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To the Editor of "The Indian Medical Gazette."

Sill,?Would any kindly disposed reader of the Indian Medical Gazette let me have his advice on the following case ?

A. II., 4 years, firstborn boy, Mahomedan, parents healthy, no syphilis, no neuroses, had typhoid of over a month's dura- tion. In November, 1916. child being averse from medicine and could not retain it if administered forcibly, sponging and enema, etc., brought him round. No tonics were given during and after convalesccnce. On 6th September, 1917, had a fainting fit, which was attributed to heat and crowd ; a few drops of brandy brought him round; no fit of any kind after this and the child seemed to be in

good health. On 17th February, 1918, he was circumcised, under chloroform, as a religious obligation only. Under chloroform child ceased breathing; artificial respiration brought him round and the operation was finished under

paitial anaesthesia ; wound healed and stitches removed. On Sth March, 1918, i.e., three weeks after the operation, he got a fit more like an epileptic fit: ammon. brom.. santonine and calomel administered but no worms passed ; pea-cock broms. were given and he used to have fits every week or

fortnight, generally after midday sleep or during the night; amyle nitrate didn't cut short the fits, which were nearly typical epileptic fits. The last severe fit was on the afternoon of 2nd July, 1918, since when given salol, 1 gr., pulv. ipecac, co.. j gr., one powder after tea in the morning only ; pot. brom., 2grs., c. tinct. adonis vernalis, 2 ms.?one dose only at 10 A.M.; aurum brom., 1130th gr. in plenty of water at noon and at bed-time. This treatment gave him an unbroken sleep at night and no fits since 3rd July, 1918, but last night four abortive attempts at fits were made but no fits ; this morning when taking tea after ricini oil ho just dropped his head and was all riplit again. The child during this prolonged interval has been healthy, and generally tires out his playmates in running. I shall be highly grateful to any one giving me the line of treatment, prognosis, etc.

GOVIND RAJA, Sub-Assistant Surgeon,

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