h e issue of any I'roclamation and t h i date on which wO'kinb'.

persous liable under it' will commence training.

8. In additiou to the posters calling on persons liable'to report, cuingu,, , which will be exhibited a t all military establishmenta, post-offices, rail- way stations, police stations, schools, municipal and shire officw, adver- tisements will he inserted iu the daily and weekly presa. Upon t h e issue of a'l'roclaniation these, advertisements will be inse-pd for six successive days where papers are published daily, once in weekly papers, and once for each issue during the week in p.%pers which arb published twice or thrice weekly. -

9. A t the place and time a t which persons liable a re instructed to report, arrangements should be made for t h e provision of adequate clerical mistanoe, and for the attendance of su5cient medical officers and apparatus. I n mgard. to the former, arrangements should be made for the continuance of the services of re ru i t ing sargeants, a,nd local committees will no doubt be willing to afford much'clerical assistanco, male and. female.

I n all placetv where Defence or other Government buildings exist, they .should be used as places for medical examination and enlistment.

. . Yn. Each rna;i 011 enlistment will bo given an enlistment number. Enlistment

'The scheme of nnmlwring will be as follows:-Each Sub-District will comm6nco with the number_ 1 and proceed consecutively, the succession nuntber ueing prefired with? the number of the Sub-District, thus :-49/265. Registrars, in-Sub-Districts which are divided, will allot nuni- hers to each division t h s :-

Division k-1,499-?; r)ivision B-50q-999 ~

as may IW necessary. -11 .% 9 ~ .Notwithstanding the fact tha t time and places have been ~ i m ~ ~ f

appointad and advertised forp lgons liable to report, endeavour must ~ ~ ~ ~ $ be made to effect the enlistment of men who, for various reasons, have failed to report at tha time laid down.

Make public the fact tha t i n uietropoli&n areas Military Registrars &;e a t certain places during certain hours and will accept any late comer, and tha t in country areas the Military Registrar or Assistant Registrar has his Head-Quarters a t ce,rtnin places, and that any persons liable, who have not p r e v i o d y reported, may t h x e rcport either in person or by letter. Military Registrars will, on rccsipt of any letter of this nature, take t h e necessary steps to effect the enlistment of the man, or dispose of him in some other way.

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llefeetion mrtiflcilw.





4 -

. 9c. Persons not Ahstantially of European origin are liable only for duties of a. non-combatant nature-vide the proviso of section 61 of the Defence Act.

Such persons who mpo'rt in-accordance wi th any Proclamation issued under section 60 will be enlisted if fit, but they are not under any cir- cumstances to be called upon t o serve pending the isrue of further

'instructions on this matter. An entry will be,made on t11e'Index Card of any such person :-

" Enlisted (Date) Not suhstai'tially of European origin. Not called upon to serve pending further instructions."

10. Persons claiming exemption will not be required to perform any military serxice pending the hearing of their application by a . local Exemption Court.

1 0 ~ .Persons liable to report for enlistment under any Proclamation are nqt absolved from.such liability by reason of the fact t ha t they are, at t h e time o f 'issue of the Proclamation, absent from their peiman.cnt place of abode. Such persons, who will include ,commercial travellers a.nd nthcrs of roving occupations, will re,port t.0 the nesrcst placcappointed for enlistment, and the Military Registrar to whom they report will advise the Registrar of the Sub-District in which their perma- nent 'abode is situated of tee fact of their reporting, and the manner in which.such persons have been finally.dispos+d of .

11. A t places of enrolment and medical examinition, those, who are classified " Fit " will be enlisted and instructect when and where to reportfor duty. E'etween tho date of enlistment and the date of commencing duty, arrangements will made for the establishment of a Training Centre, or for the conveyance of the recruits to a receiving dep6t br camp, as the case may be. Before dismissal the enlisting oficer will explain to the men tha t should they fail to attend, they will he regarded as soldiers absent without leave, and dealt, with accordingly. Should they he absent

.more than seven days, they will be dealt with for desertion. Persons holding Rejection Certificates will be required to surrender

them and again undergo medical examination. If again classified unfit, a certificate of medical unfitness (Form W.S. 6) will be issued.

12. The pay issuable to nien called up will lie in accordance with the orders for members of the A. I .F . " Prior to 'ybarkat ipn. ' , ' [ V i r l e

Officers not gnzetted to hdA I F wdl be paid A.I.F. Order 112 (I).) as laid down i n U . T . Regulation 160a. L.,

- 13. In the case of persons required to proceed from. their homes to the place appointed for enrolment, arrangements should be made for the issue of coach, rail, or steamer warrants as required, by an official of the local Recruiting Committee, stitionmaster, postmaster, or police. Where this is for any mason impracticable, the necessary warrank will be i$sued a t tho place of eurolnient on the completion of the jouniey, and the company concerned will be instructed to claim on the Depart-~ merit (Form 9).

14. At the t ime of enlistment, one attestation paper will be made out for each man. All liable, including applicants for exemption, will be medically examined,' and the particulars thereof will be entered on' the attestation paper.

-At the same time, the ' ' General Index Card.!' will be made out. A .Beco"d attestation ( t rue cdpy) will be made out as soon ag tinlo

. , ....: ".:. ..permits. Tn the case of those fou;d " Fit," duplicate atttestation papeg will

be forwarded with the recruits to the place of training. A nominal roll will ale0 accompany each party.

A t Training Centres and Receiving D.epBts, Company Conduct Sheets, Medical History Sheets, and other necessary papers will b completed.

In the case of those found "Temporarily Unfit,': or "Doubtful ," the necessary entries will be made on the a t e a t i o n paper and index card, and the person will b-a issued w i t h a written notice (sample attached, W.S. 5).

I n t,lie case of the " Unfil.," the index card will he completed, and t.he person issued witli a wrideu notice (W.S. 5 ) , and should the Medical Referee Board subsequenldy confirm this opinion, ho will then be is!;u*rl with a certificate of medical unfitness.

S a the case of persons claiming exemption, the necessary entries on t.lie attestatioil paper and itadex card will be completed.

Much trafficking is known to have gone on in the past in rejection certificates and discliarge3, and every eiidoavour muet be made to terminate thcse practices. To this end, i t is approved that where rewrcits wre ao t clossified f i t they will have their thumb-prints inserted on attestation papers and certificates o j medical unfitnessi Exemption certificatw will be similarly treated.

Furthermore, rejectiom certificates. and e,xemption certificates will be numbored consecutively as issued. The following system will b taken into use :-

Each District will have a distinguishing letter, as follows:- 1st M.D., &; 2nd M.D., N ; 3rd M.D., V ; 4th M.D., S ;

6 t h M.D., W; and 6th M.D., T. Sub-lhtr ic ts a re numbered consecutivelv. arid certificates will bo


siniihrly nun) bered. Thus. 012114 means the 14th certificate issued ill the 2nd Sub-District

(Kennedy "&&orate) of the 1st M.D.; and V/40/8, means the 8th cer- tificate issued in the 40th Sub-Dist.rict (Henty e1ectorat.e) of the 3rd M.D.

Where Sub-DistrictB;art: further divided in accorddance with para-graph 3, the letter cf t I S division added, thus, Q/2A/14.

Cross references to the numbers of the cert.ificates issued will, in all cases, be made on t h e generai index card.

15. At Training Centres and Receiving De@ts or Ca'mps, every effort will constantly be made to obtain voluntary recruits for the Australian Imperial Forco f rom men called up, until the date of the taking of the referendum.

On their signifying their willingness to volunteer for service abroad, prompt action will be taken for their enlistment in the Austialinn Imperial Force and transfer t o an Australian Imperial Force Dep6t.

In order tha t this be not overlooked, all ranks' be spcially pnrxded twice weekly and recruits called for.

15a. Members of the Naval Forces (Militia) are, not t o be required h'ar$xl l i t i i i . to report for enlistment. i\lilitary Registrars of Sub-Districts which find this personnel under Pa r t X I . of the Defence Act, will co-oprate with Sub-District Naval Officers in this regard.



, . . . SECTION 11,-MEDICA .. 16: Under the .conditions of voluntary enlistment, it has been the practice on the par t of large numbers of volunteers to magnify minor difects and disabilities, and eimulate unfitness for active service.

Under compulsion, this attitude will, no doubt, be much mare marked, ahd medical officers t.herefore will exercise the utmost care. Rush work, with its possibilities for error, will not be tolerated,

17. Medical-examinat-ionswill he of two kinds:- (a) Preliminary-At the place of enrolment. ( 6 ) Final.-At Training Centres, Receiving Dep6ts or Camps, or

other places appointed by the Military Registrar. At the " Pyelimiuary " exnniination, which will he conducted by an

officer of the Austra,lian Army Medical Corps, an Area Medical Officer (U.T.),or a. selected civil medical practitioner, recruits will be classified as indicated in the attestation paper, aiid the necessary declaration com- pleted by medical officers.

. A t the " Final " examination, the Medical Referee Board will care- fully examine the recruit, and complete that section 'of the attestation paper set apar t f o r the purpose.

I n this connexion, i f , a t t.he " Preliminary " examination it has been found t h a t a man is o.hviously unfi t because of, szy, loss of an eye 'or limb, or is an inmate of a consumptive home or a, home for incurables, the Medical Referee Board will complete its fillding, and issue a certificate of medical unfitness, without reqiiiring the person cuncerned to actually a t tend.

.18. Sufficient medical officers and clerks will he detailed to attend a t places apfiointed for medical exrnniuation. A t the final examination each Medical Officer will be,allotted not, more than fifty recruits per day.

19. The attestation papers of recruits graded in Class 1 (fit) will be taken overby the Military Registrar, or his rqpresentative, and the men attested. D

I n the cases where recruits are graded Class 2 (unfit), 3 (doubtful), ' ' or 4 (temporarily unfit), attestation papers will be taken by the Military

Registrar, or his assilstant, and forwarded to Su%-District Head-Quarters. At, Suh-District Head-Quarters t.lrese will bo reviewed. and arrange-

ments pu t in train to determine the movements of the Medical Referee Board, which s h p l d commence its operations without delay. Class 3 (doubtful) will be disposed of first. '

20. Men unable, througil accident or' illness, t o attend n medical examination of which they have been duly not.ified, inust cause to be produced a medical, certificat.e signed by a qualified medical pritctitioner. Such certificate will hold good for fou r weeks only.

Men who prdduce certificatk as above will he-put in Class.4.

M e d i d 1;cfeze 21. The Medical Referee I-3oard will, i f possible, consist of five medical DmM . man as members, and will include a senior medical officer with military

oxperience as President, and a member with experience in eye and ear work.

Only responsible medical officers of good experience, and, a8 far as pasible, not liable for military service, will be employed.

- . Ilistrict Commandants will exercise their own discretion as to the

vtiimber of Boards to be appointed, having in view expedition of work and economy in expense.

Military Ilistricts will be go divided t h a t each Board will have a definite area which can be covered without undue de,lay. A maximum of work and a minimum of travelling should be aimed at.

22. Military Registrars will arrange for suitable and adequate accon- ~ ~ i l ~ ~ i , , ~ ~ .ac. modation to be provided for the condrict of medical exaniinatious in order to I, the possibility of error.

23. All men previously rejcct,ed will again be examined, and rejection i@jeev. certificates now on LSFUC \vi11 be surrendered. Tf the Medical lteferze Board are of the opinion that such men are '' unfit," a certificate of medical unfitness (Foriu \ V . S 5) will he issued. A copy of siicll certificate will be forw.ardcd by the M:edical Referee Board to the lMilitary Regis- trar or iusisl.ant Ileristr;>r.


24. For purposes of identification, thumb-prints will he taken of thc 'lhunili-iiriota.

palmar surface of bot,], th i imls ; i f the palmar surface of one or liotlt thumbs should be damaged, then the print of index finger or lingers will he taken, and noted on fo rm.

Thwmb-prints id l l , h w e w ~ r ,onl:y Le irrserted OIL t h e a . t l c s t n l i r i r ~ p a p e r y of those n o t f01~7id f i t , " e e r t i j i c a t c s o/ medical . ioi .f i t ,rers, wnrl c:cenrptirm cerf i f icntes.

I n taking thunib-prints the following procedure is t o be adopted :-(1) Dry t,horouglily tho palmar surface of the distal phalariges of

both thumhs. (2 j Iday tha t surface oE botli thumbs gently hut firmly on the

ink pad provided. (3) 'I'lien lay tile inked surfaces of thumbs on t l m paper on wliich

imprint is required. (4) Srliudged impremiions are useless. Too much presaure I ~ I ! S I .

not'lrc put, on I.huuibs ylieii taking impss ions . Cleir i n -ptmss~onsare essential.

25. Medical oficers,'when examining recruits in. corripliance with pro-visions of P a r t I V . of the Ilefence Act, will be guided by the following physical stanclard8:-L ,.

Frcight,, 5 f t . 2 in. (minimum). Chest measurement (fully expanded), 33 inches.

The recruit being wholly undressed, the fallowing should be the order i n which the examination is carried o u t :-

His height is measured under the st.andard. His chest measurement is taken. 'His vision is tested.

26. The recruit will be placed against the standard with the feet might togcther and the weight th rown on t.lre heels, and not on the toes or Llie outside of the feet. He will stand erect without rigidity, and with the heels, calves, buttocks, and slioulders touching the standard; t h e chin will bo depressed to bring the vertex of t h e head level under the hori- '

zontal bar, and the height will he noted in parts of an inch to an eig1lt.h.

- -

Chcnt 27. The recruit will be made to stand erect with his feet together,rnCEMUImeDt and to raise,his arms over his head. The tape will be carefully adjusted

round the chest, with its postirior upper edge touching the inferior angles of the scapulze and its anterior lower edge the upper par t of the nipples. The arms will then be lowered Lo hang loosely by the side. and care wi l l be taken tha t the shoulders aro not thrown upwards or backwards so as t o displace the tape. Tlie recruit will then be directed to take a deep inspira,tioii several times, and the maximum expansion of the chest will be carefully noted. X t is often attempted to conceal the t rue measurements, b u t it can he obtained by a little manipulation and 'by drawing off attention from the examination by a few questions.

The maximum expansion rarely exceeds the average minimuin by more than .2 to 24 inches. The minilnuin and maximum will t,hen be recorded thus:-

33 34

364 364 +

I n recording measuremhts, fractions of less than half-=-inch should not he noted. The maximiini i s the standard measurement, ana a recruit must also reach the mhge of chest erpansiou laid down-2 inclirs.

virion 28. I u examining a recruit's vision, he will be placed with'liis trick' lo the light, and his visual aciiteness will be tested by means, of tesc types placed in ordinary daylight a t a distalice of Six metres (20 English feet) from the recruit.

Each eye will be tested separately- - ,

(1) If a recruit can read 11-24 aL' 20 feet, or better witli each. eye without glasses, he will be considered '' fit."

(2) If a recruit can read D--12 or better a t 20 feet without glasses, and without a mistake with the right eye, and D-60 without glasses at 20 feet with the left eye, or if he can read D-12 with the left eye without glascs, atid

' D-60 with the other without glasses, he will be coo-sidered '' fit."

The above standard will pass for all branches of the Service. (3) If a t 20 feet he can r&d D-9 with one eye with a glass,

aud D-24 with the other wi th a glass, provided tha t the sight in.oue eye is not lower than D-36 without a glass, Ire will be considered "fit" f o i A.S.C., A.M.C., A.O.C., and drivers for Artillery and Engineers.

29. If lie satisfies requirernents in these respects, the general examina- tion will thus be proceeded with :-

I n the inspection of recruits, the principal points to be attended to are:--.' That the recruit is auficiently intelligent.

That his hearing in good. That his chest is capacious and well formed, and tha t his heart

and lungs are sound. That he is not ruptured i n m y degreo or form. That the limbs are well formed and fully developed. That there is free and perfect motion of all the joints. That the feet and toes are not markedly deformed. That he has no grave congenital malformation or defect: That he does not hear traces of previous acute or chronic disease

pointing to an impaired constitution.

30. Men having any disease or physical defect calculated t o unfit them f o r the duties of a soldier will be rejected. Special attention m i i d be paid by examining medical officers t o the following conditions:--. Indications of tuberculous disease, bronchial or laryngeal disease, disease df the heart, generally impaired constitntion, under standard of vision, defects of voice or hearing, contraction or deformity of chest or joints, abnormal curvatilre of spine, defective intelligence and hearing, hernia, varicose veins or varicocele, inveterate cutaneous disease, chronic ulcers. fistuls.

31. 'Venereal disea,ses wil l not necessarily be, cause of rejection, and men so suffering wil l he noted by medical officer a t preliminary medical exarninatiou, and Lhe Nedical Referee Board will decide whether they consider treatment in A5ilitary Camp will ren,der the recriiit fit for se rv iw

32. Recruits who have been successfully operated on for hernia, and are otherwise medically fit,, mny be, accepted i f , in the opinion uf the mcdical referees, ihey d l stand the strain of service.

33. Men of good physique, arid men iiighly skilled in the use of arms, will no t he rejected for minor ailments or defects which technically are cause: of rejection. Ordinary recruits will not be rcjected as medically

34. Great care-is to be taken in ascertaining the mental capaci1.y of a recruit. .

35. The recruit will be then directed to wall< up aud dowii the rooiii .lirnm~,,at,inn ,,L smartly t w o or three times, to hop across the Inom on the right foot and l;$,"nd back again on the left. (The hops should be short, and upon t h e toes.)

He is halted, stailding upright, with his arnis extended above his l i e d , while the medical officer walks slowly romid him carefully inspl'ect- ing the whole wirface of his body.

An estirriste is fornied of his general physique, of his age, aud whether he presen1.s the appearance of having ser\,ed hefore.

3 6 . The objects to be ohserved and notad in this part of the exawina- ~ h ~ p ~ e r n lI'hgslcnl.

tion are the following:- dcvclopmmt. The format.iun arid development of the limbs; the power of joints,

especially ill the feet and I i i p ; ext,reme flatness of the feet; formation of ~ i l h : trics; ski.] disease; varicose veins; cicat,rices or ulcers; ; ~ n d'any special inarks from congenital or accidental causes; and tattoo marks. :I:f . no disabling defects are Eoiiud, the second part of the exilrriination will ho proceeded with. I

The t.rnnk will be exa.mined from below upwards. 'The recruit stands with his arms extended above Ius head, the backs pf the hands being in contact. The following will he' the order of ii1spectio.n :-

He examines the, scrotum to mcertain if the testicles have descended and arc normal, but in the cases of partial descent of testicle,'-he will otily reject when testicle is i n inguinal cxnal.

He inserts the point of his finger i n tl!e externnl abdominal ring o f each side, and desires.the recruit $0 cough two or three times t o ascertain i f he is ruptured, or liable t o tha t condition.

H e examines t h e abdominal walls and parietes of the chest.



. I O * '

B e desires the recruit to '' take a f u l l breitth " several times, while he watches t h e actioi! and notes the capacity of the chest.

Careful stethoscopic examination of lungs is made.

37.. He examines the action of the heart and the heart souuds

38. Time is saved by t h e medical officer himself acting as well an telling t h e recruit the moverneuts he desires to be made.

The following are the directions:_ Stretcb dut your arms, with palms of your hands upwards. s e n d t h e fingers backwards and forwards. 'Bend your thumbs across tlie palms of your hands. Bend the fingers over your thumbs. Bend your wrists backwards and forwards. Bend the elbows.

. Turn t h e backs of t h e hands upwards. * .Swing your arms round a t the shoulders.

This comprehends the inspection for loss or defects of the fingers, thumbs, wrists, elbow and shoulder joints, power of rotatin? the forear=,. aud vaccination,

39. The inspection of the lower extremities and back will be 'made from below upwards.. The.recfuit first faces the medical officer, after-wards turns his back to him.

The following a t e the direcClonv which should be given :-Stand on one foot, put the other forward. :I(end the ankle-joinc aud toes of each foot alternately backwards

and forwards. Kneel down on one knee. Up aga,in. . .'Down on tlie other knee. U p agaiii. Uown on hcth knees, and u p from tbat positioii with's simul-

taneous spring of both legs. Turn found. Separate the legs: Touch the ground with the hands.

While the recruit performs.tliese movements, the medical officers will observe the action of the knee joints, the condition of the perinaum, and of the spinal column.

This includes the inspection for defecb of the toes, ankle and knee joinMS, for hremorrlioids, prolapus ani, fistula in perinxo, and spinal deformity.

The examination of the hend and neck will be made from above down- wards. The medical officer will note the intelligence, character of voice,

' and power of hearing of the recruit by his replies t o the questions pot to him. The following are the directions:-

B e examink the scalp, and asks the recruit, '' h a v e you ever had any blows or cuts on the head ?"

He examines the ears. Ee examines t h e eyes end eyelids.

. H e examines the nostrils. He examines the mouth, teeth, palate and fauces, and then tells

t h e recruit to say loudly " Who comes there?" He examines the neck,


This comprehends the inspection for injuriea .of the head, deafness, disease of ears, defect of voice, polypus of n w , tuherculous ulceration, glandular enlprgements, and defects of the eyes. ,

Each recruit will be nsked by medical 05cer:- 1 . Are you subject'to fits of any kind9 . 2 . Aave you ever been treated in a mental institution 3. n a v e you ever had consumption1

i i the recruit, answers " Yes " t o any of these questions;nnd t.lie medical officer is snti+ed that the statement is not made for tlie p u r p s e of &aping military service, he shall be rejected.

40. Tho acceptance or rejection of 8 recruit on account of loss or moth . decay of teeth will depend on the physical condition of the recruit- thus the loss of many teeth in a man of indifferent constitution would point to rejection, whilst the robust recruit would he accepted. Defi-ciency of teetlt must not be confused wiLh diseases of the mouth. It is rrianifeitly wrong to enlist a man wit,h a diseased mouth, or with any pathological condition of tire ~ t ! o u t hwliicli rvnrild reauire long and tedious treatmelit. 'False teeth will be allowed. Recruits otherwise fit, hnt. whose teeth are not up to tlie standard, will he passed. The necessary dental treatment will be provided by tlie Dcpartrnent after enlistrrient. I n doubtful cmm, the Medical Referee Board will decide as to whether the candidate is fit for active service or not,.

41. The medical 'officers wil l be careful to see tha t all notes are cntered c ~ ~ ~ ~ ; , I on the attestatioil sKeets before signing them, and any inark or niat'ks indicating peculiarities or previous disease or defect wil l be included, and where there are no distinctivc iiiarks or peculiarities or evidence of . previous disease, this fact must be stated.

Any marks relative to defects io the recruit will be in the examining medical officer's own handwriting.

The signature of t h e examining medical officers will be considered a declaration that the recruit in question Iias been personally examineri according Lo these instructions, a i d tliat tlie man has no blemish or defect except those noted on the attestation.

Tlie mcdicxl oflicor will enter, ii: his owi!, bandwriting, 011 the attes- tatiou sheets, his reason for having placed the recruit, otlmr thnn in Class 1 (fit).

SECTION IIA.-TIIE MEDICAL 1'ROF.ESSION 42. It has boen decided that a District Nedical Committee be esbb- D~rtrlet ~ ,~ : , l i cu l

C o ~ , 3 ~ , C C 5 .lished in each Military Ilistrict. Such Committee is' to consist of :-

Priiicipal Medical Officer, President. 'Ywo representatives from the British Medical Association Branch

of that district. One medical representative from the University (only in districts

where there is a medical school i n connexion with University). Two representatives of medical przti t ioners of the Military Dis-

tr ict (nominated by Commandant for {.he approval of Milit,aryBoard).

I ,.-

Lia1,ility io, .,



43. The functions' of each District Committee involve the selection for, or recommendation of, exemption from A :A.M.C. service of 'medical men and medical students, and in particular the establishment and con- ducting of a comprehensive scheme which, as proclamations may he issued fro= time to time, .will ahsorb i n the Defence Force all qualified medical practitioners up to fortylfive years of age who have not joined the A.A.M.C. voluntarily. Each District Medical Commithe may have an organization of local Medical Committees throughout its district from which the District Committee can obtain iuformation and advice.

Any medical practitioiier o r medical student whom the 'District Nedical Committee do not recommend for exemption, and who considers himself aggrieved' by such decision, may appeal t o a District Appeal Court in the same manner as any other applicant for exemption.

45. Any duly qualified medical man under forty-five years of agc, who volunteers his services in vriting to the Principal nledical Officer of his Military Distxict, will be given a commission as captain in the A.A.M.C., and he will veceivc a t least a mcnth's notice before being called up for duty. He will be called up only when his services are needed aud far such duty in or out of the Conuuunwealth for which i t is considered hc is most, suitable, und every effort will he made to place him in a suitable position.

46. The Principal Medical Oficer of each district will compile a register, and lay before 1,he District. Medical Comiliittee the names of the medical men in each Military District who have been granted commis- sions in A.A.M.C.

47. All medical men other than members of the A.A.M!C. who are affected by a proclamation calling upon persons to enlist, and who desire exemption from service, will require to make an application to the Mili- tary Registrar of the Sub-District in which they reside accordingly, and the War Sorvice Regulafions provide tha t such applications will he re-fcrred to a District Medical Committee for inquiry and a recommenda- tion to a Local Exemption Court.

48. The District Medical Con-mittee will compile a register from detailed information supplied hy Local Medical Committees indicating what men are availihle in each area who have not applied for commission in A.A.M.C., and what special qualifications thcy po9ess

It will be found convenient for these purposes to consider the mcdical profession in three categories :-

(a.) Doctors under forty-five years of age who have been granted comissions in the A.A.M.C.

( 6 ) Doctors'under forty-five years of age who have not applied for a commission in the A.A.M.C.

(c) Doctors over forty-five years of age.

4.9. I n any proclamation issued under section fi0 of t.he Defenoe Act, every male medical practit,ioner, single or married, is in the same position as other citizens as regards the compulsory provisions of the Act; hu t if he has a commission in the A.A.M.C. he will not be called up by the Military Authority; t ha t is to say, the Dqpartment refrains from apply- iug to hini the compulsory powers as t o combatant service if and so long as he holds a conimission in the A.A.M.C.

~ t i ~ ~


It is, therefore, important. that every medical rran under forty-five Such as doshould at once apply for a columission in the A.A.M.C.

will be given the rank of Captain.. . ,

50. A medical man with a ~nvniss ior i in A.A.M.C. has no personal concern with any Local Exemption Court, nor any Local Exemption Court with him. H e is not called u p by the Military Authority for ordinary service, and if any such A.A.M.C. officer does receive a notice fron! the Military Autbority czllin: liirn up Cor combatant serviw, he should refer i t t o t h e Principal Medical Officer of his District, who will arrauge with the Militaiy Authority of the Sub-District concerned for t.he cancellation of the dotice, and the practitioner will remain in reserve until called up Cor duty in the A.A.M.C.


Being thus held in reserve, the medical. man will remember t h a t , as before stated, tlie decision as t o whether aiid when he is t,o be taken

A.A.BI.C, rcpc'vc~

from liis civil practice to serve as medical officer-of the A.A.M.C. has been delegated to tlie P.M.O. Tlius, every medical man granted a com-mission in the A.A.M.C. will remain in reserve tidess and until it. is proposed to call him up for duty.

52. I n any prwlarnation issued under section 60 of the Defencc A c t , ' a medical nian under fprty-five, who does uot hold or does not apply for a colninissiou iu the A.A.M.C., does not ,have any cf the advantages explained ab0ve;and he is liable at m y time to be called up by a Re-cruiting Officer for coinbatant service under t.he compulsory provisions of the Act. 'If h e does not undertakeusci-vice \yith the A.A.M.C., unless recommended for exemption by the District Medical Committee, he will be required to undertake contbatant service. I f , 'on thus being called .up, lie desires exemptioii from ordinary service', he must lodge a n application with the Military .Registrar of.his sub-district for exenili- Lion; his claim will (unless i t is on t h e ground of conscientious objection) be sent.on by the Military Regist,rar to the P.M.O. for-consideration by tile Ilistrict Medical Con-niiltee. Tliiv Coinmittce will determilie ?r<ietherit is, or' is not, in the national interests that he should lie allowed t o continue liis civil practice i.emporariiy or permaiiently.

or be allotted for'milit.ary dut.y

5 3 . If i t is decided that he should remain in civil practice, whether for a tinie'or indefinitely, the Committee will rcconiiiieud exemption for such period and subject t o such conditions as they deem suitable, and the Local ErempLion Court will issue t,o tlie medical man a certiflckte of exemption accordingly.

~xerupt ions u*ci"il

J:f, on the other hand , i t . is decided. t l ia t i t is not, in the natioi?al interests t h a t he should. remain in his civil practice,. tlie Comniitl.ce will so recorninend, and tlie Local :Exemption Court will decide accord- ingly. €le will then be called up for eulistment nnd seryice in the raiiks

aud the Department inay or may not then offer him a commission in tlie A.A.M.C.

f o r ordinary military duty undcr t h e compulsory provisions of t,he Act, 8'



54. Those who, on the Committee's recommendation, obtain temi ~ ~ ~ i ~ porary exemption will similarly be called up by the Military Authority for military duty a t the expiration of tlie period fixed unless on'the application of the medical i n a ~the Court extends the p e d d of exemption. i


Of exrulpti"'l.



0 , K M i r n L i O " .





55. The Government earnestly hopes that all medical men between the ages of forty-five atid sixhy who have not yet applied for a com-mission in the A.A.M.C. will now do so, and thui place themselves 011 the list of possible candidates for commissions. Doubtless, just as in the case of those under Forty-five, many of tbem cannot be spared from their civilian practice, or ,are so placed 'financially or otherwise that the Com-

*rnittee would decide that they.ooght not to he taken a t all, or not until very late. Possibly a large proportion of them may uo t be required, but, on the other hand, the addition of all medica.1 men between forty- five and s ixty ' to the number of those'nnder forty-five (now tha t so many of the much younger men have already joined the Army) would mean. a large addition t o the field of selection and thus obviously tend to diminish very greatly the difficulties arisiilg both for their professional hrcLhren.uiider forty-five, for .the needs of the civil population, and for .the requirements of the Naval and Military Forces. -.

SECTION III.-EXEMPTION COURTS: 56. The regulations concerning exemption provide for the establish-

ment of three Court5 to decide siicli matters as may be brought. before l.liein.

The Courts are as follow :-((6)- Local Exemption Courts, for each Sub-District; ( b ) District Appeal Courts, for each Military District;

. (c) A Ceiitrai' Appeal Court, for the Commonwealth. As the nnm.ber of stipendiary magistrates available is not sufficient

to admit of one magistratz being engaged. solely on the work of oiie Local0

Exemption Court, Commandants will confer with the State Crown , Law autlioritias with a view to arranging circuits for the magistrates, so as t o [email protected] trav?lling and expedite the hearing of applications. Wheii this has been nrrariged .the appoilltnieut and circuits, together with the dates on which Courts will sit, will be published in the local press and in District Military Orders, and Head-Quarters notified accord- ingly, a copy of the District Order accompanying the communication. It might he specially requested tha t duriilg tlie month of October, 1916, rnagistrates be made available almost solely for this work. Later on i t will probably be found tha t this work can be carried out with their ordinary duties.

57. Subject t o any special provisions in the regulations, i t will be for the Local Exemption Court' to determine what evidence shall be taken to elucidate. the facts of t h e case under consideration. The appli- cant, whether h e is the man or the employer under Division 4 of t h e War Service Hegulations, or his representative, has. the right of being heard. The option will be given to any applicant to make a statutory declara- tion if he is not ahle t o appear in person.

The military 'representative will also have the right of being present and of examining and cross-examining witnesses, and the same r igh t is given to the duly authoriced repre.-ntative of any Guvernment or other Department (referred to in Division 4-Regulation 46), which may be concerned in the retention in civil employment of the man whose case is under consideration. Under Regulation 17 (2) no p r t y t o a n applica- tion can he represented by counsel or solicitor or ?aid agent. Regnla-t.ion 65 (2) ,also debars such representatives appearing in appeal case.



I 5

58 . The regulations contemplate t.hat cases shall he conducted in I'ubIiviLr uf public. The Court may adjourn the proceedings and reserve i ts decision Q'oceed'n'a.

' i n any case.

59. A special class of applications which will come hefore the Local ('lnrxerorc16cx

Exemption Court is 'dealt with sep-tely in Division 3 of l.he regula- tions. Under t.his Division applications for certificates of exemption may be niade on any of the following grounds:-

(.) On the ground that it is expedient in t h e nationnl .&i,tererl that the inan should, itisteacl of Lxiiig employed in military service, he engagea in other work i n which he is hahit!ielly engaged; o r

( / I ) on the ground t,hat i t is expedient in, t h e w o b i w r d i i i tereat t,lmt, t h e man should, instead of being employed in military service, be engaged in other work in which he wishes to he engaged; o r -

(,;) if a man is beine educated or trained for any work, on the ground tha t i t is expedient in t h e riorinrrol ,i,nrerest tha t , instead of heing eniployed i n military service, he should continue 1.0 he so educated or trainod; or

( d ) on the ground tha t serious hardship would ensue i f Lhe man were called up for military service, owing t o his exceptionaldomestic financial obliEationn; or

( e ) on the ground tha t he is the sole remaining SO11 01- one of the remaining sous of a family of whose sons one-half, a t the least, have enlisted prior to the second day of October, 1916; or

(1,on the ground t.,hat he is the sole support of aged parents or a widowed motlier, or orphan brothers and sisters under the age of sixteeu years o r physically incapable of earning their.owu living; or

( q ) on t.lie ground tha t he is the only son 6f a famil).; or E O . 'I LE certificates of exemption which a Local .Exemption Court Exc"li<tion

is empowered to granc may he absoluk, conditional, partial, o r tern porary.

In the case of an applicatiurr on conscientious grounds the Court IS required to reruse a cert.ificate unless the spplicant agrees to undertake non-combatant service.

A certificale granted OLI the ground of continuance of txainiug or . education, or on the ground of exceptional domestic fiiiancial obligation, must be a caiiditional o r tenrporitry cerl,ific;Lte only, as will also be those granted under paragrapus ( h ) , ( c ) , (a, ,:.), (/), and ( g ) of section 6 1 of the Ilefence Act. It is further providcd that, except in case of a Gorcrninent Department or one of the bodies relerrad Lo in :Division 4, it, sliall not he made a condition of the granting of a certificate of exernp-tioii that the milu i n respect oi whom i t is granted shall continue i n or w L e r einployment uuder any specified employer or in any specified place or estahlishnient. ' this provision does not preclude the granting of a ce,rtificate of exeniptioii to a man whose claim may be ua the ground that he is individually indispensnble to a particular. employer, and tha t it i U in t.lie. national interest that he be retained i n his emplayrnent. I

But the certificate cannot be made conditiqnal on his remailling in t h e , service of the particular employer. If tho circumstances are such tha; it would not he proper to grauc a certificate of absblute cxeinption, t+b certificate should he tenipursry or may, for inshnce, he made cor,-ditional on his remainin,o in a particular trade, or occnpnt,ion, o r State.



1 1 1 his connexion with exemption cases which will come before the Court. the military representative should bear in mind that the primary principle of the- regulations is tha t every man who comes withill the . provisions of same, and who is available for military service,. should undertake thatservice, .exemptions being granted only in cases expressly

. .provided for in the regulations.

61. The following observations as regards the different olasses of cases may be of sewice:-

, . . .Employment Cases.-The question to he considered in these cases

is, not whether the man has a claim to exceptional treatment in his own interests, hut whetl:er i t is o r is n o t in the national interests tha t he should he retained in civil employment. I' National interests" has to he coilstrued broadly. It covers, not only services which minister directly to the prosecution of the war, but also produc- tive services whicu are essential to the country a t the present timc, whether, for instance, in the maintenance of food supply or of t h e export or import trade, or in t h e performance of. other services which i t is desirable should be carried on in t h e interests of t h e community. I n cases.of this class, account should be taken, not only (a)whether the service is such as n+iaters t.o the national intarasts at the present time, but also ( 6 ) whether i t is in the national interest tha t t.he particular mau should continue in civil eniploynient, and whetlicr, even i f the sewices which he renders are essential, they cannot be performed byavailable men not, of military age or otherwise n o t lit for military ser-vice, or by ret.iirned soldiers who have been discharged.

It is provided t h a t eaernptioii (yhich must in this case be conditional cr temporary) may be granted to a mail who ig beingeducated or trained for any work if i t is expedieut'iu the national interests t h a t he should continue t o be so educated or trained.. .--

It is t i & 'intended tha t t h e mere fact t h a t a man is being educated or trained .shall be I+ sutficieut reason for exemption; it must bo clearly s h o w ~ ltlrat'it is in the iiatdonal interest that he should continue h i u , education tr training.either because h e will become so valuable for worg ministiring, directly. or indirectly, t o the national requirernent:s in connexioh with the war, t h a t i t would be unwise to take him away from Lis education or training, or because, quite apart from 'auy service which Ire is likely Lo render during the course of the wa.f, h i s education or traiiiiiig will hereaiter render liini 90 eJaeiitial t u the conmiunity that

' i t i~:ould be iinwise to interrupt his education or training. . The presumption will generally he tha t a man undergoillg education

or training, who is young and free from t h e responsibilities of older men, should do his duty to his country a t the present time by under-t.aking military service.. and, thercfore, i t will be for a Local Exemption Court in each instance to make sure that, the conditious i n the particular case are such as to justify special treatment before exemption is grantea.

h e r or seriou 62. Cases of Serious Hardship.-(Division 3, 36 (d)).-The.provisionhW<lShil>. \vit.h reaara to this class enables the Local Exemption Court to deal with

cases which will occur here and there, meriting special conslderation-on personal, as distinguished from national, grounds. To justify exemption . nuder the regulations the hardship must be '' serious " and the doniestic financial' position exceptional."r r


~ n t i ~ ~


I 7

63. There will be a nbimber of obvious cases of men suffering from kmarsiof ilia seri,ous permanent infirmity of mind or body to whom absolute certifi- cates will a t once be granted. In such cases appltcatlons can he made by some person, including the military representatlve, in respect of the man or men for whom exemption is sought, but see W.S. Regulation 40 (8).

64. As to other cases, it is important t o bear in mind t h a t mem can Other cases

be classified for- (i) Active service; (ii) clerical or camp duties.

65. The man who honestly, and as a- matter of conscience, objects ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ to bearing amis is entitled t o partial exemption. \\'bile care must he oWctio''. taken tha t t.he man who shirks his duty to his country does not find unworthy shelter behind this prb'vision, every consideration. should he given to the man whose objection genuinely rests 011 religious or moral convictiou .

The ccrcificate of exemption may be from bearing arnis only, in which case the man would not bc exempt from service in, f o r instance, the Australian 'Army I\ledical Corps or for clerical or camp duties. The exemption should be ' thc minimum required to meet the conscientious scruples of the applicant.

66. The regulations contempla1.e that in every case individual certifi- mrtineatesOi cates must he given when exemption is granted. The certificate must erer''~'io'!~ he in the authorized form. ' It must he sent or handed t o the. man in respect of whom tho application is made.

To enable the Rlilitary Registrar to keep % coniplete record of t h e result of all applications, the duplikate applicntiou form, together with a copy of the certificate received by the military representative from

I , ,t,lie Court, will be forwarded by him t o t h e Military Registrar, together with any other documents in the case: for filing purposes.,

The decision of the Local.Exemption Court must he noted on the duphcitte application Sorni ,by' tbe military representntive.

'The uinn to whom the certificate has been given may, on payment , ,

of a fee of 5s . , claim a copy of the certificate if the original is destroyed or has been defaced.

Copies issued will he marked as such, and, in addition t o 'the' ordi- nary number of tile copy, must also bear t h e number of the original which i t replaces.

The Local Exemption Court is entitled to he sahfied that the original has been so destroyed o r defaced, and must requiro a defaced certificate t0.l.e given up t o the Court.

67. hpplicatioii may be made by bhe man himself who desires ' A , , , , I ; ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ -exrinEtion or by some o h e r person in respect of him. 'Ibis enables an hy employer to make application for an employee mho, the employer thinks, shculd, i n the national interests, continue in civil employment. When a ?an is not able, by reasoli of absence, OT ill-health., or o1:dier cause, to make application himself, application may be made 011 his behalf.

If tlie application is made on the ground of employment it should, . . generally speaking, b e made by t h e man himself or his employer unless for some sufficieiit reason the man or his emplopr is iiot able to ,

€8. A n application wliolly or mainly on industrial grounds has M A ~ ~ I h t i o m -be. rraae to the nearest Local Exemption Court in the .sub-dishkt in to


, which t ,ho place of employment is situate. C.13251. . .

. . . . .

' 18

An application by a mail for reasons appertaining to his own business should be made to the nearest Local Exemption Court in the sub-district in which the place of business is situate.

Application made on p,ersonal grounds, vim., domestic financial, must. be made to t h e nearest Local Exemption Court in the Sub-District in which the man, in respect of whom the application is made, resides.

I n the case of firms or undertakings with establishments in the di'ferent sub-districts, i t will often be more convciiiont that applications in respect of all memben of their staffs.should h made to the one Court, and IC is provided. therefore. t h a t in such case application in respect to a man in any of the establishments may be made to the Court for tile Sub-District in which the head office of the firm. or undertakiugiqsituate. The same principle applies in the case o i Government vepartmenta.

l n some caserof this kind the decision may depend on local circum- stances respecting which t h e Court of the district in which the head office is situate cannot reasouably be expected to obtain satisfactoryinformation, and it may he clearly advantageous that the case should be heard by a Court in the Sub-District in which the particular estab- lishment is situate. I n any such case i t is competent to the Court of the Sub-District containing the head office to refer tlle application to the Court in the latter Sub-District.

Applications should not be made to more'than. one Local ,Exemption Ccurt in respect of the same case. Where a man has a claim for exemption. on-more than one grvund, all the grounds should be laid beiore the same Court, except In the case of legally qualified mcdical prs,ctitioners .or medical students, the procedure in r e g n d to whom is prescribed by the regulations; but a certificate of exemption should not De granted unless the exemption has beeii established on oiie or other of the required .grounds.

Applieatlon by 68.4. Applicatioiio by returned and discharged soldiers liable for ser-mturned and vice are dealt with in Division 7, ltegulatioii. 73 ec s q .dlsDhmrgcd SOldlCrS. Soldiers of 'the A.I.F. who have been returiied from active service,

and discharged on the grounds of medical unfitness, are not required to report. Soldiers of the A. I .F . who, prior to.embarkation, were dis-charged ou the ground of medical unfituess, and all ex-members of the A . I .F . discharged for other than medical reasons are required t o report and serve if fit.

68B. \Vhel'e persons liable under any Proclamation are engaged in agriculture or shearing, application may he made by them for temporary exemption for the period required to gather the harvest in the case of farmers, and to complete their present contracts in the caw of shearers. .Nilitary Representatives will not oppose such applications, but will exercise close scrutiny in regard to tho time asked for, and insure tliat such persons are n o t lost sight of.

68c. Persons liable Fnder any Proclamation who form portion of any h i p ' s company will no t he required to personally attend f o r enlistment, bu t will be included in a be submitted by the inaster of the ship to t l i i Military Commandant. a t t he home port, who will, if satis- fied, recommend to the Local Exemption Court t h e granting of a certiti-c i t e of conditional exemptioii for a period of three months.

69. Applications must he made in duplicate on the authorized form. One form has been provided for all applications under this heading. ' The Military Registrar of tlie Military Sub-district should see tliat all

19 -

information which is required in the particular class of case under con- sideration is eutered on the form before being forwarded for considera- tion by t h e Court.

Applications from Government Departments-on behalf of a numbey of employees are dealt with in Division 4, and a large private firm which desires exempt.ion lor more than twelve employees may apply in t h e same manner as a Govemlnent Department. The schedule referred t o in Division 4 should cotit.ain all the information demanded irom Goveru-ment Departrncnts, &c., provided tha t all the particulars which are required in the form are furnished respecting each man, a.nd provided tha t no.application is made by a Government Department or firm on behalf af hnv inan on tlic grounds of his conscientious ,objection, upon which grounds a inan niiist make a personal application. Rut if an appeal is made i n respecc of any man in such a schedule to the Appeal Court, a copy of tlie ciitries in the scliedule must be sent in'addition Lo the notice of appeal.

Applications submitted by Goyernrnent. Departments or large pr ivak firins are nob Lo be takcri for granted nud approved accordingly; they are to be carefully ecrutinized, and, if t imc will n o t permit of consider- ing each mati's case tlioronglily wiLhin the period allowed, rather than .recoinn~end approval of a schedule without careful inquiry t . 1 ~reconi-mendation of t,lie Conirnaiirlnnt t o the Court should be tha t exemption be granted t.o%hose shown on such schedule for a short period only-say, one month-pending an iiiquii-y into each man's case, by an officer de- puted hy the Commaudunt t o d i so.

Tho Defence 'Act, provides for penalties in the case of persons making false statements or false representations.

Where a number of applications are being forwarded by a Milil.ary Registrar t o ' a Locd Exemption Court f o r hearing they should he scheduled.

70. Applications for exemption must be made within seven days ~ i ~ ~ l i ~ i t . after being called up for military service by t h e Military Registrar.

it will not. h e competent to a Local Exemption Court to entertain any applicatioii f o r exemption under the regulations made after tha t date, except that the Local Excniption Court inay allow an application to be made af ter that date in the case of a man who has not been able. to make i t i n t ime owing to (n) absenee ahroad, or ( b ) any other cause which appears to t h e Court t o aflord a reasonable ground for allowing the applicat,ion to be so made.

Where an applicant for exemption appeals against the decision of the Local ,Exemption Court, the pendency of such appeal shall i n no way suspend the obligations of the man for immediate military service. On the allowance of such appeal the appellant may thereupon be . released i r o ~ nmilitary service for a specified period. or he released en-tirely from militai-y service, or be allotted sucli duties as the terms-of the award may provide. Bu t where the military representative appeals against the decision of the Local Exemption Court 110 service dial1 be required from the applicant until the appeal has been decided.

71. Provision is mndo in t h e regulations f o r the renewal of a certifi- certiucat;-c a b where t h e case is such a$ to justify i t . A nian whose certificate has ronowdor. :* lapsed is not deemed to he liable for enlistnient until fourteen days after the certificahe has lapsed. Sn t h e meantime he may make app1,ication for renewal of his cett if icatsif he has Rood grounds for doing so. Tn any such,case i t is, of course, desirable.that he should make his applica- .~. t.ion for renewal as soon as possible. ;. .


cementet- 72. Any certificate of exemption, whether absolute, conditional, * W I * W Of. partial, or temporary, may he reviewed on the application of the holder

of the certificate or of the military authorities. Review of the certificate will be necessary when'the circulnstances have materially changed, or if new facts affectine the reason for the exemption have come to lieht since ... .~ ~ s -h e certificate was granted.

The Local Exemptioii Court ma7 decide in any case in which the certificate is reviewed' that the certificate should be withdrawn or varied, and in the latter case in what manner i t shall be varied.

73. The holder. of a conditional or temporary certificate has .to report if Lhe conditions on which the certificate has hee'n granted are no longer satisfied. The report has t o he made to the authorities issuing the certifi- cate, who must then forward the report to the military representative for the district, and lie can apply for a review of the case if he thinks this should be done. The conditions on which a conditional or temporary certificate has been issued shall he indicated on such certificate.

Attention is directed to Regulation 28, which deals with conditional certificates of exemption where the holder remove? from one State t o another.

fPP..i.. 74. The composition of Appeal Courts is indicated in Division 6. Appeals from the decision of the Local Exemption.Court to the District Appeal Court may be made by any person aggrieved by the decision of the Local Exemption Court or by the military authorities. The appeal must be made on the authorized form not later than three clear days after the decision of the Local Exemption Court.

If the District Appeal Court grants permission, further appeal may he made from tha t Court to tho Central Appeal Court. The military representative should oppose the granting of leave to appeal to the Central Appeal Court, unless important questions of principle are involved, or unless there is some other special reason why leave td appeal

. .. should be granted.

Milit?., 75. '' The Military Represerhtive " means'a military officer or other , rePreaentnti"r. p6rson appointed by the District Commandant to represent the Depart-

ment. of Defence a t the hearing of exempt,ion cases before Exemption Courts and on appeals from decisions of such Courts.

'As such representative it will he his duty to conduct cases before the Exemption Courts in such a manner tha t he will extract material evidence from witnesses under examination, in order to assist the Court in arriving a t a decision in the case.

newrda, BE. , 76. Registrars will be held personally responsible t h a t the registers supplied to them are kept u p to date, and that a complete record of all applications for exemptions, appeals, &o., is duly entered in the register. Military Registrars should he ready to furnish to t h e public any information required in regard to procedure, and where required, .to assist applicants in preparing their applications.

Forms and documents required by ,Courts should be rendered com-plete and within the period specified by the regulations.

Naburnlimed 77. Naturalized subjects of enemy origin, or the sons of. naturalized subjects of enemy origin, or the sons born i n Australia of enemy sub-~ ~ & ~ f f i o & ~jects liable for enlistment and service are t o he called up for service i m . Auatmdia. Further instructions relative to such persons will. he issued later.

Publla nouoer. 78. 'lae display of public notices is.dealt with in P a r t VI1.-Mis- cellaneous-Regulation 90 et sep.


SECTION IV.-DEFAULTERS. 79. As soon gs the first draf t of recruits is delivered by Registra+s OhaokLnE.

to the places appointed for ,concent,ration, which should be approxi-mately not later than the 16th .instant, steps will be taken to ascertain particulars of defaulters who have failed to comply with the provisions of the Proclamation. I n this connexion i t will Le necessary to check . with-

(a) The. Federal electoral rolls; ( b ) War census particulars in the hands of Local Recruiting

Committees. (These Committees have gathered much! valuable information, which must he used to the fullest) ;I (c) Information gathered by Recruiting Sergeants. (These non- I commissioned oficers have likewise mnch detailed informa-

l tion, which must he fully availed of) ; I (d ) Information in possession of the civil police.

80. During the week commencing 23rd instant, warning should he wnminga , sent ouLuidle sample attached-War Service Form 8.

81. During the week commencing 30th instant and subsequently, PrascsuWona. such action as is necessary to enforce compliance with the Act and Regulations will he instit.uted.

Whilst care niust be exercised to prevent eyasion of service by those liable, the Regulations will he administered in such a manner as t o obviate undue interference with tlle public.

Before any suspected person. is arrested, Registrars should he certain tha t the persons concerned are liable and have failed to report. Where arrests 'are necessary the services of the civil police are to utilized a5 f a r ag possible, and Form W.S. SA-sample attached-wlll he the warrant.

82. Where it is found necessary to arrest any man liable, h e should Artest. he brought before the Registrar f o r enlistment if foiind medically fit. Should Ire not refuse to t%ke tho oath, he will he sworn in and conveyed to a camp or depht, and no prosecution will follow for the present. Prm'cutions will likewise not be inslituted for the present against any other person so arrested unless, when brought before the Registrar, he rduses to give the information required of him, to submit to the medical examination; or t o he enlisted.

83. (1) Registrars and Assistant Registrars will conduct such prose- r m e d o -cutions as are determined u p o n under Defence Act, section 75. Legal Droccdum''~

a&tance will not be permitted excepting with the approval of the Dis- trict Comrnand;lqt.

As only '' persons liable" are specified in W a r Service Regulation 9 (2) and (3), it i s necewary Registrars produce irrefutable evidence

' as t o age. It may thus he necessary to obtain the birthplace of accused, and obtain a-certified cop.? of the entry of bir th . Arrangements a,re b i n e made t o have this information made available to Registrars on application, without fee. Action is being taken to insure tha t the civil police will render all possible assistance in furnishing information.

(2) Particulm attention is directed t o the following sections of the Defence Act:-

Section 61a.--" Where any question arises as t o whether a person is exempt from service in the Citizen Forcea, the burden of proving the exemption ahall rest on the person claiming the ezemptdon, and applications for exemption shall be decided by the Courts authorized in that behalf by the Regulations."



Section 74.--" (1) Any penoii of whom information is required d : . by any officer or person in order t o enable him to comply

with the provisions of this Act relatingdto enlistmeut or enrolment, who refuses or neglects (without j u s t canse, proof whereof shall lie upon him) to give such information, OT gives false information, shall be liable to a pen'alty not exceeding Five pounds for each item of information demanded and refused or neglected to be. given or falsely given."

" (2) Any person appointed in tha t behalf who (without just canse,. proof whereof shall lie upon hiin) refuses or neglects to make any enrolment, OT t o make or transmit, in t h e prescrihed manner, any prescribed roll or return, OT copy thereof, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding Fifty pounds."

(3) Particulars as t o prosecutions conducted, with the results thereof, will be shown i n W.S. Forms 9 and 9A (progress reports)

T. E. DODDS, Colonel, Mi l i t aq Secreta,ry.

Head-Quarters, Melbourne, 15th October, 1916.




sorm m. W.S. 1

W.S. 2

W.S. 2 A

W.S.. 3

W.S. 3.4

W.S. 4

W.S. 5 W.S. G

W.S. 7

W.S. 8 W.S. 8.4 W.S. 9

W.S. 9 A

W.S. 117N.s. 1 2 W.E. 13 W.S. 14 W.S. 15 W S . 16

W.S. 17 W.S. 18 W.S. 19'

W.S. 20 W.S. 21 W.S. 22 W.S. 23 W.S. 24

W.S. 25

W.S. 26 W.S. 27 W.S. 20 W.S. 29 W.S. 30

Form of Proclamation-To he exhibited as specified in W.S. Regulations.

Poster universal oblieation-To be exhibited as sDecified i n \ W.S. lteguIati&w

Poster calling upon persons to report for enlistment on their becoming liable to do so.

Notice of tiiiies and places for reporting-To be exhibited as specified in W.S. Regulatibns, rural areas.

Notice of tinies and places for reporting-To be exhibited as specified in W.S. Regulations, urban areas.

Geuernl index card-For use by Registrars and Assistant Registrars.

Preliminary medicad examination certificate. Medical certificate of unfitness-Issued by Medical Referee

Board.. Weekly progress r e p o r G T o he suhrnitted by Medical Referee

Board. Notice to defaulters. Form of warrant to arrest person. Daily progress r e p o r t T o be suhrnitted by Registrars to

Commandants. Daily progress r e p o r L T 0 he submitted by Commaadants to

Head-Quarters. Application forms for exemption. Notice requiring further particulars. Notice of date .of hearing of application. Notice to applicant of decision of Court,. Register of npplications for exemption. Notice of cliange of conditions under which certificate was

granted. Notice by Military Representative. Application form for renewal of certificate of exemption. Application for renewal (or variation) of certificate of

oxernption. Notice of Military Representative's contention. Notice to applicant of Military Representative's contention Exemption ;coster. Certificate of exemption from military service. Application fo r variation (or witiidrawal) of

exemption. Application for variation (or withdrawal) of


certificate of

certificate of

Notice of appeal from the d e c i ~ o n of . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .Court, Notice of grant of leave to appeal. Notice of decision of Appeal Court. Application f o r permission to appeal. Memo. forwarding documents. -

By Authority : ALBERTJ. MULLRTT,Government Printer, Melbourne.

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