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On the 30th of April 2012, 4 friends got together with the shared goal of initiating an awesome adventure motivated by community service. They brain-stormed and dreamed up outlandish ideas, discussed feasibility, promoted synergy and left silly ideas of painting aeroplanes behind. After a few phone calls, e-mails and frustration over the perfect quest an idea came to light and was agreed upon by a unanimous vote. A meeting was held with the CEO of Nourish South Africa and a partnership was formed over pancakes; we were going to Mozambique to do our best to uplift a struggling orphanage that Nourish had taken under its wing.

This team of 4 now motivated by prospects of suntans and beach sand began to fund-raise and generate sponsorship for these orphans. This process of fund-raising which lasted approximately 2 months eventually showed some fruit and a date was set for departure. Each member of the team had been allocated their role in the team and great excitement surrounded the realisation of this great opportunity.

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Group Members

NameStudent Number

Course Position

Lucy Munro 11061929BEng Civil (English)

Resource Managener

Chris Triegaardt

11010577BEng Civil (Afrikaans)

Manager Extraordinai


Rick Vandoorne

11050692BEng Civil (English)

Master Brick Layer

Andrew Steiner


Chemical (English)

Master Mixer

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Acosida Orphanage

Address : #20-35 Bagamoyo, Matola, Mozambique

Contact : Dumisane Macamo

Contact Number : +25 88 452 0671

Dumisane and Sarah

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Contact : Sarah Bergs

Contact Number : 071 909 7261

Facebook :

Website :

Postal address : P O Box 1988, Hoedspruit, 1380

Non-Profit Organisation Number : 090-810

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Pre-Trip Game Plan

Raise enough funding in conjunction with the generous sponsor by UP to make this trip happen. Arrange transport, documents, equipment etc.

Correspond with the orphanage and Nourish to establish how we can participate in the program and what meaningful contribution we can make.

Collect donations and find willing sponsors for clothing and toys and any useful items that could benefit the orphanage

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Game Plan Once We Arrive

Establish a camping site on the premises where we will not be in the way of the operation of the orphanage but still have easy access to the various on goings

Finish laying the floor of the new crèche with cement using whatever tools available to us

Build the wall in the middle of the crèche as high as possible with the bricks available to us

Plaster the walls of the crèche

Establish a system/chain of operations for all the activities so that each member of the team can work to the best of their ability and the work load can be shared relatively evenly

Dig a vegetable garden so that the orphanage can grow their own vegetables

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Welcome to MozambiqueAacrosida

Orphanage Matola

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Day 1

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Day 2

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Day 3

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Day 4

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Andrew Steiner

On our venture to Mozambique I gained a great understanding of what it really means to be selfless and to give of one’s talents. It is truly greater to give than to receive.

For the little that I could give to the orphanage and the impact that I could make, I am thankful. The drive and joy in the children of Acosida is something that will never leave me and I hope to live by the example they have set.

“It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do little - do what you can. ” - Sydney Smith

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Lucy Munro

"The only lasting happiness in life lies in losing yourself in something bigger, better, more lasting and of greater worth than your own small existence." - Mother Teresa

Through this module I gained life, communication and management skills. Our team had to overcome many challenges, but had a life-changing experience. Also, I learned from the orphans that no matter how bad the circumstances of life, to always have a smile on my face and hope for a better, brighter tomorrow.

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Rick Vandoorne

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” ~William James

I went into this project with the mindset that such a small group of people will never be able to make a difference. This perception has changed completely!

I truly feel fulfilled by helping such a small community and feel that what we have done will affect these children positively for the rest of their lives. Through a simple unselfish caring act such as community service one can change the lives of those less fortunate.

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Chris Triegaardt

I went to Mozambique with the intent of building a place where the orphans can play, have meals and be educated. This Area would also be used as an aftercare centre for children in the community. This facility would generate some income for the orphanage.I really enjoyed the project and the construction part was very fun even though it was a lot of hard work.

I enjoyed interacting with the orphans and seeing their love for live. This gave me a greater appreciation for everything that I have. I look forward to doing another project like this further along into my career.

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I wondered why somebody didn't do something.  Then I realized, I am somebody.  ~Author Unknown

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