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Customer Service Don’t be THAT business

Setting Up a Home Office

Issue Five

August 2013

Pinterest - Make it work for your Business

What about the Boys!

Arts and Crafts for Kidsa SPECIAL PRESENT FOR DAD

WAHP Publishedfathers day Edition


Marketing Mentoring Program

M Plus PR

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Contents Page3












Editors Desk

If you would like to be included in our magazine as an advertiser or feature Email [email protected] for more information.

Featuring M Plus PRMarketing Mentoring Program

Don’t be THAT business:Getting to know your Customers

Setting up a Home Office

What about the Boys!Boysterous Boyswear

Protecting Your Business

Your Health and Fitnesswith Carly Grossek

Frantic in the Kitchen with Sofia Christ - Your Inspiration at Home

A Special Present for DadEasy Crafts for Kids to Make


WAHP Published Advertising Rates

Pinterest - Making it work for your Business

Page 3: WAHP Published August 2013 Issue

Editors dEsk

Welcome to our 5th issue of WAHP Published and also our very special Fathers Day Issue. This issue is jammed pack full of interesting articles for your business and of course your family too.

In this issue, M Plus PR introduce their new Marketing Mentoring Program. This is a great opportunity to get some guidance from a professional.

Social media is a great tool to promote your business and this issue we explore how Pinterest can boost your brand. Great tips, pinterest tools and ideas to get things moving.

We have a bumper issue for you. Fathers Day is almost here and we found some fun activities for the kids in the kitchen and at the crafting table. Will Dad be getting breakfast in bed this year? I think the whole family will have some fun with these fantastic Fathers Day craft ideas for pressies.

We would like to welcome Anna Holdsworthy who has joined the team. You will enjoy the first part in her Customer Service series. You don’t want to be THAT business with a reputation for bad customers service.

I won’t give too much of a spoiler alert here. Browse through and enjoy the range of articles on offer this issue.

The magazine is now bi-monthly and there are exciting events coming up for WAHP Published, we are sure there are also many exciting times ahead for your business too. We would love to hear about them. We now have a Submissions section and we are very interested in receiving articles for future issues.

Our Website www.wahppublished is in the process of getting a major revamp. The current and past issues will all be available to read directly on our website. No searching for links, ithey will be easy to find.

As many of you are aware, we introduced Kiddly Winks a magazine for parents, babies and young children to our publication stable. The next issue of Kiddly Winks will be out in a few short weeks.

September is already shaping up as a busy month. Two new publications will be joining us. We know that you each have specific target markets for your business. In each issue of WAHP Published we showcase many businesses. Kiddly Winks for business that cater to children and families.

Coming up in Sepember, we will introduce you to - White Delight targeting the wedding market; and Fit4U our health and fitness magazine. WE have more on the planning board. As you can see, it is exciting times happening here at WAHP HQ.

As with all business, we have been working on making WAHP Published the best magazine for you. This means putting together articles that are important to YOU. Not just your business, but as work at home parents your family is a very big influence. Life can get very busy, so take a few moments to recharge your batteries and enjoy a good read.

Helen Dayman Editor

WAHP Published

Contact Email Addresses -

For display advertising and Catalogue - [email protected]

To contact the Editor - [email protected]

To submit an article - [email protected]

Page 4: WAHP Published August 2013 Issue

M Plus PR, an integrated marketing agency, was created from her passion to see small business success with creative marketing strategies that create real results. Their motto is “marketing isn’t about big budget, it is about big ideas!” and they work with clients to create the big ideas and see them through from planning, training and implementation.

I always say that M Plus PR was born out of a reverse Cinderella moment …

I had spent 10 years building my way to a peak in my corporate career, – had just recently managed the team who pulled off the Guinness World Record for the World’s Largest Toga Party. I sat down one day and realized I was miserable and my prince was not anywhere on the horizon!.

Working 12 + Hour days for a bottom line... there was no excitement about the marketing programs we were putting into place. I realized that in a corporate work environment, at the end of the day, “it’s just a job” …

It was at that moment that I realized that my true passion for marketing came not from beating

10 year and at a peak in my career and I realised I was miserable!

“ “

last month’s budget. My passion came from working with business owners who were in need of creative ideas that would make a real impact in their business.

In that crazy moment (and the many since!) M Plus PR was born!

Day to day I get such a buzz sitting down with our clients and seeing them get excited about their business.

Your business may just new in the planning stages, or you may have been in business for years and need a fresh set of eyes to help get excited again. Maybe you want some help to expand your business their marketing and public relations goals.

No two days are the same with services including marketing planning, graphic design, social media marketing training and implementation as well as our newest service offering, the Marketing Mentoring Program.

The Marketing Mentoring Program is my baby, and has come from years of realising that sometime what a business owner needs is not an agency stepping in to “do it for them” but they need someone with the experience, creative ideas and abilities to take their ideas and put them on steroids!

That is what this program does - it works with business owners to support them in creating marketing plans that while are realistic for their business goals, objectives, budget and time frames, it also lets them work with a team who can take the idea to the next level.

I am excited by the results our mentoring program participants are seeing - I am excited by their renewed passion for their business through this program ... after all

If you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life!

MPRP 0439 688 556E [email protected]

Builders, Narrators & Painters for your business brand


Page 5: WAHP Published August 2013 Issue




If your current marketing plan looks or feels like this,

M Plus PR’s 6 month mentoring program will have you creating marketing plans that really work, with targeted strategies for your

business to create success!

You need to talk to us!

P 0439 688 556E [email protected]




What other’s are saying about the program:

“Thank you for getting excited about my ideas and for

giving me the tools, contacts and plan to execute my

strategies. I really appreciate the checklist and the format

that you send through after these sessions as they act

as a constant ‘go to’ when executing the plan. This way

I can simply go through and tick the boxes to ensure I

am not missing any opportunities! For me, these planning

sessions are now a given before I embark on any new

offers, campaigns or publicity!”

YES! I am ready to commit, sign me up! If you are ready to make the next 6 months, the best 6 months in your business give us a call today or email us

Page 6: WAHP Published August 2013 Issue

1. Age, gender, culture, taste and budget will affect what your customer will buy and when they will buy it. Who is your primary customer? What are their age, gender, and lifestyle? Where do they live? How does your business make them want to shop with you? It’s important to know the answers to these questions so you can maximize your chances for a return sale.

2. The sooner you know your customer the sooner you can give them what they want. Does your business have an effective customer service strategy? If not, you must address this quickly. Your business depends on it.

By understanding your customer base, you can meet a customer’s needs quickly and efficiently. What is your most popular product? Why? Who has recently purchased it? Why have they chosen to interact with your business? Don’t hesitate to ask your clientele these questions. Consumers will happily oblige if you offer an incentive.

Next Issue: Customer Service Philosophy.

4. Satisfy the needs of your consumer. Each consumer has objective and subjective needs. An objective need is why a customer needs a service or product. Do they have to shop for a birthday present? Are they in dire need of a haircut?

A subjective need, however, is why a consumer chooses to shop with a specific business. Does one restaurant look cleaner than another? Is your staff friendlier than your competitor’s? If you can fulfill both the objective and subjective needs of a customer, they will continue to return to your business.

5. Get the facts. Don’t be afraid to ask your shoppers to fill out a survey. There is some great customer relationship software available for the tech savvy.

Written By Anna Holdsworth

Don’t be THAT business:

Getting to know your customersDo you want to know the customer service secrets of the business moguls? Stop wasting your time and money on ineffective marketing schemes and lets get to know your customers. Knowing your customers is a great way of earning repeat sales. It will increase your income, save you time and will get people talking about your business. Here are the top five tips to help identify your consumers:

“all Customers are different”

“get to know your Customer”

3. Buying is an emotional experience. Customers are influenced by the quality of your product. They are also affected by your attitude and the look of your website.

We all want to experience outstanding service at low cost. If you create this illusion your customers will return, putting more money in your pocket.


Page 7: WAHP Published August 2013 Issue

cover photo - Sophie-Lee

Planning the Perfect Baby Shower

Fun Crafts for Kids

Red Nose DaySIDS for KIDS

Health & Fitness for Kids

Winter Warmer - Recipes for all the


Issue Two

June/July Issue

“All about babies, toddlers and young children”


Grandma’s Corner

Kiddly Winks

Is cloth better for my Baby?

Going back to WorkChild Care (pros & cons)

Next Issue out SOONFacebook -

Page 8: WAHP Published August 2013 Issue

Over the years (during which I gave birth to boy after boy), I had toyed with the idea of starting up a ‘just for boys’ shop. I ordered some jumpers from a Chinese mass producer. When I received them I couldn’t bare to put them on my own boys and practically gave them away.

I went to my local Lincraft and searched for some boy suitable patterns. I bought a bib pattern and some fabric. My first attempt was a bib in a crocodile design - I look back at the picture now and I cringe - it was terrible, but it was a start. It took about 2 weeks to get my first order for a pair of pre-walker shoes.

I loved the nappy cover and singlet sets that I had seen for girls. The boy ones I had seen were only ever a picture cut out from the nappy cover fabric and stitched on to the singlet -not very inspiring.

The sets for girls were decorated, with buttons and ribbon. I decided, so could boy sets (very manly ribbon of course). I made a giraffe set and used ribbon for the mane, buttons for the eyes and put up a picture on my Facebook page. My ‘likes’ and sales doubled. I continued to create outfits starting with a button or some other small detail and built the garment around it.

Here I am a year later and Boysterous is thriving. (

12 months ago I visited one of the biggest kids markets that South Australia has to offer. I was astounded by the beautiful stalls and products that were available. The range was massive, some items were just stunning. I hadn’t been to anything like it before.

My memories as a child being dragged around craft markets were that they were hideous places involving doilies and pot pori. I was delighted and surprised to find this a wonderland of talent and so I happily came. As I got wandered up and down the aisles, I started to notice a certain theme.... everything was pink or frilly OR pink and frilly.

As mummy to five, yes you read correctly, ‘5’ boys, I was really hoping to find a stall that would give me the opportunity to buy some of these beautiful items for my boys. I searched and searched.

To be fair there were some items, but you had to dig for them. They may have been in a nice fabric but they were plain and not up to the same standard as the clothes for little girls.

A little disappointed I started to trek towards the door, as I did I started to pick up snippets of conversation. I kept hearing the same thing. It almost became a chant as I walked through the hall, “there is nothing for boys”, “its all for girls”. Ok... So it wasn’t just me... a small but nagging idea started to form. I can sew, to a basic level, but it was a start. I could do this!

What about the Boys! With Boysterous Boyswear


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What about the Boys!Let’s talk about why cute boyswear are under represented at markets. Why is a pink tutu so much more interesting than a really cute little pair of overalls?

I spoke with a very talented stall holder who makes the most beautiful items, she said that almost every market she sells out of her girlswear and her boyswear is hardly touched. Is it fair to say that Mums out there just don’t spend as much on boys as they do on girls? Or is it because they just don’t have the option to buy due to lack of choice?

I would love to share the pages of some other handmade businesses. They each do either all or a large amount of boyswear that are gorgeous. I admire their work, so if you are a Mummy of boys, pay them a visit. I look forward to see you at Boysterous Boyswear too.

Written by Andrea Whitrow

Please visit these handmade Boyswear Pages -

Boytique - Imagine Create - Agenda - Owl Big Bear - Pink Gecko - Bugsybee -

Visit me at Boysterous Boyswear - Email - [email protected] - /BoysterousboyswearWebsite -


Page 10: WAHP Published August 2013 Issue

Dreaming of a quiet place, where you can shut out the household noise and catch up on your paper-work? A home office is the answer…

To make your home office work for you, in needs to be set up right and in a way that works for you. In a perfect world, the ideal solution is a separate room with a door to shut out any distractions. We wish…

At the minimum, you need to set aside a special space for your office. Location is everything, so pick a spot that has limited distractions like the TV or game consoles. You know the saying… kids will be kids, and this often means noise.

Comfort is very important, especially if you will spend a lot of time in this space. This could mean shopping for that perfect office chair (check if it is ergonomic); selecting a desk with a good height proportion to your chair; relaxing background mu-sic to name a few. This is your office space, so you know what will make you feel comfortable and able to work effectively. Basic essentials you will need are a desk, office chair and filing cabinet. You might also find it handy for your office space to have a whiteboard within easy reach.

Set yourself a work schedule, after all, you are a work at home parent and all that entails - young children, school pickup/drop-off, shopping, house-work, chauffeuring the kids to sport events… the list goes on. You might find that evenings or early mornings are your ideal ‘home office’ scheduled times. The beauty of working from home is that you can set your office hours.

Working from home can be interesting at times, especially with babies or young toddlers. It can be done, but your work schedule may need some flex-ibility to adapt to family demands. Setting a few rules for yourself is a good idea - take a break every hour; stretching exercises are great to work out any kinks; take your children out for a play in the garden or walk to the park.

There is a host of gadgets, services and strategies available that can help your business run smoothly and professionally. Your first investment is a com-puter. While a desktop computer might seem ideal and is much easier to upgrade, a laptop will give you much more autonomy especially if you visit cli-ents. You might also like a change of scenery, so a laptop can be taken out into the garden or to the park. Another good investment is an external hard-drive that connects to your computer either wire-lessly or by USB. It Is always a good idea to keep a backup of your important files.

You probably already have internet access to your home, as you are reading this online article now. If you are lucky enough to have optic fibre, you are enjoying wonderful fast speeds. Whichever type of internet access you have, it is a good idea to have a wi-fi network setup within your home. This way each member of the family is able to access the in-ternet at the same time - kids for homework and you for your business. The battle for whose turn to use the internet is a frustration and headache you don’t need.

Setting up a Home Office

“dreams become reality”

“a schedule will keepyou organised”

“techy gadgets streamlineyour business activity”

“invest in your business”

Dreaming of a 15-second commute to work?


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I mentioned gadgets… and there are so many available for download to your computer or mobile device that will make running your business so much easier.

Dropbox - an online back-up service where you can upload files that are available anywhere or anytime for you to access via smartphone, IPad or another computer.

VOIP - an extension to your internet services that provides a separate internet phone line - good for keeping your business phone separate to your home phone. Ask your Internet Provider about VOIP.

Email to Fax Service - UTBox charges $60 a year - send and receive faxes by email - incoming faxes are in PDF format (a google search for email to fax to find your preferred service).

Does your business regularly receive mail and parcel deliveries? It can be frustrating waiting hours for a courier that may or may not arrive. The solution is a serviced mailbox. You set your own schedule, so this could include dropping past to check your mailbox while you are out and about on another errand. No time wasted. A mail box might also be useful as your business address if you don’t want clients/customers visiting your home address.

Working from home and operating a WAHP business is very attractive. With the technology available today, you can keep in contact with your clients by phone, mobile, internet, mobile devices, email or fax. You might find it handy to engage another business as a Virtual Assistance, use video conferencing (mobile or web based) or instant messaging via Facebook, MSN or one of the other many services available.

Knowing what you want to achieve in your home office is the first step in planning layout and all other features. Once setup, you will have a comfortable work environment with everything at your fingertips.

BE YOUR OWN BOSS• Start your own beauty business. Top earning

potential. Training provided.

• Beautiful products backed by high profile TV and magazine advertising

• Freedom and flexibility to build your business the way you want it.

Phone: 0419 394 745

EMAIL : smnavoteam@



“email to fax”

“postal delivery”


Page 12: WAHP Published August 2013 Issue

With Carly Grossek - Cinderella Stories Health & Fitness

Your Health and Fitness


Are you and your family healthy this winter?

Do you wonder why you are always picking up every virus going around? Then look at your diet and vitamins you are taking as this will help you start the path to a new healthier lifestyle one for the whole family to share.

Being a Personal Trainer and very active in life I believe my health is extremely important to me as it is to everyone. In order to maintain optimal health, I recommend and take vitamins to supplement my diet. This ensures I am getting everything I need on a daily basis.

Did you know ? Food no longer gives us the required nutrients we require daily. This is due to farming supply & demands being placed on farmers nowadays. Our food is suffering because of it! Our bodies will deteriate over time if we deprive ourselves long enough of what it needs. Do you really want to do that to yourself and your family?

Both adults and children should be having a healthy balanced diet combined with vitamins to ensure optimal health.

Do you know what is in the vitamins you are currently taking? It is very important to ensure your vitamins are pharmaceutical grade and not food grade (as they contain up to 30% impurities).

Did you know that vitamins can reduce/eliminate hay fever & high blood pressure, maintain diabetes, improve your cardiovascular health, immune system and the list goes on? Then I hear you say why do so many people not take it or are uninformed of which product is best to take.

Simple people believe if they appear healthy now they don’t require anything and will address it later in life – does that sound sensible to you to wait until you’re unwell, absolutely not!!

I recommend and take as do my clients USANA as they are a pharmaceutical grade supplement and for me and my clients have proven great results over time.

I would suggest everyone invest some time and money into your health now so that your future loves you for it.

If you want to look up what I use and recommend then please visit -

Website - You can order online directly from the website or feel free to drop me an email.

Email - [email protected] for further information.

Page 13: WAHP Published August 2013 Issue

Cinderella Stories Health & Fitness

‘Where Dreams Come True’

Cinderella Stories Health & Fitness is a service for ladies.

I myself have lost a large amount of weight and decided to study personal training so I could help others achieve the same results.

Personal Training – starts from $45 for ½ hr

Outdoor Bootcamp Sessions – casual rates $30 per session (1hr) Online Nutrition Program - $10pw

Call Carly on 0428 163 313 to change your life for the better.

Protecting Your BusinessWorking hard to make your business successful takes time and lots of hard work. One day you turn around to find that another business has copied yours. While flattering and acknowledgement of your success, it can be disheartening to find a business feeding off your hard work.

Copycats - they copy your products, copy your brand. Unfortunately, the internet has made this more prevalent and we are hearing more and more about this practice.

Any new business starting up requires a certain amount of market research. This involves researching the types of products that are already in the market.

* what is popular;* how much will it cost you to make or purchase it wholesale;* who are your competitors;* how much of the market share do they have;* is there room for another business of this type;

Most of these activities are undertaken by looking at business websites and google search is wonderful to find out how many are stocking specific products. This is good business practices, but we are now seeing some businesses cross the line.

But... the act of duplicating products, many WAHP businesses are seeing this happen to their business, borders on being an act of ‘Industrial Espionage’. Sounds like a big grand term and many only think of this happening in big corporations. I don’t see any difference.

We also see copycat activities that use other business’ branding, logo and name. This is illegal and comes under copyright and possibly a few other laws. You cannot use another business’ legal business name in Australia. To register your business name, it must be unique and not able to be confused with another business name. There is now a central registration point for business names as opposed to the old system that was regulated by the States. You CANNOT operate a business without it being registered, have an ABN and a Tax File Number (TFN).

Actions you can take to protect your branding or unique products is to have it trademarked. This can apply to images (logo) or text such as product names or a slogan. If it is something that is clearly identified as your business, it can be trademarked (as long as no-one else has done it first).

It is up to you to protect your business and its reputation and these are just a few actions you can take to do that.


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Sofia Christo - Your Inspiration at Home

Frantic in the Kitchen With

I would like to introduce you to the Inspiration at Home range.

They include the very popular Dip Mixes in a huge variety of flavours, seasonings, rubs, infused extra virgin olive oils.

There are delicious balsamic vinegars, couscous herb & spice blends and amazing salt & pepper dusts.Savoury & sweet Dukkah’s are most popular and for the dessert lovers there are chocolate powders, aromatic sugars & baking spices. Our Herbal teas are incredible too!

My aim is to make cooking easier and tastier with less effort using the YIAH products and showing people that cooking delicious meals need not be hard labour.

Quality Ingredients:

• Manufactured in Australia from

local and imported ingredients

• No added gluten

• No added MSG

• Low in salt

• No added preservatives

I will be showcasing 3 products today : the Louisiana Creole Dip Mix, The Tuscan Style Capsicum Pesto and The Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Powder. These products were in my starter kit which cost $59!

For a product catalogue or to become a distributor please email all enquiries to [email protected]


Frantic in the Kitchen -

The $59 Social Networking Kit


Page 16: WAHP Published August 2013 Issue


Ingredients - Serves 4

2 CHICKEN BREASTS, sliced horizontally in half and pounded until thin 2 EGGS, lightly whisked 1 ½ CUPS FRESH BREADCRUMBS 2 tblsp YIAH Tuscan Style Capsicum Pesto


1. Add the Tuscan style Capsicum Pesto to the breadcrumbs.

2. Dip each piece of chicken in eggs, shake off excess and coat with herbed breadcrumbs. Shake off excess and repeat with remaining chicken.

3. Shallow fry in a pan with vegetable oil on medium heat until golden and cooked through.

4. Drain excess oil on paper towel.

5. Serve with your favourite salad, chips or veggies.


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Ingredients - Serves 4

6 chicken thigh cutlets ½ tablespoon Louisianna Creole Dip Mix ¼ cup honey ¼ cup YIAH Honey Caramelized Vinegar 2 large potatoes, cut into large cubes 2 cups water 2 tablespoons vegetable oil


1. Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees Celsius.

2. Combine Louisiana Creole dip mix, honey, and caramelized vinegar in a bowl and coat chicken thoroughly.

3. Place in a roasting pan with potatoes. Add water and oil in the empty bowl, season and pour over potatoes and chicken.

4. Bake for approx 45 minutes until chicken and potatoes are cooked through. Enjoy.


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Ingredients - Serves 4

1 CUP Chocolate spread 10 tablespoons Self Raising Flour 2 eggs 1 tablespoon YIAH Chocolate Raspberry Chocolate Powder


1. Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

2. Line 2 baking trays with baking paper.

3. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl.

4. Spoon tablespoons of mixture onto baking trays. Allow room for spreading. The mixture will be soft but don’t worry it will rise and firm whilst cooking.

5. Bake for approximately 20minutes. The cookie should be just firming yet slightly soft to touch. Cool on trays and serve.


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Website -

Facebook - Email - [email protected]


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Making it work for your Business

What is Pinterest?Pinterest is a stand-alone Visual Social Network encouraging users to share an image, photo or video from web pages and pinning them to virtual PinBoards. As a pinner, you can create, share, collect and repin.

The social part of Visual Social Network initial makes you think it is only for the everyday person. Well, the every day person is your client or customer. Pinterest recognises that businesses want in on the action. You can create a verified business account on Pinterest and this will make it easier for customers to find you. Using creative marketing strategies, you can leverage Pinterest’s potential as a referral tool to increase your customer base.

It’s time to harness the referral power of this visual, fun and exciting social media platform.

All business strategies require planning and marketing your brand with Pinterest is no different. By planning, you can get it right first go and make a bigger splash in the world of pinning. Take the time to setup your Pinterest account properly. You are a WAHP business, set up a business account using your logo. Don’t neglect SEO and potential referral traffic, use key words in your description with links to your website and other social media in your profile.

You now need to prepare your website or blog for pinning. Pinterest have a set of tools and goodies to help you do this. The Pin it Button for Websites enables you to embed (code) the button anywhere you have pinnable content on your website or blog. Place the Follow Me Button for Websites on your homepage, in your email and on any newsletters.

There is also a Pin It Bookmarklet for your browser that will make it much easier to pin directly from any web page or website. By copying and pasting a few lines of code, you can have Pin It buttons next to images and content you want other users to repin. Pinners will do rest.

Pinterest is the most recent addition to your social media network. Integrate your Pinterest profile and other social media with Add Pinterest sharing buttons and apps on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn. With Facebook there are limitations in that you are only able to link to your personal profile and not pages. Twitter might be a better tool to link your business posts.

A little research is a good thing, like any business strategy. Get a feel for what your ideal client is interested in. The Pinterest Dashboard has a search feature for keywords and categories that you can use. This will guide your planning when you setup your initial Boards that will be home to your pinned images, photos or videos. Boards will reflect your core business values, products and services. A little creativity goes a long way, so dream up some awesome names for your boards.

Tap into the power of Pinterest and boost your business into overdrive.

“are you Pinterested”

More referral traffic than Twitter

More leads than LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube

More like/following encouraged than Facebook

More than 10 million users

“does this sound Pinteresting”


Page 21: WAHP Published August 2013 Issue

It is important to be aware of copyright. If copyright for an image states not to be reproduced or shared, then you can’t pin it. Always check the source of your pin to check that it is sourced from a legitimate website. If you can’t trace the source, then permission may not have been given.

You are a business, so protect yourself and your pinned content. For your business created content, a watermark on the image such as a logo or website link will preserve your pin integrity. Your pin will continue to promote your business and brand wherever it appears.

Are you ready for some Pintastic fun? Hard to believe that I am going to put strategy and fun together - but I am. You need to be strategic in your pinning of images, photos and video. Be strategic in your pinning and add pins gradually - only a few each day and spread them across a range of boards.

Make it interesting for your followers… include weblinks in your description to increase referral rates back to your website. Use Rich Pins for products, competitions and promotions (more about that later).

Start following other Pinterest profiles to promote engagement. Similar to Facebook, many will return the love and follow your pins too. Be social and promote interaction with other Pinterest users by commenting and liking their pins. Interact and use names and tagging.

Easy to do - use @tags just like you do on Facebook. Use #hashtags to highlight key words. Make it interesting for your followers… include weblinks in your description to increase referral rates back to your website. It won’t be long before you build your own community of Pinterest followers and you will be a step ahead in engaging others users and businesses.

Track pins originating from your website easily by using this link - Visit users that have repinned your original content and leave a comment to say ‘thank you’. Be careful and space out your comments, heavy commenting may be seen as spam and your commenting privileges may get suspended.

Fact: 80% of all Pins are Repins

Create content that is engaging, visually attention-getting and pinnable. Remember the most important business maxim - first impressions count. Don’t forget the referral potential of Pinterest.

Choose good quality images for your website or blog that reflect the text content of the page. Make sure that all images on your website are high resolution. Images should be at least 600 pixels wide look best on Pinterest. Ensure that images are pinnable… all images must be at least 100 x 200 pixels. Get creative and put a little zing into your images. There are many image creation tools on the web that can add effects to your images. Google… Insagram, Pixlr, Tweegram, Snagit or Pinstamatic.

Variety is the spice of life, so make your boards interest with different types of images such as photos, text and infographics. Videos are a resource waiting to be exploited by your business. Do you have how-to or information videos or webcasts on your website, then pin them.

Variety is the spice of life, so make your boards interest with different types of images such as photos, text and infographics. Videos are a resource waiting to be exploited by your business. Do you have how-to or information videos or webcasts on your website, then pin them.

“a word of caution”

“To be a leader, you have to make people want to follow you, and

nobody wants to follow someone who doesn’t know where he is

going.”Joe Namath

“To flatter and follow others, without being flattered and

followed in turn, is but a state of half enjoyment.”

Jane Austen


Page 22: WAHP Published August 2013 Issue

Expand your horizons with Pinterest. Self promotion of your business brand is good and a part of your marketing strategy. But… you need to balance your content with repinned content of other users and your own creative pins that are informative.

Showcase other Pinners, become a source for information with how-to, tutorials and infographics. Promote your brand and pins creatively with a ‘call to action’ in your pin description. Promote a competition that may include pinning, repining, commenting or liking. Pinterest may be an alternate opportunity for your competitions with increasing restrictions placed on Facebook run competitions.

Pinterest has tools that allow you pin on the move, help to track your stats, and create eye-catching pins!

Pinterest Mobile App is a handy tool if are out and about and only have a few moments to spare, more importantly it can be done quickly. Pinerly is a content management dashboard that allows you to track pins via campaigns and view your statistics. Pinstamatic is creative heaven - design cool pins, include website clips, audio, quotes, map locations to name a few.

Earlier we mentioned Rich Pins. These are useful and currently there are 3 types:

Product Pins - includes real time pricing, availability and where to buy;

Recipe Pins - ingredients, cooking times and serving info for your pinners to get excited in the kitchen;

Movie Pins - ratings, cast members and reviews to keep pinners up to date on new movies

For many WAHP businesses, the Product Pin will help new customers discover and shop with your business. A new feature of this pin is that pinners will receive a notification when products they have pinned drop in price. Great feature to use for a sale item.

Advantages of Product Pins are that you will get higher click-through rates than regular pins; your brand will be more visible (includes your logo); more likely to appear in a category feed such as gifts or baby fashions; and details like price changes are automatically updated.

If you already have a website, then you are on the way to promoting a solid Pinterest presence. Pinners love to pin stuff. Your website has images, products and if you implement a few of these strategies to make your site more pinner friendly, then you will reach your desired audience.

Links - WAHP Published - - www.pinterest.comGoodies -


Page 23: WAHP Published August 2013 Issue

A Special Present for DadEasy Crafts for Kids to Make

Lazy Eggs

A special breakfast for Dad.

What You’ll Need: non-stick spray muffin pan slice of ham for each spot one egg for each spot diced tomato shredded Chedar Cheese salt and pepper

Make It:

1. Spray each muffin well with nonstick spray.

2. Place a slice of ham in the bottom of each muffin well.

3. Place about a teaspoon or so of diced tomatoes on top of the ham.

4. Sprinkle some shredded cheddar cheese over the tomatoes.

5. Break one egg into each spot and sprinkle a little bit of salt and pepper on each.

5. Bake at 180 degrees for 18-20 minutes or until yolks are as firm as you desire and whites are cooked through.


Page 24: WAHP Published August 2013 Issue

Fathers Day Tie Cookies

Baking cookies is fun but painting them just makes it better. An easy Father’s Day activity is a perfect way to do both.

What You’ll Need:

baking sheet cookie dough milk food colouring paint brushes tie cookie cutter or knife

Make It:

1.Roll out the cookie dough.

2. To shape the tie, cut out a triangle for the top and then the bottom part of the tie. Then press them together.

3. Pour the milk into the small dishes (one per color you want to make) Add food color to the milk .

4. Now to paint them. - do this right on the cookie sheet – it makes it easier for clean up

5. Bake (temperature and time as per the cookie dough recipe) and Enjoy.


Page 25: WAHP Published August 2013 Issue

Fathers Day Bookmark

Make customized bookmarks by simply cutting up your toddler’s hand drawn pictures. Simple and so easy to do for all ages. A great idea for present for Fathers Day.

What You’ll Need:

baking sheet cookie dough milk food colouring paint brushes tie cookie cutter or knife

Make It:

1.Start by having your child draw what ever they want on the card stock.

2. Cut the main picture out ( this is the front) then cut a 2nd piece to frame it and write the message on it

3. Draw on the 2nd piece once it was cut. Add your message ( this is the back)

4. If you want use some double stick tape to hold the inner picture on the frame backing.

5. Laminate or cover with contact paper, and it’s ready for Dad!


Page 26: WAHP Published August 2013 Issue

Add your listing in the monthly W@HP Published catalogue for only $10.00! The cataogue is published every month.

To place a listing please email [email protected]

$10 listingCatalogueW@HP Published

MICHELLE PARKER DESIGNS Specialising in custom made and ready to go invitations, gift tags, logo designs, stationery, business cards, brochures, flyers and more! w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / p a g e s / M i c h e l l e - P a r k e r -Designs/196352083723374Email - [email protected]

BASS TRAP PRODUCTIONS Production Management - Event Management - Stage Management - Equipment Hire - Lighting Design - Lighting Operation - Audio Engineering - Live Recording - Studio Recording - Audio VisualWebsite - - [email protected]

MAMAS LOVE CHILDRENS CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES Handmade reversible pinafore. Appliqued heart on pink cord one side and Lecien print on the other with cotton lace - [email protected]

Page 27: WAHP Published August 2013 Issue

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Full Page $80 $230 $420 $930 210mm x 280mm

Half Page $50 $140 $280 $570 210mm x 140mm

Quarter Page $25 $65 $130 $270 105mm x 140mm

Catalogue Listing $10 $25 $50 $90 92.5mm x 55mm

Terms and Conditions

Design Fee: If you require your ad to be designed by one of our designers a fee of $40 will be charged.

Deadline: All payments and full designed ads must be received by the 7th of each month to ensure publication on the 15th of that month.

Payment: Payment is to be paid through PayPal with a PayPal account or credit/debit card.

Cancellations: Cancellations must be received in writing before the deadline date. All refunded monies will be processed with PayPal. Any cancellations made after the deadline date cannot be refunded.

Consecutive Months Discount: Only the one advert is to be used for consecutive month discounts, the advert cannot be changed month to month.

Payment: An invoice will be sent via PayPal which can be paid with a credit/debit card or PayPal account. Payments must be made by pub-lishing deadlines each month to appear in that months magazine (the 7th for magazine and the 21st for catalogue listings).

Full Page Half Page Quarter Page Catalogue Listing

Please contact WAHP Published for a booking form | [email protected] |

Editorial $100 Includes: Two page spread, written article on one full page with the accompanied page used for images and/or ad-verts. Editorials will be listed in the website and Facebook fan page as featured sponsors. Limited editorial spaces are available each month.

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